#think thats everyone ive tattooed but lol the alarming part is i actually have no idea which uhhhhh i have lots of gaps in my memory due 2
hollowfairybabybat · 4 months
lemme tattoo u with some dumb lil cute design then u n then tell everyone its ur kids drawing
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joshpup · 7 years
Svt on the 4th of July
Lets just say svt is in the grand old USA
*que shua saying the pledge of allegiance with and eagle screeching in the background*
But wait 
There’s more
Idk how it is over in the west coast 
But here in the east coast 
The 4th is wild 
Trying to figure out if what you are hearing is gunshots or fireworks at night 
Which mind you 
In my state
Both are illegal 
Back to svt
Our boy shua takes the lead
Like the few times vernon did experience it 
He was probably to little to remember 
So in this case
Shua takes the lead 
So let the fun begin 
Im sure every member has hear a bit about the events that occur during the 4th
But now that they are going to get the full experience 
Buckle up your seat belts because this is gonna be a wild ride
Also im going to be basing this entirely off what ive experienced
So probably not what shua actually experienced 
But either way its america and the 4th
Its bound to be wild no mater what
They wake up early in the morning
No time to sleep on a holiday as important as this one
Catch shua decked out in as much red, white and blue, stars and stripes he can get on his body
Also hot as heck because it is July 
But patriotism above comfort am i right no
Catch shua making sure every member has some type of stars in stripes on 
Remember those little tattoos that you get wet and then put on 
Idk if they have a name tbh
Every member has a 4th of july one on 
Like most of them were smart about where they stuck on the lil tattoo
But yall
Hoshi and dk
Stuck the sparkly red, white and blue firework tattoo right on their face
Like catch these attractive grown men walking around with these tattoos on their cheeks 
I love it tbh
So all the members are ready 
Vernon found a flag banda and is now wearing it 
Shua has that dumb bucket hat on
I guarantee you someone is just straight up wrapped in a flag
Probably mingyu 
Okay okay so now everyone is ready for the day 
Time to stake out seats for the parade 
Or at least thats the plan 
They get there and immediately get distracted 
This is where my weird state comes into play srry 
Okay but so all these little pop up stores showed up 
From weird stores that just have like old knick knacks and such to like little pet booths where you can get your dog the new latest and greatest outfit with a matching collar and leash
Mingyu and wonwoo were the first to get lost at the pet accessory stole 
After that seungkwan, vernon and chan where left behind at the food stole 
Who is going to pass up funnel cake and like snow cones 
Not them 
When shua realized they were missing
He left coups and the rest at the turtle derby 
Yah you read that right
The best race ever 
So while the other svt members got way to into watching a bunch of turtles with numbers taped to the shell try and walk out of a circle first 
Good stuff 
Anyways so eventually shua rounds them up
Just in time to arrive for the great watermelon eating contest 
Watching people inhale watermelon at an alarming rate and worrying for their safety only makes the 4th that much more exciting
So after watching that mess of an event 
And coups surprisingly getting really really into it 
The 13 of them make there way to the roadside 
Blankets in hand 
Finally found a big enough for all of them 
Bonus its also partly in the shade
So they lay down the blankets and get all settled in 
The best 
And most terrifying part 
Of the entire day
The parade 
Everything admirable about the town shows up 
So basically 
Some school marching bands
Every firetruck and police car you can fit into one space 
A lot of random floats for things you’ve literally never heard of 
Some random prom queen idk 
But svt would be like 
!!!! there !!! is !! a !!! dog !!!! in !!! that !!!! one !!!! float !!!! 
Actually go deaf from the fire truck sirens 
But whatever 
Half of them scream with joy when some of the floats throw candy into the crowd 
Except its more like they pelt the candy at you but whatever m8
Shua is have a grand old time reliving the joys of the 4th 
Vernon is probably like oh god they weren’t joking when they said all this stuff about it 
And the rest of them are like america omg wild i love it 
Except wonwoo he might get a little overwhelmed 
And like i can kinda see seungkwan being a little sassy about all the cheesy floats 
Me too boo me too 
So after a while the parade ends 
Everyone is hyped 
No matter how crappy the parade is or how good it is 
Everyone is hyped
Because you know whats next 
The most memorable part of the whole holiday 
The fireworks 
But its like lunch time right now 
Its a while before its dark 
So svt goes for lunch 
Since its such a large group of people it was decided hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill is the best choice 
So off everyone goes 
And now begins the food preparation 
Doesn’t actually take too long 
Because hungry boys doesn’t make for a good situation 
So they all get there food and eat to their hearts content 
Because eating and full svt is the best svt you can fight me on this 
So because its so hot 
Water usually gets involved 
And im just gonna say three words
Water Balloon fight 
Can you see it 
The split up into their units 
Fill up water balloons as fast as possible 
Set up bases 
Create a battle strategy 
Because this is an intense fight do you hear 
Life or death 
And so beings the adult water balloon fight 
Best and biggest water balloon fight in history lemme tell you 
So soooooo much fun 
A memory all of them would have for the rest of their lives 
They’d all be laughing so hard there stomachs would hurt 
Even if a random stranger walked past the battle 
Im sure they would just stop and watch and smile 
Because hearing such sweet laughter like that 
And watching 13 people just have straight up fun 
And just enjoy life would bring a smile to anyone’s face 
So now they are soaked 
Worth it tho 
By the time they collect themselves and dry off and like get all their energy back
Its probably close to dusk 
So they gather up blankets and chairs 
Shua hunts down sparklers and what are they called pop its ???
Omg hold on imagine svt with those pop its 
Im crying just thinking about it 
The best part of the 4th is chucking those little tnt poppers at your friends and watching them run away in terror as they explode 
Just imagine svt with that im yelling
Tbh at first they would have fun just throwing them down on the ground and watching them explode and hearing the lil snap 
And then shua comes in 
And just chucks it at jeonghan 
Jeonghan screams 
Throws one back 
Hits coups instead 
Coups throws one
Hits seungkwan 
Now you’ve got vernon and seungkwan joining in 
Somehow wonwoo gets hit 
Wonwoo isnt going to miss this chance 
Pelts one at mingyu 
Somehow woozi gets hit 
Everyone freezes and watches him slowly pull one out of the saw dust or whatever 
And then
All hell breaks loose
That lasts until they run out 
Which doesn’t take to long honestly 
Those boxes are tiny the run out so quick and ruin all the fun 
Anyways so now the sun is like almost setting 
So they all pile into some cars 
And begin the adventure for open space to watch the firework show 
Shua probably knows a good place 
Like an open field 
Or the top of a parking garage 
So they go there 
Set up camp round two 
Then they wait 
Light some sparklers 
Mingyu almost burns himself 
Tbh probably almost cries 
Minghao and jun roast people 
Someone probably flipped out and dropped a sparkler and almost caught another person on fire 
Its svt literally anything could happen with them 
Someone breaks out the glowsticks 
Cause it aint the 4th until there are glowsticks 
I guarantee you someone broke a glowstick 
Tbh i bet it was coups 
Someone would be struggling 
And he would be like i got this im the dad i got this 
*snaps it in half and all the liquid goes flying* 
Glowing the rest of the night lmao 
Finally the show starts 
Everyone is dead silent at first 
Totally into it 
110% absorbed in the pretty lights 
Then they start to oh and aw 
Then they are clapping 
Literally shook from the finale 
Like wth thats a lot of fireworks all at once how did no one die 
After thats over they beg shua to bring them back every 4th 
Literally haven’t had so much fun in a loooooong time 
Finally head back home 
Ears still ringing a bit from the loud bangs of the fireworks 
Fireworks going off in the distance probably fireworks lol
All together a highlight in sv bonding and memories and just so much fun plus cultural experiences good stuff 
Ah man just imagine all of that my heart 
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