#ive done some rly good ones on me n others n ive done some questionable ones but look if u let me tattoo u i think u know ur taking that
hollowfairybabybat · 1 month
lemme tattoo u with some dumb lil cute design then u n then tell everyone its ur kids drawing
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yakeisoda · 4 months
Hello, just wanna start this off by saying that I love your art. I've decided to ask my favourite artists for art tips as I wanna get into it, but no matter what I do it never looks right. So, any tips?
HELLO TYSM!!! ngl i dont think im the best 4 this question im also kinda in a rut rn where im not really satisfied w my art n craving more progress and improvement but im getting there somewhat but very slowly! (ive been this way for a rly long time naow) this might be long but im gna try n throw in the things ik, sorry if my thoughts r messy im not the best in articulating stuff :')
i think a good way to start off is to find out what skill you lack the most or what you want to improve the most on, say for ex: u wna focus on getting better at composition for illustrations, then a good way to improve them is to learn about the composition rules (ex: rule of 3rds, etc), look for any scenes in films/animation or photographies and storybooks , study them and recreate it! go crazy !! ive done a study on a friend's picture before, and have asked my friends if i can use their photographies as practice!
looking for inspiration will also improve ur visual library, they can help u find what u wna put in ur art ! like perhaps certain color palettes or styles, it's best to look at different mediums of art instead of focusing only on one, sometimes u can find techniques meant 4 u! (ex: of this is my friend who used to be a watercolor artist, ive observed them using watercolor techniques when they were still new to digital art! basically mix n match whatever feels good/convenient 4 u :] )
disciplining urself is also good to have more improvement! i have trouble w this the most ever since bc its hard 2 focus if no one is like there to monitor u (in my experience), if u rly wna make progress u have to squeeze in some art practice time in ur schedule, it can be around 15-30 mins or even 3 hrs, completely up to you! (rmb to take breaks!). you can give urself deadlines if that will help n maybe timers too!
my prof always said "Proper practice makes perfect", so it's also best to practice with a clear goal in mind, take notes on the things u lack and if ur watching any art tutorials/speedpaints, take notes of those too! it's good to have something specific in mind so u wont get lost n u wud know what u wna do! it helps u retain info as well so u can look back on stuff, to avoid overwhelming urself u can just focus on small bits first, ex: in anatomy, u can focus on the head area first, break it down to drawing eyes and noses, etc! then u can move onto the torso area!
USE REFS!!!! make use of pinterest or any other refs u can find, cannot stress this enuf go crazyyy w references, make a moodboard full of referencess n go crazzyy w them!! i used to not like doing this bc i just head straight in to drawing bc thats what i was used to but art college trained me 2 use refs bc they help so very much, theyre like ur guideline for what u wna make so u have a clear goal in mind, also photobashing seems like a great practice too never tried it but yes it can help when ur planning an illustration/concept art!
^above also applies to art styles! go crazy n experiment w them!! i think its so very fun to explore diff art styles n not stick to 1, again this depends on u but having a different range of artworks is rly fun, u can go from very pastel soft colors n style, to smth very vibrant n sharp, to smth like dark n chalky-sketchy kind of vibe if im making sense T__T, basically go wild!! go crazy!! dont let urself sit in 1 box! hop into other boxes !! or wear all of them!! or poke holes in the box n add stuff to the box or wear a circle!! trust me it looks so fun if u put different artworks uve made side by side n go wow i did that!!
also create small thumbnails 4 illustration! its really best to plan ahead art too, as i said i used to just head straight in n not plan but ive learned to absolutely enjoy planning making art! collecting refs n seeing what kind of composition goes n what colors wud work is so very fun actually! it rly helps a lot
theres also this one post i lost the link, but basically it shows how much progress u can make if u make loose sketches vs full on rendered illustrations vs a mix of both, again this depends entirely on u bc things r different for everyone! i think that post is really good for teaching abt art progress (if any1 knows where it is pls do link!), i think focusing on sketches n practice is better tho bc it helps u draw more freely n loosely! i think that speeds up ur process more as well n doesnt make u lose interest immediately compared 2 focusing on finishing 1 big rendered illust (talking from experience) but then again its different for every1 so honestly just experiment n see what feels right for u!
i wna say tho that although it is good to make sure ur drawing looks right its also good to just let yourself draw freely, i think what matters is that u understood the structures of something and as long as ur able to apply that in ur own way i think thats gud! i think drawing freely helps u draw more fluidly? like having more expression is what i mean. ive gotten into the "i have 2 make this look right" hole before n i noticed it made my art look stiff, so highlyy recommend doing gesture drawing n life studies! rmb to have fun when practicing n learning,
dont pressure urself too much! enjoy the experience :] ! messy sketches r good!! not everything has to look good or perfect! my sketchbooks from way back were just doodles, pencil sketches no color mostly, theres an occasional lined one w markers , ballpen, n some highlighters, n my drawings were either smth funny that happened w me n frens with our personas or making ocs for my faves or ocs for me in general!
ur sketchbook doesnt have to look pretty its like ur diary but its art ykno! ur thoughts in visual form for the day! (again all up to u as long as u have fun! its all different 4 everyone!)
anw tysm again!! sorry if this was all over the place HAHSAW i tried my best but these r the tips i keep in mind most of the time or the ones i hold closest to me n that i try to apply as much as i cud! if u need anything else clarified just lmk! not the best w words but hopefully it helps :'')! most of the stuff i mentioned here i also need to take into practice HAHWHAW so mb its gud 4 me to write this down so i can finally push myself to do stuff,
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nitroish · 2 years
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1: i personally took inspiration from one of my favourite artists at the time !! at first my style was very Round and awkward, very Simple compared to now, so i fucked around and tried to replicate theirs instead and ended up with something of my own !! in lieu of it looking like theirs as well. my style's only evolved from there :) i still use other artists things as inspo for my own !! dont worry abt finding a style TOO much tho, just draw and have fun and u will fall into it rly
2: no idea! i was in the habit of drawing too many folds and creases when i was first starting out so i ended up just lowering that count. again, looking at how other artists drew their clothes really helped!! esp since their styles had things that i wanted to show through in my own.
3. just a lot of repitition, really. i rarely draw bodies so even im surprised some come out well !! i started doing anatomy practices in recent years. its mostly just me messing around w bodies !! its never wrong to trace a figure drawing to practice as well !! ive done it a few times n its fun
4. oh i have no idea how to explain that in words HDSFGHDG ummm i can try doing that for you another time !! whenever im on my tablet :)
5. good question !! another one i dont think i could answer. i just use really big canvases and enjoy drawing and adding detail to things. ive always enjoyed small details in art and designing part of those is half the fun :) lots o patience, i suppose, cos sometimes it takes me a hot minute, but otherwise i think its just cos i like to
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cheswirls · 3 years
i had that surgery between posting abt tokrev and now n took a break from reading and so the first half of tenjiku arc is fuzzy BUT i did finish it today so heres an  update, ~190 chapters in
ive been vague b4 but this one will DEF have spoilers im talking openly abt so if you havent finished tenjiku arc dont read anymoreeee
i think i started last time abt the emma ch so to start off this one w the emma ch bc. damn. i think besides being absolutely heartbreaking this cemented kisaki as not necessary the enemy, but as someone who has done wrong. kisaki has been the main villain this entire time, but i mentioned this last time, its different being told someone has done something vs seeing it. besides him n hanma beating up chifuyu, everything kisaki has done hasnt had any proof to it. even when he says  something akin to ‘damn my plan is foiled’ its less admission when theres nothing to back it.
but emma changes that. now theres a homicide associated w kisaki. now theres a bad thing hes done right in front of the mc, and for all the viewers/readers to see. now hes equivocated w the death of emma. 
i think emmas death matters for two reasons, and one more than the other. the first is the impact it has on mikey. its shown a few times now what death will do to him, like w shinichirou and baji, but w emma it hits different. im gonna contrast her and baji on both points, not to take away from baji’s death, but to add to emmas.
if im not mistaken a majority of baji scenes were only shown after his death. i think it worked and the valhalla arc was  rly well structured, but what this left in turn was a sort of emptiness associated w baji dying. the readers didnt rly know him at all compared to some of the other toman captains, and it rly hadnt been shown yet wwhat his relationship w mikey was like. we see the effect it has in his rage towards kazu, and none of his grieving. even when at bajis grave, its chifuyu that gets a bigger focus than mikey. but w emma, it actively tears mikey up. he struggles to carry her to the hospital, hes visibly shaken when he tells takemichi shes grown cold, and hes absolutely dead inside when hina is crying at emmas corpse and drakon is yelling at him asking why he let it happen. it hits hard, and it shows, and it makes the impact that much harder, that she died in the past and theres no way tofix it. and the realization takemichi has right before, of ‘o yeah ive never seen grown emma come to think abt it’ then bam.
the second and much bigger point is the emotional impact is has on the reader. baji appears and is instantly a source of conflict. he outs himself from toman, he joins the enemy, he denounces chifuyu when questioned abt investigating kisaki. theres no reason to trust him n no reason to think he’ll turn back, and then only thing there is mikey saying he wants baji back.
emma had that amazing chapter not long before, and shes had a few focal points previously, like on her birthday, and on new years, etc. we’ve seen her as an individual first, then as mikey’s sister, and that makes a difference. seeing her even admitting izana was her brother rly hit different bc its emma, the emma that grew up w shin and mikey but had another life before that. that was the connection i kept making, even as izana explained he had more relation w shinichirou, bc it was mentioned by emma first, bc emma remembered him, after all those years. knowing izana was involved w her death made it hit harder. it hits harder in general bc its emma, someone whos been around since the beginning, and been explored more in depth. i felt sad when baji died, but i was destroyed and heartbroken when emma died.
which, going back, makes kisaki in turn absolutely despicable. deplorable. abhorrent. unforgivable. even more so when he shoots kaku, and then izana, thrice, and then izana dies. i still rly didnt. get? izanas motivations, but i started to feel for him thru mikey, when he realized it was izana shin meant when he asked abt a second older brother. kaku getting shot was unexpected and almost worse than emma in the moment, bc kisaki had a gun and even knives were kinda taboo weapons, guns were completely off the table, and he shot five times andinjured three people w every shot. im glad the tenjiku members that stayed behind told police abt kisaki bc the entire time he was running i was like um??? and even B4 that i was like hey no mikey you dont need to stay, yall jus nee to beat kisaki into submission n have him confess bc the gun is right there, the bullets are there, cmon now.
but then kisaki dies/????? the way its set up made me go crazy, thinkin someone did it purposely, but then the driver was a nobody, and then hes still alive after impact???? big surprise honestly. but then his arm n leg are emessed up, n he says he cant get up, n it took me a sec to realize he prolly lost coordination n not jus bc of one leg, like he prolly couldnt sit up at all, then he up n died rightthere. 
b4 thattho, was the confirmation. i completely always thought kisaki wasnt a timeleaper, i thought takemichi made atheory but  it was baseless, i didnt rly like it, and then the scene during the vs tenjiku when he says future stuff n kisakis like what?? are yiu talking abt??? BUT THEN then have their standoff in the same parking lot n kisaki says you are a timeleaper and i was like what? he can also??? but then he coudnt! he admitted, was like no in ever could, which means someone else is pulling strings if there is another timeleaper, andmy moneys on hanma, the only other one whos been around the whole time. maybe ill b surprised but i f its not him then theres not another one, imo.
kisaki dying caught me off guard. his whole ten year plan was absolutely nuts, ic ant believe he thought he could go up to hina n straight propose n she would say yes, like honestly would she even remember him at that point? regardless i knew from the cram school chapters that there was some connection there, but i didnt think hina dying was some jealousy-fueled hate revenge plot. wild. but now the “main” villain is dead so what goes from here? we willn see.
i am rly glad kaku made it out. tallying 3 deaths in the kanto incident was so confusing w emma being one of them but the reveal that kaku was alive was rly something. i hope more comes from him!! the setup between him n takemichi was rly rly nice!!!! i wanna see more
i am kinda sad abt coco, bc thesetup of takemichi protecting him from div5 was great, n inui is a permanant fixture in div1 now, so to see coco decide to split was kinda sad. hope he doesnt go down the wrong path. kinda expected to see more knowing how popular him n inui are?? but nontheless
and smiley and angry were so good!! souta and kawata are amazing and souta was not like what i was expecting at all, n now knowing that he cares a lot n is not rly a fighter but iss till in toman jus. rly speaks a lot abt mikeys judge of character n kawatas older brotherschtich that they would let him be vice of div4. seeing what kawata and mitsuya both did during tenjiku arc was rly nice. 
and then hina telling drakon andmikey!!! surprised they believed, but it rly will mak things move now. for ex the gun scene where hes abt to shoot kisaki, rly ready to end it, but then hina n mikey rush in. i rly like that knowing that they both know this takemici is from the future, bc they panic but their faith in him isnt lost ,y’know? like they see him desperate, n drakon has a great line abt takemichi’s desperation, theyre not seeing their friend abt toshoot someone n freaking, n they wont judge his sense of character off of that,instead theyre seeing the desperation of someone who wants things to change, and know they can talk him out of it, or if not that then at least ,like, its not going to change what they think abt him. iunno jus. nice little detail i loved while reading that.
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20cm · 3 years
tagged by @haogender tysm !! 🥺♡ this was really fun ... ive never done a tag game for kpop before lets GO 🥳🥳💛💙
ult grp: shinee my beloveds 💎💎💎💎💎
[under a readmore to keep it short<3]
who was your first bias?
taemin ♡ from like<3 2012. and he stuck 🥳
who is your bias now?
still taemin BUT .....rly its ot5 i cant choose just one of them </3 jjong is too important to me, jinki+minho make me feel warm and mr kim kibum is a heartworm :\ 💕
what was the first mv you watched by them?
lucifer !! it was my introduction to them ♡ watching their mvs was like the only way i actually listened to them
what’s your favourite mv?
oh this is tough...i think if i had to narrow it down it'd be one of these
dream girl
lucifer (nostalgia ♡)
if you could only listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be?
not to be dramatic but y si fuera ella. i love love love love all their songs but i cant lose jjongs cover of it........ a closer runner up would be sherlock <3
who would you want to see them collab with?
good question LOL i've never rly thought about it .. i dont rly have a specific wish if im honest i think any collab could be fun and cool if they had one planned...tho my heart always says i think kibum should collab w/ lady gaga
what (mv) concept do you want to see them do?
smth along the lines of taemins criminal mv i think 😳😳😳
have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
i dont think so ♡ but also i think literally the other night minho was in it somehow. not like. prominently. it was just a "oh he's here i guess"
if you could spend a day with one member, who would it be and what would you do?
genuinely rly hard but uhm <33 i think key.. genuinely he seems like he'd be fun to hang out with. tho tbh i'd like to just do a roadtrip w/ any/all of them like watching the vlives before the cb i was like .... i would wanna just chill in the car w/ them
which member do you think you would get along with best?
taemin, i think <3 based on us being closer in age... onew if he was Not 31. LOL
which member do you think you would argue with?
key 🥰 i love him but also the teasing would lead to some 'fights' kinda like how gabe and i do bits
if you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?
...........................taemin i think. initially i was gonna say onew but i also dont wanna put him thru looking at my 2032291232 aes images n shit. taemin and i could have fun looking at it i think.... OR key bc i want him to look at the fashion tag.
tagging uhmm <3 @fruityumbrella && @beheadaed my beloved jesties <3 no pressure if u dont want to 🥳🥳
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sanchoyo · 4 years
1: are there any fics that you wanted to leave multiple kudos for, and were disappointed when you could only leave one?
oh MAN don’t open up those flood gates jkhfskj literally every fic I enjoy I get sad I can’t leave more than one. I feel like this question is a roundabout way to ask me to rec some Good Fics (or not, but ur getting some) so. like. here u go heres some of my fav bnha ones (I always assume thats what ppl are asking abt but if you want diff fandom ones, ask me. ive been reading fic for yrs and can 100% recc u some other fandoms lol) 
go read this is home by @greymob​ for gud self insert (and, about the only bnha self insert I like so much to single out to promo bc im extremely picky lol) its sososos cute n all my fav elements are in it, this fic made me so happy I was in a good enough mood to DRAW something (which. I haven’t done in like. months so. yeah its that good) thats what ive been obsessed abt currently, and i dont. READ shigaraki self inserts usually bc I dont vibe with how hes characterized. this is a very rare rec
just general ones I love:
yeah ok i don't know what a 'good' person is but do you have any suggestions by cirket (this one is shigahawks, also twice lives. nice)
sundry by surely_silly (this is a oneshot collection but really good)
Inescapable by Starship_Phoenix  (all might and tomura just talking. like. this could be a genre of its own these are my fav types of fics lol)
The Prestige by pariahpirate  (mr compress and hawks have a Past. so cute and should b canon)
(okay..looking thru my bookmarks I realize about half of them are from pariahpirate...hm. just go read any of their fics, actually, they hit so many of my fav things/tropes. also anything by AMournfulHowlInTheNight , but I feel like everyone recommends them, just bc they are SO quality even if I don’t even care to read abt the kids personally?? the dfo content. the drama. OR OR ANYTHING BY write_your_way_out  too actually)
  i'm lost but i don't know why by takamicchi (I won’t spoil it but theres time travel, all might, hawks, and endeavor. the ship is shigadabihawks :-) )
The Phoenix by domestichobgoblin (another shigadabihawks!!)
Smokescreens and Ashes series by Kendrick_Harlow (very dabi centric but, most lov fics tend to be..which is why theres so much of him on this list despite him not bein my 100% fav,, this is a very very good family lov series tho)
Remembrance by Barid (Finale)  (afo takes in both tenko and hana)
Twice the Wife by ohmytheon  (twice is a chaotic housewife ??? this one made me die laughing but also. cute)
the ‘ when i try to get through (on the telephone to you) ‘ series by  Origamidragons (todoroki family centric/ dabi and fuyumi centric rly tho. my heart. hurts) 
Embers to Ashes by Museflight, ohmytheon  (dabi as a todoroki centric fic. very sad :( )
Take My Hand by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead  (hawks has a kid, dabi knows)
the ‘but i am still hopeful’ series by knlalla  (some nice dabihawks / redemption (sort of?) arcs all around, very very good imo and fits my fav tropes. really checks all my boxes)
(No Fun) Nova by pariahpirate  (dabi is a hero and Gets Hawks Ass (very funny and original concept also luv dabis hero name)
a soft place to fall by flooruh  (UGH MY HEART)
Take the Stars, Darling. They Were Meant For You by astralluna  (they are just talkin and it hurts)
To Nurture a Phoenix by ryusei (seiyuna) (just. read this one ajkshkfj)
love has conducted us unto one death by aradian_nights  (1 of my absolute favs. I cry a normal amount)
premium dadgiri content: 
The Face of a Family by sandcastles (kurogiri is just like ‘ya the lovs a family what of it. so cute)
breaking through the storm clouds by alana_me , (kurogiri time travels (1 of my fav tropes) and takes baby tenko in b4 afo can get his grubby hands on him, only 1 chapter is posted but its SO GOOD already,, so cute )
Something Still Remains by Origamidragons  maybe not so much dadgiri but,, kind of? kurogiri brings child tenko to aizawa
we don’t belong to no one; that’s a shame by AllISeeAreKingsAndThieves  (kurogiri agressively Dad-ing tenko and hana while slowly realizing Somethings Up about all this, also, nb kurogiri. nice)
the ‘do not stand at my grave and weep’ series by  SalviaOfficinalis (went in laughing at the first fic bc its crack, went out sobbing at the others in the series. 10/10 my heart hurts) 
all in a day's work by makurophage (kurogiris just a good dad we stan forever. so cute.) 
UH I KNOW theres MORE but going thru my bookkmarks heres what I found,, the fact I don’t have any really spinner or shig centric ones here is so embarrassing but also I’m very picky (also-- theres not a ton?? I should..make an attempt to find more if anyone wants to rec ME some, I like..toga, spinner, or shigaraki centric ones...also no ragdoll centric ones?? smh im embarrassing myself now)
BUT YEAH all good fics ^^^ 
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staysocky · 5 years
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answering a handful of asks under the cut !!
answers & replies here are generally:
brush settings
misc. responses
Anonymous said: Hello friend may I ask about your brush settings? Because I am in love with your colouring and line work!
Anonymous said: Your art is so cute! What brushes do you use?
Answer: i main SAI2 now, but here are the same settings when i was using them in the original SAI!! 
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(i just copied my own settings in SAI2 now so they should work the same... also sometimes i use the marker tool for doodling nowadays)
Anonymous said: do you post speedpaints anywhere? i'd love to see your painting process! your art style is phenomenal hngh 
Anonymous said: Do you have a youtube channel? Just wondering, since I can't seem to find it. I'd like to watch some speedpaints or something .u.
Anonymous said: could do you a tutorial on how you color hair??? its so pretty and baffles me all the time
Anonymous said: Would you ever do a tutorial showing how you draw? I've see you post on how you color but not lineart (ps your style is super duper cute!!)
Anonymous said: Ayy ;3c hello stocky, your art is amazing ;; how is your process for color your drawings? Plz need to know! God bless you♥
Anonymous said: How do you color soooo well? Can I get some tips? ( ;n; )
Answer: i’ve sometimes done lil art streams for friends before! i could use the same capture software to make speedpaints sometime.... i’ve been considering it for a while actually! 
my process can be a lil sloppy when i try to break it down into steps for tutorials so i think the best way to show + explain is through art streams (& video process)... 
i was thinking of starting art streams on twitch in the near future too... it’s just when i’ll finally be able to get setup finally that i’d be able to set a streaming schedule
Anonymous said: I never played Megaman but I used to watch my older brother play it, and I finally started playing it because of your art too lmao (i love it)
Answer: MEGAMAN GOOD!!! im so glad you’re enjoying the series now too!!
Anonymous said: Socky, will you restock the sanic charms (the knuckles and tails link one) or make other characters?? i love them !
Answer: THANK YOU i’m glad u like em!! each time they sell out i do plan to restock them so no worries!! 👍 I AM AIMING TO MAKE MORE CHARMS OF OTHER SONIC CHARACTERS TOO they’ll come eventually when i’m able to make the designs & get them ordered!!
Anonymous said: ((whispers, this may have been asked before and I wasn't sure where to ask it, but what does "i tried my best x5" mean? is it a reference to something? ;;))
Answer: OH NO WORRIES I’LL CLEAR IT UP!! it’s in reference to a youtube user’s rp comments as “kagamine len”. i’ve seen it MANY years ago & at that time it became sorta an inside joke between me & my friends. 
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later i referenced/used it as a response a few times on my len askblog to keep it going.
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it’s a small lil thing i guess but i’ve sorta adopted the saying now haha
Anonymous said: socks r gr8 doncha think
Anonymous said: ookay im going to sleep now sorry
Answer: no come back you are valid !!
Anonymous said: your aRT gives me heARTATTACKKKS
Anonymous said: Wanted to say I absolutely love your art and how you draw the Kagamines. Please keep it up!
Anonymous said: your art makes me cry out of joy. I am actually crying because your style makes me so happy!!!! keep up the good work!! <3
Anonymous said: your artstyle. CUTE
@transjackatlas​ said: you art style is absolutely adorable 💙💚💕
@emmi-san​ said: I only wanted to say that I love your art style and the cute representations of the vocaloid songs ✨💕
@tyranart​ said: Your arts wonderful and I hope your day is full of nothing but enjoyment
@thekillermarti​ said: how do you draw so cute?!
@dumiz-hyper-saiyan​ said:  Hiya! I wanted to ask, how is your art so great!? You are so so talented (I know it’s not really a question but I love your drawings so much! I hope we can be friends cause you seem to be a amazing person!) hehe!♥️
@seraphofivorylight​ said:  ( ̄▽ ̄) i just found ur blog today and i want to say i really love how soft ur art is !! its super pleasing to look and i definitely wish i could have some of these as prints to slap onto my wall of posters ✨ keep doing ur good work !! i hope ur doing well !!
Answer: THANK YOU SO MUCHHCH!!!!! i’m glad y’all are enjoying my art u folks are the MVPs & it’s super motivating to get your nice feedback _(┐「ε:)_ 💕 💕 //sends you all my lov e
@moderndayoutsider​ said: Just thought I'd shoot a message and say that I absolutely ADORE your art and you're one of my inspirations <3 God bless! Keep on doing what you're doing! :D
Anonymous said: ahh i wana say that ive been a fan of you for years and youve inspired my own art sm T_T... bout time i told you how much i love ur stuff 💖💖💖
Anonymous said: Woah, I'm a bit new to your blog and I just want to say how cute your art is. I'm literally so glad this was on my recommended. If I hadn't clicked on your blog then I don't know where I would be. To be honest, I would send you this on my real account but I'm actually really afraid to talk to you, and plus I'm really shy heheh. But keep up the good work! You're an inspiration to us all.
Anonymous said: Hi socky!!! I just wanna drop by and say that I love ur art so so so much !! The coloring and shape of it is so appealing and sometimes I spend hours at a time on your social media just marveling your art. It's really pretty!! Keep up the good work ✨✨✨
Answer: sdfgFDGDdsf knowing that u folks are inspired by my works makes it all worth it, i hope u know (;__;💕 💕 thank you so much for sticking around & enjoying!!! it really means A LOT pleas y’all have a lovely week!!
Anonymous said: Do you take commissions?
Anonymous said: Commission?
Answer: I SORTA HAVE COMMISSIONS OPEN tho i take them by a commission form which puts you on a waitlist. i’m more active on my twitter and tweet updates, & handle most contact about them there...
here’s a link to the tweet about my current commission info + the link to the form is inside --> [comm info]
Anonymous said: Where are you from? Your art is so clean and stylish!! 💖✨
@mysticmangaanimepainter​ said: What year u start drawing???😮 
Answer: started drawing wayyy back when i was able to first hold a crayon haha. tho i sorta started paying attention to what i was doing around middle school? started drawing digitally between middle & high school iirc... im from the US also !!
but to all who’s sent me nice messages & words of encouragement, thank you so much 😭💕💕💕 i rly appreciate em all & even tho i’m not very responsive here on tumblr i rly like to look at and read the messages from time to time;;;💖
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jsteneil · 5 years
Neil Josten’s Birthday Bash
in which the foxes don’t get anything done, ever
Nicky added Dan, Kevin, Aaron and three others to “Neil Josten's Birthday Bash Organization Committee”.
Nicky: can't add Andrew because he still owns a FLIP PHONE but here we go
Dan: hell yeah B-)
Nicky: kevin can fill him in with the details anyway
Kevin: why me?
Allison: because you live with him?
Matt: you're practically attached at the hip
Dan: omg ur roomm8s
Matt: ^^^ what allison said
Dan: yeah
Nicky: OR aaron can do it on wednesdays so that there's no chance of neil finding out :D
Aaron: no.
Aaron left the chat.
Nicky: what
Nicky: the
Kevin: just add him back
Nicky: fuck
Kevin: ffs
Kevin: some ppl are in class
Nicky added Aaron to the chat.
Aaron: im muting you all
Allison: just embrace the fact that you've lived in SC for years and say y'all
Nicky: y'all!!!
Nicky: yeah
Matt: dude don't how are u gonna know when to buy your coordinated outfit and rehearse the choreography if you mute us
Dan: Aaron?
Renee: I do think he muted us
Allison: fuck a crybaby
Nicky: hey
Allison: what's he gonna do? Unmute us?
Dan: asdhskfjdl ALLI
Matt: lmfao
Nicky: moving ON
Nicky: the important thing here is my boy neil's birthday
Kevin: and you wonder why Aaron left
Nicky: what?
Kevin: maybe Neil doesn't want to celebrate his bday
Nicky: no that's too sad
Nicky: next person?
Allison: not to be that bitch
Matt: oh?
Allison: but do we even know when his birthday is?
Allison: fuck you matthew donovan boyd
Matt: sorry i love you
Dan: it was easy
Dan: matt ur easy
Matt: ily babe
Dan: <3
Kevin: jan 19th
Renee: March 31st?
Allison: wait
Dan: uhhhh
Matt: Neil Josten deserves 2 bdayz
Kevin: no jan 19th
Renee: oh i thought we were using the one he chose for himself
Matt: Renee add a smiley face
Renee: :)
Renee: ?
Dan: babe ur mind,,,, im crying
Matt: ikr
Allison: stop using mygf so
Kevin: is it me or does it sound really passive aggressive bitchy with a smiley face
Dan: ye that's the point
Renee: I really wasn't trying to be
Matt: oh no we know, sorry
Matt: i feel bad now
Matt: it was just funny
Matt: sorry
Dan: :(
Renee: It's okay, don’t worry
Renee: :)
Dan: renee STOP i feel like ur going 2 murder me in my sleep
Renee: I could, but I won't
Nicky: im shaking and im not even in your dorm
Allison: and we daily thank god for that
Nicky: hey im an excellent roommate
Nicky: i always leave so cap and matt can have sexy times
Dan: yeah but then u call it sexy time
Allison: ive seen the bathroom nicky
Nicky: that's aaron
Matt: l o l
Kevin: aaron's a neat freak
Allison: exposed
Nicky: erik come get me the people here are mean
Renee: So when's Neil's actual birthday?
Kevin: jan 19th
Nicky: who's gonna ask andrew?
Allison: well okay drama queen
Dan: kevin: *is on the chat as much as us*
Dan: also kevin: guys why r u dragging me here
Matt: it's okay kevin we can talk about it during practice
Renee: Don't goad him, Matt
Dan: lmfao babe u thought
Matt: uh oh
Allison: lol
Dan: we need 2 trounce the ravens nxt wk
Nicky: do we have to
Dan: y'all r hauling ass @ practice or god help me
Nicky: id settle for a close victory
Matt: nicky if you don't help us close the goal next friday im telling neil about his surprise
Nicky: noooooo :'(
Allison: ye renee has enough to do without having to face stuff y'all should have blocked
Renee: Andrew is also a goalkeeper
Allison: yeah but he doesn't give a fuck
Renee: That's neither true nor fair
Dan: i want bragging rights over this vctry, end of the question
Matt: are we just gonna ignore the fact that the fbi chose neil's old bday
Matt: even tho they made him a new identity
Allison: wonder how this conversation went
Nicky: are we ignoring the fact that neil is a goddamn CAPRICORN
Allison: "in my left hand is your birthday date. In my right hand is your other birthday" *shuffles behind his back*
Matt: idk about astrology but I checked and he tried to pass for an aries so what does that tell us?
Dan: shut up adfhskdjs
Nicky: im dying
Kevin: [attached picture]
Matt: did u steal neil's ID
Allison: i thought you were in class
Kevin: he sent it to me
Nicky: his phone can take pics??
Dan: RLY crappy 1s but yeah
Nicky: so all those times andrew refused to send me pics of his Eden’s Twilight's outfits so i could coordinate neil's…
Matt: :/
Kevin: he just doesn't like you
Allison: i would have laughed but you two have been fighting the good fight since last year, dressing neil up
Nicky: hey
Renee: Kevin, that was mean
Nicky: but thanx allison, I think so too
Kevin: sorry
Kevin: he's just difficult?
Nicky: yeah :(
Dan: omg u guys rmr when neil was on k ferdinand's show n he looked like a bite-sized snack in that shirt
Kevin: not exactly what I remember from this interview
Dan: u were pretty 2 <3
Kevin: oh my god
Renee: Didn't Neil keep the clothes?
Nicky: i've never seen him wear them again
Matt: uh okay
Allison: weird emphasis
Kevin: are you still stuck on that
Dan: what
Kevin: it's what happened with the clothes he wore the first time we went to columbia
Nicky: do you know how expensive that plumber was?
Matt: just a thought but maybe that wouldn't have happened if you didn't force him to come with you and drugged him against his will
Allison: don't tell me someone actually peed on them and tried to flush
Nicky: take it up with andrew
Matt: you literally drove the car
Kevin: what happened in columbia stays in columbia
Allison: omg oh my god
Nicky: what was i supposed to do, get knifed?
Nicky: also ^^^^ yeah.
Nicky: now that Kevin got us proof that the FBI officially made neil a capricorn again,,
Dan: the fbi be like "oh u thought u could escape ur traumatic past? That's nice buddy
Matt: yeah I don't think beating last year's party is gonna be hard
Dan: here's ur bday n trauma back"
Nicky: :(
Nicky: anyway it's the big 21st, so the first thing in order is BOOZE
Kevin: uh nicky
Renee: He's turning 20?
Matt: what???
Kevin: yeah he aged himself up on his fake papers
Matt: oh my god
Dan: lmfao only neil
Nicky: he is baby
Matt: does. Does he know though. Like did he check when they made him the papers.
Kevin: I'm guessing so
Matt: imagine filling a form or smth and you get the day right but not the year
Renee: Wait Kevin, how did you get neil to send you the pic without telling him about the surprise party?
Allison: njbb?
Dan: neil josten's bday bash, im guessing
Nicky: Neil Josten's
Nicky: yes
Allison: it doesn’t sound right
Allison: like, something’s missing in the name
Matt: alli we play a sport named after what you get when you take the s from sexy
Dan: 10 bux kevin wishes he didn't have such a stick up his butt so he could reply with exy is sexy
Allison: im not taking that
Kevin: i actually don't know why she named it that
Kevin: she never told the press and she didn't write it anywhere so
Nicky: :(
Allison: oh
Dan: sorry :(
Renee: Maybe coach knows?
Matt: maybe each letter has a meaning
Kevin: how?
Allison: endangering xylophones yearly?
Matt: EXceptional daY
Matt: and then, boom, it's about your name
Renee: Matt, I like that idea!
Dan: allison, no
Kevin: I'll have to ask coach, renee
Kevin: anyway it was always going to be her name, she invented it
Nicky: someone bring neil in so he can say something super serious about how kevin is a legendary striker whose name is already associated with exy and make us choke with emotion
Kevin: nicky….
Nicky: look it's working and he's not even there
Allison: it's the josten effect
Dan: changing your entire life's beliefs one extremely tragic remark at a time
Matt: someone change the subject im sad
Kevin: oh yeah nicky asked me how i got neil's ID
Allison: and?
Kevin: i told him i signed him up for his own exynews account so he could stop hogging mine for streaming
Kevin: so i needed his name and birthday
Kevin: and then we got into an argument about date formats
Nicky: dd/mm/yy 4ever
Allison: eww
Kevin: so he sent me a pic instead of writing the date
Dan: it's the european propaganda getting to him
Kevin: i guess i really have to get him an account now
Dan: kevin i know you're entirely serious but that's so funny
Matt: admit it, you can't wait to go back to Germany because you secretly like the metric system
Nicky: yeah dicks sound bigger if you use centimeters
Dan: didn't need 2 know that
Nicky: not that erik needs that :)
Renee: ….
Matt: honestly im glad i don't understand german or i would never live down all the skyping
Dan: renee's like "can't relate" lmfao
Renee: No indeed
Allison: hell yeah that's my girlfriend
Renee: <3
Allison: hey minyard if you're secretly lurking now is the time to leave
Allison: …
Renee: No, he truly muted us earlier
Dan: are we surprised?
Renee: we'll catch him up on what we decide to do later
Renee: Nicky?
Nicky: oh, yeah!!!
Matt: here we go again
Dan: mamma mia
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calm-me-down-oh · 4 years
How about all the questions ;)
skdsjf ofc u would get me back for that, under a readmore bc theres a lot!
When was the last time you masturbated? Yesterday! Had a.. very hot convo w my gf
Do you enjoy being fingered/fingering? Uhh the only time Ive had it done to me the person had to stop bc they got uncomfy with it and it was overall just a bit odd,, wait it happened a second time and their nails were too sharp also sdkfhsdh I feel like I could get to like it though? If its like, actually properly done rather than my current experiences sdhfk
How do you feel about food during sex? nno thanks mostly? I guess it can kinda depend on the food though idk, like if my gf suggested somethin I might not mind trying it out depending on what it was yknow
What do you do directly after sex? um.. well afaik just kinda lay/sit in a daze for a moment, mayb have some water, get real clingy, kind of have to be nudged into doing stuff bc i guess my brain just stops working skjdfkj
Cuddle with the tip in? Hell yeah. cuddle with it all in. sounds good.
What’s the nastiest sexual thing you’ve done? I don’t think I’ve really done anything nasty sdjkfsj all the sex ive had has been quite brief and vanilla idk
Name a follower you would fuck. @you-better-make-me!
Name a follower you have fucked. None..
What’s the sexiest part of your body? Idk man I guess my thighs are ok people seem to like them anyway
FuckMarryKill: DJ Khalid, Rick Ross, Fat Joe Am i supposed to know who these people are
Would you ever be with a trans person? i think the real question is would i ever be with a cis person (yes i would be with a trans person i am with 2 trans people and i am trans and i havent dated anyone cis since i was like 15)
Riding dick or doggy style? yes
Ever fucked in a school? Nope
Most random place you’ve had sex? havent really had sex in a random place lmao just beds
Would you ever be part of the mile high club? maybe..? thats having sex on a plane right. idk. maybe
Name three of your spots. what does this mean fkjd
Fuck on the first date? Depends
Do you suck dick? I’m sure gonna try!
Do you eat ass? Idk maybe not skdfjhsjk
Do you eat pussy? Haven’t yet, nearly did, got too nervous sdkjfh
Do you like kissing? So much!!
Is farting during sex sexy? I.. I mean its not sexy but like im also not gonna have a negative reaction. unless its me. that is something im admittedly very nervous about fkjd
Ever fucked in the shower? Nope
How old were you when you lost your virginity? Uh............ good question. 19 or 20 i forget if it was before my birthday but within the last year. unless you only count penetrative sex, then I haven’t yet
Do you prefer sex in the morning, afternoon, or night? Y..yes? I suppose afternoon/night is usually a better time, morning is jsut sleepy and trying to remember how to exist hours
Do you like drunk sex? Haven’t had it but I do get horny when I drink, wouldn’t be against trying it with someone I trust
Do you like high sex?  Again never had it! And I haven’t really been high either so Idk
FuckMarryKill: Nicki Minaj; Cardi B; Kash Doll N..none for any
When was your first kiss? I was like 13 I think
How did you meet the person you lost your virginity to? College
Have you ever faked an orgasm? Nope. Wait maybe. Kind of. Idk when I was younger I was with this guy who would try get me to touch myself n I hadn’t figured out how to make it feel good so I’d just lie and say I was when i wasnt bc i didnt wanna do it so maybe at some point i said i came when i hadnt sdfhks
Ever painted/been painted on? Yeah but not in like a horny way, my ex would paint on my hand as kinda their way of flirting with me
You like sex toys? Sure
What’s your favorite sex position? Personally think missionary is underrated bc that closeness and being able to cling just sounds v good but also getting fucked from behind face down ass up also sounds,, v good lately
Sex on a bed, couch, or floor? beddd, maybe couch, floor just seems uncomfortable
Do you like car sex? Never had it, just seems a bit awkward but I guess I’d be open to trying it
You get instantly horny; what happened? My neck got bit!
FuckMarryKill: Trey Songz, Chris Brown, August Alsina. Kill chris brown. idk who the others are
Describe your crush. Don’t have one!
Woukd you ever be with someone with an incurable STD? Uh... Idk? I mean, theres preventative measures for basically all std’s right? So as long as those are taken so i dont also get it I guess it’d be ok
Rate your head game. No clue dkfhdsj
Rate your sex. Awkward!
Would you fuck someone outside of your race? ?? yes. what kind of question is this
Describe the type of freak you are. idk what this means but what first came to mind was ‘pet’ so take that as u will
Ever tasted your own nut/cum? Sure
Into golden showers? Nope
Body count: Under or Over 25? Wayyy under
How do you feel about nipple play? Uh depends! Not into being harsh like clamps etc just seems like itd hurt n not in a good way, but playing w/ them w ur hands and sucking on them. very good
Where do you like to be nutted on? chest/stomach seems good
Which are you better at: topping or bottoming? bottoming
What do you consider “too small?” Idk man dick is dick idc
Is play fighting foreplay? It sure can be!
Do you like angry sex? In concept maybe, in reality itd just kinda scare me
How long should a quickie be? Idk.. quick
How long is “too long” to have sex? Idk sex ends whenever one of u wants to stop, don’t think u can go too long if ur both comfortable with it
How long is “too long” to go without sex? Listen i.. am not the person to be asking this I’ve had sex maybe 3 times spread out over almost a year. i have never regularly had sex
Is “no” relevant in a relationship? Incredibly relevant!! Always!! Unless you’ve discussed beforehand that its ok to ignore it and have a safeword in place instead!! and then that safeword is not to be ignored!!
Do you believe in no-strings-attached sex? Sure but idk if i could do it
Would you have sex in a public bathroom? mmmaybe....
Would you have sex in a changing room? mmmmmmmmaybe
Who was the last person you had sex with? My ex
Describe your type. Idk I have the weirdest type i think they have like nothing in common then theyll all turn around and be into the same stuff or something its v strange
Name 3 turn-ons. Biting, just making out sometimes tbh, skin contact in places usually covered by clothes or under clothes..
Name 3 turn-offs. Umm. i definitely have turn offs but whenever im asked my mind goes blank. I guess being overly rough, hair pulling im undecided on tbh, and oh i usually dont like having my ass smacked but idk if itd change if it were like.. in the middle of sex
Name something that would make you stop in the middle of sex. Bad pain or panicking or it seems like the other person is uncomfortable. or someones knocking on the door for some reason sdkfjs
Would you answer a phone call during sex? no omg
Would you ever pay for sex? Nah.
Would you accept money for sex? Uh. Maybe? Wouldnt ask for it tho
How do you typically feel after sex? Mostly affectionate and good, but w the last person i was with sometimes it seemed like they just wanted it over and done with so i would get kinda nervous and guilty over that,, idk
Do you like your body? Nah
Ever sent nudes? Yep
Have you ever cheated on someone? Yeah he was abusive
Have you ever been cheated on? Idk, maybe, wait i think the guy i cheated on tried saying he cheated on me too but idk if he was just trying to get back at me so
Would you have a threesome? If I trust the people sure
Would you have a foursome? Same as above
Would you take part in an orgy? Uhh idk maybe, same as above applies tho
Would you let’s train be ran on you? Again if I trust the people yeah sure
How often do you masturbate? Idk it really depends sometimes im really horny and its like daily maybe more than once a day and then sometimes i just dont for like. a while
Sex with the lights on or off? on.. how are u meant to see what ur doing otherwise sdjkhfs
Sex with music or tv in the background? Sure, idc really. Though i have a thing if its like.. kids stuff.........dont do that..........
Do you have a cousin you’d fuck if you weren’t related? wtf no
In your last relationships, rate the sex? Uhh... good? I mean, good at the time, though like i said sometimes felt a bit rushed, and that now makes sense and i have very mixed feelings on it but mostly guilt bc the person i was with has since said they werent really into it. so.
Do you sleep naked? Nah I at least have underwear on
How often do you go commando? Never
Are your nipples pierced? If not, would you get them pierced? Nope
Do you dive right into sex, or converse first? Uh, depends? Talking about it beforehand or even during can be good though. But i guess it doesnt have to be Right before it, it can be a bit in advance
After taking your clothes off, what’s the first move? Kiss.. touch,, etc,,
Do you make the first move? Um. w my ex i kinda had to bc as i said, i later found out they werent really into it. other than that i generally dont tho bc im very nervous abt all that, kinda especially after that discovery hdfbghf
Have you ever had sex with more than one person in a day? Nope
Do you like dryhumping ? Sure
Can you twerk or do a split on a dick? Probably not
Have you ever been recorded during sex? No but I’ve had a dream abt being recorded sucking someones dick it was weird
Do you watch porn during sex? W. who does that. how can u focus on that. why would u watch sex when ur having sex skdjfhsjdk
After fucking, do you try becoming friends with a one night stand? Never had a one night stand
What’s your kink? Praise! Marking! Collars!
Would you hook up with the same hook-up again? I don’t think i could have a hook up tbh so no
Ever made a relationship from a one night stand? nope
How romantic are you during sex? uh.. idk havent rly had chance to try being romantic during sex but soft sex sounds v good imo
Describe your sex in 5 words or less. in my experience so far? nervous and kinda awkward
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lesbeet · 5 years
what are your fav magic subjects from the hp universe? i always thought curse breaking & transfiguration were interesting but the concept of arithmancy was so depressing like why would you ruin fun magic with advanced calculus I've been tortured with it enough 😭 also wonering if you plan to explore any specific magical concepts in your story bc i rly love when authors try to add to magical theory
oh i always say if i got to pick a job in the wizarding world i’d either wanna be a cursebreaker (but not for gringotts. like….freelance or something, yk helping people break curses on old family heirlooms and like. on their houses and loved ones and such)
or i’d want to make spells for a living. the series only mentions a committee for experimental charms but i have to assume other types of spell committees exist as well, but also i do think charms would be my favorite subject. transfiguration is too much like math imo, even though it’s incredibly useful. like i feel like i’d be proficient at it so that i can conjure and vanish and transfigure things that i would need to do in my everyday life, but nothing super advanced. and charms i would just go batshit crazy thinking of all the ways to alter something (vs changing it into something else completely)
AND/OR i would wanna study wandlore bc i just think that would be a really fucking cool job, and it would be incredible to be able to tailor myself my own wand bc i would have expertise both in the craft of wand-making and in knowing myself
re: arithmancy tho, i think if im remembering correctly that arithmancy is literally just…numerology. like i’m pretty sure official content has been released that shows that it’s literally fucking like. letter numerology and shit, which imo is even worse than combining magic and advanced calculus, bc the latter actually seems like it could produce worthwhile results. but what i don’t understand is that if arthimancy IS just glorified numerology….why does hermione like it so much? and i think it is, because the name arthimancy in and of itself is structured the same was as like cartomancy, etc, which means it’s probably just another type of divination….which hermione doesn’t respect as actual magic aside from the existence of prophecies (even though we’ve seen even those aren’t always wholly binding so much as self-fulfilling) 
sorry this is what happens when you get me started speculating about the hp universe ksjd;fksjdf;klsjd
ANYWAY, yes i do explore some specific magical concepts in my fic, but surprisingly they have like. a fairly tenuous basis in canon magical theory, which is unusual for me. but one of my pet peeves in fics is when people write about magic in a way that’s opposite to what’s been explicitly stated in canon, so at the very least i won’t be contradicting any established laws of magic, and will do my best to find a canonically-established magical precedent to the concepts i’m adding, if that makes sense?
i don’t really wanna say more bc i’ve been super good about keeping the fic under wraps, and i’m almost done!! it should be published before the new year :)
but yeah in other fics ive started (never finished lol) ive done much deeper exploration into established magical systems n processes n such, so lemme know if you wanna hear about those klsdjfsjdflks
this was so much wow i apologize, but thank you for the question this was really fun to answer
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SPOP Season 4 notes
Spoilers obvi
Gonna be a bit different from my s3 notes, as I’m p much just gonna liveblog stuff here- Since I dont wanna spoil my friends... Rip 😔
Ep 1:
Mom: Icecream cake :-D me, sobbing: Mom I love you
Every time my mom does something I cry. I love and miss her sm
Ya know I always thought Hordaks red teeth were fuckin weird af
They really out here just reusing the princess prom outfits huh?
Really though I swear if Entrapta doesnt come back I’ll scream. You cant just trade in my beautiful amasing gf for me. I know I’m great but I swear.
Rip Auntie Angella.... 😔
I wasn’t even there for the corrination- I kinda feel bad for that but... I was alittle busy... With somethin- Hell if I know what.
Oh hot diggity Catra-
Look I may not like her but I can really respect her tactics....
EP 2:
Okay what does Perfuma have against the crimson wastes- Hopefully its (Rightful) fear!
Oh nooo the gooooo
One does not simply call Adora soft
Aweeee Perfuma and Bow bonding...
Perfuma is cacti-phobic hahahaha
O.O Wheres the ship
Huntara eats sand and theres nothing you can do about it.
God im so dramatic I love it
Perfuma Im so proud of you bb
Hot take? Perfuma x Huntara
Honestly being Catra was always fun
Ep 3:
Pajamas Catra? Catra without her headband? Wild shit. Wild shit.
She cute tho ngl
Oh hecc its time to fuck with the rebels-
I s2g its rly lookin like my tl may just be flip flopped on which side I helped- Idk... its only ep 3 jfkbgf
Wittle moth society... so cute...
Flutterina... Adorable
The moth town leader is adorable. Precious old lady. I love her. her design is amazing. 10/10 I love her
Wait what-
Ohhhh my god what happened-
Catra if you dont start appreciating Scorpia right this second I swear to god I will appreciate her myself.
Flutterina is so precious. All her fangirling...
Are we gonna explorer the whole.. reaction catra has every time someone mentions the Portal??
Spinerella and nettossa are precious 100%
Okay but I’m right. tiny cute and pink. I didnt even catch it. I done fooled myself.
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Am cutie
god I love shadow weaver. I miss her sm
Yaaayyyyy Catras having fun!
She makes great bait and u know it.
Oh no are the gfs fighting-
Catra legit thought glimmer was me I love this-
..... Okay literally as I type thet I get mems of her eating glitter okay cool
Ohhh That was cool-
Hey Catra dont hide your grateful attitude you dick
God I love these girlfriends
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This is cute
Ep 5
Kyle you precious little boy
Oh are they finally gonna develop these three?
Ditzy light hope is cute light hope
I love Kyle launie and roheleo... Precious
“I made a crystal :-D”
“I know what will help!” “no dont-”
Kyle I love you
“Oh trust me the information is never gonna load for you.”
Lookit these... three siblings.... Blessed babes
EP 6
Oh boi Scoria episode here we go
God I love that she kept Emily....
Scorpia is too bright and cheery for the hoarde. Redeem her damnit
Hecc I hate that Im being so mean to the best friend squad but oooog its so fun to watch
Emily’s personality is so cuuuteee -w-
Emily scared of Catra.. precious
I wanna hug her so bad
Hehehehehehe >:)
Damnit Bo, ruining my work-
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Scorpias entrapta impression tho
Im gonna cry, emilys recordings....
..... Whats goin on with the Garnet...
Emily youre so smart.
Catra rly needs a hug tbh
God I wanna know more about the scorpion kingdom....
Ep 7
Mermista you are too happy when holding everyone in a room against their will
Ohhh hohoho I am lovin this story~
Shadow weaver bein an embarassing mom to Adora, adorable
Adora was absolutely suspicious of Weaver in my tl 100% Sure I made her more trusted, but Adora is stubborn
Ooooooo This is a great ep...
Ohh Im having fun arent I~
Ohhhhhhh Shiiiiiiiiiiit Rip selenious
I hope yallre keepin an eye on me, Or I’ll get out >:-)
Awee depressed baby :-(
Seahawk this is a terrible idea....
This better be a musical episode
I love depressed mermista
Return of the she-mop!
Oooo seahawk past....
Awee Catra misses Scorpia
And is finally realizin shes gone
O u c h poor Seahawk
Oooo Catra, a natural born killer~
I love bein able to finally see Octavia in action
Low key musical Ep, hell yesssss
I already shipped mermista and seahawk but this ep... Is just makin me ship it more....
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The fact that it took this long for Catra to finally go to scorpias room and check on her
How the fuck do the boats work
Ep 9
OHHHHH Razz gets the sheras mixed up thats honestly so cute-
Razz... I lov u
I love her refrences to the old charas
Razzzz awe precious.. The first time...
Oooo I love seein Mara
Good I feel bad for Razz tbh??? hoppin back and forth between Sheras
God she looks so much better than Adora holy fuck
Hot fucking damn I didnt expect this what the sh iiiiiii
Ep 10
That fuckin POOF
Let Frosta nap 2020
Daaaamn Catra... Go take a nap hun, you look terrible
Oh sweetie.....
Glimmer please you didn’t see what they saw.
Aaaannnnd Okay the queenliness is goin to her head cool
God I love them learning the ship
Eeeeee I hope they find my blessed gorl.....
Whats swifty hearin..
I cant believe the first ones just have a fucking dump
Sweet my uncles just a lil crazy haha
Glimmer loses one parent and gains the other. Girl only gets one parent at a time. Hahahaha
The world has to nerf her lmao
Hell yeah hes cool!
Okay cool proof that Lighthope just wants to activate the weapon
Guys just tell him she’s a teenager omfg
Hoooooly hecc
NOOOOOOOO aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ohhhh Scorpia is the key.....
Ep 12
You bet you ass Ive escaped bitches >:)
-cries- I’ve missed my wife
Awaaa she never changes!
Someone hug Catra I s2g
DT nooooooo
I adore Weaver in this season- Who am I kidding, I adore Weaver in every season
THe hoarde is led by two kids who just need some tender love and care
God Ive missed her...
Uhhhggggg I now hate that I remember having a runestone of my own
Tho I DO wanna know what kinda powers Scorpia will get....
Sweetie no non onononononononononononononoono
bdhsvfbjskbfd I can only do her hair bjkvfdbgfkd
Ep 13
Nobodies followin Catra anymore lmao
Ohhhh shit Catras gonna d i e
Rip in pieces Hordak
Ohhh shiiiiiiii
I love callin Catra out ohhhh my g o d
OOoooooo Lightning!
I gotta question that rn Glimmer...
Damnit Hordak aint dead...
Ohhh hecc hecc hecc hecc
Ya rly just teleport a whole room like that-
I like horde prime-
His eyes are cool and his palette is so much nicer aaaa
Fave season so far
And not just cause I’m finally in it xD
Expect more posts when the mems really start pouring... Gotta figure out how all this changed in my TL since it DEFINITELY wasn’t just like this-
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ursoself-satisfying · 5 years
Tagging Game!! Answer 21 questions then Tag 21 people you want to know better!! 
I was tagged by @sunnnymercury n @wassupitschloe !!!!! lol I almost forgot to do this its so fun im just absent minded !!!
Nickname: mo or momo ::)) 
Zodiac: aquarius !!
Height: like 5′6?? 
Last movie I saw: Bohemian Rhapsody Sing a Long lol,, 
Last thing I googled: “all power corrupts” ((it was for an essay,, I was trying to find that Lord Acton quote rip))
Favorite Musician: just one??? Queen is always up there lol but I also rly love Blur and the Who!!! 
Song stuck in my head: actually none rn God bless but I was singing “Anybody Have a Map” from Dear Evan Hansen yesterday rip 
Other blogs: oof I’ve got like 9 blogs total but I dont use many of them,,,, I have my personal (@catbusfurrever) n a 70s blog I dont always keep up  (@starlettecinema) n then an art one (@art-trek ) n then like another art,, a backup queen,, i think 2 backup personals,, n a shady one lol none of them are good besides these 4 rip 
Do I get asks: yes!! I lovelovelove getting them too!!!! I would love to get more lol but ik I’m slow at answering n putting out content so i get it!! I’m always open tho my dms, my asks, my submissions!! I love to make friends!! ur all such lovely people lol makes me so happy talking to yall ::””))
Blogs following: following me or that I follow?? cus I think im following like 1k+ blogs rip but on this blog in particular i have about 800 followers that make me so happy everyday!! if I get to 1k I gotta think of something fun to do lol to say ty n ilysm!!!
Amount of sleep: hm Ive been sleeping in lately so probably more like 9+?? depresso vacation mode is still on but on my normal schedule its more like 7 hrs 
Lucky number: my favourite number is 9 bc I like to write it,,, i like the flow n curves of it,,, i think my lucky number (cus like numerology n all that) would be 6!! n yes,,, ik,,, 69,,,,
What am I wearing: my jammies!! i dont wear anything other than pajamas if I dont have to lol,, my pants have Christmas trees n my shirt is Weezer haha
Dream job: artist,, just like in general,, I do a lot n i wanna make a lot n if I could make a living off of that it would be amazing lol,, but like going to school for stuff?? if I dont make it as a musician lol I would love to get back into film n work my way to director wow 
Dream trip: hhhhnnnngggg,,, i love japan ik it sounds cringey but I love the countryside n I would love to see all the historical sites just as much as the amazing cities 
Favorite food: idk if I have a favourite but mac n cheese,,, w parmesan,,, n some bread crumbs or like crutons on it,,,, amazing,, 
Play any instruments: yup!! guitar n ukulele n I’m picking myself up a bass n REteaching myself piano rip 
Languages: english mostly but Ive taken God idk how many years of spanish like,,, 8 yrs??? n I can barely speak it but I understand it ok  
Favorite songs: OOF lets do favourite CURRENT songs,,, i love Moscow by Autoheart n the iSpy remix (iSpy Sins Not Tragedies is a BOP) n uuhhhh,,,, oh man A Quick One While Hes Away (Live) n Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy ofc ::””)) 
Random fact: uuuuuhhhhh I was Prom Queen junior year lol not bc i won the votes tho its a story haha
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: idk uuhh soft,, old,, alone but not in a sad way in a peaceful way,, chaotic but it makes sense,, spur of the moment decisions,, reusing old bags n always having unnecessary things rolling around in ur backpack bc u wanna be prepared for any situation lol,,,, idk its hard to see yourself from an outside perspective n determine if u have just one aesthetic cus i tend to flop from vie to vibe n I just kinda,,,, exist u kno?? just be u !!!
I’ll tag @angrylizardjacket if she wants to do it n @deakydeakyfics @deacytits if yall havent done it yet!! also @jem6869 n @princessleiaqueen bc theyre so lovely!!! N anyone that wants to that means U!!!! have fun!!! 
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catmeme-moved · 5 years
all of the asks! >:3
god ok 
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
Tumblr media
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
i dont think i could date anyone who does any kind of drugs,, it makes me Very uncomfortable
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
its only 4 babey
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
sober...ive never been drunk
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
i guess?? it was in high school so i dnt think it rly counts since yknow, i was 16
7. What does your last received text say?
“jgdijgjfdivjdjdj me“
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
not enough times !!! i love kissing my gf
9. Where was your last kiss at?
in the parkinglot behind my dorm building
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
i saw both my sisters when i was home for break a few weeks ago
11. What do you drink in the morning?
12. Where did you sleep last night?
my bed 
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
not rly? i think if relationships r hard then they arent rly meant to be
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
god i wouldnt have spent so much money
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
none at all ;3c
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
i guess rainy....overcast weather is my fav
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
my mom ! probably lots of other people too shjkdh lee is a fairly common name i think
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
i hope so!!!
20. Does anyone like you?
god i sure hope my gf does
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
ya thats why i kissed them ghksdjs
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
no one that i know personally.. there r some like celebrities and other famous ppl i dont like
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
yes i want a tattoo from a specific artist in my hometown!!!
25. In the past week have you cried?
i mean probably i dont remember though
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
a pug...i saw him in a donut shop
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
i dry off as im stepping out of the shower
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
no bc jocks intimidate me
29. Do you think you’re old?
not really in the grand scheme of things.. im only 20 i still have decades ahead of me !
30. Do you like text messaging?
31. What type of day are you having?
its been ok! i spent time w my roommates downtown
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
i hav my septum pierced but a nostril piercing would b nice
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
i dont rly think theres such a thing as “opposite sex” since sex is also on a spectrum like gender
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
relationship ! flings r nice i guess but i prefer the stability and commitment of an actual relationship
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
i thnik im fairly simple..idk
37. What song are you listening to?
when he died by lemon demon
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
yea of course39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
my best friemd emily40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
theyre hot and funny and very kind!!!!41. When did you last receive a text message?
idk maybe an hour ago42. What is wrong with you right now?
im hungry and not being held by my gf43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
its my mom so fairly well i think44. Does anyone disgust you?
men45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
no bc im already dating someone46. Are you in a good mood right now?
i feel...neutral47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my roommate !48. What color shirt are you wearing?
its blue pruple n green tie dye49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
ya my history professor told me i had to read books50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
no one is coming to mind51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
i dont hate anyone!
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
almost gave up on ever being able to pet the raccoons outside the dining hall but someday ill be able to earn their trust
53. Do you like rain?
yes!!! 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
not rly ! as long as theyre safe about it ykwim55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
no i think ive told most of my crushes how i felt about them at the time 56. Do you like to cuddle?
god yes i love to hold and be held57. Are you shy?
its the social anxiety 58. Do you get along with girls?
i am a lesbian59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
we r dating !! 60. What do you carry with you at all times?
my phone and my peper spray 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
id do it for 10 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
ive been in my current one for 7 and my longest lasted 8 ! 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
yes! 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
anything my gf does is cute65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
my cat yawned when she tried to meow and made a weird squeak sound
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
18 (or maybe 19 now idk), 19, 20
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    
i do them myself bc i hate spending money68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
ghgdh,....neither69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
i dont have a car yet 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
neither...i dont rly like eithr of those music genres71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    
im samsung bitch until i die72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
its been months. maybe years. i dont like pizza73. Do you like diet soda?    
i dont rly like any soda anymore tbh74. What color are the walls in your room?
plain white...f    75. Are you 16 or older?    
bitche im 2076. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    
nop i dont even know waht its about77. Do you have a job?    
yes i work in a library !  78. What are your initials?    
ylb79. Did you ever have braces?    
no :^/80. Are you from the south?    
nope im a pnw bitch
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    
something about voting82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    
ya shes my best friemd83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    
my mom.. fuck my dad !84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?   
i vaguely remember attending a gymnastics class when i was like 5 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    
uhh.. venom i think86. Do you smoke?    
no never !!!87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?   
flip flops. 88. Is your phone touch screen?    
god how old are these questions. who has a phone that isnt touch screen now89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    
my hair is naturally curly !90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    
no91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
a pool..... rivers and lakes r scary92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
not yet93. …Had sex in a car?    
no that seems. . difficult. theres not very much room94. Are you single or in a relationship?    
im in a luvly relationship95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    
sleepin96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    
new years i think??97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
yea its pretty nice98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    
no but ik i wanted one before i got into my current relationship skdgjhj99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
no but i did drink half a beer thing once and went to sleep bc i got a stomach ache100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    
i dont even use facebook101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    
when i was in first grade id play “family” w my friend sometimes and she’d pretend to be the dad and i was the mom so we would spoon each other bc we thot thats what sex was and i thought she actually got me pregnant bc i was 7 and didnt know anything102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
the song blind slaps103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    
no its winter and i also dont go outdoors104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?    
 i hate wearing shorts
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stuclyblrs · 5 years
as usual here’s my semester reflection - this semester was.......... a time
okayyyy so i didnt do my initial thoughts on my classes like i normally do b/c one i busy literally right from the start and two i was so unsure about this semester and i didnt know if i would stick with the classes i was in ??????
SO LETS BEGIN the reason i was unsure was because i did a change in intended major - i came into my first year thinking i was going to major in international relations/politics and do smth language related (such as being an ambassador or a translator) but hnstly i didnt wanna do that at all. i knew i wanted to do smth stem related, just wasnt sure what field i wanted to study but i was pressured into studying politics and had a breakdown about it and did a complete turn around this year in terms of what im studying. and honestly i could do a whole different post about this and choosing your major.... anyhow i was unsure cause i was taking a big risk with this and wasnt sure if i was going to stick with it or if i was gonna fail but ! shit worked out for me and now we’re all good !!!!!!!!
so im a physics major now n im happy with my choice !! (i also dnt rly feel like typing out why i chose physics out of everything rn but if ur curious then message me) i wish i had done this earlier sooooooo much i feel like my first year in terms of classes was wasted and im going to be very pressed for time to complete everything in 3yrs (basically gonna have no free time for anything else) also i love everyone ive met in the major and i jsut wish i had more time to like get to know them ? especially since its the juniors/seniors that ik the best (the real question is do these ppl like me too lolol) so yeah i dont have any /actual/ friends in the major yet but its nice to have a community (+ a place to study cause the physics department is nice and has a lot of space)
on 2 classes - like i said earlier i didnt do a write up b/c i wasnt sure if i was gonna stick with my classes and i was busy - well that came true, but not how i thought..... i took a W this semester in math three weeks into the semester :) just wasnt feeling it and was instantly behind in work/was literally failing. im not glad that i had to make this choice but it was the right one by far. also my professor was trash and i couldnt switch into another section :^) so i was left with physics I +lab, intermediate korean I, and a special topics in physics class. physics I was harddddddddddd as shit but i rly liked it and my prof was amazing it was just very demanding - we had these really difficult and time consuming problem sets due every week im glad i took this and that its my major now lab was shit lol and special topics was ehhhhh the class was p dumb lol as for korean uhhhhh :))) it did not go well and im rly bad at korean !!! my prof wasnt the best and we didnt know our grades for the most part and just instructions we received were unclear and yea..... kind of have lost some interest in the language (sound familiar lol) tbh im too lazy to go more in depth about my classes but thats the general idea of them
as for the rest of college life well....... my housing situation was Shit. i lived with some friends which was went fine (one was messier than expected tho rip) but we had two other suitemates (that were friends with each other) and they were TERRIBLE they were so rude/disrespectful, extremely messy (kitchen was constantly dirty and disgusting), and just..... No they often ignored quiet hour rules too which was so lovely for me and my friend/roommate cause we had the room next to the common area but we had a ventilation gap in the room so it basically meant there was a hole in the top of the wall lol we could hear everything. but they are gone from my life now xoxo for social life it was a little ehhh even tho i was living with my core friend group idk we rarely saw each other and barely hung out :/// i just didnt go out as much as i did last semester but literally everyone was so busy extracurricular wise was also ehhhh i was on sophomore class board in student council and our board president rly wasnt my favorite and my committee for model un had a Lot of weird problems but i had a lot of fun at the conference tho
alright i think thats good enough for this v messy reflection post ! im studying abroad next semester so im rly looking forward to that but i def dont want it to come soon lol i need a lot of recovery time from this semester
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threeracha · 6 years
20 questions tag!
tagged by: @reosian​ @1jcy​ (actually u tagged my main but just bc i dont wanna do this twice LMAO SLDKJFLSDJF) [ty both sm tho!!!!] <333 much loves 4 u twooooo tagging: @hyuunjins​ @himeaegyo​ @hyyunjinn​ @realstraykids​ @hyunnlix​ @hyunsungg​ @felixeslee​ @bangchant​ @kimwoojin​ @seoulseungmins​ @jeojangins​ @seungminty​ @seungchanie​ skdjflsdkf i cant get to twenty ppl im blANKING LSKDFSDFJSLKDJFLSJD + IM SUPER LATE IDK WHOS DONE THIS OR NOT BUT ! :~DDDDDD
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better 
name: jasmine
nicknames: jas usually my bff calls me jelly / jelzzy tho 😩💗💕💞💖 in case my gif tag was ever smth anyone was ever wondering abt SLKDFLSJ why do i talk so much ;_____; 
zodiac sign: sagittarius !!!! lezz go my fellow centaur creatures
height: 160cm  💪🏻👅💪🏻
languages spoken: english, viet to an extent, spanish....to a very.......very...minimal extent - graduated level 3 hs spanish so i could probably smash together some good ol spanglish if need be 😩🤙🏻👏🏻
nationality: viet-american
favorite season: summer !!!!!!!!! my only stress free second out of the whole year 
favourite flower: peonies ! so pretty :( or cherry blossoms hav been RLY comin for me
favorite scent: coconut / vanilla 
favorite color: muted anything mostly blue, pink, red tho!
favorite animal: hhhhhh i love corgis and red pandas OH AND i saw djungarian hamsters at petco the other day... i was legIT 👌🏻👌🏻this heckin close to buying one :(((( 
favorite fictional character: tomoe from kamisama hajimemashita LMAO lit one of the cheesiest animes in the World but LSKDJFLSKDJ or kaonashi in spirited away <3 both so cute :( my Entire childhood tbh ...and....still nowtho ..butklsdflsdkfjclk
 coffee, tea or hot chocolate: omg i love them alL tho :( i prob drink coffee the most,,, vanilla lattes r my only source of life every morning 
average sleep hours: 5-6 but i’ve been tryna UP MY GAME 💪🏻 by an hr or two lately bc ive not been able to wake up to my alarms for a whole month now lMAO SLDJFLSKJF ;______; 
dog or cat person: i would probably love a cat for myself more! i somehhow always manage to have dogs jump on me, k.o. me, n start biting my clothes smh but i love them still :(((((
number of blankets you sleep with: winter - 4, summer - 0/1, spring / fall - 2 .... the weather is quite Moody where i live ;_______;
dream trip: hmm id love to see more of se asia sldkjflsdkj the scenic hotspots made my heart 💕💓💘🌸✨ (only in the winter tho,,,, i legit thought i would have a heat stroke everyday when i first went to vietnam) 
blog established: hhhh october???????? i think slkdjflskdjf
followers: 2*** hit a milestone recently thank uuuu all!!!!!!!!!!!! :~~) 💕💗💖💞
random fact: hmmmm i’m actually also part chinese n french! i just like... dont kno the cultures / langs all that well cough at all so rip :( sad sad :[[[
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(1/?) hello!! im sry if this blog is just for survivors, but i guess i am one in a way? so far? i live with an emotionally abusive mother. it's very confusing,, hurtful, stressing, as she's done tons of good and generous things for me, & isnt just this 100% shit mom. but shes also hurt me TERRIBLY bad. SO BAD. i can acknowledge the good shes done but, i cant just ignore the bad. she claims shes apologized before, and i can forgive, but she continues to hurt me and isnt willing to change
(2/?) she claims it’s “just her” & that i cant force her to be a different person. ive tried to rationalize with her, but i cant. she claims im selfish & only think about how i feel. how i judge others but not myself. she’s hit me, choked me, called me a liar. she says homophobic/transphobic things & recently found my online acc/stuff and i was exposed as bi. im all alone & vry tired. amongst all this, i need a therapist, possibly meds- some sort of mental help/evaluation 4myself n feel blank
3/? ,, i have/am struggling with self harm, intrusive thoughts, terrible fkn anxiety and the whole nine yards,,.. i really need help and a safer environment. im safe physically to some extent (shes not afraid of cops either), not mentally. ive been gaslighted, insulted, called “sensitive”, it all. i have 2 yrs to grad but turn 18 nxt yr. im trying to save $ this year to convince im stable enough to stay with another relative by next summer- ive looked into LGBT shelters, everything-
4/4 this plan is my last resort. im tired of feeling like this. i cling onto good memories, pride stuff i sneak 2 see etc to pass by. also im SO!! sorry if this is the wrong blog for this! i just stumbled across it and felt a hand reach out.. so if u have any help on motivation, depression/mental issues/calm rooms, info on shelters/living in them, moving out, getting thru this sort of thing, lgbtq+ resources or the like for me or anybody!
so there is a lot to unpack here. First off I want you to know that you are welcome here, regardless of the type of abuse or current situation, everyone is welcome here. Not only that but I strongly believe that anyone who has ever experienced abuse, whether it was years ago or this morning, for a short time or all your life, you are a survivor. You were abused, you lived though it, and you’re here, you survived it. And I am so damn proud of you. And those who don’t feel like they can keep going are just as valid, and every time they reach out, they prove just how much of a survivor they really are. Yourself among them.
Not only that, but no matter how nice your mom is, if she hurts you, if she refuses to change her behavior so that she can stop hurting you, then it doesn’t matter what she does or how much she apologizes. Something to keep in mind is that if they were really, truly sorry, then they would work to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. Because THAT is what it means to love somebody, it means trying to be your best you, to support and protect them even if just from yourself. This is regardless of whether its a mistake or a deep character flaw.
Abusers, as much as it may hurt to hear, choose to abuse people, they are fully aware of their actions. If you ever wonder if this is true, then think about how they treat you in public, how they behave around others. Many will find that their abuser becomes a completely different person are others, might even be nicer to you. This is because they know that what their doing is wrong.
And your mom is wrong. You have an ingrained RIGHT to feel safe, and to be able to tell someone when they are hurting you and talk it out with them without feeling invalidated. She’s wrong, your feeling are valid.
This one is gonna hurt too if you don’t already know it, but your mom cannot be rationalized with. I am really, deeply sorry to tell you this because we all wish it wasn’t the case, but trying to rationalize with her will most likely only drain you and hurt worse. I would know.
the things that she has done to you are truly awful and i cannot even to begin to express how sorry I am that she treats you that way. Please know that you can always come here if you need to very or ask questions or anything.
as for resources I’ll keep a look out for stuff that will be most helpful but I dont really have much that can be an all encompassing solution for any one problem, but I can give you want I do have. 
http://yournewapartment.tumblr.com/ ( adulting tips)
http://m.facebook.com/notes/dreamcatchers-for-abused-children/steps-to-take-if-cps-wont-help-an-abused-child/953279954722057    - good for building a case
the It Gets Better Project documents the stories of lgbt+ teens to share
the Trevor Project has 24/7 counselors and a support system where you can meet others going through similar things
That’s it for now but I’ll keep an eye out for you. Stay safe and please do come back anytime! I’ll be praying for you!
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