hisnamewasbeanni · 7 years
What an amazingly wonderful birthday!
- the first completely uneventful United flight either Diz or I have ever caught, arriving early and with all baggage.
- welcomed to CO at the airport by @mdmshakespeare and @rulesforteaching in FULL COSTUME!!!
- a beautiful drive over to where mdmshakespeare is hosting us, with a stop at Chili’s for a painfully large lunch, and then being introduced to her wonderful family.
- GETTING TO MEET @thinkbrit, @midwestmumblings (stupid glitchy tumblr tagging), and @teacherofthethoughtfullest, in the BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER!!!
- for the first time ever getting to give out candy to REAL trick-or-treaters!!!
- and finishing the night with hot-tub drinks!
The best, you guys. The best.
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andimtheteacher · 7 years
20 Questions
was tagged by these lovely people: @thesarcasticenglishteacher, @impatienteacher, and @elviajedelaesperanza <3 <3 <3 
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Kayla
Nickname(s): Kay, Bit
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Height: 5’7
Ethnicity: English, Scottish mish mosh
Favorite fruit: Plums and pineapples
Favorite season: autumn, no contest
Favorite book series: First one that came to mind was Shadow and Bone series (Geisha trilogy) by Leigh Bardugo. Really enjoyed that one, but I tend to like stand alone books more than series.
Favorite flower: Stargazer lilies- they are gorgeous!!
Favorite scent: baking bread or pies
Favorite color: navy blue
Favorite animals: hippos! No good reason. They are just ridiculous and adorable.
Coffee/tea/cocoa: cocoa, for sure. I drink tea, but I don’t love it. Not a coffee fan.
Average sleep hours: about 6, perpetual insomiac
Cat or dog person: Puppers!
Favorite fictional characters: Atticus, Darcy, Darkling, Puck, and Hermione.
Number of blankets: two, the functional one, and the super soft one 
Dream trip: Ireland!
Blog created: 2014?
Number of followers: 7,000 ish
And I’ll tag @thepolkadottedteacher, @milqi, @theycallme-misssunshine, @csornig, @oopsigotdistracted, @hey-miss-teacher, @thinkbrit, @mrskcreads, @mrsmathematica, @heyscienceteacher, @someofuswatchthesunsettoo, @the-bookie-monster, @allysowned, @apileofgoodthings11, @lovely-anomaly, @undermybelljar, @redheadnerdgirl, @teaching-everydayisdifferent, @dwendog, @teachertotodile if you want to play. :) 
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mrsjdr · 9 years
Tag! 11 Questions
thinkbrit tagged me to answer her questions, so here goes!
Rule #1: Always post the rules. Rule #2: Answer the 11 questions the person who tagged you wrote, then write 11 new ones. Rule #3: Tag 11 new people.
thinkbrit’s Questions:
1. If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?
Oh man, you had to ask this a couple days after I came home from a week away - while I am still trying to detox my vacation bug! I’m itching to get back to the ocean asap - the plan is Playa del Carmen, Mexico in Oct-ish, possibly Orlando or San Fran in Dec/Jan, and Switzerland/Germany/France in April or May. I hope to SCUBA dive in as many places as I can, at least once or twice in each location.
2. What’s the best book you’ve read this summer?
Sadly my reading has taken a toll because I work year-round and summer has been super crazy busy with work, but I got to finish An Abundance of Katherines and am halfway through Looking for Alaska. I also started The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Make Learning Personal
3. How do you take your coffee or tea?
Summer: Ice, milk, and International Delight Iced Coffee or Oregon Chai
Cold Weather: Flavored home brew with lots of creamer (esp pumpkin, peppermint mocha) or a pumpkin latte.
4. What is your favorite savory breakfast food?
Sausage egg and cheese sandwich.
5. What is your least favorite food?
Cilantro and a lot of seafood.
6. If you didn’t do your current job, what job would you like to have?
Consultant supporting schools/districts/organizations transitioning to a blended and personalized learning model, both for student learning and adult professional learning.
7. What are you most proud of this past week?
Much to my surprise I completed all my confined and open water dives to get certified in SCUBA! It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done mentally and emotionally, and I felt SO proud when I finished.
8. What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next month?
We’re going to Utah this weekend and I get to see my husband’s grandpa for the first time in too many months. I miss him a lot and always love spending time with him.
9. What is your favorite “comfort” movie - the one you put on when you just want to feel at home and relaxed?
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
10. Are you a back, stomach, or side sleeper?
11. What is your favorite outfit?
This summer it’s been my white denim skort and Le Petit Prince t-shirt - Jeans and a Doctor Who shirt in cooler months
The New Questions!
1. What TV show can you not get enough of lately?
2. What’s your favorite mobile app?
3. What makes you giddy?
4. Easiest way to annoy the ever-loving heck out of you?
5. If you could only listen to 1 musical artist for the rest of your life, which would you choose and why?
6. What’re the qualities you look for in a best friend?
7. If everyone who met you could already know 1 important thing about you, without you having to say it or explain it, what would it be?
8. What 1 thing do you think would make our world a better place if all humans could/would do it?
9. What is your biggest goal or dream right now?
10. What about tumblr keeps you coming back?
11. Describe your ideal weekend.
No obligation to play, but I tag: antdonut, postsfromthemrs kicksandgiggles beasyou-are edukaition hisnamewasbeanni iamlittlei talesofan8thgradeteacher mb24jg wincherella and any other people who feel so inclined!
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hithertokt · 11 years
What the...
Have you people been living under a rock? And a woodchuck holding a raspberry Woodchuck has been holding it down?
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hithertokt · 12 years
TDD: What does your ideal weekend look like? What would you do? Where would you go?
My ideal weekend - at least during the school year or in other times that I'm extremely busy - involves a lot of home-time, lazying about, and perhaps running a few errands. It does not involve a lot of human interaction, because I get plenty of that during the week and I find it draining.
This weekend has been pretty lovely and ideal, actually. Yesterday, after sleeping in a bit, I watched a movie (Salmon Fishing in Yemen), sent some emails, did a small amount of things for school, and then my boyfriend and I met up with another couple for dinner at a local pizza/brewery. I think today we're running those errands and settling in for some football later this evening. And bonus points with it being a long weekend!
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hisnamewasbeanni · 12 years
You, sir, have created a Cat Empire convert. I didn't even know that I was missing this, but dammit I was. So thank you.
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