cosmic-ships · 4 months
Okay my brain is fried now. I'm ready to go back to mindlessly screaming lovable nonsense towards my f/o now lol.
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guiltfilledsheath · 4 years
True Damage
//I guess this is the True Damage/KDA/DJ verse and this is gonna be a far different from normal Yasuo. Formatting and me don’t get along so please bare with me. Also, all of this is coming from my thinkerbox. I remember, very briefly, there was something there about Yas for TD, but I’ve forgotten it and can’t find the OG source TuT. Under a Read-more due to length
-Background: In the past, Yasuo and Yone grew up in a middle-class part of town, mostly thanks to their deadbeat dads. Still, their mother was one who happily shouldered the burden of raising two young men as a single mom. She loved her boys equally, but worried that Yasuo’s tendency to following in beat behind Yone would lead them into some trouble. Though it was never something they couldn’t bounce back from, there was one thing that caused a huge rift.
Yasuo and Yone became obsessed with finding ‘The Right Beat’ after getting into music. A Classmate at school had the Yone listen to music that the older boy called ‘Soul-touching’. Needless to say, Yasuo was wanted to discover what had his older brother so captured and listened to, and thus their new obsession was born. When the two came home, their mother instantly knew they had taken up a new hobby. Books and tools were brought, a tutor was found who lead the boys to a school, and thus their chase for a permanent hobby came to an end, they’d found one.
Their mother was thankful they finally found one thing to stick to and was more than willing to support the boys, specially since they had promised to keep up their grades while also studying music. Years passed, graduations came, and soon the boys were both pursuing their own goals, and even though they were labeled differently, they were the same; Finding the Soul-Touching beat. However, there came a problem... Yasuo.
The younger brother, being naturally talented, was growing a little too arrogant and his original antics were starting to weigh on Yone and their teacher. Still, his skills were something to be impressed by, and though he never opened his mouth to sing, his songs were just as captivating. All the students agreed that if the brothers teamed up, the combined punch of Yone’s vocals and Yasuo’s music could change the industry with a little support and a big push. It took convincing and a lot bribing, but, Yone managed to convince Yasuo to do a live performance with him. Nothing huge, but it could very well launch the brothers’ careers. 
The hours before, the two got into a fierce argument that resulted in the two of them storming off. However, Yasuo could tell that it was his nerves getting him and went to seek out Yone so he could apologize. Though, when he went searching for him, he heard something. Out of fear for their gear being stolen or ruined by someone, he quickly went to go check on it, knowing how important it was that all of it be kept safe since it was mementos and loans from their old teacher and his school. When he got to the storage room, he found only a young woman with white hair who was already in the process of fleeing the scene. Since she wasn’t carrying anything, he decided not to pursue and instead when the check their things. 
To say things were ‘wrecked’ would be putting it lightly, and to make things worse, Yone was standing behind him. The only things that anyone from their gig could hear coming from the back was yelling, the sounds of a scuffle, and then the declaration to ‘Get the F#%$ out of here!’. 
To say that Yasuo was hurt from the whole ordeal was an understatement, he truly didn’t know what to do or what he could do. As far as he was concerned, he’d be outcast from everywhere, more importantly, what would his mother think? Would she even be convinced that he wasn’t the one behind what happened? Would anyone believe him given how he’s acted? “...This... this was supposed to be fun for us...” was all he said to himself before fleeing his city.
From there, the musicmaker changed everything, his IGN, his account information on social media, everything. He was worried that his brother and teacher would come after him on there and ruin his career... but what he was most worried about was no-one listening to his music because of it. Even after the person behind it came forward and admitted to her wrong-doing, Yasuo still didn’t return, mostly due to the fact that he had no contact with anyone besides his mother, and even then he couldn’t pick up the phone. 
The family would lament one of their own disappearing and only hope that wherever he was, he’d be safe. 
It was during this time that Yasuo tried his hand at DJing in clubs for a bit before being picked up by Akali to gather for a group thing. Despite his feelings on working with others, after a bit of convincing, he was willing to join, on the condition that he gets to hide his face and he doesn’t have to sing. Both parts were agreed and the band was made. Though the music maker did consider departing right after their first song, he decided to stay. Maybe he could find some clue to his old goal by sticking with them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Little Details
-Age: Yasuo in this verse is 29 and he doesn’t really care about who knows his age or who has opinions on it ‘Music can be made by anyone from anywhere. Be it a lil kid just making funny noises or an old man playing the flute for his pets.’ -Hobbies: Yasuo is a gamer, not super hardcore, but he does enjoy sitting down to play every once in a while. He really enjoys watching streams and his personal favorites are people who stream horror games. He’s unfazed by the horror, but he does get a little glee in watching people get scared. He does make beats as a hobby, but he also likes to experiment with different genres. He likes anime, mostly from memes, but he does go out and hunt down ones that make him laugh. His guilty pleasure is cheesy romance novels in any form, from a full length hardcover to manga, if it’s cheesy and filled with those moments that could make a normal person cringe, he’s reading it. He tries his best to hide that hobby from his band-mates... but he could swear that Ekko’s onto him.
-Personal Life: He is a club-goer, though only when he needs to get his mind off of the past. Though he’s cut ties, he does try his best to send his mother money from time to time. Though he drinks, it’s rare, and a very specific kind of drink. Whenever he’s done, he heads back to his place and will just try to relax as best he can. Sometimes he calls up Ekko, the one who got him into games, to see if there is anything he’d like to play or do, though he keeps to himself.  -Fun Tidbits: Yasuo can cook and is a great cook, not amazing, but good enough to make his bandmates curious whenever he brings some leftovers from his home. Yasuo took bushido and had a natural talent for it, but after having a stellar win/loss record against Yone (10w/24l) he ‘didn’t wanna play samurai anymore’. Yone didn’t take it personally, but he did encourage Yasuo to at least take part in a few tournaments before quitting. They both won trophies for it. Yasuo has a sweet-tooth that he actually does hide from everyone. He appears like such a grump when offered a sweet snack, but at home he has ‘The Stash’. No one knows about it, not any of his exs, his producers, not a soul. Only his mother knows.  Yasuo graduated college as did his brother. Their graduation photos are still in their mother’s home, up on a shelf. Yasuo has met up with his father, but only once. It ended in a fight and a brawl, Yasuo won that brawl, got the answers he sought, and burned a bridge he wanted to burn while making sure to draw some blood. It was a good day for him.
//This is all I can think up for now. Anymore info will be added to this post or some light will be shined through interactions. This is just a general info-dump in case you wanna interact, but main-verse is still gonna be the local drunken bum with Wind Sword Skills.
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thinkerbox · 13 years
Philip Glass
When you feel like you're seeing the world in a whole new light..
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thinkerbox · 13 years
We're all puppets Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings.
- the Watchmen
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thinkerbox · 13 years
This post does not exist
I've recently gotten a hold of this book (thanks to my awesome cousins who sent it to me) :
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and despite the busy schedule its been a wonderfully mind boggling read. It delves comfortably into the realm of the paradoxical, and as someone not too versed in philosophy I've found it quite understandable, down to earth and really fun overall. Infuriatingly fun anyway. 
I loved this book the moment I read the chapter on space and time a year or so ago, and love it all the more now that I've found it again.
So, I'll be posting some of the thought experiments and paradoxical puzzles every now and then, and hope to spread the infuriating fun around too c: Get it if you can, and enter the realm of the paradoxical yourself.
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thinkerbox · 13 years
So I started reading Einsten's Dreams by Alan Lightman, and couldn't help but post some music to compliment the mood.
This one's a gem of a tune, originally done by Apo Hiking Society I believe and covered by one of my favorite bands, Sheila and the Insects :) The intro of the song really catches me for some reason, its like a continuous, fluctuating stream of electric guitar...
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thinkerbox · 13 years
Within every majority is a minority that begs to differ.
Something to think about every time one decides to make a general statement about a large group. E.g. "All men are X", "Women are all Y", or "All Xth year students are Y".
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thinkerbox · 13 years
I Am Free, That Is Why I'm Lost.
An Exceptionally Simple Theory Of Everything [EP]~2008
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thinkerbox · 13 years
On being Real
Taken from the Velveteen Rabbit:
"It doesn't happen all at once. You become. It takes a long time.That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real, you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."
-The toy skin horse, on being asked what it was like to be Real
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thinkerbox · 13 years
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Common sense... is not as common as you think it is. 'Common sense' by alltelleringet.deviantart.com 
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thinkerbox · 13 years
The Zero. A strange and fascinating story, well told, and well worth watching.
In a world that judges people by their number, Zero faces constant prejudice and persecution. He walks a lonely path until a chance encounter changes his life forever: he meets a female zero. Together they prove that through determination, courage, and love, nothing can be truly something.
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thinkerbox · 13 years
The Road Not Taken
I rather love this poem by Robert Frost. Lovely rhyme scheme aside, the contemplation we take upon the choices make is reflected quite well in the way his words are woven.
 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could. To where it bent in the undergrowth,
Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that, the passing there Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.
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thinkerbox · 13 years
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So I did some tweaking to the Thinkerbox page today, so I hope you and the rest of my followers like it. All 4 of you. Just changed the background from the default background to this lovely silhoutte of a tree on a hill. Changed the logo too, but hopefully I'll be able to come up with something better soon.
Also, I'd like to give a big thanks to this guy for the wonderful background that his website so generously allowed me to download for free. Please visit his site and support the dude!
Wonderful photography and photomanips there worth checking out.
Keep on thinkerboxing!
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thinkerbox · 13 years
Fever Ray's 'If I had a heart' The heavy hum of the violin just draws you in, its just so hauntingly beautiful. The symbolism is also heavy - from the stationary figures to the bodies on the floor - the video is melancholy, yet curious. Check out the rest of her music while you're at it.
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thinkerbox · 13 years
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You were such a lovely dream, crafted perfect by machines. In your promises so hollow and lies all too blatantly shallow I spent eternity to follow Your perfect but meaningless dream crafted by perfect machines.
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thinkerbox · 13 years
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by Kai Ziehl
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