#thinkin ab these a normal amount
pirateborn-a · 2 years
bc ofc i would but rotates g.ang of youth achilles, come down for ghost roger real,,,,,,
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soulsolid-a · 2 years
mrgmrm waiting turn to do presentation but head suddenly went yorki n brook </3
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vanquishedjelly · 2 years
Mission Accomplished
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HellBoy x Reader
Summary- You and HellBoy have been flirting back and forth. Waiting for each other to make a move. Battling to see who will react first. What will happen when you take the flirting up a notch?
A/N- I love the thought of how flirty HellBoy is, and I love the thought of someone else flirting just as much with him (if not more) and so my imagination took hold. Enjoy!
It's been a few years since I've joined B.P.R.D. When I was asked to join I didn't think I would be of much use. I only have Intention/Emotion Sense, both of which I couldn't see being useful on missions, but nevertheless they ushered me to join and I am so glad they did. When I first met Abraham and HellBoy I was blown away by their abilities (and their looks, not gonna lie). Almost feeling slightly lesser than, but Abe was the first to speak up and quickly dismissed those thoughts (which is how i found out he could read minds… crazy, right?) HellBoy on the other hand was kind of stand off-ish?.. is the only way I can put it. His Emotion showed neutrual- no like nor dislike- like he didn't expect me to be around for very long, so he didn't really see the need in putting much time in friendly conversation. Understandable. The first few months it was just me and Abe, goofing about. Normally talking about the books in the library, the missions he and HellBoy has been on- which HellBoy made sure to chime in every now and then to add small details in the stories as he could. Or just chilling- Abe in his tank munching on his god awful smelly eggs and me sitting in the big chair in the library with my phone talking about whatever crossed our minds. Slowly but surely HellBoy started sitting down with us in the library, speaking up a lot more about stories, or even asking my thoughts on random things. I was curious and I felt his intentions, wholeheartedly friendly and emotions were slightly nervous at times, so I opened up to his interactions quickly. After that, me and him talked damn near on a daily basis. Finding out how much of a flirt he was and how much of a goofball he was, was a rollercoaster to say the least- especially on my first mission. Oh lord… You should've seen his face when I started flirting back just as much. I didn't even need to sense to see how surprised he was.
_ "Hey, (y/n), you still with us?" I quickly look up from my forgotten book, staring wide eyed at HellBoy, who was leaning against the door frame. It wasn't hard to sense that his intention was to find me. "Ok, I gotta know what you're thinkin' bout to get that look on your face." He says, his laughter showing through his tone. I tilt my head, "I had a look on my face?" He nods, "yeah, smilin' from ear to ear," he motions his finger towards my face, "and with that far away look, i know it wasn't because of what you're reading." I laugh and shrug slightly, "didn't know i was so easy to read." I sigh, the same reminiscing smile reappears on my face, "just remembering my first few months here." I close the book in my lap and set it aside as HellBoy walks further into the library, almost towering over me. "yeah, I remember the look you gave me when i walked into the room." He says, "the way I saw your pupils dilate." He whistles in emphasis, " I just know you was marveling in how hot i was." I huff out a laugh. "Oh, ab-so-lutley!" staring up at him, "I was so hot and bothered i didn't know what to do with myself." i half joke, fanning myself. He lets out a hearty laugh. "so, you've found me, what'd you need?" I ask "Manning has another" he makes air quotations, " 'Gas leak' for us to fix before it gets too outta hand." I nod, "He needs all of us in the meeting room in 30 minutes to talk about the details." I stand up, "alright, gives me the perfect amount of time to take a shower and get ready." I say absentmindedly walking towards the door with him in tow. "without me?" he says, I can hear his grin in his voice. "yes, without you." I whip around, halting him in his tracks. I run my hands up and down his chest in sensual motions "baby I'd take my time with you, so I don't think we'd make it to the meeting." I smirk. I can basically see the wheels turning in his head, imagining all the things that would entail that moment. "Is that a promise?" He says, his voice in between a whisper and a growl. I can physically feel his arousal build. "Maybe." I smile. He takes a quick intake of breath. 'gotcha' I think to myself. "but," I say, slightly pulling away, "I don't wanna hear Mannings' bitching about us running late." He growls. He raises his hands, about to wrap his arms around my waist, but I whip around and start walking away before he can. I smile to myself as I can feel how frustrated he is.
Mission accomplished.
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pampulonad · 1 year
Haven’t submitted an ask or a confession or anything on here yet LOL and I feel the fact that I haven’t is criminal
(Nsft) Anyways…. Thinkin ab my fav rn (A), ordering doordash or something for him and his bf (b), and then he texts him like
A: just got us doordash lol
B: okay I’ll be home in 10
B: don’t eat w/o me
A: ok
And then A absolutely demolishes his portion of the meal (which he ordered a lot of bc his metabolism is crazy fast) like the unhinged, ravenous man he is, and B gets home like “dawg wtf??” As he’s met with the sight of A, absolutely stuffed, his normally-lean, athletically toned stomach now visibly taut and bloated, although there’s still a good amount of room for everything he ate to slosh around (which is useful in a bit 😏)
Anyways, he gets “punished” (consensually ofc, it was probably his idea anyways) by B, getting fucked doggy style as his full stomach hangs below him, audibly sloshing and churning with every rough thrust. B teases him for it, kneading into his bloated stomach while degrading him for being just so goddamn impatient, and how slutty he looks with his full tummy accentuating the curves of his hips.
Anyways during aftercare he gets tummy kisses bc it’s what he deserves 💕
(Sorry this is entirely self indulgent I just thought you’d enjoy it LMAO)
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mistercesare · 10 months
sooo lately me and my friend had been thinkin ab a new story!!
its called 'core collapse' and it is about an unlucky scientist and a rogue ai who is also a bit of a liminal space
and i definetly had been thinking about them in a normal amount
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soo this is Guinnie who is the mc!
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and this is Home who is an ai and who is trying to 'learn about humanity' by putting Guinnie in Situations
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home has. a lot of visual variations yeah
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and this is based on the 'bad' ending
anyway pls check out @/arrrrimo on twitter who is a co'creator and a cool person yay
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marinehero-a · 2 years
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     i am slowly going insane
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trashytummiez · 4 years
Pizza Pals
This is based off of a request from @horriblehooter to have Harley and Killer Croc eating together.  It sounds like a cute idea so I wanted to try it out. 
“And that’s another reason why I love workin’ with ya, Croc!  When I forget my baseball bat during a caper?  You just waltz in’n threaten to eat the bank manager!  Think the guy even peed himself a lil!”  Harley rambled happily at a job well done while skipping through a damp, underground living quarters.  It was dark and eerie, like a serial killers cavern.  It didn’t stop Harley from humming a chipper and off key tune.
That was because the chamber was home to one Killer Croc, who was slowly stomping heavily behind Harley with his thick, scaly arms carrying dozens of duffel bags full of cash.  The giant reptile dropped all of them onto the ground carelessly with a heavy thud then grunted contently.  He scratched at his muscular stomach from under his dirty tanktop when it grumbled loudly.  
“Should’a taken a bite outta the security guard.  I’m starvin’,” Croc growled in his deep beastly voice.
“Yeah, but guys taste yucky!  How do ya feel about pizza?”  Harley asked as if Killer Croc wanting to eat people was as normal as someone talking about the weather.
Croc shrugged.  “Pizza’s cool, I guess.”
“Yaaay!  Pizza Party!!”  Harley cheered which made Croc roll his eyes.
There wasn’t any good reception in Killer Croc’s lair, so the two decided to go order their food in-person.  Croc’s presence alone was enough to ensure the speediest service money could buy.  And money did actually buy the three dozen pizzas hastily cooked at Luigi’s Oven.  After all, it was Harley’s favorite pizza joint in all of Gotham City.  She couldn’t stand the idea of leaving such great chefs high and dry.  Not if she wanted to keep being a frequent customer.  Thankfully, they had quite a bit of spare change to satisfy Luigi and his crew, even if she had to remind Croc not to eat anyone while they were there.
They eventually returned to Croc’s lair and once again, Croc was left carrying every single pizza himself.  Some may have gotten a little messed up during the trip back, but he didn’t mind.  The reptile had an old couch in the middle of his compound which creaked under his enormously heavy frame.  Harley just plopped her butt happily onto the couch next to her huge friend and practically started drooling when she saw so many pizza boxes just staring her in the face.
“Ooooohhhh so much Luigi’s, so little time...” Harley said like she was in a trance.  
Killer Croc also licked his rows and rows of sharp fangs hungrily.  Then he tore a box open and grabbed the entire extra large pizza.  He folded the thing in half like a massive sandwich and shoved the whole thing right into his jaws.  Harley whistled when she watched Croc sloppily chew on an entire pizza and giggled when his scaly cheeks bulged a little.  Then, the reptile gulped heartily and sent that pizza rippling through his gullet.  Croc smacked his chops contently and grabbed another pizza.
Harley was no slouch either.  She cracked open her first box and greedily chomped into that extra cheesy, slightly messy slice of pizza with glee.  She always loved that first warm, gooey bite of Luigi’s pizza.  And even in a damp, underground cavern, today was no exception.  Once that bite slid down her throat, she got to work scarfing the rest of it down and got to work chomping away on more slices.
Croc looked down to see his friend stuffing her face more than any human he’d ever known and grinned.  It was just one of many reasons why he always enjoyed Harley Quinn’s company in ways few villains did.  It helped that she wasn’t getting grossed out by seeing Croc wolf down entire pizzas all at once, just like he was in the middle of doing.  Guess it was to be expected, she’d seen Killer Croc ravage a lot worse than pizza when on jobs together.  When Croc swallowed that second pizza, his neck expanded when that incredibly thick glob of food big enough to satisfy a dozen people pushed down his throat and into his stomach with a slick ripple.  Croc sighed and rubbed his stomach contently.  Because he was so abnormally big, two entire pizzas barely put a dent on his gut.
But by the time Harley was done with her first pizza, her own stomach was looking a little bloated.  She always wore a crop top under her leather costume, and that always showcased the extent her gorging impacted her constantly exposed midsection.  With so many pizzas around her at once, she got a little overwhelmed and eagerly started tearing through her next Italian Pie.  Harley was wolfing down one slice after another, taking impossibly big bites and swallowing sizable mouthfuls of pizza that her slender throat bobbed visibly with each gulp she took.
It was nothing compared to Killer Croc literally downing one entire pizza after another.  He already had a little stack of empty pizza boxes forming near his side of the couch.  And because he ate so many pizzas so quickly, it was starting to have an impact.  Those rock hard scaly abs Killer Croc had were softening into a bit of a scaly beer belly the more Croc stuffed himself.  He was eating so much that his scaly stomach was becoming visible from underneath his tanktop.  But because Croc was a carnivorous reptile, he kept going without slowing down at all.  
Harley kept eating too, even as her own belly grew larger and larger with every slice she horked down.  She was getting so full that her belly was starting to gurgle loud enough that Croc could hear it.  After swallowing another whole pizza, he slurped heavily and looked down at the bloated, petite young woman.  “Gettin’ full there, Quinn?”
Her cheeks were bulging with pizza.  She held up a finger and swallowed heavily, working a big mouthful down her slender throat and past her perky chest.  She leaned back against the couch and rubbed her bulging stomach as it grumbled deeply.  “Ungh, naw, just feels like I need to BUUUUUUUURRRRPPP!!!!”
Harley sat up suddenly when a large burp erupted from her unexpectedly.  Not only that, but she literally burped out the word ‘burp’ itself.
Croc laughed.  “Nice.”
Harley sighed with relief and pat her stomach before giggling.  “Thanks!  I can burp the alphabet too, if ya wanna see.”  She sat up with concentration and subtly gulped down some air, which made her throat bob until she opened her mouth to push the air back up.  “...AYY...b-BEEE......CEEEEE-URRRPP!!  Gah...”
Croc laughed again when Harley burped out the first three letters.  It was a gross but impressive stunt.  Harley huffed then said, “What comes after C again?”
“D fer dumbass,” Croc replied.
Harley pouted then punched Croc’s arm, not wanting to admit it hurt her a lot more than it did him.  “Jerk!  I’ll have ya know I have a Ph-DEEEEEE!!!!”
At that unexpected belch, Croc laughed even harder while Harley smacked her lips and giggled herself.  
She totally meant to do that.
The two continued stuffing their faces with pizza, steadily getting more and more bloated with every slice, or in Killer Croc’s case, every pizza pie.  Harley ate an impressive amount of pizza in such a short outing, but her little pot belly wasn’t so little after a while.  Even Croc’s own belly was getting so big that his shirt couldn’t even cover his scaly stomach anymore, now riding up around his belly button.  And if Harley’s stomach was getting noisy, then Croc’s bloated gut was twice as loud the way it intensely churned and bubbled from so much greasy pizza eaten all at once.  Like Harley, Killer Croc occasionally burped to ease some of the pressure in his gut; his being much louder than Harley’s, but with how much he was eating, it wasn’t doing a lot of good quieting his stomach down.
By the time they were done, both Harley and Croc were lazily slumped back against the couch, sporting enormously round bellies.  Harley looked as if she were almost pregnant with how utterly full of pizza she was.  And Killer Croc looked as if he had swallowed a giant medicine ball.  Their bellies gurgled and churned intensely, Croc’s stomach far more so than Harley’s.
“Unnngh, m’so full...” Harley groaned wearily while she rubbed her achingly bloated belly all over.
Killer Croc let out a huge burp that echoed all throughout the underground then sighed as he patted his belly.  “Guh, yer tellin’ me.  I ain’t been this full since that job we did at Falcone’s construction site.”
Harley couldn’t help but let out a massive, incredibly unladylike burp of her own that didn’t come close to Croc’s, but would’ve easily won any contests against normal humans.  She sighed with relief and patted her own round belly then hiccuped when the contents in her stomach sloshed from the pat.  “Oooh, needed that,” Harley moaned then grinned lazily back at Croc with a nod.  “I remember that one.  Ya ate the foreman, didn’tcha?”
Croc belched deeply again and nodded.  “Yup.  He was a fat one too.  Butterball took forever to digest properly.”
“Well, yer a growin’ lizard, ya need the calories!”
Killer Croc gave Harley a bored look then rolled his reptilian eyes.  “Least ya ain’t callin’ me a gator.”
He reached down and fumbled with his belt, but it was a little hard with his enormously round belly getting in the way.  But he eventually managed it and unbuckled the belt to his old pants.  As soon as he did, his engorged stomach expanded even more which made Croc slump back and moan heavily.  
“OoooooooOOOOooooh man, that’s better...” Killer Croc moaned in a near-daze.
“Smart thinkin’!”  Harley said, fumbling with her own leather pants.  She leaned back while her big belly stuck out even more, like a child fumbling to tie their shoelaces.  It was actually funny to watch her struggle, making Killer Croc snicker a little childishly at her efforts.  He was about to offer to help after a while, but she just barely managed to pull it off.
Like Croc, the second her belt and pants button were undone, her immensely bloated stomach expanded to fill the space, unzipping her pants in the process.  Harley went cross-eyed and groaned blissfully when she spilled into the couch with dazed relief.
“Holy crap, that’s like Christmas and Hanukkah got busy’n had a Holiday Baby...”
Both villains eased with relief, weighed down by their bloated guts.  And in unison, both Harley Quinn and Killer Croc threw their heads back and let out a pair of giant burps at the exact same time, with Croc’s easily dwarfing Harley’s and carrying on for even longer after hers ended.  Then they sighed heartily.
“Oooohhh Mama Mia...if Red could see me now...” Harley moaned, slowly running her hands up and down her rounded belly.  Croc raised a scaly brow and turned to his friend intrigued while massaging his own bloated belly lazily.  Harley giggled wearily and explained.  “She loves seein’ me get all super duper stuffed’n burpy, feeds me a bunch all the time.  I don’t mind though.  I love food and I love all the attention she gives my tummy.��
Croc snorted.  “Kinky weirdos.”
“Hey!  No kinkshamin’, ya big fat jerk!”  Harley replied, punching Croc right in his belly, which, yet again, hurt like hell, since he ate so much that it felt like punching solid rock.  But it was hard enough to make Croc burp loudly again in response.  
Croc smacked his lips afterwards and shrugged.  “So, how’re things goin’ fer you’n Ivy anyway?”
“They’ve been good!  She’s always been a buncha fun t’hang out with, she’s got great taste in TV shows and she’s just so honest.  Not like Mister Jay at all.  What’cha see with Red is what’cha get,” Harley explained with a fondness in her voice.
Killer Croc grinned when he saw how content she seemed to be with her new girlfriend.  He may have been a carnivorous reptilian monster, but when it came to his friends, he always wanted whatever was best for them; whatever made them genuinely happy.
Harley perked up and nudged Croc.  “Ooh!  How’ve things with blubber butt been goin’?”
Croc’s smile dropped instantly.  “A; only I get to call her that.  And B; they’re...they’re alright.”  The giant scaly monster looked away almost timidly as he scratched his bulging gut.  “Ain’t used to havin’ a girlfriend, but...she gets me.”
Harley beamed and hugged Croc’s arm.  “Eeeeeey!  That means we get to double date sometime!!”
Croc snorted.  “Quinn, between you, me’n Orca, if we ever went to a restaurant, someone might literally die tryin’ to make all that food.”
“Maybe he was a jerk!  And that way, you can eat him after fer dessert!”
Croc laughed and licked his lips.  “I knew there was a reason we were friends...”
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texanredrose · 6 years
Everyone’s A Critic
Am I doing Freezerburn Week? Probably not, because I’m not feeling well, but this prompt I couldn’t resist. Soulmate AU based on this post.
Weiss’ brow furrowed as she quickly walked towards the exit, absolutely livid beyond measure. Thankfully, her companion for the showing happened to be just as vexed as her, though they’d made a promise not to voice any grievances until after they’d exited the theater. Hence her desire to be out of it sooner rather than later.
“I can’t believe-”
“Blake,” she said, tone sharp not because of her friend’s frustrations but because of their shared annoyance. “We have a deal.”
“That was before actually watching that trainwreck.” The Faunus’ ears laid back against her skull as she grimaced. “But the books were so good, we couldn’t have expected this disgusting catastrophe.”
However, for all Weiss’ desire to keep true to her word... oh did she have some rather pointed Opinions(tm) about this particular attempt to do justice to a well beloved series.
“It’s not just that.” They pushed out of the studio and into the florescent light of the theater’s hallways, following the throng of moviegoers who faced similar disappointment. “We can get to the myriad of ways they completely missed the point of the books later, because that in itself is a long enough list, but don’t you think we should start with how abysmal that was from the standpoint of just being a movie?” Frustration colored her tone as she quickened her pace, as if she could put physical distance between herself and the mere memory of that disgrace. “They cut so much material out, the plot is completely incomprehensible to one not familiar with the books, and even then is terribly disjointed in trying to be faithful to that. The pacing is god awful, likely because the directors merely googled which passages were most popular and poured all their effort into those scenes, which would make sense if they had all the other events leading up to them to build the tension and significance! As it stands, they’re just isolated moments when the story actually takes time to show itself, but all that is buried under layers of cinematic tomfoolery for the obvious intention of nabbing some manner of award and merely hoping every other scene can support themselves, which they can’t...”
Now that she’d gotten on a roll, the words didn’t stop, flowing from her mouth as she allowed every ill thought she’d kept locked behind her teeth go forth, with Blake nodding on occasion, knowing better than to try stymieing her diatribes once they got started. Thankfully, they usually agreed when it came to books and movies, seeking similar qualities, even if the Faunus tended towards media with a romantic streak. Once Weiss finished, it would be her turn to critique the awful, forced romantic subplot- a subplot, mind, that wasn’t resolved until the third book, and had no place being emphasized this much in the first movie- but that would be Blake’s terf.
Weiss came to a sudden stop, eyes widening as a voice she’d never heard before grabbed her attention with two little words. Ever since she learned to read, she’d become intimately familiar with those two words, seeing as they were tattooed across her left forearm in big, bold, yellow font. Her soulmate mark- and she’d especially attuned her hearing for those two words specifically, and this happened to be the first time she heard them in her life, which could only mean-
“You!” She whirled around, scanning until her gaze landed on the blonde marching towards her, and...
Okay, she’d fully intended to be more than a little cross with the foul mouthed heathen who’d permanently marked her with those very words. However, Weiss was also a mere mortal and currently being approached by a veritable goddess. Tall, with the early evening breeze sending wild blonde locks flying, lilac eyes that shone like gemstones, in a beat up leather jacket that ended at the elbows, showing off remarkably sculpted forearms that certainly looked like they’d give good hugs- crass her soulmate might be, true, but she also happened to be gorgeous, making Weiss a little more inclined to give the whole ‘soulmate mark’ concept more than her annoyance and contempt.
However, aside from being taken off guard by the woman’s looks, Weiss still had to bone to pick with her supposed soulmate, grabbing at her sleeve and pulling it back to show the mark that had essentially mandated she never wear anything other than long sleeves around polite company. “Do you have any idea what it’s like walking around with a mark like this?”
“Oh, you think that’s bad? Check this out.” Without wasting another second, the woman stopped in front of Weiss and reached up, grabbing the collar of her yellow shirt and ripping it.
And that brought to light three very important things.
One, her soulmate had decent tastes in undergarments. Two, she had the sort of abs that cosmically demanded to have something grinding against them. Three...
... the very, very long wall of neat white script curling across her chest and halfway down her abdomen, the words much smaller than what Weiss had on her arm to accommodate the sheer amount of space required, because apparently her soulmate had been within earshot since she’d started her tirade regarding the movie.
Blake elbowed her side under the guise of pulling out her scroll, stepping away to give Weiss a modicum of privacy with her soulmate- not that she needed the prompt, of course, she wasn’t uncivilized, but still- and pretended to be engrossed in checking her messages.
"You are really hard to stop when you get rollin’, anyone ever tell you that?” The blonde quirked a brow, completely nonplussed standing there with the tattered remnants of her shirt and jacket providing minimum modesty.
“It’s... been mentioned before,” she replied, scrounging for something to say. “So you’ve-”
“Had a novella tattooed across my chest my whole life? Now that you mention it, yeah, I have.” She set her hands on her hips. “And I’ve gone to every book adaptation movie released in the past ten years, thinkin’ I might meet you at one, and, I gotta tell ya- I liked most of them.” A shrug. “Yeah, sure, they aren’t masterpieces, but some of ‘em were quirky, or did one thing really well, or were just entertaining for their own sake, and I kept thinkin’ I was gonna run into you at one I liked and we’d get into this whole fight and, for all they say about soulmates being destined and all that, I have literally no desire to be shackled to someone who’s just gonna tear down the things I like, nuh uh, destiny can bite me, I don’t give a shit.” And even though they hardly knew each other- didn’t at all, really- Weiss found herself holding her breath and hoping her verbal evisceration hadn’t entirely ruined her chances of at least getting to know the woman. “But, the first time I saw this one, I knew- I thought to myself ‘oh, fuck me, this is it, this is the piece of shit my soulmate’s gonna go bonkers over, I’ve found it’, and so I- like an idiot- bought tickets to, and sat through, that piece of hot garbage forty-seven times, just to make sure I didn’t miss you.” Apparently out of steam, lilac eyes darted away for a moment as she reached up to run a hand through her hair, tongue darting out to wet her lips. “So, uh... I guess what I’m getting at is... hi, my name’s Yang, that movie was awful, so do you... want to talk about how bad it sucked some more? Maybe over dinner or a milkshake or...”
Weiss crossed her arms over her chest, head tilting in incredulity. “You saw this how many times?” Then she waved a hand. “No matter; clearly, you’re dedicated, you have good enough sense to recognize terrible when it presents itself to you, and you’re strong enough to endure torture for sustained periods of time.” 
Turning, she prepared to excuse herself from the rest of the evening but found her best friend to be... nowhere in sight, and her scroll buzzing in her purse likely provided the answer to the question of where she went.
If you don’t know how her abs feel by the end of the night, I am renouncing our friendship. Have fun. <3 -B
“Cheek little-” Rolling her eyes, she dropped the device back into her bag and offered a hand. “I’m Weiss. It’s nice to finally meet the foul mouthed heathen I’ve been looking for.”
Yang’s lips quirked up into a smirk. “Yeah, kinda glad I found the critic with a set of iron lungs, too.”
Slipping her arm into the crook of the blonde’s elbow, she turned them both towards the other side of the parking lot where a restaurant sat- not nearly as high class as she’d normally choose, but the proximity and ease with which they could reach it trumped her personal scale at present. That, and a table between them would help keep her from getting distracted. “How about I start making it up to you for suffering through all those showings?”
Much to her surprise, Yang fully meant it when she invited the woman to continue trashing the movie, and had a couple of thoughtful points of her own to address. For being just about the last thing she’d expected from her soulmate, Weiss had to admit... she actually rather liked it.
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soulsolid-a · 2 years
god mentioned a few times @ edwards but jus,,,,, thinks ab brook in the context of swordsman
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