#thinkin about my bff alex :)
livvyofthelake · 2 years
could you imagine being named lance and your best friend’s name is kay and then this kid comes up to you and tells you he pulled excalibur out of a rock at a construction site and he starts saying you and your friend were destined to be knights and you’re like ok that sounds like bullshit and then he’s like hello king arthur’s best friend was called lancelot... and you’re like ok so? what does that have to do with me. can you IMAGINE being that stupid. bro that’s your name.
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frecklyrobert · 7 years
Give me a sappy reunion scenario.
aaron: i love being best friends
robert: i no right. being bffs with u?? i’ve never had that b4
aaron: ur just such a good best friend i don’t know what to do with it
robert and aaron: 👀💓💓💓💓💓👀
aaron, the next day: FUC! i have a ‘’’’’boyfriend’’’’’’ LIV!! WHATS HIS NAME AGAIN? albert? archie? antonio? 
liv: alex
aaron: ALEX!!! best do something nice!!!! i’ll cook him something with my #chefskillz
*aaron sets himself on fire*
*robert turns on a tap*
aaron: omg my hero my saviour my bestie forever (◡-‿-◡-✿)
robert: i just did what any bffffff would do 
aaron: ur amazing 😍
*robert and aaron lean in for the smoochez*
aaron: nO i have bf!!!! i lov agamemnon!!
liv, in the distance: alex
aaron: ALEX!! 
robert: :(
aaron: :(
~the next day~
bob: wow it raining
aaron: OMFG bob i don’t caRE about ur failing marriage fuck off get me a muffin u dickhead *eyeroll*
*aaron looks outside, wow, rain, if only someone told him*
aaron: omg it’s like the notebook wait i’ve never seen that #topgear4lyfe
bob: aaron!! ur muffin
aaron: get fucked
aaron, in the rain: BEST FRIEND
robert, who just so happens to be there: hello best friend i’m just standing here staring into ur bedroom window u no like i #do
*aaron kisses him*
aaron: we’re still best friends
robert: best friends forever 
please hire me i love romance
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magnusburnsidess · 8 years
1 3 5 8 12 15 16 for Felix and Mateo !! (for the oc asks!)
Thank u so much for asking!!💕💕
For the record, Alex and Mateo are both 26 at the point that I’m talking abt them.
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Felix: tbh…Felix doesn’t actually have a last name bc I haven’t thought of one yet, but it’s probably gonna b smth p average. But his first name took me ages to think of bc I wanted it to sound good w his fiancé Kay’s name and Felix (after ages of searching for a name) came up at some point. The name “Felix” means lucky, and he’s a pretty lucky guy. I mean that’s not why I picked his name but I think the meaning conveniently works for his character.
Mateo: Mateo also doesn’t have a last name yet lol and honestly his first name is Mateo bc I rlly liked the name Mateo and I was like ‘I want a character w that name’ so the next time I made a character his name was Mateo. For the record tho his name means “gods gift”.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Felix: he didn’t really have a good childhood no, he ended up passing through a couple foster homes. A fond memory was when he met his bff Rebecca in 7th grade n they became best buds. A bad memory was being bullied through school bc he was small
Mateo: he did have a good childhood! He has a good relationship w his parents and siblings and he was well cared for. A lot of his memories are fond memories, particularly p much anything his family did together, he was a happy kid. A bad memory would b when he was around 8ish, his fam got into a car accident n he broke 3 ribs and his left arm. But they were all ok!
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Felix: no, he has no siblings. Not as far as he or I know anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mateo: He has three siblings, an older brother and twin younger sisters. I haven’t particularly fleshed out his family yet so none of them have names but I do kno that as kids he and his brother were kinda at odds and now that they don’t live in the same house, they get along great. He’s always kinda doted on his sisters and even to this day they can pretty much get him to do anything they want him to do.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Felix: around 8th grade when he started living with the family that adopted him, they got a dog named Buster and he was a huge dog, a mastiff or smth, and he made Felix look extra tiny. Buster still lives in his parents house but Felix and Kay aren’t allowed to have big dogs in their apartment. He wants to get a little dog bc he absolutely loves animals* but he hasn’t yet.(*he loves all animals except horses he rlly hates horses lol)
Mateo: his family has had different dogs and cats through the years, usually they had at least one of each. He and his boyfriend Alex now have a cocker spaniel named Cheddar (short for Cheddar Cheese but they just call her Cheddar) and they love her. He likes animals.
12. What is their favourite food?
Felix: He really likes light foods, like crackers and stuff.
Mateo: he loves cheese (hence his dogs name). Any kind of cheese is a good cheese in his eyes.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Felix: he’s not really particularly good at cooking and he doesn’t like it much. He can cook basic meals (noodles, rice, eggs, anything simple like that) but he isn’t good with fancy stuff. People like his food just fine.
Mateo: yes he can absolutely cook pretty well, and he enjoys it though it’s not his favorite thing to do. People love his cooking and Alex (his bf) will sing its praises until the day he dies.

16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Felix: ok to b honest I’ve never thought of this question in my life but just thinkin about him, idk if it counts but he collects jewelry. Like, he has a lot of jewelry for his piercings (he’s got a lot) and he keeps them super organized in a jewelry box his bff Rebecca got him for his 20th bday.
Mateo: he collects the cute little notes and things that Alex has given him over the years that they’ve known each other and Alex doesn’t know that he’s kept all of them. He keeps them in a box that he keeps under his bed and he likes to look at them when he’s having a bad day.
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