#thinking about doing a Leafs piece for him since they're his other team
merlyn-bane · 11 months
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look ma! no lines!
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totesnothere04 · 2 years
Unexpected Turn of Events Pt. 2
Tonowari x Fem!Reader
I do not own ANY of the fanart or screenshots used with my fics.
Pt.1 here. Pt.3 here.
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You ended up sitting in his family's marui so he could prepare food for everyone instead of just you. You get up to try and help him, but he shooes you back to where you were sat.
"Is there a reason behind you being nice enough to make me food?" You asked the intimidating man infront of you.
"Is this not a custom that humans have when they court a potential mate?" Tonowari asks and you feel the heat rush to your cheeks.
"M-mate? But I'm human." You say and he looks you up and down.
"Were human. You're Na'vi now, and a very beautiful one at that." Tonowari says.
"In any case, I haven't passed an iknimaya so I am not an adult in the people's eyes." You said and he smirked.
"I can train you." He said as he set down a leaf with a serving of food on it. At this point, his children ran into the marui and stopped in their tracks.
"Hey (Y/n)." Tsireya said as she grabbed herself a serving of food and sat down next to you. Ao'nung grabbed his food and sat across from you, and Tonowari sat down on your other side.
"So you're not human anymore." Ao'nung said.
"Really? I couldn't tell." You said and Tsireya laughed lightly while Tonowari held in his laugh.
"Ha ha. Are you planning on training now?" Ao'nung asked and Tonowari nearly jumped at the chance to answer his son.
"I will be teaching her. To hunt, to breathe, to ride an ilu, and eventually a tsurak." Tonowari answered his son.
"I better keep my med kit handy. I can't say I'll be a natural. I've been in the books since I was a kid." You said and they looked at you oddly. "Oh books? They're uh paper stacks that have information on the front and back of every page." They still didn't have the idea fully grasped but didn't say anything about it.
"We will start tomorrow to test your breath endurance." Tonowari said and you nodded.
"I mean I was on the swim team in high school and college. It's how I paid for my schooling." You said. "Uh competitive swimming is a sport on Earth."
"The only thing that sounds fun about your planet." Ao'nung joked and you laughed as well.
"It was sometimes, but there were some people that were too into it. They'd cut any and all hair off of the body so they could slice through the water faster." You told him and he looked even more confused. "Anyone here would've been able to outswim all of those people. I mean you're naturally evolved to be in the water. I mean this is a fin... You can't tell me otherwise." You say as you run your fingers over the fins on the side of your left arm. Tonowari snatches your hand and looks at it.
"I think... I think the Great Mother cleansed your body of all demon blood. Only three fingers and a thumb." Tonowari pointed out and you were surprised. You hadn't noticed that it was different from Jake's.
"I assumed that I would have four fingers like Jake." You said quietly then looked outside to notice it was approaching eclipse. "I should probably go home and rest it's close to eclipse." You say as you stand. "Can I help clean up?"
"No, you were a guest. Plus it's my turn to clean up after dinner." Ao'nung says.
"I will walk you home." Tonowari volunteers and the two of you set off in the direction of your home. "We will need to get you clothes that fit you." He says breaking the silence you look down at your body and realize how your clothes sit on you.
"I didn't even realize how much smaller my clothes are on me now. I'll start weaving a new outfit." You say and he nods.
"Until it is ready I know the weaving circle will most likely have extra pieces they've made. So long as we make an exchange with some extra material they'll be willing to part with them." Tonowari says and you stop outside of your marui.
"Thank you for dinner, and allowing me to care for Kiri." You say.
"That's the issue. Tsireya was not fully trained to be Tsahík before her mother passed away. You said Ronal implanted her wisdom into your mind. She did that so you could complete our daughter's training." Tonowari said. "I bid you goodnight."
"Goodnight Tonowari. I look forward to you teaching me." You say as you disappear into your pod and close the flaps loosely. You never fasten them in fear of being needed to tend to someone during the night. You lay down on your mat and fall asleep quickly.
The next day you were awake bright and early, ready for a day of training with Tonowari. You prepared yourself a quick breakfast, ate, then left your marui. You found a good place out in the open so it would be easy for Tonowari to see you when he was ready to start. You decided to start working on your breathing and slowing your heart rate. You had sat in the same spot only for about half an hour when footsteps approached you.
"I see you're ready to go." Tonowari said as he reached you.
"Yes. I didn't want to keep you waiting." You said as you opened your eyes and looked up at him.
"We will start with diving, move into riding an ilu, and finish with learning to hunt." Tonowari says and starts making his way over to the docks. You get up and follow behind him as you fiddle with the top the aunties gave you this morning. "Let me see how well you can dive." You take position and dive into the water head first and continue down. You swim a little further ahead and you're soon joined by Tonowari.
"You dive very good." Tonowari signs and you thank Eywa that Kiri has been teaching you their Na'vi sign language.
"Thank you." You sign back and he looks at you shocked.
"I'm surprised you know our sign language." Tonowari replies.
"Kiri has been teaching me." You sign to him and he nods once. He starts leading you through the reef showing you the designated hunting areas, and the best places to get clams. At the end of the tour of the reef, he leads you to the shallows to teach you to ride an ilu. He clicks his tongue to summon the creatures and he eventually has two that come up to him.
"In order to successfully hunt you must learn to ride an ilu. When the time comes I will teach you to ride a tsurak... Unless you want to start on a tsurak." Tonkwari teases and you feel the color drain from your face.
"No, no. I'm not Jake. I'm not going to get ahead of myself." You say and chuckle nervously. He smiles warmly at you and then guides one of your hands to the ilu. When your hand makes contact it chitters happily then grab your queue. You calm yourself from your nerves then make tsaheylu and you feel your heartbeat move in sync with her heartbeat. You mount her and Tonowari makes his way around you positioning you correctly.
"When riding an ilu position is important. They move through the water fast, and you need to have a good grip on the handle." Tonowari says and you nod. "You can tell them what to do through your connection." You get a good grip on the handle and will the ilu to move forward slowly. It does so and then starts picking up speed as you get accustomed to riding it. You make your way back to Tonowari and dismount your ilu.
"You learn fast. Now you learn to hunt. Come." Tonowari says then leads you to one of the designated hunting areas.
"Any advice?" You ask him.
"Anticipate their movements and aim for their forward movements. I will demonstrate." Tonowari says then leads you down and takes aim at a fish. He pulls the trigger on his weapon and it delivers a killing blow to the fish. He turns to you with a cocky smirk and you mimic a small clapping motion. He quirks a brow and motions for you to try, and your teasing facade falls a bit. You'd never hunted a single time in your life, so you knew you'd mess it up somehow. You readied your weapon and steeled your nerves then snuck up on some fish. You aimed at a fish and waited for the right moment then pressed the trigger. Your jaw dropped in surprise when it hit its target and you turned back to Tonowari still wearing your surprised expression. He smirks at you again and you gather your hunt while he gathers his and you both surface.
"I thought I was going to miss... I've never hunted before. Or fished." You said and he led you over to your ilu and showed for you to place your fish in the ilu's bag.
"Maybe you were meant for life with the Metkayina." Tonowari suggests and you look back over the horizon.
"That had to be beginners luck. I say I try again and see if I can do it again." You tell him and he looks impressed.
"If that's what you wish then we shall continue hunting." Tonowari says and reloads his weapon and you do the same. Continue hunting the two of you did. You just continued to get better and Tonowari was very impressed by your abilities. When you both decided that was enough for the day you realized you had way too many fish for just you.
"Hey Tonowari... I got carried away and definitely have way more fish than what I need." You said sheepishly and he couldn't help but agree.
"The weavers and elderly will most likely appreciate the fish." Tonowari says. "We should head back." The two of you mount your ilu's and race back to the village. When you get back it's slightly past midday and you follow Tonowari's lead. He teaches you to prepare the fish to be cooked and eaten and then takes you to the weavers.
"Olo'eyktan!" One of the women says happily as the two of you walk into the area.
"My student caught too many fish today and was wondering if anyone wanted to make a trade." Tonowari says and motions for you to show your extra catch. You do so and are met by silence for a moment, but two women jump up at the same time.
"This is perfect timing! My mate has fallen ill and I'm providing for our family. I'm Ra'ina." Ra'ina says as she starts showing you what she has to offer for trade.
"Your mate is ill? Why haven't you come to me? I can help." You say as you look at her in question.
"Oh, he didn't want to bother you with all the responsibilities you have now." She says sheepishly.
"Nonsense. My job is to heal people. That is why I am here. I will retrieve my medicines and go with you to your marui to help your mate." You said and she nodded.
"Thank you (Y/n)." Ra'ina said with a smile.
"I'm Sya." The other woman says and you can tell by looking at her, that she is still very young. "I don't know if you were there last month, but my father passed away. My mother is still mourning so I've been trying to provide for her and my younger siblings." She says and you frown. You must have come in right after his funeral because you don't remember attending his service.
"She was not here at that time Sya. I'm sorry for your loss." Tonowari is quick to jump to your aid. "I'm sure if you ask assistance from my hunters we would be glad to help where we can." He offers the young woman and she smiles in a thankful manner.
"Thank you Olo'eyktan." Sya says and you look at what both women are offering in exchange. Ra'ina was offering a top and Sya was offering a loincloth. You split your hunt between the two and they're both thankful for the fish. You smile at your new clothing as you leave the weavers with Tonowari.
"Alright I need to retrieve my items so I may work on healing Ra'inas mate." You tell Tonowari and he nods.
"Then it is good we finished lessons for today." Tonowari says as the two of you stop infront of your marui.
"This is my stop. Thank you for teaching me Tonowari." You say and he dips his head.
"You're welcome. It is my pleasure to teach the woman I plan to court." Tonowari says and you feel yourself blush. He lifts your hand to his lips and kisses the back of your hand. "I will see you tomorrow (Y/n)."
"Have a good evening Tonowari." You tell him and he turns and walks away. You can't help but allow your eyes to roam over his retreating form. Taller than you by atleast a foot, broad shoulders, tattoos, good with children... You felt yourself mentally swoon at the God of a man named Tonowari. You turn and make your way into your marui and gather your supplies and then make your way back to the weavers. The entire evening your mind couldn't expel the thought of what Tonowari's plans are. He wants to court you, and you aren't planning on objecting or rejecting.
The next day you sat in your marui with Neytiri, Tsireya, Kiri, and Ra'ina. You were all kind of just joking, gossiping, and having a pleasant conversation as you all worked on individual projects. Neytiri was working on a gift for Jake, Tsireya was making a bracelet for Lo'ak, Kiri was mending some of her siblings' things, and you and Ra'ina were working on a new mat for her and her husband. A knock sounded on your door and you looked up to find Jake smirking at Tonowari.
"I told you they were all in here." Jake says with his voice full of humor. Tonowari rolled his eyes in amusement.
"Are you looking for something?" You asked them.
"Well..." Jake starts bashfully and you know someone is hurt. You send an apologetic look to the ladies.
"I shall return as soon as I can. I must attend to Jake's mess as per usual." You joke with them and they all chuckle, including Neytiri.
"Neytiri! My beautiful mate... You wound me by not standing up for my honor." Jake says dramatically and you smack the side of his head.
"Take me to the wounded." You demand.
"Do you see this Olo'eyktan? She abuses me." Jake says with a pout and Tonowari looks away from the two of you.
"See what? I didn't see anything." He says and Jake sighs in defeat and then starts to lead the way.
"What happened? Who's hurt?" You ask Jake.
"Don't tell Neytiri." Jake says and you look at him quizzically. "Tonowari and I took the boys out to hunt so they could hopefully bond, but Lo'ak accidentally grazed Neteyam with a bolt from his crossbow." Jake explained and you sighed while massaging your brow.
"You realize she will find out sooner or later. I cannot heal an injury into non-existence before she returns home." You tell him and he nods.
"I know." Jake says.
"Besides they are children they will learn at their own pace. Whether it be, get out of the way of a lined-up shot, or don't shoot your sibling... Either way, it is a lesson learned." You tell him. When you walk into their marui Neteyam looks annoyed as does Ao'nung, and Lo'ak is panicking. Neteyam looks up to see you and holds out his arm and you kneel next to him.
"So what happened exactly?" You asked him.
"Lo'ak was talking to Ao'nung about something and wasn't paying attention to his hands. He pulled the trigger of the crossbow and it grazed my arm." Neteyam explained and you looked to Lo'ak.
"Kid... You gotta learn proper weapon etiquette. Your finger rests idle near the trigger when it's not in use." You tell him and he nods.
"I know. I just got really into the conversation." Lo'ak said and you sighed.
"I'm just glad that it isn't something severe." You said as you started to apply the few stitches needed for Neteyams wound. Once you finished and wrapped it in seaweed bandages you pulled Lo'ak and Neteyam into a hug. "I am just happy that both of you are alright. My beautiful nephews." You say with a joking tone and Lo'ak groans while Neteyam smiles at the praise. You turned to look at Ao'nung who was laughing at the interaction. "Don't make me pull you into this group hug kid."
"My dad wouldn't allow it." Ao'nung says when he realizes you started to turn toward him. You look to Tonowari who smirks at you.
"It would allow you to bond with ma (Y/n), Ao'nung." Tonowari told his oldest who did a double take at what his father just said.
"Did you just call her 'ma (Y/n)'?" Ao'nung asked his father.
"Yes. What else do you call the person you plan to court?" Tonowari says and Ao'nung looks at you shocked.
"You could call her yawne or yawntu." Jake suggested, and your cheeks start to burn with embarrassment and your ears fold back.
"I do not think you will have any problems with courting her father. Look at her reaction." Ao'nung started to join in on poking fun at you. You finished cleaning your hands and hid your face in your hands.
"I am retreating to my marui." You stated and stood up to leave. "Neteyam be careful with that arm. You could pop the stitches if you do any strenuous activity." You tell him and he nods.
"I am very aware Auntie. It's not my first time getting stitched up." Neteyam says and you nod then leave.
"Have fun doing whatever men do in their freetime." You call over your shoulder. You hear them laugh as you leave and a small smile makes its way onto your face.
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commajade · 3 years
Do you have any established TaeMeta about how he chooses specific ensembles during comebacks to represent the atmosphere of his concepts bc it's something I think about a lot, but have no time to expound upon.
And I also really value your insight into Taemin as both artist and individual. A lot of your TaeMeta gave answers to thoughts I've had about his artistry since shinee's debut, and it's written in an effective, knowledgeable manner
Many thanks in advance!
thank you!!
by ensembles you mean clothes right? u gotta be more specific anon ask me about specific outfits or eras!!
he has such a long established team that even tho it's not him picking the individual pieces the looks are always 100% taemin and representative of his view of himself and his career and the world he navigates at the time he was making that album. i feel like for every comeback when he's first putting together the concept he has like vague ideas (masks, cut outs, asymmetry, gloves, etc) for what he wants and it's his like entire artistic presence that's so strong that his team knows exactly which brands to go for which cuts look good on him and how they'll tie his concept together. i could write essays on the outfits for the idea mv alone and in fact have just very incoherently in my texts to yaejin lol. i've been thinking about it a lot how the figure of taemin as an artist (same with shinee as artists) is it's own entity that generates so much on its own creativity and momentum simply because it's an iconic fixture of korean culture that the staff knows they're playing an important part in. there's something about true performers that inspire their whole team (hundreds of staff) to do their best to complete the picture of the next stage of their career and the way it shapes taemin is absolutely incredible. also a testament to the communal culture of the korean entertainment industry as opposed to the western one where i feel there's so much emphasis on the celebrity as an individual that does everything on their own without even trying and erases the labor and creative work of their staff a lot of the time.
the kinds of themes that his clothes address are very tied to perception and that shows in how much skin he's covering and how and for what affect. like when he shows a single elbow in want it's to be sexy and teasing and when he covers his face it's to make u question his identity and for the advice teasers the beige sheer shirt is about having turned over a new leaf after the ngda saga and being natural and open but still protected the amount that he wants to be.
other ways clothes relate to his concepts are like patterns shapes and silhouettes especially wrt gender and how it contrasts or goes with his choreo.
like for advice it's looking like a boxier masculine broad shouldered look which he's never rly gone for before and it's SUPER INTERESTING with the long hair cuz it's the reverse of his usual mode of androgyny which is short hair but slender body line. of course for MOVE it was his signature arms as accessory look with a broader silhouette vs his most feminine dance.
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(Universe by @linkeduniverse)
(Based on this ask by anon)
Summary: People say that only good, well-behaved children can see the good-hearted Picori. They hide around the house and come out at night to fix small holes in your clothes or help your flowers grow just a smidge taller at night.
So keep your eyes and ears wide open and you might just spot one of the kindest creatures in Hyrule.
Given you yourself are just as kind.
“I don't quite know if all of you can go through the gateway, but we won't know until we try. Here, give me your hand, Hyrule.” An outstretched hand reaches for Hyrule and pulls him upwards onto the small tree stump. He looks down at his feet and stares at the small marks carved into the wood. Well, “mark” is an exaggeration. It's just a small X really.
“I don't like this. Why do we even have to go to these… what did you call them? Midgets?”, Legend interjects, looking at the stump with a frown. He would like his body to stay exactly the same as it is now, thanks, no shrinking needed.
Four chuckles. “Of course, you would manage to insult their size and appearance in one word, Legend. Even without meaning to. Don't let them hear you call them that. They may be small, but they've still got their pride.
To answer your question… there’s no reason, really. I just thought since we're in my Hyrule, I could show you around a bit.” Four grins at them, then taps his left foot twice on the stump. “Brace yourself, Hyrule, this may be a bit unpleasant,” he smiles, giving his companion a heads-up.
Immediately, a rippling sensation races through their bodies before Hyrule has the chance to prepare himself. His hands are starting to feel weird, first and foremost. He brings up his left hand and sees it shaking and trembling vigorously. It’s getting hard to breathe and he’s starting to feel lightheaded. It's as though someone is pressing down on him from all sides but below. His chest feels too small for all the air he wants to take in right now. The air around him seems to drop drastically in temperature or is that him? All he knows is that his cheeks feel warm while his arms have goosebumps.
His eyes dart around until they latch onto Four next to him. He looks completely fine. Hyrule, on the other hand, feels anything but fine.
Everything feels wrong, imbalanced, the only constant being Four’s cold hand in his right. Hyrule is sure that his knees are about to give in on him. He loses his grip on Four’s hand and can do nothing but let go completely. He promptly loses his balance as well and stumbles to his left until he is stopped by a wall that wasn't there before. A shallow kind of pain pulsates through his head and he just slowly lowers himself to the ground, head and back resting against the wall. His body is aching. He feels tired. So he closes his eyes for just a few seconds. Just a few seconds…
“That was horrible, Four! I know you want to show us your Hyrule, but why did you have to start with this?! That's one bad first impression, alright.” Wind’s exasperated voice travels over to where Hyrule is propped up against the wall and wakes the sleeping hero.
“Ah, sorry, I forgot how incredibly bad shrinking for the first time feels, I’ve been doing it for so long. But you're going to love them, just you wait. I promise it's going to be great!” Four’s usually calm and quiet voice has an excited bounce to it that any of them rarely get to hear.
“Them? Who are them?” Hyrule says, coming up from behind them with slow careful steps. His head still feels a bit heavy. He looks to his left and sees a giant mushroom five times his size. It is massive! He looks over to Four with a disbelieving but also fascinated expression.
His gaze then travels over to his right and sees Wild laying on the ground, his cloak thrown across him like a blanket. “Why…”, he trails off, pointing at Wild with confusion.
“Oh, let me explain,” Four says, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. “I kind of expected it, but only a few of you were able to pass through the gate.”
Hyrule then notices that besides Four, Wild and himself, only Wind is there with them. Wind and a very grumpy looking Legend.
“I guess most in our group are already considered ‘adults’. Time and Twilight already felt nauseous when they stepped onto the tree stump. Sky and Warrior first felt fine, but then jumped down from the stump as if it had burned their feet.” He looks up towards the crack in the wood above them. They're inside the stump!
“You and Legend were able to pass through alright-”
“If you can even call ‘alright’. My breakfast in the corner tells a different story.” Legend grimaces at said corner.
“Sorry.” An apologetic smile. “Wild’s transformation on the other hand, was quite strange, I would say. He could access the gate just fine, even the process of the shrinking barely affected him which is even stranger, given how badly you two reacted.” He walks over to where Wild is resting and recovering. He watches him with a thoughtful expression. “He was fine, but when he took a step forward, he just suddenly collapsed.” Worried looks are exchanged.
“I think, it's related to how he slept for a hundred years. Technically, he's 119,” Four continues. “But his memories were simultaneously wiped clean as well, so maybe…”
“It doesn't really matter, anyway,” Legend grumbles, annoyed by all this speculative crap. “I'm sure he's fine. He looks alright to me. Let's just wake him up and finally get going.”
“Do all the others know where we're going?”, Wild asks, looking up at the grass blades around him that are at least three times his height. Legend was right, he was totally fine then. Just a bit shaken up from the sensation of passing through the gateway. It reminded him too much of…
“Yeah, they know. After we found out that only us four could pass through, I told them to go north until they see a tree with blue berries. Well, they really only have to look to their right. It's basically right next to the portal. You all probably noticed,” Four chirps, seemingly in a fantastic mood which jumps over to Wind and Wild who are starting to get just as excited. If a mushroom is already impressively big, then how massive must that tree look from their perspective down below.
“Can you see them?”
“Yeah, down there! Oh Hylia, they're so small and adorable!”
“Calm down, Sky. Let's just keep an eye on them. With Hyrule and Cub on the team something is guaranteed to go wrong.”
“Have a bit more faith in them, will you?”
“Welcome to the village of the Picori,” Four says with a happy grin on his face.
“Wow!!”, Wild and Hyrule cry out at the same time. They look up at the tree canopy impossibly far above them, adorned with bright blue berries that make Wild’s mouth water. Their eyes travel down the tree stump until they stop at a forest of four leaf clovers towering over them and giving the small houses beneath them shelter. Small stones on the ground on either side mark a path to the village.
Hyrule jumps with an excited clap and makes his way to the small cottages. Wild follows closely after, while Legend takes long strides to the small village as well.
Most of the houses are built on small raised platforms, probably to keep them from being washed away, should it rain anytime in the future. The somewhat rounded roofs of those houses that were made out of wood were painted in subtle yellows and blues, paint made from flowers and those blue berries if they had to guess. The door frames were decorated with all kinds of dried flowers, leaves and empty nut shells.
Others are actual pots that were somehow cut down in the middle and flipped closed side up, finished with a small wooden door attached to its open end. The remaining ones look like small clusters of mushroom. Blue, red, yellow. They are small. They look like fly agarics. They are perfect.
“Come on, I want to introduce you to some of the Picori,” Four interrupts, waving them over to one of the blue pots. He gently knocks on the door. “Addison?”
They can hear small feet approaching the door before it is swung open to reveal a small mouse-like creature with pointy ears, dark brown hair and a red pointed hat. Their clothes are made out of leaves and a feather with a red end peeks out from underneath them.
“Oh, travellers, welcome,” the small Picori says, nodding their head. As they scan over the small group of people before their door, their eyes fall on a certain long-haired hero.
“Link, it's wonderful to see you!” They grab Four’s arm and gently pull him inside their home, gesturing for Wild, Legend and Wind to follow as well. “It's been such a long time. Who are they, by the way? Are they your friends? They kind of look like you, are they your older and younger brothers? It's been such a long time since you've last visited us. I already said that, but I'm just so excited to see you again!
Last time you were here, you took me on quite the journey. I hope that fairy we finally found could help you on your travels back then. Anyway, are they your brothers or no?”, the Picori stops their rambling to turn their head slightly to the right, giving Four time to answer their questions.
“No, they're… well, it's hard to explain-”
“We’re incarnations of each other,” Legend bluntly states, watching Addison’s reaction.
“Huh, neat,” they respond, going through their cabinets in search of something to eat. “Anyway, it's nice to meat you, my name is Addison. I’m sure you must be hungry. If not, then I'm sure you're at least up for a snack. Ah, there we go.” They pull out a golden piece of roasted chestnut and a few small cups and plates. They set them all down on the table further back in the room and wave the group over once again.
At first, all the Links except Four stand there with a dumbfounded expression, surprised by their response. “Why aren't you-”
“Oh come on, we Picori folk have witnessed quite some strange and spectacular things. Incarnations are the least surprising out of all the things we've seen,” Addison explains, stirring something inside the jug they're holding.
“Alright then,” Wild says, sitting down at the desk. The others follow. The Picori walks over to their guests and fills their cups.
“What is it?”, Wind asks, watching with a curious gaze as his cup is being filled with some kind of dark blue-ish liquid.
“Chestnut and bloo berry lemonade.”
“No, bloo berry. The things that grow on the tree above us. It's quite scary when they drop down in the summer, but they're really delicious. Try it.”
“Thank you, Addison,” Four smiles, taking a piece of the chestnut and a sip from the lemonade. It really does taste delicious, but he already knew that.
“So, what brings you here, Four and friends of Four?”, Addison asks, big happy curious eyes watching them. Their pointed ears twitch in excitement.
“Wait, how do you know my current name I never-”
Addison shoots him a cheeky grin. Four rolls his eyes in amusement and continues.
“Oh, it's nothing, really. We changed, uh,” Four hesitates, “ we changed world's again and landed in mine and I thought it would be fun to introduce you since you probably already know most of them.” A grin.
“Ah, sure. You there with the red cap,” the Picori looks at Legend. “Show me your left boot.”
With much confusion and a bit of annoyance mixed in Legend takes off his boot and lets the Minish take a look.
“Hm? Oh, I know you. Legend, right? You were in Lorule, solving treasure hunter rooms, and ripped your boot while trying to do that pyramid puzzle,” Addison plays with their feather, thinking, “multiple times, I think. You couldn't do it, tore your left boot and threw it against the wal-”
“We got it. That's really creepy, Addison, why do you know that?”, Legend says, giving them a weirded out look.
“Because I was the one who fixed your boot.”
“Oh… thank you.” Legend looks down at his left boot that looks exactly like his right. No tear, no seams.
Addison turns around and looks at Hyrule. “I know you as well. You accidentally sliced the straps of your bag off in a fight, it was fun to sew that back together, Hyrule, thank you.” Their eyes swivel over to Wild. “The only thing I have to say to you is… please take more care of your clothes. The amount of tears and holes we have to fix each night is atrocious.”
“Sorry.” Wild tucks at his cloak, then at his tunic to check for said holes, slightly embarrassed that he made them do so much work.
After a short pause where everyone just enjoys the drinks and the food, the small Picori stands up and smiles at them. They opens the door of their home. “Done with your snack? Then let's go exploring.”
It's late but I really wanted to post something, so I'm just gonna make it into two parts. Wouldn't have fit into one post anyway since tumblr mobile is stupid.
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