#thinking about it she crosses her legs exactly like es does in the beginning of undercover
glasyasbutch · 4 years
Stella: 13 Roona: 22 Gent: 30
prose boys part one! prose boys part one! under a readmore bc its almost 2k words! thanks for sending them in rebekah i did full scenes for each prompt bc im a whore. bolded are the actual “things they said”.
Stella: Things you said that were important to you (set about six months after her clan’s home in the wood is razed to the ground, and she’s just found herself fully indoctrinated to the nearby city’s criminal ring as an assassin)
Her hands are small, even relative to the rest of her, which as a gnome, is much tinier than most people walking these streets. It's usually an advantage. Makes it all the more simple to just slide her hand into someone's pocket while they were preoccupied at the food cart. Snag a coin while they ordered, snag a hunk of bread while they paid.
She isn't proud of it. She doesn't like having to penny pinch other people's pennies to get by between jobs. But she likes starving to death less, so she swallows her damn pride and got down to it.
The problem is that the figure she’s trying to rob is also a gnome, which means her hands are not nearly as relatively small as she’s used to them being, and she manages to get her thumb caught on the edge of his pocket as she pulls away. His hand is around her wrist before she has a chance to react, grip terrifyingly tight.
"Pardon me, but I don't believe anything in my pockets belongs to - Ester?"
The fake tears she's been trying to push out begin to well up for real, turning her into a breathless, glassy-eyed mess, and she looks into a face she thought she'd never be seeing again. "Gray?"
Gray drops his grip on her wrist, only to clasp her hand between his protectively. "Ester, what are you doing out here doing this?"
She finds her knees start to buckle, and she pushes her weight into Gray's hands a bit to stay standing. "The fire, Gray, I barely made it out, I just ran in the first direction I saw. I ended up here, and when I looked back it was nothing but smoke. I only had my bow with me and I - I thought I was the only one who made it out. I didn't know what to do. I'm just trying to survive in a world I wasn't raised to live in."
Gray's eyebrows furrow, his expression sinks. He reaches his other hand out to grip the side of her face. "There's at least three of us who made it out. I left with Reddy, but he took off from this town a few weeks ago. I was starting to get lonely, but ... then I find you." He smiles, in the crooked sort of way that happens when loss starts to slip through the cracks of joy. "You can do better than this, Es. We're still clan. My house is still your house. Come back with me, at the very least 'til you get on your feet."
"Gray, no, really, I couldn't," she starts, but gets cut off as he begins to tut and takes his hand from her cheek to grip her other hand.
He pushes back her sleeve with his fingers, unintentionally, ever so slightly. He isn't even looking, but it's still enough to make her gasp and stiffen. That, he does notice, and gods damn it, he glances down.
Their clan is from the woods. They don't know a lot of city culture, but the symbol tattooed on her wrist, still slightly red from its freshness, is one of the things they have to recognize. Its something they know damn well to avoid, because these men who take shelter in the woods some nights, with these symbols emblazoned on their wrists and sword scabbards and coin pouches, setting off their hunting traps for fun and leaving their empty booze bottles behind when they go and not putting their fires out properly, are the kind of men who know no rule or law or code, and show no mercy when they feel they've been crossed.
"Ester," he says, voice darkening. "You can do better than this."
She tears her wrist away, tugging her sleeve back down. "My business is my own, Gray."
"As is my home, if you've chosen to turn your back on everything we lived for so quickly."
"I was hungry. I was going to die out here. I don't have many marketable skills, but they saw something worth a paycheck in me."
Gray says nothing, but drops her hands from his with a sharpness that can only indicate disgust.
"You can do better than this," he repeats. Then, for a brief moment, his gaze softens. "I hope you do."
She makes no move to stop him as he turns to go, walking with as big a stride as his gnomish legs can let him, vanishing into the crowded streets. She rubs at her wrist, letting the sting of pressing on the fresh tattoo distract her from the sinking feeling in her gut as one of the last survivors of her clan willingly turns his back on her. She had always figured she had no one left, but now she’s looking right at him and she knows it.
"I'm gonna," she whispers at the space where he has been standing, making up her mind to get back what scraps of her family she still has left. "I'm gonna get out of there, eventually. Swear on the trees."
Roona: Things you said after making a bad decision.
"Vinny Vinny Vinny Vinny Vinny!" Roona pants, running so fast she nearly trips over her feet, "Pouch pouch pouch pouch please please please!"
They tug at the loose piece of leather fixed around their traveling companion's waist, barely waiting for acknowledgement of their presence before scrambling up the leg into the pouch and pulling the flaps closed, trying to look as much like a lute as possible.
Now, most lutes arent quite so lumpy, because they don't have knees to tuck in, and they don't swell and sink because they don't have lungs that are heaving from the mad dash they've just undertaken. But, however much like a lute she doesn't look, Roona supposes the ruse has worked, because no one sticks a sword straight into the flaps and the shrill complaining voice eventually huffs its way out of earshot.
"Is the purple dress lady gone?" she whispers, pulling one very small peep hole open in the mouth of the pouch.
"Yeah," Vinny sighs, still debating whether or not she wants to know what happened this time.
"Okay, good." Roona's head fully emerges from the pouch now, braids more mussed than usual and face still flushed reddish from exertion. They flash a forced smile up at Vinny. "So, don't get mad but. Um."
It seems, whether or not Vinny wants to know, Roona's gonna be telling her anyway.
"You know that really fancy dress shop down the road? I was over there window shopping, you know, like you do. And, well, I went inside, cause they had this really nice yellow thing and this other dress with lilac trim, and I wanted to know how they'd look together? Um?"
Vinny's lips press together, knowing exactly where this story's going.
"So I, uh, I grabbed a pair of shears, and I took a little bit of the trim off the back of the skirt? I mean, it's the back right, no one's gonna see, and it's not like they ever sell the mannequin models anyways, but. For SOME reason, the dress lady didn't like that."
"Roona. C'mon."
She sighs, brushing a few loose hairs out of her face. "No, no. I know. I ... I know. Like, actually. Sometimes people are just stuck up dickheads about their stuff, but like, this one I get. I'll go apologize in the morning, probably. Once she's had the chance to forget where she's left the fabric shears again."
They begin to pull themself out of the pouch, but stop with one leg dangling out over the lip. "On a totally unrelated note. Can I pitch you on a mix and match dress shop?"
Gent: Things you said when you should've been quiet
"Gods," he huffs, flipping over what he's pretty sure is the third page of sigils for what he's significantly less sure is the fifth time. "You really think an archmage with a lifespan like his and absolutely no friends to hang out with would be able to find the time to write a damn key for his notes. Wenceforth! C'mere. Do you know what the fuck these double lines are supposed to be mean?"
The goblin starts at the mention of his name, trotting over on creaky joints from the post he'd be standing by the door. He slips on a pair of glasses, and peers over the piece of paper being held out for him. He spends a good minute tracing a finger across the ink, grumbling and mumbling to himself before turning to face Gent and announcing, very definitely, "No!"
Gent groans and slumps even further in the chair than he has been.
"You've known him forever, Wenceforth, has he always been this illiterate? I mean, god, for all the griping he does at me about penmanship making the difference between a Dancing Light and a Flaming Sphere, you'd think he'd care literally at all about how his own fucking notes look."
"Well, Master Errenis is quite a learned mage, you know, he's really quite skilled, but uh. Between you and me. He's always been a bit more meticulous with his notes since. Well."
Gent immediately shoots up, leaning over the arm of his chair to stare down Wenceforth. "Since what, Wence? You can't just leave me hanging here, man."
"Oh, you know, I don't really want to embarrass him or anything," he mumbles, anxious grin twitching onto his face.
"Oh come on! Please? I'll pay you the rest of my weeks stipend, Wence, I need to know what could've possibly embarrassed Yussah bad enough to change his wizardly ways."
"Oh, all right," he chuckles, leaning in, "but you didn't hear it from me. One time, good few years back, Master Yussah was studyin' this little ball thing, and got himself stuck inside. Had to call in a bunch of his wizard friends to get him back out. And they, ah, barely made it too, I heard, 'cause his map notes were just ... unintelligible."
"You're kidding, Wence? He got stuck. In a ball."
"Sure did, sure did! Had to call that pretty Taldorei lady myself to fix it all up."
"You had to get Arcanist Vysoren to get Yussah out of a ball?" Gent reaches for the goblins shoulders and gives them a good hard squeeze. "Thank you so much for telling me, Wence. You are truly the only man I have ever cared about in my life."
"Come now, surely he's not the only one." someone drawls from the doorway behind Gent.
Gent spins around in the chair, placating grin half way through stretching across his face. "Master Errenis, hello, how are you doing, did you need a hand with something, hope I haven't kept you waiting?"
Yussah gives a wry laugh. "I've been waiting in this doorway long enough, Ms. Avoris. Gossiping about my handwriting won't get those wards copied any faster."
Gent presses his lips together, turning (relatively) apologetically back to his work. Yussah motions for Wenceforth to follow him out of the room, starting to describe some spell components he needed dug out of storage. He stops in the doorway, just to be sure Gent is still in earshot.
"I have got to get that kid to see some other wizards. Let him study with someone really old and crazy, like Waccoh. Then see how he feels about my damn notes."
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pingou7 · 7 years
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A car, two cops and a stardust — a RebelCaptain road trip fic
by @pingou7 pingou  for @thestarbirdfromtheashes Starbird
(aka the Road trip fic Diego Luna’s filmography made me write)
Read and enjoy, and please consider leaving me a few words.
As the dusty roads criss under Kes Dameron’s old car, Cassian Andor lets the wind mess with his hair through the open window. Dust, sunshine, laughter, its easy to recapture the taste of days long gone.
At a gas station near Corpus Chirsti, when they climb back after taking a piss, both jump out of their skins as a random brunette, eyes thunderous, hisses dangerously from the backseat:
“Just pretend I’m not here.”
Update: Part 5 is (finally) up!
(I dedicate this one to @sleepykalena because she likes this fic so much it makes me happy. This update is for you especially Char, hope it delivers...)
Read more on AO3 (or under the cut)
Part 5 — From Tijuana to Caborca, Sonora, Mexico Day 3
There’s a sense of homecoming as Cassian stares out the window, dust flying around, rocky mountains... more colorful houses, more colorful life. But of course the quiet in the car was starting to creep Kes out and he switched on the radio. He too seems happy to drive back to mother land, as a man’s soulful voice carries out from the speakers.
Only on air it’s actually Propuesta Indecente — one of the Damerons favorite bachata songs — and soon Kes is wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at him. Andor struggles not to burst out of laughter and he hopes Jyn doesn’t have so much grip on Spanish as to translate what these lyrics mean:
¿Qué dirías si esta noche
Te seduzco en mi coche?
Que se empañen los vidrios
Y la regla es que goces
Well, to be honest, the idea of seducing Jyn in the car tonight until glasses get fogged wouldn’t be so far fetched — nor unwelcome — but Kes is here. So as evocative as the song might be, the sudden fantasy of a flushed Jyn lying on the hood of his brother’s old mustang is nothing but a pretty image.
He squirms in the seat, dry throated and changes the song. His brother sniggers, but as Quiero qué me quieras starts — again — he is lost in the song and forgets to tease him. Jyn is on the back seat, rummaging through the bag Gina lent her but at Kes’ demand, she reaches behind her, stretching, to retrieve his old white cowboy hat.
Cassian avoids to look at her to put the thing on top of the driver’s head, however, the sight is slightly ridiculous — he exchanged this for a baseball cap as a teen — and like the car, Dameron kept it out of sentimentality, despite having outgrown both.
He wants to broach the subject of Jyn, but he doesn’t know how. As usual, thanks to his sunny brother there’s a relative impression of carefreeness, but while she seems to be drinking the sights, the fugitive is far from sharing any kind goofing:
Her back is upright, her shoulders squared against her seat and she looks ready to bolt, more so than she did crossing the border. He realizes he didn’t hear the sound of her voice since then and it sits ill with him: the cop in Andor wants to interrogate her and the man just wants to reach out.
They stop in Tijuana to refuel and of course, Cassian insists on putting on his matching tourist cap. He’s not really Captain Andor here, just Cass — and if Kes-adillas gets to wear his old cowboy hat, then he doesn’t get to comment on it. Jyn rolls her eyes at their antics, but agrees to get a larger head cloth than the one she has. It covers her hair, twisting safely around her neck... it looks a bit exotic to be honest, oriental almost, but she puts it on with a long acquired ease that makes him wonder.
Everything she does and doesn’t say makes him wonder, and he doesn’t like it.
Eventually, as the urgency of their reaching San Diego no longer exists — God willing — Kes decides to stretch his legs, calling his wife for a bit. Neither Cassian nor Jyn leave the car though, as he ponders on the old fashioned map that marks their spots, like a way of the cross. After all, the original plan was their yearly pilgrimage to Bernal and the brunette behind him doesn’t alter that. In any way whatsoever. Of course not.
“So, Jyn, have you ever been to Mexico?”
“No, I’ve been to Columbia for a few months, but that’s all.”
“Vacation? Work? Schooling?”
“Nope, none of that, through it was really... formative.”
Her cryptic and elusive answers are driving him madder each time. If it wasn’t leisure nor work or school, what could have been her reason for going to South America? He senses she’s not lying, but as usual she’s the opposite of forthcoming. He thinks she’s voluntarily leaving clues for him, but these pieces only serve to confuse him more.
Kes slides in again, but he’s frowning, and the car is oddly silent. Cassian keeps his mouth shut, knowing he’d better wait for Kay’s information to provide a starting point on his probing. Meanwhile, his brother asks about their next stop — Caborca, in Sonora, still around six hours of driving — in a sullen voice that intrigues Jyn.
“I thought you wanted to ease up on the gas pedal?”
“I thought you were on the run,” Kes retorts moodily.
“Not at present,” she answers nonplussed,”which was the point. I mean, don’t speed up on my account.”
Kes sighs and slides out again, ignoring their surprise. Cassian goes after him, and they settle for a chat by the road. His brother is fishing for something in his pockets, if they were younger it might have been a pack and a lighter, but both had quit years before. Whatever it is, he can’t find it however, and lets out a curse.
“Care to tell me what’s wrong, cabrón?”
“Should I make a list? Gina, the wayward cat, the crappy car. My son misses me.”
“Hey, it was all the same an hour ago, only you were not an ass then.”
“We’re not all as good as you for compartmentalizing, Captain Andor. We should have flown there.”
“To Bernal?”
“Yep. Time’s short, life’s short. The sooner we are in Bernal, the sooner we can go back to our lives. I didn’t want to leave Tia.”  
Okay, so this is Kes freaking out, that Cassian can deal with. He won’t tease him or offer him platitudes, but he’d thought a phone call to Shara would have served as damage control. Clearly he’d underestimated Kes’ helplessness. He pats his shoulder, as he states:
“We knew she wasn’t great, cursí. Gina’s old.”
“Shut up rudo, old or not, it’s not okay. We’re talking about family here. Rules don’t apply.”
It’s Cassian’s turn to sigh this time, noting his brother’s petulant tone is exactly the same as little Poe’s. For all his nephew took after Shara, whining seems to be a Dameron trait.
“They do, even, perhaps especially when we don’t wish them to. She was happy to see us though, it counts for something right? And, you know, we’re gonna see her in a few days.”
“Remind me why we thought this long ass road trip was a good idea?”
“No money to spare on plane tickets.”
“Come on, this trip isn’t cheap.”
“But we wouldn’t have Jyn with us.”
“You’re clingy for a guy that picked a stray three days ago. What makes you think she won’t ditch us, now that she’d crossed the border? She may have left the car already for all we know, or better, stole it altogether.”
“Don’t be a dick. Let’s go back now, if you’re so worried she’s gonna disappear.”
“I’m not a worrier, you are.”
“Then start acting like it!”
When they get back to the car, Jyn isn’t in the back seat and for a heartbeat or two, both cops are stunned, speechless. Cassian feels his blood rushing out of his cheeks for the first time in more than a decade — he is usually level headed, a good element — and it takes the horn honking to snap him out of it.
Jyn, mysterious runaway that she is, has passed behind the wheel. He sees it, yet his brain takes a whole second to process the information. Kes opens the door on the driver’ side, puzzlement written all over his face.
“What are you doing?”
“I thought you were tired of the rotation by now, so... I looked at the map. I can do my share, if that’s okay.”
She’s impassive, but her voice hints at a slight uncertainty and she avoids their eyes, fixing the road in front of her like she could start the car by sheer force of will. Cassian exhales loudly — out of relief or resignation, perhaps — and chooses to regain his place next to her, strapping himself in. Once he��s done, he gestures to Dameron to get in the car too, which he does after some stalling, and says to Jyn:
“I’m surprised by the fact that you waited for us. You could have fled.”
“With this piece of junk? Not likely. Plus, ditching cops with their own car wouldn’t help my case.”
“It sure wouldn’t,” Cassian agrees while he watches her starting the car and resuming their travel.
“You’re doing okay with this side of the road?”
“What, why,” she asks dubiously, eyes narrowing.
“You’re Brit, right? Didn’t you drive the other way around?”
“Relax, officer Kes-adillas, I’ll do fine, besides, when I first started to drive, there wasn’t any road to begin with.“
“No exactly reassuring,” he mumbles, but since he doesn’t ask for the keys, Jyn smiles.
“You’ll have your baby back as soon as we reach the next city, if you want.”
But they let her drive for three hours before they stop for the night. She looks heartened by their compliance, expecting the cops to reclaim the wheel anytime, yet Kes concentrates on chilling out and Cassian prefers to focus on his emails — okay, he might steal a glance at her profile from time to time, so what if he does? He’s just checking she’s not getting tired or stressed by the road, and she does cut a fine figure in the bright tones left by dusk.
The hotel staff they’re staying at were able to point the trio a serviceable phone, so Jyn made her mandatory call to wherever her brother lives in the States. Cassian has more luck though, and thanks to her passport, Kay managed to send him intel right on his phone, that he reads up greedily, with Kes frowning at his shoulder.
When she gets back with a taco, she picks up instantly the rise of tension in the room. For a whole minute nobody talks and Jyn finishes her food with both men staring at her.
“So, guys, what’s the plan tomorrow? I’d thought you’d have lots to chat about, why the long faces?”
“Anything we have to say, you don’t want to hear.”
“What’s wrong?”
“You tell us, Jyn, or is it Liana? You sure spent a few months in jail under that name, so do you prefer we use Kestrel?”
“Wait, how do you... you snooped around my stuff,” she asks furiously, pointing a accusative finger at Cassian.
She looks comically affronted for a common thief, but now isn’t the time to point it out, though the corner of Kes' lips is lifting.
“I did, and if you think it was wrong of me, then you should have been more open, so I didn’t have to.”
“Sorry I’m not the kind of girl who unloads a lifetime of anecdotes on car rides. Chirrut told me I could trust you on the phone, so I did, but it’s just… I wasn’t sure I could trust you and you already proved us wrong.”
The name doesn’t ring a bell at all, and the cops frown in sync, crossing their arms — it’s their classic bad cops pose, Shara usually mocks — but nobody here feels like joking. Yet another thing Jyn hides from them.
“Does he know us, then, this Chirrut?” Kes asks.
“No, I don’t think so, but he doesn’t need to, okay? I can’t explain it but he knows stuff. If he says you’re trustworthy then you are.”
“You’re nuts, and even so, if you or whoever else think we’re trustworthy, then why won’t you bloody tell us what’s going on with you?!”
“I don’t have to tell you shit!”
“God woman, we’re trying to help you!”
“I don’t ask for help, I’m managing on my own!”
“Scuse me,” Kes interrupts in a milder tone despite his own frustration, “but you did hide in my car, and against all odds, we’re still dragging you with us, so...”
“Right, sorry I crashed at your Charolastras party, but for the record you insisted! Anyway I’ll be gone tomorrow.”
“We’ll see about that!” Kes retorts hotly, whereas Cassian’s ire runs so cold he’d fear frostbite.
His furor is leaving him thankfully tongue-tied, but he’s as furious as his brother. He’s just used to repress his angry bursts. She is too, but when nobody speaks or move for a few heavy seconds she storms out of the room and Cassian is so frustrated at her cowardice he can’t see straight, gripping the counter with sweaty hands.
Kes swears heartily, pours himself a drink. Cassian drinks too, four long gulps to settle his nerves. It does little. When they eventually decide to get to bed — the do need to resume the trip in a few hours — Kes pushes him towards the room next to  the one we reserved for him. When Cassian asks what the hell he’s thinking, his traitor of a brother replies:
“Our bromance means I have to interfere, so try to be persuasive with her. And man up, cause I’m planning to have phone sex or something.”
“Don’t complain, if you play your cards correctly you might get hot, angry sex while I have to make do.”
“You left your wife only three days ago. She really has you by the balls.”
“Yep, I’m not ashamed of that, and I think it’s a feeling you’ll soon be familiar with Cass. Let’s just see how you’ll handle that then, at least my wife’s home, waiting meekly for me.”
“Fuck you Dameron.”
“You wish cabrón, but I’ll leave that to Erso, now shoo,” he exclaims in a cooing way, tapping on his own thighs for good measure.
“I’m not your puppy Kes,” Cassian grumbles a bit petulantly before the door closes behind him and he’s left to knock on Jyn’s room.
No answer, but she didn’t lock it, so he enters. If she doesn’t like that, she can suck it. She is already under the covers, doesn’t move an inch. She’s too still to be asleep — surely too riled up, if she’s anything like him — so he just foregoes all pretense and strands quickly across the room.
“Scoot over,” he says, taking off his shoes.
She turns her head sharply at the sound of his voice, but glares and remains motionless in the middle of the bed. Her facial expression clearly conveys her furious disbelief — no doubt she is a second away from telling him to get lost, at the very least, but Cassian doesn’t give her the time:
“Scoot over Jyn,” he repeats a little sterner, paying no heed of her murderous green eyes to lift up the blanket.
“Leave me alone! I don’t see why I got all the way here, honestly. You’re more ruthless than a hound...”
“I’ve been told that before, but you expect me to let you keep your secrets the entire time that you're with us?"
“I don’t have to answer you, you’re a cop, so I reckon you’re familiar with the right to silence.”
“You’re not under arrest, so it doesn’t qualify.”
“From the way you’re behaving, I wasn’t sure. I’m just going to leave and be done with it.”
Aggravated as she may be, he is as well. She won’t have him being guilty for invading her privacy. So far he’d been nothing but awfully patient with her, and respectful of the boundaries she set. Really Cassian? Kay’s dry voice interjects unexpectedly in his stormy thoughts, which makes him scowl harder.
She still has the gal to huff at him, mumbling invectives under her breath in a language he doesn’t know of, but her body language and tone make it clear that whatever she’s saying, it’s not flattering. He wants to shake some sense into her, or kiss her mouth shut. That would be more enjoyable, at least.
Yet when he’d thought about it — and in the past seventy two hours, the fleeting image came at least twice — he didn’t picture making his move in some grubby hotel room. She’s pissed, he’s frustrated in more ways than one and despite his earlier encouragement, Kes too is probably a tad wallowing. Perhaps the stuffy Poe gave him is coming handy, he thinks dryly. If she kicks him out, then at least he would have a chance to find out.
“Look Jyn, would you stay with us if I asked?”
“Why would you?”
“I don’t know, but I want to.”
I want you, he wants to stay instead. It’s not logical but it’s true nonetheless, he doesn’t want her to vanish just yet.
“I’m not used to people sticking around when things get bad,” she retorts, reluctantly.
“Let me prove you wrong, then.”
“I’m not worth the effort Cassian, really. I should have disappeared in San Diego like I planned to.”
“Let us be the judges of that, okay? I thought we were… something of friends, by now, you and me. And Kes too.”
“Friends don’t harass each other.”
“Friends trust each other, that includes confiding in each other when they need to.”
“Maybe for you, friends give me my space.”
“You’ll have all the space you want once what’s after you clears up.”
“You really have a bad case of hero complex.”
“Maybe, but I’d be easier to placate if you let us help.”
“I’m not gonna leave tomorrow,” she answers after a short silence, dropping the matter. “I wouldn’t even know where to start, and I promised Baze I’d wait until the coast is clear. So... if you want... I’ll tell you what’s necessary come morning, with Kes.”
“Splendid, we can fill the blanks from there, I’m looking forward to it. But for now let’s get to sleep.”
He expects her to send him back to Kes, maybe bidding him good night since she has cooled down, but she simply nods and turns the light off. He does not move an inch and she doesn’t breath a word. He stares blankly at the dark ceiling and he counts his blessings when she rolls to her side, her body turned towards the door.
He has a thought for who he just left in San Diego, and what awaits him in Bernal. Like he did the night before, he crosses himself, though he doesn’t feel the need to pray. He would have to count on his own merits to pull it through tomorrow.
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peopleandrhythm · 7 years
S2E10: What a Life, What a Waste
Back in the attic, Hope is this time surrounded by both an uncle and an aunt. Kol lounges lazily against the wall, munching on an apple, as Freya wafts a burning bundle of sage around the space. From her place cross-legged on the floor, Hope watches skeptically. “Do you really think sage is going to keep the ancestors from talking to me?”
“I’m cleansing the air,” Freya explains. “I want you to start with a fresh headspace when we begin our work. This won’t drive them away, but it will keep things quiet as we go.”
Hope’s eyes flick over to Kol, who merely shrugs and takes another chunk out of his apple. Freya finishes her cleansing and sets the sage down, picking up a mortar filled with a dull mound of crushed herbs. Hope eyes it suspiciously. “What’s that?”
“Devil’s claw and lemon balm. It’s a classic witch’s recipe. Together they’ll dispel unwanted psychic energy.” Freya presses her thumb into the herbs, and then places a simple dot in the center of Hope’s forehead. “There. Now we should be ready to begin.”
“Finally,” Kol says. “We’ve been here half an hour already.”
“At least I came with a plan more sophisticated than focusing on a candle,” Freya snarks back. She smiles down at Hope. “Now, close your eyes.” Hope acquiesces. “Let down the barrier you’ve created between yourself and the ancestors. Let the voices come as they come. Let them wash over you.”
Hope takes a few deep breaths, and then slowly, the low hum of voices in the back of her mind grows louder, as if someone is turning the dial on a stereo. Soon, they’re so loud that she can barely hear Freya say, “Breathe in, and then exhale, and create a space of silence around yourself.”
Unsure, Hope breathes in deeply, and when she lets out a long, slow breath, she opens her eyes—only to find her aunt and uncle mysteriously gone. “Aunt Freya? Uncle Kol?” Hope looks around, and she can feel that something isn’t right. The colors of the attic are wrong, washed out and hazy. “Oh no.”
“Hello, Hope.”
She turns and sees her, resplendent in white. “Hi, Esther.”
Her grandmother smiles warmly. “I have a message for you.”
“At least I didn’t have to almost die this time to hear it,” Hope says with a sigh. “What’s up?”
“What is up is that your danger has not passed.”
Hope quirks an eyebrow. “I’m gonna need some more specifics.”
“We warned you before that the threat to New Orleans would come from outside the city. This is still true.”
“I don’t understand.” Hope pushes herself up off the floor. “My mom killed the hunter. No one’s killing vampires anymore. Everything should be better.”
Esther’s smile turns sad. “The hunter your mother killed was not working alone. There are more. Many, many more.”
Hope runs a hand through her hair. “Okay. Okay. So more hunters are coming.”
“They’re not coming. They’re already here.”
Hope’s jaw drops. “Thanks for the advance notice!”
Unfazed, Esther points out, “It would be a lot easier to tell you things if you didn’t devote so much of your energies to blocking us out.”
With a disbelieving laugh, Hope argues, “Did you all miss what Kol told us about that Advocate in the Ivory Coast? She’s a vegetable. If you want an Advocate who can actually, you know, advocate for you, you have to leave me alone until it’s important.”
“It’s all important to these people, Hope! New Orleans witches have long been able to commune directly with their ancestors, and now that all communication must run through you, you must hear all of it.”
“I’m going crazy, Esther,” Hope says, voice begging. “I need to do this or I won’t be able to help anyone.”
Esther nods. “Perhaps we can try harder to…censor ourselves. But this, what I’ve told you today? This is the most important thing.”
“Yeah, I’d say a horde of vampire hunters descending on New Orleans is pretty damn important. Alright, I’ll go sound the alarm.”
“Thank you.” Esther walks over to Hope and, with a smile, says, “Take care, Hope,” and presses her hand to Hope’s forehead.
Hope blinks, finds herself once more in the attic, with her aunt and uncle hovering over her. “Um, hi.”
“Are you alright?” Freya demands, hands moving over her niece’s face in worry.
“Where did you go?” Kol asks.
“Where did I…how long was I out?”
“A few minutes,” Freya answers. “But you were unresponsive.”
“I was talking to Esther.”
Freya’s face grows cold, and Kol rolls his eyes. “What did that old bat have to say?”
Hope looks between the two. “Our hunter troubles aren’t over yet.”
Sebastian leans out of the camper hitched to his trunk. “Lorena!” The young witch turns from Jordan and walks up to the camper. “I need more information about this werewolf girl. I had some guys keep an eye on this pack throughout the night, but no one looked like the description you gave.”
Lorena nods. “I’ll need contact with the vampire.”
Sebastian steps out of the way, and Lorena enters the camper. She strides over to Marcel, who’s still chained the floor, the venom mask once again magically affixed to his face. His eyes narrow dangerously as she approaches. She kneels down. “Good morning.”
“Go to hell,” he mumbles painfully.
With a smile, Lorena places a hand on either side of Marcel’s head. She closes her eyes and concentrates. She gets flashes, but there seems to be little in Marcel’s head about the curly-haired werewolf girl. There is another girl, with bright red hair, who appears beside the wolf a number of times, but she’s not the one they’re after. She focuses harder, trying to listen as well as see.
“Her name,” Lorena says, eyes still closed. “Her name is…River.”
Sebastian tries not to look annoyed. “I need more than a name, Lor.”
Lorena’s eyes open in irritation. “I get what I get, Bash. I don’t get to ask questions.” Then an idea strikes her. “But I might have a better plan.”
Interest piqued, Sebastian asks, “What’s that?”
Lorena smiles down at Marcel. “I’m going to need some of his venom.”
The family is gathered in the library, everyone facing Hope as she explains the situation. “All I know is what Esther told me. There are more vampire hunters in town.”
“Why would these dead witches want to warn us about vampire hunters?” Klaus asks, suspicious. “Would it be beneficial to their progeny to let these hunters do what they do best?”
Hope narrows her eyes. “I told you. Everyone else in this city is actually on board for a serious attempt at peace. Last time we had a hunter running around, the witches and the vampires nearly went to war. No one wants a repeat of that.”
“I don’t suppose your grandmother gave you any specifics,” Elijah says. “Their numbers, their location.”
Shaking her head, Hope answers, “Unfortunately no. I think the best course of action would be to alert everyone to the danger and keep our wits about us as we gather more information. There’s no need to go off half-cocked and get ourselves killed.”
River stands up from her place on one of the couches. “I’ll head out to the bayou.”
“These are vampire hunters,” Rebekah points out. “The wolves have been safe thus far.”
“Still, someone should fill Rose in, and you never know when these hunters are going to grow bored of just killing one species.”
Hope nods. “Alright. You take Rose, I’ll let Vincent and Josh know.”
“Still no word from Marcel?” Hayley asks.
“No. I’m trying to decide how worried I want to be. It’s not like he’s killable.” She reaches out to tug River in for a kiss on the cheek. “You head out. The sooner Rose knows the better.”
There’s a tiny fold-out kitchen table in the camper, and that’s where Lorena’s set up. She has a map of Louisiana spread out as much as she can, the edges spilling over the tabletop. She looks up at Sebastian, who’s watching her carefully. “Do you have it?”
Sebastian sets a small vial of Marcel’s venom in her outstretched hand. “Are you sure this is going to work?”
“Nope.” Lorena carefully pours the venom in a circle on the map. “This is a complete guess. But if she’s the only wolf of her pack, then using the Malraux venom in his venom should lead us only to her. Or this could be a complete waste of time.” She shrugs. “It’s magic, what more do you want from me?”
“Fair enough.”
Lorena hovers her hands over the surface of the map and closes her eyes. “Phasmatos tribum, nas es veras, sequitas sanguinem. Phasmatos tribum, nas es veras, sequitas sanguinem.” She carries on like this for a little while, the venom remaining staunchly in place around Louisiana. Sebastian lets out a disappointed sigh, sure that the plan didn’t work, but then the venom starts to move.
“It’s working,” he says, excited, but Lorena ignores him, continuing on with her spell.
The venom makes a sizzling trail across Louisiana, congealing in one place in the middle of the bayou. Lorena stops her chanting. “There.”
Sebastian’s eyes dart between the map and the witch. “There? There’s nothing there. You can’t get more specific?” Lorena shoots him a warning glare, and he backs off. “Fine. I’ll get a couple of guys with ATVs to run out that way, see if we can’t find her.” He makes for the door.
Marcel shouts something muffled, and both Lorena and Sebastian turn to look at him. “What do you want?” the hunter asks, bored.
Lorena walks to Marcel and uses her magic to remove his mask. He pants, finally free of the pain, and says, “Are you really going to kill a teenage girl?”
Sebastian rolls her eyes. “She’s a werewolf who’s triggered the curse, so it’s not exactly like she’s citizen of the year. Besides, how many teenage girls do you reckon the Original vampires have killed in their many lifetimes?”
“Too many to count. Does River deserve to die for that?”
Sebastian looks away, but says, “She’ll be a sacrifice for the greater good. With her out of the way, the Original vampires won’t be able to cure themselves of your venom, and we’ll be ridding the world of thousands of killers.”
“You’re the most despicable of us all,” Marcel spits.
Sebastian gestures to the vampire chained up. “Put that mask back on him and shut him up.” Then he shoves the door open and exits the camper.
River finds her weaving through the trees, her shoulder slumped with a heavy backpack. She starts to jog to catch up. “Rose! Hey Rose!”
Rose doesn’t turn. “Busy.”
Rolling her eyes, River slows to a walk beside the alpha. “Yeah I see that. Where are you going?”
She makes a vague gesture up ahead. “There are some older Crescents who live farther away from the main pack. I check in on them from time to time, see if they need anything.”
With a small smile, River says, “You’re a good alpha, you know that?”
Rose merely shrugs. “What’d you need?”
“Right. Well, remember that vampire hunter I told you about?”
“The one whose sister was dating your girlfriend’s aunt?” Rose snorts. “You city folk lead interesting lives.”
She’s not wrong, River thinks. “Anyway, it turns out that that hunter wasn’t alone.”
Rose side-eyes her. “What does that mean?”
“According to the ancestors? There are more. Here. In New Orleans.”
“And they’ve been here the whole time?”
“That’s not what it sounded like, but honestly I don’t know. Listen, I just came out to give you a head’s up.”
Rose comes to a stop. “Why would we need a head’s up? They’re vampire hunters. Last time I checked, there weren’t many vampires slumming it out here in the bayou.”
Stopping too, River points out, “Some wolves have moved into the city in the past few months. And besides, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask everyone to be on the alert. For all we know, some of these hunters are equal-opportunity murderers.”
“True.” Rose begrudgingly gives her a smile. “Thanks for the warning.”
River beams. “We wolves have to stick together, right?”
Instead of answering, Rose rolls her eyes and keeps walking. River follows suit, and starts to ask, “So where do these wolves—” when a loud, echoing gunshot cuts her off, and bark explodes off of the tree four feet to her right. Both women freeze, and then another gunshot rings out, and another, and Rose shouts, “RUN!”
The two dash between the trees, bobbing and weaving through the hail of bullets raining down on them. They seem to be coming from every direction, and following them as they move. Branches fall, and dirt sprays up around them as they run. About half a mile of running in a blind panic, the two collapse behind an old fallen tree, stopping to catch their breath.
“Are these the hunters?” Rose pants.
River shoots her a look. “I think it’s safe to say they’re not park rangers.”
Rose peeks over the top of the log. “Why are they shooting at us?”
“I don’t know!”
Another bullet goes whizzing past, and Rose whips back down out of view. “We can’t stay here, come on.” She grabs River by the arm, and the two take off running again.
Amaya walks uneasily through the hunters’ campsite, staring in awe at the sheer number of vehicles. There must be several dozens of hunters in the bayou, some working out, some shooting arrows at targets, some whittling stakes. Amaya jumps in surprise as a small group lets out a loud cheer, one of their members hit a perfect bullseye on a target constructed from hemp rope and charcoal.
She finds the camper she’s looking for and knocks on the door. It swings open, revealing Sebastian on the tiny staircase. “Oh hey. You made it.”
Amaya nods. “Yeah, thanks for telling me about this place.” When Sebastian steps out of the way, she enters the camper. “I wanted to talk to you about…” She trails off when she sees Marcel chained to the floor at one end, mask sucked to his face. “What…?”
“Oh.” Sebastian gestures to his guest. “Don’t worry about him. He’s just a tool in our plan.”
“Right…” Amaya says slowly. She manages to rip her eyes away from the miserable vampire. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I wanted to know your plan to avenge my brother.”
“Hold on.” Sebastian opens the door again and leans out to yell, “Can someone keep me updated on what’s going on with the wolf situation?” He doesn’t even wait for a response for slamming the door shut. “Sorry, there’s a lot going on right now. We’re trying to get our ducks in a row.”
Amaya watches as he starts shuffling papers around, looking for something. “Have you figured out who killed Joel? I know…I know someone who knows but I doubt she’ll tell me. Not after…” She shakes her head. “Not after everything.”
“What?” Sebastian barely looks up from his work. “Sorry, I don’t have time to really talk right now.”
She looks affronted. “How do you not have time to talk about my dead brother? You said that if I helped you, you’d help me make the people who killed him pay. He was one of you, and he was killed—”
“Your brother was killed because he was an idiot!” Amaya falls silent. “Your brother thought he was Rambo and it got him killed. We told him not to go after the Original vampires by himself, we told him to wait for the rest of us, and he went and picked a fight with the most dangerous vampires in history anyway. So my sincerest apologies for your loss, but my focus right now is not on avenging the death of a moron. I have too many other people to worry about.” And with that, Sebastian grabs a fistful of papers and storms out of the camper, leaving a distraught Amaya to stand in stunned silence.
River and Rose are flying through the woods, hurtling over bushes and fallen branches. From every direction bullets come flying, hunters popping out from behind trees to take shots at them. River’s lungs are starting to burn from the exhaustion, and she pants, “We have to turn!”
“I can’t!” Rose cries, ducking an arrow as it whizzes past. “I don’t have a ring!”
River curses. “I told you—”
“Maybe lecture me later!” A pause. “You turn!”
River nearly stumbles in her surprise. “What?”
“If you turn—” She dodges a low-hanging branch. “—you can get out of here.”
“I’m not leaving you behind!” River shouts.
Rose spots a thick row of elderberry bushes and pulls River behind them. They heave to catch their breaths. “Get out of here,” Rose insists.
“No. Not a chance in hell.”
Lowering her voice to a hiss, Rose says, “You can get out of here! I can find a place to hide—I know this bayou like I know how to breathe. If you’re a wolf you’ll make it out of here.”
River hesitates, weighing her options, but then shakes her head stubbornly. “Wolves do not leave each other behind.”
Rose opens her mouth to argue, but then her eyes widen as she looks over River’s shoulder in fear. A few hundred yards away, a flannel-clad hunter stares through the sight of his rifle, which is pointed right at River’s back. “Watch out!” Rose grabs River and whips her to the ground just as the shot rings out.
River hits the ground painfully, branches digging into her skin, and she crawls behind a different bush, out of view of the hunter. She looks Rose. “Thanks, we better—” Her sentence trails off.
Rose stares back at her, eyes wide. Her hands clutch her abdomen, right at the bottom of her ribcage. Already, gleaming, viscous blood oozes between her fingers.
The alpha blinks once, and then slumps to the ground, her eyes staring up at nothing.
Amaya sits heavily on the tiny bench seat inside the camper, eyes staring a thousand miles away. The door is ripped open and Lorena enters. She doesn’t even acknowledge the distraught woman as she marches over to Marcel and examines his mask. “Looks like we tapped you out again.” She presses her hands to either side of the mask, and after a moment, it pops off of his face. “Let’s give you some time to restock, huh?” She sets the mask to the side and stands up.
“She’s a kid.”
Lorena gives a half-hearted shrug. “She’s a kid, but she’s a kid we need out of the picture.” She gestures to Amaya. “What’s up with her?”
“She’s just starting to realize what an ass your boss is.”
“I don’t have a boss,” she’s quick to say, but even she doesn’t sound like she believes it. “Whatever. I’ll give you an hour. Then it’s back on with the mask.” She sweeps out of the camper without another word.
Silence reigns for a while as Marcel watches Amaya stare blankly at the floor. Eventually he asks, “Are you okay?”
Amaya looks at him, shocked. “What?”
Shifting so that he’s not so contorted on the ground, Marcel says, “What that asshole said was harsh.”
Scrubbing a thumb under her eyes, Amaya nods. “Yeah. Yeah, it was. But then again, it seems like he knew my brother better than I did, so…”
“He was the hunter, wasn’t he? The hunter who was killing vampires in my town for a few weeks.”
Amaya nods again. “I had no idea. I thought worked on the docks.” She swallows, and looks down at her hands in her lap. “I guess I never really knew him at all.”
Marcel chooses his next words carefully. “I can see that you loved your brother, and I have no doubt that he loved you, too. But the thing is…he killed a lot of people, good people that were like family to me. And he shot an innocent teenager in her own home. Nearly killed her.”
“Stop,” Amaya breathes, eyes sliding closed. “Please stop.”
“She’s Freya’s niece.” That gets her to open her eyes again. “He thought she was a vampire, and your girlfriend nearly lost her niece.”
“How did you…”
Marcel shrugs. “I know everything that goes on in my city. I know about you and Freya, and I know how she wanted to protect you from all of this. But she couldn’t, because your brother made you a part of this the second he signed on with this crowd.”
Amaya stays quiet, brain churning as she tries to process everything Marcel’s saying. After a while, she asks, “Who’s just a kid?”
“Earlier. To that w…to her. You said ‘she’s a kid.’ Who were you talking about?”
Marcel sighs. “Freya’s niece has a girlfriend. Her name is River. She’s eighteen, and a werewolf, and this crew, these friends of your brother’s? They’re out there trying to kill her.”
The breath whooshes out of Amaya. “Why are they trying to kill her?”
“It’s a long story, and does it really matter? She’s a college freshman. She doesn’t deserve to be killed by Elmer Fudd’s lackeys.”
Amaya stands up. “I have to go.”
Marcel can see that she’s heard enough. “Fine. Just know this: that dick out there may have made you feel small, but you have a lot more power than you think you do.”
She stares at him strangely, as if really seeing him for the first time, and then, without another word, turns and leaves the camper.
The color has completely left River’s face as she sits, frozen, staring at Rose’s dead body. Blood has pooled on her torso, dripping sanguinely down her sides. She can’t move, even as the sounds of gunshots grow louder.
There’s a haze in her mind, her thoughts thick like molasses as she looks at her friend, but there’s the sharp crack of a branch just a few feet behind her, and finally a cogent thought breaks through: Get out. She heaves one dry sob as she closes her eyes and tears herself into a wolf. Now hulking and dark, River the wolf noses Rose’s body once, a quiet goodbye. Then she bounds away, a shadowy blur between the trees, easily dodging hunters and their weapons until, before long, she is far from the scene of the crime.
Hayley is waiting for her daughter in the compound when she returns. “Everyone knows?”
Hope nods. “Vincent and Josh are filling in their people now. We’re meeting in a few hours to talk about our strategy going forward.”
“Any word from Marcel?” Elijah asks, coming down the stairs.
“No. I’m officially in the worried zone.”
Hayley pulls her daughter into a hug. “We’ll find him. I’m sure he’s okay.”
Before Hope can answer, there a loud banging sound from out of sight. All three turn to see a giant wolf galloping in from the direction of the entrance to the tunnels.
“What the hell?” Hayley says, surprised.
At first Hope is confused, but then she recognizes the look behind the wolf’s eyes. “Oh my god.” She rushes to the wolf, ignoring her mother’s noise of concern. “River?”
The wolf starts to shrink, bones cracking horribly as it turns back into a human. As the fur recedes, Hope turns to her uncle. “Elijah!”
Understanding immediately, Elijah whips off his suit jacket and tosses it to his niece. Hope twists back to face the wolf just as her girlfriend emerges. She quickly wraps a trembling River up in the jacket. “River, what happened? You’re shaking.” She looks her girlfriend over. She’s covered in a myriad of scrapes and blooming bruises. “River?”
Looking at Hope with watery eyes, River whispers, “They ambushed us out in the bayou.”
“The hunters?” Elijah asks.
“They killed her,” is the reply. “She’s dead.”
“Killed who?” Hope presses. “Who’s dead?”
“Rose.” Hope makes a choked noise. “Rose is dead.”
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tigressaofkanjis · 5 years
An Outlasting Halloween - Killer Croc x Bane
A fanfic I wrote for Halloween with our two favorite dorks. Remember this post? Yeah, I decided to act upon it. I don't regret this and considering my version of Croc gained more than enough confidence after accepting himself, crossdressing would be something he would do to drive Bane insane. Years of rivalry has led to this moment and Croc is going to make Bane suffer for one night.
“Bane. Bane.”
“Bane, come here. I have the greatest idea for a Halloween costume! In fact, I have one for you two,” Waylon excitedly curled his tail as he grinned like Jervis at a tea party.
The luchador-themed man rolled his eyes in amusement at his partner -in-crime’s enthusiasm. He walked over to the couch Waylon was lying on with his laptop and a juvenile gator as his feet sleeping. He watched the large ridged tail wagging up and down as Croc turned his laptop towards Bane.
“Amigo, I don’t know what so special about a character who appears to be wearing a damaged fancy vest and dirty white shirt. Also, is that blood over his right eye?” Bane questioned, squinting at the pictures.
Killer Croc nodded quickly, “Do you remember the video game, Outlast, the game Drury and Garfield decided to make a react series out of for YouTube? You remember the DLC they were oh so engaged in?”
The man raised brow, “Oh you mean the one where you have to escape an asylum of sorts. That one? And this is-cual es su nombre-Eddie Glue…skin?”
“Gluskin, yes. He’s one of the main antagonists and I thought since you have the hair cut like him as well as that old ballroom suit you only used three years ago when you first came here that you would fit the character perfectly. We could add real blood or fake to a machete or something, add some makeup and you’d fit the look quite well!”
Bane crossed his arms, “Really? And what will I do all dressed up in a costume, compañero? We don’t have many places to go on Halloween except cause some mischief raiding houses while everyone is distracted, but our friends are hardly going to go with us for something as childish as that.”
Croc smirked, “What if I told you Kirk and his wife, Garfield, Fries, Jervis, and others are dressing up and they have plans to just have some pointless fun because like you said, it’s Halloween. Why rob a bank on Halloween when we could terrorize the houses for our treats? Besides if you wish to dress up, I have a plan to match you. While you are Eddie Gluskin , I’ll be Waylon Park. I have the attire thanks to Harley and Ivy so I’m set.”
Upon thinking about the benefits and cons of this proposed Halloween team up, Bane say really no downside that would set them back. At most, Batman would just slap their wrists probably out of annoyance considering the holidays were by far his least favorite time to crime fight them and an agitated Bruce was no fun.
Clicking his tongue, Bane shrugged finally, “Sure, why not? I’ll call Page Monroe and see if she can lend me her tailor to ‘mess up’ my perfect vest and shirt. Also, doesn’t this Waylon from the game wear a jumpsuit, a morbid tannish brown? That doesn’t seem as creative as you would usually do.”
A very strange smirk played on Waylon’s face, “Trust me, I’m not wearing the jumpsuit. I’m going to wear something more appropriate in contrast to your outfit that would make our team up even more special. Just wait and see.”
Narrowing his eyes, Bane bit his lip and grunted in an acknowledgeable but confused fashion. When he left, Waylon peered in the opposite direction towards one of his henchmen who was sharpening a few blades while watching some older cartoons.
“Vic, mon home, I need you to call Harley and tell her it’s on. Le marié a accepté la proposition.”
The brutish henchman nodded with a smirk and set the weapon he was working on down to grab the phone and started dialing.
Croc laughed, “Oh Bane, let’s see how confident you really are.” --------------------------------------
Today was Halloween and all the adults and kids were about to leave at dusk to get candy and lots of it. Bane had agreed to take part only because of his intriguing colleague was so excited for it.
Designing the suit wasn’t as difficult as Bane imagined it would be. Page was gracious enough to let him use her tailor and offered him some choice options for the costume as well. Trousers which had been worn with patches were apparently a runway fashion once but of course, it never flew past the stage with the judges and it was around his size surprisingly. With a few altercations, it was his and the vest he brought was ripped apart and stitched back to replicate Gluskin’s demented fabrication.
Croc was right when he said he had the perfect haircut for the part as no changes were necessary. He did, however, have to go to Harley Quinn for makeup touches as he wasn’t quite cosmetically savvy as the clown was. With little effort, she managed to make his right side of his face look bloody and deformed from certain angles without the need for any prosthetics. He had to admit he was impressed.
“Damn Bane, you look like the spitting image of Eddie Gluskin! Holy crap! Maybe a bit more ripped than Eddie but you’re really rocking it, like wow dude!” Firefly said as he stared in amazement.
Even the ever stoic Mr. Freeze was wide eyed at the design. “I have to say, I’m a little jealous. Waylon is going to have a field day with this. His costume is quite good too and what he admires in you, you’ll probably admire in him.”
That made Bane pause, “You’ve seen Waylon’s costume?”
“Yes, Ivy, Jonathan and I helped design it. I helped with…certain parts of the costume while Ivy did the layout and sewed the materials with Jon. I have to say even though I’m not particular that fond of men over women, Waylon’s outfit is very sexy. It really emphasizes the curves of his muscles and not to mention does amazing work for his hips.”
That drew a suspicious look from Bane but he didn’t dare question it. Garfield was nodding too which meant he had seen it as well. The chances of them telling him what it was exactly were slim because they knew better than to ruin the surprise.
So Croc was dressed sexy? That usually didn’t fit the man’s ideal in clothing but considering he was in fact a walking, talking crocodile basically, his standards and dignity were pretty lax. No matter what Waylon was in, nobody outside of the Asylum would be paying attention to his attire; they would be more fixated on his appearance and run in fear of being killed than stop to question his clothing choices.
It did make Bane very curious as to what Waylon was wearing. He recalled the video game Outlast was mainly prison-clad bad guys with deformities and blood but nothing really sexy. The character Waylon Park was pursued by the Groom to be his bride but-no, there was no way Croc managed to get a wedding dress. That was insane but why would Waylon do that?
Bane entered the lounge area which only had a couple of Croc’s henchmen with glow in the dark white paint over their armor and faces to resemble skeletons. Even their guns on their hips had bones painted on. He was surprised at their dedication.
“Muchachos, where is Waylon?”
The men gave a snicker seemingly at him and one pointed behind him with his thumb over to the bathroom. There was a laugh from the inside and sure enough, the door swung open and a white gown blood stained and ripped on the right side to somewhat show the scales of Waylon’s leg flowed gracefully as Croc leaned against the frame of the door cockily.
Bane was stunned at the appearance and no words could come to mind to describe his feelings towards it. The strapless top piece seemed to be tight as a corset as he could see some of the muscle underneath the fabric, and the breast area outlined by pearls pushed against Waylon’s pecks and pushed them high enough to give the illusion of actual cleavage. Waylon wore bridal glove with open palms and fingers but was torn to accommodate his arm spikes while his neck held a simple white band as a necklace. The strip that marked the end of the corset and the beginning of the flowing gown was also dowsed in pearls, gripping tightly against the outline of Croc’s hips. The gown itself was mostly intact but the right side had a slit for his leg which supported a rather peculiar garter on his middle thigh. Blood stains were prominent under the breasts to appear like they were operated on and the blood soaked through while a huge blood mark was right on the gown and just above the hip line strip indicating a “forced” fake sex change had occurred, just like Eddie Gluskin would have done. In Croc’s left hand, a video camera was held and on top of his head, a bridal tiara with pearls and silver plus a veil flowing down his neck was there and quite beautiful.
While Bane was more than obviously peering over Waylon’s costume, the mutated man was grinning like a hyena at how he managed to baffle the ex-terrorist. “When I said I had a surprise for you, didn’t think it would be this, did you?”
Bane snapped out of his trance and stuttered, “N-no, I can honestly say…just…whoa!”
Pushing off from his lean, Waylon strode closer to the other man with a very calm reserve. “What can I say, being married to Ivy taught me well.”
“I-I um…you look amazing,” the Hispanic man spoke.
The henchmen on the opposite side of the room giggled and one took a picture with both Waylon and Bane in the picture facing each other. The guard who snapped it whispered, “I am so posting this on Twitter!”
Bane swallowed loud and uneasily as Croc merely blinked slowly, still holding a sweet smile. “You really capture the-the aesthetic of the game. The garter is a-heh a very nice touch.”
“So did you it seems. The garter was last minute because this rip in the gown was actually an accident. My hips were straining against the fabric and one side couldn’t take the pressure, so I had to finish the rip and add something more in tune to what Gluskin would want. The tiara and veil though I could probably do without. That part was Scarecrow’s idea and Freeze, being the one who did my pearl embroidery, was against it,” Waylon purred, taking off the crown.
He threw it to his henchmen and the one who caught it quickly put in on his head and smirked as the others laughed at him. One even tried to grab at the tiara was playfully pushed away by a now sassy royal skeleton-faced guard.
Waylon chuckled before turning back to Bane, “You look like you don’t know how to feel about this. Or maybe you’re starting to realize you like seeing me cross dress. What’s the matter, Bane? Finally confronted with a fight inside you can’t win.”
“Wha-no, no, I am thinking about some things but I’m not-no. Besides I have to ask, is that dress even comfortable? It looks like it’s molded to you.”
Croc clutched the rim of the breast attire and dragged it upward a bit with a wiggle before confidently letting go with a smug pose, “Are you kidding me, this is actually quite comfy and admit it, I make this look good. It has padding and defines my form perfectly.”
Bane raised a brow, “And your dignity?”
“What dignity?” Croc gestured around him and laughed, “Bane, I’m a nine foot plus human being with a skin condition worsened by a military experiment. I used to hate myself for being such a freak but now I see there is nothing to be afraid of. I’m me and if society doesn’t like it, they can kiss my ass. I can do whatever I want now and wearing a dress for a costume is one of them, especially if it gets me what I want. I don’t have a lot of moral standards anymore when it comes to clothing or society norm. At this point, I’m just going with whatever I can pull off. Ha, this dress is actually really comfortable; you should try it.”
“Thank you but I prefer pants over a dress. You actually do look good in a dress, I’ll…um…admit that,” Bane muttered, occasionally glancing down from Croc’s face to the rest of his body when the latter turned his head away to look at his mooks.
As soon as Croc peered back at him, he averted his gaze immediately and resumed making eye contact. Waylon just smiled and played innocent, “Then perhaps you and I should start greeting Gotham and its trick-or-treaters, maybe steal some candy while we’re at it. I heard the more wealthy ones are giving away much more this year like king sized items. Of course, I am hoping we have enough candy to last us until the morning. Maybe we’ll both get a much bigger treat at the end. Who knows?”
“Uh, sure. Lead the way, Croc,” Bane nervously replied, blushing which made the red makeup he wore seemingly glow if not making the rest of his face almost the exact shade of red. Croc’s henchmen still snickered at him as they followed their boss out, protecting him like a pack of wolves.
When Waylon swept past him, he had to hike up his gown a bit to walk and not trip over it. This gave the Hispanic man a much clearer view of the garter and trailing behind the gown was the reptilian tail Bane almost forgot about albeit it was well hidden, curled beneath the gown mostly. He also took not that the dress covering the part of the spine where the tail met made Waylon appear as if he had a rather large rear.
Unbeknownst to him, Waylon knew exactly what he was doing and his grin grew to reveal practically all his teeth. He was Waylon Park to Bane’s Gluskin but apparently, he was the sadistic one. What an interesting reversal of characters. Croc couldn’t wait to see Bane’s resistance in doing something about him crack throughout the night. This was going to be fun.
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sexvimpulse · 4 years
Nadine: [Pretends as if they barely know each other as she enters his classroom. She gives him a quick glance before smiling sweetly] Bonjour, Monsieur Milo. [Greets him as she takes a seat in the front row. She has her eyes on him during his lecture as she parts her legs ever so slightly to let him get a peek of her little pussy, wanting to distract him]
Milo: Hello, Nadine. [Smiles as if he would at any student. He tries not to look at her but he can’t help but glance at that pussy] So your assignments are due tonight for this passage. Any questions? [Swallows as he hides behind the podium, his bulge beginning to show]
Nadine: [Lowers her head as she knows exactly what it is that she’s doing to him. As he wraps up class she raises a hand] Oui, I have a question. Is it hard? [Tilts her head to the side, her voice completely innocent] The exam is next week, non? Will we get to review the lessons?
Milo: Yes, Nadine? [Grips the podium as he purses his lips] Well.. I’d say it is. A little. [chews on the inside of his cheek] I’ll dedicate the end of the next class to review. Other than that, you all have my number. [Answers a few more questions before dismissing them]
Nadine: [Feigns a little pout as he says that it’s a bit hard. She lowers her eyes and pretends to focus on her notes until he ends class. She sticks around and packs her things, waiting until the other students leave] Professeur, you looked a little flustered today. [Tilts her head, playing her little game] Est-ce que ça va?
Milo: [Waits for them all to leave before he crosses his arms and leans against his desk] You’re fucking bad. [Laughs as he finds her cute] You look pretty good for being filled with 10 pounds of cum. [Teases her]
Nadine: [Stands in front of him as she smiles mischievously] Moi? What did I do? My pussy missed your attention that’s all. [Coos as she bites her lip and feels that sweet tension between them] Ferme la bouche! [Playfully grips his face to make his lips pucker] Don’t talk about your cum, Professeur.. You know I can barely resist it. [Pouts as he towers over her]
Milo: [Exaggerates his pout as he looks down at her] When can I take you out again? [Slips his hands into his pockets or else they’ll be all over her]
Nadine: [Finds him irresistible as she steal a quick kiss from his pouty lips, finding him beyond attractive] You mean when can you defile me again? [Teases as she reaches into his pocket to feel his hand] How about after I study tonight?
Milo: [Melts at her kiss, feeling like he’s falling for her already] No.. I like spending time with you too. [Pouts as he doesn’t want her to think he just wants sex. He holds her hand and rubs the back of it with his thumb] Or.. I could help you study. [Shrugs]
Nadine: [Smiles warmly as he makes her feel weak] Is that true, mon bête? [Finds herself wanting more than just sex with him as she enjoys their intimate little moment] Oh you don’t have plans? [Tilts her head as she steps closer, unable to resist as she kisses his neck] I would love for you to be my.. hmm.. study buddy. [Grins as she finds the right term] My place or yours?
Milo: No, I don’t. I cleared them. [Blinks as he looks down at her] Mine, of course. [Bites his lip] I’ll cook you dinner. [Pulls her close and kisses her forehead] Are you done with classes?
Nadine: [Beams as he offers his place to her] You don’t like my dorm and my cozy little bed? [Pouts as it amuses her how short the bed is for him. She expresses a rare blush] One more. [Asks for another forehead kiss as she wraps her arms around his waist] Oui, Milo. All done. [Coos] Should I expect to bring extra clothes? [Smiles coyly as being around him always guarantees that her panties will be ruined]
Milo: [Smiles as he gives her two more forehead kisses] You can bring whatever you want. [Chuckles] I’ll bring my car to the dorms soon then, yeah? Don’t forget your books. [Lectures her as he grabs his brief]
Nadine: [Giggles softly as she lifts her head up to kiss his chin] Mmm. I’ll bring everything then. [Teases playfully before nodding] I’ll wait for you. [Loops her finger through his belt loop to pull him against her before scowling] Mon dieu. Do we /really/ have to study? [Pouts as she only has one thing on her mind nowadays]
Milo: [Lets her pull him closer] Of course. Do you really think I’m going to let you fail your courses because we’re dating? [Tilts his head] I may love to rape that little French pussy but I want it to be an educated one. [Grips her face before laughing] Kiss me.
Nadine: [Has a full on pout as she gives him a sulky expression before aching as he speaks in a filthy way] Tu es cruel. [Whines before obeying him as she leans in to kiss him. She moves closer and closer before stopping as she doesn’t give in] Hmm.. No kisses. You want me to focus on studying. [Purses her lips as she tries to frustrate him]
Milo: Hey! [Whines and sulks as she teases him, not liking the punishment for simply putting her needs first. He pulls back] Yeah maybe you should focus by yourself. I can see you aren’t going to want to study around me. [Tries not to completely clam up as he steps back] Maybe you should just study tonight instead. [Shrugs]
Nadine: [Blinks as he turns it back on her. She frowns as she realizes that her behavior isn’t going to make him give in] Non.. Je suis désolée.. I just love having your cock inside of me. [Moves up to him as she places her hands on his chest before kissing his neck as she gives him what he wants] I’ll behave.. Je promettes, Milo.
Milo: [Feels a little distant still as she comes close, unaffected by her duty words] Okay. [Gently pulls her from him] I’ll pick you up at the dorms. [Nods as he grabs his things and heads to the car before pulling up]
Nadine: [Sighs as he doesn’t forgive her. She gathers her books but decides not to bring extra clothes since he seemed so upset with her] Bonjour. [Offers a small smile as she walks up to the window] Are you sure you still want to help me, Monsieur?
Milo: Of course. Why not? [Frowns as he sees her books and no bag] What about your clothes? [blinks as he unlocks the door for her]
Nadine: Je ne sais pas. [Hates when he gets distant and upset. Raises a brow as she parts her lips] Oh.. I didn’t think you wanted me to stay the night. [Bites her lower lip as she gets in the car] Should I go get some clothes?
Milo: I want you to stay the night. [Softens as she explains her reasoning. He takes her books through the window and nods] Go get your clothes and I’ll wait here. [Says softly]
Nadine: Oui, mon Professeur. [Speaks obediently as her mood lifts up. She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing some extra clothes, bringing her special lingerie pieces to surprise him] I’ll behave while we study. [Tells him as she gets back into his car, smiling warmly as she rubs his thigh] But since we’re not there yet.. Can I have some fun now? [Trails off as she starts undoing his zipper and slowly rubs his cock over his boxers]
Milo: [Helps her get her things into the car before biting his lip as she gives him attention] Fuck.. Nadine.. what are you doing? [Groans as his cock is already hard from how spontaneous she is]
Nadine: Hmm? Je ne sais pas.. What does it look like I’m doing? [Purrs as she moves her seatbelt and leans over his lap. She smiles mischievously as she sees his hard member] I need to have a taste or I won’t be able to concentrate, Professeur. [Reveals his hard cock, eyes widening as her mouth waters for a taste. Spitting on his member, she jerks him off with one hand while cupping his balls with the other] Don’t you miss my mouth? [Drags her tongue in quick circles over his slit before wrapping her full lips around the rim. She sucks in her cheeks and lays her tongue around his girth, already showing her hunger and eagerness] Mmhmm.. [Moans as she bobs her head up and down his length, making sloppy noises as she slurps her spit]
Milo: Oh my fucking god baby.. [Groans as she lowers her mouth to him. He shivers as she sucks him off so eagerly as he drives] Nadine.. fuck baby.. that mouth feels so fucking good. [Releases a breath as he tries to concentrate on the road] Fuck..
Nadine: [Pulls off of his length as she tilts her head to the side and slides her lips along the underside of his cock, wanting him to feel a different sensation] J'adore quand cette bite est dans ma bouche.. [Squeezes his tip before using small strokes around the rim as she spits on his balls] Mmm.. you taste so good, Milo.. I love being your young French whore. [Laps up her spit before sucking on his balls, teasing him with the tip of her tongue as her hand increases its pace]
Milo: Fucking hell.. [Groans as his brows draw together from her teasing movements] Oh my god.. I’ve never had someone suck my cock so good.. [Shakes his head as he stops at a stop light and forces her head down his dick to make her gag] Shit, baby.. [Moans as her throat constricts around his tip] Mngh.. [Starts driving when the light turns green until he parks in front of his house] Fuck! [Holds her head in place as he fucks her face before cumming harshly] Oh my god.. [Falls back against his seat] you’re so fucking bad..
Nadine: [Laughs sultrily as he tells her what she wants to hear. As the car stops, she almost pulls back before he shoves his cock back into her mouth] Unghh.. mmm! [Releases thick noises as his cock ruthlessly backs deep down her throat. She tries to calm herself but gags as he doesn’t ease up] Professeur! [Whines as she spits on him, relaxing her throat as he makes her want to mouth duck him teasingly. She rolls her head, letting her tongue push against his throbbing tip before letting him have his way] Cum in my mouth sil vous plaît! [Begs as she gets a quick breath of air before bobbing her head almost hungrily until he cums. She pulls off his length, letting his cum shoot against her tongue and lips to show how filthy she is before she licks it all up] Merci, mon Professeur.. [Coos as she slowly cleans up the mess with her tongue, eyes rolling back as she tastes his sweet warmth]
Milo: [Bites his lip] Filthy little girl.. [Groans as he watches her eat up his cum] I don’t know how I’m not going to run out of cum while dating you. [Laughs as he takes a tissue and cleans up her mouth before fixing himself and helping her out of the car] Now I don’t know if I can help you with this afterglow. [Chuckles with a stupid grin on his face]
Nadine: Merci beaucoup, mon Milo. [Closes her eyes and has a smug little smile on her full lips as he cleans her up] I don’t know how I’m not going to end up pregnant while dating you. [Teases right back before giggling as she sees his expression] Mmm. You do look a little more “loose”. [Doesn’t hide how addicted she is to him as she grabs her books from the backseat]
Milo: [Laughs at their joke/kink] I want to get you pregnant. I want you to be only mine. [Stares at her, knowing he sounds absolutely crazy] Do you think I’m uptight? [Tilts his head as he unlocks the door for her]
Nadine: [Inhales deeply as he turns her on with his words. She has to clench her pussy to stop it from throbbing] Fait le alors. [Urges him on as she smiles mischievously before getting out of the car] Quoi? [Tilts her head before shaking it as she takes his hand] Non, but I do think I push your buttons sometimes. [Laughs softly, hating when he closes himself off to her]
Milo: [Knows a little French and her willingness makes his cock hard again] Don’t. [Warns her as he bites his lip] Hm.. I think you’re right. [Laughs softly as he isn’t used to really dating and getting to know a whole person because he’s been so fixated on Rose] I’m rusty with dating..
Nadine: [Raises a brow before looking down to see the hardened form under his pants] My pussy has been wet this entire time.. are you sure you want to say “don’t” to me? [Gives him a heated look] Rusty? I don’t understand.. [Tilts her head as she tries to figure out what he means by that]
Milo: [Drops his bag and pulls her to him as she speaks] That little French pussy is always wet for me isn’t it. [Bites his lip as he grips her face and presses her up against the wall, forgetting all about Rose]
Nadine: [Shrugs her shoulders, feigning innocence before groaning as she becomes trapped between him and the wall] Very wet for you. [Moans as his possessive grip arouses her] It misses you, mon professeur.. It got so wet when you looked at her during your lecture. [Bites her lower lip, remembering that heated look in his eyes when he caught a glimpse of her cunt]
Milo: [turns her around and presses her face against the wall] I should punish you for being a little slut in my class. [Pulls up her skirt and pulls down her panties to slap her ass hard]
Nadine: So rough, Professeur. [Whimpers as her cheek touches the wall, her breathing picks up as she doesn’t know what to expect from him] Agh! [Gasps harshly as he spanks her, feeling the heat spread over her tan flesh] Désolée, mon professeur.. I was being a bad girl. [Pouts as she looks at him over her shoulder, backing her thick ass up against his cock in an attempt to make him ease up on her]
Milo: Hmm.. [Relishes in her thick ass against his cock] God damn, baby. [Picks her up and takes her to the couch, bending her over his lap] You bad little girl. [Slaps her ass hard again, not holding back as he leaves a harsh mark] Tell me that you’re mine.
Nadine: [Breathes roughly as she’s bent over his lap, her thick ass exposed to him as she becomes helpless] Unghhh! [Releases a sharp moan as he smack is harder than before. She grips the pillows as her body trembles and her pussy glistens despite the pain] Je suis à vous.. [Struggles to speak clearly as she rubs her ass against his palm to feel soothed]
Milo: [Rubs her ass to smooth her before he spreads her pussy lips and takes a look] Mm.. [His dick is rock hard as as he sees her pink pussy] Oh my god, baby.. that pussy is perfect. [Adjusts her as he pushes down his pants, making her grind on his cock] I can’t get enough of that fucking pussy, baby. I’m going to fucking get you pregnant. [The thought turns him on so much]
Nadine: Ooh, oui.. Isn’t it so wet for you? [Speaks sweetly as she hears the wet noise of her pussy once he spreads her little cunt] Take this pussy then.. It’s yours. [Her eyes roll back as she lowers herself on his cock, pink lips spreading as she grinds her hips back and forth along his shaft. Hearing him, she lets out a harsh moan, wanting so desperately to be filled with his cum] Oui, I want that.. Get this young, pink pussy pregnant.. [Grips his face as she licks his mouth before giving a filthy kiss] Cum in this pussy so I can call you Daddy. [Sucks on his tongue while impatiently guiding his tip into her tight cunt, sinking all the way down his cock and not caring about the pain]
Milo: [Groans as he hears her, his dick spilling precum from her words] Fuck.. [Lets her suck on his tongue] Mngh. Call me Daddy, baby. [Slaps her cheek before grunting as she sinks on his cock] Mngh.. you’re so fucking tight.
Nadine: [Throws her head back as she places her hands on his shoulders, using him for support as she fucks him vigorously] Be my Daddy, Milo. S’il vous plaît! [Begs before reaching for her top, throwing it aside as she presses her breasts against his face] I need you to be my Daddy.. [Slams her pussy up and down his length before shaking her hips to throw him off guard]
Milo: [He loves the way she bounces on him] Ungh.. fuck yes, baby.. I love it when you call me Daddy. [Bites his lip as he stares up at her, loving how she puts on a show for him. Be devours her breasts as a presses them to his face] Mm.. [Leaves deep marks all over her flesh] God, you’re doing to make me cum already.. [Whines as he can’t even hold back from how much she turns him on and fills her pussy] Fuck.. I want my baby in you. [Grips her breasts as he pulls her down for a kiss]
Nadine: [Shivers as she feels his mouth all over her, making her walls her tighten as she focuses on having him cum inside of her] Do it, Daddy.. Fill me with your cum I’m desperate for it! [Pleads as she rocks her hips faster, breasts bouncing as she works his cock passionately] Unghh! Daddy, s’il vous plaît.. Get my tight pussy pregnant.. [Doesn’t stop milking his cock as she fucks his tip, moaning as his cum melts deep into her pussy. Walls grip his cock as she experiences her release, body trembling as it is too much for her to handle] Mnghhh.. I want it with you, Daddy.. [Kisses him hungrily, lost in their passion and not giving a single care if it happens or not]
Milo: [Sucks on her lips and tongue, drinking her up as he clutches her close to him] Hm.. [The amount of commitment she throws around is so attractive to him as he’s been wanting that for so long] I’m obsessed with you. [Kisses her neck and collarbones]
Nadine: [Releases a sweet moan as he makes her weaker from having her tongue sucked on] Je suis amoureuse de ça.. [Hides her face against his neck as her lips are devoted to kissing his flesh] Mmm.. don’t ever stop obsessing over me, Daddy. [Cups his face as she gazes into his eyes, drawn entirely to him as she’s never felt this way for others before] Don’t stop because I feel the same way.. I can never stop thinking about you.
Milo: [Wraps his arms around as she speaks] Me neither. [Laughs] You’ve taken over my life.. [Bites his lip as he laughs softly] Hm.. let’s get cleaned up and we can study while I cook you dinner?
Nadine: [Beams at him, finding genuine satisfaction before showering him with more affection] Ah.. Always a teacher first. [Teases him before running her fingers through his hair. She wonders if he’s ever felt this way for another person before, but stops herself from asking] What are you going to cook for me, hm? [Asks sweetly as she squeezes her walls to hold in their sex, wanting to keep a part of him inside of her]
Milo: Of course. [Raises his brows as he cups her face] Hm.. I’m going to see what I have in my kitchen.. [Laughs as he hasn’t really thought it through yet] Is there anything you’re craving?
Nadine: Hmph. [Sulks playfully, but likes that he doesn’t give into her and actually wants to help her out. She takes a seat at the table and flips through her books] Mmm, besides your cock? [Bats her lashes, dimple appearing as she gives him a mischievous look] I’ll have anything, mon bête. [Coos as she gives him a quick kiss, utterly addicted to him] Do you like to cook?
Milo: [Washes his hands and puts on his apron before opening the fridge as she gets settled in the kitchen. He nearly chokes as he hears her] You’re terrible. [Laughs as he pulls out some ingredients] I think I’m going to make salmon. [Unwraps the fish before he seasons it before prepping his sides]
Nadine: [Runs her fingers through her hair as she has a smug smile on her lips] I’m just being honest. [Giggles before taking out her phone to snap a picture of him, finding him so sexy in his apron] Salmon? C'est mon prefere. [Beams] Can I play some music while we study? It helps me focus. [Bites her lower lip as she asks sweetly]
Milo: [He smiles for her picture] Yes, you may. [Slices up his lemons and rosemary] Are you studying for my class first or others?
Nadine: [Walks over your the record player before picking out Cigarettes After Sex] You have this? Mon dieu, I couldn’t find this in France. [Plays the record and sways her tight, curvy figure before returning to her books] Others.. I’m shy to study yours in front of you. [Laughs jokingly as she reviews her notes] You’ve never tutored other students before?
Milo: [Bites his lip as he watches her, liking how she knows her way around the record player. He smiles, feeling smitten as he continues to cook] Is that right? [Tilts his head] You better take advantage of fucking the teacher, though. [Chews on the inside of his cheek] Nope. Never. [Shakes his head] in college myself I did.
Nadine: [Inhales the savory scent, feeling her appetite growing and her attraction increasing] Seeing you cook makes me want to fuck you again. [Purrs before eyeing him seductively] Oh? Do I get extra credit when I swallow your cum, mon professeur? [Draws attention to her lips as she drags her tongue over if] You must’ve had a lot of girlfriends in college. [Raises a brow and smirks, concealing her slight jealousy]
Milo: [Groans as he hears her words] Don’t be bad.. [Swallows but he calms himself] You should take advantage of being able to ask me questions. [Inhales sharply as she teases him so much] You’re driving me crazy. [Rubs his face as he takes a gulp of cold water] Hm.. maybe. They weren’t in college though. [Shakes his head] I usually date older women.
Nadine: Quoi? I’m not doing anything. I’m just reading my book. [Feigns innocence as she looks over at him, watching as he tries to calm down but she knows he feels the same way as she does] Hmm? [Looks up from her book as she tilts her head] Really? [Has a confused expression as she’s younger than he is] I wouldn’t have guessed.. you always talk about my tight /young/ pussy. [Bites her lower lip]
Milo: [Shrugs and laughs] What can I say? You’re a novelty for me. [Places his dish in the oven and sets a timer before he moves closer to her] I’ve always just liked older women. That’s why dating students wasn’t a thing for me. [Shakes his head] Is that really surprising? [Chuckles, he thinks of Rose and wonders what could have happened between them] But maybe that was the problem.
Nadine: [Feels genuinely surprised as she was under the impression that most Americans always try to go after a younger girl. She’s intrigued but feels as if she’s developing some insecurity about the fact] Oui, it is. [Smiles softly before looking at his features] Was your last girlfriend older than you? [Hates herself for asking but does it anyway]
Milo: Hm. I wonder what kind of vibes I give off then.. [Chews on the inside of his cheek] Yes. [Thinks about Rose even though they weren’t official, they went on dates and trips together] Does that bother you?
Nadine: [Cups his cheek as she steals a quick kiss] Good vibes. Daddy vibes. [Purrs sweetly before she pulls back to flip through her textbook. She doesn’t say anything as he answers her. She pauses before pursing her lips] Non. It makes me wonder why you changed your preference. [Laughs softly]
Milo: [Can sense she’s bothered, but he doesn’t want to press her. Especially because he’s trying to find a way to tell her about Rose] I’m attracted to beauty and intelligence.. you’re both. [Shrugs] I found you cute.. but it wasn’t until I saw how you reacted to the essay that I saw more to you. [Bites his lip]
Nadine: [Softens up as he compliments her, melting for him as she realizes that he likes her beyond her looks and how her body feels to him] You found out that there was more to this French slut, hmm? [Leans in as she rubs his thigh and kisses his neck] Thank you for seeing more to me, Milo. [Coos as she falls even faster for him]
Milo: [Sits down next to her and nods] Thank you for pursuing me.. I’m the happiest I’ve been in a while. [Tells her truthfully as he closed his eyes and catches her lips]
Nadine: My pleasure. [Smiles softly as she straddles him, kissing him deeply while running her fingers through his hair] I’ll do anything to make you happy, mon bête. [Her words are full of dedication and commitment as she rests her forehead against his]
Milo: [Welcomes her onto his lap] That’s a big commitment.. [Murmurs]m as he looks up at her] I’ll make you happy, too. [Kisses her as he holds her]
Nadine: [Returns his kiss softly] Mmm good because you’re going to be the daddy of my babies, non? [Plays into their little joke as she grins against his lips] I hope I get to stay here. I don’t want to leave in a year.
Milo: [Laughs, liking the idea the more they say it] We barely know each other and I’m into that idea.. [Beams as he looks up at her] I don’t want you to leave either.. how would you be able to stay?
Nadine: Oh? You’re determined to get my little pussy pregnant, are you? [Eyes him darkly before melting for that endearing look on his features] You want to have French babies with me? [Smiles warmly as the thought makes her heart race, even though she was never one to want kids] Hmm..je ne sais pas.. I would have to talk to mon pére and the school to see what can be done. [Frowns as she’s there for the exchange program]
Milo: [Frowns as she mentions her father, realizing just how young she is] You should do what you feel is right. [Frowns] Don’t change your plans because of me.. [Tells her the proper thing]
Nadine: [Slightly withdraws herself from him as gives an unexpected response] Pourqoi? Don’t you want me to stay? [Blinks as she doesn’t understand the sudden change] It feels right for me to stay. [Murmurs as there’s more opportunities for her in America, and he’s here] I was living on my own in Paris. I’ve seen everything there. I need something new. [Speaks softly as she meets his eyes] Do you not think it’s right..?
Milo: Of course I want you to stay. [Pouts as he cups her face and pulls her back to him] But I don’t want you to change your whole life because of me.. that’s selfish. [Blinks as he looks up at her] Only stay if that’s one hundred percent what you want. [Bites his lip] Do you understand what I’m saying?
Nadine: [Avoids his eyes as she feels confused before hearing what he has to say to her. She calms down and releases a little sigh before nodding her head] It’s one hundred percent what I want, but I’ll put more thought into it. [Tells him so that he doesn’t feel bad, but her decision has been made] If I can’t stay then I’m going to bring you with me. [Squints her eyes and gives him that charming smile of hers before kissing both cheeks]
Milo: [Shrugs] I’m not opposed to living overseas. [Shakes his head, being completely honest with her] Although the French really hate Americans. [Laughs]
Nadine: Non? [Beams as he gives another solution in case it doesn’t work out for her] Mmm, not all French people. [Giggles, although a majority of French people are still stuck up and displeased with Americans] Learn the language and they’ll soften up. [Speaks reassuringly as the thought excites her. But a part of her has some worry that he’d find interest in the mature French women living there]
Milo: I took Spanish thinking I would spend all my days in America. [Chuckles] Hm.. [Gets the idea to audit some classes at the university] I’ve been to Paris a few times actually. [He think of his most recent meeting with Rose there] The last time I was there was a year ago. [Blinks] How kong have you been here?
Nadine: You have? [Asks in surprise and amusement as she looks at him with genuine curiosity] What did you do there, mon bête? Were you alone? [Tilts her head before smiling softly] Not long enough. Only a few months. [Plays with the ends of his hair] I visited with my cousins a few years ago. It was very fun.
Milo: No, I wasn’t alone. [Laughs, wanting to be honest but not wanting to give her so many details] Yeah? Did you come to California? [Eyes her]
Nadine: Ahhh. [Thinks to herself as she wonders if he went with a former lover] Oui, I did. We went to New York first but I didn’t like it. [Shakes her head] Too crowded et.. I wasn’t able to get a tan. [Feigns a little pout]
Milo: [Laughs] I’m really not a New York type person.. [Bites his lip as he eyes her] I like how tan you are..
Nadine: [Can picture them having a deep relationship but tries not to get her hopes up too much] You don’t look like one. [Kisses the tip of his nose] Mmm, do you like that I don’t have any tan lines either? [Coos as places his hands on her thighs] Et ça? [Makes him rub her pussy for a moment before smiling mischievously as she pulls his hand back] Do you like how pink my pussy is?
Milo: [Listens to her as she speaks, he grips her thighs before blushing as he feels her pussy] Hmm.. I love how pink it is.. [growls lowly] you tease me too much.
Nadine: [Notices the rosy color on his cheeks, causing her to grin in amusement. She swallows as he growls his words at her, loving the sound] Moi? I think I tease you the right amount. [Eyes him] You ruin me.. it’s only fair that I tease you every now and then, Monsieur.
Milo: Mm.. [Licks her mouth open and kisses her before pulling away and lifting her off of him] I need to check on my food. [Smirks as he leaves her hanging and teases her as well]
Nadine: [Moans as she tastes his tongue. She leans in to deepen the kiss, wanting more before trying to chase after him until he severs the connection completely] Ungh. [Blinks out of her daze, pouting and narrowing her eyes] That wasn’t very nice, Daddy. [Sulks as she watches him] You can’t tease and ruin me. Ce n'est pas juste.
Milo: [Beams as he gives her a taste of her own medicine. He puts on his oven mitts and takes his salmon, potatoes, and asparagus from the oven]
Nadine: Don’t look too pleased with yourself. [Continues to sulk as she aches for him. Finishing up with her review, she looks over at him as he takes out the salmon] Ça sent tellement bon. [Gushes as she gets up and takes a picture of the perfect dish, getting him in it] Where do you learn to cook? [Closes her eyes, inhaling deeply before setting up the table. She goes through a bunch of cabinets before finding the right one] Mmm, our unborn children will have a great chef. [Her dimple appears as she grins]
Milo: [He plates the food, smiling as she snaps a picture of him] I’ve learned from people and just experimenting on my own. [Murmurs as he pours them some wine] Is that right? [Laughs] Our kids would be cute. [Sits across from her and spreads the napkin over his legs] Bon appetit.
Nadine: [Takes a seat at the table before giggling at the image he places into her head] They would be precious. [Feels smitten as she kisses his hand while he pours her drink] Merci beaucoup. [Guides her fork into the perfectly cooked salmon and takes a bite. A smile instantly forms on her lips as the taste makes her feel weak] Is there anything that you’re not good at doing? [Moans softly as the fish bursts with flavor, loving the savory freshness of it]
Milo: I’m bad at music.. [Laughs] There are lots of things I’m not good at. [Takes a bite and smiles satisfactorily] Hm.. how was your review for the class?
Nadine: I doubt that. [Eats some of the potatoes and asparagus before meeting his eyes] Oui, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be difficult. [Nods before pursing her lips] What are your exams like? [Laughs as she raises a brow before sipping some wine]
Milo: [Smiles] That’s because you’re so smart. [Bites his lip] They’re pretty straight forward. Multiple choice and a few essay questions. Comprehension is what I test for and that can be really challenging depending on the text given. [Nods before taking a bite]
Nadine: [Shows a rare blush as he tells her that she’s smart, appreciating the compliment] Merci, Milo. [Listens to him as she mentally takes notes] Mmm what happens if I fail? Will you still fuck me? [Laughs softly, wondering why she feels slightly intimidated when she has no problem with her other courses]
Milo: [Laughs] No. You won’t get fucked for a week if you fail. [Smirks] I hope that’s alright?
Nadine: [Parts her lips as she falls for it before hearing him say that it’ll only last a week] Mm, that does sound right. [Grins as she finds his smirk so sexy] I’m a very lucky girl. [Gazes at him as she feels determined to have him all to herself]
Milo: [Shakes his head] We’ll see if you can last. [Teases her] You won’t fail. I know you won’t. [Is surprised by her words] Lucky how? Because of me? [Is completely unaware of what she’s talking about]
Nadine: If I can last? Non, its so you who can’t take my teasing ways. [Retorts playfully before smiling warmly] I hope not. That would be very embarrassing. [Laughs before she tilts her head] Oui, because of you. You cook, you’re smart, you have an amazing cock. [Bites her lower lip as she gushes over him]
Milo: [Laughs as she makes a good point. He furrows his brows as her words make him feel warm] Well, thank you.. [Blushes as he hasn’t felt truly wanted in a long time] I’m lucky too.
Nadine: [Finishes up her dish and walks over to him, sitting on his lap as she wipes his lips, showing genuine care and a different type of longing] Pourqoi? I don’t have an amazing cock. [Teases, loving when he smiles for her] Je suis accro à toi.
Milo: [Lets her sit on his lap, looking up at her] No.. but you have an amazing everything else. [Bites his lip, falling for her more] You’re addicted to me? Funny. That’s how I feel about you. [Pulls her down for a kiss] I’m crazy about you.. [Shakes his head] I feel like that’s all I ever say.
Nadine: [Her lips linger on his as they kiss. Slowly, she slips her tongue into his mouth to deepen it] Have you felt this way before? I haven’t. [Admits softly] Once this semester is over let’s go somewhere. [Beams as the thought of traveling and getting to know him more excites her]
Milo: [He Moans against her mouth] I’ve never felt such mutual pining and attraction. [Says honestly as he shakes his head] Let’s do it. [Bites his lip] I’ll go anywhere with you.
Nadine: Non? I find that hard to believe. [Purses her lips as she’s sure that so many women want him] Really? Anywhere? [Smiles charmingly as she kisses him sweetly] Even Disneyland? [Is only half serious as the one in Paris was a disappointment]
Milo: It’s true.. there must be something wrong with me. [Chuckles] We could do Disney in a weekend. We don’t have to wait for the semester to be done for that.
Nadine: I don’t think so. Tu est parfait. [Whispers truthfully] Even better. [Coos, liking that he’s actually willing to do something so childish with her. She kisses him more as she scratches his scalp] We can go on a road trip or visit a different country.
Milo: Let’s plan that soon. [Kisses her nose] Hm.. so you really want to go to another country with some creepy older man who keeps saying he’s going to get you pregnant and trap you? [Laughs as he tickles her sides] I would love to go to Greece or something.
Nadine: [Listens to his words before giggling as she tries to avoid from being tickled. She catches her breath before looking at him with a concerned expression while pulling back] Mon dieu.. when you put it like that.. [Pauses as she eyes him] Do we have to wait until the semester or can your creepy self get me pregnant and trap me next week? [Grins as she breaks out of the serious facade and kisses him]
Milo: [Laughs at her words] You’re naughty. [Licks her mouth open and kisses her deeply] Mine. All mine. [Grips her hips]
Nadine: Mhm. Very naughty. [Moans into his kiss, feeling heated as his tongue feels smooth against hers] Tout à toi. Your little French slut. [Purrs against his lips, not breaking their connection as she feeds her addiction]
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