#thinking of possible divine right fandom shenanigans is SO funny
thegreatestheaver · 6 months
if divine right had a fandom I think people would like jigolo and miasma
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abnormalityjoseph · 2 years
SAGAU Idea Part 2: Electric Boogalo
SAGAU, but [Reverse] Isekai type beat
Can you imagine the Genshin Characters being thrown into the reader’s world instead of the other way around?
The chaos
The way I’m thinking of is more like.. some of the characters suddenly appear in the reader’s house world. Like they broke out of the game
Temporarily, ofc. At least initially
Since, while they’re in the reader’s world, that character(s) presence seems to disappear in the reader’s game.
Just— the reader vibing, watching some anime or smth, then Thoma just walks out of the closet confused as hell
Both parties confused as hell
Are they dreaming? Are they dead? What?? How??
Since this is SAGAU the character(s) that show up prob think they’re dead. Since they’re meeting their creator/overseer/the player and that shouldn’t be possible—
But… Funny slice of life opportunities? Where the reader has to house whatever character shows up until they leave
If the reader does want to help them figure out a way back or not…can vary
And the point in time the characters show up could vary as well!
Like, you can meet a Post-Sumeru Scara, Raiden Shogun before the Inazuma Quest, Signora before she goes all Crimson Witch, etc! At all can vary!
That also means the interactions can differ. Awkward, funny, angst, crack-fic-esque, angst, angst/comfort, you get the idea.
The amount of time a character is in the Reader’s world can also be insanely different. You’ve got Thoma there for less than a day, and then Razor’s there for a whole week. It’s wild
Not to mention if there’s more than one character that showed up—oh boy, that’s gonna be hectic to manage.
When the character(s) return home, it can be weird for the reader
But it’s probably weirder for the Reader if a character keeps coming back with all the memories of what happened before
So it’s not a dream or hallucination. Lovely.
If the Reader gets Isekai’d into Teyvat, they would get a very big welcome party. And a lot of people who would be willing to show them around, as you did help them while they were in your world.
But if the Genshin Cast get’s isekai’d into the Reader’s World?
Oh boy..
They’d have to teach everyone about the world.
Some of them have to work, because you can’t support such a large group without help.
Also have to explain to the cast just how popular Genshin Impact is, so they’re going to be seen as cosplayers if they don’t change up their identities and looks.
Ofc the cast has been aware they’ve been in a game, but this is…a lot to take him
And probably a big ego boost for some of the characters, since people seem to love them so much.
The cast have to realize that, divine or not, they’re all now on an even paying field.
Not to mention they can’t use their visions openly, lest more suspicions are made by the Reader’s Neighbors
Tbh, the entire cast could do a ‘group Cosplay’ channel where they’re all ‘cosplaying’ Genshin Character’s to do vlogs and possibly make some cast.
And use of their visions can be passed off as video effects
If they do that, the cast would probably be very popular in the Genshin community for being the Cosplay Icons.
Bonus points if you also have to explain the fandom shenanigans
“What’s a Scaranation? What the fuck?”
“Is there..a reason? Why all of the anemo boys care being called an idol group..?”
“[Reader], what is a ‘simp?’ And why are there so many of them?”
Extra bonus points if whenever a new character enters the Genshin story they show up at the Reader’s house as well.
You’ll need one big ass house to keep all the Genshin Characters under one roof. Rip to the wallet.
Now, imagine the crossover potential in SAGAU
Reader is from the Bungo Stray Dogs Universe, Port Mafia Executive. Cool right?
Not cool when characters from the Reader’s favorite game (Genshin) start materializing in the real world.
Try explaining that to the rest of the PM executives. Good lord.
Random opinion but I think Scara would love Q to death.
Meanwhile the Armed Detective Agency is investigating the strange case of ability users, that look like characters from a video game, are appearing in the city.
Oh! Or a Twisted Wonderland Crossover type beat! People that the Reader knows, who many assume are also from their world, started appearing and now Night Raven College needs a new dorm to house all of them.
For these crossovers, imagine if the worlds were actually merging. Or well— mixing in some ways
People are getting visions, slimes are causing havoc, teleport waypoints are appearing along with the statues of the seven
And the only way to revert it would be to send the Genshin Cast back.
How would they react? Would there be a permanent gateway established, or would it be a one way thing? Would the Reader choose to stay in Teyvat with them?
Oh but someone would totally say “Hell no” and start trying to prevent any progress of sending them back.
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wild-aloof-rebel · 5 years
Some Favorite Fics from 2019
Before I dive into my list, let me send out some love to ALL of the authors who have contributed fic to this fandom this year. There are well over 300 people who wrote Schitt’s Creek fic this year, and you’ve brought joy to so many people and should be super proud of what you’ve written, whether it was only 100 words or 100k. I’ve personally read more than 6.5 million words of fic in this fandom this year, and I want to thank you all for every single one of them. <3
Now, in continuing this year-end love fest we’ve had going on the last few days, I also want to highlight some of my favorite fics from this year. I decided to cut myself off at twenty fics or we’d end up with a list too big to be allowed, lol. I also decided to limit myself to one fic per author in order to spread the love around as much as possible; there would definitely be some repeat authors on this list otherwise. 
And now with all that in mind, I’ll shut up and get on with it. 
Here are twenty of my favorite fics from this year and what I love about them...
this roof is a blanket by withkissesfour • rated M • 3k+ I love Patrick-centric fics. He’s such a beautiful character, but because he isn’t one of the four Roses, we miss out on a lot of his pov in the show, so I’m always here for fics that try to capture that. And this one does it beautifully, focusing on four different but thematically-connected moments in Patrick’s life.
We’re Getting Something for Free by MoreHuman • rated G • 1k+ This is one of those fics where you can see how much Patrick KNOWS David and loves him for exactly who he is. His refusal to let David villainize himself for just being who he is makes my heart so very happy.
Heart of Gold by barelypink • rated M • 40k+ I love love LOVE a good AU, but AUs based on other media can be really tricky to get right. The best ones take elements from both sources and elevate them into something fresh and new, and this fic does exactly that.
now you see me by grapehyasynth • rated T • 4k+ Did I mention that I love AUs? I never get tired of seeing them meet in new ways, and their New York-set blind date in this one just makes me smile a whole hell of a lot.
I’m All Lost (in the supermarket) by sullymygoodname • rated G • 9k+ This fic combines David “Good Person” Rose, headless mannequins, tiny cardboard houses, karaoke, ugly sweaters, and all the friendship and shenanigans you can possibly stand. What’s not to love?
I know, I’m strange, too much light makes me nervous by another_Hero • rated T • 4k+ I’m so in love with the entire premise for this soulmate AU and everything that it says about love and the choices that we make because of it.
Pizza Night by smoulderandbraids • rated M • 4k+ Sometimes you just need to read about them making pizza and making out. Thank goodness this fic exists for those times. It’s a straightforward concept executed perfectly.
cinnamon sugar... by startswithhope • rated T • 1k+ All of startswithhope’s fics have a lovely softness to them that almost seems nostalgic, like you can feel yourself missing them before you’re even done reading them. This one I think captures that feeling best and most explicitly--David’s mood here is exactly that kind of nostalgia. And his thoughts about Stevie near the beginning are something that I’ve found myself thinking about over and over again since I first read this.
On My Way by Distractivate • rated M • 11k+ As much as I love the happy place that is this show, I also really love fic that acknowledges that sometimes relationships are hard, that things aren’t always perfect, that love is a CHOICE which has to be actively made again and again and again. This fic showcases exactly that. Love isn’t always easy, but choosing to love each other anyway is always worth it.
around us by lamphouse • rated G • 1k+ This one is a simple idea, written with a soft touch, and every time I re-read it, I’m crying by the time David says “I want to stand still.”
of all the riches. by falconeggs • rated T • 9k+ Who doesn’t love a good celebrity AU? This one is as cute as you could possibly want it to be, from their first meeting to taking their relationship public. It’s just a little slice of joy.
Overreacting by codswallop • rated M • 17k+ Fics dealing with hospital visits and illnesses and things of that sort can easily tip over into whumpy territory (which is totally fine if that’s what you’re looking for), but this fic goes a different direction and manages to be funny and sweet and charming while balancing the anxiety of waiting for news. David and Patrick’s dynamic here is so good; they’re both sharp and funny and vulnerable and messy in turn, joking like normal when they can, lifting each other up when they can’t.
101 by Hth • rated E • 8k+ Like I said, I love fics that acknowledge that things aren’t always perfect, and there’s nothing more rife for imperfection than a first night spent together. Their night at Stevie’s is the perfect setting for starting to navigate some difficult conversations, especially in the wake of Jake’s unexpected appearance, and this fic does a great job of getting them through the nerves and the talking and the the stops and starts of that night. And their last two lines of dialogue are perfection.
The Sidelines by wildhoneypie • rated T • 5k+ Comedy is so much harder to write than you might expect, and I am constantly awed by how well this fic does it. It feels effortless and in-character and in line with the kind of humor that beats at the heart of the show, all while still capturing that instant, playful attraction between David and Patrick. It’s just such a fun read.
holy sick divine by earlylight • rated T • 36k+ If the tags “Strangers who Met in a Field to Coworkers to Friends to Lovers” and “Paperwork - But Make It Sexy” don’t endear you to this fic before you even start it, I don’t know what to tell you. My favorite part of this story is actually the role reversal of Patrick being Stevie’s best friend, Patrick having dated Jake, etc. That’s just one way that this fic takes everything we know and turns it on its head, and it does it with good humor and such a strange sweetness. It’s utterly unique, and the final scene just burrows down into your heart and sets up house there.
A Fair Return by thingswithwings • rated E • 237k+ This is probably the most insanely well-crafted canon retelling I’ve seen in my life. It adds so much backstory to the show and makes you rethink scenes you know intimately, which is what any good canon retelling should do. The OCs and the ways they’re carved into the structure of the story we know are where this fic particularly shines; it’s so, so well done.
my heart was broke, my head was sore by blueink3• rated M • 31k+ I think the only thing better than fake dating might be the exact reverse: having to pretend you’re not dating when you are. Even though they’re technically together, there’s just so much opportunity for pining and angst (both of which blueink3 always does SO fucking well), and this fic takes that to another level by adding in the fragile newness of their relationship and the anxiety of a family medical scare. David is so, so careful with Patrick here, and I love every single word of it.
let’s go dancing in the light by goingmywaydoll • rated G • 2k+ It was so difficult to narrow this down to one fic by goingmywaydoll because I absolutely love everything she does, but ultimately I went with her first one for this fandom. I’m SUCH a sucker for David and Patrick seeing each other before the wedding, and David having anxiety about not having anxiety is pretty much the most David thing possible. The characterization, the dialogue, the whole entire mood of the fic--it’s all absolutely spot-on. This one is everything I could ever want from wedding fic.
for feelings unbound by wardo_wedidit • rated E • 20k+ Picking one single fic by wardo_wedidit was also a near-impossible task, but ultimately I had to go with this one because it’s honestly perfect. David’s empath abilities add SO much to his characterization and the trajectory of his relationship with Patrick, and it fills this fic with so many gorgeous moments that leave you feeling like maybe there really is magic in the world--and this fic has plenty of it.
Watching Through Windows by helvetica_upstart • rated E • 38k+ Every single moment of this fic is heartbreaking in the best possible way. Reading it is like cracking yourself open and then putting yourself back together a little stronger. Watching David learn about the man he’d grown into and have to decide if he wants to (or even can) become that man all over again is simultaneously gut-wrenching and soul-healing. And Patrick in this fic--god, what can I even say about him? He’s so understanding and GOOD, even when he’s terrified and heartbroken. He is absolutely everything. Everything. This story is 100% perfection from start to finish, and the bench scene in particular is hands down the best scene in any fic I’ve read this year.
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blodreina-noumou · 5 years
Tagged by: @blodkihci and @spyecho - tysm!!! I have already done this, but I watch a thousand TV shows, so I’ma do it again!
The 100
The Good Place
Cloak and Dagger
One Day at a Time
The Dragon Prince
Under a cut, since it’s long!
1. who is your favorite character in 2?
The cruelty of this question. The impossible task. I cannot choose, I love Team Cockroach all equally. 
Wait, no, that’s a lie. Chidi. It’s Chidi. I love my surprisingly jacked, anxious, moral philosophy professor above almost all else.
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2. who is your least favorite character in 1?
Of those who are still alive...Clarke and Bellamy, lmao. Before Abby and Kane kicked it though, they topped that list. Easily.
3. what is your favorite episode of 4?
Oh man, that’s really tough, too. I think the season finales are all up there. Elena’s family dancing with her at her quinceañera, when her dad abandons her, still makes me cry so hard. Penelope saying, “I’ve got you,” which is what her mom said to her earlier in the season, when Penelope couldn’t sleep without her husband around and she broke down in front of Lydia. That generational strength of women. The way Schneider and Leslie come in, because they’re family too. And don’t even get me started on the second season finale, there’s dozens of perfect moments, and the ending always gets my waterworks going in the best possible way.
If you haven’t watched One Day at a Time, what are you even doing??
4. what is your favorite season of 5?
The second season is really good, because by then, everyone is established and the story is clear. Plus the goddamn baby dragon is there, no longer in his egg, and he is the best. Him and Bait really help guide you through the pain and emotional turmoil.
God I need to rewatch The Dragon Prince again, it’s soooo good. Criminally underrated.
5. who is your favorite couple in 3?
I mean, that’s obvious, right? TnT, Tyrondy, The Divine Pairing. My sweet babies, Tyrone and Tandy.
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6. who is your favorite couple in 2?
Cheleanor forever 💖
7. what is your favorite episode in 1?
That’s really tough, it’s such a long show now, and there are so many highs, and so, so many lows. My knee-jerk reaction is still “Spacewalker” I think. The reveal/retcon that Raven is the badass, spacewalking rebel, and Finn was her sweet and supportive boyfriend, combined with that heartbreaking twist at the end - it’s not just the best episode of The 100, it’s maybe one of the best episodes of television, ever. A true gem amidst a whoooole lot of garbage.
8. what is your favorite episode of 5?
This is mostly hard because I binged it super fast...
I think it must be “Heart of a Titan” - the one where Prince Callum reads the letter his step-father left him, and there are so many reveals so quickly. It’s a really emotional, beautiful episode.
9. what is your favorite season of 2?
The first season is really good. It’s a solid piece of television and the reveal at the end is perfect. But I think most of the best episodes happen in season two and three. It’s a tough call.
10. how long have you watched 1?
About three years now. I started when s3a was airing, so I watched the fandom burn itself to the ground while still getting through s1 and s2, lmao.
11. how did you become interested in 3?
I saw a lot of gifs about it and I got curious. People who liked Runaways said Cloak & Dagger was good too. Plus, Olivia Holt is a goddamn stunner, and Aubrey Joseph is beautiful. I’m pretty shallow, at the end of the day.
12. who is your favorite actor in 4?
Justina Machado, who plays Penelope. Everyone is amazing, but she’s an incredible lead.
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13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Ugggggh, this is sooo tough. It’s not The 100. Honestly it’s probably The Good Place. It’s amazing how a show about death and the afterlife and hell and can be my happy place. 
The Dragon Prince is so, so good though, more people need to watch it.
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Welp, The 100 has six seasons, Cloak & Dagger has two. Do the math. (Also I haven’t seen the second season of Cloak & Dagger still...)
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Honestly, Penelope. I relate so much to her, with her struggles with PTSD, depression, and anxiety - except she’s a hardworking, determined, badass mother who has overcome so much, and will continue to, because that’s who she is. I admire her a lot, and aspire to that, deep down. (Less the motherhood part, but meh.)
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
I think a really funny episode could be made where Tandy and Tyrone are inserted into the world of ODAAT and have supernatural shenanigans and the show finds a way to explain them away. Plus, there’s only one degree of separate between C&D and Runaways, and Ariela Barer guest starred on ODAAT. It’d be a very silly episode, probably not canon - maybe some sort of coma/concussion episode with Elena, so she can Ariela can guest star and Carmen can return again?
That’s the one and only way I can envision it. It wouldn’t work in reverse. ODAAT cannot exist in the world of C&D.
17. pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple
I saw someone make a very compelling argument for Octavia and Murphy on this very survey, once. I don’t exactly ship it, but I could see it working. They’re both kind of outcasts, who rose in rank abruptly within their societies, after a long time being underdogs (to middling results.) They’re both jaded, sarcastic, edgy, and super beautiful in somewhat unconventional ways. Interestingly, they’ve rarely interacted on-screen, from what I can recall. But I think they’d make a fun, badass outsiders kind of couple. This is assuming Emori is not with Murphy anymore, for whatever reason.
18. overall, which story has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
I have to go with The Dragon Prince. C&D is good, but TDP is like, life-changing. It’s so dense, yet so lighthearted. There’s incredible, organic, natural representation of different skin tones, of people with disabilities, of blended families, of LGB characters. It raises interesting ethical questions, and provides you with some really fascinating, well-developed antagonists. It has an “epic quest” feel while also being a personal, intimate story driven by its characters and its setting in a believable way. Plus, it always finds lighthearted ways to include humor, adorable animals and moments, and romance. 
It’s a perfect show.
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19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
Definitely The Good Place. It has such an iconic score, a very simple and memorable theme. I like ODAAT’s, it’s fun and energetic, but TGP’s manages to capture a lot about the show’s vibes in like, six notes.
Tagging: @bombshellsandbluebells @blodkru @johnmurphysreddit @twinzmoon @awesomenell65 @diytavias @captainwilldameron @dylanobrienisbatman and anyone else who sees this and wants to steal it! I’ve absolutely lost track of who’s done this and who hasn’t, so please feel free to ignore it, for any reason.
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