#they’re also uhh one of the few ships that’s endgame
thegreatestheaver · 6 months
if divine right had a fandom I think people would like jigolo and miasma
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drowningindango · 9 days
you might have made a post about it before but im dumb and dont know how to look ykyk- UHH- do you have any madaobi fic recs? your honor i looooove themm
especially darkfic, anything focusing on madaras manipulation and psychological torture of obito or just the more messed up side of it. i love when theyre complicated and messy and madara is madara and obito has that little cute bit of stockholm syndrome that makes his adult self so adorable
Well, anon, I can definitely try :) and, no, I haven't made a rec post before as far as I remember
I know you said darkfic, but since you didn’t specify whether you’re comfortable with nsfw (sex) or triggering topics, I’ll add some warnings for the individual fics anyway. 🤔 (Please also check the tags of the fic before reading)
I’m also tailoring this list to your interests mostly.
(So if anyone else wants to ask for madaobi recs that go into a different direction, like wholesome fluff, horror, any other genre, hit me up xD my personal taste goes more into the direction of them being like yin and yang, push and pull, give and take, where the power dynamic can be flipped in the blink of an eye)
oh, uh, and if you click on the fic titles it'll link you directly to the fic
Rec list:
Between Black (narzissus)
Nsfw, sexual content, canon compliant. Can definitely recommend this one for you. :)
find your way by moonlight (blackkat)
A fic that really got a nicely written messed up dynamic between them. Multiple warnings here: Obligatory nsfw and dub con/non con warning. madaobi is not the main ship of the fic and is not the endgame!!! And as far as I remember, it gets cut off very early in the story. The reason I still recommend the story is because it got exactly that complicated stockholm syndrome and manipulation going on that you want, and the story dives right into that with the first chapter. (And it’s deliciously good). …I admit that I’ve literally only read the madaobi parts xD
Sealed off (Glove)
A short fic by my good friend Glove (who has written a lot of madaobi fics and I can warmly rec them all, but I picked a few that fit your taste specifically). 💕 Sfw, gore. Features the seal on Obito's heart.
Eye to eye (Glove)
No sexual content, but non con intimacy. Very manipulative. Another short fic.
Promise of spring (Glove)
Warning: mentions of mpreg and forced pregnancy. No sexual content. Definitely contains psychological torture for Obito xD
Longing (Nalyra)
This one has other ships besides MadaObi (mind the tags), if you dislike that, skip this one. but 👀 it sure got aaaaall the manipulation, messy relationships etc. aspects for madaobi. And it does it well. Warnings: nsfw. It's smut. Lots of it. xD
Your Warmth Burns Me (DualDreamer)
Idk, I'll be so bold to throw in my own fic here, even though I don't know if it falls even remotely under your parameters. It's definitely not a darkfic. But it's dealing with complicated feelings Obito has and it's veeeeery short. Sfw.
This is my secret tip where I don't give a hoot about the parameters. xD Read any fic that's by enquiring_angel!!!!!!!! Just scroll through the madaobi tag on ao3 and if you see that name, click on it. She has such an amazing grip on the characters, I love her writing so much.
Secret tip: use online translator to read fic
Madaobi has a lot fans in the Chinese community on ao3. Can’t read Mandarin? Use a translator! Often the result will be a bit clunky but I found that once you get used to it, your brain can bridge the gap (like names that get messed up by the translator, or any grammar/sentence structure issues). There are some real gems out there. <3
Otherwise, I can only recommend looking on ao3 by yourself. If you filter out any languages you can’t read (and maybe add some tags you prefer), the number of madaobi fics is small enough and not too overwhelming to navigate. (There are probably some fics I missed because I didn’t read them/they’re not up my alley, but might be to your liking?)
I hope this list helps out for a start. ^^
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ceealaina · 3 years
Title: The Dumb Jocks, Cute Butts Club Collaborator Name: ceealaina Card: 4008 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - AU: Rivals Ship: Gen Rating: Teen Major Tags: Humour, Team as Family, Crack Treated (Semi) Seriously Summary: Rhodey, Bucky, and Bruce bond over the absolute idiots in their lives. (AKA I got drunk and hate-watched Endgame, and then this happened. Word Count: 848
“Alright, Danvers.” Steve stomped into the break room and set two bottles down on the table with just a little more force than he would normally use. He snapped off the caps and then nodded down at the two bottles of hot sauce. “First one to down the whole thing wins.” 
Carol didn’t look phased, just arched an eyebrow as she looked up at him with a slight smirk on her lips. “You know my powers come from an infinity stone, right?” 
Steve just shrugged. “I run on spite and exhaustion, Chair Force. Bring it.” 
Without breaking eye contact, Carol curled her hand around the bottle. Steve followed suit and in unison they tapped them against the table three times before knocking them back in one swift go.
“Wow.” Bruce sat down at the table beside Rhodey and Bucky, who were staring into the distance with pained expressions. Rhodey’s mouth was twisted up in disgust, or maybe fear. “What’s the dumb jock cute butt club up to today?” 
“They’re… Chugging hot sauce.” Rhodey sounded disbelieving even as he watched it happen. 
“It could be worse,” Bucky offered, though he didn’t sound like he quite believed what he was saying. “Yesterday they stole a quinjet to see who could survive the highest fall.” 
Bruce squinted at the two of them. “Can’t Carol fly?” 
“Yeah,” Rhodey sighed, sounding very tired. “But she didn’t use her powers. So it would be fair.” 
“Jesus,” Bucky muttered. He winced as Steve let out a loud belch, audible from across the room. Shaking his head, Bucky looked over at Bruce instead. “So where’s your cute butt idiot today?” 
“Tinkering with one of the Iron Man suits,” Bruce said. His voice was just smug enough that Bucky and Rhodey both made faces. “JARVIS is keeping an eye on him. He’s good.” 
“That’s what you think,” Rhodey muttered. “Give him a few minutes unaccompanied, and he can get into all sorts of shit. Trust me, I know.” Then he trailed off a minute. “Wait. I thought Tony was my idiot?” 
“Well, he was,” Bucky agreed, “But then you adopted that idiot. Who, by the way, is currently trying to wrestle Steve into submission.” 
“So I took over your idiot,” Bruce continued. “Also, I think she’s winning,” he added, tilting his head to where Carol had Steve tangled up in a painful looking headlock. There was a collective wince when Steve’s leg kicked out and caught a table leg, sending a vase crashing to the floor. Neither Carol nor Steve seemed to notice the glass shattering around them. 
“Hope that wasn’t expensive,” Bucky muttered, not sounding overly concerned. 
Rhodey kicked his chair. “Hey. Go get your boy, tell him to knock it off.”
“Go get your girl,” Bucky shot back. “Pretty sure she started it.”
“Yeah, well. I’m the head baby-sitter, so I’m in charge.” 
Bucky’s face scrunched up in confusion. “Who made you the head baby-sitter?” 
“Experience,” Rhodey retorted as Bruce sighed and buried his face in his arms. “I’ve been doing it for longer.” 
Bucky arched an eyebrow, looking utterly unimpressed. “You know I’m 106, right?” 
Rhodey didn’t look phased in the slightest. “Doesn’t count if you spent half that time getting freezer burn, Barnes. I’ve been taking care of Tony for like thirty years straight. Call me when you’ve done some real work.” 
“Uhh, not to break up this very strange pissing contest, but…” Bruce gestured across the room to where there were now two more overturned tables, and Carol looked very near to accidentally putting Steve through a window. “Somebody should probably do something about that, right?” 
But before either of them made any actual move to break things up, Tony came running into the room, clutching his arm to his chest. Rhodey arched an eyebrow at Bruce. “You were saying?” 
“Move, move, move,” Tony yelped, barely seeming to notice the wrestling match he was interrupting as he raced to the sink. “Burnt the shit out of my hand. Ow, shit, fuck.” 
Immediately Steve and Carol abandoned their fight, moving over to check on Tony instead. “Hey, hey, let me see,” Carol said, carefully pulling Tony’s arm away from his chest. 
“I’ll get a potato!” Steve offered. 
“A potato?” Carol arched an eyebrow at him. “Are you fucking stupid, Rogers? You don’t use a potato on a burn. Get the butter.” 
Tony looked pained. “That’s really not…” he started, trying to duck around Carol to get to the sink, but he was ignored as the two of them started arguing over burn treatments, not one of which was an actual recommended option. Tony sighed, still trying to worm his way to the sink. “Seriously guys, it’s not that bad, I’ll be fine with some cool water. I just stuck my hand in hot glue from the glue gun, that’s all!” 
Rhodey sighed, and made exactly no attempt to get up and help. “God, they’re dumb.” 
“Yeah,” Bucky agreed, tilting his head as he stared at the three of them, now standing with their backs to them. “Really cute butts though.” 
“Super cute butts.”
@tonystarkbingo @howwildandwonderful
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xfangheartx · 4 years
One Piece and LuffyxNami?
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Luffy
Least Favorite character: Akainu
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): LuffyxNami, ZoroxRobin, UsoppxKaya, ChopperxCarrot, and SanjixVivi.
Character I find most attractive: Luffy. He’s both cute and sexy at the same time. XD
Character I would marry: Law (sorry Law fans)
Character I would be best friends with: Nami. She’s sassy and I like that. ^^
A random thought: I hope Wano doesn’t end TOO quickly.
An unpopular opinion: The way Oda draws the girls is really sexist (it could be a popular opinion, though).
My canon OTP: Luffy/Nami
Non-canon OTP: Uhh...I do not know. ^^;
Most badass character: Zoro.
Pairing I am not a fan of: SaNami. I know that a lot of people like the ship, but I just can’t see the appeal.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I hate to say it, but...Luffy after the timeskip. I feel like Oda really should have had him talk to his crew about what happened after Ace died and stuff. Instead, he just chooses to just focus on the adventure aspect of the story. I mean...losing a loved one? That’s not something you get over after just 2 years. Not to mention all the mental, emotional, and physical trauma he suffered during the war.
Favourite friendship: Luffy and Zoro. It’s also tied with Luffy and Usopp.
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it: After rewatching the show back in 2010, I kinda fell in love with this pairing. It got stronger after watching Strong World, Film Z, and Film Gold.
my thoughts: “...She is his QUEEN.”
What makes me happy about them: Just seeing the trust they have in each other. Besides, Luffy would literally be lost without Nami since she is the navigator.
What makes me sad about them: The fact that there aren’t as many moments between them anymore.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Nami still acting like a bitch with Luffy.
Things I look for in fanfic: Them cuddling together and just being all affectionate. I also look for a few lemons here and there, and I might even write one myself, once in a blue moon.
My kinks: Luffy showing his musculature to Nami who thinks it’s absolutely HOT.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I guess if they’re not the endgame, I can only see Nami being single and she’s okay with that. Luffy is, too, because he wants someone to have that freedom.
My happily ever after for them: Them sailing the seas together as King and Queen, along with their crew. ^^
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dellinah · 4 years
Hazbin hotel for the fandom thing
Dumbass appearing again to answer for HELLUVA BOSS on this one bc im dumb enough to switch them rip me
1. First character I ever fell in love with:
For obvious reasons, Loona lmao. This is going to sound bad but I didn't get AS invested in the characters from the pilot as I could have been bc the format didn't really allow for that I think. 2 episodes in and I love them a lot more
2. Character I used to love and now do not:
Literally none, what happened was the other way around. I wasn't invested in any of them, and now I am in pretty much all. Especially Stolas, that was a full 180 that punched me in the face from 'character that exists I guess' to 'I WILL DIE AND KILL FOR YOU'
3. A ship I used to love and now do not:
Same thing, it was the other way around. I started not caring for any but now they got mee ;3;
4. Ultimate favorite character:
Blitzo!! ESPECIALLY after Loo Loo Land. And honestly so much of it comes from Brandon's performance, his delivery adds SO MUCH personality to the character. You can tell what he feels regardless of what he's saying by HOW he says it and he's got so much depth to him anyway I love him. But honestly I love them all so much he's just a bit more bc of how layered and just fun he is to watch. Also in the end he IS so caring still, he's like a cat being an asshole but lovingly
5. Prettiest character:
That one wolfman from the teaser. He can get it
From the main cast I think Loona and Via look pretty cute!
6. Most hated character:
Stolas' wife. This is going to bite me in the ass later if they give her a character but eh,,, very few things get under my skin more than 'parent who screams and fights in front of their child' and while I CAN understand she's mad for being cheated on can you please not discuss it in front of the child. Look at what you did you ruined a perfectly good Octavia. She has depression now
7. My otp
Stolas/Blitzo bc Stolas deserves better and Blitzo deserves a family and shut up they love each other. I do think Blitzo having a crush on Moxxie is lowkey kind of cute, but I would never want them to actually happen bc Millie/Moxxie is too precious to be broken apart
8. My notp
Somehow, Blitzo/Millie doesn't do it for me? I think Blitzo has a bit of a crush on both the m&ms (maybe bc he's lonely and wants love so bad he crushes on everyone that is close to him, or maybe just bc he does bc horny bastard) but while Blitzo/Moxxie is cute, Blitzo/Millie is... eh
9. Favorite episode
Loo loo land! It was the ep that really sucked me in and made me see this as a good layered show. I think Murder family tried to give Moxxie more of a personality and while it is a good ep it didnt go as deep with characterization as I think it could have, other than Moxxie at least. Loo loo land did it better and did more and I hope it keeps going from there!
10. Saddest death
The teacher oof. I feel so bad for her and all the shit she went through before she died and after. She literally did nothinh wrong and deserved better
11/12. Least/fav season
Well season 1 is being pretty great so i dont have a least fav :P
13. Character everyone loves and I hate
Again, none, all the fandom favs are my favs. I guess of the main cast Millie is my least fav but I love her so much still and she's absolutely relatable bc I too, want a thing I dont know what is just bc it looks cute
14. Piece of trash but still a fav
Loona oops. I mean i know she is a bit of an emo edgy asshole but she cute so its all forgiven
15. Deserves better than this lil cinnamon roll character:
Octavia. To think of what she went through in her household that turned a sweet lil baby into a depressed teen just makes me want to give her a hug :( I'm so happy she has a good dad but honestly growing up to realize your parents hate each other and are possibly in an arranged marriage (I personally think it was a status thing which is why his wife seems more upset that he cheated with an IMP than that he cheated at all + needing an heir thing. I'd say Stolas is gay and sad he was forced into a straight marriage but let's be honest literally everyone in that show is at least bi lmao) just messes one up and growing up in that household sounds like hell in hell
16. This ship is wrong but I love it
Uhh Moxxie/Blitzo? Again idk if it counts bc i dont want them to be endgame AT ALL and I just think Blitzo having a crush on him is cute. But. They be cute. I love how Blitzo invades Moxxies personal space more than everyone else's (Watcha dreaming about? :3) and Moxxie is SO DONE with him its a cute dynamic
17. They're kinda cute but I don't really ship it
I guess same as the previous one lmao. I like them platonically/one sided but def not when they're portrayed as actually together
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stjernfaerie · 4 years
here are some mcu related asks:
(feel free to add gifs where you want you know for the visuals)
- favourite movie
SPIDERMAN HOMECOMING AAAH that shit made me so happy
- top 5 favourite characters
okay, no particular order, but Tony, Peter Parker, Loki, Thor, and Natasha
- top 5 favourite villains
AH idk how to answer this?? Like do I go for which characters that are villains that I like the most, or which characters I think made really great antagonists?? I don’t knowwwww
- favourite quote/line
mmmhhg there are so many good onesssssss, but my brain instinctively went to Thor’s snake story in Ragnarok so I’m going with that
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honestly just like anything from ragnarok. There’s so much good shit there. 
- favourite female character
Natasha or Wanda. But also like I love Nebula. SO much. Oh and Peggy has a special place in my heart bc she was the first MCU character I was gay for, which is honestly just bc the first avenger was the first movie i saw but still.
- favourite Wakandan
SHURI !!!!
- favourite Guardian of the Galaxy
Does Nebula count? Otherwise Gamora :) 
- favourite Asgardian
you expect me to chOOSE between Loki and THor?????? THAT’S JUST NOT POSSIBLE AH
okay I’ll just say Heimdall bc he’s really great and I don’t think there’s enough appreciation for him
- favourite Avenger
OG or ever? gosh it’s so hard to choose either way. Uhh,,, I think I’m gonna go withhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nat or spidey boy
i think
they’re just all so great okay
- favourite outfit/costume
Loki in TDW, oof. 
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I want that coat. Like not even just for the cosplay, I just want that coat. To wear. always. 
- favourite minor/side character
I don’t really know what counts as a minor character here? Like I wanna say Shuri, but also I don’t really think she’s a minor character is she? OOH DOES MARIA HILL COUNT? CAUSE SHE’S GREAT. 
- favourite team Iron Man member
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- favourite team Captain America member
Wanda !!!
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- favourite power
ooh that’s a good question. I really love Thor’s powers, but if I were to choose one power to have, I’d probably pick either Wanda’s or Loki’s
- favourite character reveal/introduction
I think I gotta go with Peter Parker again. It was just so nice and instantly made me wanna see more of him. I’m pretty sure I had yelled out AH I ALREADY LOVE HIM SO MUCH within the first few minutes of seeing him. 
But I also loved Nat’s introduction. That’s a close second. 
- favourite friendship/bromance
oooh okay, a lot of good canditates, but I gotta go with Steve and Nat. 
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- favourite end credit scene
Okay I remember being pretty disappointed when I first saw it bc there wasn’t any teaser or anything for the next movie, but now? I want to say the shawarma scene in Avengers. Wholesome shit. 
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- favourite weapon
Mjölnir, no question. Stormbreaker is super cool and all, but I’m always gonna prefer mew mew. 
- favourite death/defeat of a villain
I’m gonna go with Aldrich Killian in Iron Man 3. 
- favourite fight scene
In civil war when they all fight eachother at the airport. That was some good shit, I liked that. 
- favourite origin story
Iron Man
- favourite canon ship
MJ and Peter or Steggy. 
- headcanon ships
Stony and Stucky are both great. I just ship Steve with everybody apparently. 
Nah I feel like there are more ships I would really like, I just haven’t really discovered them yet I think? 
oh oh valkyrie and thor !! they would be like the ultimate bisexual powercouple. 
- also just ramble about some headcanons
aaaahhhgdls idk if I have any proper HC’s yet? I’m still recovering from endgame  
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halflingkima · 4 years
Thots on the current state of popular TV?
uhh trashcan dumbpster fire.
To expound, we first have to define what we mean by “popular” tv. Do we simply mean most widely watched? Or do we mean most widely loved, appreciated, enjoyed? And therefore do we mean award-winning? Or like “popular” music, do we mean a specific style or genre? For my purposes, I’d go with “most widely watched” regardless of opinion, but I’d also rather focus on the industry, bc it’s not like consumers rly have any modicum of control over what’s produced.
Some claim we’re still in a second “golden age of television” but as with the trajectory of any “age,” I think we’ve past the tipping point.
I believe the said “golden age” peaked after s*perwh*l*ck (yes it’s problematic as a fandom, but the level of investment and devotion was extremely telling of tv culture) and during the emergence of the first n*tflix originals, when h*lu wasn’t d*sney and still had a free option. imo, the tipping point was when new services emerged and n*tflix focused on increasing subscriptions rather than keeping the ones they had. Also fits that niche right before every novel and movie and miniseries was a reboot or sequel. When the focus was simply on telling a good story, rather than wriging new money out of old fans.
(I have to address my nostalgia as an effect on my judgement. My perspective is influenced, if not entirely based upon, my greater enjoyment of television in that era. I’ve struggled to enjoy anything for the last few years, whereas during that period, I felt as though certain shows were a part of me in a way.)
I suppose my point is that the introduction of streaming was the peak of the age, and thus brings about its end. We’ve passed the point where streaming is novel and innovative and reached the point where it’s standard and intensively commodified – not that it wasn’t commodified initially, but now its sole purpose is to make money, whereas initially it had also been a revolutionary new platform for new creators and new audiences.
I also think the introduction of the binge-model cheapens the medium as a whole. I don’t inherently disagree with binge-model stories, but i dislike the culture it’s created. New shows that aren’t “bingeable” or “nonstop” are akin to relics of the past, and spoilers pop up mere hours after shows “drop” – like they’re albums lmao. Just because a narrative isn’t one big monolith doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value. I think binge-model shows deserve a place, but I hate the culture that’s built around them.
Another example of the “golden age” disintegrating is the direct line of communication between creators and fans (and I feel this most viscerally thru CR, though that’s not a television show). Young people gaining an awareness and social media presence just now aren’t aware we’ve begun the fall of this golden age. They think this communication is an inherent right. Others think this communication is a sign the golden age is still on the rise – to them, crowd-sourced stories are a symbol of the future, a digital communication age.
When in reality all this does is muddy the original intention of these stories. That’s not to say we can’t critique or call out tv shows and their creators – racism, misogyny, ableism are all important things to unlearn. I’m talking about the petitions to relaunch shows (b99, spn, every show that’s gone on too long), the demands for certain ships to be endgame. 
I’m sorry, I think I’ve slipped into my lament about the decline fandom culture.
tl;dr: I believe the current state of popular television indicates that we’re in the decline of the second golden age of television. That’s not to say that all current pop tv is bad, or that the medium hasn’t made significant positive growth, specifically wrt representation and genre (leads of color, queer/disabled mcs, wider respect for animation, child actors playing their age – all significant). However, as is the usual course of events, capitalism has ruined it.
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snorlaxlovesme · 4 years
how about that adam dude from that thing you like which I haven't read but appreciate your enthusiasm for?
laura i owe you my life
Sexuality Headcanon:
bisexual! adam is confirmed to be sexually attracted to multiple genders and we are proud of him for it
Gender Headcanon:
while it seems like his understanding of gender definitely gets more complex in college since he’s made a nonbinary friend, I don’t think that Adam is the type to examine his OWN gender under a lens like that and probably sticks to seeing himself as rigidly masculine and sticks to those constructs. but i enjoy the fact that despite coming from such a conservative upbringing he becomes friends with Elliott within the first few months of starting school, which means that almost IMMEDIATELY after leaving Henrietta behind he’s already broadening his horizons.
A ship I have with said character:
tbh i ship adam with like everyone in the gang? except maybe noah bc they have very few interactions together. 
obviously ronan is endgame and pynch is very close to my heart and that goes without saying. i genuinely can’t get over that, from adam’s POV at leasy, he’s living the Enemies to Lovers trope in real time. book 1 adam hates ronan so. fucking. much. for the majority of the book. if only you had your tarot cards in TRB, parrish, you coulda foreseen that soon you’d be letting that fucker kiss your knuckles in every other scene of CDTH
adam/gansey is another fan favorite but, like much of the fandom, i see gansey EASILY being head over heels for adam while adam’s feelings back are a lot more complicated. adam loves gansey the person but viscerally hates gansey’s privilege, which, like it or not makes up a large part of who gansey is. so as fun as adansey is for the memes, it would be a hard ship to actually make work because I feel like gansey would spend a lot of mental energy unravelling parts of himself to appease adam and adam would have to unpack a LOT of his bullshit so gansey wouldn’t have to do that.
and i don’t care what anyone thinks, book 1 adam/blue is still adorable to me. i know their relationship went sour (and honestly never fully built itself back up again, something that still grates my nerves bc i woulda liked some closure with those two) but the awkward flirting and sweet puppy love thing they have going on in TRB still makes me smile. like??? the baby’s breath bouquet??? i’ll never be over that. never.
A BROTP I have with said character:
adam and opal! seeing them bond in the TRK Opal special was fantastic and i wish we could have gotten more content of them doing normal every day things. i also want them to team up to torment ronan
A NOTP I have with said character:
uhh. there aren’t many people he’s shipped with outside of ronan and gansey really. 
i guess i’m against the idea of tad caruthers/adam. purely bc if tad annoys adam in canon he annoys me as well.
A random headcanon:
even tho being Deaf in one ear doesn’t exactly necessitate the use of sign language all the time, its helpful for adam to have it as a back-up in crowded, public spaces where its hard to concentrate on one person talking, in areas with a lot of overwhelming background noise, etc. everyone in the gang learns it, but since adam and ronan see each other most often they learn it the fastest/know the most vocab. do they use it for the aformentioned reasons listed above? rarely. mostly they use ASL to talk shit about their friends in front of them and it bothers the SHIT out of gansey and blue that now those fuckers are fluent in TWO languages that they’re not.
General Opinion over said character:
still one of my favorite characters of all time. i was hooked in book one just by how similar our thought processes were on all things re: money and seeing his growth in all aspects of his life is just *chef’s kiss*
he’s cold and he’s observant and he’s clever and he’s harsh and he’s bright and intense and he’s stubborn and he’s self-preserving and he’s TRYING HIS BEST and I’m just so impressed with the level of care his character got and how much he was able to grow! like i know its not a 1:1 ratio bc we’re completely different but sometimes i feel like if i want someone to understand me as aperson they should just. read trc for adam parrish. and they’d Get It.
i’m so glad his character arc was finished to completion even with all the complications maggie faced during the writing of trk. adam parrish is her greatest gift to me personally and in both the times i’ve met her i’ve never been able to articulate that but i hope she knows. 
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isaackuo · 5 years
Starco or tomstar ?? Which one do u want to be endgame ??
Well, considering I have only about a thousand Starco sketches and posts and almost all of my few Tomstar posts are headcanons about how Tom will break up with Star?
Yeah, I’m Starco trash.
I mean … I enjoy other ships and their cute moments and episodes. I feel like I’m maybe the biggest Kellco shipper around, for example, and I’ve long been one-sided Janco trash. I just think they’re neat.
Tomstar stories, though … with the exception of the cute episodes where Star wasn’t distracted by Marco (Club Snubbed, Demoncism), it’s mostly kinda not enjoyable for me to watch when it reminds me of how awkward I was when first dating. It’s a very different dynamic than how Marco was with Jackie. Jackie was super supportive of this precious little nervous boy. Star? Uhh … not so much.
So, even with a pretty cute episode I enjoyed a lot - Is Another Mystery - it’s still punctuated by Tom being insecure about whether he measures up to Marco.
In contrast, I’ve got a lot of different reasons why I relate with Marco and Star. I’m a dark haired POC who isn’t fluent in my parents languages, and my wife is a blonde blue eyed cutey and … well, there are a lot of other things also.
Oh, I could also go on and on about the way the characters have been depicted and lots of really objective sounding logical rational arguments, but I’m not going to pretend there aren’t also personal emotional reasons for which characters and relationships I relate with and enjoy watching more than others.
And that’s a reason why I really don’t look down on someone for their ships. We’ve all got personal stuff and it affects how we enjoy fictional stories and it affects how emotionally invested we get.
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aq2003 · 5 years
6.5/10 was ok but could’ve been a lot better in my opinion and by a lot better i mean
tony should’ve lived
-the russos are war criminals for what they did to tony alone. he had a family to go back to, JUST like clint. but i guess self sacrifice is cool, right?
-ever since iron man 3, tony’s story has essentially a dark twist to the “great power great responsibility” trope: the hero internalizes the motivating phrase (“don’t waste your life”), and let it interfere with their ability to take care of themself/open up to others. it started strong in iron man 3, got undermined in aou, got slightly more prevalent in the context of civil war, FINALLY got foreshadowed in infinity war. his arc was ultimately about letting other people HELP him with the responsibility he feels like he needs to carry 
-until endgame threw it under the bus again. in an objectively cool way, yeah, but it still got thrown under the bus and i’m mad
-so now tony stark’s story is ultimately a tragedy. and i fucking hate it, man. he had happiness (but not really, because peter’s not there) for 5 years and that got snatched away from him too! he underwent so much trauma since his goddamn origin story and he had a few moments of peace, sure, but he died before he could fully reunite with his loved ones. and it SUCKS. 
-god this is . this is like. if obi-wan kenobi went through All That but got really close to luke before he died and also never got any closure with anakin as a force ghost
-the russos have said, like outright, that thanos was a symbol of what tony’s been fearing of since 2012, the being that symbolized the root of his anxiety and ptsd. so what does tony do to defeat it? uhhh idk he dies i guess. but it’s okay! he can finally rest now!
-really great message there for the kids, right? 
-also there was a whole sequence about him talking to his dad about not abandoning his kid and being there for her. but now he CAN’T be there for morgan because tony stark is fucking gone and dead and i can’t fucking handle this he deserves so much better
-also also not to be a DudeBroGeek™ but he totally got nerfed during his fight scenes
thor shouldn’t have been played off as a joke
-my whole theater laughed at him being . fat. and i was SUPER SUPER SUPER uncomfy the entire time
-he has a PANIC ATTACK and people LAUGHED i mean way to treat more of your mentally ill characters like shit, russos! sure! just devaluate thor’s suffering by saying “oh he’s fat so it’s funny now! hehe!” FUCK you
-i mean, yikes, i can’t believe we went from iron man 3 (where mental illness is one of the major problems the protagonist clearly struggles with, where tony’s panic attacks are disturbingly real and in no way funny) to THIS SHIT
-don’t even get me STARTED on his arc. like from thor 1 to dark world it’s about putting aside his arrogance for the good of his people. for ragnarok it’s finally stepping up and finding his powers while taking up the responsibility as king. in infinity war i was able to turn a blind eye to it, but it’s so prevalent in endgame how little the russos care about thor’s journey in his movies
-in the end he passes off the responsibility he took up in ragnarok to val and just straight up fucked off to space. like what the hell, man?
-ALSO . loki said the sun would shine on them again but the sun DIDN’T fucking shine on them and i feel robbed. i feel like the russos broke into my home and stole something important.
-the brodinsons deserve better.
-how can taika even be there, like physically. i mean. the thor from his movie got entirely retconned
-also not to be a DudeBroGeek™ again but. but like tony he was so 100% nerfed especially during the fight against thanos HOW did thanos even touch stormbreaker aka the weapon made to kill him like what
-i hate to put this all on james gunn but he’s GOTTA fix the crimes committed in endgame against the guardians and thor
steve’s entire character arc shouldn’t have been undermined
-one of his defining character traits is that he won’t stand by and let bad things happen when he can prevent it
-if you could describe steve rogers THAT’S what you would say about him. 
-it’s like tony being smart. or thor being powerful. steve is just Like That
-so why did he go back in time when two full movies were dedicated to him adapting to the future
-idk it doesn’t really make sense to me
-i don’t actually have much to say about steve, i’m not as attached to his character as tony and thor but it still rubs me the wrong way. maybe it makes more sense to steve stans but from what i’ve seen they’re PISSED even though out of the trio he got the most time to shine in battle lmao
-the time travel fuckery was. hmmm
-nat wasn’t there for the admittedly cheesy but still sort of nice girl-power shot
-wong did nothing until the final battle. like him surviving the snap did nothing to impact the story
-why was okoye even on the poster? she should’ve gotten a bigger role imo
-WHAT was dr strange even doing holding back the water
-my brother (who watched the movie with me) thought that the lgbt rep in the movie was “america’s ass” rather than the gay russo in steve’s support group, which just goes to show that the lgbt rep is SO small and the media should really stop hyping it up. not really salt towards the movie itself but it’s still salt
general saltiness out of the way, i’m going to list what i did like about the movie
-those posts going around about how knowing the spoilers take away from the movie are actually really, really wrong. i went in knowing more than half the plot including who lives and dies and i still found it entertaining, to say the least. the movie had a lot of effort put into making it and it really shows. if you ignore the parts you don’t like, you can actually kick back and have a relatively good time
-also the action was really, really good. throughout the entire movie. it’s an avengers film, so the action has to be good, but the fights were still super awesome and a lot were actually a cut above the rest of the mcu (especially the melee fights)
-the final battle was amazing. up until the end, i was on the edge of my seat, because even though it’s another “big final battle against an army of cgi monsters” i actually really really liked it. pretty much everything was perfect about it, and it was so fun to watch the theater go ham whenever a hero did something badass.
-the score. god, the score. alan silvestri did so good with calling back motifs from other solo mcu movies (something marvel should’ve been doing the entire time). ant man’s theme after scott pops out of the quantum realm, captain america’s march when tony hands the shield back to steve, the reprise of “even for you” from infinity war during clint and nat’s mission to vormir, captain marvel’s theme when she blows up thanos’ ship? beautiful
-the actors did a superb job with everything they were given (which probably wasn’t that much). since the russos were paranoid about spoilers apparently no one knew who they were talking to which sucked? because the marvel cast is pretty good at improv lines. but the actors still did a REALLY good job despite this (and really do carry the movie). i felt in my BONES tony’s frustration and anger at steve during the wheelchair scene, thor’s pain and self-loathing when he reunited with frigga, and peter’s DESPAIR when he watched tony die (i will never be okay ever)
-the callbacks to previous mcu movies were fanservice, yeah, but it was the GOOD kind of fanservice in that it was really really cool and served the fans. it’s a great way for the last movie in the infinity saga to end, by revisiting some of the iconic places it touched on before
-tony and nebula! they were only together for the first scene of the movie but the scene with paper football was really soft and nice 
-the civil war conflict was glossed over save for that one scene of tony going the fuck off on steve and i couldn’t be more grateful
-MORGAN STARK. god if i had the capacity to cry i’d be sobbing through writing this entire post. morgan and her soft dad made my heart MELT into pieces i love them 3000
-they still deserved better though
-scott. like in general. he was one of the highlights of the movie. his reunion with cassie was :’)
-carol’s haircut
-by the way a lot of people complained about her makeup in her first scene with the avengers shown in the trailers but it literally wasn’t a problem for any other carol scene in the movie (because that was the only scene in the entire runtime where she was wearing noticeable lipstick/eyeshadow or whatever)
-professor hulk. i actually didn’t expect to like him, but he made a lot of actually funny jokes and i liked his personality contrast with 2012 hulk. also he made scott tacos! he’s really wholesome and i’m willing to ignore the part where he dabbed
-the mark 85 is one of my favorite iron man suits now, even though it didn’t get a lot of screentime
-speaking of which it’s REALLY great how most of the time when tony saves the day it’s because of his smarts. it brings back the main theme of the character: tony stark, the human, plays ball with gods, aliens, and monsters just by being quick witted.
-the entire sequence of tony, steve, and scott getting the scepter and the tesseract was PURE gold. (it’s my favorite part of the movie honestly)
-tony: ok scott to create a distraction i need you to put my past self into cardiac arrest. \ scott: uhh. uhh ok dude?? \ tony: my self loathing is this strong
-rhodey and nebula! they were an awesome teamup and i really really liked their friendship/dynamic
-tony reuniting with peter. i teared up. legit. i teared up.
-thanos: *headbutts carol* \ carol: *doesn’t even move an inch*
-wanda was so badass in her 10 second scene. i just thought it was really cool
-peter using instant kill mode
-tony using the gauntlet was badass. i hated it but it was SO amazing at the same time i wanted to cry and cheer at the same time so i ended up in a semi catatonic state for the rest of the day
-the little wreath with the first arc reactor, morgan craving cheeseburgers, tony’s last message.....;-;
-i love you 3000.....:((((((
-SAM GETTING TO BE CAP. (this was one of the best parts of the all-new all-different avengers comic) even though i still don’t like steve’s ending, i love that sam is going to take up the mantle (and i’m super excited to see the falcon winter soldier show now)
-the movie ended with the soundtrack of tony building the mark 1 solidifying that none of this would’ve happened without iron man. good thing endgame credits said that maybe tony stan lives do matter
-a rat is responsible for saving half the universe and i find that REALLY funny. my favorite theory is that the rat was loki the whole time and that doubles the hilarity
tldr: the movie had an ending that didn’t really fit the characters, but the rest of it was fun to watch: the action scenes were great, the interactions between the characters were mostly good, and it’s overall pretty entertaining as a film by itself. as a closing to the infinity saga it feels unsatisfying, but as a movie it’s enjoyable
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kalosbian · 7 years
How about Awakening for the ask thing!
oh sure!!!
Favorite Male Character: brady… a sweet and good boye….. trust him with my life
Favorite Female Character: say’ri my wife and the sword lesbian princess we deserve
Least Favorite Character: virion but that’s mainly bc i kept getting him in heroes when i was trying for setsuna
Favorite Ship: henry/sumia will always hold a special place in my heart bc they were my first official fe ship and their supports are so good. aside from that, i really love severa/noire and kjelle/cynthia!! also you could give me any two girls in a ship and there’s like. a 90% chance i’d be into it
Favorite Friendship: cynthia and owain!! they’re a pair i only like platonically but yeah they’re good in a friend way!
Favorite Quote: there’s a few good quotes im not sure i can pick one
Worst Character Death (if any): emmeryn. i cry every time
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: you know the part in endgame where your avatar is like uhh in that dark area with grima and they can’t hear anything but then suddenly they hear everyone calling out to them to fight back and they break free and join with everyone else just before the fight? yeah that part
Saddest Moment: listen i cry every time i have to fight yen’fay and it’s even worse if i have say’ri do it
Favorite Location: mount prism!! it’s really pretty!
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