#this IF
rickety-goose · 3 years
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send help i miss imaginary people
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tabbytabbytabby · 6 years
“You said you wouldn’t die for me,” Theo whispers, the words barely coming out. His feelings are all over the place, so many emotions swirling through him. 
He tries to tamp them down. He can’t feel them. He’s not allowed. Emotions are a weakness, and he can’t afford to be weak.
Never mind the fact that this idiot in front of him is the reason his emotions are going all haywire. Liam seems completely oblivious to the storm brewing inside Theo. His brow furrowing in a way that Theo does not find adorable. “I know. And I didn’t. I’m obviously still alive.”
Theo fists his hands at his sides to stop himself from lashing out. “You almost died, because of me.”
“But I didn’t,” Liam shrugs. “Here I am, alive. No harm done.”
Theo growls, unable to stop himself from shoving Liam. He knows it’s not just because he’s angry. He needs the contact. He doesn’t get much lately so this is all he’s got. He’s not sure what it says about him that the only physical contact he gets comes picking fights with Liam.
Send me a word, and if it’s in any of my WIPs then I’ll post the line it’s from
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rhs-reactions-blog · 11 years
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time-lady13 · 12 years
was not skyfall so wonderful! and yes, the new Q is totes adorbs and perfect. Ben Whishaw was also in "the hollow crown" as Richard II, which he acted with perfection. please more skyfall spam please.
ahahhhhhh i would but i'm going to bed
i do not feel well and it is almost one in the morning
but i'll reblog more tomorrow if i get back on! :3
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