#what a Q-tie hahahaha
ohtatertats · 4 years
It works! Hahahaha 1. Would you rather be blindfolded or blindfold me? 4. What’s your favorite position? 5. Which part of your body do you consider the most sexy? 8. Your last sexual encounter; good or bad and why? 11. Best sexual complement you ever got? 13. Have/would you ever have sex outside? 14. Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything? 16. If you had a sexual “to-do” list, what would be on top of the list?
1. I like both, depending on who is taking lead. Lately I've been fantasizing a lot of being in control.
4. It's a tie between missionary with knees to chest or doggystyle
5. My thighs 🤤
8. It was otayyyy it was the last time with a person I really liked. He ended things 2 days later.
11. "Damn that pussy grip is strong" 😂😂
13. I have and I want to again
14. Same person from Q.8. I don't remember if it meant much - I guess it didn't.
16. Mmmm more anal 🤤
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JoJo tag meme
Nicked from @abbacchiosbelt~
All Time Favorite Character(s): Mikitaka, Okuyasu, Jonathan, Foo Fighters, Suzi Q and Holly!
Favorite Jojo: It’s still an even tie between Jonathan and Josuke (4) ^^
Favorite villain: I think I summed it up fairly nicely in my last tag, so I’ll copy it here- Kira, absolutely. I love to hate all the villains, but the scariest part about Kira isn’t that he’s a high ranking mafia boss with an organization at his fingertips, or a vampire, or an all-powerful Aztec god man, he’s an average member of society on the surface, and he could be anywhere without you knowing it.
Favorite Stand: Star Platinum, Moody Blues, Echoes, and can I say Magician’s Red’s OVA design? I love him as he is, but OVA... fluffier, very good for hugs
Favorite Part: Part 4, close behind are parts 3 and 5 :)
Favorite thing about Jojo: It’s so hard to see what’s coming next, so eventually you throw all common sense out the window and just enjoy the mad, mad ride. But more than that, I love all the characters, and how much effort goes into making them individuals~
Hug: Everyone.
Get or give comfort to: I want to give comfort to every main and side character, and every villain who’s ever been a decent person. I would love to receive comfort from Mikitaka (to nobody’s surprise) or from Speedwagon.
Move out or Live with: I want to live with Miki on the outskirts of Morioh, not too far from town but just far enough to enjoy the quiet countryside. <3
Marry: Hahahaha-Mikitaka.
Character you relate to most: Probably Holly. I’m always worrying so much about everyone, particularly my family and friends, and yet I can’t say a word to most of them whenever something’s wrong with me. ^^; Also, if I’m being honest, probably Rohan in two ways: I get SUPER invested when I research something that interests me, sometimes to hyperfixation point. And that when I can’t work or can’t find the inspiration to work, I get very anxious about my lack of productivity, no matter how many times I tell myself I don’t need to be.
Did Jojo make a better change in your life? How did it help? Was it a big change or a minor change? It absolutely did. I’ve been in some awful fandoms, most of which I’m not proud to admit (I’ll only say one of them involved animatronics. I wasn’t obsessive, but it still wasn’t a good time for me >^<). The JoJo series is not only one of the most engaging I’ve been into with the characters I’ve fallen deepest in love with (in a platonic way) and an anime and manga I’ve enjoyed THIS much, but the fandom is generally so nice and good to each other, it’s such a relief to me <3
Self Ship or OC ship with canon characters? I can safely say that I do both. I’m growing more confident in self shipping, I also ship @moody-blues-requiem and Abbacchio, also @nevershoutnani and Formaggio. ^^ But also, @kazekothestrange has some very cute OCxCanon ships from what I know of them, and @strawberry-metal does as well and I hope to learn more about both!
If you had a Stand which one would you like to have, which one would you most likely get with your past and demeanor? I actually haven’t thought about this before... 
Dream Activity, with who, where and how long: After a conersation I had a while ago, I would love to go to the beach with Mikitaka, Moody and Abbacchio with our respective children, Foo Fighters and Narancia, for the day, then spend a week out in town just enjoying ourselves and generally having a nice time ^^
tagging whoever wants to do this!!
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lifesizedmuppet · 6 years
tagged by: @grantaireswinebottles 💙
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I tag: @somegayarcher @eposettemyass @h1tlerthestr1pper and anyone else who wants to do this!!
a - Age: Kakwldoqlwcnejwj
b - birthplace: Plymouth/Plimouth, MA
c - current time: 3:51 pm
d - drink you last had: seltzer
e - easiest person people to talk to: Probably Kai, my close friends, the gay les mis fucks, people in my theatre company, and people in my marching band’s pit
f - favourite song: I’ve had Charming from Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of Long Title on repeat for a while now?? So yeah
g - grossest memory: (be careful reading this because I don’t want to hurt anyone) In the third grade, my sister was climbing up a slide in our backyard and I was at the top. She’d had he brilliant idea to tie a jump rope to the top so we could pretend to climb a mountain, but she slipped and dragged me along and the rope caught my throat. I had a rope burn across my neck, and it stung like all hell. That’s it. It was so red.
h - horror yes or horror no: haHAHAHA NO
i - in love?: with musicals
j - jealous of people?: sometimes, but mostly I would be proud of people- if they deserve it
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: I... don’t know
m - middle name: Liberty, it was my grandmother’s maiden name
n - number of siblings: 2
o - one wish: for society to learn what is faulty in the system, and to fix it.
p - person you called last: my younger sister
q - question you are always asked:
IRL: “why are you so smart?!” or “how are you so good at acting?!” (I’m not but whatever)
r - reason to smile: my friends all care for me, and I care for them all, and we’re all happy in this moment 💙
s - song you sang last: Donny Novitski from Bandstand
t - time you woke up: 5:40 am
u - underwear colour: white??
v - vacation destination: I always travel to Maine and New Hampshire for vacation, but I’d love to go to Quebec again, or to France!
w - worst habit: I can’t ever motivate myself before deadlines, and I drag my feet
x - rays: none that I know of?
y - your favourite food: I love French foods, Italian foods, and just... sweets in general.
z - zodiac sign: Gemini
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heavenxsoul · 6 years
Hey, idk if you're really doing Q's anymore, but I was going through your YouTube again after a LONG time and just reliving all my fave vids, Shingeki no Video Editor being one of them (mainly cos as a fellow editor I appreciate all the time put into the right cuts and Fx), was just wondering what your personal fave has been over the years? Can't wait to see what you do in the future!
Hey! Yeah I take questions anytime! Sorry for the late reply though I didn’t notice I had messages until I used Tumblr on my computer...
My personal fave? Oh boy that’s a hard question. Looking back on old work is a weird experience. On one hand I cringe really hard and on the other I’m like “I don’t even remember how I did that but that’s not too bad”. I think every work Ive done there's some aspect I like to it even if the final thing is complete shit lol.
Um if I had to pick I think it’s a tie between two. The last of us sleeping at last video and that might be because content wise it’s very personal to me. The other one would be the Korrasami just one yesterday video and I pick that one because It was fun, I tried new things, and loved how the picture popped on that one! It’s a rare instance that I felt just a little bit proud for once.TBH I just watched it again and i’m like THOSE COLORS HOW?? HAHAHAHA 
SMALL TIP THO DO NOT DO WHAT I DID AND ADD BLACK BARS TO MAKE IT “wide screen” MAKE SURE THE COMPOSITION IS ON A WIDE SETTING. I cry now that I know this...all those videos I have done with this...RIP.
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qodforsakens · 7 years
Q:     WHAT IS YOUR MIDDLE NAME   ? A:     Ashley.     Relatively  unoriginal,     but  my  mom  wanted  my  middle  name  to  be  Blue     (     in  which  case  i  would  have  DIED     ) Q:     HOW  OLD  ARE  YOU   ? A:     Feel  like  I’m  12  but  I’m  almost  20 Q:     WHEN  IS  YOUR  BIRTHDAY   ? A:     March  21st,     i’mmA  SPRING  BABY
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  ZODIAC  SIGN   ? A:     Technically  an  Aries  but  ig  i’m  on  the  “   Pisces  Cusp   ”   ?   dk  what  that  means  but  my  mom  told  me  the  other  day  but  i  feel  as  if  i’ve  cheated  astrology  stuff  lols     ?
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  FAVORITE  COLOR   ? A:     I  don’t  really  have  one,     but  I  like  the  color  pink  a  lot  so  maybe  pink
Q:     WHAT’S  YOUR  LUCKY  NUMBER   ? A:     Lucky  who     ?
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  ANY  PETS   ? A:     Three   !   Bailey,     Dana  and  Melvin.
Q:     WHERE  ARE  YOU  FROM   ? A:     Everywhere   ?   Born  in  Missoula,     Montana   /   raised  in  Wisconsin  until  I  was  around  12   /   went  to  school  in  Montana  until  I  was  a  sophomore   /   went  for  a  semester  of  school  during  sophomore  year  in  Wild  Rose,     Wisconsin   /   moved  back  to  a  quaint  Deer  Lodge,     Montana  until  the  end  of  my  junior  year   /   moved  to  Hudson,     Wisconsin  my  senior  year  of  HS  and  lived  there  until  July  31st   /   living  in  the  Shithole  that  is  Mondovi,     Wisconsin.
Q:     HOW  TALL  ARE  YOU   ? A:     5′5 3/4″.     The  3/4″  is  important  to  note  because  I’m  NEARLY  5′6″  and  most  everyone  in  my  family  is  around  6′.     I’m  dead  inside
Q:     WHAT  SHOE  SIZE  ARE  YOU   ? A:     Technically  a  9.5  but  the  size  varies  by  brand.
Q:     HOW  MANY  PAIRS  OF  SHOES  DO  YOU  OWN   ? A:     Probably  nine,     but  I  hardly  wear  any  of  them  because  I  work  at  the  fucking  time
Q:     WHAT  WAS  YOUR  LAST  DREAM  ABOUT   ? A:     I  remember  that  I  had  ANOTHER  dream  with  u  in  it  but  I  didn’t  remember  enough  about  it  that  it  was  worth  sharing   ?   But  I  did  wake  up  feeling  like  all  of  my  problems  were  gone  so  it  was  a  positive  dream
Q:     WHAT  TALENTS  DO  YOU  HAVE   ? A:     I  can  learn  songs  from  musicals  in  no  time.
Q:     ARE  YOU  PSYCHIC  IN  ANY  WAY   ? A:     No,     next  question
Q:     FAVORITE  SONG   ? A:     My  favorite  song  is  either  You  and  I     (     Lady  Gaga,     Born  This  Way     )  or  The  Cure     (     also  Gaga,     current  single     )
Q:     FAVORITE  MOVIE   ? A:     RENT.     Hands  down  my  favorite  movie  of  all  time.     I  could  watch  it  on  a  loop  tbh
Q:     WHO  WOULD  BE  YOUR  IDEAL  PARTNER   ? A:     Someone  who  understood  that  I’m  really  fucking  depressive  all  the  time,     like,     grossly  depressive   ?   I  can  joke  abt  wanting  to  kill  myself  500  times  and  not  mean  it,     but  other  times  I  do  and  I  wish   !   ppl  could  read  minds  bc  having  to  tell  someone  that  I’m  depressed  makes  me  hurt  worse  bc  I  feel  like  a  Disappointment
Q:     DO  YOU  WANT  CHILDREN   ? A:     I’m  not  sure  if  I  do.     I  mean,     at  nineteen   ?   No  fucking  way.     In  ten  years   ?   Maybe,     I’m  thinking  yes,     but  to  be  decided  obviously
Q:     DO  YOU  WANT  A  CHURCH  WEDDING   ? A:     Probably,     but  not  because  I’m  religious
Q:     ARE  YOU  RELIGIOUS   ? A:     I  don’t  follow  any  religion,     but  when  I’m  scared  I  repeat,     “     i  believe  in  God.     ”     until  my  freight  vanishes
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  TO  THE  HOSPITAL   ? A:     A  few  times.     Three  were  the  most  serious.     Broke  my  wrist,     caught  Lymes  Disease  via  nasty-ass  deer  ticks  and  had  a  concussion  from  cheer.
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  GOT  IN  TROUBLE  WITH  THE  LAW   ? A:     Once,     and  it  actually  wasn’t  my  fault.     I  was,     hello,     gay-baited  and  naive,     and  the  gal  that  gay-baited  me  told  me  that  it  was  LEGAL  to  spray  paint.     Because  it  was  Montana,     I  didn’t  get  into  much  trouble  but  was  supposed  to  go  to  a  local  courthouse  to  clear  up  w/e  had  happened  which  never  occurred  bc  not  even  a  month  later  were  we  moving  to  Wisconsin
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  MET  ANY  CELEBRITIES   ? A:     One but  he’s  gross  so  :  /
Q:     BATHS  OR  SHOWERS   ? A:     Showers  but  only  if  I  don’t  have  bath  bombs  to  use
Q:     WHAT  COLOR  SOCKS  ARE  YOU  WEARING   ? A:     Currently  none  bc  I’m  in  bed  and  it’s  4:13  a.m.
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  FAMOUS   ? A:     Thankfully  not
Q:     WOULD  YOU  LIKE  TO  BE  A  BIG  CELEBRITY   ? A:     Maybe  a  Broadway  star  or  jazz  singer  but  other  than  that   ?   Pass
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  SKINNY  DIPPING   ? A:     Don’t  have  the  gall  to  tbh
Q:     HOW  MANY  PILLOWS  DO  YOU  SLEEP  WITH   ? A:     I  think  six   ?   Too  lazy  to  count  rn
Q:     WHAT  POSITION  DO  YOU  SLEEP  IN   ? A:     I  fall  asleep  laying  on  my  side,     facing  the  wall,     with  my  legs  folded  like   ?   behind  me  but  i  always  wake  up  laying  on  my  back  so
Q:     HOW  BIG  IS  YOUR  HOUSE   ? A:     uh  average   ?
Q:     WHAT  DO  YOU  TYPICALLY  HAVE  FOR  BREAKFAST   ? A:     I  rarely  eat  which  doesn’T  show  but  I  sleep  and  work  too  much  to  fit  breakfast  into  an  every  day  schedule
Q:     HAVE  I  EVER  FIRED  A  GUN   ? A:     My  dad  is  a  white  male  AND  a  conservative  from  Montana,     u  tell  me
Q:     HAVE  YOU  TRIED  ARCHERY   ? A:     In  high  school  bc  I  needed  to  do  it  to  pass  P.E.  but  it  was  not  my  thing
Q:     FAVORITE  CLEAN  WORD   ? A:     idk  if  i  have  one     ?     i  say  Mood  all  the  time  but  that’s  not   a  favorite
Q:     FAVORITE  SWEAR  WORD   ? A:      Bitchin’
Q:     WHAT’S  THE  LONGEST  YOU’VE  GONE  WITHOUT  SLEEP   ? A:     Around  25-ish  hours   ?   I  can’t  handle  that  anymore  tho
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  ANY  SCARS   ? A:     I  have  a  handful  of  scars  on  my  forehead  bc  of  an  Incident  in  kindergarten,     a  scar  on  my  left  earlobe  bc  a  dog  almost  ripped  my  fucking  earlobe  off  and  one  on  my  right  big  toe  due  to  my  brother  not  telling  me  abt  the  glass  he  broke  and  didn’t  clean  up   :  )   that  one  cut  to  the  bone  :   )   and  a  few  on  my  left  arm  lols
Q:     Have  you  ever  had  a  secret  admirer   ? A:     Not  attractive  enough  tbh
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOOD  LIAR   ? A:     I  don’t  lie  on  per  the  norm  so  no.     I  smile  too  much  tbh
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOOD  JUDGE  OF  CHARACTER   ? A:     Usually  not.
Q:     CAN  YOU  DO  ANY  OTHER  ACCENTS  OTHER  THAN  YOUR  OWN   ? A:     I  can  slip  into  accents  for  .00006 seconds  but  no  one  ever  hears  them
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  A  STRONG  ACCENT   ? A:      God  I  wish
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  FAVORITE  ACCENT   ? A:     Boston   /   Mass  accents.
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  PERSONALITY  TYPE   ? A:     This  requires  me  to  take  a  long-ass  test  n  i’m  not  gna  do  that  rn
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  MOST  EXPENSIVE  PIECE  OF  CLOTHING   ? A:     Probably  my  $70-$80  jeans  that  are  now  Ruined
Q:     CAN  YOU  CURL  YOUR  TONGUE   ? A:     Mhm
Q:     ARE  YOU  AN  INNIE  OR  AN  OUTIE   ? A:     Innie
Q:     LEFT  OR  RIGHT  HANDED   ? A:     Right
Q:     ARE  YOU  AFRAID  OF  SPIDERS   ? A:     Naturally
Q:     FAVORITE  FOOD   ? A:     Highkey  Gyros
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  CLEAN  OR  MESSY  PERSON   ? A:     Both  :  (
Q:     MOST  USED  PHRASE   ? A:     haHahahA  whatta  mood     !
Q:     MOST  USED  WORD   ? A:     Mood
Q:     HOW  LONG  DOES  IT  TAKE  FOR  YOU  TO  GET  READY   ? A:     Two  hours
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  MUCH  OF  AN  EGO   ? A:     Probably  best  known  for  forgetting  things
Q:     DO  YOU  SUCK  OR  BITE  LOLLIPOPS   ? A:     suck  eM
Q:     DO  YOU  TALK  TO  YOURSELF   ? A:     Probably
Q:     DO  YOU  SING  TO  YOURSELF   ? A:     All  the  time
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOOD  SINGER   ? A:     I’ve  been  told  that  I  am  by  a  handful  of  ppl  but  who  knows
Q:     BIGGEST  FEAR   ? A:     Drowning,     burning  to  death  or  being  stabbed  in  either  lung  bc  yiKEs
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOSSIP   ? A:     Not  necessarily  tbh
Q:     BEST  DRAMATIC  MOVIE  YOU’VE  SEEN   ? A:     Baby  driver  but  it  wasn’t  rlly  dramatic     ?
Q:     DO  YOU  LIKE  LONG  OR  SHORT  HAIR   ? A:     On  me,     it’s  a  tie  tbh.     I  love  long  hair  until  I  have  it  n  then  I  want  it  shoRT  SO
Q:     CAN  YOU  NAME  ALL  50  STATES  OF  AMERICA   ? A:     If  I  have  a  while  to  think  abt  them  then  yes.     If  not,     no
Q:     FAVORITE  SCHOOL  SUBJECT   ? A:     English   /   Language
Q:     EXTROVERT  OR  INTROVERT   ? A:     Intro  x100
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  SCUBA  DIVING   ? A:     No  and  I  don’t  want  to
Q:     WHAT  MAKES  YOU  NERVOUS   ? A:     Being  honest  abt  how  I  feel  regardless  of  context
Q:     ARE  YOU  SCARED  OF  THE  DARK   ? A:     I’m  the  Biggest  baby  so  yes
Q:     DO  YOU  CORRECT  PEOPLE  WHEN  THEY  MAKE  MISTAKES   ? A:     Not  verbally  bc  I  wasn’t  raised  in  the  jungle
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  STARTED  A  RUMOR   ? A:     Gross,     no
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  IN  A  POSITION  OF  AUTHORITY   ? A:     Once  for  a  hs  class  assignment  but  I’m  the  only  one  who  worked  on  the  project  in  the  long-run
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  DRANK  UNDERAGE   ? A:     mhm
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  DONE  DRUGS   ? A:     Only  smoked  weed  tbh
Q:     WHO  WAS  YOUR  FIRST  REAL  CRUSH   ? A:     My  kindergarten  boyfriend,     how  the  turntables
Q:     HOW  MANY  PIERCINGS  DO  YOU  HAVE   ? A:     Eleven
Q:     CAN  YOU  ROLL  YOUR  Rs   ? A:     Barely   !
Q:     HOW  FAST  CAN  YOU  TYPE   ? A:     Pretty  fast,     idk  the  wpm  tho
Q:     HOW  FAST  CAN  YOU  RUN   ? A:     What  is  this,     middle  school   ?
Q:     WHAT  COLOR  IS  YOUR  HAIR   ? A:     Bleached  bitch
Q:     WHAT  COLOR  ARE  YOUR  EYES   ? A:     Brown
Q:     WHAT  ARE  YOU  ALLERGIC  TO   ? A:     Cats,     unfortunately
Q:     DO  YOU  KEEP  A  JOURNAL   ? A:     I  don’t  but  should
Q:     WHAT  DO  YOUR  PARENTS  DO   ? A:     My  dad  is  a  licensed  Electrician  and  my  mom  works  at  a  grocery  store
Q:     DO  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  AGE   ? A:     I  feel  12  yall
Q:     WHAT  MAKES  YOU  ANGRY   ? A:     Being  mocked  or  people  bickering  with  me  over  something  that  I’m  obviously  right  about
Q:     DO  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  OWN  NAME   ? A:     Skye  is  a  shit  name  tbh,     would  change  it  to  Liz  if  my  parents  wouldn’t  freak  out  about  it.
Q:     HAVE  YOU  ALREADY  THOUGHT  OF  BABY  NAMES,    AND  IF  SO  WHAT  ARE  THEY   ? A:     I  love  feminine   /   strong   /   unisex   names.
Q:     DO  YOU  WANT  A  BOY  OR  GIRL  FOR  A  CHILD   ? A:     Idk  probably  either
Q:     WHAT  ARE  YOUR  STRENGTHS   ? A:     Doubting  everyone
Q:     WHAT  ARE  YOUR  WEAKNESSES   ? A:     Assuming  the  worst  of  ppl
Q:     HOW  DID  YOU  GET  YOUR  NAME   ? A:     Well,     my  mom  wrote  a  list  of  names  on  a  sheet  of  paper  and  my  dad  liked  Skye  so  here  we  are.     I  was  almost  a  Chloe   /   Mercedes   /   Samantha.
Q:     WERE  YOUR  ANCESTORS  ROYALTY   ? A:     Obviously  not
Q:     COLOR  OF  YOUR  BEDSPREAD   ? A:     Black  ONLY  because  my  main  sheets  had  been  washed  recently  and  I  haven’t  changed  back
Q:     COLOR  OF  YOUR  ROOM   ? A:     Yellow  but  not  by  choice
And  the  meme  is  from  HERE.     Tagging  @heartcraves  but  u  genuinely  don’t  have  to  do  this  bc  it  took  me  almost  two  hours  so  please  spare  yourself
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emimiketrash · 7 years
That EmiMike x JJBek Highschool AU Headcanon that Nobody Asked For, Pt. II
PART I (here). Y’know, I honestly didn’t expect people to like this. Oh my god hahahaha. So I decided to continue it. I hope you guys enjoy Part II! I’ve linked several songs and remixes in this and I do not claim credit for them. All credits go to their respective owners.
So let’s get started with this. In which..
Mickey finally opens up to Emil;
Phichit is driven to deliver quality service; and,
somebody saves the school dance.
In an effort to redeem himself for what he deemed as “unsatisfactory customer service” for failing to get Jean-Jacques Leroy the information the latter wants on a certain Kazakh boy, Phichit decides to take matters into his own hands by sneaking into Mickey and Otabek’s inner circle through his associate editor, Sara. Sara agrees in the condition that Phichit helps get Mickey and Emil together so she can enjoy her relationship with Mila in peace. 
Phichit hears from Sara that Otabek does some DJ-ing on the side and even gets a listen of a Demi Lovato 90’s remix Beka was working on that he shared with Sara (and Mickey). Sara lets slip though that Beka has a weird quirk for collecting different sounds that the latter thinks could be good for some remixes. 
Believing that he’s earned Beka’s trust since he, Beka, Mickey, and Sara are hanging out at the Crispino family restaurant together, Phichit decides to subtly tip Otabek about a weird sound from the gym showers by saying that he heard something weird when he was alone at the showers after gym class a few times. 
Otabek remains stoic about the news, but is actually damn excited to collect something new for his sound archive. 
The following day, Phichit and Beka hide in one of the cubicles in the showers. One of Beka’s more powerful microphones is hiding in one of the lockers - Emil’s. Because Emil is the only person Mickey knows who has a locker at the gym showers. (Most of the lockers are exclusive to varsity players. The rest are for students’ use during gym class). 
Emil and Mickey are hiding in another cubicle together, much to Mickey’s dismay. During the stakeout, Mickey falls asleep on Emil’s shoulder but Emil just lets it happen and sleeps too (but not without taking a selfie. Fortunately, the cubicle had good lighting). 
Beka is about to give up the stakeout when suddenly, someone enters the gym showers and turns on the water. Said person starts singing “Bulletproof” by La Roux. Emil immediately recognizes the voice as JJ’s. Mickey whispers to Emil how surprised he is that JJ knows a song that isn’t the Canadian’s theme song (which was written in his honor by the music club). 
When JJ leaves the showers, Beka decides to give up the stakeout.
When Beka gets home to his and Mickey’s shared bedroom, he’s cleaning out his memory cards when he realizes that his microphone recorded JJ’s singing in the shower. Otabek began to contemplate on what to do with the recording. On one hand, it’s not his to use without JJ’s permission because it’s JJ’s voice, afterall. On the other hand, it would be nice to use it for a demo only before he can get the vocal stems. He already had an idea to mix “Bulletproof” with Agnes’ “Release Me” so why not use it just for now, right? Of course, Beka chooses to remix the song with JJ’s vocals. And actually completed the remix. Bad Beka. But at least that demo just be for personal use. Right? 
Beka eventually feels guilty for using JJ’s voice without the Canadian’s permission and revises the remix to feature La Roux’s voice instead. 
Few days later, it’s prom season. Mickey isn’t particularly keen on seeing his little sister having a date (Mila) but has no choice but to accept it because she’s happy. And he did say that no man can go near his sister but we all know Mila ain’t no man. 
Beka isn’t interested in going, thinking with the time he would spend at prom could be time to help out at the restaurant or making a new remix. When he hears about Beka refusing to go to prom, Mr. Crispino mutters under his breath about how Beka is growing up too fast and is wasting his youth. 
Mickey is ready as hell with prom. Mickey is wearing a purple three-piece tuxedo with a white dress shirt and a purple tie. Mickey also plans on driving to prom but finds out that Sara took the car and brought it over to bring her girlfriend. “Somehow”, Emil “finds out” and waits outside for the boys so he can bring them to prom using his car. Otabek sends Mickey off by pushing the latter out the door and locking it. E: *honks car horn* MICKEEEEEYYYYY~  M: *ragingly opens the door* WHAT DO YOU WANT????? E: *laughs non-chalantly* To take you to prom, of course! M: Uhm, you do know I’m taking Sara and Beka to prom using my car, right? O: You DO know Sara took the car over to Mila’s and I’m not going, right? M: *glares at Beka* …….what? O: *unaffected by glaring* She took the car over to Mila’s. E: *smiles like the huge-ass puppy he is* Soooo does this mean I can take you to prom, Mickey? M: *looks away blushing* O: *pushes Mickey out of the house* Mickey should ride shotgun.
Mickey doesn’t speak to Beka for the rest of the night and even does the bras d'honneur at Beka as Emil drives and Mickey drive off to prom. Beka feigns offense at this as he watches from the window but is secretly amused at his friend’s awkwardness around Emil. 
Otabek goes back upstairs to his room to work on a new remix, but Mr. Crispino decides to sit Beka down and talk to him about how the teen is wasting his youth and that he should go to prom, too. 
30 minutes later, Otabek is out the door with a backpack (with his laptop in it in case he wants to bail prom and go to the local 24-hour coffee shop to just work) and his motorcycle helmet, dressed in an all-black tuxedo with a golden bowtie with matching gold suspenders. 
He makes it to prom with minimal traffic in the way and parks at the bike area (where is motorcycle is the only bike there). He enters the gym (where the prom is because of course where else would they hold it) and everybody’s dancing their butts off to Q-Feel’s “Dancing in Heaven”. Beka’s impressed that the DJ the student council hired had good taste in 80’s music. 
Beka spots Mickey and Emil stationed near the punch bowl, with Emil simply talking away while Mickey’s just quietly nodding and blushing. Mickey’s eyes meet Beka’s from across the gym. Beka gives a wide smirk while trying to contain his laughter. Mickey gestures at his bro to fuck off. Emil may have done the "Tengo ‘na Mazza Tanta!“ gesture by accident that night. 
Sara and Mila meet with Beka at the entrance and are glad he made it to prom and invite him to sit with them. Mila knows about Beka’s secret thing for JJ and tries to pry a bit by asking rather vague questions that could get Beka to talk about the Canadian, but it fails. 
When Beka goes to the bathroom, Sara peaks in Beka’s bag and she finds his laptop, which sparks a crazy-ass idea that could help Phichit and her cause. She and Mila go to Phichit and discuss a plan of action that could get Beka further within JJ’s radar. 
Mickey and Emil, meanwhile, go out for a few minutes to the parking lot to just talk (more like Mickey walks out and Emil follows him out). Mickey still is obviously not opening up, but Emil decides that they can just sit out on the curb if that’s what Mickey wants. Few minutes more of silence, Mickey finally starts talking, but it’s about Sara and how she told him during prom that they need to be more apart and that she’ll start dating whoever she wants to. This makes Mickey tear up a little bit because his whole life has had him and his sister joint to the hip and now it feels like a big part of his life is leaving him at the tender age of 18. Emil asks If it would be appropriate to hug Mickey simply to comfort his friend. Mickey is all, ”Fine, just this once.“ Emil takes advantage and hugs Mickey as tightly as he can. Mickey breaks down after that and hugs Emil back. 
Meanwhile, poor Jean-Jacques, in that sleek-af black suit with a green dress shirt and a navy blue tie, is dancing on his own. Funny enough, the DJ was playing "Dancing on My Own” by Robyn. Poor baby. While he was dancing, he spots Beka drinking near the punchbowl and gets nervous. He really wants to talk to the guy but doesn’t know how to start. JJ starts walking anyway, thinking what he’ll have to say will come in naturally. 
BACK TO PROM (Oh shiiiiiit):
Everything changes when the Fire Nation attacked audience starts groaning: the DJ’s left the stage and bolts to the bathroom. Few minutes of no music and just crowd noises, Phichit runs to the stage, grabs a mic, and tells everybody that the DJ’s in the bathroom because of diarrhea. (He kept secret though that Leo and Guang-hong were in the bathroom at the time getting their freak on but got turned off at the sound of diarrhea from one of the cubicles). Everyone begins to wonder what’s going to happen to the rest of the night now that the DJ’s locked in the bathroom. 
Sara and Mila nudge Beka to save the day and play a few of his mixes. Phichit, who makes his way from the stage to the trio, urges the Kazakh boy, too. Beka is hesitant to give it a shot, but Sara reminds him that this could be a big break for him as a DJ. Mickey and Emil return and are wondering what’s going on. When Phichit explains, even Mickey thinks that Beka could save the school dance. Emil says so too, even if he has no clue about what’s happening. 
Beka runs back to their table, grabs his laptop and helmet (he’ll put it on because he doesn’t want people to recognize him), and makes his way to the stage. He puts on his helmet, turns on his laptop, and gets his DJ on. Mickey, Emil, Sara, Mila, and Phichit are cheering Beka on.
The whole school’s eyes are on helmeted Beka as he plays his first song: Kesha’s “Sleazy”, which cleverly transitions into a remix of Belinda Carlisle’s “Heaven is a Place on Earth” (so many kids recognized it from Black Mirror. Yakov had no idea how the hell kids know this show). Beka pulls out some more remixes and songs like Big Time Rush’s “Blow Your Speakers”, Miami Horror’s “Cellophane (So Cruel)”, an 80′s remix of Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face”, Years & Years’ “Meteorite”, and more. EVERYBODY’S JUST DANCING THEIR BUTTS OFF. Even Yuuri Katsuki and Seung-gil Lee engaged in a twerk-off during “Sleazy”, much to Viktor Nikiforov’s delight. He really has a thing for watching his boyfriend dance seductively with other guys.
When Beka pulls out a slow song, “Stone” by Alessia Cara, Sara and Mila are happily slow-dancing, giggling while Mila whispers sweet nothings in Sara’s ear. Mickey is sad to watch this happening, but Emil decides to help get the Italian’s mind off his sister and pulls him for a slow dance. Mickey is too tired to fight Emil’s clinginess, so he just rests on Emil’s shoulder while they dance, to Emil’s, Sara’s, and Mila’s surprise. And basically everyone else’s. 
Beka ends his set with that remix of La Roux’s “Bulletproof” and Agnes’ “Release Me” (click here). When he starts playing it, he feels like something is off with the remix but realizes it as soon as it happens: he’s playing the demo with JJ’s vocals in it. “Oh shit”, Beka curses. Beka wants to stop the song but he knows that people will notice it and the flow of his set was going so well, so he has no choice but to keep going. 
While everyone else doesn’t notice it because they’re too busy dancing, Mickey, Emil, and Phichit immediately realize it and panic a little. Sara wants to know what’s happening, but Mickey and Phichit refuse to tell her. She gets Emil to tell her, which he does because he’s bad with secrets. Everybody facepalms. 
Jean-Jacques, however, immediately recognizes his voice and wonders how the hell his voice ended up on the track. He tries to dance to keep his composure. He’ll confront that DJ later. 
As soon as the set ends, everybody’s cheering and everybody leaves prom happy. Except for Beka and the gang. Beka grabs his belongings and bolts for the door. Mickey, Emil, Sara, Phichit, and Mila run after Beka. Jean-Jacques is still shookt over what happened. 
Everyone has a car chase over to the local 24-hour coffee shop (because everyone knows this is where Beka is most likely to run to at this time and they were right because Beka’s bike was parked outside). They enter the coffee shop and find Beka slumped in his usual corner in seated fetal position. Mickey is the first to approach Beka and ask what the hell happened. Flustered Beka responds how he didn’t realize he was playing the demo with JJ’s vocals till it was too late. No one knows how Beka can recover from that incident and Beka has no idea how he can show his face at school without feeling paranoid over the incident. Everyone just decides to stay with Beka till everything was good with him. Phichit gets his selfie game on with the gang. 
The following Monday, Beka hitches a ride to school with Mickey and Sara. The three meet Emil, Mila, and Phichit at the parking lot. Phichit tells everybody that there’s chaos happening inside the school. They run into the building to find utter chaos. Time seemed to slow down for Beka as he saw everybody holding flyers, flyers scattered everywhere, and flyers flying everywhere as everybody is chattering and arguing loudly. Beka picks up a flyer, with an image of a helmet, and reads the words:  “WANTED ALIVE: HELMETED DISC JOCKEY FROM PROM. IF FOUND, PLEASE CONTACT JEAN-JACQUES LEROY IMMEDIATELY.”   While chaos ensues, a tall figure in a black-and-red letterman jacket (JJ), accompanied by two smaller boys (Guang-hong and Leo), stand in the middle of the corridor. JJ’s arms are crossed as his face reveals a smirk aimed right towards Beka at the other side of the hall. Beka’s worst fear from the incident has been realized: JJ LEROY IS LOOKING FOR HIM. *cues Iggy Azalea’s “Change Your Life”* 
Phichit was honestly glad with the results of the stakeout. If his calculations were correct, the chances of Beka getting tempted to use the recording of JJ’s singing would be relatively hight.
During prom, Phichit, Sara, and Mila discussed their plan of action out in the corridors near Phichit’s locker. Sara knows that Beka brought his laptop with him. (She knows too well that if Beka finds a party uninteresting, he’ll make a break to go to the local coffee shop to stay there and work.) Phichit pulls out a bottle of milk of magnesia in cherry flavor from within the depths of his locker and tells Mila to get some punch for the DJ and pour a few drops of the laxative in his drink. Sara wonders why Phichit would hide a bottle of laxatives in his locker. Phichit gives a wink and says, “For emergency situations like this." 
Phichit runs into Seung-gil Lee while the trio were executing their plan. Phichit found Seung-gil absolutely sexy in his prom suit: a feathered rainbow suit with purple slacks. Phichit couldn’t stop staring at Seung-gil’s exposed chest (because that suit was really serving some sexiness with a dash of pectorals). Seung-gil gets a bit awkward but Phichit pulls the Korean boy in for a selfie. 
Celestino Cialdini, the gym teacher and one of the faculty chaperones, had to escort the sick DJ out of the school. Poor Celestino. 
Oh myyy it’s really long again haha. Oh yeah, I got the idea to use Italian gestures when I was reading through this. That gorgeous Italian man made leaning Italian much more… interesting. Haha all jokes aside, I hope you all enjoyed this. Let me know if I should continue!
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michelleljungh · 7 years
Welcome to the Magic School 3
My very first all Harry Potter-convention I have been to, as a Christmas gift from my boyfriend and... IT WAS AMAZING! 6 actors from Harry Potter came to this place in Paris and I got autographs and photos with all of them and I was running around ike a kid in a candy shop! <3 <3 <3 
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I even dared myself to ask a question during the Q&A panels... MORE THAN ONCE! I was so proud of myself, and I made jokes with Devon Murray about the short tie of Seamus Finnigan the whole weekend <3
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The face of Josh Herdman when I asked if he could do a headlock on me was unforgettable hahahaha <3 
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And I got a Weasley-hug so I can die happy :’) 
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Oh yeah, and I got an extra autograph from Sean Biggerstaff (Oliver Wood, Gryffindor Quidditch Captain) on a snitch that I bought too!
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What a great weekend... Already have the ticket for next year although I only know about one confirmed guest so far... (and it’s Devon <3)
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cerebralrepeat · 7 years
Tagged by @notcrindy (thank you Warren. You're great 😄) to do this alphabet meme. Then I gotta tag 10 people. A- Age: 24 years old. I'll be 25 in three months. B- Biggest Fear: Oh god uuummm. It's a tie between being abandoned and something happening to my loved one that I can't help and fix. C- Current Time: 2:58 p.m D- Drink you last had: Water because I'm boring. Water you waiting for...call my hydration methods unexciting. Lol E- Every day starts with: Me groggily staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what my dream meant. Then I check my messages. F- Favorite Song: I have so many fave songs. I'm going to say Ramble On by Led Zeppelin because I always gasp and turn it up when I hear it on the radio. I've scared plenty of drivers by doing this. Sorry drivers. G- Ghosts, are they real: Yes, they are. Never mess with them unless you know what you're doing. Also, for all that is sacred don't use a Ouija board like a dumbass. Idk how many people I've had to stop from using those. Then they wonder why they're being haunted. God...Sorry rambling. G- Hometown: Home of the Cavaliers I- In love with: what type of love? Idk what to do with this question. Ummm platonic? yes I love all my friends. Familial? yes I love my family not all of them but yeah. Romantic? hahahaha I'm afraid of that one. J- Jealous of: I'm honestly not a jealous person I couldn't really give a shit. K- Killed someone: With my looks and sparkling personality. ;) Seriously though, no not in this life. L- Last time you cried: Last night actually. I've been an emotional nervous wreck lately. M- Middle Name: Lynn. Yes, my name is Becky Lynn the most stereotypical southern name ever. N- Number of siblings: One. My eleven year old brother. Well, two if you include my best friend Lena who I consider a sibling. *Shrugs* O- One wish: I'd wish for everyone to be happy and healthy in all sense of the word. P- Person you last called/texted: My mother. Don't worry my popularity even astounds me. Q- Questions you're always asked: "Did you eat today?", "Did you take your meds? ", Are you feeling okay?", "You're how old?!" etc. R- Reasons to smile: My dog/baby girl, Snapples being preggers, the sound the snow makes when you stomp in it, all of my friends, puns, bright lipstick, my BB8 plushie, memes, Sebastian Stan, Ryan Reynolds fucking existence, that Richard Spencer got punched in the face not on one occasion but two, music, just a lot of stuff. S- Song last sang: Ballroom Blitz by the Ramones T- Time you woke up: 8 a.m. I only had one hour of sleep. Whoo U- Underwear color: White with blue stripes V- Vacation destination: Kalahari water park and resort. I love that place. W- Worst habit: Picking at my fingers X- X-RAYS you've had: I've had a lot of chest x-rays for obvious reasons. Then I had x-rays for my wrist from when I fractured it. Y- Your favorite food: it's a tie between pizza, pie, and mashed potatoes. I can't decide okay. Z- Zodiac sign: Taurus. Sorry if you hate Tauruses, but I can't change it. Tagging: @cryptoatsume @captainsrogers @buckykin @starbuckslovers and anyone else who wants to do this. Like always if you don't want to do it you don't have to.
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onestowatch · 4 years
Huron John Welcomes You to the Kaleidoscopic World of ‘Apocalypse Wow’ [Q&A]
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John Conradi, also known as Huron John, is taking the world by storm… again. We first saw the likes of him last year, when he teased the release of Apocalypse Wow, a nine song, longform project that was fully-realized on April 22, Earth Day. 
Since our initial discovery of Huron John, he has broken up this piece of work into three singles and two volumes, accompanied by three visuals, all of which help tell the out-of-this-world story Conradi is painting for his listeners. Apocalypse Wow has seen some major Spotify love with playlisting on the likes of Lorem, Bedroom Pop, POLLEN, and All New Indie. We were able to chat with Huron John via e-mail to get a glimpse into the kaleidoscopic world of Apocalypse Wow.
How did the Apocalypse Wow project begin? 
Huron John: It kind of synthesized itself organically from another project that I scrapped. Back in spring 2019, I wanted to make an album-style project called Sleeping With My Socks On. There was some cool ideas, but It just wasn’t coming out the way I wanted it to. I felt like I was really trying to force a longer-form project to get myself out of that Bedroom Pop box that my first single “Friendzone” was kind of pushing me into. 
I always come up with titles before anything, and my favorite idea from that Sleeping With My Socks On project was a song called Apocalypse Wow. That title really struck me, and I wanted to do something with it. It was originally going to be another four song EP to complete a trilogy kind of thing between my other EP’s Never Inside and Fanta Fantasy. I got back to Chicago for summer break, and it went from a four song project to a five song one, then six, then six. You get the gist. 
Why break it up into volumes, to then have all the music combine into one? 
The greater story of the project is double-sided. On one end, you have the emotional end of it, which is the whole “breakup album” thing. I wanted to make an album about youth “breaking up” with you, throwing you into adulthood. Then there’s the other side, the whole comic-book-style narrative thing about the kid Andy who saves the planet from giant robots. I wanted Volume 1 and Volume 2 to tell pieces of each of those concepts without giving everything away at once. 
The last song on the project, “Use The Birth For All It’s Worth,” serves as the “conclusion” to the Apocalypse Wow part of this larger story. The lyrics from that last track are supposed to be Andy persuading the aliens to spare the Earth even though we can be a fucked up species sometimes. I wanted that to serve as a cinematic conclusion in a way, so the “Volumes” definitely played a big role in providing that narrative suspense. The other day a friend told me “You made it seem like the same album dropped eight times” hahahaha. 
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The shift in tone from your earlier bedroom-pop tinged tracks, such as “Friendzone” or “Yoko,” to the Apocalypse Wow stuff is pretty dramatic. What inspired this shift? 
I had a lot of fun making my earlier stuff like that. Not even to say “had,” like I’ll never make shit like that again, I will. I guess once those songs started to see some success, I was faced with a dilemma. Music is all I’ve wanted to do my entire life, and I thought to myself, “The style of these quirkier ‘bedroom pop’ songs is cute and trendy at the moment, but this won’t make people know me in 20 years. This won’t cement me as an artist people enjoy for years to come.” 
I wanted to offer a little something more, while still keeping that fun and accessible feeling the old stuff had. I wanted to keep the same characteristics of what I know my listeners come to me for, while pushing the envelope a little bit and getting more serious substance wise. Hopefully that landed. At the end of the day I just want to make people's lives better with my shit, whether they come to me for more concept and substance or just fun / casual music. 
Why did you choose a more concept-based long-form project as an artist who is still completely DIY? 
I guess it’s just what I know. Not that anyone needed to prove this, because these types of projects certainly are out there, but I wanted to show kids who want to make music that they can be project artists. Especially in the whole “indie” world, whatever that means, there’s way too much emphasis on singles. An artist will pump out 10 singles in one year, like what’s that about? I understand it from a business perspective, and some could criticize me saying that me splitting up my project into “Volumes” before the full release was completely business oriented. Fair critique hahahaha. I guess I just wanted to show that to be a successful “DIY” musician in 2020 doesn’t mean that you need to pump out a million singles that sound the same until some corporation thinks you’re worthy of becoming “theirs.” 
The range in moods / genres on the project is very wide. Was this intentional? How did this wide range in styles making up the project come about? 
Totally intentional! I wanted it to have something for everybody. “Why Do People Grow” can be appreciated by alt-rock fans. The people into more electronic music can fuck with “Death By Flying Saucer.” “Andy and Butter” give that alternative R&B edge. Etc., etc. It was really important to me to make it enjoyable by everyone. 
On your website, there’s a section about how within the musical project, there is a narrative about a boy who saves the Earth from an army of aliens and their Godzilla-like robot leader. What inspired this? Does this narrative relate to your pre-Apocalypse Wow catalogue? 
Hahahah there sure is. I’ve always been a huge fan of concept albums. Whether they have concept in a linear storyline or they’re just thematic, I’ve always been obsessed with that whole thing. Wolf, To Pimp A Butterfly, Machina: The Machines of God, the whole anime movie thing behind Daft Punk’s Discovery, etc. Loving albums like that since I was a little kid definitely inspired the desire to move in that direction. I owe a lot to my influences and all the amazing work that has inspired me. 
This narrative totally relates to my pre-Apocalypse Wow catalogue. I plan on releasing some type of document that grows with every release involving the storyline. Before all the Apocalypse Wow music, you can interpret EP’s like Never Inside and Fanta Fantasy as the character arc of Apocalypse Wow’s protagonist–the experiences that shaped who he is, I guess. You’ll hear more on that later. 
Will Apocalypse Wow forever play a role in the “artist narrative” that you frequently speak about? 
Yes it will. Apocalypse Wow is the first official building block towards getting to the endgame. The first book in quite a long fucking series. It’s going to forever play a role in the stuff that I’m going to make, I want to think that my entire career will tie back to this project in some way. Whether it’s extremely vague, or very blunt, it will. 
You completely conceptualized and edited all of the visuals behind Apocalypse Wow, an eye-catching one being the “Project Teaser” video. Describe the creative process behind your videos. 
Visuals are an extremely important part of all the Huron John shit, for sure. The “Project Teaser” video I made with some of my friends throughout all of fall 2019. The whole project (the music) was completed and ready to go by mid-October 2019. I was supposed to drop it on Black Friday all as one thing, but some shit went down, and I wanted to rethink it all. The “Project Teaser” was a sort of introductory step into the narrative shoes that I wanted the project to fill. 
My process when creating visuals is a glorified clusterfuck–I have no formal training in editing or film, and it kind of shows hahahaha. But in a charming and sincere way, I hope. I used to fuck around in iMovie a ton when I was like 10, and me and all my friends from middle school used to make goofy ass sketch-comedy videos and BMX edits. I’ve always loved visual stuff. Making the cover arts, the music videos, or whatever else has always been an extension of the music for me. That’s really important. I definitely do want to break out of that DIY box though and work with some video-people who actually know what they’re doing. 
Where is your music going next? 
I know, but I don’t know. I want to make dance music. But I also want to make even more emotionally vulnerable and revealing shit than what was on Apocalypse Wow. Maybe I can find a middle-ground. I’m just now in the early stages of experimentation for my next project, so we’ll see where it all goes. The only thing I currently have for it is a title. All I know for certain is that I will use that title for the project, and it will fit into the Apocalypse Wow storyline.
Listen to Apocalypse Wow below:
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