#this also implies that Qinghua has some god powers in this scenario meaning he really can make other cures and still doesnt
nibbelraz · 4 months
ive been thinking about the 'mqf finds out sqh is god' thing you said and honestly. i think the best way for it to happen is that someone completely random tells him like 'maybe you should ask sqh for a cure seeing as he made the plant to begin with'. everyone who knew kinda assumed he already did too. this is news to him. tf you mean the most pathetic little meow meow of a martial brother is god. horror violin chord. sqh is already running. adios compadre he knows that the difference between medicine and poison is the dose and believe you him he would make another cure if he could but even 'gods' gotta eat mu-shidi!!!
I AGREE Actually think everyone at An Ding Peak knows very well Shang Qinghua is a God either that he told them or they just worked with him long enough that they went "Hey he DEFINITELY isn't normal" which then spread around towards everyone else and somehow left poor Mu Qingfang out of the loop.
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He's unfortunately god, and I don't blame him for what he's going to do to Shang Qinghua once he finds out.
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