#this and mtd are my most belovèd projects
revenantlore · 7 months
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. wip introduction .
press start . game over . try again
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a trilogy about a depressed, struggling alcoholic who’s tired of making mistakes, being replaced, and leading an aimless life. he eventually finds himself and his people, and takes up the stage as the lead vocalist of an immediately successful rock band called the filthy vandals … after enduring a lot of loss, trauma, and learning
premise for press start :
Rem's never known much about his biological parents, just that his mother overdosed soon after he was born and his father's a no-show dirtbag. He's content to keep that part of his life buried, content to believe his adoptive mothers are the only parents he's ever had.
When one of his mothers decides she's ready to pursue her dream of running an in-home daycare, it means kicking Rem out, causing a huge rift between them. She says it's because they need more room, but Rem knows better. Knows it's got nothing to do with space and everything to do with them thinking Rem's a shitty influence to keep around.
Their adoption of four-year-old Ramona soon after is all the proof he needs.
Rem’s got no job, and even if he did, he'd have zero chances of keeping it for long.
A sudden twist of fate has his father returning to Warren Creek begging for a second chance at parenthood almost twenty-four years too late. Rem’s never been one to forgive, but he’s got nowhere else to go, so he agrees to move in with Ross one town over in Jackson Grove.
It’s not long before Rem realizes he would have been far better off never meeting Ross again.
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characters :
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rem ashwell aka my best favorite jackass
There isn’t much Rem wants out of life, isn’t much he enjoys about living, and if not for Oliver, for music and pancakes, for good sex with an even better soundtrack, he probably wouldn’t be here anymore.
He’s used to temporary, to painful goodbyes, and often finds them easier than commitment, but a string of unexpected happenstances lead him to friendships, to love, to feeling for once in his life like maybe he does want more.
Like maybe he deserves it, too.
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oliver de la croix
So much of Oliver’s time is spent focusing on anyone but himself, to the point it’s left him a little lost in life. Aimless, maybe, but his Gran’s business would fail if not for him taking up extra shifts, and Rem might not survive another night without Oliver’s shoulder to lean on—often quite literally.
To Oliver, it’s all worth postponing finding himself, and amidst his selfless acts and endless devotion, he eventually discovers some important truths about who he is and what he wants.
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jonah kincaide
Home has never been a place for Jonah, it’s always been a person.
All his life he’s gone from house to house, family to family, never fitting in and never feeling wanted. Zev changed all that for him, showed him what it meant to be wanted, to be needed, to be loved.
But danger calls to Jonah in urges harder to tame than the fires he’s caused. Staying in one place isn’t an option, not when he’s running from the law, which means leaving Zev behind time and time again.
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ziggy kennedy
Music has always played an important role in Ziggy’s life, from early childhood memories of night rides with her father, vibrations from the bass like magic under her fingertips, to learning guitar on a whim with her best friend Lex. It was always a hope, a vague dream, that she might become part of something bigger.
Alongside Lex, their roommate Oliver, and a crush from work at the record store, Ziggy’s dream is brought to life in the shape of a grungy garage band. Jellyfish Mayhem, however, isn’t all Ziggy hoped it would be—there’s too much drama between them to maintain a stable band, and before long it’s in shambles and Ziggy’s left to pick up the pieces.
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lex anders
Working as a bartender at a strip club is either the worst or best job for an asexual man. Lex leans heavily towards the ‘best’ part of that spectrum because the cash is easy, there are zero distractions outside of rowdy customers, and he has nothing but support for the actions of his co-workers. Their bodies to do with what they will and all that. So long as they give him the same respect as he gives to them, he’s content to keep the job.
Besides, it’s just something to pay the bills until he, Ziggy, and Oliver can make something of their music.
Something more than just noise in Oliver’s grandma’s basement.
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zev roswell [first appears in game over]
Zev’s been chasing a sense of belonging for as far as he can remember. He finds that in Jonah, more home than any house has ever been, but Jonah’s been chasing something else entirely that jostles Zev’s abandonment issues into the extreme.
If Jonah’s not finding trouble, trouble’s finding him, and it always ends with a rushed goodbye, an I’ll see you later, but Zev’s running out of hope that later hasn’t already come and gone.
That Jonah’s not coming back this time.
Devotion and more love than Zev’s ever known what to do with has him back on the road hunting Jonah down to bring him home, assuming he’s not already too late.
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