#this began an hour ago and i intended it to be more like a bulletpoint list
dragmiire · 29 days
a quick rundown on my ganondorf for my non-zelda moots:
(a disclaimer for my zelda moots and passerby: this is MY interpretation of ganondorf, and my tethering of zelda lore, headcanons, and a hint of fanon. any branching off from existing canon is intentional, as nintendo cannot keep a consistent character to save their own lives.)
ganondorf is obviously the big bad of the zelda franchise (usually), and while traditional canon sees him as evil for the sake of evil/yearning for power, i like to partly spin it as a deep hatred for hyrule + a misguided effort to help his people. he comes from the gerudo, a desert-dwelling race who are regarded by hyrule/hylians (our classic white elf race) as thieves and the origin of ganondorf and thus bad. this changed in later games to now they are regarded as allies of the kingdom, but obviously we still hate ganondorf.
he is known as the demon king, and while it isn't explicitly stated, it's implied in later games that he is the origin of all monsters in hyrule. if we go by skyward sword lore, he's actually the reincarnation of hyrule's ruling goddess's enemy, demise, who wishes for hyrule's destruction + the acquisition of the triforce, a holy artifact in tloz. for my interpretation, demise exists dormant in ganondorf's mind--he awakens each time ganondorf is reincarnated and triggers the recollection of his memories and hatred of hyrule. ganondorf cannot permanently die due to demise's presence.
ganondorf is considered one of the most powerful beings in hyrule, and has nearly caused its ultimate destruction several times. his original goal in his first life was to conquer hyrule and expand the gerudo's territory due to envy of hyrule's greater resources and kinder environment. following the timeline of twilight princess, after his (attempted) execution and then sealing, when he returns to hyrule again and finds his people were all slain by hyrule to try and avoid another ganondorf-incident, he fixates on its destruction. this becomes his main motivation with each rebirth, simultaneously fueled by demise's hateful presence in his soul.
he is capable of all kinds of magic. he can conjure monsters from nothing, and his powers can impact the environment to the point of reviving slain monsters every cycle of the blood moon, when his powers are at their peak. he is capable of casting illusionary spells, invoking puppets that can serve as perfect doppelgangers of himself or others, can manipulate the weather and environment, and much, much more. he is a natural-born warlock, but also invokes much of his power from the triforce.
the triforce is a holy artifact created by the three founding goddesses of hyrule, created at the point where they three departed back for the heavens. it is capable of granting any wish that will last until the death of the wisher, and grants power to those who wield it. each piece represents one of the three goddesses, and each piece is reflective of power, wisdom, and courage.
ganondorf is the wielder of power, din's blessing. this power grants him nigh invulnerability, powers beyond mortal comprehension, and makes them much like a god. din is his patron deity, but he does not worship her, in spite of her unusual choice of continuing to bless him, as she is a deity of hyrule, not the gerudo. he obtained her power when making his wish upon the triforce to plunge hyrule into darkness, with the triforce's pieces splitting into three. while he obtained power, wisdom and courage were sent to the most deserving wielders--link and zelda. the triforce of power keeps him from dying unless slain by the master sword, a holy relic infused with the goddess hylia's power. hylia is the goddess of hyrule who was reborn into its first princess, whose divine bloodline still flows through the royals of hyrule today.
while he originally began his conquest of hyrule out of love for his people, it devolved into hatred and madness when obtaining the triforce of power. he is of clearer mind after several reincarnations and acclimation to his intense power after living his first life as a "normal" magic-wielding man, but still has a vendetta against hyrule
he is proud, resilient, strong-willed, and a warrior at heart. he believes in honorable fights even against the enemy, and treats link, goddess hylia's chosen hero, as an equal on the battlefield. originating from a nation of warriors, he takes pride in honoring their legacy. he is also arrogant, overly confident, and when he goes into a rage, it can have catastrophic consequences at the expense of his environment and his own body. he is known for transforming into a mindless, destructive beast when at his most desperate limit and will not stop his rampage until killed. he most commonly takes the form of a wild, demonic boar, but has also transformed into a dragon, a spider demon constructed partly of corrupted ancient weaponry, and varying humanoid monstrosities.
ganondorf is renowned for his cunning, his political power, and his manipulation. ignoring plot armor that makes certain key characters instantaneously wise to his foul intentions, he has manipulated past kings of hyrule into their own deaths, generated a cult-like following in multiple eras (the yiga of totk/botw being a key group, but also subvillains like astor, and nameless cults seeking his revival during death), and is much like an unstoppable force of nature.
he is also a fucking behemoth at around ten feet tall per the latest game he has appeared in, has a beautiful mane of red hair that his people are known for, and is often dripping in golden accessories and rubies. his signature colors are red, black and gold. his choice of weapon when not utilizing magic is a great sword, which is dwarfed in his hand and looks like a broadsword in size. after his attempted execution in twilight princess, he kept the sword they tried to kill him with and uses it in battle. he is otherwise capable of wielding all weapons, and is proficient in them all--he has been seen using single and twin katanas, a great bow, a claymore, his own two fists; if it can be used to kill it can be used by these hands.
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bnhaoneshots · 5 years
bakugou x fem!reader
❝she met him on a rollercoaster and he made her feel a rollercoaster of emotions.❞
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[ i came up with this idea when i came across this GIF! if you’d like, look at this GIF while reading for a better understanding :)) btw, imagine them in ordinary clothes ]
- lowercase intended
- bulletpoint format
deciding to have some fun since it was friday, you and your friends had decided to go to the amusement park
for some reason, they all had bailed on you last minute
and since you didn’t have much to do, you decided to still go but by yourself
you had a lot of fun while still being alone
as a challenge to yourself, you decided to ride a HUGE rollercoaster
you hurried to the line and waited for a LOOOng time
when it was your group’s turn, you noticed that the seats were arranged for two people D:
“anyone here alone? there's one seat left!" an employee yelled
“me!!” you exclaimed
after saying that you regretted it right away
your seat was next to a guy with crazy blonde hair
you couldn’t exactly see his face because he was looking the other way
he had his hands jammed into his pocket
you carefully sat down, trying your best not to get him mad or something
it seemed like he didn’t care or already knew that some stranger was going to sit next to him cus he didn’t even turn around to greet you
“h-hi” you waved
the guy glared at you and let out a “tch”
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when the rollercoaster started moving, for some reason you felt scared
as the ride sped up you started screaming
naturally, you got closer to the guy and unknowingly clutched on his arm
“le... m.....” he said something but it was inaudible
“let m......”
“deaf bitch” 
how did you hear that but not the stuff he had said before ???
finally, when the ride finished you got up from your place and started walking, when you felt dizzy
your legs weren’t able to hold your weight and you were about to fall back
you threw your arms back as reflex and your hands landed on something off
you turned immediately removed your hand, turned around and saw the SAME GUY OMG
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unintentionally you squealed in horror
“i’m sorry!” you bowed
he looked speechless
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“yo bakugou! how was the ride?” 
a guy with red hair approached
bakugou remained in the same position
“b-bakugou?!” the guy shook him by his shoulders
“was the ride that scary man??? omg i’m so glad i didn’t ride–”
“SHE WANTS TO GET IN MY PANTS” bakugou began screeching
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"I’M SORRY IT WAS AN ACCIDENT ISTG!!” you started apologizing
“NOO” you were in the verge of tears
were you going to end up in jail ?!?!
“bakugou she already apologized and it was an accident!! calm down”
bakugou was acting like a mad dog frfr
after a few minutes, kirishima somehow managed to calm him down
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“ahh i’m sorry about that! i think i gotta get him home” kirishima apologetically smiled
“no, i’m sorry about that... have a good night..?” you waved and they began walking away
it was 9 pm so u decided to leave
you rode the bus that would take you back home
because you were tired from playing around for more than 3 hours, you fell asleep during the ride
when you woke up, you were no longer in the bus, but on a guy’s back
“LEAVE ME ALONE PERVERT!!” you screamed as you hit the guy's head multiple times
woah, he did not fall down or seem affected at all
after a few seconds, you recognized the familiar hair
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“I’M SORRY OMG BUT WHY ARE YOU CARRYING ME?” you cut him off trying to forget what had happened earlier
“where’s your friend?” you asked out of the blue
“the fuck..” he muttered with a disgusted look on his face
“where were you trying to take me anyways?” you asked
he looked shocked for a second and looked away
“my house”
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“WHY WOULD YOU TAKE ME TO YOUR HOUSE?!” you yelled at him
he was speechless
tbh he only wanted to help u even after what happened
“that’s what i thought. now goodbye.” you huffed and started walking the other direction
you had no clue where you were heading but u still continued walking
“oi do you even know where your house is” he called
“well duh, what moron doesn’t know where their house is” you smirked
“k” he started walking away
you hesitated for a few seconds on whether to ask for help or just get lost
“h-hey. bak... bakagou? ba.. ba–” 
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you legit got scared
after like 10 minutes of fighting about his name, he agreed to walk you home :o
“where do you live” he asked
“uhm... do people actually memorize their addresses?” you didn’t know where you live LMAO
he froze for a minute
when he regained access to his body he muttered something along the lines of “i.... my... sleep... time is being wasted...”
despite all the excuses, he still found it unbelievable 
“CALL YOUR PARENTS OR SOMETHING” he yelled out of the sudden which scared you a LOT
after calling your guardian, you both walked to your house with the help of a gps
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turns out, you are both neighbors :)
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