#this blog does not condone actual like. hatred? if thats the word
tscritical · 2 years
Ngl, I'm so glad I found your blog because I haven't been excited about Sanders Sides in ages and I got a weird feeling from when Thomas released the jam ad/video way back when, like one I don't really know how to put into words because it's just a vague, weird feeling. Seeing the more recent posts from him and only hearing about Sanders Sides through fans and super vague progress posts has left me more than burnt out, and it makes me a little upset because I remember being able to have hour long conversations with the group chat I was in when Tumblr still had group chats
I want to be clear that I mean no ill will to Thomas or his team or any of the fans that are still around because the fans that still do fanart and keep the series alive are amazing and it's not the team's fault, and I'm only expressing myself because I've felt this way for a while now; I know fans can be seriously passionate, so I'm just trying to explain myself even if it does nothing
Back on topic, I have no idea what Thomas is planning for the series, aside from the new YouTooz and new plushies, maybe more, but I don't know if the finale is on that list, and if it is, I don't think it's high on that list
Idk, tl;dr of this whole thing is thank you for what you're doing and I'm happy to have found your blog because it makes me feel validated(in a weird sort of way, sorry😅) that I'm not in the wrong for losing the love I had for a series and the respect(if that's the right word) and whatnot for its creator
i really appreciate asks like this cos sometimes i get worried that like. im gonna run out of steam, or like, it’s gonna get tiring posting a bunch of criticism and stuff. but then im reminded that what im doing is validating to people who feel the same way i do, and it’s like a surge of motivation to keep this blog afloat
anyway, thank you for this <3
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