#this could be known fact alrdy dont kill me if it is
rubixpsyche · 8 months
Theory that people liking awful awful characters (i'm people) is the inverse of the cuteness-aggression behaviour
We see someone so terrible the "getting the woodchipper" becomes "oh i wanna smush em and watch em commit more atrocities. my babygirl. oh i hope you have everything you want. i know you broke that it's ok. my lil meow meow who has done no wrong ev-"
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queenofcats17 · 7 years
Hey there! I just stumbled into your tumblr, and wanted to say that i really enjoyed reading your Hells Studio AU writings :DDD!! Tho after i read the "road trip" one, im starting to wonder what happened to poor Sammy last month when he was around pentagrams ;) can you please elaborate more on that part and write some more if you dont mind? (If you alrdy wrote sth or its in one of the Hells Studio's episodes, im sorry, i only recently found out still trying to catch up things!) Thx in advance
I was originally referring to Sammy getting turned into an ink monster, but let’s torture him a little more, shall we? >:3
Hell’s Studio AU belongs to @doodledrawsthings
Sometimes Sammy really hated his job. It was by no means a bad job, he just….didn’t know how to deal with Joey sometimes. Joey was a decent boss, he paid well, he was halfway decent about deadlines, and he didn’t work everyone too hard. That honor went to Bendy. But Joey liked the occult. A lot. Almost every day, Sammy would walk into Joey’s office to find his boss painting a pentagram on the floor. These incidents had decreased since the toons had been summoned, but it still happened a fair amount. Normally this wasn’t a problem. Sammy would walk in, yell at Joey, then leave. That was how it went. On this particular day, things went bad. Sammy was just sitting in his office, working on a new song, when the pipes began rattling. Ever since the ink monster incident the pipes had been reinforced, but they still rattled like crazy. Sammy grumbled and got up, slapping the pipe. Almost instantly he yelped, drawing his hand back. It had cut him!
“Damn pipes.” He muttered, hold his hand to his chest. He took a moment to rifle through his desk for bandages. Unfortunately Bendy had nicked them the other day for Wally, so there were none to be found. Sammy swore under his breath. Maybe Joey had some. Sammy took a deep breath, then yelled,
“Here we go.” One of the interns groaned. Sammy gave him a withering look as he left his office. When were these interns going to learn a little respect? He’d chew the kid out later. Right now, he had to go yell at Joey. He stalked up the stairs and towards Joey’s office.
“Hey, where ya goin’ Sammy boy?” Bendy fell into step beside him.
“Cut my hand on one of the pipes.” Sammy muttered. “Gonna yell at Joey about it.”
“Geez. Shouldn’t you clean up that cut first?” Bendy asked. “You can’t just go yell at Joey for every little thing that goes wrong.”
“Did you forget that you took the bandages that were in my office?” Sammy smiled menacingly. Bendy grimaced. Right. He’d forgotten about that. Maybe he’d just let this run its course. He’d get Sammy to deal with his anger problems later. Sammy got to Joey’s door and slammed it open. Joey was on the floor on top of a freshly painted pentagram. Candles were burning low and there was ink in the middle of the symbol.
“Ah, good morning!” Joey said brightly. “I was just finishing up here. If you’ll give me a moment I’ll be right with you.”
“What on Earth were you doin’?” Bendy skirted around the circle to stand next to Joey. “You better not be summoning again.”
“Oh no, nothing like that.” Joey assured him. “I was just helping Alice stabilize her form. She was having a little trouble.” He turned to look at Sammy. “Oh dear, that looks nasty. What happened?”
“I cut my hand on one of your damn pipes.” Sammy spat, stalking into the room and waving his hands around wildly. “I thought you said they were safe!”
“Sammy, you might not want to walk there-” Joey began as Sammy got to the circle.
“I’m not done! You have any idea how dangerous a sharp pipe right above my head is? People are in and out of there all day! Someone could cut their head open!” Sammy continued, oblivious to the fact that he had entered the circle, his blood splashing onto the sigil and mixing with the ink. The candle flames began to burn brighter.
“Oh @%*&.” Bendy said. The flames almost exploded, shrouding the music director from view. Within the circle, both Bendy and Joey could hear Sammy start to scream. Joey began flipping frantically through his book. Then it was over. The candle flames died and there was Sammy, standing in the middle of the circle. Thankfully, he wasn’t an ink monster like he’d been the last time. No, he was a toon.
“…Sammy?” Bendy asked slowly. “You okay?”
“I….I feel weird.” Sammy said, then promptly fell on his face. Both Bendy and Joey ran to his side. He was still breathing, that was good. In fact, a dream cloud seemed to be forming above his head.
“Well this is…new.” Joey said, scribbling something in his book. “I wonder if he’ll be okay.”
“Joey, we gotta fix this. Sammy’s gonna kill us for it.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.”
“Joey, it’s Sammy.”
Suddenly the door slammed open again, revealing Henry, Boris, Alice, Wally, and Susie. All of them looked some level of concerned.
“We heard screaming.” Alice said, looking frantic. “What’s going on?”
“Hey, isn’t that Sammy?” Wally pointed to the figure crumpled on the floor. “Why’s he got wings?”
“Wings-?” Bendy glanced down at Sammy. Sure enough, Sammy had a tiny pair of wings, along with a halo.
“Joey.” Henry sighed deeply, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Why…Why is Sammy a toon? Please tell me you didn’t try some kind of ritual on him.”
“No!” Joey looked almost offended. “It was an accident. I’d just finished up with Alice and Sammy came in here and splashed blood all over the circle.”
“My form was getting unstable.” Alice explained. “He was helping. Where did the blood come from? Did he hurt himself?”
“He cut his hand on a pipe.” Bendy said, in the midst of prodding Sammy with his foot. “Nothin’ major, I swear. He just had to walk into that circle.”
“Is he gonna be okay?” Boris asked. His ears and tail were drooping.
“Don’t worry, big guy. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Henry said, slapping his back. Bendy didn’t feel comfortable assuring everyone of that, so he just shooed them out. He and Boris moved Sammy down to his office and watched to see what would happen. Alice stayed as well, feeling responsible.
“His blood must have mixed with my ink.” She said, pacing the floor. “This is my fault. I-”
“Angel, give it a rest.” Bendy groaned, rubbing his temples. “You couldn’t have known this was going to happen. It’s Sammy’s fault for just walking into the circle like that. He should’ve known that getting blood on a pentagram’s a bad idea.”
“What’s a bad idea?” Everyone spun around to see Sammy sitting up on the cot they’d hastily set up in the corner of his office.
“Getting blood on a pentagram.” Bendy repeated. “You feelin’ okay?”
“Yes. Why?” Sammy swung his legs over the side of the cot.
“Well, you…sort of….turned into a toon?” Alice said. She wasn’t sure how exactly to broach the subject, deciding it best to just say it outright. Sammy turned, looking himself over and giving his new wings an experimental flap.
“Huh. So I did.”
“You’re not…angry?” Alice asked. Normally steam would have been coming out of Sammy’s ears, quite literally given his current toon status. It was strange to see him so calm. He still looked slightly pissed off, but overall a lot more stable.
“No. I feel….pretty good actually.” Sammy nodded slowly. “I mean…It’s a little uncomfortable, and I don’t want to stay like this, but I’m…I’m okay.”
“We were so worried!” Boris latched himself onto Sammy, his tail wagging fairly hard. Sammy laughed, actually laughed, and rubbed Boris’ head.
“Man, big guy,” Bendy laughed. “You got Sammy to smile! Nice job!” Still, it was so weird to see Sammy actually happy. He quickly excused himself to update Joey on the situation. He found Joey bent over his books and the pentagram.
“So, I think I’ve got it figured out.” Joey said, not looking up. “The first time, Sammy’s blood reacted with Alice’s ink, so this time we just need Sammy’s blood to react with human blood. It would probably be better if you didn’t bring him u. I don’t really want to get yelled at-”
“Joey.” Bendy strode over, putting his hands on Joey’s shoulders. “He’s calm.” Joey looked up, blinking.
“He’s calm.” Bendy repeated. “You gotta see this.”
“Oh, um, alright. Bring him up.” Joey resettled himself with the book. Bendy ran back down, grabbing Sammy by the arm and dragging him upstairs. For once, Sammy didn’t protest, letting himself be dragged along.
“Hm.” Joey titled his head to the side upon seeing Sammy. “Very interesting. You know, he would make a pretty good character on the show.”
“Joey, no.” Sammy said, settling into a cool glare. “You have to fix this. It’s better than being an ink monster, but I don’t want to stay like this.”
“Right. Right. Of course.” Joey waved a hand dismissively. “I do think I know how to fix this.” It was certainly a better situation than the ink monster debacle. Sammy settled in a corner, watching as Joey began to try and bring the components together again. Somehow, Sammy managed to pull out a harp and played a little melody on it. He was the picture of a perfect angel. It was so strange to see him like this. An angel was the furthest thing from Sammy’s true personality. Meanwhile Joey was humming away, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Bendy was beginning to get antsy.
“Is this gonna be done soon?” He tried not to snap. Sammy was starting to freak him out.
“Yes yes. I’m about finished.” Joey said. “Sammy, if you’d get in the circle, please?” Sammy put the harp away and got into the circle. Joey then pulled out a long, wicked looking knife from his pocket.
“JOEY PUT THAT AWAY!” Bendy shrieked, grabbing for the knife.
“What? We need blood.” Joey said, frowning innocently. Where had he even gotten that from? Even Sammy reeled back a couple steps.
“Let’s just use some  of the blood he smeared on the door, okay?” Bendy grabbed a bandage, rubbing off the blood and dumping it in the circle.
“We still need some of toon Sammy’s blood.”
“Fine.” Sammy grabbed the knife and pricked his finger. The second the toon blood touched the human blood, the candle flames roared to life. Sammy began to scream again, and when the flames died, he was back to normal, if a little inky.
“We will never speak of this again.” Sammy said in a low voice. “Never. Again.”
“Never means never Joey!” Sammy stalked out of the office, but not before grabbing a roll of bandages to wrap up his hand. Joey looked disappointed, retreating to his desk to start sketching up ‘Sammy Angel’. He didn’t care what Sammy said, it was a good idea for a character. Bendy was just glad things were normal again.
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