#this creator's name? uhhh i'll think of one later
rizardofether · 4 months
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Thinking about Reiss again. He's an artificially created asura. The inspiration came from a manga I was reading, where the protagonist got reincarnated in another world into an artificially made new body and at some point one of the other characters finds out about it and brings it up by saying: "Your face has such a gentle smile. You wouldn't think it was the face of an artificially created human." Which sounds really fucked up to say to someone in my opinion...
Anyway so it inspired me to make my own artificially created character, and asura were the perfect target, since they would be the type to do something like that. I was unsure if I wanted him to be basically the clone of his creator or just a mix of genes he got his hands on...
But then this happened:
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For the first time I got the doppelganger targeting me and it just happened while I was playing on Reiss. Which then led me to think about if Reiss was a clone, then seeing a doppelganger of himself would feel very uncomfortable.
Reiss' story is that his creator wanted to try his hand at artificially creating asura, and used his genes to make clones. Reiss was the first successful one, though he ran out of funding for his secret project so he remained the only one. Though he had plans for more, he had to put the project on pause to secure more funding.
In the meanwhile, he began raising Reiss as his son/test subject. He was a messed up fellow who would have treated his actual children terribly as well and he never got anyone to consent to having children with him he was that rancid.
Reiss was made to be very intelligent even by asura standards, as well as physically stronger than any normal asura. It worked for the most part, though he ended up with poor eyesight, having to wear glasses. Reiss quickly learned to act in a way that pleased his creator, hiding his displeasure at his treatment, secretly working towards escaping from his lab.
Then one day he was caught in the Inquest attack to take over the golems, getting killed by one of them. Reiss who had secretly built and planted a listening device on him, learned of this and took it as a chance to escape and be free.
While Reiss is a clone, he is a younger version of his creator, who was already an old man, so at most people would only recognize him as his son, since he kept his project secret from everyone else. The name Reiss is one he came up with for himself, his creator only ever used a test subject number name for him.
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supa101 · 9 months
The Amazing Story ( Chapter 15 )
supa : oooofFfffFFFsdm, Ss my head hurts
Person : Hey supa good morning are you okay?
Supa : How am I back?
*Supa just stare's at his hands*
Person : So you're not okay..? and what do you mean "back" ?
*Supa shrugs*
Supa : Meh Just sleeping.
Person : You we're sleeping for two days.. Are you sure you're okay? you are not answering
Supa : what is today?
Person : its.. thursday and--
*Supa teleports*
*Supa appears in the teleportation walkway*
Supa : What to do now.. I was just sleeping this sucks..
Hey do you want something to do?
Supa : god I am already hearing voices and its only... wait what time is it? 6:26 AM? god I am already insane
You sure are. Would you like me as a physical so we can do something for right now?
Supa : Sure...?
*a strange white figure appears in front of supa*
So what do you want to do? I am up for anything I am bored as well
Supa : want to make a comic logo with me?
Based off of something? idea in you're mind explain this to me. Also I think you should not check you're email.
Supa : dude that was like you grabbing my shoulders and saying " You should look at you're email".
Yeah You have a point... but what about the comic logo thing?
Supa : Have you ever heard of this show video seris B.F.D.I?
Mhm. So you are basing it off of it?
Supa : WELlllLl kinda? Nah I to just
Let me guess look at you're email.
Supa : Damn
Hey I have something for you give me you're hand real quick I got a gift
Supa : uhhh... Okay?
*they give supa a pencil*
Supa : Huh.. A pencil.. Nice
Watch this Its pretty cool
*they draw something and it appears out of thin air*
Supa : WOAH! So I can do that with this pencil.?
Yup! cool right?'' if you want... Say bendy you can draw them and they appear. A stick? yup. Anybody on the universe? totally YOU WANT A SECOND MOON? you can do that.
Supa : so I can dr---
Also if you want any abillity from anybody say. because you brong it up and Its in my head at the moment Say recovery? You can draw this.
*he writes recovery on a piece of paper with a strange piece of paper*
Supa : Hey what is that paper?
Supa.. So this paper is like the abillity its self You can extend it give it hight and stuff and when you want to get rid of you're drawing / writing. Scribble it out and it will disappear.
Supa : Complicated. strange. And STUPID COOL!
*They give a paper to supa*
It works with fictional powers as well. Also who is a strangest person you ever met in you're life.
Supa : MMMMM that's a lot of people but there are two.. no three scary red people I know. I think one I met in the void or somethin. A person I met in hell and just someone I just found and for some reason is scared of them.
Would you rather not say?
Supa : I'll tell you later
So do you explore?
Supa : What's you're name by the way?
Uhhhmm creator? strange name Its kind of a nickname
Supa : so what now?
What do you fear?
*Supa starts staring at his hands*
So you are not okay?
Supa : NO NO NO I am fine But I gotta go back home.
You can always contact me I will be here when you will be here.
Supa : Okay bye!
*supa teleports away*
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greatsweet98 · 4 years
"She-Ra and The Princesses Of Power" Character Escape Game
starts now!
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The 33 characters simultaneously woke up in a dark room, that turned out to be unexpected. But since it's a room, there'll be light. A lightbulb is hanged up at the ceiling, and it needs a light switch to turn it on. As the 33 characters woke up......
Catra: *screams* Where am I?
Adora: *gasps in shock* What? Catra?
The red-eyed Hordak: What in Etheria is the place?
Kyle: What the heck? Why is everyone? (notices Rogelio & Lonnie) Rogelio? Lonnie?
At this moment, everyone there start to notice each other by their voices and fearly shivers, until someone accidently flips the light switch that turns the lightbulb on, that made everyone there scream in surprise and shock.
Micah: Glimmer? Sister?
Glimmer: Dad?
Castaspella: Brother?
Micah's daughter & his sister found him and hugged him. He hughed them back, then they broke the hug.
Glimmer: Dad, where are we?
Micah: I don't know, babygirl.
The "wrong" Hordak: Why are we here in a room full of nothing but us?
Madame Razz: (halfly sees Adora while faces at look) Adora, is that you?
Catra: Ugh, (gets frustrated) is this gonna be another Horde Prime "expirement".
Scorpia: Um, I don't know, Adora told me that she and Catra already taken Horde Prime down. But luckily, one of Horde Prime's bots is regenerated into good affliation to have a lucky friend to Entrapta?
The Busgirl: Where are we, Baker?
Baker: I don't know. How about you, Soda Pop?
Soda Pop: Me neither.
Everyone start noticed each other by friends by known-people and start asking questions in the same topic of the unexpected place they're in.
Adora: May I have everyone's attention?
Swift Wind: Huh? (turns to Adora)
Double Trouble: *rolls his eyes* Ugh, what is it?
Adora stands in front of everyone else to preach everyone. And everyone else faced at Adora.
Adora: Ok, here we go again.
Frosta: Adora, where are we?
Starla: And how did we get here?
Huntara: And who brought us here?
George & Lance: Who?
Perfuma: Please answer the question, who?
Adora: Ok, everyone, be quiet!
Everyone else starts shutting their mouths, well not everyone since one of them don't have mouths (Emily only, because she's Entrapta's robot).
Adora: I know you all have been asking the same question, and also do I. I know you all have been finding the answer, and also do I. I also don't know where we are, but if anyone else brought us here the way in, the way in is also the way out. I don't where is it, but it's better if we work together as one huge team. If we work together, since there's many of us, we may be able to answer our questions during our route on finding our way out.
At this point, everyone else hesitated to respond. But,
Catra: I may also have something to add, guys.
Everyone "huh?-ed" and turned to Catra.
Catra: I think Adora is right. Although, we may don't know where we are right now, but we can still figure it out and answer the question you've all been asking if we worked together. They say that "teamwork makes the dream work". (turns and smiles to Adora as a support to her)
*Adora smiled back at her*
Adora: So, who's in?
Everyone else, other than Catra & Adora, hesitated again to respond.
Netossa: *after 4 seconds of thinking* I'm in.
Micah: *after 3 seconds* I'm also in.
Jewelstar: Me too.
Kyle: Me three.
*Rogelio roars in a talk way*
Entrapta: Me four!
Everyone else responded to join to be part of Adora's teamwork & responsibility "organization".
Adora: So, who's ready to work together?
*everyone cheered in triumph*
Adora: I'm glad.
Castaspella: Ok, we're now working together, but is there a door or a secret passage here?
Adora: (🤔) Hmmm....if we're in a room full of nothing. There should be an activation of a secret door or secret passage here.
While Scorpia is behind Bow at the "audience area facing Adora", Scorpia notices a note taped on Bow's back part of his "hero suit".
Scorpia: Um, Bow, is that a note behind you?
Bow: Huh? *tries to feel the note om his back by his hands* What the? No one noticed it the entire time?
Madame Razz: Oh, I think I barely did.
Adora: *gasps in surprise* Bow, you have a note there! (to Scorpia) Scorpia, take it off of him.
*Scorpia takes the note off of Bow and gives it to her*
Adora: (reads the message) Hmmmm....there's a message.
Castaspella: Can I read the message?
Adora: Um, *after 2 seconds of thinking* sure. I'll let you read this time.
Castaspella: Thanks. (smiles at her and reads the message)
Castaspella: "As you've wondering where you are right now, you're somewhere in Etheria but I'm sure you haven't found this nowhere in Etheria. At first, you'll be trapped in a dark room because you all gonna be play an escape game."
Glimmer: Escape game?
The "wrong" Hordak: Wait, we're playing a game?
Entrapta: But it's an escape game.
Glimmer: Aunt Casta, please continue reading.
Castaspella: Ok, Glimmer. (continues reading the message) "There are levels to go through to find your way out. Here's the worst part yet good later on, everytime all of you proceed to the next level, a number of you will be eliminated if you don't finish the level, challenge, or you're the last one to make it. You don't die in this reality and in this escape, once you're eliminated, you'll be put in a cage to wait for the last player uncaged to finish the last level to free all the eliminators and made your way out. For your first task, since you're trapped in a room, find a button. By, "the creator"."
Sea Hawk: Ok at first I thought we're gonna die here, but....we'll be put in a cage if we're eliminated?
Mermista: To be honest, that's kinda good and random and a bit scary.
Perfuma: I know.
Bow: (sees Adora thinking) Adora?
Adora: (🤔) Hmmm.....find a button?
*Emily (the robot) squeaking*
*Melog talks in his creature language that no one understands but Catra*
Entrapta: Ok everyone, find a button here!
Not to mention, the room isn't too small or too big for them, it's just like the size of a combination of the size of a house living room & the size of a house kitchen. As of by now, everyone tries to find a button around the room, possibly camouflaged, until Soda Pop accidently push something on the wall (which could be the button). As he does it, a trapdoor magically appeared in the middle of the room before everyone noticed it after a second, and the room starts to shrink by the ceiling going down. The distance from the "33" to the ceiling is 5 feet, and it goes down by 0.5 ft per 15 seconds (so it takes 150 s./2 min. & 30 s. to hit the ground). They saw the trapdoor and have no choice to do.
Adora: Quick, everyone at the trapdoor now!
Everyone listened to Adora and went on the trapdoor, but it's locked with a code keypad.
Frosta: (shouting) What? It's locked by a code? Come on!
Adora: (examines the keypad, turns it around as sees something written on the back of it) *gasps* Guys, here's a clue for the code.
Scorpia, Entrapta, Glimmer, Catra, & Kyle viewd the clue with Adora.
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It turns out to be a math equation.
Castaspella: Hmmmm...four hundred twenty-six thousand, nine hundred seventeen.
Lance: Plus three hundred fifty-two thousand, one hundred thirty.
Lonnie: Subtracted by two hundred six thousand, nine hundred fourteen.
Frosta: Ok, I'm not that good at mathematics, but I can solve it. Anybody knows the answer?
Everybody else of the "33": (🤔)
After they're all thinking of their mathematic skills, they pawn out their answers.
Here are their answers:
Castaspella: Um...476,283
Frosta: Uh, 500 thousand something. Maybe like 572,133?
Micah: Hmmm...I might have the same answer as Frosta, '572,133'. Because I use my brain.
The "wrong" Hordak: I think I agree with that lady named Castaspella, I think? She said it was four hundred seventy-six thousand something.
Catra: I guess it's 572,133.
Adora: 572,133. Yep!
Glimmer: No, it couldn't be. It's 568,203. I think that's my answer. Oh wait, it could also be 572,133.
Baker, Soda Pop, & Busgirl: We agree with the majority, our answer is 572,133.
Swift Wind: 572,133.
Madame Razz: Maybe it's eight!
Kyle: My answer is around 600 thousand something.
Lonnie: Pffft, *chuckles teasingly as friend* it's 572,133! Use your math brain, Kyle!
*Rogelio roars talkatively agreeing within the majority*
The "red-eyed" Hordak: Wait, it could be 568,203. Glimmer's right!
Perfuma: 572,134?
Mermista: 572,133. My final answer.
Sea Hawk: I agree with my dearest love! Five hundred seventy two thousand, one hundred thirty-three! (puts his arm around Mermista's neck) Right, dearie?
Mermista: (rolls eyes) Ugh, yeah! And duh!
Double Trouble: I'm not good at math, but I'll take a guess. Promise, to be honest, I'm not cheating or copying anyone's answers, okay? My guess is the same with the minority, 572,133. I tried using my brain.
Spinnerella: 572,133?
Netossa: No, wait, I think it's 572,133. (to her wife) You're right, Spinny.
George & Lance: We kinda thought it's 572,133.
Huntara: Maybe I agree with Kyle, it's somewhere in the 600,000s.
Starla, Jewelstar, & Tallstar: Umm...we don't have an answer. But we guess you guys mostly have the same answer by most of you. We don't even know the answer.
Entrapta: Before the first person said their answer, T.B.H., my answer is exactly 572,133.
Scorpia: Uhhh...*puts her claws together side by side like this 👉👈*...maybe Kyle's right. It's in 600,000s. Probably 672,133.
Bow: I don't have an answer. I think my answer might be wrong, mine is 572,133.
*Melog & Emily shake their heads*
Entrapta: (notices Melog & Emily doing that) Looks like Melog & Emily don't know the answer but I do.
Catra: Okay, the majority goes for 572,133. *gets closer to the keypad* Should I type '572133' as the code?
Frosta, Micah, Adora, Baker, Soda Pop, Busgirl, Swift Wind, Lonnie, Mermista, Sea Hawk, Double Trouble, Spinnerella, Netossa, George, Lance, Entrapta, & Bow: YES!
Glimmer: No! Wait, yes, I think. *sighs* Just do it, Catra. Maybe my answer is wrong, *puts her finger on her mouth) but it could be right.
Because there's 2 minutes & 30 seconds left for the ceiling to squeeze them!
It's your decision in the comment section! Hurry!
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