#by the way i failed to understand the doppelganger event and missed my chance to spawn it as reiss
rizardofether · 4 months
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Thinking about Reiss again. He's an artificially created asura. The inspiration came from a manga I was reading, where the protagonist got reincarnated in another world into an artificially made new body and at some point one of the other characters finds out about it and brings it up by saying: "Your face has such a gentle smile. You wouldn't think it was the face of an artificially created human." Which sounds really fucked up to say to someone in my opinion...
Anyway so it inspired me to make my own artificially created character, and asura were the perfect target, since they would be the type to do something like that. I was unsure if I wanted him to be basically the clone of his creator or just a mix of genes he got his hands on...
But then this happened:
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For the first time I got the doppelganger targeting me and it just happened while I was playing on Reiss. Which then led me to think about if Reiss was a clone, then seeing a doppelganger of himself would feel very uncomfortable.
Reiss' story is that his creator wanted to try his hand at artificially creating asura, and used his genes to make clones. Reiss was the first successful one, though he ran out of funding for his secret project so he remained the only one. Though he had plans for more, he had to put the project on pause to secure more funding.
In the meanwhile, he began raising Reiss as his son/test subject. He was a messed up fellow who would have treated his actual children terribly as well and he never got anyone to consent to having children with him he was that rancid.
Reiss was made to be very intelligent even by asura standards, as well as physically stronger than any normal asura. It worked for the most part, though he ended up with poor eyesight, having to wear glasses. Reiss quickly learned to act in a way that pleased his creator, hiding his displeasure at his treatment, secretly working towards escaping from his lab.
Then one day he was caught in the Inquest attack to take over the golems, getting killed by one of them. Reiss who had secretly built and planted a listening device on him, learned of this and took it as a chance to escape and be free.
While Reiss is a clone, he is a younger version of his creator, who was already an old man, so at most people would only recognize him as his son, since he kept his project secret from everyone else. The name Reiss is one he came up with for himself, his creator only ever used a test subject number name for him.
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psychemeanscure · 4 years
PART 25 {I know it’s a bit late but yeah. Merry christmas y’all~ and happy new year. yay!🎄🎁🎇😊}
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She can remember it. She always be. How can she forget even, if despite her relentless despair she’s still been followed by his image on her mind? The past few years who made her thought of him as a mere passerby, a chaebol, a man who was just simply talking with others laughing. He can see him everywhere that she actually considered herself crazy for believing another doppelganger she sees every then and there.
She tried. She tried to ignore but how can she if above those images one remained constant. Stares. Those eyes who lock at her like he’s still existing just for her. Those dark orbs he only shared but her, the one she always missed. Until that one time happens... 
The time when she finally decided to stop.
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Faced by the image of him feeling the breeze of the air as she succeeded to reach her destination, trekking one secluded mountain of Mexico where she had been assigned to teach native people of its homeland. He was right there, blown by the wind like he was its favorite thing to amuse.
Then she waited. She waited to those eyes who’ll land at her like it always does. But it was different. He stayed long while he didn’t do it. And for the first time she had grabbed a vision of him to look at her only to confirm a stranger.
She had enough for she decided to push herself to get busy as distraction. And it paid way. Gladly, little not knowing it would be useless anyway. She can never be so sure of the unraveled feelings which came back to messed up her healing heart.                  
“I’m not.”
“You are.”
“I said, I’m not.”
“Yeah? Like how this remote place of Mexico can actually give you relationships over the years but hasn’t? I doubt it.”
“Are you trying to fight me, kiddo?”
“No. I simply stating the fact.”
“I’ve moved on.”
“Move on, as if.”
Dropping her spoon with force, she surely is angered. “Seriously, Zilo? Why do people around me keep on pushing of something I don’t either like to do? Am I that lonely for you all to see? God gracious.”
“Exactly the point. You’re not willing.”
“Yeah? Like I do have someone in mind when I don’t?”
“Oops. I didn’t say that. You said it for yourself. And as if I didn’t know who.”
Taking a deep breath from his implication, she surrenders. “Cállate, por favor.”
Her soft defiant words instead. “Just admit it, sis. You missed him. Despite the unsureness, you still waiting for him. That’s so enough for me as an excuse of how you handle things I can see.”  
She can only turn back to glance by the shore once again. Closing her eyes to meet her defeat. “Am I that really obvious now?”
“Hm. Too obvious.”
For all she could do is hiss. “Mierda. This isn’t me, indeed.”
“No. That’s who you are. You just need the time to accept.” Chugging his last straw of drink, Zilo stands up as he rests a hand on her shoulder. “You know what’s the most fulfilling thing I’m proudest of, sister?”
“It was when I manage to save you like how brother ask me to. So please. Just for him. Learn to be happy, sis.”
With a last tap on her shoulder, he finally left her reverie.
“If only I can, kiddo. I would.”
Her mind was playing with her once again that she didn’t realize it was finally the D-day the next day. The day of their book fair. Fortunate for the event that could make her set him aside for a while. She was in the middle of checking the guest master list when a certain sight caught her eyes from a pile of books. A sticky note was placed on a noble prize winning author book entitled Love in the time of Cholera saying…
~estabas perdido en tu anhelo de entender.~
‘You were lost in your longing to understand.’ That’s what it meant if translated. A rephrased Spanish quote that instead of she, you, was been used. Yet her attention wasn’t on the quote itself but to the words next to it.
‘Find me.’
She needed to crane her head by then, searching for the person she expected it to be. Walking pass through every corner of the hall leaving her work behind while clenching the note she pulled out from the book.
‘He’s alive.’ How fast this word she opts to register to her mind after seeing it, or rather… hoping like she always does. But to her there’s no way it could be the latter. Not a petty admirer who always chasing her, not another failing presumptions which disappoints her. She’s claiming it, for there’s no way she’ll back out again.
Not when she has been called by their school directress who’s speaking with various VIPs of her way. Striding to approach with heavy heart, the woman greeted her.
“Here you are, my favorite profesora.”
“Buenos dias, madam.”
“Buenos dias.”
She was being introduced of its companion saying good words of its favorite professor as she reciprocates with welcome. Even between the greetings, she still dared to grab a chance to scan from every possible person her eyes land into.
Until she was down to be introduced to the last person by her directress as they lead the way to the person it intended to. “Is everything alright, mi profesora?”
“U-uh. Uhm. Si, madam.”
“Oh well. Alright. As I was saying, our biggest sponsor of the event wants to meet you. He was so impressed by your diligence that he would like to thank you in person. Are you ready?”
She simply nods as she was being dragged to the person who’s back still facing them.
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Little did she know, facing him would leave her hanging. Stuck from her spot as she stared by the person who’s orbs she can still remember.
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patrickstargang · 4 years
The Firelord’s Promise (Kyoshi fic)
Chapter 1: Nomad’s Land
Chapter 2: A Bureaucrat’s Word
Chapter 3: Throw Away Your Honor, Rally In The Streets
Chapter 4: Unfortunate Truths
Chapter 5: A Change For The Better
Chapter 6: The Roles We’re Given
Chapter 7: To Save A Life
Final Chapter: I’ll Always Be With You
The hut which Motome and his family lived in wasn’t a sign of wealth or prosperity, but it was still home. The wind that came with nighttime lightly shook the wooden structure, sometimes swaying it side to side. Sometimes he thought the whole hut would collapse in on itself, but even during the worst storms, it was somehow able to stand. It was all he had, nothing more than the wood to build it and a spot to make a fire.
His family was small, just his wife Kuni and his nine-year-old daughter Song. They had fallen on hard times with sizable debt and the failing harvests, leading him to desperate measures for his family’s well being. He was called upon by Fire Nation chancellors to take the place of someone who was up for execution, mainly due to his resemblance to the accused. His family would be relinquished of their debts, giving them the possibility of a better life. From where he stood, there wouldn’t be another chance to help them, so he took it. He couldn’t bear telling them, not just for the tears it would bring but also the push back against the idea. Kuni would never approve of it, which is why he never told her. He thought it was best for everyone.
But a series of strange events kept Motome from reaching that goal and relieving his family. He had to pretend to be a man named Yun, which he didn’t quite understand other than being told it was for “the good of the country”. Then he was miraculously saved by the Avatar, even if he didn’t want to be saved at first. After that, he spent a few days in the cells near the royal palace, waiting for an execution that never came. After a while he thought life was pulling a sick joke on him, playing out his anticipation for death like a musical note that just keeps rising. With the days that passed, he noticed the rain coming over Caldera. It gave him brief comfort, as it means that the crops might finally grow again and their family would have a moment to prosper. It was too bad that he wasn’t there to see it.
Then, all of a sudden, he was freed. The guards said that his debts had been eschewed and he was free to go home as long as he never mentioned these events to anyone. Motome didn’t know what to think or feel after walking out of the prison gates, all he could do was make the trek back home. For some reason, he could deal with the idea of facing death (at least he thought so), but the idea of facing his family after leaving them without a word was somehow much worse.
When he returned, he was greeted with angry yelling and copious tears. Kuni had searched the town for a month trying to find him, only coming to dead ends at every corner. She was about to give up before he miraculously returned. He tried to brush off his disappearance as being gone for a fishing job, but Kuni was persistent and was able to get the truth out of him pretty easily. It was hard to understand for Motome, there was still a lot that was left ambiguous. For example, who was Yun? Why was he on trial for execution and why was it an issue that could impact the clans? Why was he being used as a decoy? More than anything, why did the Avatar try to save him? Why was he freed?
The smell of warm rice filled the hut with a sense of serenity. To Motome, it was an aroma that was dearly missed during his time in prison. He sat by the fire, taking in the scent as he weaved a wicker basket. Song sat by him, watching the bubbles start to rise from the heated pot. But from the other side of the room, Motome heard Kuni call out to him.
“Motome, there's someone here to see you….”
There was a bit of hesitation in her voice, and Motome was confused as to who would want to visit this close to night time. He put down the basket and made his way over. A twinge of fear came over him as he slowly began to notice how tall the person at the door was. At first, he panicked, thinking that it might be a Fire Nation soldier finding out about his broken promise to not discuss his time in prison. But some of that fear subsided when he saw the person’s face.
“I apologize for my intrusion,” said Kyoshi while bowing. “But by any chance, are you Motome?”
Motome nodded without saying anything. He was not expecting the Avatar to cross his path twice in his life. It would have been an honor if the circumstances weren’t so strange.
“Y-Yes, I am.”
Kyoshi raised her head back up to examine him. The Fire Nation had already pulled a great deal of deception over her, so she needed to make sure he really was the same person as before. But most of her reference was how close to Yun he appeared. And like last time, he might as well have been a doppelganger if it weren’t for his gold-colored eyes. It was like being able to see him again.
Kyoshi could feel a deep pain in her chest, but she did her best to push it off to the side. It wasn’t important now, she found what she was looking for and that's all that mattered.
“I apologize it took me this long to find you, I was told that you lived around here and the travel took longer than I expected. I just needed to make sure you were still alive.”
At that moment, Motome realized why he was released that day. After the Avatar tried to save him, she must have pulled some strings to get his freedom and his debts erased. He was a bit surprised it took him this long to come to that realization.
“Again, I apologize for my intrusion. I’ll be on my way.” Kyoshi started walking back to town before she heard a voice behind her.
She turned back around to Motome. He seemed like he was trying to find the right words, caught in a web of conflicting thoughts.
“You don’t have to leave so soon. Come inside, we just started making dinner.”
Kyoshi was slightly taken aback by the offer. She remembered Motome mentioning his family were living in poverty and struggling for food so she felt slightly guilty, like she was taking from the needy.
“It’s fine, really. Besides I don’t want to bother your family.”
“Oh come now, you're not bothering anyone,” Kuni interjected quite assertively. “Come inside, we’re almost done with the rice.”
Kuni didn’t exactly know what Kyoshi’s relation to Motome was, but she knew who the tall girl was. “It would be an honor to make a home-cooked meal for the Avatar,” she quipped.
The food reminded her of the noodles Rangi gave her back at North Chung-Ling. Technically it wasn’t as fancy as anything she saw at the royal palace, but it still tasted like a lot of love was put into it. For a second, she was so distracted by how good the food was that she forgot what her original intention with showing up was.
She looked up from her bowl, noticing Kuni’s satisfied smirk knowing the Avatar was thoroughly enjoying her culinary work. She also noticed a stare from Song. She had finished her meal early and was examining the Avatar from across the room. Eventually, she crawled over to Kyoshi’s side to study her up close.
The young girl lightly tugged at Kyoshi’s green kimono. “Your clothes are cool! I wish I got to dress like this.”
Kyoshi chuckled a genuine chuckle. It was one thing to get the admiration of the people, but to hear a young girl say your “cool” was a special feeling. When she was younger, she was only the target for ridicule among others of her own age so it was something she mostly missed out on.
Song continued to look over Kyoshi’s appearance until something else caught her eye. She pulled out one of Kyoshi’s fans from the cloth around her waist. “What’s this?” She looked at it closely before she opened it.
Fright was across Kyoshi’s face as she realized what the girl found. She took it back as quickly as she could. This surprised Song, but also the other members of her family. Kyoshi could sense the unease she must have caused by her reaction.
“Song, don’t bother Kyoshi please,” said Kuni.
Kyoshi looked at Song while holding the open fan. She gave the young girl a stern but concerned look, channeling a tiny bit of her Avatar authority.
“This is not a toy to play with, its a very dangerous weapon. Do you understand?”
Song nodded her head sadly, looking like she was about to get a lecture. Kyoshi sighed before she put a comforting hand on the girl’s shoulder. She quickly put away the fan.
“No child should ever have to wield one of these,” Kyoshi said with bitterness in her voice.
Motome could sense the uncomfortable silence in the room, so he decided to break the silence.
“Avatar Kyoshi, I haven’t gotten the chance to say this but……..I’m truly in your debt. If there’s ever anything I could do to repay you, I’m at your service.”
Montome bowed from his spot. There was a great sense of honor behind the action, not the facade that the other nobles had manufactured about honor. This was a true, deeply rooted honor for another person’s bravery.
Kuni did the same. “And I’m grateful for you bringing back my husband. I don’t know what I would have done if he never came back.”
Motome raised from his bow to face his wife. He let out a light chuckle, rubbing the back of his head. “Oh Kuni, you would have done fine without me. I mean with the harvest coming back you’d probably have saved a lot of-”
“I’m not talking about money Motome! I’m talking about you! Do you think I would have cared if we get a few more copper pieces each week? Do you think I wouldn’t care that I never got to see you again? That your daughter never got to see you again?”
Motome looked down at the ground. Something about the response surprised him. “Your right. I know saying ‘I’m sorry’ won’t make it go away but I truly am.”
Kuni’s serious look slowly subsided as she sighed. “You can really be a dunce sometimes,” she said while smiling. “I’m still mad at you, but I’m just glad your home.”
Kuni hugged Montome tightly, which he in return hugged her. Song came to the back and hugged both of them yelling “group hug”. Kuni held Montome’s hand in the embrace.
“You know you're worth more to than just a few coins to me. Just because you think you have to kill yourself in order to provide for us doesn’t mean you should. I know we’ll get by, but I’d rather be getting by with you.”
They didn’t have to say anything after that, they just held onto their embrace. Kyoshi watched from the sidelines, observing probably her first instance of a real family. She was kind of jealous of Song. Even living in poverty, she had the love of a caring family. But she also realized that her actions, to save Motome, saved this girl from a life of growing up without a father. Kyoshi had spent her life without someone she could see as a mother figure, but she did have Kelsang as a father. The thoughts of the family and friends she lost came back to her, but there was still that feeling of relief.
The feeling knowing that she actually saved someone.
She also saw something else in this family. The advice Motome’s wife was giving him reminded her of Rangi. The kind of advice that should have been obvious but meant more than they realized. It was almost like she could hear her voice in the room. But she also took great sympathy on Motome, she knew too well what it felt like to go down a road you couldn’t turn back from, only to realize it was never necessary in the first place. For a day where her ego could have grown with all the attention she was getting, it was humbling to relate with someone who was by all accounts an average person.
Kyoshi bowed slightly. “You don’t need to repay me, your hospitality has been more than enough.”
Kuni interjected again. “Nonsense! Not to pry but I don’t think a bowl of soup and rice is enough to say ‘thank you for saving my loved one from possible death.’”
Kyoshi couldn’t argue with that. She just felt that she’d already been given enough. “It's fine, really. I’ve lived off of less anyways.”
Motome took note of that curious bit of information. It was probably impolite of him to try to get more into the Avatar’s personal history, but this piqued his interest. He leaned in after Kyoshi spoke. “What do you mean by that?”
Kyoshi didn’t even realize that she opened herself up to her life story with that comment. It must have been the change of scenario that allowed her to open up without realizing it. While she was talking to Zoryu only a couple of minutes ago, she felt more comfortable talking about this with welcoming strangers.
Kuni scoffed at Motome’s question. “Honey, please you shouldn’t ask qu-”
“No, it's fine,” Kyoshi interjected.
Now both of them leaned in, realizing they were getting to speak with the Avatar in a somewhat informal way. Kyoshi exhaled before she recounted her tale.
“Before I was the Avatar, or before I knew I was the Avatar, I lived on the streets. I was abandoned by my parents. For a good while I had to learn to live with what I had, but it was still hard trying to live on your own as a kid. Later on, I discovered I was the Avatar from someone who took me in. So much happened after that, most of it bad. I tried to help a lot of people, but mostly let them down. But now I’ve got a better bearing on who I am as the Avatar, which is what brought me here. Finding you.”
The room was left quiet. No one knew how to respond for a good while. Motome examined Kyoshi, remembering that he caught her at a somewhat vulnerable moment when they first met. Now he had great sympathy for the Avatar. He looked at her.
“Funny isn’t it. How easily life can deal you a bad hand.”
Kyoshi looked at him as well. She saw a face that expressed the same weariness that she had felt for so long. Someone who was trying to come to terms with their own limits. But also, she saw a face that reminded her of a friend. It reminded her of someone she lost.
Montome’s face suddenly changed to worry. “Oh I-I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?”
Kyoshi was confused by his reaction. She didn’t realize she was crying. The embarrassment from her realization didn’t help, crying in front of strangers would not have been considered proper Avatar behavior. Neither would using her kimono as a handkerchief. She tried to speak, her voice was shaky.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she repeated trying to keep her composure. It was hard, especially when she would see his face again. “It's just…….you look so much like him”
Motome started to make the connections in his head. He only knew about Yun from what the chancellors told him, what they wanted him to imitate. But he never knew who he truly was. But he could tell from Kyoshi’s expression that he used to be a good friend.
“Is he……”
He didn’t want to say it, but Kyoshi understood what he was asking. She nodded, trying to contain the sadness. Motome didn’t avert his eyes.
Kyoshi’s voice was still shaky. “I did it, I needed to know he wouldn’t hurt anyone else.” There wasn’t any reconciliation in the way that she spoke, just a great sense of loss.
Motome didn’t know how to comfort her at first, he knew nothing of her situation. But he still tried anyway. “W…..What was he like?”
It wasn’t a question that Kyoshi would have expected, but it did relieve some of her sadness. It was nice to find someone who didn’t just take pity on her, it was someone who wanted to know more than just sad parts. For the first time since he had disappeared, someone wanted to know who Yun really was.
Dusk had shifted into the night as the lights of the capital began to illuminate in the distance. Kyoshi crouched as she exited the low front door of the hut. Motome, Kuni and Song all followed behind her. The wind was starting to blow softly across the grassy plains.
“Remember, you're always welcome in this house,” said Kuni. “Feel free to stop by to say hello whenever you like.”
Kyoshi smiled. It was another new experience for her, receiving kindness from total strangers and being invited to visit again. She didn’t know how to properly process it, sometimes she didn’t know what to do with unconditional kindness, even now. One thing that she did know was that she would be visiting again, possibly very soon.
“Thank you, thank you both.” Then she crouched down to speak with Song. “And you won’t play with any more dangerous fans now will you?”
Song huffed and stood straight, she nodded like a student taking commanders from a teacher. Her mouth was quivering a little bit. “No ma'am!”
“Good then,” she ruffled her hair slightly before standing back up.
Kyoshi waved to the family before she started walking, heading back into town. But a few seconds into her walk, she heard something strange. The sound of footsteps on the grass. They were going quickly. Someone was running towards her. It was so sudden. Something in the back of her mind fired, she started to panic. She felt danger, but she couldn’t identify it.
She turned around quickly, ready to face whatever threat it might be. Then she suddenly felt her waist tighten. She looked around at first and couldn’t find anyone. Then she looked down.
Song was hugging Kyoshi very tightly. She was hugging about as tight as she could. Kyoshi was confused, both by the intention of the embrace and the internal feeling she was getting. Song only hugged tighter with each second. The young girl tried speaking, only to be stopped by the occasional sniffle. Kyoshi realized she was crying. She tried to comfort her with a little pat on the head, unsure of what to do. With time, she finally spoke.
“Thank you,” she said through a shaky voice. “For saving my papa.”
Through the girls crying, Kyoshi felt a freeing relief. Relief that this girl would not have to go through what she lived through as a child. Because of Kyoshi, she would get to have a childhood. Knowing this, it somehow made the past few weeks of torment worth it, to know she was able to save at least one life, do something that was more than make up for her own shortcomings. She saved Rangi, and she saved this girl’s father. It took everything Kyoshi had not to cry, she wanted to stay strong for Song.
With her voice also shaky, Kyoshi kept repeating “It’s okay, it’s okay” as the young girl began to calm down. Once her crying ended, Song made her way back to her parents. Kyoshi waved to the young girl before continuing her trek back.
So many thoughts were swimming through her mind. What am I going to tell Rangi when I get back? Is this what being the Avatar is all about? Why do I feel really…..good all of a sudden? Why do I suddenly want kids?
But then one thought crept into her mind, one that stood dormant for most of her visit but finally showed itself after she left. She felt a longing for someone she had lost, thinking of Yun when she looking at Motome. But there was another person she was missing. Someone that meant the world to her, someone that gave her comfort in bad times, someone who was there to support her in her finest hours.
She missed her father. Not her real father, but her true father.
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Welcome to Central City, Dylan! We’re glad to have you as our Cisco Ramon/Vibe! Please make your account with 24 hours and send it in! After you’ve made your account, please follow the main and check the members checklist. Enjoy your time here in Central!
**we kindly ask current acceptance to hold on posting until the flashpoint event ends, thank you.
ooc info
name/alias: dylan
age & timezone: 28 / EST
activity (not just a number, but a good description as well): i spend the majority of my time on tumblr and can keep up with replies pretty consistently. i’m very active and enthusiastic so this shouldn’t be a problem.
rp experience (previous blogs, duration of rp): i currently have a multimuse blog and i have been roleplaying since i was 12 years old in various fandoms.
ic info:
character name/codename: francisco “cisco” ramon / vibe
character age: 27
faceclaim: carlos valdes
species(human, alien, meta)/status (villain, civilian, hero): meta / hero
occupation: team flash / mechanical engineer
Biography (min. 2 paragraphs)          Fiercely intelligent & loyal, joining Team Flash was a no-brainer for Cisco Ramon. Getting to use his abilities to create awesome tech for a real life superhero was like a childhood dream come true. In his time on the team, he became close to Barry, Caitlin and all of the others working to make the world a better place. He created The Flash’s suit, making frequent modifications when necessary, and a variety of weapons to be used in the field, constantly testing his creativity as he attempted to solve every problem and every meta that came their way.             Though he’d always dreamed about becoming a superhero himself, nothing could have prepared him for the emergence of his own powers, which he treated at first as a burden and hid them from his friends. Cisco didn’t know what he could do or how to control it, and for a while, he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Eventually he embraced his powers, just another weapon in the arsenal, and began to get more in tune with his abilities which were far beyond what he initially thought possible. He could open portals to other worlds, send out beams of energy, see the future, and a variety of other life changing things. He’d already been a member of the team, but now, he was invaluable. He was finally able to pull his own weight.     As time passed, it seemed like more & more of his friends were becoming metahumans. It wasn’t just him & Barry anymore, but Joe’s son Wally became a speedster, too, and Caitlin developed ice powers. He knew that his friend was struggling with her newfound powers, much in the way that he had, but he didn’t know that she was also struggling to keep her humanity. As his friend began to slip away, Cisco felt utterly useless. He made multiple attempts to try to get her back on their side to no avail. As far as he was concerned, this was his responsibility and he’d failed. It’s not over though, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get her back.
Past: ( this can be your characters life from childhood or even reflecting past events in canon/ in the comic )          He didn’t have an easy childhood in his brother’s shadow. Dante was always more talented, more attractive and more popular. Coasting through school, Cisco had a prominent talent for mechanical engineering, but he didn’t finish college. He didn’t think that he was cut out for college life, but he had no idea what wanted to do with his future. He was scooped up by Harrison Wells at S.T.A.R. Labs, who saw his potential, becoming his father figure and molding him into a fine mechanical engineer. He helped him create and develop the particle accelerator and it was his greatest venture of all time. His life was finally looking up and he was excited about the future and the contributions he could make to the scientific community working alongside Wells and Dr. Snow.               When the particle accelerator exploded, he was devastated. All that hard work for nothing. That’s when things got weird. The explosion created what seemed to be an unlimited number of metahumans. Cisco started working with the Flash which was like a childhood dream come true. A real superhero! He began developing technology to help Barry in his fight, created his suit and worked tirelessly to put away all the dangerous metahumans out there. He himself began to display powers, which he called vibing, the ability to see things that were happening, to see the future, and to locate people by touching someone or one of their objects. Taking the name Vibe, he decided to help the Flash in his fight. It wasn’t always easy and it took a lot out of him.              On Earth-2 he met his evil doppelganger Reverb, who offered to teach him more about his powers but wanted him to join the Zoom’s side. Cico watched as his doppelganger was killed before his eyes. After returning home, he dedicated time to understanding his powers and learning more about what he could do with them. He learned that he could expel energy and create portals, two skills that would be highly useful in his fight against evil. After Flashpoint, when Barry came back, Cisco’s brother was dead at the hand of a drunk driver. The loss of Dante weighed heavily on him, and when he found out it was Barry’s fault, it drove a wedge between their friendship. His feelings toward his brother were complex, but he wanted to rectify it. Now he’d never get that chance.                When Cisco met another metahuman capable of vibing called Gypsy, whom he fought in order to save H.R. It was intended to be a fight to the death, but he refused to kill her. He was impressed by the woman’s abilities, which were farther along than his own, and wished to continue to get stronger. Following this he discovered he was able to vibe into the future, and would do what it took help Barry prevent the death of Iris from coming to be.
Present: ( where they are today and what reason they’re in either city be it Central City or Star City)      Currently Cisco remains a vital part of Team Flash. He works with the team and uses his tech skills to build whatever they need in their fight against evil in Central City. From time to time, he also offers his skills to some of Barry’s friends. He’s happy to help in any way he can to design the suits the heroes wear, to provide weapons and tune up, not to mention his uncanny ability to name the villains they face. Cisco’s current task is try and bring Caitlin back from her Killer Frost persona, and he’ll do anything he can to get through to her. He’s not about to lose another friend.
positive traits: witty, bright, enthusiastic
negative traits: pessimistic, relentless, neurotic
para sample (min 2 paragraphs/ preferably ic) From a para I did (I play a fem!Cisco on my multi but I changed the pronouns below.)
          “You aren’t plain. I can attest to that, Miss Danvers. I heard you don’t need those glasses you wear, but maybe you do, if you can’t see how beautiful you are.” He doesn’t mean to be flirtatious or even complimentary, just honest. How someone who looks like Kara can look in the mirror and believe she’s plain is astounding. Then again they all have their own self confidence issues, even Cisco, though he plays it up otherwise.           “Well, maybe we’ll meet one day,” Cisco suggests with a shrug. Given how easy it is to go to other Earths now, it’s totally feasible to just hop over onto Kara’s Earth and say hello. He listens as Kara admits she’s not met Felicity. “She comes to visit from time to time. She and Barry get on really well. Guess we’re all nerds. But that’s sweet, Kara. I’m glad you have him. We nerds have to stick together. And don’t deny it, I can tell you’re nerdy in your own special way.” He grins and winks at the Kryptonian teasingly.          Kara admits that an eclipse leaves her powerless, which is rather troubling. He wants to ask if anyone’s ever attacked during an eclipse but he figures eclipses don’t happen that often and he doubts many know of that particular weakness. “That’s interesting,” he comments, nodding as the girl continues to answer his constant questions.           “Oh. Wow. So you were all just regular on Krypton and then you come here and become Superpowered? How did you first learn about your powers, then? Or did your parents tell you when you got to Earth you’d have them?” Cisco had assumed that Kara had always had them but she apparently came into them just as he had, though in a different way. If she left the planet, she wouldn’t have her powers. If Cisco left the planet, he still would… he thought. It was weird to know that he actually had one up on Supergirl.
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