#this deal is not just for EU customers its for all international folk
pizzazz-party · 9 months
About the Dragaux Pin
First off, I would like to thank everyone who ordered a pin this past week—we actually sold out of A grade shinies, if you can believe it! Thank you all so much for your faith and patience and the incredibly kind messages you left in the notes of your orders. I hope you all love your pins.
Okay, now onto business.
So, about the Dragaux pin—I’m still waiting for sample pictures from my manufacturer, to make sure the enamel colors will come out just right before production officially begins. It’s taking longer than I thought it would, so I’m hesitant to give out an official release date. But a standard shipment takes the manufacturer about three weeks to complete (plus shipping), and the backing cards (that I’m ordering from elsewhere) also take about a week or so to make (plus shipping). That last part’s kind of important; I haven’t released the design yet, but the backing card IS Dragaux’s upper body. And he can potentially look very silly/bad if his head and body are two wildly different skin tones.
Give or take a couple of weeks, it’s looking like the Dragaux preorders may go live next month in early October, and ship by around the end of that month. If something changes, I will post about it in the pin news tag.
Which brings me to my next point.
Once I did the math, I didn’t think anyone from the EU would still be interested in these pins. Don’t get me wrong! Plenty of people asked. But the shipping is a lot, the VAT is a lot, and the specifics tend to take people by surprise. But then EU people continued to ask about both pins anyway, even after I put those numbers out. So for all my international customers out there, who want to buy both Ring AND Dragaux pins, I’m willing to cut you a deal. If you don’t mind the wait (and you promise to check your email on time), I’m willing to hold onto your Ring pin until your Dragaux pin ships, so that you don’t end up having to pay a total of roughly eighty-odd something USD for two pins. But you have to request it yourself, either here in my DMs or through the site’s contact page. And past the Dragaux preorder period, I will not continue to keep any more Ring pins in reserve, no matter who asks.
That’s all for this Sunday. Until next time, everyone. (Which will probably only be in a few days, but I’ll collect a recap for next Sunday as well.)
Pin new and updates tag.
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salesalary83-blog · 4 years
Dairy It: Exactly how New Zealand's Dairy Exports Controlled The Planet
Dairy Public Auctions Online - Find a Fantastic Shopper Currently!
Milks are one of the most traded commodities worldwide today. Because of this, they are actually additionally among the best frequently bought on competitive market days. The largest dairy market is that of the European Union (EU). Across the bloc, cows produce around 60 thousand tonnes of dairy annually.
So the inquiry emerges in order to why carries out the demand for milk products in nations like the EU rise while others simply continue to be with the status quo? For one, buyers are currently aware of the much lesser dairy products costs within the EU as well as what it takes to really create milk for consumption. Moreover, the demand for new dairy has actually without a doubt risen over recent many years or so and that extremely to a huge degree.
The other major reason that International dairies have actually stayed on the same level of development is because of the fact that there are restricted resources that can maintain the same. It for that reason complies with that farmers are actually required to purchase costly milk products coming from other countries where dairy products industry strategies are less rigid. Subsequently, these nations such as India have actually been actually recognized to offer EU planters along with reasonable basic materials.
An aftereffect of the is that the world's largest dairy markets as well as exchange are actually now online. You observe, this was actually the objective of the European Association. To maintain a much more even offer as well as require between all its participant nations, a number of cattle breeders created what's contacted the Milk Innovation Team.
They then cultivated strategies such as the overview of present day innovation like farm milking devices as well as robotics. But now these innovations have been actually needed to the upcoming degree as well as are actually being discussed around the world by means of Milk Public auctions Online (DAO). You might have become aware of DAO just before however did you recognize that you may actually take part in a milk public auction as a buyer and also a vendor.
Similar to in a conventional market, dairy products market participants may get gotten in touch with each other using a brilliant arrangement and trade in live. So you may be the same customer and dealer that you observed on tv. All you require is a dummy profile to start and also the only trait you need to have to carry out is see the DAF System web site to find out just how to come to be an energetic participant in the dairy products market.
When you register for complimentary milks, you are after that demanded to secure a digital license or available permit. This allows you to position quotes on DAO's and also consequently, your proposal is actually multiplied due to the variety of devices that you have outdoors market.
This way, you will certainly get a percent of the complete selling price of milk products as well as in return you will definitely have the possibility to get income via the liquidation of numerous dairy products brand names. The platforms that enable you to join the auction are actually GDT, Eurodairy, EU Milk Community, Global Dairy Products Profession and also DAO Europe. That's a ton of options to pick from and also if you possess a brilliant idea regarding dairy products public auctions, you will no question desire to receive included.
Wonderful Whey Powder Evaluation
Global Dairy Outlet delivers DAO protein particle, which is a product of the global dairy products exchange. If you are actually a bodybuilder who is actually seeking an one-of-a-kind and fascinating protein supplement, after that look no further than this product. DAO healthy protein grain is a first class, 100% natural, as well as very helpful product that has been medically shown to enhance muscular tissue mass and melt excess fat. Thus what makes it attract attention from various other products on the market place?
For starters, Sweet Whey Particle is originated from milk, so it is actually considered a kind of whey. Hence, it consists of a few of the greatest bodybuilding healthy proteins that can be found in the milk business. Wonderful Whey Powder is also not refined and also carries out not contain preservatives. What that implies is actually that the only components you will definitely ever discover along with Sweet Whey Particle are the healthy proteins as well as the protein complexes.
The reason why Dessert Whey Powder is therefore excellent is actually given that it includes casein, a digestion enzyme. Casein is an essential component for correct digestive function and is used by the physical body to develop muscle mass. Casein is actually also anabolic and may aid create muscle mass as well as enhance toughness. Actually, research studies have actually presented that when casein is blended with amino acids as well as various other elements, it can also improve muscle mass growth. It is this excellent combo that creates DAO a top option of body builders, which is actually the primary reason why Sugary food Whey Powder is a well-known product of the global dairy business.
Yet another thing about Sugary food Whey Grain is actually the distinct, natural flavoring it has. The 100% natural flavor has no artificial sweeteners or any sort of form of flavor enhancers, therefore you will not locate it cloying or overpowering. Sweet Whey Powder's one-of-a-kind flavor is also utilized in various other items. These products feature treats, particle mixes, and also energy beverages.
Wonderful Whey Grain contains no negative things like creatine, carbohydrate, sucrose, salt, or some other chemical that will hinder your workouts. The producers of Sweet Whey Particle are likewise cautious regarding their product therefore there is no need to worry about possessing an unfavorable reaction along with the product. This is wonderful updates given that you don't intend to take opportunities with your workouts!
Another reason that Dessert Whey Particle is actually terrific is actually due to the fact that it contains no sugar as well as performs certainly not have soy products, gluten, casein, or even whey protein. The various other products on the market might contain sweetening agents or even other unnatural ingredients. Yet that is actually certainly not the instance with Sweet Whey Grain, which includes no sweetening agents, wheat, or casein. That's why Sugary Food Whey Particle is actually a fantastic product of the international dairy products trade.
Wonderful Whey Grain additionally has no sugar, thus you can feel confident that you will not need to snack on sweets only to get your everyday dosage of protein. Wonderful Whey Grain is actually exceptionally suitable for those that have problems along with consuming a lot of food items or only desiring to stay clear of sugary foods and also carbs. It can likewise be actually an excellent supplement for those that are actually lactose intolerant, as it carries out certainly not consist of lactose. It is actually the excellent product for any person who has to deal with any type of sort of allergy symptom or even intolerance.
Finally, Sugary Food Whey Powder is actually a terrific supplement for those who would like to reduce weight. Because Sugary Food Whey Grain is typically high in healthy protein, it may really aid you develop muscle while getting rid of fat. It could be a fantastic supplement to aid you reach your objectives in the gym or perhaps in your home, which is actually why Dessert Whey Particle is actually a top item of the worldwide dairy business.
Why Are Cream As Well As Butter One Of The Most Typical Product Of Dairy Products Field?
The use of dairy and lotion is actually the some of the earliest as well as very most dependable means to create butter. Numerous substances made use of to bring in butter are actually general and also are actually readily available at your nearby market. For example, some of the main ingredients to produce butter are actually marg., shortening, tallow, thawed butter, milk solids, butter body fat, water as well as oil. Despite being a basic technique, the manufacturing of the particular butter has become a financially rewarding sector as a result of the much higher demand for the product. Depending on to records, there is actually an annual worldwide need of around 3 mountain pounds of cream as well as butter. This details why the price of cream and also butter varies extremely depending on source and also demand.
This high requirement has produced its own risks as well as obstacles in regards to the source. The surge in demand has led to the demand for dairy as well as cream for other foods items. Many fields depend on milk and cream as the foundation for making different dishes and also drinks. This is one of the reasons why the butter as well as lotion items are so well-liked among meals manufacturers. Due to the high need, developers are faced with high requirements in the uncooked products. One more reason for the high requirement for the dairy and also cream is actually the rate that they call upon. As a result, the possibility is for the source to be overtaxed which suggests that the prices for the items are additionally higher.
Lotion as well as butter could be iced up, salted, flavoured, and cooled. It can easily likewise be utilized to make frozen yogurt or even ice cream. No matter what kind of product it is that you want to make, the very best method to secure it is actually to go through the lotion and also butter product of international milk business. As even more people have become aware of the products of the dairy business, additional folks are coming to be associated with this market of the food items sector. It is actually not surprising that that the need for lotion and also butter is actually incredibly high. This is the absolute most typical and simply accessible item of dairy trade. So it makes sense to make the most of the possibilities that the cream and butter products offer.
Cheese Futures - The Global Dairy Business as well as Global Cheese Supplies
Cheese items are globally traded as a globally recognized item. The retail as well as retail amount cheese source chain is now a very affordable place. These days it is feasible to discover cheese developers making the best ranked mozzarella, provolone, cheddar, feta, Swiss, American, blue cheese and many more. Cheese distributors could be located in various parts of the planet including Eastern Europe, Australia, Southern Europe, The United States, Russia, New Zealand, Middle East, Chicken, Spain, Chile, China, and several of the African countries. International markets provide the option of wholesale mozzarella cheese for much more than sixty billion dollars per year. The United States retail cheese industry costs much more than 8 billion bucks every year.
The method of creation outcome and advertising cheese occurs at lots of levels such as ranch, handling, and also selling. In the last few years this has developed into a strongly open market area along with all the level playing fields. For example, countries like Greece, France, as well as Germany have actually come to be the significant cheese developers today with their ingenious supply establishment monitoring tactics. Germany and Greece are actually the biggest exporters of cheese while the UNITED STATE cheese market has already exceeded the market place of Switzerland. Retailers typically sell greater than sixty billion bucks worth of cheese per year.
found a cheddar cheese price here , which are much more than the normal dairy rate, have additionally triggered the retail as well as retail cheese supply being actually raised by a big amount. Although the export market is taken into consideration to become the absolute most had an effect on through this adjustment. Folks in developed countries are now devoting a lot more on cheese than they carried out previously. As the price of cheese increases, specifically throughout holiday seasons, numerous take into consideration these products to become a cost-effective surprise. One of the absolute most preferred cheese options is Emmental cheese. It comes in various tastes such as natural honey, lemon, orange, blackberry, as well as others. It is likewise recognized for its high attention of all-natural antioxidants, having Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, as well as the minerals copper, phosphorus, and also zinc.
Cheddar Cheese - Worldwide Milk Exchange
Cheddar cheese is among the most prominent food products of the globe today. It is actually widely acknowledged as well as revered for its velvety and also delicious taste and has likewise acquired a lot of recognition as an attendee in international food and lifestyle. The name cheddar stems from the community of Cheddar in the province of France, where it stemmed from. Cheddar cheese is actually the product of global dairy exchange. The globalization has carried a large variety of foodstuff from around the planet to the grocery stores of the globe market.
Curd is actually a type of curd which is fermented and hases plenty of solid taste. The curd is actually initially a yellow-colored yellow solid, and this is actually after that produced in to a selection of various flavor as well as dietary characteristics. The curd is actually produced through either saturating the curds in water or fermenting all of them. When the curds are actually soaked in water, they look at a procedure where they are helped make to become less smooth and even more curd like. It is certainly not simply the curd that is made coming from this yet the whey, milk, cream, as well as likewise the excess fat. These are utilized as animal feed, fuel, and as creature milk.
The curd is soft and also can be made easily and also conveniently. The curd is actually a durable as well as appetizing foodstuff which makes it one of the absolute most well-known foods items of the planet. Although it can be very expensive, a lot of individuals may really be offered with it without needing to go out of their home to shop for it. It is also some of the favorite foods items of the rich as a result of its structure and also preference. As such, it is actually offered for everybody with the globalization.
Butter Exchanging
Butter and various other milk items are actually highly traded commodities which develop in an open market. Their manufacturing identifies the total rate of Butter and also Carbohydrate rates. Butter is an important asset in worldwide connections and also the cost participates in an essential duty in global organisation purchases. Butter is actually a crucial element in bread and also various other food items, producing it a food staple. The meals field is very big, covering foodstuff and markets that use components derived from nutritious excess fats. It is also recognized for its usefulness in the culinary and food preparation business.
Butter EEX is one of one of the most traded assets around the world. It is a product of global milk trade and it is likewise the largest export of South Korea. Butter is generated in Western Europe, Italy, Canada, the USA, and also Germany. It is actually often traded in the Greater london market, the Chicago Mercantile Swap, as well as other European commodities exchanges. It is actually traded to generate additional margin for milk trading businesses. It has become the best essential product in the international dairy trade. Exports of butter has actually been very financially rewarding for the butter market.
Butter futures have been traded on the marketplace because the year 1759, when New York was the main exchanging centre. Butter is sold a free market with minimal position as well as closing hrs. They are actually bought and sold depending on to various present market as well as financial situations. Butter futures markets are actually thought to become an item of the Butter EEX market. Butter futures agreements are actually issued based on the Butter futures arrangement. Butter futures contracts are created by the Conventional Setters of Butter. The position and closing price of the Butter futures agreement is specified due to the Item Future Cleaning Company (CFCC).
ANHYDROUS MILK FAT is the particle helped make from skimmed off milk concentrate-low heat energy as well as a top quality excess fat. It is completely acceptable for those that are actually lactose intolerant. If you are actually a kind 2 diabetic after that you need to take care while using ANHYDROUS MILK EXCESS FAT. This item does the majority of the people, yet if you possess high blood pressure or even cholesterol complication then it must be utilized with vigilance. Other than being a helpful procedure for blood glucose amounts, it likewise controls cholesterol amounts and also boosts blood vessels. It is actually taken into consideration being one of the greatest foods for reduced high blood pressure.
Compared to ANHYDROUS MILK BODY FAT, SKIMMED DAIRY CONSTANT is actually a wealthier in excess fat, having said that it is secured via an extra difficult procedure that features the intro of blood sugar right into the curd through making use of pure glucose in the curd. This assists to make a much less thick curd along with more significant thickness. this cream trading notes contains anti-oxidants, which participate in a vital role in combating coronary artery disease. It may be utilized as a substitute for hydrogenated fats, which may be made up during cooking food as well as frying. It may assist you lose weight and maintain your physical body energetic. It can easily additionally help you shed the extra pounds coming from contaminants as well as other unwanted materials in your body.
SKIMMED PUMP CONCENTRATE-LOW WARMTH is actually another lesser-known product available. This item is actually made from the skimmed off milk concentrate-low warm. It is actually an extra recommended option over ANHYDROUS MILK FAT due to its prolonged service life as well as capacity to minimize excess fats to a portion of their initial material. The distinction between SKIMMED DAIRY CONCENTRATE-LOW HEAT and also ANHYDROUS DAIRY EXCESS FAT is that the past can avoid blood clot, which may aid you steer clear of a stroke. It is actually proven that this item minimizes LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, therefore lowering blood pressure levels. Matched Up to ANHYDROUS DAIRY FAT, this item has been shown to improve digestive function and activate the metabolic process of carbohydrates and body fats. This powder is likewise on call in various varieties and also is actually exceptional for fat loss.
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busharm15 · 4 years
Property Available Cyprus - Origin Property Sales
Exactly How to Find Property To Buy in Cyprus
Getting a property in Cyprus is actually a big deal. If you are looking at purchasing a Cyprus property you are going to need to consult your buddies, family, and next-door neighbors for recommendations. Cyprus property may be hard to discover however there are factors you may do to make the search less complicated.
The very first thing you should do is determine where to get a property in Cyprus. It may seem to be difficult to understand where to begin searching for a property but you will certainly rejoice you did it. You will definitely need to ask yourself what you expect to accomplish along with your expenditure property.
A Cyprus property can either be actually for you or for your youngsters. It is your selection how much cash you desire to devote. You will definitely desire to discover a property that has plenty of security features as well as gives some features.
Having said that you might want Cyprus property for yourself the location of the property can definitely make a distinction. While folks may be actually quite satisfied to inform you they stay in a region that has never ever been considered higher up or highly beneficial, it is your selection as a potential purchaser. Nevertheless, you will desire to remember you might be residing in a city that was called the most uninviting area in Europe through a leading property company.
If you are actually seeking property in Cyprus you should think about a house. The most ideal flats in Cyprus are even more expensive than those in bigger town hall however they offer some terrific amenities that you can't acquire anywhere else. They also offer you along with terrific protection coming from the viewpoint of a number of the larger town hall.
You will likewise be stunned at how many condos in Cyprus have sights oceanic. This is actually specifically good if you have little ones. There are actually many main reasons to buy apartment or condo property.
You will definitely likewise need to have to think about who you employ your property representative. While there are a lot of property representatives in Cyprus that may offer property that is going to be of excellent market value, there are likewise lots of agents that use poor worth for loan. The more time you embed your property explore the far better the choice you will definitely have.
When trying to find a Cyprus property that you are heading to be actually acquiring, remember the simple fact that you are producing a tiny financial investment. Ensure you do your research as well as make sure you have actually taken regularly you need to locate the most effective price. Cyprus property may be great worth however you require to ensure you contrast the provide properly before you purchase.
Holiday in South Cyprus - A Place to Go If You Like Angling!
South Cyprus is actually a little isle that lies in between Chicken and also Greece. It is part of the Turkish Republic, and also it is actually realized as a nation within the EU as well as NATO. Found north of Athens in a location got in touch with the Greek Island, South Cyprus is one of the best well-liked visitor places in Europe. For those that are interested in traveling to the islands, South Cyprus uses a lot of terrific holiday season possibilities, featuring staying on the tiny isle of Sotiriades, hanging out at the Sotiriades Golf Club, and taking vacations to various other smaller isles.
Sotiriades is actually a tiny island that has actually been used as a summer months trip for ages of holidaymakers. Sotiriades belongs to South Cyprus and consequently is simply accessed by sea. The golf club is actually thought about some of the most ideal nightclubs around the world, and it is actually home to outstanding courses. Having said that, this is certainly not the only point you can do on Sotiriades. The smaller sized isles, including Soudakos, Kilafi, Soudakio, and Seria, are also a really good location to remain while abroad in South Cyprus. A number of the more intriguing isle retreats feature hanging around at Blue Shallows, appreciating health spa therapies, or going on a vacation to the nearby community of Nis.
The Sotiriades Golf Club has actually come to be the premier destination for international golf enthusiasts. There are some fantastic greens to become located right here, however the southeastern segment of the island is understood for its own fantastic landscapes. It is actually right here that you will definitely discover a few of the even more spectacular gardens, including the islands of Euboia and also Souda. In reality, some people strongly believe that these two islands are the best lovely in whole South Cyprus. The meals and also red wine are actually phenomenal listed here, and also the locals will certainly tempt you with an assortment of purchasing as well as entertainment options. Numerous visitors relate to Sotiriades from all over the planet. This island has numerous destinations that attract visitors from all over the globe.
Paphos - A Place That is actually Perfect For Your Needs
To buy a property in Paphos, Cyprus is actually greater than only tipping inside your home or on your front door. You must carry out all your research study as well as review prior to you proceed along with the offer. You must understand the main reason whies you are going to buy property in this area. Some of the well-liked reasons people select getting a property in this place are actually for the advantage of area life, gorgeous gardens, the great quantity of sun, seashores, greens as well as many other main reasons that are truly necessary to acquire. There are actually various types of properties available within this location and you can choose the one which ideal meets your needs. In today times, there are actually many rental properties on call for individuals to rent on the holiday. The facilities that are actually supplied in the properties are going to be the prime factor in choosing your selection.
This is a terrific sanctuary coming from the pressures of area lifestyle, as well as it is actually a place that is actually known for its own great temperature and different sort of scenery. The coastline is actually widely known as the island's most desirable function. This is actually a place that is properly attached to other communities and cities as well as hence, travelling is actually effortless. It is actually a good possibility for you if you want to join your job or school. Folks may simply commute in between this and various other areas of Cyprus.
Nevertheless, you have to make sure while deciding on an affordable property to spend for. Make sure that you examine the rankings of the property you have an interest in. While examining the scores, see to it that you visit the repayment possibilities that are actually readily available on the property. You should likewise check out the excellent online reputation of the business that is selling the property and how long they have stayed in business. All these things can help you in making the right decision.
Tips to Sell Your Property Quick
A property offer for sale in Cyprus has its own market. But this market is actually merely available to customers who manage to invest large sums of loan, as realty is actually generally quite expensive in the nation.
The only actual possibility open to the vendor in Cyprus is to find a customer happy to pay a price that is going to receive the property sold in the shortest time possible. There are a few suggestions as well as secrets that will definitely assist a dealer has the ability to sell their property quick.
To start with, attempt to make certain that individuals you are going to be doing business within Cyprus are reliable and also dependable. Don't depend on a company or even person that you don't recognize. Additionally, decide on a reputable homeowner over a shady one since the dishonest ones have the capacity to burglarize you blocked.
It's a great idea to have images taken of your property prior to you take it out for selling. You can make use of these pictures to get the focus of would-be buyers. Nevertheless, these images should be current and accurate. Cyprus Property of photos were taken after a few months or even a year ought to be actually prevented.
See to it that you do not appear like an amateur when selling your property. You may wish to apply your bathrobe and also sandals yet if possible purchasers know that you are actually an experienced resident, they prefer to go to your residence initially.
Take a great take a look at your property. See to it that there are actually no major loss or even discolorations that may detract from your residence. Once the property is actually well-maintained and also nice, be sure that it resides in good condition.
Make certain that the property is actually clean and possesses all the appropriate papers on it. These documents are utilized to confirm the possession of the property in the event that a dispute develops. The documentation is extremely crucial just in case any sort of issues emerge.
If you carry out each of these things, you would be actually surprised to observe the amount of easier the sale of your property would be actually. If you would like to stay clear of all the hassles and also migraines associated with selling your property, then you need to choose a qualified real estate representative to aid you.
Buying and selling property: 5 frequently asked questions answered
Being actually educated is actually vital for successfully buying or even selling a property, so whether you are actually a buyer or even a homeowner, never be afraid to ask you estate agent inquiries to alleviate your thoughts, receive more information or even far better comprehend the process. "If Leapfrogs property experts possessed R5 for every single opportunity they received talked to the complying with 5 inquiries, they surmise theyd be actually extremely rich. Nonetheless, jokes apart, our experts discover the questions that our customers most regularly inquire incredibly appealing as they are quite pertinent to the market and provide an important possibility to inform and also educate customers about these elements of the industry, states Johan truck Schalkwyk, Money at Leapfrog Roodepoort.
We surveyed Jump brokers around the country to share the concerns they are actually most often talked to in the regular training course of organisation.
These 5 questions were at the top of the list:
1. What is my property valued at?
Warren Buffett said it ideal: Rate is what you spend. Worth is what you acquire.
Vehicle Schalkwyk points out property experts can easily give you a market-related quote for your property, based upon market patterns as well as analysis, their understanding of the demand in the area, as well as the components of your property. Value is actually extra very subjective and also is practically identified through what a buyer is readied to purchase a property - the prominent willing vendor and capable to buy economic style.
Along with details regarding property simply obtainable through different online systems and also devices, this has provided shoppers the power to become savvier concerning the value of a possible financial investment as they can do relative investigation. This indicates purchasers are a lot more educated as well as homeowners require to become even more versatile along with their costs.
2. Which is actually the greatest location to purchase?
This concern resembles asking how long an item of chain is actually, as it depends upon a substantial number of factors, featuring the kind of property, the preferred return on investment, neighboring facilities, safety and also safety, and specific desire.
Typically speaking, property throughout Cyprus is actually a really good expenditure. Yet, like all financial investments, property investments need to become proactively handled to guarantee development that fulfills your expectations.
Depending on private needs and inclinations, a relied on property advisor will aid you look at aspects like place, potential progressions and even more if youre aiming to make a long-lasting expenditure. Property tends to become an extremely private assets, along with needs and wants to contrast coming from person to person, as well as loved ones to family members.
3. Is a promotion to purchase officially binding?
Yes, a signed offer to acquisition is a legal paper that is actually binding.
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The record details the purchase deal, that includes the conditions associating with the property in question. Through signing the provide to purchase, the shopper accepts the phrases designated in the documents, including the rate they are willing to spend for the property.
If the seller enjoys with the rate delivered by the customer, the record comes to be a lawfully tiing sale contract.
All-time low collection is that you need to have to become incredibly certain regarding a possible acquisition just before enrolling the populated line.
4. How long is actually an electric observance certification authentic for?
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A Power Certification of Conformity (ECOC) is valid for a duration of two years. It is actually obligatory to be in things of this particular paper when selling a property, based on the demands of the Occupational Health And Wellness Action under the Power Installation Legislations regulation.
The ECOC ensures the requirement of the circulation boards, wires, earthing and also building of all steel parts.
5. What takes place after the home loan is actually approved?
After a home loan is actually provided, a guaranty attorney is coached by the financial institution to register the guaranty at the Actions Workplace, while the homeowner suggests the transmitting lawyer to transmit the property.
Next off, the guaranty legal representative alerts the transferring attorney of the receipt deed of transmission and warranty criteria. Then the termination lawyer calls off the homeowners bond and also the transmitting legal representative acquires the name deeds as well as termination designs and sends out a copy to the guaranty legal representative.
Hereafter, both the customer and also the seller sign the transmission files. The customer is accountable for the move expenses as well as the moving legal representative spends for the prices and taxes, and the transmission duty. After all, the documents are actually authorized as well as sets you back spent, the move, brand-new connect, and also termination bond documentations are organized lodging at the Deeds Workplace. Listed below it takes regarding three full weeks to become examined and prepared for registration due to the legal representatives. On the time of enrollment, the bank spends the car loan according to the promises given out. This whole procedure commonly takes about 10 weeks.
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spiderarm98 · 4 years
Cyprus Property Companies. Professionals In Buying And Selling Property In Paphos, Cyprus.:
Just How to Discover Property To Buy in Cyprus
Acquiring a property in Cyprus is actually a big deal. If you are thinking about getting a Cyprus property you will definitely have to consult your good friends, household, and neighbors for recommendations. Cyprus property can be complicated to find however there are actually factors you may do to create the hunt easier.
The very first thing you need to perform is actually learn where to receive a property in Cyprus. It may seem to be tough to understand where to begin seeking a property however you will definitely be glad you did it. You will definitely need to have to inquire your own self what you intend to obtain along with your investment property.
A Cyprus property can either be for you or even for your little ones. It is your choice how much funds you wish to devote. You will certainly intend to find a property that possesses lots of safety components and also uses some services.
Nevertheless you might have an interest in Cyprus property for yourself the area of the property may really make a distinction. While people may be quite delighted to inform you they live in a place that has never ever been considered higher up or extremely preferable, it is your choice as a potential customer. Nonetheless, you will certainly would like to remember you might be actually staying in a metropolitan area that was named the most unattractive location in Europe by a leading property firm.
If you are actually seeking property in Cyprus you need to look at a condo. The very best apartments in Cyprus are even more costly than those in greater town hall yet they give some excellent conveniences that you can not acquire anywhere else. They likewise provide you with terrific safety and security from the view of several of the much larger city centers.
You will also be surprised at how many condos in Cyprus have views of the sea. This is actually specifically really good if you possess kids. There are numerous reasons to purchase apartment property.
You are going to additionally need to have to consider who you hire your property agent. While there are actually a lot of property representatives in Cyprus that can easily give property that will definitely be actually of wonderful value, there are actually also numerous brokers that use bad market value for amount of money. The even more opportunity you take into your property browse the much better the choice you will have.
When looking for a Cyprus property that you are visiting be actually investing in, bear in mind the reality that you are producing a tiny expenditure. Be sure you do your study as well as see to it you have taken all the time you require to discover the greatest cost. Cyprus property may be terrific worth but you need to see to it you match up the provide effectively before you purchase.
Holiday in South Cyprus - A Spot to Go If You Like Sportfishing!
South Cyprus is a small island that lies in between Turkey and also Greece. It becomes part of the Turkish Republic, as well as it is actually identified as a nation within the EU as well as NATO. Situated north of Athens in a place phoned the Greek Isle, South Cyprus is among the best well-liked visitor locations in Europe. For those who are interested in traveling to the islands, South Cyprus gives many wonderful vacation opportunities, featuring remaining on the small isle of Sotiriades, hanging out at the Sotiriades Golf Club, and also taking journeys to various other much smaller isles.
Sotiriades is actually a small isle that has been utilized as a summer season retreat for generations of holidaymakers. Sotiriades belongs to South Cyprus as well as for that reason is only accessed by ocean. The golf club is actually taken into consideration some of the most effective clubs in the world, as well as it is home to unparalleled programs. However, this is certainly not the only factor you can possibly do on Sotiriades. The much smaller isles, like Soudakos, Kilafi, Soudakio, and also Seria, are actually additionally a great spot to keep while on holiday in South Cyprus. A few of the extra appealing isle trips consist of hanging out at Blue Lagoon, enjoying day spa treatments, or taking place a travel to the close-by community of Nis.
The Sotiriades Golf Club has actually come to be the premier destination for international golf enthusiasts. There are some terrific greens to be found listed here, yet the southeastern area of the island is understood for its own great views. It is actually here that you are going to discover a number of the a lot more spectacular yards, including the isles of Euboia as well as Souda. As a matter of fact, some folks believe that these pair of isles are actually one of the most wonderful in whole entire South Cyprus. The food as well as wine are exceptional below, and the residents will attract you along with an assortment of shopping and home entertainment choices. Many visitors concern Sotiriades from all over the planet. This isle has a lot of attractions that entice tourists coming from all over the planet.
Paphos - A Place That is Perfect For Your Requirements
To buy a property in Paphos, Cyprus is actually greater than only tipping inside your home or on your residence. You have to perform all your research as well as study before you go forward along with the bargain. You ought to know the main reason whies you are actually visiting buy property within this place. A number of the well-known reasons people go for buying a property in this place are for the benefit of metropolitan area life, stunning gardens, the great quantity of sunlight, beach fronts, golf links and also numerous various other explanations that are actually definitely necessary to get. There are actually various sorts of properties offered in this particular area and you can opt for the one which finest fulfills your needs. In the here and now times, there are several rental properties available for individuals to rent on the holiday. The features that are actually offered in the properties will certainly be the prime consider deciding your selection.
This is a great retreat coming from the stress of city life, and it is an area that is actually understood for its cool weather and different sort of scenery. The beach front is commonly known as the isle's most eye-catching attribute. This is actually a location that is well hooked up to other communities and urban areas as well as as a result, travelling is actually quick and easy. It is a good choice for you if you desire to be close to your job or college. Folks can easily commute in between this and also various other areas of Cyprus.
Nevertheless, you need to be careful while choosing a cheap property to invest on. Make certain that you examine the scores of the property you have an interest in. While checking the scores, make sure that you take a look at the settlement possibilities that are available on the property. You should likewise inspect the excellent online reputation of the provider that is selling the property and how much time they have actually operated. All these factors can easily aid you in bring in the right choice.
Tips to Sell Your Property Rapid
A property up for sale in Cyprus possesses its very own market. But this market is just offered to buyers that are able to invest large sums of loan, as realty is actually generally quite costly in the nation.
The only genuine option open up to the dealer in Cyprus is actually to find a purchaser about to pay for a rate that will definitely get the property marketed in the least opportunity achievable. There are actually a handful of pointers as well as tricks that will certainly aid a seller manages to sell their property fast.
First of all, make an effort to ensure that the people you will definitely be operating within Cyprus are professional as well as credible. Don't trust a company or even individual that you do not know. Additionally, pick a dependable seller over a dishonest one because the shady ones possess the capability to burglarize you blind.
It's a good idea to have pictures taken of your property prior to you bring it out for selling. You can easily utilize these images to receive the focus of potential shoppers. However, these pictures ought to be current as well as accurate. Any sort of images were taken after a handful of months or a year ought to be stayed clear of.
Make sure that you do not seem like a novice when selling your house. You might intend to place on your robe as well as pantofles however if possible shoppers recognize that you are a skilled property owner, they would rather go to your home initially.
Take an excellent examine your property. See to it that there are no primary loss or spots that might detract from your residence. When the property is actually tidy as well as neat, make certain that it resides in good condition.
Make certain that the property is actually clean as well as possesses all the effective papers on it. These documents are actually made use of to confirm the ownership of the property just in case a disagreement occurs. The documentation is quite important just in case any disputes develop.
If you perform all of these things, you would certainly be surprised to view just how much simpler the sale of your property will be actually. If you want to avoid all the nuisances as well as frustrations associated with selling your property, then you should hire a specialist realty representative to aid you.
Buying and selling property: 5 frequently asked questions responded to
Being actually informed is necessary for properly buying or even selling a property, thus whether you are a shopper or a vendor, never be afraid to ask you property agent concerns to ease your thoughts, receive even more relevant information or far better understand the procedure. "If Leapfrogs property consultants possessed R5 for every single time they obtained talked to the observing 5 questions, they think theyd be actually very abundant. Nevertheless, pranks aside, our team find the questions that our customers very most often talk to incredibly appealing as they are incredibly essential to the market place and supply a valuable possibility to update and also teach clients about these components of the field, says Johan truck Schalkwyk, Capital at Jump Roodepoort.
Our team inspected Jump brokers around the nation to discuss the inquiries they are very most regularly asked in the normal training course of service.
These 5 questions went to the top of the list:
1. What is my property valued at?
Warren Buffett stated it best: Rate is what you pay out. Worth is what you get.
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Vehicle Schalkwyk states property consultants may offer you a market-related quote for your property, based upon sector trends and also analysis, their understanding of the demand in the location, along with the components of your property. Value is more subjective as well as is essentially determined through what a shopper is actually prepped to purchase a property - the well-known ready homeowner and capable to buy financial version.
Along with relevant information regarding property simply obtainable via a variety of on-line platforms and also devices, this has given purchasers the power to be savvier regarding the market value of a prospective investment as they can possibly do comparison investigation. This indicates customers are actually even more notified and vendors need to be much more versatile with their costs.
2. Which is the most effective place to purchase?
This concern corresponds to talking to how much time a part of string is, as it depends on an extensive variety of elements, including the form of property, the intended return on investment, encompassing features, protection as well as surveillance, as well as private inclination.
Generally communicating, property across Cyprus is actually a great financial investment. Yet, like all investments, property investments need to become actively managed to make sure development that satisfies your expectations.
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Relying on private demands and also choices, a trusted property advisor will certainly aid you check out aspects like place, potential growths as well as additional if youre seeking to create a long-lasting investment. Property tends to be an extremely private expenditure, along with wants and needs to differ coming from person to person, and also loved ones to family members.
3. Is actually a promotion to acquire legally tiing?
Yes, an authorized offer to purchase is a legal file that is actually binding.
The record lays out the purchase contract, that includes the terms and conditions associating with the property in question. Through authorizing the provide to buy, the purchaser agrees to the conditions stipulated in the papers, including the cost they agree to pay for the property.
If the dealer mores than happy with the cost delivered due to the customer, the record comes to be a legally tiing sale agreement.
The bottom series is that you require to become quite certain regarding a possible investment prior to joining the dotted line.
4. For how long is an electric conformity certification authentic for?
An Electric Certification of Compliance (ECOC) is valid for a period of pair of years. It is mandatory to be in belongings of this particular record when selling a property, as per the needs of the Occupational Health and Safety Action under the Electric Setup Legislations provision.
The ECOC guarantees the requirement of the circulation boards, wires, earthing and connecting of all metal elements.
5. What happens after great example can be found at iListers.cy is approved?
After a home mortgage is actually given, a guaranty legal representative is instructed by the bank to register the bond at the Actions Workplace, while the homeowner advises the transmitting attorney to move the property.
Next, the guaranty lawyer advises the transmitting lawyer of the draft deed of move as well as promise demands. At that point the cancellation lawyer calls off the sellers bond and the transferring legal representative obtains the name records as well as cancellation figures and sends out a copy to the bond legal representative.
After this, both the customer and the dealer sign the move papers. The customer is in charge of the transmission expenses and also the transferring attorney spends for the prices and also income taxes, and also the transfer customs. Besides, the documents are actually authorized as well as costs paid, the transactions, new bond, as well as termination connect documentations are gotten ready for lodging at the Acts Office. Right here it takes concerning 3 full weeks to become checked out and readied for sign up by the legal representatives. On the day of registration, the banking company pays for the car loan based on the assurances provided. This whole method commonly takes all around 10 full weeks.
1 note · View note
theonyxpath · 5 years
Yeah, the above art is pretty much us, dealing with Kickstarter shipping.
I’ll get back to that later, but right now, YAY! for our Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Kickstarter that funded in less than a day! Right now we’re blasting through the Stretch Goals as noted below in the Kickstarter section of the Blurbs!
Thanks so much for everyone supporting this KS, we’ve had some great comments and ongoing conversations there, with all kinds of fantastic ideas for how folks can enjoy TC: Aberrant. That’s really one of the best parts of using a crowd-funding platform: the energy and ideas that backers share with each other and all of us.
Now, at the beginning, there were a bunch of concerns voiced about the cost of International Shipping, and I would like to poke at that just a bit here, because some folks are moving from “Yikes, that’s expensive!” to “You’re out to get us.”
The former being totally understandable – and my reaction, too, when getting those costs from our shipper – and the latter one…not so much.
Particularly because I made the decision to continue to allow international backers, and to be upfront about the costs, specifically so that our international community could have the information and options to be able to choose how they can obtain our projects. You can back the KS for a hardcover with shipping, you can back the KS for a PoD version, you can back for a PDF, you can not back and buy the hardcover in stores, you can not back and get the PDF and/or PoD version from DTRPG.
You see, other game companies have straight-up just stopped shipping internationally. Boom- full stop. And I understand why. Primarily, there are the costs. If you do as we have and put accurate shipping costs into your Kickstarter, backers and potential backers can get angry. As I understand it, a lot of these other companies have chosen not to take the chance that angry customers become customers no longer.
And really, all we do is take the numbers our shipper gives us and add them in; there’s no secret mark-up so we make more sweet, sweet, cash. But there’s still sticker shock. Like I said, I understand and have experienced it myself. It makes no sense to me why our own Dixie Cochran just spent $50 to ship a book to a friend in Canada. Canada! Right up there to the north and connected to the US by land (mostly). So seriously, we all relate.
Wr20 Book of Oblivion art by Phil Lee
The thing is, we’re not just wringing our hands and passing the shipping costs on to backers. We continue to explore other options that are actually possible for a company our size. Like, despite how big we seem, we’re still doing TTRPG Kickstarters, so even our biggest ship-outs to some 4,000 backers are once in several years things. Those numbers are “phftt!” to shippers; I mean they don’t earn us reduced rates or anything that could help from that direction.
We have tried to ship in bulk to individuals and companies outside the US, to the EU specifically, but either through logistics reasons or just bad luck, I’ve never been able to find a way to do that which didn’t wind up costing us more. Which is, y’know, the opposite of what we’re trying to do with our Kickstarters…we want to make the pledges go towards the KS’s goals, not to shipping.
So, I continue to look. Part of the reason we are working with Handiwork Games on the Scarred Lands 5e Creature Collection is to explore with them more potential solutions, as they are not a US-based company. We also continue to talk with our friends at Modiphius with the same eye towards finding solutions to the KS shipping problem.
Enough about this for now, I think, it’s a complicated issue that gets even further into the weeds once you factor in getting through Customs as well – which is probably a topic for a whole nother blog!
Scion Ready Made Characters art by Marco Gonzales
Gen Con 2019 is fast approaching in less than a month, and while we have decided that we won’t be in a booth on the exhibition floor this year, like I talked about several MMN blogs ago, you’ll be able to find Mighty Matt McElroy and myself around the con, chitting and chatting with anybody who will listen.
Specifically, we may be at either the IPR or Studio2 booths, or at these events:
Wednesday night – Diana Jones Awards
Thursday 3pm – What’s Up With Onyx Path Publishing? panel
Friday 11am – What’s Up with Onyx Path Community Content? panel
Friday 3pm – Freelancing with Onyx Path Publishing? panel
Saturday 11am – What’s Up with Onyx Path Publishing? panel
Right now, I’m not going to be able to make the Saturday panel, although if things change I will be there with bells on. But Matt and Eddy are slated to run things there, plus we always have walk-on creators stopping by.
It’s going to be a very different Gen Con for us, but I think a really good one.
V5 Chicago art by Amy Wilkins
Finally, a few notes from the meeting today:
#1: The Scarred Lands mega-epic adventure series, The Vengeance of the Shunned, started going on sale last week and will continue all month on the Slarecian Vault, the SL Community Content site. Check out interviews and profiles of the creators on our social media, and the projects themselves!
#2: The Storypath Nexus Community Content site is coming this week! Could be tomorrow or later in the week, but the chance to publish your Scion ideas is almost upon us!
#3: DTRPG is going to be starting their Christmas in July sale very, very soon, and as always there are going to be some great deals on our PDFs as part of it!
And that is a lot of PDFs, because we’re not just talking one game line on sale, but games from:
Many Worlds, One Path!
The Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Kickstarter funded in less than a day and continues to blast its super-powered way into our lives! We’ve already passed Stretch Goals that are enabling us to recreate missing first edition books, a compilation of the web comic, and…
N!WE N!TERNATIONAL WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT – A new PDF product discussing the N!WE, the performers and industry personnel, and various elements of professional wrestling in the world of Aberrant!
At $73,000 and climbing, we’ve got many more fantastic Stretch Goal rewards to come, so come check it out! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/trinity-continuum-aberrant
Onyx Pathcast art by Michael Gaydos
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features a timely deep dive (considering our new errata process and forms) by our Intrepid Trio into errata, playtesting, and how to give good feedback: https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
And Here’s More Media About Our Worlds:
The Onyx Path News returns with another live edition for last week here: https://youtu.be/nlQjKxQX860 Subscribe to our channel and click the bell symbol to be informed whenever a new video goes up!
The first major chapter of Matthew’s Contagion Chronicle concludes here: https://youtu.be/JUTaYwffjI0 We will return once all the players are again available!
Keep watching Travis Legge’s Scarred Lands actual play of Myths & Matchmakers over here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmiXCaSrrCIjmCJQQ7oLwLNahmDbdn_2J
Devil’s Luck Gaming continue their epic costumed pirate journey through Scarn here: https://www.twitch.tv/DEVILSLUCKGAMING
Occultists Anonymous‘ Mage: The Awakening actual play continues here: Episode 27: Hammer & Anvil With some technical difficulties, on our part, we’ve got a short episode. Songbird delves into his soul. Wyrd, Mammon, and Atratus breach the home of… someone? https://youtu.be/xmiuK7lU_oQ
And here’s the Story Told Podcast with another episode of their excellent Dragon-Blooded actual play: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/fall-of-jiara-episode-9-a-road-to-trouble
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we are offering the Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition Night Horrors book Shunned By The Moon Advance PDF on DTRPG!
Like all Night Horrors books, this is usable for any of the Chronicles of Darkness game lines, although I’m told it is especially tasty as a treat for Hunter: The Vigil and Beast!
Gen Con: August 1st – 4th Save Against Fear: October 12th – 14th GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd We’ll also be back at PAX Unplugged later this year!
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon) Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
W20 Art Book (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Manuscript Approval
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Memento Mori: the GtSE 2e Companion (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
DR:E Jumpstart (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Post-Editing Development
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)
V5 Chicago By Night Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Distant Worlds (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle – Figuring out art buy.
Dark Eras 2
VtR Spilled Blood
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds – Sketches coming in.
Trinity Continuum Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Ex3 Lunars
They Came From Beneath the Sea
TCFBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
In Layout
M20 Book of the Fallen
Trinity Core – Getting cover specs from printer.
Trinity Aeon – Getting cover specs from printer.
CoM – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel 
DR: E – annotated proof back to Josh
Aeon Aexpansion
C20 Cup of Dreams – This week.
V5: Chicago – Proceeding to 2nd proof.
At Press
Dragon Blooded – Deluxe at Studio2.
Dragon-Blooded Cloth Map – Shipped at Studio2.
Dragon-Blooded Screen – Shipping to Studio2.
The Realm – PoD proofs ordered.
Trinity Core Screen – Shipping to Studio2.
TC Aeon Screen – Shipping to Studio2.
Geist 2e – Inputting Errata.
Book of Oblivion
Signs of Sorcery – Gathering Errata.
Trinity: In Media Res – PoD proofs ordered.
Scion Jumpstart – Prepping PoD files.
Scion Ready-Made Characters – Waiting to order PoD proofs.
Blood Sea – PoD file uploaded, waiting to order proof.
WtF Shunned by the Moon – Advance PDF on sale Wednesday at DTRPG.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Today we are 6 degrees from Kevin Bacon’s birthday!
4 notes · View notes
arthurhwalker · 5 years
2019, Buying Guidance
Buying a computer, a smartphone, or tablet in 2019 is different than it has been in years past. Usually, I'm lurking in anticipation of my "next", and have a lot of ready recommendations for friends and family. That isn't to say there aren't a lot of great options, they just seem to be more arcane.
My current technology arc consists of incrementally shedding Apple, Google, Microsoft, and any hardware, or digital service, that doesn't provide me with a great deal of value. Also, I'm looking for those services and products that have a community around them, and with whom one can have some kind of relationship.
I look at everyone; Apple, Asus, Dell, Google, HP, Huawei, LG, Microsoft, MSI, Samsung, Vaio, before I make a purchase. I look at their products, support documentation, warranty, social media presence, how transparent they are with consumers, and whether or not they understand how to engage in basic marketing and commerce.
So, what's good? The plucky upstarts and potential market disruptors first.
From the FAQ on their site:
"What is Pine A64? The Pine A64 is an index card sized 64-bit single board computer. It can perform like your desktop or portable PC with browsing the Internet, playing games, watching video, and execute programs like spreadsheets and word-processing. The Pine A64 board can also play ultra high definition 4Kx2K video."
I waited in the queue for almost a year to be able to buy this $99 laptop. They sell them at zero or little profit so people can tinker with them, learn, and make stuff. They're working on a tablet, more powerful "Pro" version of their laptop, and a phone. It can run 64 bit Ubuntu, Debian based Linux things, and Android 5.1.
I cannot wait to get my PineBook next month and start monkey'ing around with it. Also, it comes in completely unadorned white, AKA Stickertown! I need to start gathering my adhesive sartorial accoutrements now. 
Pop!_OS, and System76
I've been using their Pop!_OS with my Lenovo Thinkpads for a couple of months, and really like it. With Canonical focusing Ubuntu away somewhat from the desktop user, going to a curated version, like Pop!_OS, tends to deliver a better experience. System76 has a live Pop!_OS Chat where I've gotten help and guidance along the way.
I resisted installing Pop!_OS for a while, because it looked kind of cool. I know, right? Linux isn't supposed to be "cool". So I was wary, haha.
Pop!_OS is, basically, set up the way I would set up vanilla Ubuntu after some tinkering. It has AMD or Nvidia Drivers and GPU switching baked in, power management options, and the only thing I had to install with the terminal was GIMP. Everything else I know and love was in the Pop!_Shop. Pop!_OS 18.10 get regular updates, and they're always adding keen new things to their offerings.
Where vanilla Ubuntu is kind of squeaky, garish, and clunky, Pop! is quiet, nocturnal, and polished. It encrypts your install by default, full disk, out of the box with minimal effort. "Out of the box, with minimal effort" is something I say a lot with Pop!. It's just really (really) nice. I'm a fan, bought the t-shirt, put the stickers on my laptop, all the things.
I haven't tried their hardware, and while I'll be sticking with a Thinkpad for mobile computing, their mini "Meerkat" and Thelio Desktops are very compelling options. System76 isn't very transparent about the types of displays offered with their desktops, or their laptops, but have responded swiftly to my queries by email, and via social media.
They are very transparent about their internal components, and have an array of options, including AMD on their Thelio line, for folks looking to distance themselves from Intel. The Thelio desktops look very nice, with the only flaw being no IO up front. Everything else is custom, with open source daughter boards, and other keen aesthetic features.
I worry more about which configuration of Thelio I would get, than what I'd actually use it for. I just want one.
Recently, Pop!_OS got featured on the Linus Tech Tips YouTube Channel, as a gaming platform. A. Linux. Gaming. Platform. Yes, you heard that correctly. 
This continues to be a good value, for a product that receives frequent quality of life updates. For minimalists looking to replace all the paper in their lives, this device delivers. I really like that they don't stop making it better, simply because the makers believe in the form factor and use case.
ReMarkable has a lot of competition in the hardware space, but I haven't seen much in the software space that is half as good. The ability to nest notes and documents in folders and organize your work is an incredibly attractive feature. The Linux-based operating system is incredibly stable, and reliable.
The ReMarkable tablet isn't fast, or cutting edge, but it feels really nice to use. It's easy on my eyes, and the hand taking notes and reading documents. It really is just like paper, only better, and taking up way less space in my bag.
Light Phone 2
I love E Ink devices, particularly when they aren't being used simply to read ebooks. Marketed as "a simple 4G phone with e-ink, messaging & other essential tools—a phone that actually respects you," the Light Phone 2's marketing is compelling. The promotional video hits all the right notes and feels for anyone that is in a love/hate relationship with their smartphone.
This is definitely me, and I ordered the couples package for my wife and I. From the two surveys I've received, and the updates they've posted, this is something I've only grown more excited for. The very simple and elegant aesthetics of the device are interesting to me, and I can't wait to have one in hand. It's gotten bad enough that I lurk on Ebay, looking for a deal or steal on their first Light Phone. Ugh, haha.
On to my favorite services.
I pay the monthly for their upgraded service. I'm not entirely sure what I get for my subscription, but I don't care, the service is that good, and I want to support it. For chatting with my friends, playing games, communicating, community curation, and similar, Discord is doing it right. Their user experience is good, even if the user interface is a little confusing at first.
The confusion comes with being used to Skype, or Face Time, and a distinctly limited feature set. With Discord I keep figuring things out, and saying "oh, it can do this? And, also, this? Cool". Discord also works pretty much everywhere, on everything, with no service interruptions (that I've been aware of). I can use with a Linux machine with a dedicated app, in a browser tab, or on my smartphone, whatever I want.
I can use it to communicate text, images, video, audio, broadcast my desktop, all the things. Keen. 
End-to-end, client side encrypted, with servers located in Switzerland outside of US and EU jurisdictions, and available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian. I am getting a paid account soon, and their Linux bridge is in beta.
Obvious privacy advantages aside, I really like the service, the options they provide, and their pricing structure. They have a really nice web client, and dedicated iOS and Android apps. It feels like email done right, as a product that you pay for, as opposed to you being the product, or part of some other service you're passively subsidizing.
Feels good. Definitely considering a paid version.
Lutris and Steam For Linux
Linux Gaming used to be an oxymoron. It just wasn't that great, but with Steam Play + Proton I can play Skyrim, with a controller, on my Linux machine. I click a box, hit play, it downloads some things, and boom, I'm good to go. I haven't explored all the different games compatible with this new service, but it looks to be expanding every day.
Lutris is a newer service, and was recently added to the Pop Shop on Pop!_OS. From Wikipedia:
"Lutris is a FOSS game manager for Linux-based operating systems. Lutris has one-click installation available for hundreds of games on its website, and also integrates with the Steam website. Installer scripts are available for some difficult to install WINE games including League of Legends."
The day when I can play Fallout 76 without maintaining a Windows partition is on the horizon. *Cherubs blow heavenly horns of glory* I'd really like this to take off, and take a small, but painful bite out of Microsoft's market share. I don't hate Microsoft, but I'd like them to hurt bad enough they work a little harder to make Windows not suck so hard.
Among the big manufacturers, there are a few that are doing it right, in my humble opinion.
I recommend them, particularly if you need a machine for getting work done, and running Linux. I've been part of their INsiders Customer Advocacy Program since late 2015, and have gotten a candid look at their company culture. Previous to that, I had been using their products since late 2011, mostly for game and web development, digital art, and publishing my novels.
A Thinkpad running Linux is my weapon of choice. The Yoga Book, more recently the C930, continues to be a singular companion device, with little else competing with it in the marketplace. Lenovo warranty, support, and customer service is still five stars. No one, absolutely no one, is more transparent about the hardware you're buying, down to the tiniest detail, I can look it up easily.
In the consumer range, they make a pretty good gaming rig, that I wouldn't be embarrassed to carry around. In fact, the look, IO, and cooling system on the new Legion series gaming laptops is better than many Thinkpads, excluding the P-Series of course. I want to try a new Legion with Linux, now that Lutris, Gamehub, and Steam are making gaming on Linux easier than ever.
On the horizon, Lenovo has some additions to their Yoga line that fall into a totally new zone. In my "lurking" browser tab are the Yoga S940 Laptop, and Yoga A940 Desktop. These devices are in the "Smart" category, packed with features. For the professional that wants style, as opposed to the tuxedo and dress shoes Thinkpad, these are just nice looking machines. I could see people in sales, design, marketing, and other fields that deal heavily in aesthetics, wanting devices like these.
Lenovo A940 Yoga Review
Why do I have a lurking tab in my browser full of Lenovo things? Because they regularly run sales. For the consummate lurker, one can get a new device from Lenovo for 30-45% off retail with patience, and a keen eye for clickable coupons. Lenovo understands how to commerce.
If someone told me they were going to get an LG Gram (any model) I'd understand the desire, even though I haven't owned one myself. The reviews are all pretty positive, some are MIL-STD 810G, good value for the money, and they have a keen aesthetic about them. Also, you can get a couple of the models in white, AKA Stickertown!
Because LG is trying to break into the laptop market, they seem to making a pretty good product, or trying very hard. I'd look at the warranty and support options, warily, just because they're a little new to the game.
Their Gram 2-in-1 comes with a full size Wacom AES 2.0 Stylus Pen, with tilt, and 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity. There's no screwing around with bundles or paying an extra Benjamin for the pen, they just include it with the product, like everyone ought to. Also, they're very transparent about their displays, internals, and specs, so you know what you're buying.
I've read in a couple of places that they are supposed to get better Linux support by the next Kernel, but that there are some issues at the moment. If you're looking for something to run Windows, give them a look, but for Linux maybe hold off, or just get a Thinkpad.
A lot of how Lenovo does business has bled over into Motorola. I've owned a couple Motorola Phones, both from before they joined Lenovo. I have friends and family that own the more current models, and are very satisfied. I'll probably own a Motorola in the future, as I'm probably on my last Apple iPhone.
They make a keen, and modular product. Smartphones have always struck me as an opportunity to stack accessories and components to produce value for different use cases. Motorola Mods let one do exactly that, swapping a battery pack, for a game controller, for example.
For core computing, and the aspiring digital artist, Samsung makes a nice thing. I've owned their Notebook 9 Pro, Windows Phone, and a Galaxy Book 12. Where Samsung does really well is in aesthetics, making a device that is both nice to look at, and nice to use. They are very transparent about what you get, market their devices well, and offer pretty good value for the money.
When I bought my Notebook 9 Pro, the only thing extra I had to buy was the Staedtler Pen Stylus, because, hey, it was cool. With the Galaxy Book 12, it came with everything, keyboard accessory, S Pen, a nice charger, and even a 128GB microSD card to expand the storage. There was none of the Apple/Microsoft nonsense where you're paying hundreds of dollars extra for things that should just be included.
Even Samsung's new el-cheapo laptop, the Samsung Notebook Flash, is pretty great. Aesthetically, it's compelling. It looks to have a decent 1920x1080 display, lots of ports, a microSD slot for expandability, and you can get it in white, AKA Stickertown! It has eMMc Memory, that is slower for read and write speed, but tends to be very reliable. 
What are you using? Have a keen service or computing product that has served you well? Drop me a line, I’d like to know all the things.
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dailynewswebsite · 3 years
Food shortages, Brexit and COVID-19: how Britain’s problems converged at Christmas
Authors urge UK authorities to return clear to public about meals shortages. Leoanna/Shutterstock
We weren’t shocked issues about meals shortages emerged when France and over 40 international locations imposed journey or truck motion bans on the UK after rocketing COVID-19 instances have been linked to a brand new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Quickly after the Brexit referendum we warned that just-in-time supply techniques are simply disrupted, and that leaving the EU, from which the UK derives a 3rd of its meals, opened new dangers and highlighted previous failures that wanted addressing.
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Vehicles on a ferry at sea, freight transportation between Dover and Calais. T Milton/Shutterstock
What goes up should come down
This disaster has been brewing for years and classes from previous and current failures must be drawn.
Failure 1:
As lorry queues shortly constructed up, triggering Operations Stack and Brock (emergency parks for and controls on wagon motion) the UK might solely beg France to elevate the ban.
This uncovered how the British authorities failed to grasp what underpins present UK meals safety. The federal government already appeared caught within the 19th century when the UK had an enormous navy to guard meals provides. When the UK introduced 4 patrol boats would cruise the Channel to guard its fishing if there’s a no-deal Brexit, this merely confirmed a weak grasp of 21st century logistics actuality.
The EU and vans present the UK with meals safety. Sooner or later of blockage led to abrupt falls within the inventory trade and pound to euro trade charges. Pressing appeals needed to be made to customers to remain calm.
Failure 2:
The UK authorities reacts however doesn’t forestall. There was poor and overly-secret contingency planning. In meals, as in life, issues don’t solely come one by one. And the UK authorities over-relies on business (particularly retailers) to type issues out. We name this the “go away it to Tesco et al” default coverage.
When governments shut site visitors actions, not even the 9 retailers who account for 90%-plus of the UK meals retail market can clear up the issue. The UK meals business has repeatedly warned the federal government to not disrupt its just-in-time logistics, however the authorities hasn’t listened.
Failure 3:
As a result of the federal government depends on the meals business to feed the nation and sees little have to direct what it does, it has been complacent. It underestimates the “multi-whammy” that meals techniques face. This isn’t simply Brexit + Covid, however + local weather change + deep social inequalities (rising meals poverty) + weak state mechanisms (not helped by lack of EU institutional assist) + regional divisions + financial austerity and recession: we’d like modifications, not enterprise as standard.
Failure 4:
Politicians might say they assist shopper alternative however the authorities’s understanding of consumerism is feeble and its belief is wafer-thin. Solely every week in the past, it was privately urging retailers to stockpile meals whereas telling customers not to take action.
Any smart nation would guarantee a modicum of home shares if just for psychological causes. Sweden advises households to take action.
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The empty shelf of bathroom paper within the grocery store in Stockholm, Sweden, earlier this 12 months. Pataporn Kuanui/Shutterstock
Failure 5:
Throughout the summer season this 12 months, Henry Dimbleby, a meals entrepreneur who was requested to guide a now a lot delayed meals technique, mentioned the federal government ought to guarantee folks on low earnings in dire meals difficulties obtain pressing assist.
He was ignored till Marcus Rashford, a Manchester United footballer, captured and articulated public concern.
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Marcus Rashford campaigned for hungry kids within the UK. MDI/Shutterstock
Teachers had lengthy warned about meals. As a substitute authorities noticed charity as the reply. It isn’t and the Conservative governments hold having to be reminded of what Churchill discovered in World Battle 2. Even UN advisers have warned the UK about unacceptable meals poverty, but the response has been fury and dismissal.
Failure 6:
UK ministerial consideration has been elsewhere. Leaving the EU, its focus has been on changing Frequent Agricultural Coverage subsidies and re-purposing them to guard ecosystems companies.
Biodiversity is important, in fact, however the brand new Agriculture Act 2020 barely mentions meals. The federal government has no agri-food technique besides maybe to import extra from elsewhere, with its hopes for a benign US commerce deal dashed by Joe Biden’s election. It was already underneath strain from campaigners wanting excessive meals requirements entrenched in legislation with whoever the offers are accomplished in future.
Lack of preparedness
Switching to different meals sources would take years. So, what ought to the UK authorities do now? Firstly, it ought to finalise an EU-UK meals commerce deal. No matter it will get, there will likely be vastly extra paperwork at borders. Authorities recognises (however by no means mentioned this is able to be wanted within the Rererendum) that some 50,000 customs officers are wanted but, approaching January, solely 20,000 have been skilled.
A Brexit deal would give some certainty, keep away from the worst tariffs, however nonetheless inevitably trigger border friction and customs preparations. The nation’s leaders ought to come clear with the UK public about this.
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Amid COVID-19, by no means has consuming healthily and sensibly been so essential. Habrovich/Shutterstock
UK meals business shake-up
British farms must be incentivised to develop extra area crops from spring 2021. Enterprise-as-usual in farming is already unacceptable however in 2021 could be folly. Feeding folks effectively shouldn’t be an alternative choice to regenerating ecosystems however central to it. That change should begin now.
A meals technique is required proper now, not in spring or summer season when one is due (and, even then, just for England).
Will authorities pay attention? Maybe not. Some consider Brexit will resolve all issues. However present meals disruptions and anxieties ought to puncture that rhetoric. If not, coverage incoherence will proceed and deteriorate, when what is required is speedy constructing of meals system resilience on a number of fronts.
The British public is slowly realising the UK now not has the ability the federal government mentioned it had over occasions. “Take again management” might have been a superb marketing campaign slogan for Brexit however is tough to implement when it comes to meals provide. That requires worldwide in addition to nationwide teamwork quite than going it alone. If the nebulous notion of sovereignty is to find out grocery store shares, energetic governmental planning is urgently required.
Meals crises shook UK established politics within the mid 19th century, once more in World Wars I and II, and over mad cow illness within the 1990s. Once more this is likely to be occurring at present. Definitely meals poverty and commerce disruptions are very more likely to proceed. 2021 shouldn’t be the conclusion of Brexit, solely its begin.
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Tim Lang receives no private funding however ran the Meals Analysis Collaboration funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Basis (2014 ff) which coordinated and printed a number of the analysis to which this current paper refers.
Terry Marsden receives analysis funding from the EU and is a member of the Meals Coverage Alliance Wales.
Erik P Millstone ne travaille pas, ne conseille pas, ne possède pas de elements, ne reçoit pas de fonds d'une organisation qui pourrait tirer revenue de cet article, et n'a déclaré aucune autre affiliation que son organisme de recherche.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/food-shortages-brexit-and-covid-19-how-britains-problems-converged-at-christmas/ via https://growthnews.in
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vincentvelour · 5 years
What it takes to expand into the UK: Pete Doyle interview
What it takes to expand into the UK: Pete Doyle interview
        By John Bostwick, Head of Content Management
The UK’s coming exit from the European Union has made headlines for years now, and for good reason. Even apart from the EU, the UK is a powerful economy — the fifth largest in the world — and businesses operating there want to know how Brexit will affect them and what actions they need to take to prepare.
While Vistra has experts and resources to help organisations do just that — such as our action assessment checklist — this particular interview is not about Brexit. We believe that whatever the ultimate terms of Brexit, the UK will remain a critical destination for multinationals due to its large market, robust financial services sector, well-educated workforce, strong legal system and other factors.
In this interview, Vistra’s Pete Doyle talks about his experiences helping companies expand into and operate in the UK. His lessons — learned over three decades — will remain relevant long after Brexit. He covers areas such as evolving corporate expansion strategies, the top risks of operating in the UK, and why complying with value-added tax requirements has an outsized importance for multinationals.
Pete is managing director of Vistra's Reading office in the UK. Early in his career, he trained as a chartered accountant with EY in their audit and business advisory group. In 1993, he cofounded Nortons, a firm of chartered accountants, which was acquired by Vistra in 2016.
  What types of clients do you typically work with in the UK?
A large part of my team’s client base are US HQ technology and life-sciences businesses. Start-up, VC-backed and recently IPO’d businesses are typical, although we also support elements of larger public companies. We also work with other international clients. A fair number of our tech clients are based in Israel, for example, especially those in IT security. We have a UK client base too, typically fast-growing owner-managed businesses, again with a bias towards technology but also engineering, consulting, retail and more. Interestingly, our largest current client is a division of an FTSE 250 PLC, a services business. We are helping them with their international expansion, and all the services we provide for them are outside of the UK.
What are some of the top reasons your clients expand into the UK?
International clients consistently tell us the UK is an important market in its own right, but it’s also seen as a stepping stone into other territories. The financial services sector in London in particular is a large market for tech and IT security, big data and so on. NHS [the UK’s National Health Service] is a draw for life-sciences businesses.
What markets do you typically see companies originating from?
The United States is still important for us, but through other Vistra offices we work with businesses based in Hong Kong, Singapore, Germany, Eastern Europe and elsewhere. We also have a good base of Israel-HQ clients.
Do you find that companies from certain countries more easily adapt to operating in the UK, either for regulatory or cultural reasons?
Interesting question. U.S. companies don’t always adapt as quickly as they think they’re going to. I think they often assume that operating in the UK is more or less the same as operating in the U.S., and they’re not prepared for the differences, which can be significant. HR and employment regulations are very different for example, as are our data privacy laws. That said, the UK is generally a straightforward market for a new foreign business, and our job is to help them navigate any complexities that do come up.
Do your clients tend to send expats or hire locals when expanding to the UK? What are some of the benefits and challenges of each option?
I would say most of our clients set up by hiring locals — or at least people already based in the UK — typically sales people who establish the local market. They generally hire folks with a track record in their sector, and the UK has a good talent pool for this, including individuals with experience working with U.S. tech companies in the UK and the rest of Europe.
  Occasionally, our clients do send expats to start off, but often there’s a specific reason for that. Sometimes detailed product knowledge is needed which is only available in-house, or perhaps a founder or another valued employee wants to relocate to the UK for personal and professional reasons, so the relocation is a win-win scenario.
  Obviously, there are immigration and tax challenges when you send an expat to establish your operations. Any organisation should know the full extent of those challenges and their related, often significant, costs before proceeding.
  That said, the success or failure of the choice will largely be determined by commercial factors. For example: Does the individual know the market? Keep in mind that what worked in the U.S. may not work in the UK or Europe. We often see clients that successfully use (say) a direct sales strategy in the U.S. But when operating in the UK and Europe, they may need to work with channel partners to be successful.
  How have perceptions of the UK as an international-expansion destination changed over the course of your career?
It’s hard to say, that’s probably a better question for our clients! I can say that when we started doing a lot of work with U.S.-based clients in the late 1990s and early 2000s, many of them saw the UK as a springboard to almost anywhere else in Europe and maybe even anywhere else in the world.
  They came to us to help them set up fairly large teams in the UK, and those folks then travelled to other markets initially. They set up a traditional UK subsidiary and hired a European managing director, along with sales, support and marketing teams. These folks sat in an expensive office which was often fairly autonomous from the U.S. HQ. That’s quite a big investment. Then they did the same in other key markets such as France, Germany and so on, and these groups may have been led by the UK hub.
  Now I would say U.S. clients set up far more nimble operations, often virtual teams with small numbers of employees set up in different locations supported by far less infrastructure. I would say that today smaller companies go international, or maybe the same businesses do so at an earlier stage in the lifecycle. Technology allows them to operate with small teams, folks working from home or from small virtual offices.
  Is the UK still the first target country for U.S. clients? Not always. Smaller clients now react to an opportunity to attract talent or follow a customer overseas without a great deal of strategic thinking, as there is a lot less heavy lifting involved, so they can set up anywhere when they see an opportunity.
  How do you see trends changing in the next five to 10 years?
You like asking me these difficult questions! Given no one really knows what will happen post-Brexit I think I am in good company in not wanting to comment even beyond a few months. But I would guess the businesses I work with will have access to disruptive technology in the near future. As a result, they will be able to do a lot more overseas administration themselves.
  However the old saying about rubbish in/rubbish out makes me think that the need for international support from specialists like Vistra could actually increase. Our clients will be able to use technology — including, say, AI — to do ever more complex things with less and less of their own infrastructure and perhaps far earlier in their lifecycle. Businesses will be global from day one. Those businesses will need our help — not least because the authorities looking after compliance, regulation and taxation will also have access to more and more data and will be able to follow our clients on their journeys more readily and challenge what they are doing.
  Have you found there’s one compliance area or consideration that businesses new to the UK often overlook during the expansion planning stages?
My clients are largely from outside the EU and usually do not think about VAT [value-added tax], and that can be a problem for them. Cross-border VAT depends on a lot of small details to work. Whether you’re dealing with goods or services or technology IP, you must have a very close look at the planned transactions.
  Often our clients don’t really understand their own supply chain or T&Cs [terms and conditions]. You must understand, for example: Who is the importer of goods, you or your distributor? Who are the principals and who are the agents in a digital revenue share agreement? What are you selling online, a B2C service or a B2B platform for others to sell their service on? I have seen cases where a client’s website says one thing and the real supply chain is different. A no-deal Brexit will make this even more interesting!
  Finally, some of our tech clients are doing things that are new and disruptive, and so their business activities do not fall into existing models that tax authorities understand or accept. This kind of scenario is difficult if it means the business has to decide for themselves whether a particular transaction needs to carry VAT or not and whether it should be UK VAT or VAT from another jurisdiction.
  Speaking of local experts, what are some of the other top challenges companies face when they expand to the UK?
I guess understanding that local regulations may be very different from home-country regulations, though that’s true when expanding into any new country. Complying with local regulations in the UK is as I mentioned pretty straightforward when compared to many other countries.
  Of course, those are all compliance challenges. There are other considerations, such as understanding local cultural norms in the workplace and appreciating commercial differences. For example, how do you adjust your home-country selling strategies to account for the realities of the UK market?
  If you had to give some general advice to a company considering expanding to the UK, what would you say?
When dealing with a prospect, I first ask them what they’re planning and what they want to achieve. Then I’ll address some subjects — such as complying with certain UK tax, employment and immigration regulations — that I’m pretty sure they’ll need to know about. Typically, this initial conversation needs to cover many commercial considerations as well, and then we home in on related risk areas.
  These kinds of discussions go wrong when you just answer the questions you’re asked. The smarter clients challenge us by asking, in effect, to tell them what they don’t know. That’s the right approach to take, and we’ll make it happen no matter what the situation. It’s our job to tell you what you need to know to succeed.
  What’s the most memorable thing someone has said to you about conducting business in the UK?
There are lots. I was asked once whether Paris was in London. It sounds funny, but if you put yourself in that client’s shoes it isn’t so strange. I can’t remember, but let’s say it was someone from a U.S. tech company whose market to date was hugely U.S.-focused, and that controller or CFO had never been to Europe. Why should they know where Paris is? The U.S. is big enough for anyone!
  Let’s face it, for years I thought Washington, D.C. was near Seattle (which is in Washington State, about 2500 miles away!) — so no different. In fact, this is an important lesson for international work: Do not assume people know stuff, ever. Their whole perspective and starting point is likely be very different from your own.
  In your career, have you noticed a single great truth about how to operate successfully in the UK or simply how to operate successfully in another country?
From my world, get payroll right and get expert help with anything like VAT, GST, sales taxes etc.
  Get payroll wrong and it is almost impossible to put right without a lot of pain for all. You’ll upset a team of employees — never a good idea — and payroll tax penalties can often be substantial.
  VAT and indirect taxes look deceptively simple but can go horribly wrong on a small detail, especially with cross-border transactions and in more complex areas such as financial services or real estate. The taxes involved are a percentage of revenue rather than profit (and so get very large very quickly) and are transactional, they’re happening every day. So they are hard to fix later, unlike say income taxes that can be perhaps be put right with an annual filing. An accountant’s answer for a single great truth: VAT! I don’t get out much!
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Bali’s property market in 2019 and beyond – 2/2
Property market Bali in 2019 and beyond – 2/2 - This is the second of two blogs about where we think Bali’s property market has been heading over the last couple of years. Now it’s time to revisit and look at what 2019 and beyond have in store. Adapting to change Many years ago the Javanese arrived in Bali and took over from the Bali Aga (the island’s indigenous people) who, themselves were originally from China. Today, many non-Balinese Indonesians are moving here along with expats from all over the world. Bali has always been a place embracing change (any place that doesn’t adapt eventually stagnates and dies) but it’s happening a lot faster than in the past and with greater impact. It’s all of our responsibility to deal with this in a way that creates the best solutions for as many as possible, and not just for a select few. Let’s look at some interesting facts and historical aspects, some of which may not be to everyone’s liking, but they’re all meant to highlight issues for a better future for us all. Land, developments and investments Land is being bought for developments and investments (mainly by Indonesians) and it’s happening quickly. Cliff Front land for sale in Pecatu The result is the Balinese are worried that soon they may not have any land of their own and their ancestors (leluhur) will be upset. It’s no secret, however, that some Balinese do gain tremendously on current land speculations even though they may be the ones complaining of upsetting ancestors! What triggers this speculation is economic growth and potential and, unfortunately, greed. But as time goes on the world seems to be waking up to the fact that an old fashioned capitalist mindset is out of date and needs to change. There are other modules out there and even big investment firms are talking about environmental and community impact as much as they are about profits. But back to the core issue. Land in Canggu for example, especially around the hot spots of Berawa and Batu Bolong, is being used for commercial activities and is largely owned by the Banjar or locals. Some years ago you could rent land here for next to nothing, but now the same plots are easily rented for up to IDR 60 million per Are (10 x 10-square meters) per year. Try to find a commercial spot to rent for a shop or café for less than IDR 200 million a year and you’ll see what I mean. Now people are ‘buying’ leases so they can sub-lease for capital gain. Who benefits from this? In financial terms, it’s clearly the local community. Stronger tax collection also ensures the government gets its fair share. There’s also a huge need for labor, and skilled labor especially raises salaries. This, in turn, creates better opportunities for both local Balinese and Indonesians to decide their own futures. Is this necessarily a bad thing? Tourism, property, creative economiesProperty market Bali The truth is, Bali’s economy is driven by tourism and property development … more than 80 percent, in fact. And what really needs to happen is for the island to develop alternative industries and income streams that can enhance and support these economic pillars. The Lawn Canggu by Cassie Gallegos on Unsplash This is something the current central administration under President Jokowi and the local administration of Koster-Ace are aware of and why they are encouraging the growth of something called the Creative Economy. If it’s managed correctly nobody gets left behind. Visitor arrivals Some argue markets have slowed. But in 2018 foreign visitor arrivals increased by just over 10 percent on 2017’s numbers. Official statistics from Badung Regency Tourism Office show the number of arrivals at Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport in 2018 reached 6,511,610 while domestic visitors reached almost 10-million. If you take these growing visitor numbers and imagine all of these people stayed in villas and double-occupancy rooms with an average stay of about four nights, then divide the number of rooms needed per night by the number of hotels available (with an average of 250-rooms) you soon realize the growth of hotels is not keeping up with demand. What about the price war? Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a Price War as being “characterized by the repeated cutting of prices below those of competitors” and by that definition, there really isn’t a price war. Photo by Dennis Sylvester Hurd on Flickr Serious international and domestic consultancy groups will suggest average occupancies and room rates, as well as the average visitor spend, are either at the same level as previous years and in some cases they’re actually increasing, not being reduced. This is not necessarily the case in Kuta and Legian however. The problem they face isn’t the number of rooms available but what’s on offer. According to OTA’s like Booking.com, global tourism is moving to experiential travel and more Eco-friendly tourism and that’s something Kuta and Legian struggle with. The villa market in Bali - Property market Bali Prices and occupancies in the villa market, however, are going down. I think this is largely because villas in Bali have become too dependent on OTA’s, booking engines and so-called management companies who don’t really know what to do in terms of delivering on the customer experience. Stunning Cliff Top Luxury Villa In Pandawa I predict things will change dramatically as we move forward and that change will not include the OTA’s … at least not in their present form. It’s important to remember that OTA’s and booking engines charge a percentage of the room night as a fee to the villa for the privilege of being in their global network and on their database. Nothing wrong with that really, except the fee they charge can be between 15 – 25% and can reach as high as 30% and that will hit the price the customer pays. With that in mind, remember too that most people will use the ‘price’ filter on these booking engines to look for the best deals, so keeping prices in the sensible part of realistic, while still being able to effectively manage a property and keep standards and customer experiences high, becomes more difficult. Some booking engines are trying to change this but at the end of the day, this is down to each individual owner and management to change. With the current potential of social media, it’s possible for a villa to stand out and find its own niche market. And those that do so win twice because they’ll be able to reduce prices to more realistic levels and in so doing draw more business. Different rules for different folks? -Property market Bali It is true that there appear to be different rules for different people. For example, maybe Wayan has a hotel, which he or she built on tourism zoned land, as rules and regulations demand. He (or she) is doing well and his next-door neighbor, Made wants a slice of the same pie. Made applies for the licenses to operate a hotel but is refused. How can this be? Has Made got a foreign partner? Has Wayan paid someone in the licensing department to protect his own interests? Maybe. We know both have been happening, but we believe this is a thing of the past because a protective mindset is just not possible in these days of globalization. Indonesia has recently signed several significant trade agreements with Australia and members of ASEAN as well as other non-EU countries. This will soon start having an impact as foreign investors will find it easier to set up here and gain benefits from a financial/tax point of view. Some would say it’s all to do with a corrupt government. I would agree that in the past this was partly true. But it’s also to do with a corrupt market with investors, domestic and expat alike, not wanting to follow regulations, pay taxes or think long-term for the benefit of the people in whose land they live and do business. They are like characters in the movie “Die Hard” holding on to an already gone past. But the governments of Bali and Indonesia are changing a lot faster than we think. The more we cling on to the way things ‘used to be’ the worse it will be for Bali. What are the solutions? First is to prioritize. Government, infrastructure, garbage, and water should be the main focus of our attention. When they are, we all need to come together with solutions, not just criticisms. Melati and Isabel Wijsen, from Bali’s Green School, have been campaigning to ban plastic bags locally and reduce the impact of plastic waste globally. Do a little every day, impact a little every day. Again look at what was possible with plastic bags! Can we do a similar thing with water? Many have already started. The Refill My Bottle campaign is a fine example of how to creatively deal with a plastic problem as well as being more mindful about water. What can you do? We need long term solutions. We need to realize that what has started cannot be stopped. We (as in you and me) can decide where we take Bali’s tourism … together. We need to focus on words and initiatives around being Eco-friendly, encouraging upmarket and integrated tourism, implementing real spatial and urban planning with better and more consistent zoning. The Indonesian and Balinese governments are certainly trying to focus on these things and they deserve our support. Everyone developing and operating villas, resorts, restaurants, shops, whatever it is; we all gain from this and it’s our responsibility to drive this in the right direction. I personally think Bali is finding its way and will still be that unique place that touches us all so deeply in so many different ways. My question to you is are you ready to do your part to make a positive difference? Property market Bali in 2019 and beyond – 2/2 - We love to hear your feedback on this article and you are most welcome to leave your comment in the section below Property Market Bali source Harcourts Seven Stones Read the full article
0 notes
whittlebaggett8 · 5 years
Can China Broker the Resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict?
The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between two South Caucasian republics, Azerbaijan and Armenia, is already around 30 a long time outdated. Negotiations towards a settlement face a stalemate that seems hard, if not not possible, to prevail over. The conflict, which has roots dating back again to the early 20th century, was restarted violently in late 1980s at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union when Armenia, seizing the chance made by the regional geopolitical turbulence, set up its manage about 20 percent of the internationally acknowledged territories of Azerbaijan. Considering the fact that the 1994 ceasefire agreement brokered by Russia, the sides have been striving to arrive at a peace agreement by way of negotiations brokered by the OSCE’s Minsk Group, co-chaired by Russia, the United States, and France.
The existing deadlock in the negotiations begs the problem of regardless of whether China, an increasingly additional assertive global actor that has under no circumstances tried to undertake a mediating purpose in the conflict, can push Armenia and Azerbaijan to resolution. Carrying out so would also broaden the financial worth of the whole South Caucasus location for China’s world wide jobs. China’s increasing financial engagement with the two sides of the conflict and its worldwide conflict resolution initiatives advise that it essentially can force for a breakthrough – if Beijing chooses to check out.
China’s Increasing Economic Energy in the South Caucasus
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The South Caucasus was a “low-priority” region for China for the most component of the region’s put up-Soviet record. By the early 2000s, the EU and Russia had presently initiated detailed engagement with the regional international locations in just about all spheres, but China managed a minimal profile in the political and economic map of the location. Nor did the South Caucasian international locations, which had been more targeted on both the current market of the put up-Soviet countries or that of Europe, display a serious fascination in China.
The location commenced to gradually capture Beijing’s consideration in the wake of the start of the Belt and Street Initiative (BRI) in 2013. The expanding drive of the regional countries to bring in Chinese investments accelerated this method. The region’s attractiveness was also impacted by the financial downturn in the economies bordering the South Caucasus (Iran, Russia, and Turkey), which developed a lot more area for the influx of China’s financial impact.
A further aspect that performed a optimistic part in this context was the realization of significant transportation assignments in the South Caucasus such as the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway and Alat Free of charge Financial Zone created within just Alat International Sea Trade Port. These tasks boosted the region’s viability for getting a hub on the China- Europe trade route. Although 96 % of the trade among China and Europe is being executed through the ocean routes and the remaining 4 per cent is covered by the Trans-Siberian route (the “Northern Corridor), a variety of things persuade the two China and Europe to spend in the Trans-Caspian Global Transport Corridor (TITR) project, also acknowledged as the “Middle Corridor.”
The Center Corridor seems to be 2,000 km shorter and therefore a lot more inexpensive and more quickly as opposed to the Northern Corridor. It also runs through much more favorable local climate situations. The Corridor has also some benefits when compared to the sea route, as it shortens the vacation time by 1-third, or 15 days.
The strained partnership in between the EU and Russia is yet another variable encouraging China and the EU to spend in option routes that may possibly occur in helpful when the Northern Corridor can’t be employed. Brussels’ choice to devote 13 billion euros for better connectivity and more robust advancement in the six Jap Partnership international locations (e.g. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) demonstrates expanding European curiosity in the Center Corridor.
These developments furnished favorable floor for China’s deeper engagement with the a few countries of the South Caucasus. The recent mutual formal visits involving the South Caucasian nations around the world and China have been a good impetus for this engagement.
In the training course of the go to of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to Beijing to go to the next Belt and Road Discussion board for Worldwide Cooperation, which took put in Beijing on April 25–28, 2019, Azerbaijani firms efficiently concluded 10 agreements, cumulatively value $821 million, with Chinese companies. This was an mind-boggling thrust to the bilateral connection between the sides as China had invested only $779 million in the Azerbaijani economic system in the total put up-Soviet period. This improvement is in line with the over-all expanding cooperation between China and Azerbaijan, which also noticed the bilateral trade turnover increase from a mere $1.5 million in the early 1990s to $1.3 billion in 2017 (about 6 percent of Azerbaijan’s all round international trade).
Very similar progress has been produced also in China’s financial marriage with Ga. The two international locations have savored a free of charge trade agreement given that January 2018. Potential customers appear brilliant for the upcoming as perfectly. Past thirty day period, for the 1st time in 23 decades, a Chinese overseas minister frequented Tbilisi. Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s pay a visit to to Georgia on Might 24, according to the Georgian International Ministry, focused on “the progress of cooperation in the fields of trade, logistics and transportation.” Wang’s pay a visit to followed Georgian Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Enhancement Maya Tskitishvili’s excursion to Beijing, in which she attended the 2nd Belt and Street Discussion board for Global Cooperation. In the program of her stop by, she signed an arrangement on cargo and passenger transportation with Chinese Minister of Transportation Li Xiaopeng, which the Georgian minister referred to as a “huge phase forward” in the bilateral connection.
Armenia, the smallest overall economy of the region, has also attained development in its romance with Beijing. Yerevan has long sought to attract Chinese expenditure to the establishment of the “Persian Gulf–Black Sea” multimodal transportation and transit corridor to connection Iran with Europe by using Armenia and Georgian Black Sea ports. The venture is seen in Armenia as the only vacation resort to defeat the constraints posed by the country’s landlocked geographic place and the closed borders with Azerbaijan and Turkey, a direct end result of Armenia’s occupation of the Nagorno-Karabakh and bordering regions of Azerbaijan.
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s visit to Beijing to go to the Convention on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations in May 2019 has been a increase for the bilateral romance. In the program of the conference, Chinese chief Xi Jinping expressed China’s readiness to devote in the building and implementation of transportation and infrastructure assignments in Armenia, whilst no concrete strategies were being produced general public.
Thus, even though the South Caucasus has a major prospect to develop into a hub with dazzling economic potential on the transportation route between Europe and Asia, because of to the intraregional conflicts the 3 nations around the world of the location are not able to notice their actual likely. The remaining and normally alarming menace of a unexpected escalation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict not only destroy the life of the folks of Armenia and Azerbaijan but also generates dangers for international investments. China, as an progressively extra assertive world actor associated in economic cooperation with the regional nations around the world, can play an impactful role in the settlement of this conflict.
China’s Rising Conflict Resolution Initiatives
Beijing’s aspiration to broaden its world-wide financial ties had the knock-on impact of forcing the Chinese leadership supply fundamental protection disorders for Chinese citizens and businesses internationally. This created a distinct-cut shift in China’s international policy principles, which had typically insisted on disengagement from conflict resolution overseas.
The start of the BRI was a highly effective force for this transformation. The project could possibly come across a drastic failure if the vital political steadiness in the concentrate on nations cannot be taken care of. A 2018 research by the Mercator Institute for China Scientific studies (MERICS) concluded that considering the fact that 2013, when the initiative was announced, China has demonstrated a a great deal much more lively part in the resolution of quite a few conflicts along the route that the BRI traverses:
New many years have witnessed major variations in China’s worldwide mediation things to do. In nations around the world like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Syria, and Israel, amid some others, diplomats from China ever more have interaction in protecting against, taking care of, or resolving conflict. In 2017 Beijing was mediating in 9 conflicts, a seen improve when compared to only three in 2012, the year when Xi Jinping took electrical power as Typical Secretary of the Chinese Communist Get together (CCP).
Supply: MERICS.
This sort of a increase in Chinese mediation of international conflicts creates hope for the constructive engagement of China in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. As the authors of the Mercator Institute analyze rightfully flesh out, not only would the resolution of interstate conflicts alongside the BRI route give far better stability problems for Chinese investments but it would also enable Beijing to craft an graphic of itself as a liable international electrical power. This viewpoint is in a excellent line with Xi’s political agenda, as he has promised to switch China into a fantastic electrical power by 2049, the centennial of the People’s Republic.
The increasing financial bonds in between the regional nations and China offers Beijing critical leverage to have an impact on the conflicting sides and press them into a brief resolution. In particular Armenia, a state that faced massive political and financial issues due to the prolongation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, desperately demands Chinese expense for economic revival. Yerevan can not fullfil its financial designs normally the “Persian Gulf – Black Sea” multimodal transportation and transit corridor on your own could expense all-around $10 billion, not considerably much less than Armenia’s yearly GDP.
The conflict resolution process has the likely to be revived as a result of Chinese-model mediation, which is traditionally based mostly on superior-profile engagement with the best degrees of governments as a result of formal visits and by means of particular envoys. The innovative methods introduced about by the European and American involvement, which involved so-termed Monitor II diplomacy advertising contacts between the peoples and civil culture of the two nations around the world, has so far unsuccessful to produce tangible effects. As a result, a new approach to the resolution method introduced by Chinese mediation could avert a possible escalation of the conflict and assist access a peace arrangement involving the sides.
The likely of Chinese mediation is also bolstered by the prevalent curiosity shared by each Europe and China to maintain security and create lasting peace agreements in the regions among the two. The European Union, despite the fact that largely unsuccessful, but has used a massive total of assets and created many efforts to inspire the sides to make compromises to accomplish a prevalent ground. These efforts could attain a new lifetime with cooperation among Europe and China.
Importantly, the expanding cooperation among China and Russia in a huge range of global issues can also engage in a beneficial position in this context. Though Russia has customarily opposed tasks that request to bypass it, worldwide problems are pushing the Kremlin to cooperate with Beijing, which might bode properly for the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.
Dr. Vasif Huseynov is a investigation fellow affiliated with the Heart for Examination of International Relations and lecturer at Khazar University in Azerbaijan.
The post Can China Broker the Resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict? appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/06/21/can-china-broker-the-resolution-of-the-armenia-azerbaijan-conflict/
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wetrumpfeed · 5 years
Welcome to your weekly recap of all things dank and spicy from the past week! For those that missed any past recaps you can check those out here!
Sunday, April 7th:
Looks like Bob Mueller’s team of 13 Trump Haters & Angry Democrats are illegally leaking information to the press while the Fake News Media make up their own stories with or without sources - sources no longer matter to our corrupt & dishonest Mainstream Media, they are a Joke!
Pleased to report that the American tourist and tour guide that were abducted in Uganda have been released. God bless them and their families!
(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) The last 2 years, under @RealDonaldTrump, have been 2 years of action – it’s been 2 years of results – & it’s been 2 years of promises made and promises kept! #MAGA
(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) .@RealDonaldTrump is doing his job to SECURE OUR BORDER! @CBP is doing their job. It’s time for Congress to do its job and CLOSE THE LOOPHOLES in our immigration laws & end the CRISIS on our southern border!
Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen will be leaving her position, and I would like to thank her for her service.... ... ....I am pleased to announce that Kevin McAleenan, the current U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, will become Acting Secretary for @DHSgov. I have confidence that Kevin will do a great job!
More apprehensions (captures) at the Southern Border than in many years. Border Patrol amazing! Country is FULL! System has been broken for many years. Democrats in Congress must agree to fix loopholes - No Open Borders (Crimes & Drugs). Will Close Southern Border If necessary... ... ....Mexico must apprehend all illegals and not let them make the long march up to the United States, or we will have no other choice than to Close the Border and/or institute Tariffs. Our Country is FULL!
James Woods - Cherishing diverse body types is a good thing, but this is no more productive than making smoking look “cool.”
Woman loses job for calling Jewish Trump supporter a Nazi, at Commiefornia Starbucks
Obama shatters previous record, mentions himself 467 times in one speech in Berlin
Mexican with a Trump hat gets harassed by psycho liberal trans (?)
Every. Fucking. Time. They play this card every fucking time, and they can't not play this card, even when the playing of it is mind-bogglingly stupid. It's their favorite and only argument.
Best Episode of Reliable Sources EVER
🐕 Biden's Cone Of Shame 🐕
US vs. them
Found this beautiful photo and wanted to share it with you guys. Toxic Masculinity in action
Monday, April 8th:
Proclamation on National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2019
President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominations
President Trump Visits the New Border Wall
“The reason the whole process seems so politicized is that Democrats made up this complete lie about Collusion ....and none of it happened.” Charles Hurt. The Russian Hoax never happened, it was a fraud on the American people!
“Jerry Nadler is not entitled to this information. He is doing this to get it to the Democrat 2020 nominee.” @KatiePavlich
(Retweeting Jim Jordan) Dem talk: -Abolish ICE -Borderless hemisphere -Walls are immoral -Illegals should vote -Raise taxes @POTUS action: -Regs reduced -Taxes cut -Econ growing -5 million new jobs -Justices Gorsuch AND Kavanaugh -Out of Iran deal -Embassy in Jerusalem -Hostages home from NK -New NAFTA
(Retweeting Jim Jordan) Dems want President’s tax returns for purely political purposes! Frightening, but shouldn’t surprise us—same folks used the IRS to target Americans for their political beliefs!
(Retweeting C-SPAN) Rep. @Jim_Jordan on President Trump's tax returns: "There's no law that says they have to be public." Watch full #Newsmakers interview tonight at 10pm ET on C-SPAN https://cs.pn
Uganda must find the kidnappers of the American Tourist and guide before people will feel safe in going there. Bring them to justice openly and quickly!
The Democrats will never be satisfied, no matter what they get, how much they get, or how many pages they get. It will never end, but that’s the way life goes!
Congratulations to the Baylor Lady Bears on their amazing win last night against Notre Dame to become the 2019 NCAA Women’s Basketball National Champions!
A 9th Circuit Judge just ruled that Mexico is too dangerous for migrants. So unfair to the U.S. OUT OF CONTROL!
(Retweeting Official Team Trump) BIGGER paychecks under President @realDonaldTrump! 💰
Congratulations to Virginia - Great game!
(Retweeting The White House) The newly constructed 30-foot wall in Calexico, CA, replaces a barrier made of surplus corrugated steel landing mats from the Vietnam War—and border officials tell President @realDonaldTrump it's making a crucial difference. 1600 Daily: http://45.wh.gov/5yKBD8
(Retweeting Ronna McDaniel) Our economy is on fire. Jobs are up, unemployment is at record lows, and wages are still rising. But Democrats would rather lie about @realDonaldTrump than acknowledge all of his economic successes.
Moment of prayer with Military leaders at the White House
Rep. Nunes refers 8 people to Justice Department for prosecution. Crimes include lying to Congress and lying to the FISA court about the warrant for Carter Page.
Trump designates Iran's Revolutionary Guard a 'foreign terrorist organization'
Fucked around and almost found out. A responsible gun owner in Chi-raq. Notice nobody cares until he can defend himself.
A big part of Twitter is garbage
This meme triggered a lot of communists yesterday.
Future is bright!
Friendly reminder: John Oliver violated the terms of his work visa when he joined the writers strike a few years ago. He is in this country ILLEGALLY!
4th wave feminism...?
Tuesday, April 9th:
President Trump Welcomes the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
President Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Ivanka Trump on the New Doubled Child Tax Credit
The World Trade Organization finds that the European Union subsidies to Airbus has adversely impacted the United States, which will now put Tariffs on $11 Billion of EU products! The EU has taken advantage of the U.S. on trade for many years. It will soon stop!
Congressman Jerry Nadler fought me for years on a very large development I built on the West Side of Manhattan. He wanted a Rail Yard built underneath the development or even better, to stop the job. He didn’t get either & the development became VERY successful. Nevertheless,.... ... ....I got along very well with Jerry during the zoning and building process. Then I changed course (slightly), became President, and now I am dealing with Congressman Nadler again. Some things never end, but hopefully it will all go well for everyone. Only time will tell!
The Mainstream Media has never been more inaccurate or corrupt than it is today. It only seems to get worse. So much Fake News!
On National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, we honor the Americans captured and imprisoned by foreign powers while carrying out their duties to defend this great Nation...
“What’s completely unacceptable is for Congesswoman Omar to target Jews, in this case Stephen Miller.” Jeff Ballabon, B2 Strategic, CEO. @Varneyco
“She (Congresswoman Omar) keeps on assaulting Jews...” Jeff Ballabon, B2 Strategic, CEO
Today, it was my great honor to welcome President @AlsisiOfficial of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the @WhiteHouse!
Check this out - TRUTH!
“The underlying issue remains the same without a single American being indicted for Collusion with Russia, & that is a stunning end considering we were led to believe (Fake News) that something much more dramatic would happen. Why did people fall for this?” @TuckerCarlson Molly H
The Democrats must end the loopholes on immigration. So easy to solve!
(Retweeting Tammy Bruce) Trump Job Approval Jumps to 53% - Seven Points Higher Than Obama
Everybody is now acknowledging that, right from the time I announced my run for President, I was 100% correct on the Border. Remember the heat I took? Democrats should now get rid of the loopholes. The Border is being fixed. Mexico will not let people through!
After 8 years of being a Democrat, leaving the Left & Supporting Trump was the most empowering thing I've done! You guys are the most accepting community & I'm going for my carry permit soon, too! Thank you!
Pentagon has awarded nearly $1 billion in contracts to build President Trump’s border wall with the construction set to end in October 2020.
Barr reveals he is reviewing ‘conduct’ of FBI’s original Russia probe
WINNING: President Trump's Job Approval Jumps to 53% – Seven Points Higher Than Obama
PewDiePie just took a MAJOR shit on YouTube and Twitch by announcing an exclusive live-streaming contract with DLive (Blockchain) and is offering $50K for charity. It was only a matter of time. GG.
Remember that time in history that 3rd graders knew the truth way before CNN?
MRW when liberals keep whining but who cares cause the country is doing great
GEOTUS we love you
Dissapointed as fukk.
GEOTUS Has Known About 0bama's Spygate for YEARS
Wednesday, April 10th:
One Nomination and One Withdrawal Sent to the Senate
Executive Order on Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth
Order on the Issuance of Permits with Respect to Facilities and Land Transportation Crossings at the International Boundaries of the United States
President Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure
President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Energy & Infrastructure
President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Energy & Infrastructure
Trump flags being waived at the Bibi @Netanyahu VICTORY celebration last night!
Spoke to Bibi @Netanyahu to congratulate him on a great and hard-fought win. The United States is with him and the People of Israel all the way!
So, it has now been determined, by 18 people that truly hate President Trump, that there was No Collusion with Russia. In fact, it was an illegal investigation that should never have been allowed to start. I fought back hard against this Phony & Treasonous Hoax!
Join me in Crosby, Texas as I deliver remarks and sign Executive Orders on Energy and Infrastructure!
THANK YOU Texas, I love you!
CONGRATULATIONS to @EricTrump and @LaraLeaTrump on the great news. So proud!
(Retweeting Homeland Security) Today, @CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan was sworn-in to lead DHS as the Acting Secretary. The ceremony took place at the new DHS Headquarters at St. Elizabeth’s.
I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!
Too bad that the European Union is being so tough on the United Kingdom and Brexit. The E.U. is likewise a brutal trading partner with the United States, which will change. Sometimes in life you have to let people breathe before it all comes back to bite you!
Barr: I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal
BREAKING: Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok could face ‘serious’ charges for his involvement and actions while at FBI | READ and SHARE
Barr Confirms Multiple Intel Agencies Implicated In Anti-Trump Spy Operation
Ilhan Omar Claims “Dangerous Incitement” By Dan Crenshaw For Directly Quoting Her
Sad to see an @ATT owned company pull such a great video made by an every day American in good fun. AT&T now owns @CNN and is positioning themselves as a weapon of the left.
VP Pence obliterates the Venezuelan socialist regime at the UN
Red pill dropped in the wild 💊
The older I get, the more I relate with Hank.
MRW liberals are losing their minds over three letters .... SPY
Thursday, April 11th:
Eight Nominations and One Withdrawal Sent to the Senate
President Trump Meets with the President of the Republic of Korea
President Trump Greets World War ll Veterans
President Trump and the First Lady Meet with the President and First Lady of South Korea
Great News! #MAGA
"Biggest scandal of our time - the coup that failed!" @MariaBartiromo
Beautiful afternoon in the Oval Office today with a few great American HEROES!
House Democrats want to negotiate a $2 TRILLION spending increase but can’t even pass their own plan. We can’t afford it anyway, and it’s not happening!
(Retweeting Arthur Schwartz) Wow. @tedlieu got a well deserved ass kicking. Shame on you Ted.
“And the Radical Dems reeling in disarray as the President continues to Win, Win and Win again! The Left is PRETENDING to be shocked by A.G. William Barr’s testimony before Congress in which he said SPYING did occur on the Trump 2016 Campaign.” @LouDobbs @FoxNews
(Retweeting The Daily Caller) Rod Rosenstein Defends Attorney General’s Handling Of Mueller Report
(Retweeting The Daily Caller) Every CNN Presidential Town Hall Finished Behind MSNBC And Fox News In Ratings
(Retweeting Chuck Woolery) President Trump continues to tally up wins for our country as Americans just saw the best income gains in over 50 years. Listen to today’s #BFT Minute to find out more. https://buff.ly/2KHGBQQ
Wikileaks Co-Founder Julian Assange Arrested In London
But now it’s just bigotry. Foot in mouth syndrome.
He's 100% right. The dishonest and corrupt media would NEVER have told us the truth. The world needed the information we learned. Without it, we'd probably be living in their new world order by now.
Posted by the legendary, Imam Mohamad Tawhidi (@imamofpeace)
The mighty morphing Democrat rangers
New York Post 4/11 Cover Calls Out that Nasty Woman
Time traveler confirmed!
THROWBACK THURSDAY March 20, 2017 - Vox: "All of Trump’s wiretap claims have now officially been debunked by the FBI and NSA". OOPSIE
To Corey Booker. From Bill.
Friday, April 12th:
President Trump and the First Lady Meet with the President and First Lady of South Korea
President Trump Delivers Remarks on United States 5G Deployment
President Donald J. Trump Announces Appointments for the Executive Office of the President
President Donald J. Trump Announces Nominations of Individuals to Key Administration Posts
“I don’t need to know any more. We’re done, absolutely done, he (Mueller) tried the case. There’s NO COLLUSION.” @LindseyGrahamSC @foxandfriends No matter what we do or give to the Radical Left, it will never be enough!
President Obama’s top White House lawyer, Gregory B. Craig, was indicted yesterday on very serious charges. This is a really big story, but the Fake News New York Times didn’t even put it on page one, rather page 16. @washingtonpost not much better, “tiny” page one. Corrupt News!
“Democrats don’t like the results of the Mueller Report, so now they’re trying everything else.” @RepDougCollins They should stop wasting time and money and get back to real legislating, especially on the Border!
Even the Democrats now say that our Southern Border is a Crisis and a National Emergency. Hopefully, we will not be getting any more BAD (outrageous) court decisions!
Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only.... ... ....The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!
WSJ's Strassel: Barr 'Right' to Say 'Spying' Occurred on Trump Campaign | Breitbart http://bit.ly/2VHDlKn via @BreitbartNews
If the Radical Left Democrats all of a sudden don’t want the Illegal Migrants in their Sanctuary Cities (no more open arms), why should others be expected to take them into their communities? Go home and come into our Country legally and through a system of Merit!
Thank you Jeh, so well stated!
Finally, great news at the Border! https://twitter.com/axios/status/1116872379324612608 …
A Fake Story by Politico. Made up sources. Thank you Mount Vernon!
Another Fake Story on @NBCNews that I offered Pardons to Homeland Securiy personnel in case they broke the law regarding illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Of course this is not true. Mainstream Media is corrupt and getting worse, if that is possible, every day!
In New York State, Democrats blocked a Bill expanding College Tuition for Gold Star families after approving aid for illegal immigrants. No wonder so many people are leaving N.Y. Very Sad!
NY Dems block bill expanding college tuition for Gold Star families after approving $27M in tuition aid for illegal aliens
Avenatti Accused of Hiding $4M Settlement from ‘Mentally Ill Paraplegic’ Client, Faces Up to 335 Years in Prison
Networks Give One Minute to Obama Counsel Indictment, Gave Manafort’s 60 Percent of Airtime
OUT OUT OUT! The Latest: Court allows return of asylum seekers to Mexico.
Censorship is real
“Some people did something.”
I can’t wait to look back in history when I’m telling my grandchildren how Conservative Americans won the culture war with memes like this
With the 5 Liberal Forces Combined you get ...
Reeesistance Member Sets Self Ablaze Outside White House, circa 2019
Saturday, April 13th:
I agree with Kim Jong Un of North Korea that our personal relationship remains very good, perhaps the term excellent would be even more accurate, and that a third Summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand. North Korea has tremendous potential for....... ... ...extraordinary growth, economic success and riches under the leadership of Chairman Kim. I look forward to the day, which could be soon, when Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions can be removed, and then watching North Korea become one of the most successful nations of the World!
Why should Radical Left Democrats in Congress have a right to retry and examine the $35,000,000 (two years in the making) No Collusion Mueller Report, when the crime committed was by Crooked Hillary, the DNC and Dirty Cops? Attorney General Barr will make the decision!
BUSTED: Mount Vernon Debunks Politico's Fake News Story About Trump's Visit To Washington's Estate
A white child was callously thrown to his potential death only a few days after Congress held a sham hearing on white nationalism and tried to blame it for "hate crimes." The real rise in anti-white crime and hatred will of course get no congressional hearing.
Man Asks Swedes if they would take Refugees into their own homes, get's Pelosi'd
FITTON: HUGE Update: President Trump Vindicated and Hillary Clinton Implicated. SpyGate CONFIRMED--& Smoking Gun Clinton Email Cover-Up Docs. PLUS Fed helping illegal aliens send billions to Mexico.
It really do be like this
Remember when President Trump used to recite 'The Snake'
Looking ahead, this is the favorite to win next years masters. Get your bets in now Pedes!
The Video Michael Avenatti AND The Liberal Media will want removed off the internet
Blink blink ... wat
Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:
Move On
Lose Yourself To Dance
Can I kick it
Who Do You Love
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robgrayofficial · 5 years
GOOD AFTERNOON DEPLORABLES!Welcome to your weekly recap of all things dank and spicy from the past week! For those that missed any past recaps you can check those out here!Sunday, April 7th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Looks like Bob Mueller’s team of 13 Trump Haters & Angry Democrats are illegally leaking information to the press while the Fake News Media make up their own stories with or without sources - sources no longer matter to our corrupt & dishonest Mainstream Media, they are a Joke!Pleased to report that the American tourist and tour guide that were abducted in Uganda have been released. God bless them and their families!(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) The last 2 years, under @RealDonaldTrump, have been 2 years of action – it’s been 2 years of results – & it’s been 2 years of promises made and promises kept! #MAGA(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) .@RealDonaldTrump is doing his job to SECURE OUR BORDER! @CBP is doing their job. It’s time for Congress to do its job and CLOSE THE LOOPHOLES in our immigration laws & end the CRISIS on our southern border!Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen will be leaving her position, and I would like to thank her for her service.... ... ....I am pleased to announce that Kevin McAleenan, the current U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, will become Acting Secretary for @DHSgov. I have confidence that Kevin will do a great job!More apprehensions (captures) at the Southern Border than in many years. Border Patrol amazing! Country is FULL! System has been broken for many years. Democrats in Congress must agree to fix loopholes - No Open Borders (Crimes & Drugs). Will Close Southern Border If necessary... ... ....Mexico must apprehend all illegals and not let them make the long march up to the United States, or we will have no other choice than to Close the Border and/or institute Tariffs. Our Country is FULL!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:James Woods - Cherishing diverse body types is a good thing, but this is no more productive than making smoking look “cool.”Woman loses job for calling Jewish Trump supporter a Nazi, at Commiefornia StarbucksObama shatters previous record, mentions himself 467 times in one speech in BerlinMexican with a Trump hat gets harassed by psycho liberal trans (?)🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Every. Fucking. Time. They play this card every fucking time, and they can't not play this card, even when the playing of it is mind-bogglingly stupid. It's their favorite and only argument.Best Episode of Reliable Sources EVER🐕 Biden's Cone Of Shame 🐕US vs. themFound this beautiful photo and wanted to share it with you guys. Toxic Masculinity in actionMonday, April 8th:TODAY'S ACTION:Proclamation on National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2019President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial NominationsPresident Trump Visits the New Border Wall🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“The reason the whole process seems so politicized is that Democrats made up this complete lie about Collusion ....and none of it happened.” Charles Hurt. The Russian Hoax never happened, it was a fraud on the American people!“Jerry Nadler is not entitled to this information. He is doing this to get it to the Democrat 2020 nominee.” @KatiePavlich(Retweeting Jim Jordan) Dem talk: -Abolish ICE -Borderless hemisphere -Walls are immoral -Illegals should vote -Raise taxes @POTUS action: -Regs reduced -Taxes cut -Econ growing -5 million new jobs -Justices Gorsuch AND Kavanaugh -Out of Iran deal -Embassy in Jerusalem -Hostages home from NK -New NAFTA(Retweeting Jim Jordan) Dems want President’s tax returns for purely political purposes! Frightening, but shouldn’t surprise us—same folks used the IRS to target Americans for their political beliefs!(Retweeting C-SPAN) Rep. @Jim_Jordan on President Trump's tax returns: "There's no law that says they have to be public." Watch full #Newsmakers interview tonight at 10pm ET on C-SPAN http://bit.ly/2IlbE7g must find the kidnappers of the American Tourist and guide before people will feel safe in going there. Bring them to justice openly and quickly!The Democrats will never be satisfied, no matter what they get, how much they get, or how many pages they get. It will never end, but that’s the way life goes!Congratulations to the Baylor Lady Bears on their amazing win last night against Notre Dame to become the 2019 NCAA Women’s Basketball National Champions!A 9th Circuit Judge just ruled that Mexico is too dangerous for migrants. So unfair to the U.S. OUT OF CONTROL!(Retweeting Official Team Trump) BIGGER paychecks under President @realDonaldTrump! 💰Congratulations to Virginia - Great game!(Retweeting The White House) The newly constructed 30-foot wall in Calexico, CA, replaces a barrier made of surplus corrugated steel landing mats from the Vietnam War—and border officials tell President @realDonaldTrump it's making a crucial difference. 1600 Daily: http://bit.ly/2Jiqzk0 Ronna McDaniel) Our economy is on fire. Jobs are up, unemployment is at record lows, and wages are still rising. But Democrats would rather lie about @realDonaldTrump than acknowledge all of his economic successes.SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Moment of prayer with Military leaders at the White HouseHEY NANCY, PUT UP OR SHUT UP.Rep. Nunes refers 8 people to Justice Department for prosecution. Crimes include lying to Congress and lying to the FISA court about the warrant for Carter Page.Trump designates Iran's Revolutionary Guard a 'foreign terrorist organization'Fucked around and almost found out. A responsible gun owner in Chi-raq. Notice nobody cares until he can defend himself.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:A big part of Twitter is garbageThis meme triggered a lot of communists yesterday.Future is bright!Friendly reminder: John Oliver violated the terms of his work visa when he joined the writers strike a few years ago. He is in this country ILLEGALLY!4th wave feminism...?Tuesday, April 9th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Welcomes the President of the Arab Republic of EgyptPresident Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the President of the Arab Republic of EgyptIvanka Trump on the New Doubled Child Tax Credit🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:The World Trade Organization finds that the European Union subsidies to Airbus has adversely impacted the United States, which will now put Tariffs on $11 Billion of EU products! The EU has taken advantage of the U.S. on trade for many years. It will soon stop!Congressman Jerry Nadler fought me for years on a very large development I built on the West Side of Manhattan. He wanted a Rail Yard built underneath the development or even better, to stop the job. He didn’t get either & the development became VERY successful. Nevertheless,.... ... ....I got along very well with Jerry during the zoning and building process. Then I changed course (slightly), became President, and now I am dealing with Congressman Nadler again. Some things never end, but hopefully it will all go well for everyone. Only time will tell!The Mainstream Media has never been more inaccurate or corrupt than it is today. It only seems to get worse. So much Fake News!On National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, we honor the Americans captured and imprisoned by foreign powers while carrying out their duties to defend this great Nation...“What’s completely unacceptable is for Congesswoman Omar to target Jews, in this case Stephen Miller.” Jeff Ballabon, B2 Strategic, CEO. @VarneycoVideo“She (Congresswoman Omar) keeps on assaulting Jews...” Jeff Ballabon, B2 Strategic, CEOToday, it was my great honor to welcome President @AlsisiOfficial of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the @WhiteHouse!Check this out - TRUTH!THANK YOU, WORKING HARD!“The underlying issue remains the same without a single American being indicted for Collusion with Russia, & that is a stunning end considering we were led to believe (Fake News) that something much more dramatic would happen. Why did people fall for this?” @TuckerCarlson Molly HThe Democrats must end the loopholes on immigration. So easy to solve!(Retweeting Tammy Bruce) Trump Job Approval Jumps to 53% - Seven Points Higher Than ObamaEverybody is now acknowledging that, right from the time I announced my run for President, I was 100% correct on the Border. Remember the heat I took? Democrats should now get rid of the loopholes. The Border is being fixed. Mexico will not let people through!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:After 8 years of being a Democrat, leaving the Left & Supporting Trump was the most empowering thing I've done! You guys are the most accepting community & I'm going for my carry permit soon, too! Thank you!Pentagon has awarded nearly $1 billion in contracts to build President Trump’s border wall with the construction set to end in October 2020.Barr reveals he is reviewing ‘conduct’ of FBI’s original Russia probeWINNING: President Trump's Job Approval Jumps to 53% – Seven Points Higher Than ObamaPewDiePie just took a MAJOR shit on YouTube and Twitch by announcing an exclusive live-streaming contract with DLive (Blockchain) and is offering $50K for charity. It was only a matter of time. GG.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Remember that time in history that 3rd graders knew the truth way before CNN?MRW when liberals keep whining but who cares cause the country is doing greatGEOTUS we love youDissapointed as fukk.GEOTUS Has Known About 0bama's Spygate for YEARSWednesday, April 10th:TODAY'S ACTION:One Nomination and One Withdrawal Sent to the SenateExecutive Order on Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic GrowthOrder on the Issuance of Permits with Respect to Facilities and Land Transportation Crossings at the International Boundaries of the United StatesPresident Trump Delivers a Statement Upon DeparturePresident Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Energy & InfrastructurePresident Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Energy & Infrastructure🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Trump flags being waived at the Bibi @Netanyahu VICTORY celebration last night!Spoke to Bibi @Netanyahu to congratulate him on a great and hard-fought win. The United States is with him and the People of Israel all the way!So, it has now been determined, by 18 people that truly hate President Trump, that there was No Collusion with Russia. In fact, it was an illegal investigation that should never have been allowed to start. I fought back hard against this Phony & Treasonous Hoax!Join me in Crosby, Texas as I deliver remarks and sign Executive Orders on Energy and Infrastructure!THANK YOU Texas, I love you!CONGRATULATIONS to @EricTrump and @LaraLeaTrump on the great news. So proud!(Retweeting Homeland Security) Today, @CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan was sworn-in to lead DHS as the Acting Secretary. The ceremony took place at the new DHS Headquarters at St. Elizabeth’s.I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!Too bad that the European Union is being so tough on the United Kingdom and Brexit. The E.U. is likewise a brutal trading partner with the United States, which will change. Sometimes in life you have to let people breathe before it all comes back to bite you!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Barr: I think spying on a political campaign is a big dealBREAKING: Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok could face ‘serious’ charges for his involvement and actions while at FBI | READ and SHAREBarr Confirms Multiple Intel Agencies Implicated In Anti-Trump Spy OperationIlhan Omar Claims “Dangerous Incitement” By Dan Crenshaw For Directly Quoting HerSad to see an @ATT owned company pull such a great video made by an every day American in good fun. AT&T now owns @CNN and is positioning themselves as a weapon of the left.VP Pence obliterates the Venezuelan socialist regime at the UN🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Red pill dropped in the wild 💊KABOOOOOOM!!!!!1111The older I get, the more I relate with Hank.MRW liberals are losing their minds over three letters .... SPYThursday, April 11th:TODAY'S ACTION:Eight Nominations and One Withdrawal Sent to the SenatePresident Trump Meets with the President of the Republic of KoreaPresident Trump Greets World War ll VeteransPresident Trump and the First Lady Meet with the President and First Lady of South Korea🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Great News! #MAGA"SPY GAMES: TIME FOR ANSWERS""Biggest scandal of our time - the coup that failed!" @MariaBartiromoBeautiful afternoon in the Oval Office today with a few great American HEROES!House Democrats want to negotiate a $2 TRILLION spending increase but can’t even pass their own plan. We can’t afford it anyway, and it’s not happening!(Retweeting Arthur Schwartz) Wow. @tedlieu got a well deserved ass kicking. Shame on you Ted.“And the Radical Dems reeling in disarray as the President continues to Win, Win and Win again! The Left is PRETENDING to be shocked by A.G. William Barr’s testimony before Congress in which he said SPYING did occur on the Trump 2016 Campaign.” @LouDobbs @FoxNews(Retweeting The Daily Caller) Rod Rosenstein Defends Attorney General’s Handling Of Mueller Report(Retweeting The Daily Caller) Every CNN Presidential Town Hall Finished Behind MSNBC And Fox News In Ratings(Retweeting Chuck Woolery) President Trump continues to tally up wins for our country as Americans just saw the best income gains in over 50 years. Listen to today’s #BFT Minute to find out more. https://buff.ly/2KHGBQQJOBLESS CLAIMS AT 50 YEAR LOW!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Wikileaks Co-Founder Julian Assange Arrested In LondonROASTED 😁😁But now it’s just bigotry. Foot in mouth syndrome.He's 100% right. The dishonest and corrupt media would NEVER have told us the truth. The world needed the information we learned. Without it, we'd probably be living in their new world order by now.Posted by the legendary, Imam Mohamad Tawhidi (@imamofpeace)🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:The mighty morphing Democrat rangersNew York Post 4/11 Cover Calls Out that Nasty WomanTime traveler confirmed!THROWBACK THURSDAY March 20, 2017 - Vox: "All of Trump’s wiretap claims have now officially been debunked by the FBI and NSA". OOPSIETo Corey Booker. From Bill.Friday, April 12th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump and the First Lady Meet with the President and First Lady of South KoreaPresident Trump Delivers Remarks on United States 5G DeploymentPresident Donald J. Trump Announces Appointments for the Executive Office of the PresidentPresident Donald J. Trump Announces Nominations of Individuals to Key Administration Posts🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“I don’t need to know any more. We’re done, absolutely done, he (Mueller) tried the case. There’s NO COLLUSION.” @LindseyGrahamSC @foxandfriends No matter what we do or give to the Radical Left, it will never be enough!President Obama’s top White House lawyer, Gregory B. Craig, was indicted yesterday on very serious charges. This is a really big story, but the Fake News New York Times didn’t even put it on page one, rather page 16. @washingtonpost not much better, “tiny” page one. Corrupt News!“Democrats don’t like the results of the Mueller Report, so now they’re trying everything else.” @RepDougCollins They should stop wasting time and money and get back to real legislating, especially on the Border!Even the Democrats now say that our Southern Border is a Crisis and a National Emergency. Hopefully, we will not be getting any more BAD (outrageous) court decisions!Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only.... ... ....The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!WSJ's Strassel: Barr 'Right' to Say 'Spying' Occurred on Trump Campaign | Breitbart http://bit.ly/2VHDlKn via @BreitbartNewsWE WILL NEVER FORGET!If the Radical Left Democrats all of a sudden don’t want the Illegal Migrants in their Sanctuary Cities (no more open arms), why should others be expected to take them into their communities? Go home and come into our Country legally and through a system of Merit!Thank you Jeh, so well stated!Finally, great news at the Border! https://twitter.com/axios/status/1116872379324612608 …A Fake Story by Politico. Made up sources. Thank you Mount Vernon!Another Fake Story on @NBCNews that I offered Pardons to Homeland Securiy personnel in case they broke the law regarding illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Of course this is not true. Mainstream Media is corrupt and getting worse, if that is possible, every day!In New York State, Democrats blocked a Bill expanding College Tuition for Gold Star families after approving aid for illegal immigrants. No wonder so many people are leaving N.Y. Very Sad!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:NY Dems block bill expanding college tuition for Gold Star families after approving $27M in tuition aid for illegal aliensAvenatti Accused of Hiding $4M Settlement from ‘Mentally Ill Paraplegic’ Client, Faces Up to 335 Years in PrisonNetworks Give One Minute to Obama Counsel Indictment, Gave Manafort’s 60 Percent of AirtimeOUT OUT OUT! The Latest: Court allows return of asylum seekers to Mexico.Censorship is real🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:“Some people did something.”I can’t wait to look back in history when I’m telling my grandchildren how Conservative Americans won the culture war with memes like thisWith the 5 Liberal Forces Combined you get ...HOW DARE HIM!!!!Reeesistance Member Sets Self Ablaze Outside White House, circa 2019Saturday, April 13th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:I agree with Kim Jong Un of North Korea that our personal relationship remains very good, perhaps the term excellent would be even more accurate, and that a third Summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand. North Korea has tremendous potential for....... ... ...extraordinary growth, economic success and riches under the leadership of Chairman Kim. I look forward to the day, which could be soon, when Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions can be removed, and then watching North Korea become one of the most successful nations of the World!Why should Radical Left Democrats in Congress have a right to retry and examine the $35,000,000 (two years in the making) No Collusion Mueller Report, when the crime committed was by Crooked Hillary, the DNC and Dirty Cops? Attorney General Barr will make the decision!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:BUSTED: Mount Vernon Debunks Politico's Fake News Story About Trump's Visit To Washington's EstateA white child was callously thrown to his potential death only a few days after Congress held a sham hearing on white nationalism and tried to blame it for "hate crimes." The real rise in anti-white crime and hatred will of course get no congressional hearing.Man Asks Swedes if they would take Refugees into their own homes, get's Pelosi'dFITTON: HUGE Update: President Trump Vindicated and Hillary Clinton Implicated. SpyGate CONFIRMED--& Smoking Gun Clinton Email Cover-Up Docs. PLUS Fed helping illegal aliens send billions to Mexico.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:It really do be like thisRemember when President Trump used to recite 'The Snake'Looking ahead, this is the favorite to win next years masters. Get your bets in now Pedes!The Video Michael Avenatti AND The Liberal Media will want removed off the internetBlink blink ... watMOTHA FUCKIN WEEEEEW LAD!!!! SO MUCH WINNING!Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:Move OnLose Yourself To DanceCan I kick itGoldWho Do You LoveSunflowerMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
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webart-studio · 5 years
Regardless of being uncovered, pretend information thrives on social media forward of LS polls
Two weeks after a suicide bombing in Kashmir in February killed 40 Indian policemen, a Fb person known as Avi Dandiya posted a reside video by which he performed a recording of a name purportedly involving India’s dwelling minister, the president of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Occasion (BJP) and an unidentified girl.
The trio may very well be heard speaking about arousing nationalist sentiment forward of India’s normal election, with the BJP president allegedly saying in Hindi: “We agree that for election, we’d like a warfare”.
Inside 24 hours, one in all Fb Inc’s fact-checking companions in India, BOOM, uncovered Dandiya’s video as pretend. An evaluation on BOOM’s web site mentioned the video was created by splicing audio from older political interviews.
By the point Fb took down the submit, it had acquired greater than 2.5 million views and 150,000 shares. There is no such thing as a Indian regulation that particularly targets pretend information, however police in New Delhi registered a case of forgery in opposition to Dandiya and an official mentioned investigations had been ongoing.
Nonetheless, Reuters final week discovered at the very least 4 edited copies of Dandiya’s movies on Fb with about 36,000 views. One on Google’s YouTube has been seen 2,800 instances whereas one other on Twitter has 22,000 views.
Messages and e-mails to Dandiya, an avid Fb person who final appeared in a reside video on March 23, went unanswered. The house ministry, the BJP president and get together’s information-technology chief didn’t reply to requests for remark.
The movies underline how social media firms are combating pretend information in India regardless of saying they’ve taken steps to deal with the menace forward of India’s normal election, which begins on April 11.
With 900 million folks eligible to vote and an estimated half-a-billion with entry to the web, pretend information can have an unlimited impression on the election. Dandiya’s video, for instance, might have significantly broken Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP if sufficient folks thought it was true.
Policing content material has develop into a large international downside for social media giants which haven’t any template for persistently stopping on-line pretend information or eliminating it.
Fierce web disinformation battles gripped international locations akin to Brazil and Malaysia final 12 months forward of elections.
Authorities in Indonesia and the EU, that are because of maintain polls, have warned of the specter of pretend information.
In India, Fb has partnered with truth checkers and, like Twitter, ramped up efforts to dam pretend accounts.
On Monday, Fb mentioned it had deleted 1,126 accounts, teams and pages in India and Pakistan for “inauthentic behaviour” and spamming, many linked to India’s opposition Congress get together.
Google has partnered with fact-checkers to coach 10,000 journalists this 12 months to raised deal with pretend information.
Fb’s common messaging app WhatsApp has launched newspaper and radio campaigns to discourage the unfold of misinformation.
Social media firms say they do not outrightly take away all pretend posts as that might jeopardize free speech. Fb has mentioned that circulation of posts that are debunked, or found to be pretend, is diminished by greater than 80 p.c.
Posts that violate Fb’s group tips, together with hate speech or content material that might incite violence, are utterly deleted, the corporate mentioned, including that Dandiya’s video got here below that class.
However even when content material has been recognized as pretend and eliminated, barely modified variations of the identical photos, video or textual content can escape detection and unfold additional.
“It is a extremely adversarial house, so we nonetheless miss issues and will not catch every part – however we’re making progress,” mentioned a Fb spokeswoman, who added that the general quantity of false information had been diminished on the platform.
“There isn’t any silver bullet resolution in combating misinformation.”
Twitter mentioned it deeply cares in regards to the doubtlessly dangerous results of misinformation and encourages customers to not share unverified data.
A YouTube spokesman mentioned the corporate will proceed to embrace the “democratization of entry to data” whereas offering a dependable service to customers.
Twitter and YouTube didn’t touch upon Dandiya’s video.
One other pretend submit that went viral just lately was on common Indian scholar chief Kanhaiya Kumar, who was arrested and charged with sedition after a 2016 rally to commemorate the execution of a Kashmiri separatist. Opposition events mentioned Kumar’s arrest by federal police was an try by authorities to curb free speech.
Some Fb posts in February described Kumar as anti-India and confirmed his photograph in entrance of a map that depicted some Indian states as a part of Pakistan. Two Fb fact-checkers in India investigated the posts and mentioned the picture was doctored.
Nonetheless, a month later, Reuters discovered at the very least two copies of these posts on Fb with 375 feedback and 1,500 shares.
Fb in February introduced an growth of its fact-checking firm companions to seven, from two. Fb says it additionally points an alert to customers who attempt to share a submit which its fact-checkers have debunked, however would not prohibit additional sharing.
Reuters discovered that when debunked posts of Kumar had been shared, an alert popped up with a hyperlink to the fact-checkers’ evaluation.
Nevertheless, all 4 variants of Dandiya’s movies may very well be shared with out such pretend information alerts from Fb.
“There is no such thing as a method you possibly can clear up this downside (shortly)… the magnitude of the issue is actually large,” mentioned Kanchan Kaur, a Bengaluru-based assessor at Worldwide Truth-Checking Community at U.S.-based Poynter Institute.
When tensions rose between India and Pakistan in February following a suicide bombing in Kashmir and cross-border air strikes, social media was flooded with pretend information – previous movies of captured pilots and pictures of earthquake-hit areas had been unfold as depicting present occasions.
“Since Pulwama we have been working seven days per week,” mentioned Jency Jacob, managing editor at BOOM, referring to the positioning of the suicide assault.
On a current go to to BOOM’s workplace in India’s monetary capital Mumbai, 5 folks had been seen monitoring and analysing on-line content material. One of many rooms served as BOOM’s studio the place television-style information movies are shot on debunked tales and revealed on its web site.
As an trade, fact-checking is quick spreading in India.
British broadcaster BBC has in-house fact-checking operations and a devoted WhatsApp quantity the place anybody can flag suspected pretend posts for additional checks.
“A devoted workforce of journalists is debunking pretend information each day, and in addition writing detailed explainers on controversial points and claims,” BBC’s India Digital Editor, Milind Khandekar, advised Reuters.
Former software program engineer Pratik Sinha and his mom are a part of a 10-member fact-checking initiative named “Alt Information” which is run from a two-bedroom-flat within the western metropolis of Ahmedabad.
Utilizing on-line video verification and social media monitoring instruments, Sinha mentioned his workforce debunks as much as 4 posts every day.
Debunked posts showing on-line has develop into an issue even for India’s Election Fee.
In February, a WhatsApp message known as for spreading the phrase that mentioned Indians dwelling abroad might “now vote on-line for 2019 elections” and will register on the Fee’s web site. The Fee known as it “FAKE NEWS” on Twitter and filed a police grievance in opposition to “unknown individuals” for public mischief.
A month later, the message continues to flow into on Fb – a person who shared it on March 23 has to this point acquired 42 likes and 19 shares. When somebody questioned the submit, the Fb person responded: “I believe you possibly can vote. Simply verify the web page and observe the steps”.
Regardless of being uncovered, pretend information thrives on social media forward of India polls
* Unfold of pretend information main problem forward of India polls
* Election Fee, firms wrestle to eradicate menace
* Debunked information nonetheless lurks on social media, Reuters evaluation exhibits
* Indian truth checkers intensifying efforts as polling nears
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source https://webart-studio.com/regardless-of-being-uncovered-pretend-information-thrives-on-social-media-forward-of-ls-polls/
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rolandfontana · 5 years
Crowdfunding your Product on Kickstarter or Indigogo: The Pros and Cons
The Quality Inspection Blog did a really good post, entitled Pros and Cons of Crowdfunding (Kickstarter/Indiegogo) for Startups, explaining (yeah, you guessed it, the pros and cons of crowdfunding. Our international IP lawyers are generally not big crowdfunding fans because we have seen far too many companies publicize their innovative product design and brand name to the world before they have put in place the sorts of protections necessary to stop a better funded Chinese manufacturer from copying the product (and sometimes the brand name as well) before the crowdfunder can even get off the ground.
We talked about this way back in 2014 in Kickstarter And China Manufacturing. You Are So Wrong On Your China Risks and of how “failing to protect IP early on is probably the most common mistake made by start-up companies.” Then again earlier this year, in Kickstarter and China Manufacturing: You’ve Got it All Wrong, we wrote in great detail why it is critical to button up your IP before you go on the Internet with your crowdfunded product: We’ve also had companies come to us after going up in flames due to Kickstarter. In Kickstarter And China Manufacturing. You Are So Wrong On Your China Risks, we talked about the following fairly typical “Kickstarter” China conversation:
Company with product:  We just raised money on Kickstarter and we have lined up a China manufacturer for our product and we are thinking it is time to get a China lawyer involved, though we do not have much money for legal yet.
Me: Well, if you are going to spend money on anything, the most important thing is your intellectual property.
Company with product:  We figured we would deal with that later. Right now we just want someone to review our NDA and then review the manufacturing contract we will be drafting.
Me: Who drafted your NDA, an attorney with China experience?
Company with product:  No, we did it ourselves. It really just needs a quick review.
Me: I have never seen a self-drafted NDA that just needs a quick review for China. To work for China, you need a China NDA, which we actually call an NNN Agreement. NDAs are geared towards preventing disclosures of information but your biggest risk in China is typically not going to be your manufacturer disclosing your information; it’s going to be your manufacturer stealing your product and selling it worldwide and to your own customers.  Also, to be effective, the NNN Agreement should be in Chinese and it should contain liquidated damages provisions. There are all sorts of other things that need to go into it as well, but these are the basics. The same holds true for an OEM Agreement. But really, my biggest concern is your IP.
Company with product:  Well, to be honest with you, when we listed the risks on our Kickstarter, we said that the risks were manufacturing delays. We didn’t even mention our IP and so I don’t see how we can pay you anything right now to protect that.
Me: Well, if you cannot afford to protect your IP, it is probably not worth your money to pay for contracts. Why spend money for an NNN to protect yourself against a few companies — your potential manufacturers — when you are not able to spend money to protect yourself against the millions of other people out there who could steal your product? And as I hinted, we will need to start over on these contracts, using your draft contracts for nothing more than to determine certain facts regarding what you are doing. I really think that you should at least register your key trademarks.
Company with product:  Yeah, well, I’ll talk all of this over with my partners.
If you are going to do just one thing to protect your company and your product before you go on Kickstarter, register your brand name as a China trademark. In China: Do Just ONE Thing: Register Your Trademarks AND Your Design Patents, I talk about why this is so important:
When it comes to the need to secure the appropriate trademarks in China, I am blunt. Anyone who doesn’t do it is making a big mistake:
I tell them how if they do nothing else, they should immediately register their trademarks in China. This one usually surprises them and they often think I have misunderstood what they are planning for China. They at first do not understand why I am emphasizing the need for their filing a trademark in China when they have no plans to sell their product in China. I then explain how China is a first to file country, which means that, with very few exceptions, whoever files for a particular trademark in a particular category gets it. So if the name of your company is XYZ and you make shoes and you have been manufacturing your shoes in China for the last three years and someone registers the “XYZ” trademark for shoes, that company gets the trademark. And then, armed with the XYZ  trademark, that company has every right to stop your XYZ shoes from leaving China because they violate that other company’s trademark.
I had a similar discussion the other day with a company that told me that they will soon be listing on Kickstarter. I very strongly suggested they register their brand name as a trademark before they go on Kickstarter and sent them a blog link as to why. They responded as follows:
Thanks Dan – a good read… so, ok here are my questions/responses.
1)  It seems like you keep seeing the same pattern over and over (i.e. ignoring your good and  prudent advice) – so what is the common root cause of the theme? Said in another way, why do so many smart/rational folks decide to act  less smart/irrational by not doing IP/Trademark in China? I am sure a balanced analysis may show they are, at minimum, acting rationally, but tough choices are being made. My guess is that the cost seems prohibitive or there is no “on ramp” to an effective  China IP  highway. The feeling is overwhelming and akin to going from 0-65 mph in 3.5 seconds and asking everyone to drive a Ferrari because it has the 0-65 speed you need.
2)   I see trademark as something worth reviewing, possibly an “on ramp” strategy – what is the cost?
I am probably not too dissimilar to those other startups. All things considered, if I have a choice between using limited/scarce funds to allocate between textbook perfect China IP vs getting to a revenue state, most will chose allocating towards revenue.
I responded as follows:
They think the world is the United States. The problem is it isn’t. They’ve been trained to go to market and then build the foundation. That works for the United States, but not for China. In the United States, the first to use a brand name gets the trademark and to get a trademark you must use it. This leads American companies not to worry much about trademarks. In China, it’s the first to register who gets it and use is irrelevant (except if you go three years without using your registered trademark, you can lose it). There is no trademark via use.
American companies also ignore that just manufacturing in China requires a trademark because if someone registers your brand name as a trademark they get it and then they can stop your product from leaving China.
And here’s the big thing. As soon as any product goes up on Kickstarter, a ton of people in China will review it and if they like it they will register the product’s brand name as their own China trademark and then start making it. Oftentimes the company that makes it will be the same one you are talking to about having your product made and they will keep talking to you just to stall you. In the meantime they will beat you to market with your product and then be able to block your product from leaving China because it violates their trademark. And all this just keeps getting worse. See China Trademark Theft. It’s Baaaaaack in a Big Way. And it is mostly American companies that pay for this because the EU trademark system is more like China and so they get it. In fact, many Western European countries so get this that their governments will pay for their start-up companies to secure their IP in China early. Because of this we have represented a ton of Swedish and other European start-up product companies.
Also, Americans love patents and underestimate the value of trademarks. See China and Worldwide: Trademarks Good, Patents Bad for more on this. Patents are expensive and difficult to enforce and they rarely help you get something taken down off an online marketplace. Trademarks are cheap and easy and surprisingly powerful.
But as the Quality Inspection Blog points out, crowdfunding has a lot of positives to it, especially when done right and in its post it sets out the following:
1. Confirms a market need. Seeing whether people will actually spend money on your product is usually more valuable than just asking them if they will.
2. It brings you customers. It is a viral distribution channel where backers spread the word on social media and allowing you to both build your brand and see who likes your product and why, and who does not and why.
3. It might get you retailer contracts. Retailers [and I would add, investors as well] can see your product and choose to buy it [or invest in your business].
4. Your customers fund your business, in advance. And without you having to relinquish equity.
5. It brings you credibility in the eyes of Chinese manufacturers. “Let’s say you raised 180,000 USD on Kickstarter. Many Chinese suppliers will be interested in working with you, for obvious reasons. You have cash in the bank, your first order doesn’t need to be tiny, and your market has been proven (meaning increasing sales in the coming years).”
But like the international IP lawyers, the Quality Inspection Blog has its concerns about crowdfunding, especially about your product getting copied:
1. You might get copied before your campaign shows success. Chinese manufacturers will do this using the following methods:
They will take photos from the campaign page and put it on their own website
If some of their customers are interested and willing to buy “their” product in sufficient quantity, they will develop it and make it
Some of those lower-quality products might flood your own market
It will hurt your image
It happens a lot. It won’t kill your company, but it is VERY frustrating.
2. Companies in your own country might “get inspiration” and move faster than you. A company in your space might see your Kickstarter page, recognize an opportunity, and make its own version of your product/idea and they might get it on the market before you do.
3. If you don’t register your IP someone else might. You have registered your trademark in the US, in Canada, in the EU, in Australia? Great. Someone might see your brand (highly visible on these platforms) and register it in mainland China! What is the harm, you might ask, if you don’t plan to sell in China? Well, the company that purchased it can stop your shipments. It might be (and often is) the manufacturer you have been talking to, in the name of a relative of the owner. They do it as an insurance, for the case where your relationship turns sour and they might need extra leverage.
4. Failing to deliver will be visible. And it can really hurt you.
5. Your Chinese supplier might raise prices. What happens when you go back to your China supplier after a successful crowdfunding campaign? Your supplier sees that you have “raised some good money, they see your selling price, and they see the timelines you committed to. All is transparent. In other words, they know you have no choice but to work with them, and you can afford a price increase.”
Product crowdfunding obviously has its good and its bad points and your job is to maximize the good while minimizing the bad. In other words, crowdfunding can be great but you need to be smart about it.
Crowdfunding your Product on Kickstarter or Indigogo: The Pros and Cons syndicated from https://immigrationattorneyto.wordpress.com/
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Isn't Dead – And It's Got a Roadmap to Prove It
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/05/enterprise-ethereum-alliance-isnt-dead-and-its-got-a-roadmap-to-prove-it/
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Isn't Dead – And It's Got a Roadmap to Prove It
Since its formation nearly a year and a half ago, it’s safe to say that the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) has been quiet.
Apart from a steady stream of new members, there has been a lull of live projects, one that has led some to theorize the consortium might not deliver on standards for enterprise use of the world’s second-largest blockchain. In a Medium post last month, for instance, the CTO of competing DLT consortium, R3, even went so far as to stake such a claim, contending that the lack of progress proves ethereum is unsuitable for enterprise.
But if competitors were eager to send the EEA to an early grave, Wednesday might mark the consortium’s rise from the dead, as the company has revealed the release of a new guide outlining its open standards work.
While this is just the first step in making public work that could make enterprise blockchains based on ethereum interoperate with each other, it comes as businesses are broadly beginning to acknowledge it’s time to move any proofs-of-concept toward viable blockchain products.
Case in point, the consortium itself has swelled to more than 500 firms – ranging from global banks such as BBVA, Credit Suisse and JPMorgan to blockchain startups and traditional tech providers like Microsoft.
Yet, Ron Resnick, the EEA’s first executive director who was hired in January, used this diverse membership to argue that reaching a standards reference model in a year and a half is comparatively fast going.
As the former president of WiMAX Forum, which was created to promote interoperability between the wireless communication standards developed by the IEEE Standards Association, Resnick has been through the gamut when it comes to standards in the telco space.
He told CoinDesk:
“If you look at other standards bodies it can take about three years. In fact, at the IEEE you get four years to deliver something.”
Plus, he continued, standards developing is a slow and methodical process (one that many crypto entrepreneurs, who are used to the fast pace of the industry’s permissionless innovation, have shied away from).
But it’s one, that if done right, will offer plenty of benefits.
“All the ethereum client companies see the need to agree on these building blocks and components and how they talk to each other, because if we don’t, then we don’t have a way to compete against the proprietary solutions,” Resnik said. 
Milestone ahead
Still, the EEA is “working aggressively” to deliver on its roadmap, with the whole process coming to fruition before the year’s end, Resnick said.
As a first step, the architecture stack EEA has published comprises five layers. From the bottom up, there’s the base-level peer-to-peer network protocol layer, and on top of that is the core blockchain layer, which organizes consensus, transaction execution and data storage (on-chain and off-chain).
Sitting on top of that is a layer devoted to privacy and scaling, again in an on-chain versus off-chain capacity. Then a tooling layer handles things like permissioning credentials and how oracles interact; topmost is the application layer.
Today’s publication of the enterprise ethereum architecture stack will be followed “very shortly” by the spec, Resnick said. That, in turn, will be followed by a testnet and after that comes the establishment of a certification program.
But enterprises also seem interested in using public blockchains, so the EEA is making sure a general confluence happens between the public ethereum network and the private enterprise blockchain work.
“They have seen our stack, they know what’s needed for enterprise,” he said. “As this grows, even if it’s a private network, that network can actually connect to the [public ethereum] mainnet – which a lot of folks want to do.”
Referring to specific use cases such as clearing and settlement in financial services, Resnick said the foundation recognizes the needs of enterprises and will implement and deliver work contributed by members.
And the consortium hopes to return the favor. At a recent talk at London’s Blockchain Expo, EEA founding board member Jeremy Millar said it’s likely some EEA features will be taken back into the code for the public ethereum blockchain in the form of ethereum improvement proposals (EIPs).
Privacy challenge
Still, a key challenge for EEA is the fact that ethereum was designed for public use, and so fully broadcasts transactions to all nodes in the blockchain. This means the tech has to be modified for much of the privacy-centric enterprise world – as opposed to custom-built DLTs like Corda or Fabric.
This was one of the main reasons R3’s Brown claimed ethereum and enterprises can’t mix.
“Ethereum works on the basis of sharing all data with all parties,” he wrote, calling a public network the “wrong architecture for business.”
And Resnick acknowledged that “the biggest debate I’ve seen internally” within the EEA has been about how to deal with privacy. Discussions are ongoing about how much data needs to be communicated in particular cases and the extent to which privacy will be mandated, he said.
What’s more, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, which aims to give better control to EU residents over their personal data and so limits what businesses can do with that data, further complicates matters.
“I suspect that you are going to see multiple flavors of how privacy is implemented,” Resnick said. “I don’t think that’s a problem. But I think it’s still open-ended and not crystal clear, even by the regulators, with things like GDPR is just coming out.”
To address the problem, the EEA architecture stack’s privacy layer will manage mechanisms to choose which data can be broadcast to the chain and which transactions can take place within a trusted execution environment.
“There are different ways you can do it: is it going to be on the mainnet, is it going to be in off-chain – or a combination of both?” said Resnick. “How much data are we going to share and will have visibility, even if it’s encrypted?”
On the subject of privacy, JPMorgan Chase’s Quorum, which was last year described as the jewel in the EEA crown, blazed something of a trail by incorporating zero-knowledge proofs into its banking blockchain design. Now the word on the street is that Quorum may be spun out of JPM, and its blockchain lead Amber Baldet has since left the bank to join a yet-to-named startup.
However, Resnick confirmed that technology developed by the team behind zcash will continue to play a part in what the EEA is doing and that JPM is actively engaged in the stack.
But he was quick to add there is no favoritism in the EEA.
“I can tell you that in my world every member gets treated equally. We treat JP Morgan’s Quorum as equal to BlockApps and Clearmatics etc,” Resnick said, concluding:
“If members are not working, I’ll call them up and give them a hard time. If you don’t participate here, then when the spec is published and if it doesn’t have what you want in it, don’t blame us.”
Maze image via Shutterstock.
The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.
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antoniettawtn-blog · 6 years
Postgraduate Research.
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