#this doesn’t just apply to tfa btw!!!!!!
lolathepeacocklord · 6 months
Watching tfa is so great because I’ll finally watch an episode of it and every single thing that happens in it causes such insane things to happen in my brain that makes me completely incapable of watching more than one singular episode every like several months !!!
I watch one bulkhead centered episode and that’s enough to keep me fed in fact I have to take my time to process it because I feel like I might die and explode if I watch too much at once, these robots do such things to my brain guys you actually have no idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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clairen45 · 6 years
Who Let the Dogs out? A story of wolves and dogs in Star Wars
This meta was a long-time coming and prompted by @blacklakeinavalley. I always keep my promises, no matter how long it takes me, so here it goes.
Wolves or Dogs?
There have been some awesome metas on wolves in relation with Rey and Kylo more particularly, notably by resident she-wolf extraordinaire @raven-maiden (I am using the term in the most reverent way possible!). I also plead guilty to a meta I did with parallels between the Company of Wolves movie and the ST. I won’t necessarily go back to all the cool theories that have been made about wolf behaviors in Kylo and Rey, but I will draw the following distinctions, though:
in terms of symbolism, per se, there are not so many differences between wolves and dogs. There are both qualities and flaws associated with these particular animals. The qualities and the flaws are, more often than not, interestingly the same from a certain point of view
Qualities: fertility, sexual desire and power, fidelity/loyalty (to partner, pack, or master), fierceness, intelligence
Flaws: debauchery and savagery.
They are both considered chtonian divinities, that is to say linked with the “underground”, or the realm of death and Hell. Think of Cerberus, for instance, the mythical Hell hound, or Anubis in the Egyptian mythology. Which means that, as a symbol, it means both death and the potential for rebirth. The dog can guide the soul back out of Hell , or guide it through its journey into Hell (something usually called a psychopomp creature) . Dogs and wolves are usually associated with elements such as the moon, fire, and the earth. So, water (the moon is considered a watery element), fire, and earth.
So on the one hand heralds or bringers of death through destruction and carnage, and on the other hand, companions, fierce parents, and bringers of life. Life, death, decay that brings new life, peace, violence etc... Very ambivalent creatures that are either loved and revered, or despised and deemed as impure and dangerous.
If there is no huge distinction between wolves and dogs as far as symbolism goes, I would say there is a big one to draw, though. A dog, after all, is a domesticated wolf. What it gains in familiarity and companionship for mankind, it loses in grandeur and nobility. Also, this 4-legged favorite pet moniker is often used to insult people. A “bitch” is not in itself derogatory: after all, originally it just means a female dog. Yet, it is anything but when you apply it to a woman. Same goes with “dogs”. When you call someone a “dog”, except when you are the Snoop, this is usually not to sing their praises. Note that some people will even go as far as sometimes changing the spelling to avoid confusion: “dawg”... And what about “mongrel”, or “cur”? Dawg be darned, what about “rabid cur” for one?
Die, Jedi dogs!
So, in our beloved Galaxy far far away, this is how dogs find their way into the story and the mythos. On the battle of Geonosis, in ROTS, as C3P0 finds himself -as usual- flustered and confused after a mixing up of his body parts with a battle droid, he utters these very lines.
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No wonder that the “dogs” get involved in an insult. Dogs are the persisting attribute of all the "wretched hive of scum and villainy”:
The bounty hunter Bossk and his ship called Hound’s tooth
The bounty hunter Embo and his hound called Marrok
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That one has got a really interesting story in itself. The species is called Anooba, and is native of Tatooine, which of course will link straight to Anakin and Luke. The name is also full of possibilities: it probably comes from a medieval tale, the tale of Sir Marrok, who was a werewolf.
The vicious Corellian hound used in Solo by Moloch and his gang. BTW, one of the hound was “played” by one of “GOT’s direwolves” ... Funny thing.
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Not to mention THIS famous dog in SW lore:
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Oh, yea, this is happening. Because, ANH called it right away when Leia served this line to Tarkin about her papa:
Governor Tarkin. I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash.
As mighty as the Dark Lord has become in the SW universe and collective psyche, this awesome and powerful villain is presented as nothing more but a dog. Maybe not quite the poodle, but still a dog. Obedient, trained, who will bite only when his master commands. Gives the word “MASTER” quite another meaning, not just as an apprentice, but literally as seen from a dog’s perspective.
So, no surprise then to see the term re-employed by Snoke to talk about Hux, when he calls him a rabid cur in TLJ. Interesting also that the one using a reference to being “tied at the end of a string”, aka a leash, is also Hux, the rabid cur. Except, that, well, there is indeed an implicit distinction to make. Kylo is also, in many respects, as much a dog to Snoke’s bidding as Hux. Many viewers would even expect Snoke to call Kylo the rabid cur instead, given the tantrums we were privy to in TFA. But he doesn’t call him a rabid cur, and that’s the whole point. In Snoke’s mind, there is nothing rabid about Kylo -though people would have assumed as much- and he is certainly not a cur. A cur, after all, like a mongrel is clearly used to define a mixed breed. The term “rabid cur” is derogatory on two levels.
When referring to Kylo, Snoke is a bit more complicated. There is, on the one hand, the idea that, contrary to Hux, Kylo is valued as “pure breed”, a prized possession cultivated for “the potential of his bloodline”. Purity of blood (damn you midichlorians) being also alluded to, and mocked, by Luke when he talks to Rey about his failure to be a master to Kylo. Yet, at the same time, Snoke keeps on chastising Kylo for being a fraud. He is not the pure breed he expected. He has the feeling he got a mongrel that was tainted by the Solo blood. Hence the insistance of erasing Han Solo of the picture and denying him and his legacy. Yep, Ben Organa Solo is a mixed breed. Snoke wants a pure breed, maybe even a wolf. Pure blood. Untainted, untampered with. Leader of the pack. Well, that’s the project. A wolf and no lapdog.
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Or not... Because, this is a little something I found on The astroly Web about the wolf and symbolism, and I will say it is quite interesting:
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What I love about this portrait of Kylo as a wolf is that you get some of Kylo and some of what he could have been as Ben Solo. Some of the qualities remain, such as the sense of mystery, exuberance, instinctive and shrewdness. But most of it has been ironically ruined by his lack of self confidence. So as a wolf, he is not complete. The compassion bit really got me because it is the one thing that Snoke reproaches him with... Is he a wolf, or a dog in wolf’s clothing? Or a dog that dreams of being a wolf? Half and half, mayhaps?
Good dog! a rehabilitation
So are there any positive references to dogs in SW yet? Yep.
Anyways, dogs have always been part of the Star Wars mythos, altough not necessarily the obvious way. Take Chewbacca for instance. There would not be Chewbacca as we know him had it not been for George Lucas’s faithful pet, Indiana (who can also be thanked for giving the famous adventurer his moniker). Allegedly, Lucas got the inspiration for Chewie, Han’s copilot, when seeing his wife leave on her car with their huge dog on the copilot seat.
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Funny thing is no dog played any part in Chewie’s distinctive sounds, which turn out to be recordings from a bear,a walrus, a badger, a lion, and a seal. The fact remains that Chewie exemplifies the dog’s most praised qualities throughout the saga: as a staunch and loyal friend, as a source of love and comfort (the famous Chewie hugs), and as a protector. Yes, just like dogs, Chewie can be fierce and defend his friends.
You could also argue that there are other examples of companions who exemplify the same doglike qualities in the movies. Droids such as R2D2 and BB8 just fit the model. Loyalty, check; defense, check; huggable, check. The perfect pets and companions. It says a lot that Chewie and R2 are the characters that have endured the longest in the general scope of the saga: R2 appearing in episode 1, and Chewie in episode 3, which make them the only ones that have recurring roles in the three trilogies (Chewie also scores Solo and R2 Rogue One).
There is a subversion of “dogs” as an insult that is quite interesting in the ST. Maybe it starts from this “Die Jedi dogs”, which is quite an oxymoron: the one time it is used as an insult it is to the people that are normally the golden moral standard, and also uttered by someone who is always all too polite and all too diplomatic. Also also, it is not totally incorrect as you could view the Jedi as the guard dogs of the Republic...
But wait, all that was before the ST. In the ST we get brand new examples of dogs and doglike behavior to ponder. Take Rey, for instance. Sitting there, loyally, on Jakku, waiting for her parents to return, a behavior not so different from the countless examples of dogs keeping watch on their dead masters’ graves (like that little famous Scottish from Edinburgh, Greyfriar’s Bobby, who even got his statue to commemorate). After all, this is exactly Rey’s place: Jakku is pictured as a graveyard, a place that is described literally in the novelization as where “technology came to die”. And where does she make a house for herself? As @blacklakeinavalley pointed it out to me in her original ask, in an AT-AT walker which is called non the less: the Hellhound!!!! 
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Seriously, like, of all the stupidest dumb names this is the one they picked! An appropriate one, to boot, since the At-AT has always had that distinctive look that made it look like a dog... And I have always been intrigued by this particular rendering with a little girl holding an At-At on a leash...
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So, yes, the dog. Here really the corpse of a hound. But symbolism is not lost here... Death that feeds off new life, reborn out of hell... And who could this hellhound be, pray? Well, it gets even better when you know that this particular Hellhound was part of a ship called the Interrogator... Interrogator, mind you, and not something as dreadful as, say, an inquisitor. No, the Interrogator is quite a good one because who is the interrogator since the beginning of TFA? Ummm? Who else but our boy who “interrogates” Lor San Tekka, and Poe, and well... eventually Rey. Rey makes a home for herself there. It’s like Kylo is her home already... ain’t it cute...Also, Kylo as a dog, a “hellhound” is a good one as his job at the beginning is somehow to “hunt down” Luke, sniff his trace throughout the galaxy if you will, and then fetch the information back to Snoke. Good boy Kylo eventually fetches quite another prey... Even though again, Kylo seems more like the wolf at the begining of the story to Rey the dog... Look at the symbolism of the dog from The Astrology Web
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Adventure, patience, hardworking!!!! You need to spend more time with your family!!!!!
There was yet another girl that exhibited some interesting doglike behavior in the ST, in a positive way. Unfortunately the scene got cut out. But when Rose bites the finger of Hux on the Supremacy as he mocks her and her system, this is an interesting one. Dog fight, right? What better way to get back at the rabid cur than bite him back?
Wolves will show the way
And then there are wolves in SW Rebels. When I did a piece on birds in SW, I mentioned the convor but as I hadn’t watched any of the Clone Wars or SW Rebels episodes yet, so I had no idea how truly symbolic these specific creatures could be. Careful not to make the same mistake again, and time to tie it in. Wolves (and thus in a way dogs) play quite an important part in these two series. Time to focus on Mortis then, and the World between worlds, introduced to us in SW Rebels. I think it is obvious that this is a very important addition to the SW universe. How they will eventually exploit it in ix is hard to say, yet, but the possibilities are huge in the expanded universe that Disney is preparing between the new shows and comics, and possibly future movies.
Ok, so, I don’t want to get too much into a detailed explanation (too long and complicated and some have done a good job on that already), but, as a reminder, Mortis is introduced in season 3 of Clone Wars to Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan as a mythical/mystical realm of the Force, dominated by three figures: the Father (the balance), the daughter (the light side), and the son (the dark side). Cool thing, even though we don’t get the convor and the wolf but rather a griffin and a bat, there is a moment when a wolf is plainly visible on the right next to the father:
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And then, years later, comes SW Rebels. And so we get Ahsoka followed by a convor, which turns out to be the totem spirit of the daughter. Birds are therefore linked with the light side of the Force, the Eros, the life force, the one that points to protection and life. Which is really the whole point I made in my bird meta anyways (especially with porgs). So one would naturally assume that the wolf, as the creature associated with  the son, the dark side of the Force, represents death, Thanatos, the impulse for destruction, the symbolic triad of the Force being the convor, the snake, and the wolf as depicted on the mural uncovered in SW Rebels in quite an Indiana Jonesque formula (evil guy covets mystical artefact that will give him superhuman powers):
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But then, there is more than meets the eye... Because the wolves we actually get in the SW universe are not pictured as merely destructive powers. Quite the opposite. In SW Rebels, the wolves give access to a portal, the world between worlds, with a potential to alter past, present, and future. They truly are psychopomp creatures that guide a lost soul (here Ezra) through a world that can be at best described as a vacuum...
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And there are the other wolves to reckon with.
Wolffe, the clone trooper commander, linked to Ahsoka and Anakin, one of the few who refused to be part of the code 66 protocol and became rogue, the one who lost an eye (a very symbolic type of mutilation), and lives like Rey in a modified AT-AT. which thus makes Wolffe a link of continuity between the different generations and arcs within the SW universe and saga.
The Loth-Wolves which are featured on the mural of Mortis and frame the portal to the world between worlds. Loth wolves have the ability to communicate with humans, are strongly connected with the Force, and seem to become a vessel for the soul of Kanan Jarrus after his death. Again, the psychopomp.
What to make of it eventually... well... it all depends on what type of creatures we get in IX. Keep you eyes peeled out for birds, wolves, and dogs. But mostly keep your eyes open for Porgs. Always.
To conclude, for your appreciation, this is from a photoshoot Daisy Ridley did for Vogue in 2017 .... The girl that walks with wolves... one black, one white, no less..
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autistichansolo · 7 years
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ok there is so many things wrong with this ignoring how that line is actually incredibly wrong about hanleia’s relationship but also extremely wrong and so very different that what is going on with han and leia ok first of all han and leia argued with each other leading up to their relationship because both were too stubborn to admit their feelings for each other but still where friends and cared about each other and were on the same side neither literally tried to kill the other while kylo and rey are enemies on different sides and are literally fighting with each other because of that and also the fact that kylo literally kidnapped her and then tried to kill her and her friends (killing one of them who also happened to be his father) so like nowhere near the fighting between han and leia (which btw stopped once they got together and never involved them actually hurting each other) just saying second of all, han only left at the end of anh (which he came back to save luke) and for some stupid ass reason to make the plot of tfa because otherwise despite him always threatening to do so he never actually left and literally stuck around for 3 years without officially joining the rebellion when he really should have left way earlier because he literally owed jabba money that he never paid back bc he didn’t leave which led to bounty hunters coming after him making him being like ‘oh shit i really need to deal with this’ so like the whole line there is so damn stupid in regards to them and literally make zero damn sense because han literally didn’t alway leave like tfa really wants you to believe but anyway even if that was true it’s not even comparable to rey leaving kylo after he refused to help the resistance and decided to continue being evil (rey’s literally leaving him because she is done with him and want zero to do with him unless it means killing him) so like idk why the hell you would think it’s the same as han leaving leia to go pay off his debt when rey is literally leaving kylo to go save her friends that he is literally trying to kill (wtf she is not leaving to make kylo miss her because she literally doesn’t care for him or even want him to miss her) so anyway this line is stupid overall and is inaccurate to han and leia in the first place but literally even if it did apply to them it’s not anywhere like what is going on with rey and kylo just saying
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I know you haven't done a Dusan Nemec thing in awhile (and you don't have to answer if you don't want too) but how do you think he would act in a realationship or to a regular, I know you've briefly mentioned it but how would he treat them? What kind of dates would he take them on? How would they sleep together? Anything else you can think of I'm curious ☺ also what kind of music and movies do you think he likes??? (I asked this a while ago just didn't know if you got it sorry)
YES HELLO i honestly don’t know if i got it i am so sorry. idk if tumblr ate it or if i just forgot (both are super possible) but i am still so sorry. i am Ready To Do This. im always down to talk abt Dusan cause Lordt knows this man needs more love. he’s a fucking disaster and he’s kind of a shitty person. i love it. let’s Do This.
Read More cause long
with a regular, there’s not... Too much emotional depth. like they are both aware that it’s mostly about the sex, but Dusan respects or is interested in them just enough to keep them around instead of tossing them aside like a one night stand. that said, he doesn’t kick out his regulars right away. sometimes they leave of their own accord, and sometimes he has shit to do so they gotta go, but sometimes they stay the night in Dusan’s big ass bed. and they can actually talk in the morning. it’s not ... as awkward as it would be with a o/n/s cause Dusan and his regulars do this a lot.
but at the end of the day, with a Regular, Dusan’s just not in it that deep. they have something he’s interested in (dick, vag, information, something) and he keeps them around. i did write about Dusan and comfort here, and i think that kinda applies to them, too. like it’s important to note that a regular sex partner is not an emotional connection. Dusan just wants to bang someone who knows him and knows his body and who he knows relatively well.
he doesn’t take regulars on any sort of dates cause it’s purely physical. he will invite them over, or have them meet him at Blume HQ for that Locked Personal Office sex, but since there’s no emotion behind it, theres no wine and dine going on.
AS FOR how they sleep together, like at night, Dusan takes up most of the bed. he doesn’t exactly starfish but he lays on his back with an arm out so his Regular can snuggle if they WANT to, but it’s fairly obvious that he doesnt care. he just wants to sleep after a night of Good Sex.
VS a relationship, i mean. when Dusan commits, he commits. the line between Regular and Relationship isn’t exactly thin but it’s also not the thickest line either. and in this context, a Regular has the huge potential of bleeding into a relationship.
if he’s in a relationship, depending on the type, that’s the only person he sees. (i mean, open relationships or poly relationships exist and Dusan is down for any of them ig. just depends on the Partner in question) he does like the... consistency of being in a romantic relationship. like no new partner every night, no switching around to not get attached (unless the s/o in question was a Regular sdfjkhlkjdsf then that Failed Hard). just... Dusan, and this person he cares about a lot.
(if the relationship hits the 8 months mark, Dusan sits them down and they have that Deep Talk about what they want from a relationship. the one that lasts a couple days and they both have to walk away and think about the questions they each asked type of talk)
and while he’s not.... big on dates, he likes to go all out for dates. whether it’s at a Super Fancy Uptown Restaurant™ or a Roof Top Bistro™ or a deeply intimate picnic at a park, Dusan puts his all into it. Man he cares about his S/O!!!! he wants to spoil them. and this dude is rich as FUCK he makes fuckin BANK!!!!!! he can and will senselessly spoil his partner with grand dates. fancy food. he reserved the whole park, hired a bunch of body guards to keep people out so him and his S/O could enjoy the evening without anyone else around. (buying out the park helps if things get heated so it’s less awkward when they try and get it together to go home.)
he has also been known to take a S/O to the movies, or literally fly them across the country for an impromptu night watching the Latest Broadway show. he might even go above and beyond and plan a romantic weekend in Venice (and if it coincides with some Dirty Dealings he has to do... its ok........ no one rly needs to know............................. HEY! what did you expect? he’s Dusan Nemec. he’s still pretty dirty when it comes to Blume and ctOS stuff! love doesn’t mean that stops! it just becomes less obvious to the public and to DedSec because he cares so deeply for someone other than himself)
with a romantic partner, Dusan is more inclined to cuddle and share his space. he doesn’t starfish, doesn’t stretch out to make a point. he lays on his side, 100% ready to Spoon (he does Not jetpack. he likes to be on the outside of snuggling. he’s so paranoid, trying to spoon him will not go well)
the sleepier he gets, the more affectionate he is and he often falls asleep murmuring incoherent sweet nothings against his partner’s neck, tracing nonsensical shapes into their skin as he cuddles them. god i wish that were me. also Dusan will initiate cuddles with a romantic partner. he’s like... get over here........ right up against me... awful.... i love him......
aaaand to wrap it up: music and MOVIES!!!
music wise, he’s pretty open minded, although he is NOT a huge fan of pop music. boybands? gross. he loves Zayn Malik's music now that Zayn’s gone solo but. i think he prefers classical music. soft, dramatic, no lyrics, nothing rly too overwhelming. something to work to or cook to or read to.
catch this man getting rly emotional over classical music. one day he’s just laying on his back on the kitchen floor, staring unseeingly at the ceiling because its So Beautiful. (this happens like once a month)
MOVIES.... he likes classic films i guess??? classic, oldies, cheesy. he loves super old westerns im sorry but I Do Make The Rules and Dusan Loves Cowboys. he’s also big on foreign films. catch him watching French films and his eyes get all glassy cause he just... loves. also Chinese films, too.
he hates Fight Club i just wanna put that out there. he wont watch horror because he doesnt have time to be jump scared every 5 seconds. if theres like a non-jump scare-y horror movie, he’ll probably watch it but he thinks jump scares r Weak. he’s way more powerful than me, i cant watch horror movies of ANY kind.
he hated Inception btw. (i loved Inception) he just... hated it. the only Batman movie he liked was the 1st Batman with Michael Keaton. he’s not a big fan of the rest of them.
he loves Indiana Jones tho jot that the fuck down.
he’s neutral on Star Wars. he just hasnt watched the franchise with someone incredibly passionate about it. if he watches it with me, he’ll Love it. he HAS seen it though he saw the original trilogy and the prequels. “Cassian whom? who is Finn. what is happening. where is Luke?” - Dusan when someone asks him what he thought of TFA and Rogue One.
the only Star Trek he likes is the original series. by that i mean, it’s the only one he’s ever watched all the way thru. someone make this man watch the other series !!!
the first dude Dusan ever popped a boner for was The Rock jussayin.
i hOPE this is what you wanted??? if not pls send another ask and i will add on/clarify whatever??? i love Dusan and i love rambling about this jackass.
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flukeoffate · 8 years
Hux Headcanons
Tons of meta and My personal thoughts about Aftermath canon under the cut:
Armitage has only cared about two people in his life: His mother and Admiral Sloane. (Three people if we want to entertain Kylux, which I do, always, 100%) 
Definitely can see Aritage referring to Sloane as Auntie Rae/Sloane as a kid, since he most likely would have attached himself to her when they made the deal for her to protect him from Brendol (who we now know was canonically abusive though we don’t know in which ways). 
I believe he never saw his mother again after Mercurial Swift extracted Brendol and Armitage from Arkanis (which btw is in Republic has by the end of Aftermath and is not part of the First Order’s rebuilding process. The First Order was developed beyond the borders of the known Galaxy, which is how they managed to fly under the radar for so long.)
I’m currently entertaining the thought that Armitage eventually orders his troop of vicious feral orphan kids to kill Brendol before he even hits puberty. Would be cool if this is a result of Brendol killing or endangering Sloane. And we can infer that this scenario is exactly the kind of thing Counselor Rax had in mind when he gave Armitage control of the orphans and told Armitage that his father would likely die “someday soon”. Kid Armitage is basically Scar from the Lion King with a pack of Hyenas to do his bidding. Alternative scenario is that Brendol threatens Armitage physically and the orphans kill him on sight, since they have been specifically ordered by Rax to protect Armitage to the death if necessary.
Obviously, General Hux has molded the Stormtroopers into more respectable, orderly, and controlled soldiers by the time TFA occurs. I further have a headcanon that this is a direct result of Armitage’s relationship with Sloane, who is horrified at the feral child assassins that Brendol has trained and longs for an Empire of order and general fairness with loyal citizens. She hates what Palpatine’s Empire became. She is eager to give birth to a better more secure and more positive Empire, and I’m betting that some of her values will have rubbed off on Armitage.  We all know that he wants order above all else, even if he has to destroy five planets to do it.  Sloane seems kind of ‘eh’ on the whole Death Star thing. So IDK what influence she would have on Hux’s future choice of weapon. 
Sloane taught Armitage hand-to-hand combat. She may not be the greatest fighter of all time, but she is ferocious and determined and will do what it takes to win. She’s been in several fights and good god she took down Rax with a poorly healed blaster injury (that she has been dealing with while running around Jakku for MONTHS) and freshly broken ribs in the same place. She will take a hit and return it ten fold.
Sloane was the one who initially gave Armitage the belief he was destined to rule the galaxy. Reasoning: Her goal is to be the new emperor. I head canon that she might have grown close enough to Armitage that she may have kind of considered him to be sort of an heir (she has had thoughts such as ‘I’m not a maternal person and never considered a family, but if I did have a kid it would be nice if they were like so-and-so’ and I think that could apply to little Hux), therefore Armitage is like, oh, yes, definitely I’m going to rule one day.
Part of the reason Hux hates Kylo is because he is one of the few people he has not had the luxury of controlling. When you are ordering murderous preteens at the age of five, *not* being in control probably feels alien and irritating. I think he very much has a sense of: THINGS WERE JUST FINE TILL YOU CAME ALONG. 
Things I love to see in a fic: 
Hux getting emotional when Kylo does something for him--not because it’s a big gesture, but because it’s probably the first time in years that he hasn’t had to order someone to do it. We don’t know if Armitage gained any friends after his father, Sloane, and the feral children boarded the Eclipse.  We don’t know if any of the officers coming to meet the Eclipse brought their families with them (Though I strongly suspect there were at least a few officers’ kids brought aboard. I like to think Mitaka was an officer’s kid.) Hux has kind of forgotten what normal social interaction are like and it shocks him that a person might actually just...be..nice?
If Hux has feeling for Kylo he just will kind of freak out because he really doesn’t want to lose anyone important to him, like he lost his mom and Sloane (who by TFA is most likely dead by murder or old age.  She is what? 40 or 50 in Aftermath.  She’d be getting up there in years.) Definitely views love of any kind as a weakness to be exploited, and he has just spent so much time trying to remain on top that he can’t entertain the idea of letting someone else have any sort of power over him. This makes me prefer fics with him being a control freak in bed. XD
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culturevulture73 · 8 years
i actually just saw a tumblr post from a Reyloer that Rey and Kylo will bond in Episode VIII because they're both orphans (assuming Leia dies in Episode VIII) and they both know what it's like to have been abandoned by their family. Umm yeah, they're both orphans (assuming Leia dies and Rey's parents are dead). That's where the similarity ends. Kylo is an orphan because he murdered his dad and if his mom dies by the First Order then he indirectly killed her too.
(rest of ask) Rey was literally abandoned and left to fend for herself never knowing where her next meal was coming from since she was 5. Kylo was only abandoned in his mind because his mom had a career and his dad had to travel for work. WTF is wrong with these people?!
Vulture answer…
There’s an old joke about the parent murderer who throws himself on the mercy of the court because he’s an orphan…it applies, doesn’t it?
I am not going to wade into the whole Reylo thing because I do have followers who ship it - I don’t. I don’t want to think about it, I’m really worried that we’re heading there onscreen, despite everyone’s assurances because the producers had ZERO problem turning Han, Luke and Leia into failures and ripping their lives apart for a plot point. And if they want to redeem DarthEmo, the only person conceivably left is Rey, if they do indeed kill Leia off, and she is Luke’s daughter.
What I want to say is this - first, Kylo and Rey are equivalent orphans in this situation? Uh, no. Let me say that again. NO. 
If you think Kylo had an awful childhood because Han and Leia were bad parents? I think you might want to stop following me. Because I will NEVER believe that, I don’t care if JJ Abrams tells me it personally - and please do, JJ because I have lots of words to say to you. Starting with you’re a hack and one day, the Emperor will be found to have no clothes and on that day, I will throw a party. You’re all invited, BTW. 
I am SICK TO DEATH of reading how Han and Leia were bad parents and Luke was a bad teacher. I don’t care if Abrams and Kasdan believe that shit. Maybe in their AU that they’ve foisted on us, but not in the real Star Wars saga.
And I do NOT want to see the son of the daughter versus the daughter of the son. I think it’s an even worse betrayal of the saga than everything we saw in TFA. I think it’s grimdark, nihilistic bullshit for the sake of being “cool” and “edgy.” 
If we are headed towards some sort of Reylo end game or they recast Leia, I hope Nine is a failure of epic proportions.
(sorry to have taken so long to answer, Anon!)
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