#this doesnt sound that crazy but girl im a drawer
ofthecaravel · 2 years
so over my schoolwork that i’m being seized with the compulsion to write fanfiction
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Breaking In
..It was 11 pm when you decided to leave the clubhouse. You had worked the whole weekend as the SAMCRO bartender and Happys girlfriend. As soon as you got home you were going to take a long shower to get the smell of booze, weed, and sex off of you. Pulling in to your drive way you saw the light on you freaked. You haven’t been home and only you and Happy have keys.. So you pulled out your .38 and cell phone speed dialing Happys number.. You walked to the front door and saw it was cracked open.. You weren’t going in until Happy got there so you waiting for him to pick up the phone. Happy- What? Y/N- Hap someone broke in my house the lights are on and the doors busted. Please get here.. Happy- Don’t go in and get back in your car and lock the doors get your gun out and stay there. I’ll be there in five.. Y/N- I have my gun and i’ll wait for you.. Please hurry. With that the line went dead and no sooner than putting your phone back in your pocket you heard the sound of bikes rubbling. Happy brought Juice and Filthy Phil with him.. Happy hopped off his bike before turning it off and running to you.. Juice quickly jumped to grab it before it fell on the ground cutting it off. You ok, did you see anyone run off when you pulled up Happy looking you up and down to make sure you were unharmed. I’m fine Happy, Just a little spooked thats all. Look at my front door. I havent even seen what they done to the inside. Happy pulled out his gun and Juice and Phil followed slowly going in to the house with you on thier heels. Y/N you should stay outside Juice said look over his should. NO if they are still here I want a piece ya’ll can’t get all the fun you winked The living room was not as messy as you pictured it to be. They stole my fucking t.v. What the Hell.. Juice go up stairs and check the bedrooms. Phil go check the back Happy said looking at the sight of you getting angry. Babe, its ok aleast they didn’t brake anything.. Oh Yeah nice respective robbers, I just bought that freaking flat screen.. That set be back $1,000 bucks you rubbed your forehead. Its clear up stairs, nothings messed with Juice came over and put his hand on your should.. That’s good, They didn’t rifle though my bra and underwear drawer or found my stash.. You looked up and saw Happy and Juice give you a confused look.. WHAT? My weed and money thats my stash. You weirdos you laughed at the look Happy gave as he was relieved to found that it wasn’t what he was thinking.. Soon Phil came in, everythings good out back.. Even your gates locked.. That means they had to leave through the front too. Maybe someone saw something. Well the only neighbor thats up at this hour is Ms. Knight but she wouldn’t tell me if she saw anything she hates me. WHY DOES SHE HATE YOU? Happys question made you qulp. She doesn’t like the club and she called me a biker whore cause i’m with you. It doesnt matter. She’s batshit crazy with a stick up her ass. Happy looked away alittle hurt and mad.. She should have that removed Phil hunched over laughing with Juice hanging on his back dieing of laughter. Yeah she should with all that money her poor dead husband left her.. You want to come back to the clubhouse with me and we will fix your door later Happy taking your hand in his. Nah I want a nice long shower and some sleep in my own bed. Your not staying here alone.. I’ll stay and be your security.. That sounds like and good and bad idea you said giving him a lick to his lips. Well we are going to go and see you tomorrow to fix your door Juice said waving goodbye. Thanks guys sorry to ruin your night.. You good girl Y/N Phil said closing the door well what left of it. So.. You try to fix the door as best as you can and I’m gonna jump in the shower. Sounds good I’ll see you in abit enjoy your lonely shower Happy said with a pout. Oh Baby its ok if you hurry you can join.. With that Happy went to get tools.. The water hit all the ackes and pains from being on your feet all day. You shut the water off just as Happy came in. Oh come on, you can stay in there alittle longer.. Nah I’m all prunny. You take a shower and I’ll be waiting for you in bed with a kiss to his lips you walked in the room dropped your towel and gave Happy a view he loved. You better hurry Hap or I’m going to get cold and put on clothes.. You never seen him take a shower faster than he did.. He walk out of the bathroom water glisening off his hard tattooed body. You could see the semi-hard cock poking throw his towel. It made your mouth water and your pussy wet. You see something you like little girl? Happy cocky as ever.. He new you couldn’t resist him. Maybe, you got something for me under this.. You pulled his towel down his hard cock springing up.. YUMMY DADDY.. Can I have a taste? Whats that baby girl.. Im sorry I cant hear you. PLEASE MURDER DADDY CAN I SUCK YOUR MOTHERFUCKING COCK!!!!!! You panted Yeah I guess you dese– With no hesitation you went to work. OH FUCK Y/N Happy gripped your hair grunting . Your head was bobbing as you looked up to see Happys eyes roll to the back of his head, so you decided to tease alittle since he was so close to coming. Twirling your tounge around his head and your teeth slowly grazing giving love bits to his sensitive head.. Happy pulled you up, Gripping your chin to look him in the eyes. You like teasing baby girl. Huh do you? With that Happy gave your ass a slap. You yelped and moaned as he rubbed the stinging sensation away.. You know better than to tease Daddy now dont you? Yes Daddy. Im sorry for being naughty.. You turned around and laid on the bed with your ass in the air and a full view of your dripping pussy. DAMN LITTLEGIRL! You look so good I could just eat you up but since you teased know eating for daddy.. You let out a whine OH PLEASE DADDY. Sorry BABYGIRL you know the rules.. He gave you another slap to your red ass cheek. IF YOUR NOT GOING TO EAT ME CAN YOU FUCK THE PAIN AWAY you said rubbing your cheek. Well since you nicely asked me to FUCK THE PAIN AWAY.. He lined himself up and push through your lips.. HOLY SHIT HAP.. HARDER.. SON OF A BITCH YOUR SO TIGHT.. FUCK Y/N I NEED TO GO HARDER.. YES MURDER DADDY PLEASE DEEPER .. The bed we shaking that the frame broke in the middle and the bed fell.. Happy didn’t bother to stop pounding in you.. Hap the bed. You broke my bed you said breathlessly.. Fuck the bed Hap said grabbing your throat. I think you already did you said with a moan and a laugh. Meanwhile with you two having fun. The robbers decided to come back and steal your furniture to go with your tv. They busted the easily breakable door.. That Happy was supposed to fix up but was thinking about you to do so. Happy reached around to your sensitive clt and slowly did figure 8s.. You couldn't control yourself you were about to be unleashed of your orgasm. Happy new the way your pussy squeezed his cock.. OH DADDY I’M GONNA CUM. WHAT’S THE MAGIC WORD Y/N Happy said pounding in to you deeper. OH GOD DADDY PLEASE.. PLEASE LET ME CUM.. With a simple yes you unraveled underneath Happy, FUCK. As soon as you lowered your body done Happy came inside you with a grunt and a smile on his face, THAT WAS THE BEST SEX WE HAD SO FAR.. WHOO I’M BEAT. Me too you said wrapping your arm around his chest. But I need a drink. You asked Happy if he want one, went down stairs  turning on the light you let out a scream of angry. AHHHH HAPPY LOWMAN GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!!!!! WHAT WHAT IS IT, pulling up his boxers and stopped dead in his tracks, WELL SHIT. Thats all you can say they came back and took everything in my living room. I DON’T KNOW WHY THE WAY I WAS BREAKING IN. He gave you a devilish smile.. SCREAMING AND MOANING SHOULD HAVE SCARED THEM OFF.. THAT’S NOT FUNNY HAP, IT DID’T, THEY PROBABLY WERE LISTENING ENJOYING IT PERVERTS. You were so mad that you were seeing red. How am i supossed to live in a living room when i have nothing in here? You were to fix that door and you didn’t. Happy walked behind you and wrapped his arms around.. I’LL BUY YOU A NEW TV, SOFA…. AND A NEW BED. He laughed.. I’LL STILL BE YOUR SECURITY.. YEAH LIKE THAT WORKED OUT.. WELL IT DID WORK OUT FOR ME NOT MY HOME..
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credit to the gif and photo owners
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erinblueee · 7 years
- after high school, the boys go to colleges that are far apart, but they keep in contact through skype/facetime/texting and the girls ofc 
- during their 2nd year of college, they take a road trip alone because the girls get off class 2 weeks later and for like guys bonding time or something like that
- they like make it to hollywood, and they’re just chilling: farkle is singing, zay is playing the guitar, and lucas is on drums (he learned to play back in texas in order for a way to release his anger)
- BUT LIKE THEY’RE RLLY FuCKING GOOD and theyre approached by a big hot shot manager, and after like a 3 hour phone call with the girls, and a lot of complementing, theyre like hell yeah
- they want their album to be authentic to they take the rest 2 years of college to write and record songs and such 
- farkle is singer, but he also plays piano, and ofc he writes a lot of the emotional songs (he gets a lot of inspiration through riley)
- lucas is rlly good at pop-country songs, but while farkle writes a lot of emotional songs, he writes songs that has lots of creative and unique lyrics (i mean, his gf is maya) 
- zay ofc is like the life of the party, and his songs are LITTT and there those rlly catchy songs that you love but also hate bc they get in your head and wont get out yk what i mean 
- i imagine their sound to be a mix between maroon 5/coldplay/the beatles
- when they first started, farkle’s father wants to rent out stadiums and get them on talk shows thru connections, but farkle put his foot down and was like if we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this by ourselves
-the girls are their biggest supporters duh
-theyre fcking huge, like hugeeeee. probably as big as one direction, but not the beatles bc tbh who CAN beat the beatles?
- they have alot of fans, and fangirls, but they reassure their wives, i mean gf that they wont let fame change them 
- the band split when they’re 34-35, but they’re so unbelievably thankful, and they love their fans, and omg im emotional
- theyre fans like that theyre single bc its kinda hard to date for a lot of widely successful people
- but theyre on ellen, and ellen just goes, “who heres taken”
- and lucas and farkle raises their hand and like the crowd goes crazy and theyre trending on twitter bc MY FUTURE HUSBAND CANNOT BE DATING SOMEBODY 
- riley is a very insecure person, so i see that she is very insecure about whether or not farkle would want to stay w her, but like boiiiiiiiiii, farkle has been in love w you since the 1st grade, yeah hes not going anywhere 
- in my head, she ends up as a physiotherapist, and her job is v hard, but she loves helping ppl, and loves seeing the delvopemtn that ppl go through. she adopts a lot of stray animals (mostly cats), and only finally stop once farkle throws up a hairball
- maya is very happy for lucas, and shes not as insecure as riles but she has those moments, and lucas is quickly there to prove her wrong. shes lucas’s personal bodyguard even tho hes fully capable of protecting himself
- she ends up as a big artist whos painting is hung all over museums, in her local free time, she runs a art camp with riley, and they teach creative arts/music (like camp rock)
- okay, so my headcannon is that smackle does go to the school she wanted, all the way across the world, but her, riles, and maya still keep in connect
- she moves back to new york where she’s a well respected scientist that speaks openly about her aspergers and inspire people who has it
- she and zay meets up, and ofc they click it off, and they try to make it work, but its especially hard with him gone all the time, but they somehow manage. ofc they take alot of breaks, but they never stray and they love eachother
- riley has always wanted a knight to sweep her off her feet, and farkle decides that she needs to be proposed like a princess. the boys are 24 when they preform at the superbowl, in front of 100+ million ppl
- they’re at their last song, which is a new song that farkle wrote for riley, and you can bet she is in front, cheering her bf on. roses and candles are lit in a makeshift stage that leads to riles, and he proposes and its like a fairytale  
- lucas and maya are more lowkey, they’re in their beds, just stealing kisses, and watching stand up comedies when lucas slides a ring to maya, and just ask her if she wants to rodeo with him until they die. ofc she says yes
- zay would propose on smackle’s bday
- he would do kind of a quest where she has to find clues that lead her to places all over new york, until she ends up at topangas
- there, theres is the book of etiquette that he gave her in high school that he managed to steals from her drawer
- a part of the books says “a single pady speaks in quiet, soft tone” or something like that, but its crossed out, and he writes in it, “ i hope you scream yes when i ask you to marry me” o r something like that
- you can bet all their lives are going to be eventful, full w drama, screaming babies, and diapers, but they wouldn’t want it no other way 
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wildlove836 · 7 years
wow. okay. when I said 2016 fuck me up I didnt mean literally. 
but god damn, once again I’ve rung in the new year heartbroken as can be, but wait there’s more. I fell in love with someone. he’s somehow worse than the last guy and hell I love him a thousand times more.
I’ve dealt with so much shit this year. I’m in a relationship with a drug addict. I didnt know it until about 3 months ago. I mean I knew, but I didnt know. 
He asked me to marry him literally the 3rd day we spent together. no I didnt say yes, but apparently I did because now hes calling me his fiance n shit. I ‘lost’ my virginity to this guy. It sounds fucked up but it isnt as bad as it seems. or maybe it is and I still have a long way to go before I figure it all out.
I think I really love him. I think he really loves me. But people keep telling me he’s going to love those little crystals more. 
I’ve seen some shit. My humdrum life has done a fucking tail spin in the last 6 months. I went from a full tank of gas and watching netflix all day to $1.43 in my bank account and needles hidden in the dresser drawers.
I’ve seen junkies, I’ve had shit stolen. I’ve watched him physically and mentally change without even noticing.
I’ve been choked and pushed and bruised and screamed at. I’ve done the same things back in a rage I didnt know I was capable of.
I’ve heard stories from child hood that make no sense but make perfect sense and I know I cant change the past but I’d very much like to.
I smoked weed and that shit was great at first but now its the only way I cant really talk to you, it seems. you told me that wasnt it but trust me. i’m too afraid to tell you the truth when we’re not...chill.
I’ve cried and screamed and walked away. I’ve waited hours upon hours for you to call. I havent slept and I’ve slept too much. I had a real panic attack for the first time in my life.
I’ve sat in the ER with you for 6+ hours after you crashed your car from being on adderall. I watched you literally mentally and physically break down in the pizza hut parking lot while normal fucking people watched and wondered what the fuck they could do for you and I just sat there next to you counting change from your pockets because you lost the receipts.
im sorry. i lost them somehow. who fucking knows. i’ll take the blame for it though if thats what I have to do.
i walked across train tracks wondering if maybe my foot my get caught while you told me you were addicted to sex and of course I should have already known this but surprise I didnt. its still my fault though.
we missed trick or treat with your daughter because you were on acid.
then the other day you brought her to my house and slept the whole time. you said what does it matter my parents see me taking her out of the house. well what the fuck do you care right. if you’re playing the part of dad. you son of a bitch. i love that girl and I know you do too but you better try harder. you better or you’ll lose faster if you have her.
I’ve seen you coming down down down. with a knife in your hands and the doors locked and the lights off. I’ve watched cops drive by thinking you were already dead.
I’ve had the best sexual experiences with you and only you. I got drunk and gave you a blow job after knowing I’d never have a dick in my precious mouth.
you called me perfectly imperfect for a while, now that i’ve lost my innocence you call me your miracle. these days I feel like a burden. enabler is the word i’m trying not to say because I know its the truth. but i didnt know. i swear i didnt.
and not in the fucking physical sense. i’m not giving him money or anything like that. im stressing him the fuck out. BUT FUCK HE NEVER MAKES ANY SENSE. and im stressed out too. doesnt anybody see that?
everybody knows him like I know him now. a fucking mind fuck. this little twat can turn a sentence around on you so quick you’re wondering what you even said in the first place. this mother fucker can have you so god damn confused you’re rethinking your whole life.
he does it on purpose. I think so he feels more normal on the inside. the only question I have is, was it the meth that brought it out of him or was it destined to come out eventually on its own. the crazy will never subside and I must admit that’s what somehow attracts me to him.
feeling like a complete dumbass after every conversation we have. BUT YOU ALREADY KNEW THIS. he’ll say, like I already knew it. and then i’ll realize I did already know it. he was telling me all along, but in his own way. like a secret language. and I cant fucking afford the rosetta stone for crazy talk.
half the relationship i spend KNOWING this shit isnt right for me and here i am thinking i have to do this i have to do this but i still dont know what love is. its breaking the god damn futton i know. 
there’s no doubt about what i feel but really is it worth it. will he kill me. will i kill him. ive done things i never thought i would do. ive seen things i never thought i would see. the world is my fucking oyster over here. anything is possible. anything can happen. anything.
regardless, here I am. alone and wondering what hes doing. if he’s okay. a thousand and one fucking questions because he doesnt have a phone for me to call. and somehow now it feels like its my fault. it is my fucking fault and im crying a lot right now because of it. and im alone. so he can calm down. but i cant calm down without him. i need him. i need him. I NEED HIM. and im going insane worrying and wondering and crying and feeling okay for a little while.
now im just mad because hes okay without me. hes okay. and im not okay. it isnt fair. FUCK YOU. it isnt fair. do you even love me? DO YOU EVEN CARE. DO YOU EVEN DO YOU EVEN DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME. duh.
WHY DID I QUIT MY FUCKING JOB. I had what I needed. besides clarity and sanity so fuck, you cant blame me. hes been driving me insane since he spotted me.
but I know he fucking loves me. crazy people dont fuck around with shit like that. if they mean it they mean it. i feel it. I know it. I love it. its the only thing I understand ever. is my love for him. is it true. is it real. who fucking cares. its real and its ever present and its mostly reciprocated in good and bad ways. if i could walk away from it i already would have . i swear. i already would have but i havent so get off my fucking back.
but love is hard they tell me. love is fucking hard as hell and you’ve got to suffer before you can enjoy that shit, otherwise its not worth it. I realize this is too long and i’m not gonna reread it so nobody else is probably going to read it. thats okay. i needed to get it down on ‘paper’ just in case.
god just fucking pray for me or something. every time I feel like something is going to get worse it does okay. I had people burning up spoons in the trailer we were supposed to live in just to shoot up heroin and I was too busy making sure my boyfriend wasnt killing himself in a shed to realize. 
old dude (thats what they call people in fairdale) literally over dosed in the bed that was supposed to be mine. in the bedroom that was supposed to be mine but I cant say anything about it? I CANT SAY ONE GOD DAMN WORD ABOUT IT?
nah because bf is too nice to people who ‘care’ to realize what they’re really doing in the big picture. she put her clothes in the closet that was supposed to be mine. mine. FUCKING MINE. but i cant be mad because shes homeless and has cancer. what a fucking lifetime movie. I DIDNT NEED THIS TO KNOW I WAS A SELFISH PERSON. I ALREADY KNEW. I’M GOOD AT HIDING IT. I WANT MY CLOSET SPACE BACK. I see drug abuse and friendship and something strikes me as sketchy. OMG. and dont get me started on the cheating.
he cheats on me. he puts his dick inside his best friend while they’re fucked up on whatever. they tell me she says no everytime he asks but this time she didnt. oh wow. what a perfect picture of a life im stuck in. what a romantic gesture. WHAT A FUCKING ROMANTIC COMEDY OF LIFE. i can keep my perfect pussy to myself and he cant go one fucking day without trying to put his dick in something. I WILL BUY YOU A FUCKING GRAPEFRUIT TO FUCK IF THAT WILL KEEP YOUR DICK OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE.
he says hes taking a shit when he goes over there but he takes a shit every time and they’re long shits. idk if its to fuck or whatever but its for sure about drugs. drugs that tear people apart and keep the glued together and they’re fucking ripped seams. god this sounds like fucking trash and it is. it literally is. and I know it but I cant do a damn thing about it because I love this trash. hes not trash. but he acts like it.
I know he’s not trash because somehow he has it all figured out. its like his autistic niche is seeing into the future and knowing for god damn sure that something is going to turn out the way it is but he wont fucking tell me. just straight up tell me the truth. 
naaaah. that’d be too logical. he’d rather tell me the alternative lie. to keep me safe. HA. OKAY FROM WHAT. my life is so fucked up now.
needless to say 2016 has royally fucked me up. there’s probably a shit ton of stuff I forgot to mention and I should of because this is my collective fuck up recap but oh well. its not the last of it anyway. I know that for damn sure. 
I just hope that when we get married or whatever the fuck next big thing happens in our lives. I hope it balances out the bad shit. because the bad shit is getting really hard to deal with. like really hard. like my hands are shaking  sometimes hard and i feel like i cant kill myself because even in death i’d be worried about you and its nobodys fault but its our fault. 
I know it is. he’s not even supposed to be in a relationship right now and what does this fucker do. he falls in love. true love with an innocent girl who has no idea what shes about to fucking go through. god damn. somebody help me. somebody really help me. I know I will always love him. more than the other mother fuckers I thought I cared about. I will fucking love him. 
I FUCKING LOVE HIM. it makes me angry how much i love him. because it hurts me. a lot. but I wont stop. I cant. i wont. i never will. even if he stops loving me. i dont see how. but if he did. i’d still be calling and showing up and waiting outside and peeping in windows like a fucking nutcase. its my fucking ride or die. even if we broke up and i met someone else. god its not gonna be like this. it might be better. it might be a fucking dream. it might be date nights and morning kisses and flowers at work. but it wont be this. it wont be what i have with tey. nothing will ever be like this.and i fucking love that. im obsessed. im entranced. im in deep heartache love. 
and ironically he does literally the worst thing he could do. the worst thing. he could. is love me irrevocably. whole heartedly. stubbornly. passionately. intentionally. desperately. in return. a love that i could live with for eternity. without a shadow of a doubt love. til the day we die in each others fucking arms.
its killing him. its killing us. but its keeping us alive.
how sobering is that shit.
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fanfiction-mania · 7 years
Lucky im in Love (Chapter 12)
P.o.v Ellington
After we finished our final game of cards against humanity we all headed to bed, but tonight instead of sleeping in the guest bedroom and rocky sleeping in his room on his own we decided that the both of us would sleep in his room. To be honest I'm kind of nervous because if anything were to happen, if you know what I'm saying, I'm not sure I would be ready for that quite yet. With that we went off to Rocky's room. Once we got into Rocky's Room I sat down on his bed considering its kind of an instinct liked thing for me to do because every time Rocky and I are in his Room the first thing that I always do is sit on his bed. As per usual I was followed closely behind by Rocky who sat down right beside me. We sat there for a moment in a comfortable silence until Rocky spoke. "It's getting a bit late, it might be a good idea to go to bed" he does have a point and I am getting pretty tired. With that he gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. I would go to sleep but there was just something about that kiss that lead me go want more. I could tell it Was the same with Rocky because he sat back up and pressed his lips up to mine ever so gently. After that our lips parted only momentarily due to our need to breathe. Once our lips met again his tongue was begging for entrance. At first I hesitated but then eventually granted him access. We fought for dominance and surprise surprise, he won. It doesn't really matter to me anyways because I am currently making out with the love of my life. I know I didn't really need to say it to myself because I know that it's happening obviously but it's just one of those things that you know for a fact it's real but it feels like a dream anyways.
P.o.v Ryland
"Hey Ross?" I said considering we share a bedroom. "Yeah Ry" he replied. "I bet ya ten bucks that Rocky and Ellington are doing it right now" he looked at me slightly confused. "Doing what?.. Oh wait... Never mind" after he said that he looked scarred at the thought of that happening just a few doors down. After that I couldn't help but laugh. He hesitated for a second but then eventually gave in. "Fine! Deal!" He finally said. After that we both went silent just keeping within our own thoughts. After I managed to get my mind to stop racing it wasn't long before I nearly fell asleep. I didn't actually fall asleep. all I could hear was Ross' phone going off because apparently he doesn't know how to turn his fucking phone on silent. "Who the hell are you texting at this time of night?" I whisper yelled. He looked over at me as if I actually startled him but I don't give a shit at the moment, I don't feel sorry at all because all I'm trying to do is sleep. "I'm texting scarlet" he said sounding irritated. "Okay but can you at least turn your phone on silent?" I asked. "Fine!" He replied. After that it didn't take long for sleep to take over.
P.o.v Scarlet
It's currently really late and I have been texting Ross for at least the passed hour and a half. I should really be asleep right now but I'm not because I would obviously much rather talk to Ross. I kind of zoned out for a second but then my phone went off which seemed to drag me back to reality. "Meet me in the park, ASAP!" After I read that I just couldn't help but think that he's absolutely insane. "Are you crazy! We could get in trouble!" I said. Not two seconds later he replied again. "That's a risk I am willing to make" with that I got out of bed and quietly snuck out the window. Once I was out the window there was no problem making it to the park. It actually isn't that far of a walk from here. Once I got there I looked around a bit but I eventually found Ross all alone on a bench waiting for me. I walked up to the bench and sat next to him quietly. "Hey Ross!" I whispered happily. "Hey scarlet!" He replied hugging me. "So why exactly did you want to meet at this time of night?" I asked "I need to tell you something" he said.
P.o.v Ross
"I need to tell you something." i told her semi nervously. "and what exactly would that be?" she replied sounding curious. Here goes nothing... "I wanted to tell you that i really like you and that i want you to be my girlfriend." at first she was just staring at me and not saying anything which of course caused me to automatically think that she doesnt think of me that way but apparently i was wrong. all of a sudden i was pulled from my thoughts by her arms wrapping around me. "i would love to be your girlfriend." After I got home from the park I decided to go on twitter for a bit until I felt tired enough to fall asleep because after what just happened it would be a while before I were to fall back to sleep. After about 20 minutes of just scrolling I got a notification "@rossr5: I am now in a relationship with the most beautiful girl in the world and I love her to bits,I love you scarlet <3" after that I couldn't help but smile and at that point I was tired enough that I was able to fall asleep and dream of Ross.
P.o.v Rocky
Things were getting heated between Ellington and I. It is literally to the point where neither of us have anything on except for our boxers, and if things keep going the way they are it won't be long until those are off too. Just when I thought that Ellington grabbed hold of my boxers as if to pull them off. I swear he can read my mind sometimes. At that point we were still kissing so I decided I would pull away but only for long enough to get my boxers off. Thank god for that too because at this point I have such a hard on that there was next to no room left in my boxers. "Holy shit you're huge!" Ellington whispered. I couldn't help but smirk a little after that. I began rubbing Ellington through his boxers and it was easy to tell he was enjoying it because his eyes were shut, his jaw dropped, and his head was leaned back. After a while i decided to rub harder to see if I could really get him going. After that I stopped. I pulled his boxers off and looked at his length. After looking at it for a few seconds I took the tip in my mouth. As I sucked Ellington leaned his head back in pleasure and began moaning my name. I moved my tongue around a bit causing Ellington to moan louder. I know I should probably tell him to be quieter but to be honest his moaning is really turning me on. After about a minute longer I decided to take in as much of his length as I could causing him to gasp. After taking whatever amount of his length in my mouth as I could I just wrapped my hand around whatever was left and pumped. I could tell he was about to cum so I stopped. I could tell I pissed him off a bit by stopping but I didn't want him to cum just yet. I grabbed a condom out of the drawer of my bedside table and quickly rolled it onto my length. After that I got behind Ellington and lined myself up with his entrance. "Rocky?" Ellington said quietly. "Yeah Babe?" I replied. "I don't want to be able to walk tomorrow"
P.o.v Laura
For some reason I just can't seem to fall asleep. It's really starting to bother me because it's heading on 3:00am and this literally had never happened before. I decided to pull out my laptop and go on twitter for a bit. I was scrolling through when one tweet in particular caught my eye. "@rossr5: I am now in a relationship with the most beautiful girl in the world and I love her to bits,I love you scarlet <3" I can not believe her I told her that he's mine and now she's dating him. I would call her now but I'm too tired and pissed off at the moment so I'll just figure it all out tomorrow.
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