#this dude is the sole reason i love Elmo so much to this day
franciya · 2 years
Nobody asked but my favorite thing about the Brazilian dub of Fraggle Rock it's that the dude who currently voices Boober is the very same one who used to voice Elmo way back when I was a kid.
The conversation between these two.
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everymovie2020 · 6 years
St Elmo’s Fire (1985)
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Date watched:  24 August 2018
I loved this.
I had never seen it before and I wasn't sure what to expect but I LOVED IT.
The plot is so convoluted though, so I'll break it down into dot points:
They are 7 friends from college.
Ally Sheedy and Judd Nelson are in a relationship but he's cheating on her at the same time as he's trying to force her to marry him because he thinks that if they're married he won't cheat anymore?
Rob Lowe is a fucking deadbeat asshole.
Demi Moore is kind of the female version of Rob Lowe's character only she's not an asshole.
Andrew McCarthy (my favourite) is desperately in love with Ally Sheedy but also BFF with Judd Nelson so he's keeping his feelings on the down low.
Emilio Estevez is straight-up stalking Andie MacDowell.  This is the worst, most cringiest part of the entire movie.
And Mare Winningham is a virgin who is in love with Rob Lowe (WHY GIRL, I get it he's hot but fuck he's such an ASSHOLE), and she's pretty much the only truly decent character in the movie.
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Emilio Estevez straight up stalks Andie MacDowell and it's played off as romantic? Can we stop and talk about how fucked up this whole plotline is?  It's like Emilio was in his separate movie from the rest of what was happening. He's in their friend group but his plotline happens almost entirely separately from the rest of the group.
The movie starts with them all rushing to the hospital because Rob Lowe has crashed poor Mare Winningham's car (because he's an ASSHOLE), and that's where Emilio sees Andie MacDowell, who he had a crush on in college and they went on one date. I mean, I can't blame him for that. She looks STUN-NING.  SHE LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL.
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He sees her and is basically like a cartoon dog with its tongue and eyes hanging out of its head.
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So then he decides that they're meant to be, and that he's going to date her no matter what.  He organises a date at this fancy restaurant and turns up super early to pick the table and make sure everything is right – at this point I was like, that's weird but okay, he really likes her –and then when she gets there and immediately gets called back to the hospital, he acts like it's the end of the world.  Dude, she's a doctor.  She ain't got no time for yo bullshit.
Then it gets worse.  He stalks her to this fancy party she's attending and watches through the window, then he walks into the party all soaking wet from the rain and full on has a go at her in front of everyone, and instead of telling him to FUCK OFF (which is what I would've done), she takes him home with her?  Like, why are you enabling this seriously scary behaviour? Her roommate totally picks that he's a nut but Andie MacDowell is loving it for some reason?
Maybe she loves the drama, I don't know.
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THEN he throws this massive party for the sole purpose of impressing her, but she doesn't turn up. So he goes to her apartment and terrorises her roommate into telling him where she is, then he DRIVES TO WHERE SHE IS (staying at a cabin in the snow with her BOYFRIEND), and again, SHE FEELS SORRY FOR HIM AND LETS HIM IN???  THEN HE KISSES HER AND SHE’S OKAY WITH IT?
The only possible explanation I can come up with is that she loves the fucking DRAMA OF IT ALL.
He is the quintessential “nice guy” and it is honestly the worst part of this movie.
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Anyway, Rob Lowe basically fucks over every single person, including Mare Winningham (who just loves him so much and forgives him for everything even though he doesn't deserve it), but in the end – after almost forcing Demi Moore to have sex with him (seriously such a recurring 80s movie theme) – seems to sort himself out a bit? He takes off for New York in the end and I'm like seeya, loser.
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Oh he’s tortured, he’s got feelings - no, he’s just a fucking jerk.
Ally Sheedy and Judd Nelson have this ridiculous relationship drama where they live in this fucking amazing loft and they act like they're in love but he's cheating on her?  And justifying it somehow?  And trying to force her to be his Stepford wife?
And then she figures out that he's a no-good loser cheater and dumps him, and he acts like it's her fault?  DUDE. YOU'RE THE ASSHOLE.
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So she goes running to Andrew McCarthy who confesses to her that he's in love with her (they all thought he was gay until this point, and ngl, I did too and I was hoping for that), and they spend all night banging, and then even though she knows he's in love with her, and his feelings are genuine, and he hasn't pressured her into sex or anything like that – she still breaks his heart and I was like fucking hell.  I mean, I know it's kind of his fault, and that he was putting pressure on her after she'd just gone through a bad break-up, but seriously, at the end of the day this is your friend, so maybe don't rip his heart out of his chest and then crush it with your bare hand?
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Also ngl I do not understand why any of them are in love with Ally Sheedy when she wears the second worst clothes in this movie, only after Mare Winningham who is dressed like a prairie sister wife.
And poor Demi Moore, I mean, yes she lives in the world's most fabulous pink apartment and yes, I want to live there too, and yes, her costumes are incredible and yes, she's the life of the fucking party, but shit gets dark because she has a drug habit, a spending habit; her life is spiralling out of control; all she has is her looks and the fact that she will bang dudes to get ahead while spewing this false confidence and I was like, baby, you need to drop this toxic lifestyle before it kills you.
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So they start the movie as friends, then they all split, but in the end they all reconcile and kind of live happily ever after?  Ally Sheedy tells both guys that she wants to be single (and I was like, yes girl, you do that); Demi Moore starts to get her shit together; Mare Winningham bangs Rob Lowe and gets her own apartment (not because she banged Rob Lowe; it was a whole plot point that's not super interesting); and Emilio Estevez decides to go to law school after spending the whole movie stalking Andie MacDowell and she doesn't tell him to go fuck himself, which is quite honestly, the worst part of this movie.
Actually, no.  The worst part of this movie is that there is one person of colour and she is a prostitute. That's the worst part.
I mean, it was a ride but I fucking enjoyed every minute of it, and I will watch 80s Andrew McCarthy in literally anything and everything because I love him.  If I had been a teenager in the 80s, I would've been all about Andrew McCarthy.  For reals.
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I'm going to buy this for my collection.  Good movie.
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rumblrbumblrgumblr · 8 years
video game ask meme
1: Do you try to stay away from walkthroughs?
For single player games, yeah. MMOs I absolutely need them though. I have like a million tabs open for stuff in WoW/RS constantly when I play them.
3: Best game you've ever played?
That’s a tough one. I’d go between Kingdom Hearts 2, Undertale and Super Smash Bros Melee.
5: A popular series/game you just can't get into no matter how much you try?
The new Fire Emblem games. I’m definitely interested in the character interactions and storylines but I’m just not into strategy games as a whole.
7: A game you'll never forget?
Undertale, deadass. I can remember every single moment of my first playthrough perfectly.
9: A game you turn your volume off every time you play it?
RuneScape, WoW when doing dungeons/questing and Melee when I’m just practicing tech. Also most handheld games.
11: Hardest game you've played?
I Wanna Be The Boshy. FUCK that game.
13: A game you were the most excited for when it wasn't released yet?
Animal Crossing: New Leaf got me really excited, as with every single one of the 3DS Pokemon games.
15: Which two games do you think would make an awesome crossover?
Okay, so it’s just one character but......Sora in Smash Bros. Holy fucking shit. It’s been my dream for years. If he was announced I would actually cry.
17: What game do you never tell people you play?
I revisit Roblox from time to time purely for nostalgia reasons.
19: Which game do you think deserves a revival?
I’d really love to see the gameplay style of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 return. In my personal opinion Sonic controls perfectly in those games, all they’d need to do is fix the camera and a few glitches from SA1 and honestly I think it’d be my most favorite game in the series, even above the Genesis quadrilogy.
21: How old were you when you first played a video game?
Pretty sure I was four, with my first game being the Elmo games on Nintendo 64, then Super Mario 64 soon after. Related.
23: Biggest disappointment you've had in gaming?
That’s a really tough one. Starbound burnt me out hard when it first came out and the devs vanished for a long-ass time. I feel like there’s one more in the back of my mind that I legitimately despair over but I just can’t quite put my finger on it for some reason.
25: Be honest; have you ever used cheats (like ActionReplay or Gameshark)?
Yep. Used to hack a few games in Roblox back in the day and me and my friends used to make hacked Pokemon in Black/White solely for battling with each other though.
27: Has there ever been a moment that has made you cry?
Mother 3, Chapter 6. The entire thing. Fuck, dude.
Walking through the abandoned house and learning Asriel’s backstory in Undertale is a very close contender though.
29: Which is more important, gameplay or story?
I’m extremely torn on this one, because two of my top favorite games that I mentioned earlier, Undertale and Smash Bros Melee, will last forever to me, but Undertale will last forever because of how unforgettable the story is and Melee will last because of how purely fun it is to play with other people and following the evolving competitive scene, even though it doesn’t really have a story at all.
Personally I want to say that, if a game can do one thing and excel at it, then let it no matter what that one thing is.
However if this was a situation where I absolutely have to pick one or the other, I’d have to do gameplay as it is the one thing games have over others.
This was fun.
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