#sounding so similar but being polar opposites
franciya · 2 years
Nobody asked but my favorite thing about the Brazilian dub of Fraggle Rock it's that the dude who currently voices Boober is the very same one who used to voice Elmo way back when I was a kid.
The conversation between these two.
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asstrolo · 4 months
astrology observations for sad people
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— the signs who I personally believe are really misunderstood by their peers are often capricorns and aquarius because of their saturnian tendencies where they become the mature, bigger person or are aloof of how they're presenting themselves, they always think they know better or people feel very intimidated by their personalities and, because people don't understand them, they alienate them,
— aries and scorpio as they are very intense, over confident people, other's might feel put-off by them, they can be very controlling and have a "I don't care" kind of personality that doesn't usually goes well with others, their ways of always trying to make themselves clear and understood causes the opposite effect, they are often misjudged as villainous or mean,
— geminis are also put in a place of having to know better, not given a chance or space to mess up as they are very intelligent people and show it, others might have big expectations which are often not met since they prefer to do what makes them happy and makes them curious, they tend to over-inflate themselves, or the opposite, and people take their words too seriously or not at all, very polarizing sign.
— a stellium in 4th can be super difficult to deal with, specially if it falls on not easy planets like mars, or saturn, uranus, or pluto. These people are always dragged back to their family issues no matter how much they try to escape, their parents maybe gave them too much responsibilities as little kids or vented to their child without thinking of the consequences, if these people ever decide to have a family they should always consider if they're doing it because they want to or because it is what's expected of them.
— chiron in social signs as gemini, aquarius and libra feel very alienated at all times, having social interactions is a learning experience for them, whether is good or bad, I also notice people usually get obsessed with them? They don't respect these people¡s space or it could be the other way around, to me is a placement where you'll learn to not be socially inept or teach people how to treat you right for some reason?
— saturn IS a complicated planet, it depends on the person's other planets and aspects how they deal with saturn, a person with moon conjuct saturn has a harder time dealing with their emotions than a capricorn moon. Even when the energies are similar, they don't have the same impact.
— now, a person with a capricornian stellium or dominant does deal with the saturn energy much comfortably than a person with sun trine saturn, because they were born with it. I personally believe you accommodate, or your aspects accommodate to you as you grow and evolve as a person.
— a pisces stellium, specially if is on moon or ascendants, is very perceptive to other's opinion on them, not in a superficial way but more on a "does this person thinks i'm being fair or mean?" Let's not forget the sister sign of Pisces is Virgo, so these signs also share the analytical or more neurotic way of seeing the world. A Pisces Rising is very self-aware of how they come off to people or how they are seen, they might not show it or say anything about it, a Pisces mercury might be self-conscious about how they approach others, how their voice sounds or how they come off when talking.
— I do believe leo's have a harder time being appreciated by people, as they devote to other's so easily they could neglect themselves in the process. Is the kind of person who is always looking out for someone to make happy or to make them feel comfortable because is something they want reciprocated. But this is a thing that can happen to fire signs a lot, they can be overbearing or too kind to people that it ends up backfiring on them, they have a very childlike mentally.
— is true what they say, a 12th house stellium in a natal chart makes the person passive and/or too in their own world, they have premonitions in dreams, but I've also seen these individuals have a really hard time with sleep, they have paranormal experiences a lot that some of them are used to it. They can be in some sort of medication, but not all, and not always these people are medicated or doing substances, they have an easier time to have out-of-body experiences, like lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis, these can occur because these people are super sensitive and get easily drained and stressed. Is important they are taking care of their energy at all times, I've met many that have one, two or more 12th house placement where I've found out some other person has been doing some sort of witchcraft on them, or have a big negative energy that this 12th houser sucks accidentally.
— having a mercurial dominant or rising can be super difficult when it comes to feeling, they tend to rationalize everything too much, are easily distracted and indulgent, they are very, very anxious at all times on all situations, even if they show otherwise. they overthink things too much, are the kind to be incredibly self-aware or completely out of touch with themselves.
— the ascendant aspecting negatively the mercury gives the individual speech impediment or a very shy personality, an almost inaudible voice or a raspy one, people with this placement have a harder time getting their thoughts across, or people might misinterpret them.
— keeping the conversation going, mercury negatively aspecting saturn makes a shy and reserved person, someone who, as a kid or a teen, has problems with being heard, or people simply didn't care or asked for this person's opinions, they might had been very codependent on an adult or somebody else to talk or to get to be seen, as they grow older they learn to communicate rather excellently, they might want to treat their shyness or whatever problem they have with unwanted attention or negligence
— neptune in personal houses like the 1st, 7th, 4th or 10th is really tricky. you might ignore gut feelings bout certain individuals, or on the contrary, believe someone is good when they aren't. these people can be their own worst enemies as they are super perceptive of how they come across to others, or how others make them feel.
— neptune in the 1st is common on actors and models and singers, usually on famous people, because they can create a fantasy of how they want people to see them, or act like chameleons around people, this creates a series of identity crisis during their lives.
— neptune in 7th is prone to feel things that really aren't there? they convince themselves somebody hates them or likes them for just one interaction, these individuals are like a sponge in social situations and they take everything somebody tells them to the heart. they also are known to lie a lot to people on behalf of good manners, they like to be liked.
— neptune in 4th house has a really confusing or unclear family situation, they might adopt the role of the parent when they shouldn't, or are treated as a child even as an adult, something in their family, in what they think is normal growing up, isn't. the most likely to stay in a bad situation for many, many years because they don't know any better, or think it's normal.
— neptune in 10th, although it deals with fame and impersonal relationships, to me, is just as fundamental as the houses listed above. they don't see themselves through their own eyes, or feel like they depend on other's perceptions on themselves too much, they are confident, or pretend it really well. these individuals know how to act the part, how to commit to the bit, they never feel that sense of belonging anywhere, because they might show different parts of their personalities to different people
— for me, the hardest moons to have are capricorn, scorpio and virgo.
— capricorn moon is a strictly analytical sign, they don't feel comfortable in the moon as is where the emotions and insecurities shine the most.
— scorpio moon is a very intense sign, as opposite to the Capricorn, they can be super emotional, or completely numb, very extremist and their emotions are black or white, polarizing.
— virgo moon is extremely difficult, they don't like to have to feel things, they like to think and act with precaution and it's hard for them to let their emotions slip, the kind of friend who'd have the most practical advice to all sort of topics, a helpful hand in all situations, but when it comes to them as individuals, they let themselves be too much, their head is always at a thousand percent. From what I've gathered of this moon is that, yes, they are neurotic when it comes to certain things, but completely careless to others, and it's usually to themselves, you won't ever see a Virgo moon misbehave or dress bad, but they can hold a lot of suppressed shame or anger or sadness, like they tie it with a bow in a box and keep it locked.
— lastly, no aspect or moon or sign is bad, they are just more difficult than others, there are people with easy aspects, like sun sextile or trine jupiter, they are prone to idealization and inferiority complexes. it's true that a person that has the harmonious aspects is lazier or gets unmotivated way easier. nothing is really set in stone, you can have a moon conjunct saturn and a cancer mercury in 9th house, your way of expressing yourself is more reserved, but optimistic and even childlike. when it comes to astrology, every single aspect and sign, and house counts to describe a person.
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fishnapple · 2 days
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People's first impression of you
This reading is about how people in general will perceive you at first impression. Which might not be true to how you really are. People's perception are easily skewed by their own biases and experiences, so take it with a grain of salt. You may use this to compare to your perception of yourself and see the similarities and differences so you might take action to align them better.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I’d love to know 🎐
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• Your presence unsettles people on first sight. They don't usually see this kind of energy often. It's foreign and distant, out of reach. Even if you don't do or wear anything out of the ordinary, your energy is different from the people around you. Unsettling is because some people can feel uncomfortable with the unknown, they don't know how to act or react to the differences.
• Yet people can feel like you're someone they've already seen somewhere, especially in their childhood. You remind them of their distant memories, nostalgic, fuzzy, magical.
• Soft and kind looking, but not too easy to approach.
• Different people will form different impressions of you. Each person sees a different image of you. Some can be wildly different from each other.
• They may think you do something related to art, artistic, and creative.
• Good self-control, you seem to be the kind that doesn't get angry easily, and you keep your opinions for yourself. You don't seek to control other, the only one you control is yourself. But you know how to protect your beliefs and your values when challenged.
• Honest, pure intentions, don't like to meddle in other's business but will help with all you can if asked.
• Private, quite closed-off. You don't speak about yourself much or at least about matters that are personal. People find it hard to read your emotions and thoughts from the first meeting. They get a sense that to get close to you emotionally, to get you to trust them, to get a peek at your deeper affection, they have to try harder and be serious and patient.
• But you don't seem to have problems with being yourself in public. You can be witty, charming, a little detached. Having a few pleasant exchanges with you is easy, going deeper is not.
• Some people would want to form friendship with you immediately, wanting to get closer, to understand you better. This could make you uncomfortable sometimes, being the target of people's curiosity.
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• Mysterious and mysterious. People feel like you will take them away, into an unknown path full of twists and turns. What they see is not what they get. There's so much more hidden underneath that they want to uncover. Which may feel invasive at times.
• The impressions can be polar opposites. Love and hate, attraction and repulsion, safe and scary. But it's definitely not mild.
• Mysterious but still approachable enough, people will feel an urge to get closer.
• People think you are a spiritual person, someone who practices occult crafts, or at least interested in those fields. Someone who likes a good mystery, darker, taboo subjects.
• You seem to value different things. Your definition of what is valuable might not align with theirs.
• This may sound uncomfortable, but some people will wonder in their mind, quietly, about your sexual preferences. Are you a passive or an aggressive person? Are you passionate or cold?
• Beautiful hands and voice. Something about your voice seems different, a little odd, unique, memorable.
• You don't seem to have a good sense of money. Maybe you're forgetful or spend money on things that are considered unnecessary or odd by other people. People get the impression that you are flexible with money and generous. You don't mind spending on things and on people you love, you don't put too much weight on material possessions, things come and go, if you lose some, you will gain some. That's the impression that people have of you.
• You have a large well of knowledge at your expenses. You learn things quickly. In fact, learning seems to be an easy thing for you, something that you don't have to put too much effort into to get good results. Information flows smoothly, absorbed and moulded into unique perspectives.
• Some people can sense that you are hiding some difficulties, pains, or a hurtful past inside, but you're not ready to reveal them to anyone.
• People feel you're someone who has been well disciplined since childhood, which has made you behave in a very proper and restrained manner. Very strong boundaries. Some might think that your silent and mysterious manner is, in fact, just a cover for some social anxiety. That you're not ready to show yourself fully.
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• Nervous energy. You don't seem calm at first impression. You want to be constantly on the move, changing things.
• You might have an oblivious and detached look, the look of someone who is tired of the world around them, someone who is not too attached to anything.
• People might notice that you have a worried look on your face. Something is constantly bothering your mind and they don't know if they can have a place in there. And if they do, they don't know if they can stay for long. You seem like someone who's always ready to leave people and things behind in chasing a distant dream.
• Commitment is there, but not to them, but to something else. You might trigger abandonment issues in some people. Those who are more down to earth, who prize loyalty and groundness, might not feel at ease with you. Your energy is too fast for their comfort.
• This can also make people wonder what it will be like if they do get your attention and commitment. Because the idea of it is so elusive, it becomes even more desirable.
• People might question your age, you look young for your age.
• The way you communicate is fascinating but can be confusing. You might jump from topic to topic seamlessly, which can be quite hard to keep up with. Maybe you even purposefully (or just obliviously) left out some crucial details in your story that can give off a totally different impression. People might frequently ask you to clarify your words.
• You seem close to one of your parents, but at the same time, there's a desire to break away. To stand on your own.
• Some people can sense a desire for acknowledgement. You want people to see your talents and creativity just like how you see yourself. I think they do believe in you, they believe that you can achieve great things from the sheer intensity of your being. Some people are well-known for their contributions, their help given to other people, while you, people can sense that just by being yourself, people will gravitate towards you.
• You seem to be popular, someone who knows a lot of people and has a lot of acquaintances and friends.
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• Stern, intense. Someone who is in their power, their own authority. Someone who is so confident and so sure of themselves that other people's opinions can't sway them.
• They think that you know exactly where you want to go, what your life's trajectory is, and they can see that you're actively pursuing it. A clear vision and an active drive.
• People might assume you're in an authoritative position. They might even subconsciously feel an urge to submit, to give the power of decision to you. Because somehow they can feel that you're a trustworthy person. As someone who knows their life so well, you sure can lead other to their destination also. That's how people think.
• You seem wise, mature and generous, ready to help, to give guidance and advice. People can sense you've seen and experienced a lot of things in life but you still keep true to your Ideals. If you give someone advice or correct their behaviour, it's because you care and want them to be better. It comes from the desire for improvement.
• You don't talk much and seem to prefer listening. Taking in what the other person is talking about and thinking deeply about it. People might feel validated by this.
• But you can be defensive when your beliefs and values are challenged. There are certain topics that can make you talk passionately, which can be a surprise for people who don't know you well.
• A meticulous person who prefers things to be neat or in a specific order. Maybe your style and your surroundings seem really neat.
• Someone who knows how to appreciate small and mundane beauty in life.
• Some people might have heard about you before meeting you. And the stories seem kind of painful, serious, not sunshine and rainbow. So they could already develop some preconceived notions about you that are heavier than who you actually are.
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queers-gambit · 28 days
Careful What You Wish For
prompt: he's highly reactive, you're incredibly enduring. he's a righteous dick, you're criminally empathetic. he's temperamental, you're amenable. but you're done being his doormat. -> or in which Billy resorts to breaking up when you two fight, but when he comes to make up (like clockwork), you finally have a change of heart.
pairing: Billy Hargrove x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
word count: 5k+
warnings: it's not much so don't expect a lot! author has Daddy Issues™️ and you're gonna deal with it, cursing, drama for drama's sake, Billy Boy's trauma translates into a toxic relationship, feelings are hard, abrupt ending, angst, hurt not a lot of comfort; healthy parent relationship? wild.
and NO this is NOT influenced by Hoover's book / Blake's movie! i have NOT read the book nor seen the movie, so if you recognize similarities, it's 100% unintentional!
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To be reactive means to impulsively act upon circumstances instead of rationally considering situations that would asses a humane, clean, agreeable, "legal" response. To be reactive is exactly what it sounds like. It's reacting. It's not thinking, it's not being considerate or logical. It's being fueled by emotion, to be impulsive and rash. To be reactive was borderline selfish as the response is one-sided and results from only a single person's perspective.
Part of growing up is learning to handle your reactions; to absorb situations and consider the best possible option forward. Thing is, it's not a skill people could master in a day, week, month, year - it took a lot of time, focus, and constant, conscious dedication. People in high school were attempting to master this skill; people in college, their 20's - hell, there's even people in their 30's and 40's still trying to learn and perfect the ability to fucking handle their reactiveness.
So, in actuality, you couldn't fault Billy for being "this" way. It's not like he was doing it consciously, maliciously, or on purpose; he genuinely didn't know better and it's hard to unlearn lessons life taught you. Considering the environment he grew up in, you knew Billy stood absolutely no chance to learn and develop healthy coping mechanisms and forms of communication - but Christ, it was difficult to date him.
All romantic bullshit aside, Billy's attitude was increasingly concerning the further your relationship progressed. He required a lot of love and patience - of which, you had an abundance of and was happy to give. Yet that's the key word, abundance - NOT unlimited. He's sensitive, meaning easily irritated; damn near any and everything inconvenienced him. His mouth moved before his neurons could fire. He refused to compromise or admit defeat like Flat Earthers refuse scientific evidence. He would always choose throwing a fist over using his words. He embodied the cutting image of "bad boy", but he also lived it if his lack of manners and foul mouth was any indication. He was aloof, malcontent, egotistical, had the emotional intelligence of a fucking jellyfish, operated as an iron lock with a thrown-away key.
And Billy loves you. You knew, in his way, he loves you. But you also knew how hard it was for Billy to have any degree of emotion for any given reason. This meant more often than not, you worried his feelings for you were forced, or at the very least, ebbed and waned. Odd, isn't it? How his trauma causes a trauma response in you?
Billy was far from perfect, but you didn't need him perfect. You needed him to be loving, supportive, kind and caring, honest, empathetic... All things nobody would EVER think of when trying to describe Billy.
Yet you two worked. Polar opposites; two ends of the spectrum; a flowery romance novel and a doomed tragedy.
You used to think he was the ebony ink and you, the pure snow in the Yin and Yang symbol - or a taijitu. He was dark and brooding and abused and hateful - but with you, as that single dot of white, he felt balanced. You're bright, blinding, glittering, passionate - and with Billy, he added that speck of darkness (or realism) to your purity.
Sure, this could mean literally since you lost your virginity to him within a couple months of dating, but more so in the sense that Billy's pessimism was darkening your optimism; almost as if he was pouring water from your glass into his to force you to see your glass (read: reality) as half empty. It was as if he was corrupting you. Yet perhaps not in the sense we all might think - like he takes you to party all weekend, blow off school, engage in sketchy or concerning or dangerous activities, experiment with drugs and sexual positions that border on acrobatic. His corruption was more along the lines of draining you; where you were once bright and happy, so excited to love and be loved, to live life; you're now just tired and passive and accepting.
Billy wasn't easy to love. When you first started dating, it felt like a challenge - winning him over. You were determined to prove yourself ideal, capable, and willing to endure him and all his (and his family's) antics. Yet as time passed, you fell so deeply in love with him that you didn't even remember why you first kept coming back for more. He was intoxicating; he invades any space and commandeers not just attention, but leadership and control.
Billy was the flame. You, the moth. Yet eventually, fires will die. They will not burn forever. Whether from a lack of oxygen, wood, or something like the wind snuffs it, no flame ever endures forever. And now, the flame was dying and you were finding lesser reason to linger around dwindling warmth.
You see, there's only SO much a person can take. Being so reactive, fighting with Billy is fucking clockwork. It's eerily like a science the way you two will always fight when one of you has the realization, "Wow, things are SO peaceful and SO nice right now!" Naturally, because God (or karma, the universe, whoever) had a sense of humor, would choose that moment to cause issue.
Fights with Billy were usually sparked by something decently simple - like you being paired with Jason Carver for a tutoring session, or taking an extra 10 minutes in the shower after your sports practice, or telling him, "Sorry, I can't go out Friday, baby, I told the Wheeler's I'd babysit." This would cause Billy to spiral. Akin to a ripe, seasonal Kansas tornado.
Fights with Billy usually got personal, and since you knew and trusted one another so well, there was plenty of ammunition. Insults were hurled for an unGodly amount of time, but it was because Billy loved pulling loose threads to watch everything unravel.
Fights with Billy usually ended in a single, consistent manner: with him breaking up with you. Oh, it was infuriating! Billy had both fight and flight instincts - you know, from being so reactive - that he was all for throwing a punch, but when it came to real accountability or resolution, he'd flee; never caring about who he might hurt in the process. He'd engage his "fight" response, and then turn around and "flee", only to return later and resume fighting! Talk about fucking whiplash! Billy was like a wrecking ball, and if you were gonna fight, he was gonna make sure he was ready for it.
This fight was no different.
You can't even remember why it started, but it did and now, you sat on the front porch stairs of your family home, head bowed into your arms while silently weeping. Was it sadness? Was it despair? Acceptance? Frustration? Defeat? Was it anger that made you cry? Were these tears of humor? Disbelief? Exhaustion?
Perhaps all of the above at once.
"Look, I just think we need to take a break. From each other."
You held your breath, rolling your lips between your teeth and slowly looking up at the boy you loved and hated most in this world. Billy was standing at the bottom of the stairs, one arm propped on the freshly painted wooden bannister to hold his balance; watching you with mild remorse, mostly neutrality. You smirked mirthlessly, nodding, "Right, okay."
Billy scoffed, ash falling from the end of his lit cigarette, asking, "Really not gon' say nothin'? Don't wanna fight or argue 'bout this?"
"Why bother, Billy?" You snipped, wiping your tears. "You do this every time. Fuck's sake, it's like something gets a little hard or inconvenient and we break-up."
He scoffed, "Yeah?"
"Well, maybe this is the last time, sweetheart."
You just sighed, "Okay, Bee. I'm gonna go in, you kinda interrupted movie night to do this. So, now that you have, cool if I go in? Great, get home safe." You stood without waiting for his answer, turning for the front door and immediately seeking refuge inside. You locked the doorknob, then the deadbolt, and just for dramatic flare, latched the chain, too.
Using the sleeves of your shirt, you dried your face.
"Who was that, honey?" Your mother asked as you entered the dark living room, sighing as you dropped into your spot on the sofa; taking your little sister in arms as she settled on your chest once more.
"Just Billy."
"Oh, he didn't want to come in?"
"No, Mama, he had to go."
"Shame," she sighed, "I thought he would like this movie."
You only hummed, draping a thin blanket over you and your sister. "Pops. Hey, hey," you whispered, hand out, wiggling your foot into your father's thigh, "dad, hey. Daddy." Without looking, he handed over the bowl of popcorn mixed with Peanut M&M's and jumped when the sound boomed and the screen flashed with blinding action.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't focus on the heavy Austrian accent of the time traveling Terminator. Your head repeated the argument with Billy; how it had now spanned over several days and he had the audacity to knock at your door tonight, interrupting the week-standing movie night he KNEW your family participated in, and proceeded to break-up with you - AGAIN!
Yet something felt so fucking different this time.
You weren't sad by this "break-up" (yet) because you knew he was just being reactive and sensitive, but something didn't sit right about tonight. Your parents both worked incredibly long hours at tedious, stressful jobs, but they were very firm that every Thursday night was movie night - and Billy knew this. He knew where you were every Thursday. He knew better than to interrupt, he knew this time together was sacred since your parents worked so frequently but also actually seemed to like family time.
So, he chose tonight as the best time to initiate this break? Your heart hammered as you began to convince yourself this was a malicious move; he knowingly came to your house to inflict emotional turmoil when you were with family. It was deliberate, it was a manipulative power move; knowing he had such a hold on you that even during your beloved family time of bonding, despite being in a fight, you would still receive him; still come back to him.
Angry tears coated your eyes as Sarah Connor fought for her life. Where Billy was always highly reactive, being the eldest daughter, you were resilient and enduring; able to handle anything thrown your way. You were rational, decently calm; able to think through a storm, being only motivated by the sight of the sun. Billy had a bad attitude, he was arrogant, his ego inflated by the small town girls all drooling over him, but it was his abuse and lack of coping ability that made him into a righteous dick. Perhaps that was why he was attracted to you, being so empathetic and understanding that it bordered on criminal - especially with the way it slowly drained you of life. Billy was temperamental, angry and hurt by the world; and you were amenable, agreeable - not a pushover, but similar to water in the sense that you could adapt and conform to any space, shape, or circumstance you're put in (willingly or not).
Something in your gut finally clicked.
You're done being his doormat. Loving Billy was dismantling you brick by brick; he thought because you were so accepting and understanding that he could act anyway he wanted, get away with it, and you'd always forgive him. You'd always take him back. He could rip your heart out of your chest, crush it into dust, and you'd still thank him when he sprinkles it in your hands - because at least he did that. At least he gave you a sprinkle. You were supposed to be grateful - never-minding that he was the one who continuously hurt you in the first place.
Your eyes drifted from the television to your mother and father sat together at the far end of the couch. 20 years married, and they still sat together like high school teens; his arm around her shoulders, kept close, sharing snacks, a throw blanket cocooning their legs. They were so gentle with one another; relying majorly on nonverbal communication, like when there's a jump scare, your father's thumb would sweep over the back of your mother's hand resting on his lap. It was a grounding technique you have long taken note of, but seeing it now just made you sad.
The desire to have a relationship like your parents was strong, but what was even stronger was simply setting a good example for your sister. You'd be devastated if you ever learned she dated a man like Billy; who put her through the emotional wringer for no direct or good reason. You thought you'd tell her it wasn't her job to fix anyone; it wasn't her responsibility or burden to help mold a boy into a man. Your heart would shatter if you learned she was like you - crying to sleep, throwing towels over all mirrors to avoid any reflection, walking on eggshells in an effort to keep the peace you weren't even charged with!
Watching her eyes glittering in the glow of the action movie, you knew what you had to do. If you didn't practice what you preached, you had no true leg to stand on; your words become contradictory, your concerns warped by perspective. You didn't want her to look at your parents, then at you and Billy, and think someone was wrong - or that love was somewhere in between your relationship examples. You wanted her to know love wasn't supposed to hurt, and if you needed her to understand that she deserved the best of the best, you needed to walk the walk that you talked.
Blinking back tears, you resigned yourself to forcing the feeling of contentment; hugging your sister closer, relishing the feeling of your father's warmth against the bottom of your feet where they laid. And as if he could read your mind, your father mutely kept his one arm around your mother, the other laying on your ankle; glancing over to catch your eye and offer a small, soft smile before focusing on the movie again.
You pecked your sister's forehead quickly, whispering, "You okay, Bug?"
"Not too scared?"
"No," she answered, completely entranced by the television.
"Uh-huh. Can you pause it?" She asked your father, who almost instantly reached for the remote to hit pause. Your sister jumped up and rushed from the living room before quickly doubling back to hang in the doorway, "I'll be back." Then she dipped behind the wall, only to pop back out a second later and punctuate, "With weapons!"
The living room was full of boisterous laughter as she scampered off to the bathroom.
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There was a gentle knock at your closed bedroom door, head lifting from the lowered crane it unconsciously drooped into while reading the novel on your lap. With a grimace, you rubbed your neck and called, "Come in!"
"Hey, honey," your father spoke softly, poking his head in, "got a second?"
"Yeah, sure, Daddy, c'min."
He offered a small smile and entered at full, shutting the door behind him and confirming what you sensed - this was sure to be a serious conversation. He sat gingerly at the foot of your bed, heaving a great sigh, asking, "Whatcha readin'?"
"Oh, uh, just," you showed him the cover of your book, "it's for school, I have to write a report on it."
"Is it interesting?"
"It has a good message," you allotted, making him snicker. "I'm trying to be nice!"
"Uh-huh," he nodded, sighing again. "Listen, honey, I just wanted to talk to you about... You know, Billy."
"We use condoms, Daddy, and I'm on birth control."
"While that's great and exactly what every father wants to hear," he whined, "that's not what I meant."
"Oh," you sat up, book marked and set aside, "you mean tonight?"
You shrugged, "It's not that big of a deal."
"You sure?"
"I got a handle on things, Daddy."
"I don't know if I can believe that, honey," he frowned, dimples on display, "because - you've - you're just..." He paused, shaking his head, "Your mother and I are worried about you. You're different since dating Billy and it's hard to ignore. I know it might not be comfortable to talk about, but you know you can always come to us, right?"
You nodded, "I know, Daddy."
"Good. 'Cause, he's 18, right?"
"I'm almost afraid to answer that, but yes...?"
Your father nodded, "Good, so I can legally kick his ass."
"Being friends with Hopper helps."
"Damn straight," he confirmed. "You sure everything's okay?"
"Yeah, we just broke up."
"Daddy, chill," you chuckled, "we do this every few weeks."
"Oh, Jesus - "
"But it's the last time!"
"Well, how can you be sure?"
"'Cause I deserve better."
The sigh your father released was out of relief, musing, "Goddamn right you do! Good girl!" He leaned in to peck your forehead quickly, patting your leg. "Well, I'll let you get back to reading..."
"Hang on," you halted him, feeling your heart lurch, "can I ask you something?"
"Anything, kid."
"Do you... not... like Billy?"
"Well, now that I know you two break up every few weeks, less so."
He nodded, "I thought he was an all right kid, and you never had an ill word to say about him. But he was always kinda troubled, something about him always made me a little suspicious. Is there reason I shouldn't like him...?"
You stared at your father for several long seconds, both with varying expressions as you tried to telepathically communicate. When you understood his meaning, you blanched, "Wait - woah - hey - what!? No! No, Daddy!" You groaned, "Jesus, no! Billy's - Billy's troubled, yes, but he's not abusive or aggressive - not with me! I swear!"
"I'm sorry, I just - I needed to be sure! There's no easy way to ask these things, you know?"
"I know," you nodded, "and I appreciate you checking, but I promise, I'm okay, Billy's not like that. He's abrasive, yes, but he's still respectful."
"Noted," your father breathed, "that's actually relieving. So, uh... Am I supposed to bring you ice cream? Or rent some romcoms? This is your first break-up and I'm not sure what to do."
Your eyes rolled lightly, "Not yet, but keep that energy for when the emotions really set in."
"I'll stock up after work tomorrow," he promised.
"You're... Home this weekend?"
"Your mother and I thought for the next couple months, we'll take a break from conferences," he grinned, "spend some time with our favorite girls. Maybe even take a family vacation this summer!"
You grinned, "You mean it?"
"Of course!"
You launched into his embrace with a laugh, both full of mirth and amusement. Instead of leaving, your father actually situated comfortably on your bed and listened to your read your book - reminding him of the days he read you bedtime stories. He eyed the essay prompt your teacher had passed out with his listening ears on, and when there was a quote or relevant detail he thought related to your thesis, he made sure to speak up.
It was the most at-peace you've felt in ages.
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"Bug! You have exactly 90 seconds to get down here!" You hollered into the house, walking out the front door while storing your novel in your book bag. Turning forward, you gasped when you nearly ran into Billy - standing before you, fresh as a fucking daisy. "Jesus Christ, Billy, you scared me," you scolded, keys jangling.
"Sorry," he muttered, sighing, hands going to his back pockets, "didn't think you'd be comin' out so quick."
"We gotta catch the bus," you told him, turning to holler again into the open door, "BUG! LET'S GO!"
"Why? You know I normally drive you two."
"Yeah, but we broke-up last night, Bee, didn't think you'd wanna play taxi driver still."
"It's not bein' a taxi - "
"You live on the other side of town," you scoffed, "my house is literally out of your way. So, don't feed me that line." You could see Max leaning on the passenger door from where Billy's Camaro was parked on the street, waving to her; watching her grin and wave back. "What're you doin' here?" You asked him pointedly.
"Look, I know we argued and I got a little mouthy, but I was just pissed off and reacted poorly. But I slept on it, and I'm sorry for what I said. Can we please just try to move on?"
You scoffed, "Billy, you do this so often, I can't keep up anymore. Your insecurity isn't your fault, you're not to be crucified for it, but I can't be your punching bag. You can't lose your cool and yell and get 'mouthy', break up with me, run away for me to deal with shit, and then come back the next day. So, I appreciate the offer, but Bug and I are gonna catch the bus 'cause... Because..."
"Because why, baby?" He asked, voice hazy and thick.
"Because you should really be careful what you wish for, Billy, you might just get it. I think we should honor this break-up."
"What?" Billy breathed in earnest confusion. "No, hold up - "
"Billy, I'm sorry, I am. You know I love you - "
"So you're breaking up with me, 'cause you love me?"
"You're the one who broke up with me, Billy," you reminded, "and yes, I do love you, but I have to love me, too. I can't do them simultaneously, it seems."
"Of course you can - "
"Loving you means disrespecting myself," you told him. "Every time I come back to you, I'm chipping away at who I am. You and I - we used to be so good for each other, Bee. Remember? But now? You're just on this warpath and I refuse to be a casualty. So, yes, I love you, I love you so much, but I don't think we should be together anymore. I need time alone, to breathe and figure out who I am outside of you - and you obviously need time to process and get your shit together. If we stay together, we're only gonna hurt each other. But apart, we can freely move and improve and curate change without risk of harm to the other."
You both just stared at one another, the sound of thundering footsteps heard from behind you. "Bee!" Your sister squealed when she rushed out the door.
"Hey, Bug!" He beamed, bending to scoop her in his arms - just like she wanted. "Woah, woah, woah - when did you get such cool shoes, kid?" He asked her, holding her ankle to show off her tie-dye canvas shoes.
"Daddy got them! Aren't they cool!?"
"So cool."
"Do you want a pair? We can match!"
Billy smirked, setting her on her feet, "Tell you what, Bug, if you can find a pair my size, I'll match with'cha, yeah?"
"I'll tell Daddy!" She gasped, turning to look up at you. "Can we ride with Billy to school?"
"Not to - "
"'Course, kid, c'mon," Billy cut you off, and it was like you never even opened your mouth with the way your sister bounded down the porch, over the yard, and towards Max.
"Billy," you grumbled.
"You really wanna break the kid's heart this early in the day?" He asked, sighing and offering his hand. "C'mon, just until the end of today - she'll have the weekend to process."
"You know we're not a married couple getting a divorce and Bug is our kid?" You grumbled, slapping your hand into his and allowing him to lead you towards his car; where his sister was settling yours in the backseat.
"Might as well be."
"You're dramatic."
He only hummed, opening your passenger door and waiting until you were inside safely before shutting the door. You greeted Max happily in the backseat, Billy getting in the driver's and pulling off safely - slowly - to start towards the elementary school. While the middle and high school conveniently shared a lot, the elementary school was just a couple streets over. Bug was excited to tell the car all about her upcoming "field day", where the entire school participated in these outside courses, doing various physical activities - it was all good, honest fun.
"What team were you on?" Bug asked Max. "I'm on the Blue Team!" She proudly pulled out the bottom of her shirt; showing off the color. "We won last year, too!"
"Woah! That's so cool, you gonna win again this year?" Max asked.
"Uh-huh! Did your team win?"
"We didn't have field day."
"What?" Bug asked, sounding heartbroken.
"They didn't go to school here, Bug," you told her from the passenger seat, "they lived in California. Remember?"
Bug frowned, "You didn't get to play?"
"We had other activities," Max assured, "we just didn't have a whole day of it - your school sounds so cool!"
"You should come!" Bug gasped. "Today! You and Bee should come! Then you could have field day, too!"
Your heart melted listening to Max tell her why she and Billy couldn't - but that she needed Bug to pay extra close, extra special attention to the games so they could all play together later in their very own field day. You didn't have the heart to halt the plans, to tell Bug why that wouldn't be happening.
You felt Billy's eyes on you periodically through the drive, sisters in the back discussing what California was like. Bug was fascinated by the beaches - having never been - and asked all kinds of questions, nearly exploding in excitement when she learned Billy knew how to surf. You knew it was a source of anxiety for him; you knew Billy associated surfing with his mother and that ever since she left, he couldn't ride the waves. He wouldn't. It hurt too bad to look back on shore and miss that bright smile, yellow blonde hair he inherited, loose, free-flowing dress, and floppy straw hat.
Yet talking to Bug, he seemed relatively at ease.
From the back, Max watched as you, who hadn't so much as looked at Billy since he got in the car, reached over for his hand to hold in silent support. He held on tightly.
"All right, Bug," you called when Billy pulled up to the elementary school, getting out to pull the seat forward and assist her out.
"Bye, Max!" She hugged the redhead, then lunged between the seats, "Bye, Billy!"
She clamored out of the car, Billy fixing the seat for you as you knelt on the sidewalk and helped fix her backpack. "You good?" You checked, smirking at her.
"Good. Listen, we'll take the bus home today, okay? Billy's got practice, so, remember - it's bus 104. Got it?"
"Bus 104."
"That's right, good girl. You get on bus 104, it'll take you to the high school and pick me up. All right?"
She took a deep breath, nodding, "I can do this."
"I know you can, Bug. All right, big hug!" You hummed as she wrapped her wee arms around your neck. "Oooooh! All right! That's good stuff!" She pulled back. "Have the best day, Bug. Love you."
"Love you," she messily pecked your cheek before rushing to join the procession of streaming kiddies. You stood straight and dusted off, sliding back into Billy's car, and once clear of the children, let his lead foot drop on the gas and speed into the school lot.
"Jesus," Max grumbled when the car swung into a parking space, "inna rush or something?"
"Just," Billy sighed deeply, shaking his head, "get out. You," he pointed at you, "stay put, we gotta talk." You remained, wishing Max a good day, watching her climb out of the car with her skateboard. As the redhead rode off for the middle school, Billy dropped back into his seat, slammed his door, and lit a cigarette with slightly trembling hands.
Silence echoed between you both, Billy handing over the cigarette mutely; students, peers, and faculty all milled around the Camaro to head into school. Smoke wafted from the rolled down windows. When time, the butt was tossed out and the silence remained.
"Bee," you whispered finally.
"I'm just..." He trailed, sighing, "Trying to savor this. Don't know when I'm gonna have you this close again."
He took your hand gently and stroked it with his thumb, emotion heavy in both your chests. "It's not like we're not gonna see each other again," you whispered.
"Not in the way I want."
"It's not like I want this, either."
"Then why're you doing this?"
You scoffed gently, "It's not me doing a damn thing, Billy, you've already done it all. I'm just holding you to your word because I know how fearful you are of commitment." You tossed his hand to his lap and grabbed your bag, reaching for the door handle, then pausing. "For the record," you ended softly, "I'm sorry, and I love you. I hope you find what you're looking for, Bee."
As you finally climbed from the sports car and into school, you felt like you were breathing air for the first time. Like you were feeling sunshine after a decade underground, like there were springs in your sneakers; vigor in your blood, optimism misting your mind into new possibilities. Yet, behind you, in a navy blue Camaro, Billy loosed two tears before tearing out of the parking lot in a fit of anger. Rage. Sadness. Desperation.
He wasn't seen at school the following week, but by the next weekend, rumors spread that he hooked up with both Allison Scott and Kimberly Jones at Donald Reefer's weekend party - so, you know, he seemed to be handling this break up well. It was what he wanted, after all.
And you? Let's just say, you were finally happy, healthy, feeling confident, rejuvenated, and ready to move forward and ONLY accept that which you KNOW you deserve.
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chokochip27 · 1 year
genshin characters learning that you can fight (part 2)
| ayato, kazuha
part one
warning: blood, violence, reader is visionless and can be the polar opposite of the character (you share some similarities, of course), genshin charas may be ooc
since you were in a relationship with the yashiro commissioner, almost everyone in the vicinity of inazuma knew of you.
people knew you as a timid and polite girl who is always looking down to avoid the scrutinizing gazes of others. whenever you talked to people, you would always avert your gaze away from them to avoid eye contact. that doesn't mean that you do not like people, you are simply scared to most due to past experiences.
thanks to ayato, your lover, your bestfriend and your greatest companion, you have grown to trust others. only in the kamisato estate though. all of the people there were handpicked personally by the head which is why you deemed all trustworthy. especially thoma and ayaka. you consider them family.
you have been in a relationship with ayato for almost three years. it is a different experience for you. you, who did not trust people that much, grew comfortable in his presence and eventually fell in love with his entirety.
however, ayato always feels guilty and sad whenever he finishes his works and eventually arrives in your shared bedroom, only to see you alone. you are a light-sleeper. the littlest and tiniest sounds will wake you up, which is why ayato tries his best to not be late, so that the two of you can sleep together.
unfortunately, because of his duties as the head of the kamisato clan, he can never find a day to rest. he always expected you to grow tired of him after all these years of getting used to always being neglected by him (no, you are not neglected, he's the only one who thinks so), but no, you never grew tired of it—of him. you always told him to always consider and protect his family first, inazuma, then lastly yourself.
he wondered why on teyvat would you see yourself as a last priority and asked exactly that, but you simply answered with a smile and embraced him with so much love that it brought tears to his tired lavender eyes.
which is why he swore upon himself to always love you until the world ends. even though he was busy, he is extremely loyal. and when he had free time, he would always take this free time to spend time with you even if he could just take this time to take care of himself first.
to ayato, you are the broad horizon of the sky. you are the most understanding person he and his family have ever met. you never get mad, you never assume, you never assume, instead—you understand. to others, you may be an ordinary girl that stutters and becomes easily embarrassed in the presence of strangers, but to him, you were someone who was in a distance, so far away yet always made sure to be near and bring the people you love with you.
you are always like that. you listen, you understand and you care. and maybe because you would do the same to everyone else, it makes him fall in love, over and over and over again. his love for you only goes deeper and for eternity.
you actually work as an accountant in the kamisato estate (this is how you and ayato were able to meet), which is why you're currently walking through fort mumei. ayato, thoma and ayaka all had to go together because it seemed like an important mission. but, there was also some important news in inazuma and someone needed to relay it to three of them, so, here you are.
you were quite exhausted to be honest. you have roamed around the area of yashiori island and you still couldn't find them. and the last resort was fort mumei. you sighed, eyes trailing everywhere in worry. where are they? you wondered.
and just as you thought that, their names were called.
but it is called in a way that it caused your heart to drop from your chest.
"thoma! ayaka!"
ayato? you ran towards the direction of his voice. you were desperate. you have never heard him call for people like that. there may be times where he accidentally raised his voice, but you have never heard him so... helpless and anguished.
you climbed up the hill, breath hitching at the sight of ayato bruised all over with ayaka and thoma unconscious behind him. you immediately hid and covered your mouth to settle your panicked breathing. you peeked, counting the horde of fatui attacking your precious lover and family.
tears welled up in the corner of your eyes. why is this happening to them...? you were about to lose all hope. you can't help them. you don't have a vision and there weren't any weapons that you can use to even give them some time to escape.
not until your eyes caught a bow and quiver in sight. thank goodness for your luck that there was also a sword lying next to it, too. your gasps were shaky, but relieved. your hands were shaking, your body was trembling but all of that doesn't matter when your family is in danger.
there really are times in life where you have to do something you do not want to do.
ayato panted and held his sword in front of him. he used all the arts of kamisato, all the sword techniques he knew, all the skills that he incorporated with his vision, but the enemies were never-ending. his vision may give him extraordinary abilities, but all in all, he was human. he gets tired and he doesn't have infinite stamina. his vision was getting hazy and all he could see was the blurred figures of his enemies.
he could have managed if thoma and ayaka were awake, but they were ambushed so unexpectedly that he was the only one who could react at that time.
his figure swayed left and right, yet he steeled himself to stand uprithgt. in spite of the situation that he is in, a smile could not help but appear on his face as he thought of his beloved. (y/n), darling... how are you right now...? your smiling face flashed in his mind.
i wish i could see you right now.
arrows suddenly went flying.
it was like asteroids and meteors falling from the sky.
he used his vision to protect thoma, ayaka and himself, but to his confusion, none of the arrows were aimed towards them. it hit the fatui, who let out agonizing screams and groans of pain. some collapsed, and the ones who were left standing were looking everywhere to see who was responsible for the attack.
his blurred vision immediately cleared up the moment a figure landed in front of him, familiar clothes flowing in the air. he gasped, realizing who the person was.
you were holding a sword and a bow in each hand. "ayato," you called him, voice as soft as ever.
ayato gritted his teeth and reached out to you. "run! you can't be here, love!"
"ayato." your gentle voice quelled all the panic and frustration that he was feeling. his hand that was about to hold you stopped mid air as you looked back at him and smiled with confidence, so unlike of your usual self that was saw yourself with low self-esteem. "it'll be alright." the moment you broke eye contact with him—your eyes burning with fury, glared at the horde of startled enemies in front of you.
"you band of rogues." ayato gulped at the sound of your voice. the delicate, patient and loving voice that he knew from you was no longer there. it was replaced with an animosity he had never heard of.
it held anger for hurting the people precious to you.
you threw your bow away and held the sword tightly.
"they are my family."
the moment you finished what you wanted to say, ayato watched, eyes wide as saucers and mouth gaping in shock as you cut the fatui with the sword you held. you also seemed proficient in hand-to-hand combat as you could easily take advantage of them using only physical movements and know and hit the fatui's vital points.
you were merciless yet so elegant. you left no time for error. once you defeated an enemy, you defeated another. to you, it seemed so effortless—it seemed so easy for you to fight enemies like them. enemies that were feared by almost everyone, enemies that even elites like him had a hard time dealing with.
yet you were here, defeating and dominating them without a single thought.
ayato stood there, eyes and mouth wide open.
he had only one thought.
i'm going to marry them.
"ayato! are you alright?! how about thoma and ayaka—?!"
"they're alright. nonetheless, that was extremely dangerous, dear. i know you triumphed over them, but don't go in like that ever again."
"aaah, it's alright, yato! i know i could handle them."
"and how exactly did you know that... hm?"
"geh...! i mean... i... i knew because i was used to fighting them, the fatui at least. i mean... i worked previously as an assassin for the shogun and the kujou clan after all."
"i know i quitted, but still... i'm so sorry, ayato... i know you're disappointed in me, so you can brea—"
"—please marry me."
"hm? was i not clear? i want your hand in marriage."
you worked as an informant for the crux. informant... it probably meant that people who were in the job had a mix of personalities such as being secretive, serious, calculative and closed-off. either one of them.
but you're probably the most unserious informant that the crux and kazuha has ever met.
no, not probably. you are the most unserious informant everyone has ever met.
you're a person who was incredibly laidback that the crux wonders how you do your job so... greatly and wonderfully. you're the type to blink when crucial information is given to you, you're the type to give someone a thumbs-up when they give you information (even if you think it is suspicious and false), and you're definitely the type to clap your hands at new information you hear.
to the crux and kazuha, your lover, you are extremely goofy and quite (not only quite actually, you are the airhead) of an airhead. there are a lot of times where you come in a chill conversation where they're talking about their favorite food and suddenly make a L with your fingers under your chin. in addition, your face is the blankest people have ever seen as well. there are also times where you bite on something as if you are eating, but that something is the air. you're biting on nothing.
no one can ever compare to how airheaded and oblivious you are. the entire crux agrees, even ningguang who had the opportunity to meet you one time to get some information from you. it took kazuha a year to show you and make you realize that his romantic feelings towards you were not only platonic. back then when the two of you were still not in a relationship you were in now, he held your hand and intertwined your fingers, yet you swung it around and thought of it as nothing that close friends do. he, again and again, would cup your cheek and tuck your hair behind your ear, yet you would never be flustered and just laugh at him and do the same.
if kazuha is considered to be an easygoing individual, then you are far above him. he is composed, but when he is in front of you, when you do things that make his heart skip a beat, when you touch him—with such ease and innocence... he becomes a putty—a melted, blushing and embarrassed mess. sometimes, it is frustrating that you don't know how much crazy you drive him, but it is definitely one of the traits that you had and drew kazuha to you and he fell in love with.
because of your personality, he has never seen you flustered nor serious. it became a mission to him one time—to see you so shaken and austere (in a good way) and unfortunately, that never happened. even with his heightened and gifted senses, you never changed. the scent, the atmosphere, and the feelings you had... not once did it change.
you may be seen as someone silly, yet you are one of the most genuine people kazuha has ever met. you are straightforward yet still so thoughtful to the people around you. you speak in a way that will never hurt anybody but will still give people courage to go to the right direction. he doesn't know how you do that, but he is glad that you do that. he forever feels happy and lucky that he gets to be in a relationship with you.
what is strange to him though is that he has never seen you do your job. no one has, but everyone seems to trust you so easily and willingly, without you having to do anything special. before kazuha knows it, you just suddenly come in your two's shared room, sit on his lap and hug him with a lazy and slurring, "i'm finished~".
today is a just another plain yet kind day for you. you and kazuha are just strolling in the plains of liyue. it is a daily routine in your relationship to take a walk, no matter how busy one of you may be. it is unknowing when it started and it definitely helps the communication between you two. the two of you are calm people, so you rarely get into fights. in fact, kazuha and you never had a fight, even an argument. it's not because you were unwilling to talk about important matters, it is because you two are so willing to talk about each other about everything that you don't want to hide anything from one another which is probably why nothing ever seems to rise as a misunderstanding.
you were currently staring at kazuha, listening with glistening eyes as he talks about his hometown. you truly love him, especially when he talks about himself. you cannot help but just... look at the beautiful person you were so lucky to be with.
kazuha, noticing your stare, hummed and froze at the familiar eyes you were giving him. "...what's wrong, rosebud?" oh no, he thought. why did he even ask? he stiffened, preparing himself.
you just shook your head and beamed. "nothing. i just love it whenever you talk. you're so dazzling that it just makes me want to stare at you and listen to you all the time," you said without batting an eye.
kazuha, the known ever-composed and calm man, suddenly crouched on the ground and covered his face—his face that was so red thanks to a certain someone.
"kazu?" you blinked and rubbed his back with furrowed eyebrows. "you alright, sweetheart? what happened? are you feeling sick?"
he groaned and peeked from the gaps of his fingers. do you really not have any idea on what were doing to him? not even the slightest bit. unfair... so unfair, he thought, almost pouting.
on the other hand, you could see the redness on his face and could not help but feel more concern for him.
"how do you even say things with a straight face...?" he mumbled.
you heard him and hummed questioningly. "what do you mean 'things'? i mean, it's the truth." a gentle smile crossed your face. "you're the most beautiful person i have ever met, kazu."
he breathed shakily and buried his face deeper on his hands. that only made you feel more worried. "eh? kazu? you good?"
you've been in a relationship with him for almost three years, but you still don't know the things you do to him that makes butterflies soar in his stomach. he knows you're not doing it on purpose to tease him and such. he knows that you are just stating facts for yourself.
he sighed and rose from his previous position. "i'm feeling a little famished. maybe we should get some—" the air on the surroundings suddenly changed. kazuha took his sword and readied it in front of him. he had his free arm right in front of you, protecting you so earnestly. "there are people."
despite how dense you are, you are sensitive to the feelings of people, especially to the one you love. definitely ironic, huh? you peeked from his shoulder, eyes widening at the sight of the fatui slowly appearing from their hiding spots and surrounding you both.
"you have hidden your presence so cleverly meaning that you must know how sensitive i am," kazuha said, tone becoming serious. "were you following us? no... you must have been waiting for us this whole time."
"sharp. definitely sharp. unlike your stupid little lover hiding you," one of the fatui said.
the usual gentle ruby gaze turned into an immediate, blazing glare at the insult towards you. "may i ask you to repeat that once more?" his thoughts are deadly in spite of the formal words that he uttered—so that i can use this sword of mine to erase the entirety of your meaningless presence from this world?
"kazu," you softly called out to him. you patted his shoulder, the smile on your face never disappearing. "let's calm down." at your words, he eased up, yet still gripped his sword tighter than ever. you walked out from his protective stance and waved at the fatuus. "hello there~ what do you need?"
"(y/n)! what are you doing?!"
"information." the fatuus held up one of their guns and pointed it at you. "you are an informant and the higher ups have ordered us to seek you out since you have important information that may even alter the course of ordinary people's daily lives, yet you decide to hide it." the fatui smirked under their mask. "your reputation overestimates you. you are a fool to walk out from a samurai's protection and willingly surrender to yourself to your enemies. so foolish... so, so foolish."
kazuha gritted his teeth. "you dare call them a—!"
"'information that may alter the course of ordinary people's daily lives', huh?" kazuha stiffened at the sudden deepness of your voice. he froze in his position, not knowing what to do after hearing such coldness from your normally delicate voice. "it is only to you and your higher ups' perspective that the information i hold may change people's lives for the worst, though i will have to say with sheer honesty that... you are the ones who want to hurt people and spread lies with this measly information." your eyes glinted dangerously. "...what pathetic people you are."
never in his years of being with you that kazuha has ever heard you speak like that.
"kazu," you called him, voice returning back to the soft one he knew. it is as if the conversation between you and the fatui never happened. you smiled. "i'm sorry to disappoint you, but i will have to do something that you may not like."
without wasting any time, you grabbed the end of the fatui's rifle and kicked their face. you spun the rifle, finger immediately taking place on the trigger, gaze focused as you aimed at the vital points of the other fatui. you quickly turned around, shooting the fatui ambushing your lover from behind.
kazuha was too shocked to even move. he couldn't comprehend the way you were talking to the fatui earlier and now you were suddenly showing excellent marksmanship that even him and other people could not achieve?
to say that he was surprised is an understatement.
he was stunned beyond belief that a skilled fighter and samurai like him could not move a single inch.
"kazu." your voice lulled him back to reality. you put a hand on your chest and shot a fatui from behind without even looking. you smiled, so so so sweetly at him that it made kazuha feel so weak in the knees.
"leave everything to me."
"dear, please... you have to stop surprising me every single time."
"huh? what do you mean surprise? ahhh, the me-shooting-fatui-with-a-whatever thing? didn't you and the rest of the crux know that i can use guns and any long-ranged weapons?"
"definitely not, my love! i immediately asked when i arrived and i was only received with disbelief and statements saying that i was lying!"
"ehhh? really? you don't have to exaggerate, sweetheart... i didn't intend to hide anything. it is expected of my job to know how to fight or some sort."
"ha... you're unbelievable."
"...??? what did i even do...???"
note: i finally finished part two! i received a request where the reader gets a vision and i thought that was pretty interesting, so why not do that next?! i'll make a sequel and i'll probably squeeze all four of them into post. it'll be so long, but i'll enjoy it anyways, lol. hope y'all enjoyed this! have a great day! see ya at the sequel!
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 8 months
can i pls request eddie x really shy quiet innocent reader and taking her out and introducing her to new things and people and shows that his band plays. Feel free to put any kind of spin on it
ty for the request, darling! i decided to write this as more of a set up for some future one shots of eddiexshy!reader. i've got lots of ideas - too many to put into just one, so get ready for a bit of a series & request more specific scenarios for the couple. i appreciate you to the moon & back!
when opposites attract / eddie munson
rating: g
wc: 1.1k
cw: shy church girl reader, mentions of religious activities, awkward reader, forward eddie, cutsey set up ;)
ending up with someone like you was never something eddie imagined. he’d always seen himself as being with someone as equally as wild as him, into the same music, and who’d had a life similar to his own. but for some reason, you weasled your way into his heart and wouldn’t leave. 
you were eddie’s polar opposite. you sung in the church choir every sunday and wednesday, you hated attention so you stayed hidden, you’d never smoked or drank or even thought of it, you’d never even kissed anyone before. you also weren’t the type to go out of your house much. staying in and reading a good book sounded better to you than anything. 
how you and eddie ended up together? well, the story definitely is something interesting. you’d never known each other more than acknowledging a name, if that, so there was no reason for him to come up to you outside of church on a chilly wednesday night. 
“you got a light?” he asks as he approaches, mind so fogged with alcohol he didn’t even get to remember that the hideout sat kitty corner to a church. 
you looked over to him, surprised to hear someone else’s voice as you waited for your dad, the pastor, to come out of church after closing up. “excuse me?” you ask quietly.
eddie rolls his eyes at your reply. “a lighter? do you have a lighter?” he asks with annoyance on the edge of his tone. you blink, momentarily wondering why he would think someone who looks like you would be carrying a lighter. 
“oh, um no, sorry,” you say, wrapping your arms around yourself, hands buried in your sweater sleeves. 
eddie curses before putting his cigarettes back into his back pocket. he should walk away, but something about you intrigues him. “why are you dressed like that?” he asked blankly.
you look down at yourself, noting your tan dress that fell below your knees and your white sweater. “i- i just got done with church?” you answered though it sounded more like a question. eddie furrowed his brows and then took a moment to take in his surroundings. 
“i thought church was on sundays,” he replies. 
you feel your hands becoming clammy as the nerves twist your stomach. “it is, i just, i also attend wednesday worship,” you try explaining. 
eddie gives you a look. he’d never stepped foot inside a church in his life. “what’s your name?” he asks. 
“y/n, what’s yours?” you respond quickly, looking behind you towards the church doors. your dad would be out any minute now and if he saw you talking to this man who was covered in tattoos and dark, ripped clothes he’d probably lose his mind. 
he checks you out as you turn away, mentally noting just how pretty you are. “eddie, eddie munson,” he responds. at the sound of his name, your head snaps back. you’d heard about eddie munson. 
the conversation ends there when the sound of the church doors closing grabs your attention. you give eddie a small smile and then speed walk towards your dad. eddie was intrigued by you, greatly. so much so that he made it a mission to go out to see you every wednesday after he’d finished his set and you’d finished church. you started to build a friendship this way, and after about two months eddie couldn’t deny the butterflies you gave him so he decided to ask you to hang out. it was just to go grab dinner at the local diner, but it was something. and to your own surprise, you agreed without a second thought. 
not many hangouts later, eddie admitted that he’d intended for them to be dates. you were in shock, but you found yourself wanting to spend all your time with him. 
the first thing that made eddie truly realize just how innocent you were was when he kissed you for the first time. you were in the back of his van, sitting with your legs dangling out the back and watching the sunset over lovers lake. you were talking about something you couldn’t quite remember and then looked over to eddie who was already staring at you. this wasn’t unusual, but the look in his eyes was. he didn’t even say anything, just overwhelmed by the urge and leaned in quickly to kiss you. the second his lips touched yours you let out a surprised squeak and pulled back. you pulled back so hard that you hit your head against the side of the van. eddie freaked out, apologizing and saying he thought you liked him and then it lead to the awkward conversation of you explaining you’d never been kissed before. 
after you’d started dating officially, he invited you over to the trailer (you hadn’t told your parents about him). it started out with normal conversation, but eddie ended up asking about if you’d like to smoke with him. you denied it, but it was in your mind for the rest of the night. eddie knew something was plaguing your mind, and when he finally got it out of you he reassured that he didn’t expect you to, it was just an offer. at this point, you still hadn’t smoked with him. 
the only music you ever listened to growing up was church music, so when eddie told you his band was having a show on a friday instead of a wednesday and wanted you to be there, you had no idea what to expect. eddie dressed you for it, saying you absolutely had to dress like a rockstar’s girlfriend if you were going to support him. there wasn’t much of a crowd, maye thirty people, but you were terrified someone from church would see you in the black jeans eddie ripped for you himself and a dark red shirt that had ‘corroded coffin’ on it. it wasn’t anything too intense, but you knew the earful you’d get from your parents if they ever saw you in something like that. at first, you couldn’t say you even liked corroded coffin’s music. but after seeing all the effort eddie and the guys put in and actually listening it grew on you. 
eddie wouldn’t say he was corrupting you, he would say he’s just introducing you to the rest of the world. it was going to take a lot, but seeing just how shy and innocent you were only made his heart grow fonder for you. eddie knew that if love was real, this is what it felt like. it’s weird though, that he only managed to find that feeling in someone completely opposite of him. 
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amf-studios · 4 months
Say hello to Blazion's bitter rival, Toransu!
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Fun fact! Tigers are a symbol of trans pepes in Japan! Since the word "tora" (tiger) is a similar to Toransu(trans), so I felt I should do something with that!
In order to build on the concept, I wondered what else that word sounded like, and realized it's pronunciation also sounds like "Trance" as in hypnotic trances. Hence why I based him primarily on that art trend of the nightmare tiger, to play more into the mental aspect.
So, I combine that with the anime trope of martial artists who reach a level of skill that basically amounts to psychic powers, so that's what this guy is! Then once I had the martial arts aspect, I decided to make this tiger yokai, a rival to our Lion yokai!
Aside from being martial artists, Blazion and Toransu are polar opposites. Where blazion is hot and passionate, Toransu is cold and calculated.
In fact those inspirited by Toransu become incredibly focused on their whatever their currently doing, blocking out everything else in their mind, almost as if they're a robot.
Toransu is a C rank of the brave tribe. He is an Ice attribute with the soultimate: Brain Freeze, which does ice damage with the chance to inspirit his targets.
Hope you enjoy this play on words turned into a yokai!
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jacarandaaaas · 4 months
Since we couldn't to see Isabela's perspective so much... describes her feelings of mirabel in your own words.
ooh this is an interesting ask! we do get some of isas perspective in the “tale of three sisters” book! (highly recommend btw) but other than that we really only see everything from mirabels perspective!
Something interesting pointed out in the book is that isabela doesn’t actually dislike mirabel. In fact I think you could say she feels sorry for her and pities her.
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it seems isabela is very similar to mirabel in a lot of ways! stubbornness being an obvious one but also how they both tend to use snark as defense. For mirabel when she feels upset and isas around she quickly masks that feeling with a snarky remark to her sister. Isabela on the other hand doesn’t want to show she actually pities her sister and so masks it with her snark. Deep down isabela genuinely pities mirabel and wants to reach out but she doesn’t know how. She mentions in the book that mirabel always wants things done “her way” and in Luisa’s pov she mentions mira is always “in her own world”
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and here’s another example of isa wanting to reach out but not knowing how
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Isabela doesn’t hate mirabel but she is jealous of her freedom. We actually see isabela is quite perceptive and good at reading people! which is to be expected I suppose when you’re so used to acting a certain way
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Isabela does think that mirabel is childish and a troublemaker, she also thinks mirabel is too stubborn for her own good (sounds familiar)
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Like in the movie we see isabela fears mirabel will mess up her life plan, she always finds some way to ruin it in Isabelas eyes so her reaction to the disaster proposal dinner makes sense.
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Isabela noticeably gets irritated around mirabel as mirabel is the most imperfect aka polar opposite to what isabela wants for her image. A lot of their issues is projection from both sides. We even see when isabela embraces her imperfection with mirabel old habits die hard as soon as alma shows up
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Overall I think neither isabela nor mirabel hated eachother they just took out the frustrations of their own situations on eachother because one has the life the other wants so badly. (This is your sign to read tots!)
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v7n5 · 5 months
Last part
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LMAO i fucking Love the fact that they both got lectured/yelled at by Kim. Their faces are so funny. She really pulled the "Stay away from Goodman 🗿 Do not go near him 🗿" I love her.
Also they're characters who idolized the wrong types of people (which sounds like a possible outcome of being left unattended at a very young age). Howard to Chuck and Lalo to Hector, except I don't think Howard was as competent at being a lawyer as Chuck, meanwhile Lalo was better than Hector at nearly everything lol.
Putting polar opposites together to contemplate the stark differences and surprisingly similar traits/ sufferings between them is just one of my fav girly things <3
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xypherz · 1 year
Sun!Beomgyu x Moon!Reader
Details: Choi Beomgyu x Reader, GN!Reader, Headcanons, 0.63k words. A series in which an idol and their partner are polar opposites.
Warnings: Not proofread, a few curse words if you count acronyms
Last of my planned sun!idols; if there are any others you'd like me to write, let me know, and I'll try my best (TXT, ATZ, or SKZ).
Forget any notions you had about the sun being warm and sweet because this man is a MENACE. 
He’s the kind of sun that will melt your ice cream off the cone.
He will not apologize.
When you came into his life, he didn’t really notice.
Well he noticed, but he wasn’t super cognizant of it.
Why did it take him so long to realize?
Because you are, how do I say, a timid mf.
You’d be caught dead before you made yourself the center of attention, and you have a tendency to avoid the people who like that kind of thing.
It’s not like you hold anything against them, they're just… eccentric, and maybe a little annoying, but definitely nothing against them.
So, for a few weeks, as you integrated into Beomgyu’s life, he just didn’t seem to pay any mind to you. Not that you were complaining.
But then as the people around him began to spend more time with you, he found himself wondering why he didn’t interact with you sooner.
While, sure, you’re shy and a little bit quiet, in smaller group settings and one-on-one interactions, you and him have a very similar sense of humor.
You may be a little less upfront or energetic about it, but he thinks you’re so funny.
Though he was drawn to you and wanted to get to know you more, you were kind of… not having it.
He figured you don’t like being the center of attention since you kind of recede into the background of a lot of settings, so he was trying really hard to recede with you. He didn’t want to bring any unwanted attention with him.
Once you realized he was actually trying to make you comfortable and get to know you, you kind of warmed up a bit but were still cautious. 
You probably rejected him the first time he asked you on a date.
But it’s okay because you accepted the next time!
Beomgyu never expects you to change for him.
He understands there are certain things that make you uncomfortable, so he dials it back.
He is more than happy to settle down a bit; sometimes he gets a little exhausted putting up a funny and energetic front.
He likes that he can conserve his energy around you.
He’s obviously still himself, so still a bit of a buffoon, but you’re okay with that.
You don’t want him to change for you either, and if that means you have to deal with his shenanigans, then that’s okay.
He will never, however, draw attention to you.
In fact, he actively tries to draw it away from you.
You drop a cup that creates a sound wave equivalent to that of a building collapsing? Suddenly he’s beating up Yeonjun with a pillow he pulled out of thin air (Taehyun trained him well in the art of magic).
Bro is down bad for you.
Like BAD.
His way of thinking is that he came looking for you, so he’s the one responsible for making you comfortable.
You didn’t ask for him to suddenly weasel his way into your life.
You’re not thinking this, but that’s his logic.
When you try to convince him that you’re okay with going out with him to some place where media is a potential issue, he will straight up gaslight you.
“I swear to you, it’s not a big deal. I’m okay if we go out for a while.”
“No you’re not.”
“Bro what.”
Spare him, he’s just worried about you.
Your relationship is really about compromise. You’re both willing to make sacrifices for one another, which is what makes it all work out.
That, and the buffoonery that you both initiate when there aren’t too many people to witness it.
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prettyinpwn · 18 days
Hello, just read your recent Stan(ley) analysis… I’m especially so delighted on the section of (A)Xolotl, because I’ve always heard of the connections in fleeting mentions (like just brief touches on parallels of Stan-Ford = Xolotl-Quetzalcoatl), but I just adore the way you tie it in thematically with the show’s overarching narrative, Stan’s character arc, and the visual cues in GF.
If you were ever interested in elaborating even further on the link between Stan-Bill/Stan-Axolotl like you mentioned, I for one would definitely read it!
Aww, thank you for reading! I'm glad you liked my Stan post. <3
As for my Stan-Bill-Axolotl theory, well...
*Glances at the 40 page unfinished monster.*
Honestly, I paused writing it because I was waiting until TBOB released in order to make sure that it didn't cancel anything I was suggesting out. That, and the hardest dang part is figuring out how to organize it. It goes from hints in the series, to hints in the books, to hints in even the long-forgotten Search for the Blindeye website. I've gone through two rewrites of it just trying to figure out how to make it less, er... crazy red string corkboard and more essay-like.
I can't promise I'll finish and release it, but long story short just in case I don't: the gist of my Long Con Theory (what I call it) blends the idea of the Axolotl being an opposite but similar cosmic force to Bill but for good rather than chaos, who "shapeshifts" (interpret that as you'd like, but we know he can become other/smaller forms, because example: Frilliam in TBOB) like the real life deity Xolotl to basically con Bill over millennia into falling into his trap, but doing so in such a way that Bill doesn't see it coming, and better yet, makes it his choice technically in the process.
Said trap in my opinion was a long, LONG string of cons that eventually led to what we see in Gravity Falls, Stan being one of the Axolotl's forms rather than the commonly theorized idea that he's a reincarnation of Bill (Same Coin Theory), who was the final puzzle piece to stopping Bill. It finally makes sense of why the Axolotl even offered Bill an out or second chance all those thousands to millions of years ago. The whole, "invoke my name if you get into trouble or whatever". That wasn't really an out. That was a trick, in my opinion, to force Bill - through his own free will, technically - into therapy.
It sounds nuts when I explain it without those forty pages of reasoning, but I found so much evidence along the way that... honestly, it started to make more sense to me than the Stan=Bill reincarnated theory (although I like that one a lot, too, for the karmic justice reasons; Bill defeating himself is just poetic and accurate in more ways than one).
If it sounds confusing, the shortest way I can describe my Stan-Axolotl theory is that Bill thinks he's the Multiverse's smartest little trickster, but the Axolotl has been playing 4D chess on him for millions of years in the most cosmically comedic way.
Also, it means that - contrary to popular belief - that would make Stan the echo of the Axolotl, and Ford of all people the echo of Bill; a brother saving his brother from his own mistakes and redeeming himself in the process, both cosmically as a deity chonky boi amphibian and his triangle chaotic bastard rival, and as human twin brothers. It would explain why the Axolotl even gives a rat's ass about Bill getting better and healing, anyways (or, at the very least, would make him a more interesting deity beyond the typical, "me am good god, everyone deserve hugs <3" type deal, as cute as that would be). And it would also tie in well with the Ford-Bill parallels The Book of Bill brought up; both having a "deformity" of sorts, being picked on, almost destroying (or succeeding in Bill's case) their own dimensions, etc.
Like... imagine you're the Axolotl and Bill is your cosmic deity twin brother; a polar opposite of what you stand for. Imagine him messing up so badly repeatedly, but because he's your family in a way, you spend millions of years trying to make him better through a long, complicated manner that involves a lot of deception. Sounds a hell of a lot like Stan's story, right? Whether or not you'd interpret Stan as a literal version of the Axolotl and Ford as a literal version of Bill, or the Axolotl and Bill as literal twins given their physical differences and likely dimensional origin differences, not sure, but... it fits just right to me.
If true, it also would tie in extremely thematically well with the rest of the series: family saving family, the importance of sticking with family, forgiveness and redemption, forgiving the seemingly unforgivable, twin relationships, repeated family cycles, etc. And to go super nutso because that's how I roll, imagine the thematic value of - by Bill hurting and manipulating Ford even if he's technically a "form" of himself - it's symbolic of him abusing himself AKA self-hate, of getting in his own way, etc.
And imagine if Bill KNEW Ford was a version of himself? And Stan a version of the Axolotl? Another reason for Bill to hate Stan, man. And extra reason for Bill to maybe regret what he did to Ford, because it was only hurting himself, and perhaps the only way Bill can learn empathy is to understand how what he does hurts himself because he obviously didn't learn it through hurting others. The angst-bait, I can TASTE it.
Then we add a little bit of the, "Oh, we thought Stan was a Bill reincarnation, but actually he's a form of the Axolotl, so yet AGAIN he's not what he seems goddammit." type plot twists within plot twists within thematic elements within theme circles and dimensions and...
*Long breath.*
And THEN it also explains why Jheselbraum would have even given a damn about helping Ford. Yes, she's nice and incredibly underrated fandom why don't we talk about her more, but she's associated with the Axolotl. He was probably like, "Hey, Jhessie, my twin brother's being a dumbass on the run from his own dumbass self again, can you put some metal in his head for me so he can tune himself out? Thanks.". And Jheselbraum was probably like, "Wtf, but okay, praise the Axolotl, I guess.". Like... we're never told WHY Jheselbraum saved Ford. Yes, they needed him to go home to start the rift and be with Stan again so that Weirdmageddon would happen so that all that timeline nonsense would end in Stan sending Bill to therapy, but HOW? WHY?
And don't get me started on Frilliam. Why the gat damn would the Axolotl shapeshift himself into a tiny chonk version to watch over Ford and give him bombastic side eye when he let Bill convince him to let tiny chonk version go? And then somehow magically shows up in the tank later during Tourist Trapped, when Stan owns the Shack? Like... this deity HAS to have a personal interest in Ford and Stan, right? How in the shit is it normal for your universe's deity to just chill in your house and watch over you unless he had some personal interest at stake?
And like... their school mascot being the vultures, which is associated with Xolotl's rule over the trecena of Vulture (kind of like an Aztec week in their calendar iirc).... and Stan being a cosmic damn master of the mind in Dreamscaperers and Weirdmageddon 3 so much that he can shift it at will that just never gets explained as to why... and all the parallels I mentioned of Stan embodying the virtues of the Axolotl in his writing in the post you mentioned... and Stan sharing similarities with Bill that led us to think he was Bill's reincarnation ("eenie meanie miney YOU") but maybe he's the Axolotl's different form so shares similarities for that reason instead because twin bros and... all the fire and new identities symbolism and, like... Stan having a horned/frilled reptilian/amphibian mask (albeit not an axolotl) on as his first appearance?
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Anyways, the full theory makes a million more points, but yeah, this is why that theory is currently 40 pages long. This post is a microcosm of how nuts it gets. And how it sounds nuts until you put the breadcrumbs together until you're like, "Wait a minute, I'm either insane or Hirsch is. Or both."
lol also I said "long story short" earlier but the short version is an essay in and of itself forgive my rambling sins
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thenamesmobu · 1 year
Altan Boris-William
New Timekeeper of the Parable
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Lore right under this cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
So the reason why I say that Altan is the new Timekeeper of Agus' Parable is because the old one was a bitch and was killed by Devin. Altan was created by accident when his older brother and current Narrator of the Parable, Agus, was bored one day and decided to go around and collect codes from the Parable to find out if he could make a living being out of pure curiosity. He finds out he can, but has no intentions on making the thing he just created to life. Buuuuut his clumsy Adventure Line said otherwise. It clumsily floated onto the create button and so Altan was born.
Altan is the polar opposite of Agus. He's more quiet, reserved, introverted, and really well-mannered for someone his age. He's very thoughtful, considerate, and rational too. But he's still a kid. Altan's not very fond of strangers. He's really shy, curious, a bit rude if you get into his nerves, and also quite sassy with a bit of attitude. Altan's body isn't really physical, he can turn into liquid and just dissolves into the codes of the Parable, only to appear in another part of the place. He knows everything that had happen in Agus' Parable, because the place has memories. He speaks very maturely with a british accent, similar to his dad, Devin. His appearance somewhat resembles that to his other father, William. It's best that he considers Devin and William to be his parents instead of Agus, because it just sounds more right.
Altan works like any other Timekeeper, it's just that he's very young.
Here's a bit more to his reference:
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your-gracelyn · 3 months
My thoughts on Alicent and Criston (mostly Criston) S1-S2 E1 (spoilers)
We don’t really see/hear much of how both Alicent and Criston feel about their “relationship” or why/how/when it started. Are they actually in a relationship (as much of a relationship as you can be when you swore an oath to never be in one lol) or is this just a purely physical thing? Maybe we’ll get more insight as the season goes on, but atm their whole thing feels very rushed and lacking in any meaningful detail imo. Which I suppose is to be a bit expected as there’s a lot of more important things to cover in a limited amount of time. However, it’s seems weird to basically break up by just saying “we can’t again” and “yes, your grace”. Could this be an indication of it just being a pleasure thing rather than a full blow secret relationship?
When it comes to Criston’s feelings on their situation I think this is what’s going on in his head;
1. He has idealised Alicent to the point she can do no wrong in his eyes. In S1 he says to Aemond “all women should be treated as a vision of the Mother” or something similar, which I think is an insight into his feelings on Alicent (because he obviously doesn’t think that about Rhaenyra, or any of the women on TB probably). He is viewing her as a type of god or holy saviour. It was Alicent that found him before he took his own life after all. He seems to form very intense feelings towards women/girls and has very black and white thinking. He asks Rhaenyra to leave behind her family, friends, dragon, crown etc and marry him “for love” after having sex once. He’s so upset at the suggestion of being Rhaenyra’s “whore” that he punches a man’s head into a fine red mush at her wedding and then attempts suicide. I don’t think he sees Alicent as a flawed human being like everyone else, but as someone who can do no wrong, therefore anything they do together cannot be wrong. He’s willing to overlook anything Aegon does that’s the same, or worse, than what Rhaenyra does (cheating on Haelena, having bastards in fighting pits, raping a servant girl, going to brothels etc which he faces no consequences for, but Rhaenyra is a “spoiled cunt”?) because Aegon is his lord and saviour’s son. I think Criston thinks he loves Alicent, but it’s not 100% a healthy love.
2. His hatred of Rhaenyra is so strong that any wrong doing by himself or his side is nothing in comparison. He see’s Rhaenyra was the polar opposite to Alicent. Anything Rhaenyra does is bad because she’s evil, therefore anything they did together is bad. I think he thought he was in love with Rhaenyra (but remember they only slept together once and the intense attachment I mentioned), hence asking her to marry and run away “for love”. It would explain why he’s so angry and upset at what he thinks is being her “whore”. It would also explain why he's so angry and vitriolic about it years later, even after seeming to move on with Alicent. Calling Rhaenyra a "cunning spider" that has Alicent "intoxicated" and "in a web" sounds like he's describing his own feelings towards Rhaenyra, rather than two girls that were friends for years. As previously mentioned, he’s so angry at Rhaenyra (who was a teenager! at the time) that he kills Joffrey, tries to kill himself, calls her a “spoiled cunt”, bullies her children during training and taunts Harwin, and doesn’t hesitate to try remove 6/7? Year old Luke’s eye at Alicent’s request. I know it’s a bit of a joke to say that Alicent and Criston’s relationship built on mutual hate of Rhaenyra is making it strong one, but I think it’s actually really unhealthy.
Re: Criston being Rhaenyra “whore” or side piece. I’ve seen people say Rhaenyra didn’t care about Criston but I don’t think that’s entirely true. They’re friendly before they have sex, Criston says everything he has is owed to Rhaenyra in S1. Although, Rhaenyra doesn’t want to run away to marry Criston she does say she wants to carry on with their arrangement. Although Rhaenyra is marrying Laenor, she isn’t actually in love with him or having sex with him (she says they tried to have legitimate children but it didn’t work. What they try and how it fails isn’t said. But for the most part they obviously aren’t intimate often and don’t want to be.) So, technically Criston wouldn’t have been a “side piece” he’d have potentially taken Harwin’s place as her actual lover and father of her children. I think, what with Rhaenyra being young and inexperienced at this point, she fails to explain this to Criston (also she probably can’t out Laenor). I don’t think Rhaenyra intentionally set out to hurt Criston, she was being a reckless teenager that was being influenced by her uncle.
People have said Rhaenyra (who is a teenager at the time) raped Criston (an adult) because she is a princess and therefore has more power over him, but Alicent is the Queen dowager, the King and Queen’s mother, and the hand’s daughter, so you’ve got to be consistent. Alicent has power over Criston, he’s essentially her employee now. If the difference is that Alicent/Criston are in love and Rhaenyra/Criston weren’t, I don’t see how that eliminates the hypocrisy. He’s still breaking his oath, Alicent still has more power than Criston, he’s still hating Rhaenyra (and her family) for the same thing he’s doing with Alicent. Alicent and Criston haven’t run away to Essos for oranges, either, because he’s a knight, he can’t be in a relationship whether is loving or not.
I think the way they went about the Criston/Rhaenyra scene was intended to be viewed as perfectly consensual, as the sex itself is gentle, they’re laughing with each other, there’s tender music playing, Criston wants Rhaenyra to run away with him after the fact, and although Rhaenyra doesn’t want to marry, she does want to carry on with the arrangement. The argument that Criston only had sex with Rhaenyra because he couldn't say no falls apart when you remember he says no to being her "whore" without fearing for his life. However, I do agree, it’s more complicated what with the power imbalance, Rhaenyra being a teenage virgin who was just abandoned half naked in a brothel by her uncle moments prior, and Criston being hesitant at first. I’m not suggesting it’s not problematic. But, I don’t think it’s as clear cut as Rhaenyra definitely raped Criston, end of. There is, I regret to inform, some nuance.
Although, despite this power imbalance, Rhaenyra never has anything done to Criston, even after he starts openly despising her and her children, punches a man to death at her wedding, has Aegon fight Jace despite it clearly being an unfair fight, and doesn’t hesitate to go remove Luke’s eye on Alicent’s order. This doesn’t seem like the actions of a man living in fear of displeasing Rhaenyra. Also, Rhaenyra would have had to admit to trying to sleep with Criston if she wanted to have anything done to him if he rejected her, which would tarnish her reputation, ruin her marriage prospects, diminish her claim as heir etc.
I don’t particularly care about them having sex or having a relationship. It’s just the hypocrisy, and hatred towards Rhaenyra that’s so maddening and feels disproportionate. It just makes it extra heartbreaking and frustrating (perhaps that’s the point) that a big part of the dance happening is because of Rhaenyra and Alicent’s falling out over this very thing. The decaying of the relationship between Alicent and Rhaenyra is left to fester and infects their entire life, in large part because of the men in their lives, miscommunication, and the unfair societal pressures placed on them. Which I think both their relationships to Criston encapsulates all three of those elements in some way.
(I was accused by an Alicole fan, of being “team blacks SMARTEST”, and that “TB isn't big on grasping sexual coercion, power imbalances” because I made The Joke™️ about Criston being mad forever after at being Rhaenyra’s whore, only to become Alicent’s whore. So yeah I’m extra bitter. Nothing personal against Alicole fans, I know I just happened upon a bad one.
You are free to disagree with me, but throwing out pretty serious accusations and insults over a joke is a bit much. Just politely disagree or block me if you’re that mad.)
Thank you, if you read all that.
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in-loving-memory-of · 16 days
ask: Could you write something with a tall reader x Takashi? Like they're 6'2 and are very blunt but mean well, like the type to go up to someone and go "You're interesting, what's your name?" while offering zero explanation unless asked.
note: Hey, I wasn’t sure if you wanted headcanons, but that’s was my assumption so I’m sorry if that wasn’t what you were hoping for.
Also, I apologize for how long it took to write this. Thank you for your patience!
Takashi x tall, blunt, gn reader
- Takashi is a tall guy, canonically 6’4” (i think, but there were conflicting sources), so meeting someone who is nearly as tall as he is definitely a somewhat rare experience, and therefore piques his interest.
- This is only fueled by your immediate reaction to the height relation between his cousin and himself.
- Takashi gets a taste of your blunt nature the first time he meets you.
While Takashi and his cousin walk through the courtyard, he takes notice of a fellow student who he’s seen before, and definitely took note of due to their height, as the student walks toward him and his cousin at a fairly brisk pace. Before Takashi can assess much about the person’s intent, they stop in front of the pair and cross their arms in front of their body, while balancing their weight on one hip. This causes Takashi’s cousin to nearly run into the new obstacle in his path, and the three to come to a short-lived standstill, before the stranger abruptly states:
“There is an absolutely insane height difference between you two,” before the student turns to Mitsukuni and asks: “Do you sit on his shoulders all the time because you wanna feel taller?”
The two are left almost speechless (which is shocking for Mori, i know), but no matter because the person before them quickly continues voicing their own train of thought before letting Takashi’s shorter counterpart answer the question. “I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to be shorter than I am. I was always pretty tall in comparison to my peers, so I never really got to experience being even average height. Man, it’d be cool if we could switch bodies just for a day so we could see the world how the other sees it. Anyways, you two seem cool. We should talk more. I gotta go right now, but maybe we could eat together during lunch today or something. See you guys then.”
- After listening to what sounded like the ramblings of the clinically insane, the cousins both glance at each other to ascertain the other’s feelings on the strange individual they just met. Ultimately, they come to realize there isn’t much they could do to stop this loon from interacting with the cousins further, even if they wanted them to.
- Just as you had said, the duo spent their lunch hour with the strange student, and from then on, the three of you spent much of your free time together.
- Though, at first, off-putting, Mori and Honey both grew accustomed to your brazen nature.
- Of course, you were eventually invited to the host club by your new friends, and met the rest of the club, who were all equally taken aback by the new guest’s attitude.
- Though they all grew a pair and got used to it, and even began to enjoy it.
- The twins found it especially humorous when you would unintentionally say something to Tamaki that would cause him to pitch a fit, as per usual.
- Mori grew to enjoy your presence a lot, and found your polar opposite personalities actually meshed very well.
- And, of course, due to your similarity in height, everyone half-joked that the two of you would end up together from the very beginning (which of course you did, cuz i wrote this and i said so)
- You were actually the one to ask Takashi out because the second you started developing romantic feelings for him, you obviously made them known.
- Mori was thrilled, though he didn’t express that much, shockingly, but you caught the tinge of red on his cheeks and the twitch at the corner of his lips while he tried to play it cool.
- Your first date was spent mostly yapping the whole time, and Mori intently listening, finding the topic fascinating, and finding your voice soothing.
- Takashi asked you to another date before the first one was even over, partially because he felt he should be the one to ask since you asked the first time, and he didn’t want it to seem like he wasn’t interested.
- You were both essentially joined at the hip from then on.
- Your bold personality brought out Mori’s more talkative side, at least when he was with you. Whenever you two were apart, he’d revert right back to his previously-usual self.
- Everyone enjoyed spending time with the two of you, and Honey, of course, since there was never a prolonged period of silence, if any existed at all.
- Anyway, idk how to end this, so you guys just lived happily ever after or some shit. the end.
Again, to the person who requested this, I’m genuinely sorry for how long it took me to finish it. Thank you for being patient with me.
If anyone else wants to request something, please feel free. I obviously can’t promise it will be done anytime soon, but I’ll definitely try my best.
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feanaria · 6 months
been thinking about marika and radagon a lot lately (well actually been thinking about them for years but especially latey) and i've gone through a lot of speculations/theories. while i'm not going to put my own opinion regarding this matter here, i do want to make a post regarding some of the evidence that i think is crucial to understand them. (initially posted as a thread on twitter!)
1. there was no explicit mention of radagon during the age of plenty, indicating either he was a no one, or he didn't exist at all by then, depending on whether you think he and marika was separate beings or they were one being since the beginning. back then, crucible and erdtree still possessed their divine power, especially the crucible, so i think it is the only time period that can maintain the rebis (combination of polar opposites) to be harmonious.
As a result, it is possible that marika didn't need radagon at all, cuz her thoughts and beliefs were harmonious back then. Even if radagon already existed as marika's alter ego, marika didn't need him to do anything.
2. the description of radagon only appeared after the age of plenty had ended, during which the incantation symbol changed from the early crucible/erdtree to the abstract erdtree. the power of crucible slowly faded, so the rebis was not in harmony anymore, this was the time that radagon first appeared in the narrative.
apparently, this is related to whatever happened at the end of age of the plenty. i've seen theories about first burning of the erdtree, and i personally think this is the time destined death was plucked out of the elden ring, due to the fact that elden ring in godfrey's time was supposed to look like this (found both in front of godfrey's monument and leyndell). anyway this is all speculation, we need dlc to support any of this, but something definitely had happened that time, causing radagon to come out of nowhere.
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actually i think point 1 and 2 should be one point but nvm my brain is a mess...😭 in a nutshell, radagon wasn't in the narrative (either didn't exist or was no one or marika didn't need him) until the erdtree (and crucible)'s divine power slowly faded.
3. now comes the confusing & fun part: elden ring, erdtree and golden order are concepts that sounds really similar but actually they are very different. i don't want to go in length cuz it's very complicated to explain, but essentially marika is much more associated with erdtree, while radagon is much more associated with golden order, making them very different. In other words, marika is more associated with nature, while radagon with law enforcement, civilization...abstract things created by people.
4. one thing i'd like to point out, which i haven't seen anyone talked about it it's crazy???, is the gestures "inner order" and "outer order".
you receive the latter one from melina, after she repeats to you marika's words in minor erdtree church, in which "marika" talked about "her" intention to search the gold order. i used "" because radagon might be the one who actually said it!? marika never call people "my comrades", it's more fitting for radagon to do so. besides, we can find golden order seal just near by and radagon is the one whose name appeared in description about golden order incantations all the time. and then we receive the gesture "inner order" from Devin, who shared one soul with his brother, but they had separate bodies and minds.
i think it's a very subtle implication telling us how did marika and radagon work before the shattering. but of course, this is not a direct piece of evidence saying thay marika and radagon had separate bodies before, i just think this evidence should be considered when talking about marika and radagon.
finally (omg it's the longest post i've made and i wasn't making any sense but anyway), i want to stress that no matter they were one being from the start, or they were glued together by the greater will, or radagon was somehow produced(?) by marika after she became the embodiment of elden ring or after she plucked destined death, currently (ok that's weird to say since they are both dead lol) marika and radagon DOES NOT share their opinions and decisions.
their intentions was opposite to each other, to me this means they should not be regarded as the same. Even if they have shared memories & feelings, which there's no way to know, in the end they didn't agree with each other and fought for their control over the situation. no matter what they were like before, this fact doesn't change.
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ferretseal · 5 months
I didn't want to draw last night because my shoulder was acting up
So I don't have drawings right now.
But I'm going to put some of my clown world building up. "Clown" is used as a blanket term for all types mentioned here, but I do explain a little about my thought process.
Anyway, a world where clowns(and any related person) are their own species. Complete with magical abilities.
So there's this clown in a circus(basically a large, traveling, preforming family). She's the smallest and youngest of the family, and her name is Big-Top(it's a contradicting name, but that's not too uncommon because it's funny)
She has an elephant that's actually a living plushie familiar thing. She made it, and with a little bit of magic it can come to life and become a full sized elephant. It's called Patchwork and it's what she performs with when she's not with her family or being the one selling treats and stuff.
General Magic includes, but is not limited to: pocket dimensions, bubble/balloon craft, "sound board", and y'know, classic clown stuff.
She falls in love with a mime. Mimes are mute(often by choice/traditions), and monochrome (black and white basically), and have strange magic that they can basically conjure up anything they want, but they must act it out and its always invisible. But these things can act on other people if the mime wants them to. Sometimes when the items come in contact with traditional clown magic they can become visible in grey scale, and even more rare they have colors. Mimes also have names, but they're not really known to anyone who's not fluent in mime. But ours is dubbed "Ruffles" by Big-Top's family because they got tired of calling him Mime, and he has unique ruffles on his sleeves and pant legs.
Mimes and clowns are like polar opposites, but also infuriatingly similar, and often don't get along, but at this point they're somewhat civil. Sometimes there's individuals who are friendly, but Big-Top and Ruffles are an anomaly and kinda have a forbidden romance thing going on.
I like the idea of a loud, boisterous and colorful person, and the silent, monochrome partner (but they're both joyful and playful) And Ruffles, for a mime, is "loud". He uses overly exaggerated charades to communicate (as mimes do), so to them he's pretty much yelling all the time.
Big-Top's family!
Her oldest sibling moved away when she was younger, and she doesn't really know them, but she does know that they now work at an amusement park in a Troup there. (A Troup is basically a non family circus that occasionally travels but traveling isn't necessary).
Her older sister(about 4 ish years older than her)is a performer who is often paired with Big-Top. Her name is Topsy-turvy because she does a unique act of doing anything in a handstand, the best one is when she does rope walking.
Then there's Big-Shot(about a year older than Big-Top), the middle brother who's actually a strong man, so he's y'know, HUGE.
(The parents had a naming scheme, if you can't tell.)
The parents are the ringleaders of this group, and are basically in charge. They're Candy(mom) and Casey(dad) and they're your typical clowns.
Then there's Uncle Buffo, he's the lion tamer and has a small army of plush animals that are the same kind of thing as Patchwork.
There's Auntie Velvet who does horse tricks, and her sister Auntie Bingo with her dogs and seals.
Then there's the cousins, Buffo and Velvets twins, Curly and Cheery. They're too young to perform, about 7 ish(clowns start performing at arpund 10-12, depending on the family) so they took over Big-Top's job of selling treats. Curly sells cotton candy and popcorn white Cherry does drinks like pop and slushies.
There's also Nanners, who's a cousin somewhere but to whom is kinda unclear, but they sell things like hotdogs, shaved ice, and makes sure the twins are being safe with the equipment.
Other stuff!
All types of clowns/jesters/mimes need a higher sugar intake than a human. Sugar is fuel and they need extra for the magic. Though mimes seem to prefer extra carbs instead (blame the French.). Big-Top's family keeps bottles of sugar water around and use it like Gatorade during shows. Big-Top herself also often snacks on cotton candy, while Big-Shot prefers marshmallows and Topsy-turvy enjoys hard candy.
Clowns cannot conjure up items, but can make nearly endless pocket dimensions.
They don't really use pens, unless they're the glittery kind, but tend to use markers or those large kids crayons for writing. It's fun.
Play is an important part of clown life. It's a need. You need to play. A clown that doesn't play has something very wrong with them. Even those with depression play, even if it's just passively talking though an improv game. If a clown doesn't play, it could go clinically insane. It's as important as sleep.
There are clowns in other professions though. Doctors, accountants, ect. They still look clown like, hair and face, but they just dress normally lol.
The face paint isn't actually paint. They're markings that are unique to the clown/mime. They cannot be removed. They develop and change with age though (babies are born without them, and should start showing their first marks at around 1 or 2 years old).
Any and all animals (apart from a few outliers with domestic dogs) in a clown run circus are the living plush animals like patchwork. This means that Uncle Buffo's animals aren't actually dangerous and the taming is just a trained act. They're actually very friendly and docile. Wanna have a picture with a tiger? Yup it's safe! Want a painting from patchwork? No problem, he likes to. They're living toys playing, and so no animals are harmed, and transportation is easy, they just get reverted back to a regular sized plushie and put in a toy chest.
Clowns have slightly longer, slightly pointed ears compared to humans, think of like a DND half elf. They're purely looks, but olden jesters are assumed to have had true elf ears that were mobile.
There are currently three types of clowns that stem from Jesters: Clowns(and any sub set such as sad and scary, as well as other unique roles that are magic based such as strong men (see Big-Shot)), Mimes, and magicians (slight of hand magic tricks). There are overlap between the three but each one has a distinct style and culture.
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