#this dude was pro-DEET because it singlehandedly cut down on the mosquito population in the united states and eliminated
iamthepulta · 2 years
5, 9, 15 for the weird writer thing!
5: Any writing superstitions?
I don't actually, but one of my writing habits is always making a cup of tea before I sit down at the computer. Tea is super important even if I get caught up and realize it's half-empty and cold in the next thirty minutes. I should have a writing superstitions though, haha. Maybe I'd write more consistently.
9: Do you believe in ghosts?
Yeah! Insomuch I can with asterisks on Carbon Monoxide and other parameters. I think there are dimensions out there we simply aren't able to sense because unexplainable things definitely happen. This crosses over a bit with my feelings on religion. Absence of Proof is not reason to believe, but it's foolhardy to disbelieve too. Besides, I'm a scientist; I'm curious.
15: Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not?
I've done all these things lmfao. Reading in the bath I'd do as a kid, but I don't take baths anymore and it got to be a lot of work to keep the water off the pages and my hands dry. But I still write in the margins of my books, especially in researching non-fiction! And I ALWAYS dog-ear my pages. Drives E up the wall and he forbids me from doing it to books he lends me. xD I don't understand why dog-earing isn't common! It's easy and natural and straightforward? The ear is always pointing to which side of the book you were on too, so it's less work to remember where you left off!
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