#this ep was literally like a balm for all the trauma of eps 1-3
OFMD 1x5 🤝 OFMD 2x5
moonlight gentlebeard
below decks LuPete
on deck Sprizzy flirting
Pete watching said flirting
Lucius drawing one of his babes
crew hijinks with fancy clothes on another ship
being my favourite episode of the season
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zesbian · 3 years
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got tagged by a most cherished mutual @zowboy to post 9 of my fave albums of 2021 !! i also was extra and wrote descriptions and gave my fave songs from each !!
(in no particular order)
1- Madison // Sloppy Jane
I know I said no particular order, but this might be my favorite album I’ve heard this year. the lyricism, production, and backstory of it being all recorded in a CAVE !! very few artists are this creative and have this much attention to detail. this feels sacred and ancient and alive and I’m not good at reviews but I can’t talk about this album enough
favorite songs: The Constable, Judy’s Bedroom, Jesus and Your Livingroom Floor, Wilt
2- FLOWERS for VASES / descansos // Hayley Williams
Between this and Petals For Armor, I’m so grateful that this album happened when it did. it’s a musical healing balm for anyone who’s had to stitch themselves back together after an abusive relationship, and make sense of all of the conflicting feelings. Hayley is an incredible writer and without having to compromise with the rest of the members of Paramore she really really shines as one of the best pop/alt/rock/etc singers and writers of our generation.
favorite songs: Good Grief, Just A Lover
Holy FUCK !!! 2022 better be Backxwash’s year or SO HELP ME GOD !!!! angry and vengeful and soft and emotional and sad and dark and hopeful and AHHHHHH !!!
favorite songs: Terror Packets, Here I Lied Buried With My Rings And Dresses
4- Wisconsin Death Trip // Static-X
Well I love to have fun :-) I listened to this literally like every day to and from work for like a month straight. is it GOOD? who’s to say! my mom showed me this album lol
favorite songs: Push It, I’m With Stupid, Bled For Days
5- Trio // Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris
i cannot believe I didn’t know this existed until a few months ago ??? openly sobbing to country music was not on my 2021 bingo card but like I said I didn’t know this EXISTED !!!! their version of Farther Along makes something in my chest ache, and helps heal a little religious trauma shaped piece of me
favorite songs: Wildflowers, I’ve Had Enough, Telling Me Lies, Farther Along
6- If You’re Feeling Sinister // Belle and Sebastian
it’s funny cause I really only listened to this all the way through like 3 times this year but that’s all I needed to know that it’s earned it’s place on here. listening to this on the way to work on a rainy autumn day is permanently burned into my brain
favorite songs: The Stars of Track and Field, Like Dylan in the Movies, If You’re Feeling Sinister
7- Home Video // Lucy Dacus
my fave Richmond export, Lucy Dacus !! I’m sure you all already know who she is but I love her and this album !! it’s too late to gatekeep her from teenaged Phoebe Bridgers fans so I just hope she gets the recognition and award noms that she DESERVES !!! i think this might be one of the only no skips album on this list and that’s because she’s JUST THAT GOOD !!!
favorite songs: literally all of it. no skips.
8- I DISAGREE // Poppy
oh BITCH !!! not much to say other than this is a near perfect album and I’m obsessed with this and her. her newer album Flux is also amazing but this one is just chefs KISS !!! she has quickly become one of my faves
favorite songs: Concrete, I Disagree, Bite Your Teeth, BLOODMONEY
9- Nobody Is Listening // Zayn
some of my special boy’s best !!! he lived, he served cunt, he died
favorite songs: Better, Outside, Sweat, Unfuckwitable, Tightrope, River Road
(I was also OBSESSED with faetooth’s “…An Invocation” but since it was just an ep i didn’t want to put it on my list, I also listened to the Raw and Suspiria soundtracks a lot, and of course I loved Red TV but it’s basically a remaster of an album I already loved with some bonus tracks so I’m not counting it lol)
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superfoodish · 4 years
Natures Smile Reviews
When we discuss about dental health, usually the main focus is teeth. Nowadays, we have decided to put someone else spot-light – your gums! For those who’ve never really thought about it, gums are made from soft tissues that are covered by a coating of the oral mucosa. However, gums do not get lots of attention but; they play an important role in maintaining our mouth healthy.
The mucous membrane will help to stop bacteria and avoid numerous complications such as gum recession from taking over the smile. If you believe that the dentist guidelines such as brushing two times and flossing at least one time each day may be overlooked and overlooked, your smile might be at high risk of falling in to the harmful territory of shrinking gums.
What’s Gum Recession?
However, if ORAL hygiene is over looked, the gums are at high-risk of receding. This may cause the teeth seems to be longer and unattractive such as spikes.
Along with cosmetic issues, the oral health can be affected if shrinking gums leaves the roots of your teeth exposed. This makes it much easier for microorganisms to get inside and may result in tooth sensitivity and microbial infection. Some other signs or symptoms of gingival recession are sensitive, irritated and bleeding gums.
What can cause Gingival Recession?
Description about Gingival Recession by Doctor Bakuri “Receding gums is the exposure of tooth roots caused by the shrinking of gum tissues.”
The Primary Reasons Behind Gum Recession Are:
Inherited gene history
Misaligned/Disarranged Teeth
Tooth Grinding or Clenching
Oral Trauma
Too Aggressive Brushing or Flossing
Some kind of Gum Problems caused by dangerous bacteria
The problems with gum recession
As the revealed roots, the gums are much more vulnerable and sensitive to cold, hot and even sweets.
Roots may become so exposed that the teeth weaken or even destroy. At first let us learn about the main reason behind the gingival recession.
Damaging Bacteria Due To Poor Dental Hygiene
Before curing the gum recession, we have to combat a war against all of them. The bad bacteria begin to eat away the soft gum tissues that connect firmly with the tooth bone. In short, the Gum related issues are due to bad bacteria which is the most common reason behind the gum recession. And the gingival recession caused by some sort of gum disease can easily be re-grow using the treatment option given in this post.
Remember that the bad bacteria may result in various gum diseases, and according to The American Dentistry Hygiene Centre, the unhealthy bacteria are a “Life-threat”.
All of us brush 2 times a day; however, 80-83 Percent of the U.S. population is suffering from gum related issues. This reveals that we have need to alter the oral hygiene habits. To beat the ongoing bacterial attack, and to win the fight against these harmful bacteria that are the cause of gum illnesses, you should consider the following steps.
Step One
The majority of people believe that STORE BOUGHT Toothpaste and mouth rinse are the effective ones. But you’ve ever taken time read the warnings printed on your preferred Tooth paste.
>>> The Warnings
Keep Out The Reach Of Children Under The Age Of 8.
If Ingested In Big Quantities, Contact The Poison Control Center Quickly.
Do you allow yourself to put a Thing like this That Has a Warning from United States Association of Poison Control Centres (AAPCC)?
These Are Some Facts On Fluoride
Fluoride is disallowed in lots of countries around the globe like France, Germany, China and Austria. It isn’t proven yet if it helps stopping the sensitivity. Fluoride harms the connective tissues of gums; this shows that it will separate the connective tissue of gums from the teeth bone – Major problem if you’re looking to re-grow your gum line.
Fluoride is usually connected with tumor growth, bone tissue cancer, premature aging, inability to conceive, brain malocclusions, and a lot more. Some other active ingredients in Store brand tooth paste are triclosan and sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
Why Commercial Toothpaste And Also Mouthwash Is Not The Perfect Option?
Alcohol-Based mouthwash eliminates bacteria but the issue is it can result in dry mouth condition that increases the harmful bacteria growth.
We Will Need Precisely The Contrary, We Want
We require saliva to win the battle against unsafe bacteria; commercially made mouthwash is not the solution for all gingival problems.
Step # 2
Use Natures Smile™ Gum Balm; it will remove the dangerous bacteria Twenty-four hours a day, daily. The ingredients may have anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is made from herbal ingredients along with healing properties to start boosting the gum recuperation as soon as you start using this.
This product is made from natural and organic ingredients which have healing attributes to start gum re-growth once you start using it. There’s not anything just like Natures Smile available in the marketplace – it is highly effective, herbal, fast, and totally free of side-effects also brings a refreshing feeling in your mouth.
> > Just Click Here To Check Out Official Website
Therefore, It Is Time To Stop Using Chemical-Based Dental Products!
Why to Use Natures Smile™ Product?
The Dental practitioners suggest Natures Smile  gum care treatment and patients worldwide like the results. This liquid miracle is an effective decoction of all-natural and herbal extracts mixed to regrow receding gums. If you use Natures Smile™, its ingredients start to harm the bacteria that attach on gum tissue. Natures Smile offers two major benefits; 1) A remedy for shrinking gums, 2)   A great refreshing flavor to remove smelly breath.  
> > Simply Click Here To Visit Official Web-site
Natures Smile will eliminate above 22 types of bacteria’s which causes 99% of gum problems. Advantages, benefits and positive aspects;
Lipid-Based Formulation
The Lipid (oil-based) solution gives long-lasting safety against microorganisms. Extra Power Thick/dense solution (700% Thicker as compared with ordinary tooth paste)
The Active ingredients are unique and unique, organic formulation that’s been verified in various scientific studies to have highly effective antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. These active ingredients, combined with natural and organic vitamins and anti-oxidants can make it something which lives up to its expectancy.
Easy To Use
It literally will take Two minutes to use every day. Drop 1-2 droplets on the toothbrush and Brush for a couple of min’s as you do daily with regular Tooth paste and get rid of gum receding. Avoid useless procedures and also save lots of money. Natures Smile™ is a solution that can save you Thousands each year from unwanted surgical treatments and deep cleaning.
Guaranteed By Many Scientific Research
The ingredients in Natures Smile product are clinically proven to stop unhealthy bacteria; it’s very effective to eradicate specific infections that create breath and teeth issues.
Completely All-Natural Product
No need to put harsh and cancer-causing chemicals in the mouth (a few of which will make gum condition even worse).No, need to be worried about the dangerous chemicals present in commercially made products.
100% all-natural therefore Natures Smile is totally safe. Cure gum disease receding gums. Natures Smile have lipid based ingredients, decoction of 22 natural ingredients and fruit extractions to cure gingival Recession, teeth and foul breath.
Instant Results
In most cases, you may ‘SEE’ and feel’ the effects in the first 7-day period of use.
It Works
In the latest study using the actives on Natures Smile™; all of the Periodontopathic microbial strains were eliminated in less than TWENTY-NINE seconds.
Completely Naturally Organic Concentrate
1 bottle is sufficient for one month.100% Money-Back Guarantee. Natures Smile™ includes 100 % cash back offer, so you may buy with confidence, there’s no financial risk, get back your money if you’re not satisfied by the results.
Natures Smile™ Manufactured in United Kingdom…
Made fresh each and every day as well as shipped” from Natures Smile™ Corporation, Inc., a USA based company with a 20-year historical background and outstanding BBB Rankings.
Best Customer Care
The workers at Natures Smile™ are always there to answer any questions you’ve along the Way. Order Right now, it will be shipped today, via airmail
> > Simply Click Here To Purchase From Official Website 
***Scientific Studies And References ***
(1) Department of Microbiology, Tokyo, japan dental college: kimizuka r, Takahashi n, Okuda k, takarada k, Honma k, Kato t. Analysis of the antibacterial efficacies of essential oils against damaging pathogens. Japan. Oral Microbial oral microbial Immunology. 2004 February; 19(1): 61-4
2.The University or college of Zurich, Switzerland. “oral Microbiol Immunol”… Shapiro s, Meier a, Guggenheim b. The antimicrobial activity of essential oils and essential oil components towards oral organisms. 1994 Aug; 9(4): 202-8
 Viana gs. J Cordeiro ln, Punica granatum from herb pharmacothermenezes sm (pomegranate) draw out is active against dental plaque.. 2006; 6(2): 76-92
(4) J Initial study. Int acad periodontal: sastravaha g, sangtherapitikul p. bouncing p, Adjunctive gum treatment with Punica granatum and Centella Asiatica ingredients. 2003 oct; 5(4): 106-15
(5) J Punica granatum extractions in supporting gum treatment some research by int acad periodontal: Gassmann g, sastravaha g, grim wd, sangtherapitikul p. an adjunctive periodontal remedy with Centella Asiatica and so. 2005
6)J Ethnopharmacol: Varani J, Lansky EP, Aslam MN. Pomegranate extract as a cosmeceutical source: pomegranate extract fractions boost growth and procollagen synthesis and prevent matrix metalloproteinase-1 production throughout human being tissue cells. Ethnopharmacol: Lansky EP, Aslam MN, Varani J.: J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 February 20; 103(3): 311-8. J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 February 20; 103(3): 311-8.
(7) University of Texas medical: Walter j. Loesche, the microbiology of tooth decay and periodontal disease, medical microbiology. Fourth edition, chapter 99; 1996. branch at Galveston
(8) “sodium lauryl sulphate and triclosan have negative effects study by Babich h and Babich jp. in vitro cytotoxicity studies with gingival cells” (May 16, 1997) 91(3): 189-196
9) helichrysum italicum, j Ethnopharmacol: from conventional apply to scientific data. 2014; 151(1): 54-65. epub The year 2013 Nov14
(10) Sci Rep. Frankincense and myrrh: Inflammation via regulation by Sci Rep. Frankincense and myrrh, via regulation of the metabolic profiling and the MAPK signalling pathway 2015 September 2; 5: 13668. DOI: 10. 1038/srep13668
(11) Flavour and Aroma Journal 25, 13-19: Manuel Viuda-Martos, Yolanda Ruiz Navajas, Elena Sánchez Zapata, Juana Fernández-López y José A. Pérez-Álvarez. “Antioxidant activity of essential oils of five spice plants widely used in a Mediterranean diet”. enero “Antioxidant activity of important oils of five spice plants widely used on a Mediterranean diet”. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 25, 13-19 – Feb 2010.: Manuel Viuda-Martos, Yolanda Ruiz Navajas, Elena Sánchez Zapata, Juana Fernández-López y José A. Pérez-Álvarez.
The post Natures Smile Reviews appeared first on Super Food Recipes.
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