#this explains why i've been super slow responding to asks. i just don't have the energy to go as in-depth as i used to.
I've been thinking about how I want to run this blog, and want to mention some changes that will be coming in 2023.
More below!
2022 was incredibly difficult for me, after losing two of my loved ones. My family heavily relied on my grandmother - and now that she passed, our financial and home situation has been going through hardships. Money is tight, and I am simply not happy living at my home anymore. I can't say I'm happy with my life at *all*.
In the midst of my grieving, I received my copy of Long Live the Pumpkin Queen. I was desperate to find some way to cope, and a way to distract myself while the world around me fell apart. I was unwillingly brought into a pointless online argument about this novel -- and it made me aware of something.
I don’t want to write analysis/discussion posts anymore.
I am still hyperfixated with TNBC, of course, and want to talk about it - but I don’t have the free time and motivation like I used to. When I first ran this blog, I was young and unhealthily obsessed with this movie - I would add long additions to posts I disagreed with. Back then, I would’ve jumped on the hateful bandwagon in response to Shea Ernshaw’s novel, but 2022 numbed me to the point where canonical inaccuracies don’t bother me like they used to. Apparently, this was not expected of me - and I was targeted for not being enraged like other fans were.
I’ve always tried to be thoughtful and open with my opinions, to engage respectful discussions about this movie + its lore. But not all people share this approach, and I’ve learned that the hard way. I’ve been involved in unnecessary Fandom Discourse™. I don’t have the time nor mental capacity for it anymore. I’m tired of being so attached to the TNBC canon that I let myself get genuinely upset when adaptations took different routes. It’s only hampered my mental health, so I’m done with it.
I’ll still post my thoughts/opinions about things, likely when The Battle for Pumpkin King comic releases, but don’t expect me to make long rants about canonical inconsistencies. I also won’t be responding to any venting asks or mentions anymore. They’re not my priority - and I’ll likely be sharing more memes than anything. But I no longer want to be super negative on this blog - I’ve always prioritized civil discussions, and my criticisms were never meant to be anything else. Keep in mind I’ve always been just one fan, who has my own opinions - and you’re never obligated to agree with them. Block me if you must, or just take my posts with a grain of salt. Curate your online experience. I’ll take no personal offense when you do this.
So, expect less analysis / thought posts from me in 2023. You can still send me your thoughts, ideas, headcanons, etc. - but my responses to them may be considerably shorter than they used to. I apologize in advance for this change - but I’m making this decision to look out for my mental health, and engage less in negativity.
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 34: Green Hill Zone
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''I hear my name blow through the wind, temptation to chase but who knows where it goes. I don't have a choice, the race begins, leaving behind a life that nobody chose.''
– So Much More… by Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
Sonic stretched his arms, listening to the rustling of leaves, feeling the gentle breeze on his fur as he lied on a thick tree branch, having taken a nap. Below him was Lucas, sitting on the grass and trying to clean his hoverboard, which was drenched thanks to a particular someone deciding to cross Cosmo River and kicking up a wave that almost left Lucas soaking wet. Lucas glared up at the hedgehog, who appeared to have sensed his unspoken anger, curved his lips into a sheepish smile, sweatdropping as he still kept his eyes closed, acting like nothing was wrong. Admittedly, Lucas wasn't the type to get annoyed or angry easily, and despite the tension in the air, Sonic was confident that he wasn't in trouble. Lucas just stared at him, wondering if Sonic would falter, but when he didn't, he sighed.
''You know, there is something I've been wondering lately,'' Lucas started, only to hear an audible sigh of relief from above, causing him to snort in amusement before continuing, ''Have you ever thought of visiting other countries?''
''Well, sure. Blaze and Sana invited us to the Surya Empire and we promised to visit them,'' Sonic responded.
''I meant more in the sense of going on an adventure on your own somewhere that is not Neos City, or even the whole of Starpoint Area,'' Lucas replied. Sonic hummed.
''I guess I could do that…'' He lowered his gaze, giving Lucas a questioning look. ''Why are you asking?''
''I had figured that you might be getting bored staying here. Neos City has a lot of stuff to offer, but still, wouldn't you get bored at some point and just seek a change of scenery?'' Lucas asked. Sonic sat up, a bit intrigued by Lucas' question.
''You sound like you're trying to get rid off me,'' he said, grinning as he saw Lucas giving him a flustered look, clearly about to explain himself, with Sonic adding. ''Hey, chill, I was just joking.''
''You almost gave me a heart-attack,'' Lucas said, trying to sound irritated, but it was clear that he was on the verge of laughing. Sonic then leapt off the tree and sat next to Lucas.
''I could just leave Neos City whenever I want to, and maybe it'll happen one day, but that doesn't mean that I'd do it because of boredom,'' he explained. ''I like being at Neos City. After all, this is where all of my friends are, and we also know that Dr. Eggman has his base somewhere here. I can't just leave so easily.''
''Really?'' Lucas gave him a curious look.
''Yeah!'' Sonic exclaimed, acting as if it was obvious, and then started counting on his fingers. ''I already made several plans with my friends, like my training with Shadow, going on a hunt with Amy to find the best confectionery stores, searching for Rouge together with Knuckles since he is suspicious about her absence, having a hoverboard race with Jet, helping Silver with his vegetable garden, testing Tails' new invention, and of course, hanging out with you, Lucas.'' Sonic then grinned widely. ''See, I wouldn't even have the time to leave, since I'm so busy.''
Lucas simply chuckled in response, well aware that with his super speed, Sonic could easily get everything done in a short time, but decided not to continue the argument, feeling that Sonic had already proven his point. He was adamant to stay.
''Besides, I'm certain that you'll be doing your best to keep up with me.''
''Huh?'' Lucas gave Sonic a confused look.
''Your hoverboard! You're keeping asking Warren for modifications and then trying out how fast it goes in order to keep up with me. Don't think that I didn't notice,'' Sonic replied.
''Well, isn't that obvious?'' Lucas asked, still puzzled. ''You're fast, and as your partner, I don't want to slow you down.''
''I really appreciate it,'' Sonic replied, taking a deep breath and leaning against the tree, thinking a bit about their situation.
He understood well that Lucas had his own concerns in regards to their partnership. He wasn't someone who would want to go on some exhilarating adventure unless he had to be convinced, so him actually trying to race against the blue hedgehog was a huge step out of his comfort zone. Sonic wondered what Lucas' limits were, how far he would actually go to keep up with him, but he wasn't going to test that now all of sudden. After all, this was supposed to be something they'd both enjoy, and Sonic actually had plans for doing something that would be more at Lucas' pace. Both of them loved reading books, and Sonic wanted to surprise him with a quiet day at home. Of course, that would only happen as long as they weren't any attacks from Dr. Eggman, Ferra and Metal Sonic, or any of the Irregulars not affiliated with them.
''That's how it works, partners look out for each other,'' Sonic said loudly, not even noticing that he was voicing his thoughts until Lucas gave him a confused look.
''Uh, what do you mean?'' Lucas asked.
''I've just been musing about something,'' Sonic responded, giving him a sheepish smile.
Tails hummed as he read the data on the screen. He and Warren had managed to salvage something from Dr. Starline's AR Field generators, and they focused on how the platypus managed to lock them inside the AR Field and how to escape them from the inside. They had managed to develop a device that would affect the AR Field as long as the device was in use, but it needed further testing, and for that, they would have to recreate the AR Field Starline used and have one of their friends stay inside it. Tails asked Sonic for his help, who agreed, but also explained that he would be busy with hanging out with Lucas. Understanding that he wanted some bonding time with his partner, Tails instead decided to enter the AR Field himself and trying to break out of it. As a precaution, Warren would monitor the AR Field from the outside and if he got stuck, get Tails out remotely.
''I think we got everything,'' Tails said, turning to Warren. Warren placed his thumb over his lips, staring at the screen for a moment. He then turned to Tails.
''I suppose we could've done more, but yeah, I think we should move to the testing phase,'' Warren said, reaching for the device and placing it in the middle of the room. ''Ready?''
''Ready!'' Tails nodded, the device that would help him escape already in his hand. Warren activated the AR Field generator and the twin-tailed fox entered the barely visible, flickering AR Field. The AR Field itself was quite generic. It was just a grassland spreading endlessly with a bright blue sky and a sun partially obscured by clouds. Overall, nothing special. Tails then tapped his AR Visor, a holographic screen appearing beside him. Unlike the one Starline used, this AR Field allowed for communication between him and Warren.
''I'll try to get out of the AR Field without the Exit App,'' Tails told Warren.
Warren nodded in response and turned back to the computer screen, monitoring his partner's state. The way AR Fields were designed was that the person would find themselves inside a field that was placed like a layer over whatever location in the real world. While AR Fields didn't have a visible exit, unless one programmed one into it. However, there would be strange flickering where the exit of the AR Field was and Tails searched for it. He started walking around, but as he had expected, he couldn't find any exit.
''Warren, I'm trapped. I'll try to see whether I can use the Exit App,'' Tails said.
''Got it!''
Tails held up the device, pressing the button on it in hopes to distort the AR Field. ''Does it work?''
''It looks like it does. There is a distortion,'' Warren replied, noting the waves emitting from the Exit App. He fell silent, reading the incoming data, only to suddenly get a wave of errors. ''Wh-What the-?! Tails, are you okay?!'' In panic, Warren turned to the monitor, which now showed just static. He quickly turned to the computer, turning the AR Field off manually, with Tails appearing in the middle of the room, looking completely dazed.
''Tails, are you okay?'' Warren quickly walked over to his partner, checking on him. Fortunately, he didn't appear to be injured.
''Yeah, I am, but the AR Field suddenly started to fall apart,'' Tails replied, rubbing his temple. ''It seems as if the Exit App made everything worse.''
Warren sighed. ''If we managed to recreate Starline's AR Fields correctly, this would mean that he also had some kind of fail-safe in case someone had figured a way to escape them.''
''There has to be a way to exit those AR Fields without them falling apart,'' Tails said, walking over to the computer and looking at the data. ''Perhaps, we could use a sudden energy spike to break through it.''
''Or, perhaps it would be possible to teleport out of them?'' Warren suggested. Tails furrowed a brow.
''You mean, as in using Chaos Control? Should we call Shadow and Touka?'' he asked.
''I suppose we should try out all kinds of approaches,'' Warren replied, shrugging as he smiled sheepishly. ''Let's just hope they'll agree with this experiment.''
Shadow hummed as he threw another chocolate-coated coffee bean into his mouth, then returned the small bag of coffee beans to the plastic bag he was carrying. Kisaki had had asked him and Touka to go to the grocery store to buy some ingredients for dinner. Neither was in the mood for going to the grocery store, so they played Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who'd go. Obviously, Shadow lost.
I suppose it isn't that bad. I got myself a snack out of this deal. Shadow smirked, imagining Touka's annoyed look when she realized that she was deprived of some kind of snack or sweet just because she was too lazy to go along. Serves her right.
Shadow stopped when his AR Visor signaled an incoming message. Intrigued, he opened the holographic screen and saw, to his surprise, that for once, the message wasn't from Sonic, but from Tails. He was telling him how he and Warren needed his Chaos powers for a project they were working on and whether he could drop by the Taylor Workshop. Shadow thought about the proposal for a moment. He certainly wasn't in mood for any kind of experiments, especially after his awful experience at the Codex Research Facility. However, this wasn't Codex and he knew that he could trust Tails and Warren. If they were calling him for help, it had to be for a good reason. After thinking about it for a moment, he vanished in a flash of cyan light, appearing in the living room of the Kageura household, startling Kisaki.
''Shadow, you're back-'' Kisaki was felt her heart racing when Shadow appeared right in front of her, only for him to reach for something inside the plastic bag before giving it to her.
''Where's Touka?'' he asked.
''Upstairs, why?'' Kisaki asked.
''We have something to do,'' Shadow replied curtly. Kisaki just smiled in response, figuring it had to do with his and Touka's newfound friends. After all, they would sometimes talk about Team Neos and what they did.
''Okay, but could you do me a favor?'' Kisaki asked, with Shadow stopping on the stairs to turn to her. ''Next time, don't give a heart-attack with your warping power.''
Shadow snorted, cracking a tiny smile. ''No promises.''
He went upstairs to the attic, spotting Touka reading a book on the bed. She looked up, noticing him staring at her. ''Hey, Shadow…''
''We're going to the Taylor Workshop,'' Shadow suddenly said as he sat on the bed, reaching for the bag with the chocolate-covered coffee beans and placing another in his mouth, eating it. Touka rose an eyebrow as she sat up.
''Tails asked me to help him and Warren with a project. It involves Chaos energy,'' Shadow replied, eating another coffee bean. ''I had figured that we might need Chaos Surge depending on what they're planning to do.''
''I see…'' Touka muttered, only to narrow her eyes when she saw Shadow loudly eating and enjoying the coffee beans. ''You didn't buy me anything, did you?''
''You should've come along,'' Shadow replied, smirking at her in amusement. Touka just groaned in response.
Dr. Starline placed his hand under his beak, his eyebrow raised as he stared at the monitor. He had been here for a couple of days and he had to yet understand the brilliant mind of Dr. Eggman. Fortunately, it appeared that his idol was quite flattered about his genuine interest in the project and would answer whatever question Starline had. Of course, it was obvious that Eggman was just ego-driven and as long as he had someone compliment him on his project or be interested in them, he was satisfied.
''Sir, may I ask you a question in regards to the AR Fields?'' Starline asked curiously, clearly trying to understand what was shown on the monitor before him.
''Of course, Starline,'' Eggman said, still focused on fine-tuning his project.
''Is it really necessary to make every AR Field unique? Wouldn't it be much more efficient to just create the same AR Field with minor differences to suit the victim that is trapped inside it?'' Starline asked. To his amazement, Eggman appeared to be quite amused by the question.
''If I wanted to do what you suggested, I would've done it already. However, I won't, because I want to give myself a challenge,'' Eggman responded, with Starline being confused by his response. ''I know that you want efficiency, but I believe that we should always strive for more. What is the thrill of a battle if you don't put in some flair into your style?''
''May I know what your style is, Sir?'' Starline asked curiously. ''I know that you have an affinity for robotics and that your current goal is to conquer Starpoint Area, but what do you plan to do with it? I imagine that turning it into an industrial zone would be the end goal.''
''While I wouldn't mind more factories for my Badniks, I actually have other plans with it,'' Eggman responded, snapping his fingers. On the monitor above them appeared a huge map with the Eggman Empire logo, with Starline wondering what they were looking at. ''This is Eggmanland, a city/amusement park hybrid and my ultimate robotic utopia. It would be the capital of the Eggman Empire, from where my rule would spread.''
Starline gave him a blank look. ''Eh… A-An amusement park?'' He shook his head, still baffled and tried to collect himself. ''I-I don't understand. Why is it an amusement park?''
''It's simple, I like amusement parks,'' Eggman replied in a blunt tone, then grinned deviously. ''If I want my enemies to suffer while surrounded by the smell of old cotton candy and oil, then I'll make it happen.''
''I see! You're quite a visionary, Sir!'' Starline said, having to admit that, while shocking, Eggman's idea of turning Neos City and, by proxy, Starpoint Area into an amusement park was a rather unique.
''Of course I am,'' Eggman said, putting the finishing touches to the AR Fields. ''As for Sonic and his friends, they will fight on the battle field I have chosen.''
Warren and Tails heard a knock on the door, with Warren opening it and seeing Touka and Shadow waiting outside, with Shadow addressing them, ''You said that you needed my help with something.''
''Yeah, we do,'' Tails said, motioning to him to follow him inside. ''Remember how Sonic, Knuckles and I got stuck inside those AR Fields Starline had created?'' Shadow nodded. ''Warren and I had managed to recreate it, and we're currently trying to figure out how to break out of it. One of the ideas we had was the use of Chaos Control.''
''Do you really need Chaos Conntrol to escape an AR Field?'' Shadow asked, raising an eyebrow.
''We have tried out other methods, and we figured that we should also take a shot at Chaos Control,'' Warren explained. ''Will you be okay with that?''
''What do I have to do?'' Shadow asked.
''You simply enter the AR Field and then try to warp out of it with Chaos Control,'' Tails said, pointing at the computer nearby. ''Warren and I will monitor what is going on, and in the case you cannot escape it, we'll turn off the AR Field remotely.''
Shadow scoffed, while Touka rolled her eyes at his reaction. ''I don't think that will be necessary.''
''We just want to be ready for anything,'' Tails replied. ''Besides, if Starline teams up with Eggman and they attempt to use these kinds of AR Fields, we'll know how to escape them.''
''I see,'' Shadow muttered, with Tails then pressing a few buttons on the computer and activating the AR Field. Shadow then entered it, finding himself inside a green field. A holographic monitor opened beside him, with Tails appearing on it.
''Okay, could just activate your Chaos powers, but without using Chaos Control? I want to see how the AR Field reacts to it,'' Tails explained. Shadow nodded and closed his eyes, Chaos energy crackling across his body, then waited for further instructions.
In the meantime, Touka was looking over Warren's shoulder at the computer monitor, the latter looking at the incoming data. ''Is this good news or bad news?''
''I'd say it's neutral news. The AR Field doesn't appear to be affected by just having the Chaos energy active,'' Warren replied.
''Perhaps, Shadow should try using Chaos Blast?'' Touka suggested in a dry tone.
''No, that might either have no effect on the AR Field or destroy it,'' Tails responded, turning to the monitor again. ''Okay, now try Chaos Control.''
He received no response from the dark hedgehog within the AR Field, who was enveloped in a cyan flash of light and then promptly appeared back inside the workshop. Understandably stunned by Shadow's feat, Tails quickly turned to the monitor, him and Warren analyzing the results. ''It looks like, while the AR Field did get distorted for a moment, it didn't fall apart.''
''How do you feel?'' Touka asked Shadow, who looked at his gloved hands, then turned back to his sister.
''I feel no different than usual,'' he told her.
''It seems that one can indeed use Chaos Control to escape those AR Fields,'' Warren said, only for Shadow to cut him off.
''Hmph, was there any doubt?'' he asked. Warren just gave him a sheepish look.
''I believe that we now have our answer to why Starline didn't target you, Shadow,'' Tails said. ''Those AR Fields can't contain Chaos energy.''
''I have my doubts that this will be a permanent weakness,'' Shadow replied, with Tails and Warren giving him a confused look. ''You saw Dr. Eggman creating a robot that could withstand my Chaos Blast and even Silver's psychokinesis. If Dr. Starline is with him, they have probably found a way to overcome this obvious flaw.''
''Yeah, you're right,'' Tails responded, only to give him a confident gaze. ''That's why we plan on researching it until we find a way to counter it. Your Chaos Control is a good start.''
Shadow simply nodded in acknowledgement.
''Orbot, I want a status report! Where are the rodent and his friends?'' Dr. Eggman told the red spherical robot, who pored over a monitor.
''We have a signal coming from Sentoraru-'' Orbot paused, turning to the monitor again.
''Oh, it's now at Erekiteru… no, now it's going towards Kita,'' Cubot chimed in.
''That has to be Sonic,'' Eggman grumbled, taking a look at the monitor as the signal changed at rapid speed. ''It looks like the rodent has gone out for a run. So, let's slow him down a bit. Dr. Starline, if you please.''
''Of course, Doctor!'' Dr. Starline bowed to his idol and then turned to the nearby computer and pressed a button. Then, a new screen opened in front of all of them, Ferra and Metal Sonic standing in the back of the room and observing what was going on. As expected, the monitor before them showed Sonic and Lucas trapped inside a custom-made AR Field, one filled with greenery and palm trees, and surrounded by a sea and waterfalls.
''Ho, ho, ho, this turned out better than I had expected!'' Eggman laughed mirthfully, a malicious grin spreading on his expression. ''Welcome to Act 1, Hedgehog!''
Sonic and Lucas had to admit that they had absolutely no clue what had happened. One moment, they were racing towards Kita, the next they found themselves in a completely new place. It was a giant field blessed with greenery and beautiful blue lakes. Topographically, it varied from having a plateau-like terrain, with short mountains; to being a mountainous area with massive mountains, slopping cliffs, giant peaks, and tight paths high up in the sky supported by natural pillars. Either way, the location was filled with large waterfall vistas, palm trees, and tropical flora of various types. Most distinctively, the soil was checkered brown, and most of the local plant life appeared to have unfamiliar geometric appearances to it. However, what made this place incredibly unique was the ''crazy'' terrain. Though there were gently-slopping hills, the whole area was filled to the brim with impressive set pieces such as loops, corkscrews, floating platforms, tunnels, among others; which left an impression of a ''twisty, bouncy beauty of nature''.
''Huh, where are we?'' Sonic asked, both confused by this location and mesmerized by it. It felt quite familiar, albeit in an uncanny way, as if he was here before. ''Hey, Lucas, do you know… Uh, Lucas?'' Sonic cast a puzzled look at his partner, who appeared to be not only astonished by their surroundings, but also seemed to have recognized them. However, he didn't respond to Sonic's call, still trying to process what he was seeing. ''Hey, Earth to Lucas!''
''Huh?'' Lucas shook his head as he felt Sonic tugging his hand, the Hedgehog giving him a questioning look.
''Dude, you look like you saw a ghost,'' Sonic told him. ''Do you know where we are?''
''Yeah, I do… and I can't believe that we're here,'' Lucas replied. ''This is Green Hill Zone!''
''Green Hill…'' Sonic trailed off, trying to remember where he heard those words before, only to snap his fingers. ''You mean, from the video games?''
''Yeah, exactly!'' Lucas nodded in response, then stared at his surroundings. ''But, I don't understand- How did we end up here? Is this an AR Field?''
''I'll call Tails, maybe he and Warren can help us,'' Sonic replied, tapping on his AR Visor. However, the holographic screen that appeared before him showed nothing but static. ''Uh, this is not good.'' Sonic closed the holographic screen, thinking about their situation for a moment, only to frown and give Lucas a serious look. ''Hey, how much do you want to bet that this is another one of Eggman's schemes?''
''Well, he seems to be the type of person who'd come up with something like this,'' Lucas responded, placing his hands on his hips. ''I suppose that we're inside an AR Field, because there's no way that Green Hill would just appear out of nowhere.'' He then furrowed a brow, groaning in annoyance, ''Why Green Hill, though? Why not some other place? I get it, it's iconic, but I dunno, couldn't we have gone to some other place? Maybe Little Planet or Angel Island or some other place? I don't mind being here, but still…''
''For someone who doesn't mind being in Green Hill, you sound just as grumpy as Shadow,'' Sonic commented, giving him a sly smile.
''You'd be also fed up with Green Hill if the video games tried to kept shoving it down your throat as the standard location instead of coming up with something new,'' Lucas replied. ''Trust me, I'm not the only person who complained about it.''
''So, what do we do now?'' Sonic asked. Lucas reached for his hoverboard, taking a deep breath.
''I suppose we should find an exit, if there is one,'' he replied.
''Right, because there is no way Egghead would leave us here without some kind of challenge,'' Sonic added, and then took a starting position. Lucas rose an eyebrow. ''Well, if we're already here, why not play along with the game? Who knows, maybe it'll be fun.''
Lucas snorted in amusement, getting on the hoverboard. ''Okay, but watch out where you're going. I'm sure that there will be trap and Badniks.''
''Pfft, as if that is going to be any problem for me,'' Sonic replied, then focused on the green path before him. ''Ready, set, go!''
At once, both Sonic and Lucas then raced down Green Hill Zone, hoping to find a way to escape it.
''Hey, Makoto, Silver!''
The teenager and the teenage hedgehog looked up, surprised when they heard Lily calling for them, her and Knuckles approaching the two at Eden.
''Hey, guys, what brings you here?'' Silver asked.
''We've been searching for Rouge. Have you seen her anywhere?'' Knuckles asked.
''No, I'm sorry, but we didn't see her,'' Silver replied, glancing at Makoto, who shook his head in response.
''Why are you searching for her?'' Makoto asked.
''Because she hadn't appeared to challenge me in the past few days. This is not her usual behavior,'' Knuckles answered.
''We had asked Sonic to keep an eye out for her,'' Lily added. ''We also came across Minami and Amy, and they told us they'd be looking out for her.''
Makoto fell silent for a moment, humming. ''I don't know whether this will help, but I heard from a visitor how a white Irregular has been terrorizing people at Kita. The Hunters were on the case, but the Irregular has disappeared before they could get them.''
''A white Irregular…'' Lily muttered, trailing off. Knuckles suddenly shook his head, his arms crossed on his chest.
''I sincerely doubt that it is Rouge,'' he told them. ''She wouldn't be interested in tormenting people unless they have gems on their person.''
''Yeah, you're right,'' Makoto noted.
''Why are you so worried about Rouge?'' Silver asked Knuckles. The echidna frowned, glaring at the hedgehog.
''I am not worried about her. I am well aware that she's capable of taking care of herself,'' Knuckles told him, with Silver's mouth opening as he gave the echidna a stunned look.
''Uh, that's not what I meant-''
''I've been merely trying to figure out what her next move is,'' Knuckles continued. Before Silver, or Makoto for that matter, could respond, both suddenly disappeared. Knuckles and Lily were shocked when their friends vanished, only for the surroundings around them to morph and turn into a completely different location.
Lily felt the ground beneath her vanishing and finding herself mid-air. She fell, but was saved just in time by Knuckles, who had grabbed her hand, holding onto a stone platform. ''Hold on!''
''Don't let go!'' Lily shouted back, the wind whistling in her ears and her legs flailing as the echidna tried to pull her up. She didn't dare to look down below, instead try to grab onto the edges of the platform. Knuckles grunted, putting all of his strength into pulling her up. Luckily, he managed to pull her over the edge, with Lily crawling onto the platform and both sitting down as they tried to catch their breath.
''Are you okay?'' Knuckles asked her.
''Yeah, but…'' Lily rubbed her temple, looking around. ''Where are we? This is not Eden.''
''It appears that we're at some kind of floating platform,'' Knuckles replied, with both taking a closer look at their surroundings.
The place appeared to be is an ancient, aerial temple, located high up in the sky above the clouds. It was made up of ancient ruins made of white, mossy stone that float in the sky; as well as of dark blue glass with a technological pattern. There were various pieces of ancient technology, but the ruins themselves, however, were very damaged, and looked like they would collapse at any moment. Apart from the moss, fruit palm trees were also in the area. Both Knuckles and Lily felt weirdly familiar with this location, with Knuckles feeling as if he had been here before, while Lily was certain that she did see it before. It took her a moment to remember.
''Wait, are we… in Sky Sanctuary?'' she asked aloud. Knuckles gave her a confused look.
''Sky… Sanctuary?'' he asked, feeling as if he should be familiar with that name. Lily perked up, walking around the platform.
''Yeah, this is Sky Sanctuary! We're on Angel Island, a place in the Sonic the Hedgehog video games!'' Lily explained to him. She breathed, almost laughing due to just how shocked she was by the sudden realization. ''Knux, we can go explore Angel Island, maybe even go find the Master Emerald!''
''The Master Emerald?'' Knuckles narrowed his eyes, remembering how Lily had told him how the Master Emerald had been protected by the in-game character he was based on. ''I suppose we could, but wouldn't it be better to learn how we had ended up on Angel Island.''
''Yeah, you're right,'' Lily replied, giving him a sheepish smile. ''I suppose I got caught up in the moment.''
''I understand your desire to explore the island. Perhaps, we might find an answer in regards to how we had ended up here,'' Knuckles replied. ''Do you know your way around here?''
''Well, we are at Sky Sanctuary, so give me a moment until I figure out where we should go next,'' Lily said, looking around as if searching for a clue. ''If I remember correctly, Sky Sanctuary is supposed to be accessed via teleporters from Hidden Palace Zone, and it also has a connection to the Starfall Islands. Perhaps, we might even run into a Chao.'' Lily turned to her partner. ''We should go explore for now and familiarize ourselves with the area.''
Knuckles nodded, with the two then getting off the floating platform and taking one of the walkways through the Zone, hoping to find an answer to their situation.
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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leprincedaunsh · 3 months
The gift of teaching
10/06/2024 - Monday in Johannesburg
I woke up super early today, similar to yesterday but unlike yesterday I had no flight to catch this morning. However one thing I have picked up about waking up early is that you're able to get so much done and if you're wise, no day will leave you behind again. I've been reading more and hopefully i'll be writing more as well. The exercise thing is still difficult but i'm running tomorrow morning and I'll write to you about it after the run (Provided I don't die obviously).
Okay onto the matter at hand. I don't know if i've had really great teachers along the way or if i'm just a brilliant student (Highly improbable) but i've always enjoyed learning new things and going on adventures. I realized from a young age that I enjoyed teaching too, my brother was my obvious lab rat but I think I did a relatively decent job. Teaching for me isn't just about sharing knowlege or building someone else's skills but it's a form of achieving mastery. Think about it, most things make sense in your head but the moment that they need to be shared with someone else then we find ourselves either saying or thinking "That sounded so much better in my head." However to reach mastery in anything you do, you need to be able to pass on that wisdom to someone else in a way that they will e able to build on what you have given them.
The Students; one of the most important elements of teaching is always the students. I believe a great teacher is one that understands their students and finds a way to customize the learning experience for every student. We all think differently but as my University maths teacher responded to me when I asked why am I learning this proof? he responded and said "we are doing this so that we teach you how to think" I mean how did i get to university without thinking?mmmmh. I guess maybe what he was trying to say was that, he wanted to teach me a way of thinking,or maybe open me up to new realities. The problem he faced was that I was the kind of student who had given up on memorizing things and had my attention and focus on applying what I learn to the real world. See some kids are verbal, others visual etc. If we use a style that isn't appropriate for the student than we lose out on an opportunity to truly take what we have to the next level. The mistake we make as teachers is to adopt a one size fits all and unfortunately, students come in all shape and sizes,that's why I enjoy rugby because it caters to the fat and the thin, the short and the tall, the fast and the slow, somehow, what might appear to be a weakness is merely a platform for another stregth to be made manifested. So students matter and good teachers, adapt to their students.
The lesson; sometimes the lesson itself is a problem. I've learnt that as humans we all have different values and goals (The by product of eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil) which means that unfortunately we all have a hierarchy of needs that need to be met. If the most basic needs are not met than no one will focus on the highest level of needs. So when ever i teach, i try to make sure that the lesson first serves the most basic of needs, or in another way, the lesson would benefit even a fool. It's critical to simplify things because when things are complex, many people tend to check out and start focusing on their basic needs. If you can't teach what you know to a 5 year old (4 year olds are going through an early life crisis to really learn) than the truth is you have no idea what you're talking about. We can hide behind jargons and big words but when you go into the dictionary, well I guess everything can e explained by smaller and simpler words. The lessons I think should be focused on three layers, the identity of an individual, what would this knowledge or skill help you to become, secondly what are the process to actually make it a reality and lastly what are the outcomes of acquiring such knowledge or experiences. What we tend to do is start with outcome; i.e. we want the child to be able to play a few notes maybe a song so we get them an instrument and begin giving them instructions. However the truth is, the outcomes we have are fundamentally a result of the processes that we follow which are fundamentally the results of the person we believe we are. So if you change what people believe than you can change their outcomes and I guess that's why identity politics is so powerful and dangerous at the same time. If i can make you believe that you are a bird than i shouldn't be surprised if the next thing you do is try to fly without technology of course. So always make sure that the lesson helps people become who the want to be and they will begin to do what the people they want to be do naturally.
The best part of it all; For me the best part of teaching is the opportunity to learn. You get to learn how what you think actually sounds like, what other people think, the things you missed while thinking and also the things you could never have thought about on your own. Teaching is a gift or rather a super power. The one that can teach appropriately has learnt how to use incentives and rewards appropriately, they have learnt how to communicate effectively and also how to negotiate in such a way that everyone benefits. Teaching ia a journey of exploring an idea or set of ideas and not just spitting out facts or propaganda. If we go back to taking the time to figure things out as we learn, we might get a few more people who are willing to come along the journey with us, why knows where it might lead to?
So make sure you teach someone something everyday, it is the first step to becoming a master at what you want and love.
with wisdom,
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anakinspraisekink · 2 years
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I got this awesome quinobiani prompt from @thetimesinbetween so here's my lil fic for it (actually 3.6k lmao)!! The sentence prompts are "Do you really think you can handle it?" and "Have you thought about this?" 🥰
Warning for first time blow jobs, anal sex, and Quinlan saying "tits" lol
"D'you think Anakin would want to join us sometime? In bed?" Quinlan asks as they both catch their breath and Obi-Wan flops back onto his back, feeling sticky and spent from their latest casual romp.
"What?" Obi-Wan responds quickly, the surprise sending an unwelcome shockwave through his fuzzy, post-orgasm mind. "Why would you say that?" Quinlan lifts his head to look at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh, because you've clearly been into each other for forever, and he's super cute and fun to tease," Quinlan responds like it's obvious. "Plus, I saw him ogling me in the Temple baths the other day and he blushed so hard when I caught him looking." Obi-Wan bites his lip and turns his head, emotions warring within him. It's true that he's always loved Anakin more than he feels he should and that he finds Anakin attractive, but . . .
"I couldn't," he says, with finality.
"Why not?" Quinlan asks curiously. "And don't say because he was your Padawan." The reasons are numerous, not least because Obi-Wan feels Anakin deserves someone better than what he could give him. Maybe he deserves Quinlan? But that still sends an ache through his chest at just the thought.
"He . . ." Obi-Wan starts, trying to think of something to explain his tumult of feelings, something that's still true. "He doesn't have much experience, I don't think. In fact, he's never outwardly appeared interested in sex with anyone at all, and so I'm not sure your proposition would go well."
"Hmm, well, he's an adult so he can tell me that himself," Quinlan responds with a shrug. "I don't think it would hurt to try. Just imagine . . . teaching your Padawan one last thing," Quinlan teases, poking him in the side. Obi-Wan feels himself blush, determined not to think about that. "But if you don't want to I can just do it myself," Quinlan continues, and Obi-Wan suddenly turns to look at him.
"No!" He says quickly, too quickly, and a slow grin creeps across Quinlan's face, and Obi-Wan knows he stepped right into his trap.
"Oh, jealous, Obi?" Quinlan says playfully, and Obi-Wan swallows.
"Just . . . maybe you two can do something together and I'll . . . supervise," Obi-Wan says with difficulty, not wanting to give in all the way but unable to risk not being there. Quinlan snorts.
"Yeah, supervise, right." Quinlan turns and gives him a loud kiss on his cheek. "You tell yourself that, Obi-Wan."
Oh, Force. Anakin looks so nervous. Quinlan had done as he'd said and invited both Anakin and Obi-Wan over to his quarters, but it's clear that Anakin has no idea why he has been summoned. He shifts on his feet, his hands hidden in his robes and looking like he's about to be reprimanded.
"Is something wrong, Masters?" He asks anxiously, still standing in the middle of Quinlan's quarters while Quinlan lounges on the couch next to Obi-Wan, who's sitting stiffly and waiting for disaster.
"No, no," Quinlan assures him, though Anakin doesn't look very reassured. "Anakin, I've gathered you here today . . . to ask if you'd like to fuck," Quinlan continues, and Obi-Wan sighs quietly, disappointed but not surprised at the way Quinlan went about doing this. Anakin's eyes immediately go wide and his cheeks suddenly bloom bright red.
"Is this a joke?" He asks weakly, and the urge to reach out and comfort Anakin is like a terrible itch.
"No, I'm afraid he's quite serious, Anakin," Obi-Wan replies quickly, getting ready to do damage control. He knew this would happen and now things are going to be even more awkward between them than it has been since Anakin was Knighted. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable—"
"No!" Anakin interrupts, and Obi-Wan just blinks at him. "I'm . . . I'm interested," he says shyly, eyes flickering over to Quinlan, who turns to give Obi-Wan a quick look of, I told you so. "But . . . why are you here, Master?" Anakin asks him, and Obi-Wan can barely take Anakin calling him Master while he's looking so eager but shy and blushing all at once.
"Oh, he wants to watch," Quinlan says bluntly, and Anakin looks somehow even more surprised.
No," Obi-Wan quickly says, "well, yes I do, but I want to be there to make sure you have a good experience, if you would have me," Obi-Wan attempts to explain, though it sounds a bit silly and he can see Quinlan rolling his eyes at him. Anakin just blushes harder. "Not that I don't trust Quinlan, because you know we've had our fun, but I care about you very much Anakin." Anakin ducks his head and gives him a bashful smile.
"I do too, Obi-Wan," he says, "and I'd be fine with you actually joining, but watching is cool too," he quickly finishes, surprising Obi-Wan even further. Quinlan just shoots him another smug look that Obi-Wan ignores.
"I'll just watch," Obi-Wan says faintly, fearful he might actually combust if he got to touch Anakin right now.
"Well, if you change your mind . . ." Quinlan says with a grin, and then he's getting up and walking over to Anakin.
"But . . . are you sure?" Anakin mumbles as Quinlan steps close to him, as if still shocked that people want him.
"Yes, you're adorable and gorgeous and sexy as hell," Quinlan says, which makes Anakin bite his plump bottom lip. "But this is all you, so you decide what we do," Quinlan says seriously.
"Could—could you kiss me?" Anakin says so softly, and Quinlan's grin widens, and Obi-Wan knows Quin is going to have fun with him.
"Of course, baby." Then Quinlan sidles up to him and wraps one arm gently around his waist while the other tilts his chin, and then Quinlan captures Anakin's lips in a kiss, cutting off a little noise from Anakin. Obi-Wan has to admit they're quite beautiful together, with Quinlan confident and guiding while Anakin is still clumsy and unsure, the two complementing each other well.
He knows Quinlan likes using his teeth, so he can guess that Quinlan nips at Anakin's lower lip to make him let out that little sound again and then they're kissing deeper, Quinlan's tongue pressing inside, wet sounds coming from the slide of their lips and tongues. Obi-Wan realizes his hands are already tightly gripping onto his thighs and he tries to relax, knowing he will be seeing much more before the night is up and he can't be cracking already. Quinlan's hands have started to wander, caressing over Anakin's body like Obi-Wan aches to do, down over his chest, his hips, around to squeeze at his ass.
Quinlan murmurs something to him when they part for a moment and Anakin nods in reply, and then Quinlan is undressing him from his robes with ease. Anakin's robe falls to the floor, and then his belt, his obi, his tunics, his boots, until he's only in his trousers. Obi-Wan has seen him like this many times before but now it feels different to see his chest rise with each breath and see how his torso is bloomed in a blush, to see Quinlan's hands all over him and know what's coming. "Pretty little tits," Quinlan remarks, giving his pecs a little squeeze, and Anakin practically squeaks.
"Quin, don't," Obi-Wan cuts in, thinking Anakin won't like that.
"I didn't know I was getting critique from the audience tonight," Quinlan says with a look over at him, evidently taking in the way he's sitting, as he tries not to beg to join or touch himself or say any of the filthy things he wants to say to Anakin.
"I like it, Master," Anakin softly assures him, even as he blushes fiercely, and Quinlan raises an eyebrow at Obi-Wan before turning back to Anakin.
"Obi-Wan can't seem to stop protecting you even though you're not his Padawan anymore," Quinlan says, twisting Anakin's nipples between his fingers and making his head fall back. "He just cares for you so much, huh?" Anakin whimpers at that, especially when Quinlan ducks his head to kiss down Anakin's neck. "But I can still teach you how to feel good," Quinlan continues, with a look over at Obi-Wan, gaze playful and coaxing. Obi-Wan swallows.
Anakin whispers something and Quinlan pulls back again, smirking, and starts to take off his own clothes. Obi-Wan doesn't need to watch, having seen this many times, but what he does watch is Anakin's reaction. Anakin, who's always so open with his emotions, who goes wide-eyed and needy at the sight of Quinlan's bare, muscled chest and the obscene bulge through his trousers. Quinlan always likes to show off, so he runs a hand down his chest, over his abs and the dusting of hair, down to grip his hard cock through the fabric. Anakin licks his lips and makes one of those whimpery sounds again and that is what's going to kill Obi-Wan.
"You wanna suck on it?" Quinlan asks Anakin teasingly, and Obi-Wan is just about to call Quinlan's name again when Anakin nods shakily and gets down on his knees without asking. Oh. Quinlan looks surprised too, but not for long, that smirk coming back as he steps closer and runs his hands through Anakin's hair, making his eyelashes flutter. "You're so pretty on your knees," Quinlan remarks, and Obi-Wan has to agree with him. Anakin shivers from the praise and watches avidly as Quinlan finally pulls off his trousers and underwear and takes his hard cock into his hand.
"Have you ever done this before?" Quinlan asks, and Anakin shakes his head, practically trembling. "That's okay, I'll show you how." He guides his cock to Anakin's lips and Anakin immediately licks the tip of it. "That's it," Quinlan encourages. Emboldened, Anakin parts his lips and takes the head into his mouth, sucking on it softly, curiously, his pink lips parted around Quinlan's cock. Quinlan keeps one hand on his cock to keep it steady and prevent Anakin from going further than he's able, while the other hand cards through his curls.
"Fuck, that's good," Quinlan groans as Anakin slowly and steadily takes more into his mouth and tries to create a rhthym. Anakin moans around him and Obi-Wan can see the way Quinlan now trembles too, the way his breath comes in gasps. But he still treats Anakin so gently, letting him explore and do what he wants, and Obi-Wan aches so much to be in Quinlan's place or even crouched behind Anakin, scratching at his head and praising him and giving him tips. "Knew that pretty mouth would feel so good," Quinlan says, and Anakin looks up at him pleadingly, eyes hazy and dull of desire.
"Obi-Wan's cock is even bigger than mine," Quinlan continues breathlessly, and Anakin lets out a surprised whine. "So you'd have to stretch your lips even more to take him, and even I still can't do that easily." Obi-Wan has started to breathe heavier too, feeling hot and dizzy with arousal. Anakin increases his pace at Quinlan's words, moaning around him continuously now and hollowing his cheeks, until he swallows around him. That makes him nearly choke for a second and he pulls off on instinct, lips shiny and swollen and eyes a little watery.
"Mmh," Quinlan murmurs, bringing his hand down to trace his thumb over Anakin's lips. "Do you want to do anything else before you make me come like this?" Quinlan asks him, and Anakin shudders once more.
"I want—" Anakin says, eyes flickering over to Obi-Wan before looking back up at Quinlan again. "I want you to fuck me," he admits quietly, and Obi-Wan's fingers dig sharply into the meat of his own thighs.
"Good boy," Quinlan says, and Obi-Wan wants to be the one saying that to Anakin, to get that beautiful reaction out of him, as visible pleasure and gratification washes over Anakin from the praise. "And have you ever done that before?" Quinlan asks Anakin.
"Just by myself," Anakin whispers, and Quinlan's eyes gleam just as Obi-Wan feels a frantic thudding in his chest, barely able to take this any longer.
"Okay, baby, we're going to go nice and gentle," Quinlan says, helping Anakin up off the floor. "And I'm sure Obi-Wan will let me know if anything is wrong," Quinlan teases, and Obi-Wan can only swallow dryly once more. Then Quinlan is helping Anakin step out of his pants and underwear and coaxing him to lie down on the soft rug by the couch, before pulling out a bottle of lube from one of his secret stashes. "Hand me that pillow, will you, Obi-Wan?" Quinlan asks him, nodding to a throw pillow on the couch, and Obi-Wan does as he says, moving as if in a dream.
Quinlan props the pillow under Anakin's hips, giving him soft touches over his strong thighs, his flushing cock, his quivering stomach. Anakin looks so nervous but excited too. "It's alright," Quinlan soothes him. "Obi-Wan is right there." That does seem to calm him down, as well as make him leak precome onto his belly. "You're so pretty," Quinlan coos, before coaxing his legs up and back. "And pretty here too," he remarks, petting a finger around Anakin's hole and making him whimper. Obi-Wan can't see much of it from this angle, but Quinlan starts describing it for him anyway.
"Fuck, Obi-Wan, his hole's so fucking tiny," Quinlan says with a groan, fingers still caressing over his rim. "So pink and clenching like it wants me inside so bad." Obi-Wan has to take a few deep breaths in order to recover from that. "Gonna look gorgeous spread around my cock," he says a bit smugly, and Obi-Wan knows that part is specifically directed at him. Anakin's breath hitches and his hips arch up, even as he looks so bashful. "I'm gonna open you up, okay?" Quinlan tells him as he takes his hand away from Anakin and opens the lube, and Anakin nods shakily.
Quinlan rubs some lubed fingers over Anakin's hole and then starts to slowly press one in, Obi-Wan watching intently as a shudder runs through Anakin and his eyes flutter closed, his face twisting up in an expression of pleasure. One finger soon slides in and out with ease and it has Anakin letting out continuous little whimpers, biting onto one of his own fingers on his flesh hand as he squirms. Quinlan adds another finger and that rips out a moan of Anakin as Quinlan curls them and rubs the pads of his fingers against what Obi-Wan can only assume is Anakin's prostate.
"Taking it so well," Quinlan praises, looking down at his deft fingers disappearing inside of Anakin. "So sweet, baby." Obi-Wan is entranced by the way a pretty pink blush covers Anakin's skin, the way his cute cock looks so, so hard, the way he starts sucking on one finger like he's that needy for something in his mouth to help keep him grounded. Obi-Wan is so distracted that he misses when Quinlan fits in a third finger beside the rest, steadily stretching Anakin open until he looks like he's falling apart, his curls strewn out behind him on the floor like a halo.
Then Quinlan leans down and whispers something to Anakin before pulling back again, and Anakin turns his head and opens his eyes, looking right at Obi-Wan. His eyes can barely stay open, hooded and hazy as they are, and his face looks so desperate, like he's pleading with Obi-Wan for more, for whatever he'll give him. This is too much. This might be what breaks him.
"Anakin—" Obi-Wan garbles out before he can stop himself.
"Hm, Master?" Anakin asks dreamily, looking up at him through his lashes.
"I—" Obi-Wan swallows, feeling like he can't talk with how much he wants this, with how much he wants Anakin. Quinlan looks over at Obi-Wan and grins.
"I think he wants to touch you now," Quinlan says to him softly, and Anakin makes a surprised little sound.
"He does?" Anakin says disbelievingly, looking back up at Quinlan.
"Yes, I've hardly ever seen him look so desperate," Quinlan says to him, sneaking another look at him, and Obi-Wan supposes that is true. "Can he join, baby?" Anakin's answer is immediate.
"Yes, yes, Master, please," he begs, and Obi-Wan is moving before he even realizes it. He gets down onto the floor to kneel beside Anakin, one hand outstretched and wavering, not sure what he can do. "You can touch, Master," Anakin says breathlessly, and Obi-Wan rests his hand gently on Anakin's trembling torso, caressing the soft skin there and making him shiver, their gaze caught on one another's. He knows Quinlan is looking at him with the most smug face of all time, but he can't even bring himself to care.
"Do you want Obi-Wan to fuck you?" Quinlan asks Anakin. "I think you two deserve a moment together," he says honestly, and Anakin immediately nods, still staring up at Obi-Wan. Anakin's face scrunches up as Quinlan carefully takes his fingers out of him, before handing the lube to Obi-Wan. Anakin's stare is heavy as he watches Obi-Wan undo his pants just enough to take his hard cock out, Anakin's eyes widening once he sees it. Obi-Wan feels faint with arousal as he lubes up his cock and finally gets to touch where he's so aching, throbbing in his grip.
"Do you really think you can handle it?" Quinlan teases Anakin, watching him watch Obi-Wan. "I told you he's big."
"I want to try, I want to be good, please—" Anakin immediately says, and Obi-Wan has to reach out to caress Anakin's face.
"Oh, Anakin, you are, you are so good," Obi-Wan murmurs, and Anakin smiles up at him. As if in a dream, Obi-Wan positions his cock at Anakin's hole. "Okay?" He asks once more, and at Anakin's vehement nod, he starts to press in. Everything narrows down to this moment, to Anakin looking up at him with stars in his eyes as Obi-Wan sinks into him, wet and hot and tight and already clenching around him. It's nearly unbearable and he feels a sense of disbelief that that is happening, that he is with Anakin in this way.
"Have you thought about this?" Obi-Wan has to ask as he stills inside of Anakin, who's taking big, gasping breaths as he adjusts.
"All the time," Anakin admits, and then his head falls back as Obi-Wan starts to rock forward, thrusting into him slowly and gently which is about all he can personally take at the moment too. Anakin's cock bobs between them and he has to touch it for him, moving his fist as he moves into him and making Anakin whine.
"You two are gorgeous together," Quinlan remarks, and Obi-Wan looks over to find him sitting there watching them and stroking his cock. Obi-Wan had almost forgotten Quinlan was there, so lost in Anakin that he was. "His cock feels good, doesn't it?" Quinlan asks Anakin, and Anakin can only nod again, arms coming up to wrap around Obi-Wan's neck. Obi-Wan thrusts into his harder and it makes Anakin cry out in the most beautiful way, Obi-Wan's free hand digging into Anakin's hips and unable to take his eyes off of him.
"You should fuck Obi sometime too," Quinlan continues to Anakin, his voice getting breathier. Anakin lets out a moan. "He's super tight and always moans like a whore when you give it to him rough." Obi-Wan grits his teeth, trying desperately hard not to think about Anakin fucking him lest he wants to come right this moment.
"Stop talking," he grits out, and he can hear the grin in Quinlan's voice.
"Why, you can't handle it?" Obi-Wan flicks hair out of his face, breathing heavily as he starts a steady pace of fucking into Anakin, his hand moving over him a bit clumsily but enough to keep pulling those sweet little sounds out of anakin. Words suddenly start falling out of Obi-Wan's mouth in retaliation to Quinlan's teasing, before he can even think.
"He's so tight, Quin," he tells him, "just sucking me in like he's made for this, such a good boy." He almost regrets talking about Anakin in that way when he realizes what he said, but then Anakin's eyes roll back and suddenly he comes, his cock pulsing in Obi-Wan's hand and streaking come across his abs, shaking and trembling as his orgasm rolls over him, quivering around Obi-Wan's cock.
"Oh, fuck," Quinlan curses, and Obi-Wan can hear himself stroking himself off faster now. Obi-Wan's pace has nearly come to a halt with the surprise of Anakin coming like that, but he starts fucking into him once more as Anakin finally opens his eyes again and looks up at him pleadingly, tugging at him to continue.
"Fuck—you're so beautiful, so good, I love—love seeing you like this," Obi-Wan rambles, and Anakin keens.
"I'm gonna come," Quinlan gasps out, shuffling closer to Anakin. "Can I come all over your tits, baby?" He asks Anakin, and Anakin nods, looking over at him pleadingly too, and Obi-Wan immediately wants Anakin's gaze back on him. But for now they both watch as Quinlan groans and spills over Anakin's chest, before scooping up some come with two fingers and pressing them to Anakin's mouth. Anakin takes them in easily and starts sucking, his eyes back to meeting Obi-Wan's, intent and full of desire, pulling Obi-Wan closer and closer to the edge.
He finally tips over it with a grunt, achy pleasure soaring through him as he comes deep inside of Anakin, messily pressing forward a few more times until he can catch his breath again. They're all left sweating and breathing heavily in the quiet that follows, Anakin looking adoringly up at him as Obi-Wan strokes loving hands all over his spent body. Then Quinlan breaks the silence with a breathless laugh and words spoken in a sing-songy voice.
"You're welcome!"
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Could you write some more Schneiders in Stars Hollow?
(It isn't my fault that the line "Lenny was supposed to bring the matches" appears in Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers in season 1)
"Why did we never stay for the Firelight Festival before?"
"Because we always left right before Thanksgiving," Lenny responds. "We never stayed the whole year before."
"I had no idea it was so beautiful," Midge says, marveling at the decorations in the town square.
"You've had to much punch," Lenny chuckles, wrapping an arm around her.
"That punch is no joke," Midge warns him. "I thought the stuff at the B. Altman Christmas party was strong, but they don't fuck around here."
She cuddles in against him. "Let's give up our very lucrative careers and retire and stay here all the time. We can torment Taylor until we die, and then haunt him after."
"God that sounds romantic," Lenny teases.
"Ooh, someone's had too much punch," Lorelai giggles as she steps up to them.
"We don't normally stay for the Firelight Festival," Lenny explains. "But since we're here the whole year this year..."
"Midge got into the founders day punch."
"And how," Lenny chuckles.
Midge gasps. "We were here one year! The- Two years ago, remember? We came back for this! for the night! We had a night free and we came back, and then- they asked you to bring the matches and you forgot."
"On purpose," Lenny adds, chuckling.
"Lenny," Lorelai admonishes playfully.
"It was a good gag," Lenny defends. "Watching all the chuckleheads who've never smoked a cigarette or a joint before scramble for some kind of match or lighter. Harry and Taylor punched each other over it! I did that."
"I married a funny man," Midge grins proudly.
"Yes, you did," Lorelai giggles.
"Luke gave me free coffee the whole night that night," Lenny boasts.
"Yes, he did," Midge confirms.
Lorelai giggles. "They didn't ask you to bring the matches this year, did they?" Lorelai asks.
"Never again," Lenny confirms.
Lorelai laughs more and smiles at them. "It's been really great, having you guys here the whole year."
"Yeah, I didn't know if we'd like it," Midge admits. "We're such city people, but it's been fun."
"Our kids are furious," Lenny chuckles. "Really mad that we missed Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, but they all survived without us."
"Having everyone over for Latkes was fun," Midge beams.
"You almost burned down the house, and melted your pretty fingers off in hot oil," Lenny points out.
"In a fun way," Lorelai interjects. "That was fun."
"Yeah," Lenny agrees. "Who knows. Maybe we'll get old enough to slow down completely and just stay here one day."
"The kids would kill us," Midge comments. "But it'd be nice....I want more punch."
"No you don't."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not carrying you home."
Midge pouts and looks to Lorelai. "He never carries me."
"You're a strong young woman, you've got legs," Lenny reminds her.
"He's been saying that for decades."
They stand in silence for a long moment, watching the fire and Lorelai takes a breath, looking to the couple.
"You know, this festival makes everyone super sappy and romantic," she comments. "And every year, I find myself alone when it happens."
Midge smiles at her and takes her hand, patting it gently. "I know it's hard to be patient. Especially when things like this pop up and it's just...everywhere. I've been there."
Lorelai looks confused. "When?"
"On an impromptu trip to Paris in 1959," she explains. "There was this bridge...the uh...the Pont des Arts! And I'm walking at night, and I'm just...surrounded by all of these couples, holding each other and kissing...and I was alone. Joel had broken my heart - again - Lenny wasn't an option yet, and I was miserable."
"So what did you do?" Lorelai asks.
Midge shrugs. "I kept moving forward. Things always turn around, Lorelai. Keep trying, and keep moving forward."
"What're we talkin' about?" Luke asks, stepping up to them.
"Sappy romance stuff," Lenny tells him. "And that one time Midge's mother ran away to Paris and no one noticed for two weeks and they found her living in a one room apartment with a broken chair, no toilet and a tiny dog."
"Luke will you get me more punch?" Midge asks.
"That stuff will kill you," Luke says automatically.
Midge snorts. "Oh please, Sophie Lennon once tried to brain me with a Grammy award, I'm invincible."
"If I get you more founder's day party punch will you tell that story?" Lorelai asks, looking mystified.
"Yes I will."
Lorelai dashes off.
"Dammit," Lenny grumbles. "Now I really am gonna have to carry her home."
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yeonjuins · 2 years
AHHHH IT'S SO CUTE RIGHT???? i was searching ages for a cute icon and i saw it and was like GIMMIE 🐻
it's been very sticky weather which is what we call it. it's just that kinda weather that's cloudy but it's warm and just generally meh, just makes you sweaty and uncomfortable. >.< on the bright side, all the babies are being born <3 lambs, calves, baby birds 🎀 and it's been rainy and sunny so our crops are growing!!! my mum has hayfever during this time and it's really bad and people assume it's coronavirus and it's not >.<
IT HELPS YOU SLEEP TOO <3 it's delicious and smells amazing 🎀 i've not been drinking anything new recently, been drinking a lot of water <3 i'm going through it pretty fast 🎀 that sounds really nice, i hope you have a lovely time :) (oh the sun is coming out here now, i hope it stays nice!!!)
I BOUGHT ONE !!!!! 🌸🌸 i bought one last week, my s/o added all the parts for me and then the company we ordered from builds it and then sends it out <3 so i paid roughly about £700 for it (877 in $), after a while of thinking, i realized i don't need anything too high spec, as long as i can run my games, upcoming games & photoshop then i'm a happy gal :) the company sent me an email yesterday saying they had to make a change to it and i had to get my s/o to explain it to me LMAOOO, turns out the motherboard i ordered wasn't in stock so the company upgraded it for free for me, which was so so nice of them 🌸 my laptop at the moment is pretty much almost dead???? it's so slow :((
IT'S SO CUTEEEE i love it so so much <3 i've watched it again since my last message to you and i STILL CRIED :(((((
i'm definitely doing a lot better, thank you so much 🌸 that really means a lot. i always worry about leaving other people without a response :( i hope you're doing okay 🌸
(lengthy response!)
HELLO i'm so sorry this took me forever to respond too... life's been super busy with work + the school year slowly coming to an end with final assignments and whatnot... i still have a month left so i'm holding on as much as i can (":
butterfly icon now <3 love how by the time i respond to your asks, you always have a different icon PAHAHHAH it's really cute to just . make note of it each time i answer (":
'sticky weather'.... i know what exactly you mean and i absolutely hate that sort of weather ;; it's so humid and for what !?? 'all the babies are being born' WHY DID THAT MAKE ME LAUGH ASODIJMAKWD WHAT A PHRASE OMG... that is so lovely tho omg.. my mom is very into plants and since the weather is much nicer now she's been expanding her little plant collection which is really cute (although her plants inside the house is enough to makeup a whole entire greenhouse and attracts fruit flies from time to time ):< )
ah.. on my end i wish i was drinking more water ;; i'm good at staying hydrated for the most part but i found as of late i've been drinking a lot of like... teas? bubble teas? stuff like that ;; i try to drink water in the morning though because that's when i notice my throat most needs it and whatnot
THAT'S A REALLLLY GOOD COST FOR A PC WHAHAHAH i hope the pc is running well for u so far my love (: my keycaps actually came in !! i was talking to my brother and he's going to order me another set that i really want as well which i'm verrryy excited for :> he also gave me a mouse his company gave him for free... i'm still trying to get used to it but i think i like it overall ! it's a mouse made for productivity so there's a mouse wheel at the side of the mouse for horizontal scrolling + additional buttons and whatnot which is pretty cool (": AND WHAA UPGRADE OF MOTHERBOARD THAT'S SO TRUE YAYAYYA Y!!! and i hope ur able to get a new laptop soon ;;
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