#this fic is my desperate attempt to hold onto spring day era haghjdfbheg
svtnreactions · 7 years
“occult” CH. 1 - BTS x reader
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bts x female reader
romance / fantasy / action / etc. ??
word count: 5796 oof
plot: after, accidentally, causing quite a disaster for your family, you land yourself in the ‘twilight zone’- a home for kids with more than human abilities. you’re meant to spend your time there learning how to control your powers. however, fate has another thing in store for you and your housemates.
so this has been in the works for a while. i already have the next chapter ready if anyone likes this so far ... heads up: it’s like an odd sort of miss peregrine’s + red queen + monsters vs. aliens (LMao) mashup but with bts!!!!! literally what am i doing. 
- cc
                                                   next chapter >>
Your neighborhood was illuminated by red and blue lights. The sirens cut through the quiet of the night and echoed down the streets. It was chaos. Yet, everything seemed to move in slow motion.
The pajamas you were wearing hung off your body where the fire had seared it, and in any other circumstance you’d be looking  for a way to cover your exposed skin. However, your attention was on the building in front you. Your home, the place you grew up in. The firemen were hard at work, but there’s only so much you can do to stop flames that are tall enough to lick the sky.
You felt the presence of the man at your side, even before he draped the blanket over your shoulders.
“I know what you did,” He said, “I know what you’re capable of.”
It wasn’t an accusation, nor was there any trace of venom in his words, but the statement didn’t fail to send chills down your spine.
“I can help you, Y/N.”
Your mind wanders back to that night more often than you’d like. You had been traveling all day and a three hour plane ride, followed by an equally long drive, allowed you a painful amount of time to reminisce.
Things had to come crashing down at some point. That’s what you kept telling yourself, hoping you’d begin to believe it. There was no way you could’ve kept your ‘peculiarities’ a secret forever, right? Not in a world so afraid of change, so set in its’ ways.
The radio connection became staticky as the driver took you over a small bridge. As you listened to the old blues singer’s voice fade in and out, you couldn’t help but wonder if you were at fault for the poor connection.
You’d never been sure if it was a friend or foe, but one thing is for certain, electricity is a part of you. It’s pulsing through you at any and every moment, a silent reminder that you’re special, as well as dangerous beyond comprehension.
Your hands flattened out your skirt repeatedly, a nervous tick you had acquired as a young girl.  The vehicle’s leather interior was cracked and curling up in places, scratching at your bare legs and making you profusely uncomfortable. You silently hoped that you would be arriving soon.
Thankfully, your prayers were answered only moments later, as the car rounded a sharp corner in the dirt road. For miles, all you’d seen was the road and the forest surrounding it. Now, a large, gawky house was jutting out of the horizon.
As the car slowed beside the house, the front door swung open and a figure descended the wooden stairs. You felt a spark ran up your arm as your anxiety heightened. Meeting the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He nodded his head and offered a soft smile. With that, you gathered as much as confidence as you could and pushed the car door open.
The boy jogged over to you. Your eyes immediately directed to his hair, which was a striking lavender color. When he slowed to a walk, he began to speak with a voice deeper than the sea and smoother than honey.
“Hey, you must be Y/N.” The boy presumed, his dimples beginning to show. “I’m Namjoon. Headmaster Lee sent me to give you a quick tour.”
“Yeah, that’s me.” You responded. “Nice to meet you, Namjoon.” You gave a weak grin. Normally, you’re a pretty enthusiastic person, someone who believes in the importance of a first impression. But a lot had changed in the past few months.
“You too.” His smiled wavered for a second, his eyes skimming around the top of your head and torso. “Okay, well, follow me.” Namjoon glanced over his shoulder at you, “There’s no need to be nervous. We’re like a family here.”
You only nodded in response, your heart clenching at the thought of your real family- your parents. Were they relieved to see you go?
As the two of you stepped into the house’s parlor, the area above you immediately caught your attention. Stairs made out of the same wood as the exterior of the house, twisted up in a square formation for at least three floors. An enormous skylight on the roof allowed the afternoon sun to pour in. The only word to fully capture the view was, truly, magical.
“Welcome to the Twilight Zone.” Namjoon said breathily. His gaze was fixed on your side profile, “Pretty nice, huh?”
“The Twilight Zone?” You quirked an eyebrow at him.
Namjoon seemed happy you had asked, turning on his heel to lead you through a narrow hallway just big enough for one person to pass through at a time. “That’s what we like to call it here. Because this place- or rather, the people in it, are surreal. Just, totally bizarre.” He explained, a touch of humor in his voice, “No ordinary person could comprehend the shit that happens in this house.”
“Good thing I’m not ordinary.” You said. Your laugh had a certain bitterness to it.
“Good thing.” Namjoon reiterated.
For some reason, you’d expected the house to be buzzing with activity. However, other than you and Namjoon, the only sign of life was the occasional passing of maids. Dressed in the stereotypical black and white uniform, they quietly milled around with brooms, dusters, and laundry in hand.
“How many kids live here?” You asked, having yet to see another person your age.
Namjoon puckered his lips thoughtfully and began to count on his fingers. “There’s seven of us.” He chuckled, gently nudging your shoulder. “Well, eight now.”
You laughed softly, keeping your eyes on the ground. His words were a reminder that you didn’t quite appreciate. You were already beyond homesick and the thought of living in this strange, unfamiliar place was making your stomach churn. “So where is everyone, then?”
“The living room, I’d imagine. Or at least some of them are.” He was motioning towards an open doorway you were slowly approaching.
Namjoon lowered his voice to a whisper. “Just, keep in mind that they don’t get to talk to girls our age very often. It’s been a pretty long time since someone like you has lived with us.” You were nodding along, though several things about his statement confused you. You waited for him to step in, then followed on his heels.
Before you could take in the scenery of the new room, you saw the boys inhabiting it. One had his back to the doorway. He was hunched over an old television set, slamming the side with his palm. “I swear to god, if this thing craps out one more time!”
“Quit it, Jin.” Another boy spoke up exhaustively. He was sprawled out on the vintage, floral print couch, his face buried in a book. His hair, which was powder pink, was significantly more attention grabbing than Namjoon’s.
Neither boy seemed to notice you and your tour guide’s presence until Namjoon cleared his throat and sidestepped to make sure you were visible. He clasped his hands together and gave a closed mouth smile. “Jimin, Jin, this is Y/N- Headmaster’s newest misfit. She just arrived.”
Their heads immediately snapped in your direction, question marks on their foreheads. The powder pink haired boy, Jimin, shifted and let go of his book. You watched the pages slowly turn until he had completely lost his place. Now it was clear to you that he wasn't on the couch at all. He was floating- above it. You shouldn’t have been so surprised, after all, this place is meant for people just as strange as you.
“This is Y/N?” Jimin immediately said with his eyes wide as saucers. Getting used to the sight of him lounging about in mid-air was proving to be rather difficult. You blew air from your nostrils, the sound showing your amusement.
“So, when Headmaster Lee said the new kid is ‘a bit unconventional’....this is what he meant?” Jin followed up. Much like Jimin, he didn’t bother to mask his stupefaction. He broke into a grin. “A girl?”
You tugged on a lock of hair that had slipped from your ponytail. The headmaster had gone on and on about the benefits of being surrounded by people with similar situations. People who you could learn and grow with, people who would understand you- god knows your parents never did. However, you still seemed to stick out like a sore thumb in this place.
There was that tingle, that spark of electricity again. It traveled up your spine, sending your entire body into shivers.
“Yes, it’s been awhile since Headmaster accepted girls here,” Namjoon kept his eyes on you, though his words were directed towards the boys. Somehow, he seemed to see through your cool exterior. “But please, Y/N is staying with us now, so make her feel welcome.”
Jin and Jimin shared a look, their eyebrows raised. Jin was the first to break away as he placed a hand on his forehead and saluted Namjoon. “Yes, drill sergeant!”
Namjoon let out a deep sigh in response, accompanying it with an eye roll. The boys’ conversation was fading off and so, you took advantage of the absence of dialogue. “So, that’s like, your power.” You uttered, motioning to Jimin with raised eyebrows.
Jimin’s face was blank for a moment before he broke out into a grin. He nodded whilst laughing, quite amused by your words. “Levitation.”
“This is pretty much the extent of it.” Jin snorted. He then lowered his voice and cupped his mouth before continuing, as if he was whispering to you, “It’s one of the less interesting powers in the house.”
“Well that’s rich coming from you. You’re like an off-brand ‘The Flash’.” Jimin shot back.
Jin’s figure blurred, and in an instant he was at Jimin’s side, slapping him on the back of the head. “Try me when you can full-on fly.”
It was then that the echo of approaching footsteps reached your ears. All at once, everyone looked in the direction of the sound. Soon enough, you came face to face with one of the maids.
“Miss Y/L/N, your bags have all been moved to your room.” She was an older woman with a voice that wavered ever so slightly when she spoke. “I’ve been instructed to escort you there. Would you please follow me?”
“Namjoon, I think you were just fired from your ‘tour guide’ position.”, Jin teased.
Ignoring his friend, your former tour guide offered you a lopsided smirk. “Well, I guess this is where we part! I’ll see you later- at dinner, probably.”
You exhaled deeply before returning a nervous grin. The worry bubbled up inside of you like a bad stomach ache. “Thank you for showing me around, Namjoon.” You framed, looking to Jimin and Jin as well, “Nice meeting you guys.”
Tentatively, you tailed the maid as she made her exit.
Calling this place a ‘bedroom’ would be pretty generous.
Sure, it was a room with a bed in it. But ‘closet’ would be much more fitting. The first thing anyone would notice was how insanely cramped it is.
A twin sized mattress was pressed against the wall in the far right corner and a dresser stood diagonal to it. Those things alone took up the majority of the room, only leaving a small pathway for you to get to and from the door.
Because the house wasn’t set up to be co-ed, there was no wing for female teenagers. The only way you were able to have a regular sized bedroom was if you shared one with the boys. And so, that’s how you landed in an unoccupied room within the maid’s quarters.
You didn’t really mind, to be honest. You hadn’t expected anything fancy when you agreed to come here- so there was no chance at you being disappointed. Actually, you were pleasantly surprised in some ways: like how comfortable your bed was, or how much room you had in the dresser drawers.
Curled up in fetal position on top of the comforter, you stared up at the little window above the dresser. The sun was setting and it sent a warm, orange light dancing across the walls. You knew that there was so many things for you to be thinking about. Your parents, your new home and its occupants- yet in that moment, your mind was completely blank.
It wasn’t until there was a knock at your door that you were pulled out of the soothing nothingness of your brain and back into reality. And when you got up and tugged it open, you were staring up at Namjoon. You were were a bit surprised, having been expecting to see a maid on the other side of the door. About an hour ago one of them had shown up to let you know that dinner was ready, but you declined. Sure, you were famished- but you were also completely exhausted, and not quite in the mood for meeting the rest of your housemates.
“Thought you might be hungry.” Namjoon deduced, holding a plate out to you with one hand.
You may have been a little too eager, accepting it without the slightest hesitation. “Thanks for thinking of me.”
He nodded, as if accepting your thanks. “Sorry it got a bit cold.” He said with a chuckle, “It was warm when I left the dining room, but there were a lot of stairs between there and here.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You shrugged it off, already piercing a chunk of chicken with your fork, “It’s my fault for not coming to dinner.”
Namjoon leaned against the door frame and the sleeve of his flannel, which had been unbuttoned, slid down to his elbow. Something like sadness was behind the smile spreading across his cheeks. Reminiscence, perhaps. “You need time to adjust.” He pieced his words together slowly, “Believe me, we’ve all been there.”
“How long have you lived here?” You asked, your curiosity piquing. Shoveling some broccoli into your mouth, you waited for his answer.
He took a moment to exhale slowly. “About 6 years now.”
You sputtered, nearly choking on your food. “6 years?” He couldn’t have been much older than 12 when he first came here.
“6 years.” Namjoon repeated, seeming quite amused by your reaction. “I’ve been here the longest out of everyone, believe it or not.” He followed up sarcastically.
Your eyebrows were raised, mouth sitting in an ‘o’ formation, “So, what’s your ability?” You asked. The question was rolling around in your head since you’d met him. There was no obvious answer, like there had been with Jimin, and you were insanely curious.
Namjoon paused before casually stating, “Aura vision.”
“And what is that exactly?” You puzzled, pouting your lips curiously.
“Well, everyone has an aura. It’s a sort of a bright, glowing outline.” He explained, “I can see them. What color they are, how bright they are.”
Something in your brain clicked. You remembered all the times today that Namjoon seemed to be looking around you, rather than at you. “What does a person’s aura say about them?” You pursued, becoming more and more intrigued.
He shrugged, “It can tell a lot about you, from your personality, to your emotions.”
“What’s my aura saying about me?” You looked down at your arm, wishing you could see what he could. What an interesting and delicate power. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t envy him.
Namjoon smiled and ruffled your hair, “That’s for another day.” He covered his mouth with a hand and yawned into it. “I should probably get to bed. We have class pretty early tomorrow.”
You agreed, trying not to show your disappointment. You cleaned the last bits of your dinner off of your plate. “See you in the morning, then?”
“I’ll be there.” And with one last wave, he stepped off in the direction of the stairs.
Once he was gone, you placed the empty dish on top of your dresser and flopped onto your bed. You were so tired, you found yourself nodding off in a matter of seconds. But, tragically, your bladder had ideas of its’ own. Rolling out of bed, you irritably made your way down the hallway to where the maid had shown you the bathroom.
As expected, your trip there was uneventful. It was on the way back, however, that a flash of movement on the stairway caught your eye. Leaning forward onto the railing, you squinted into the darkness.
Below you, a boy with a rich, honey colored head of hair, was slinking down the steps. He had the hood of his sweatshirt pulled halfway onto his head, the drawstrings knotted together, and a backpack over one shoulder.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when he caught you staring. He had stopped, rather suddenly, in his tracks and peered up at you. You were able to see his full face now, and everything about his features were utterly adorable- but his eyes told another story.
He held your gaze intensely, his expression stony as he slowly brought his hand up and pressed a finger to his lips.
You felt the static from your sweater send your flyaway hairs straight up as you pulled it over your head. According to the maid who had woken you up, it was currently seven AM. You weren’t very eager to get out of bed at first, but she had also mentioned that breakfast ends at eight thirty, and that did the trick. Within ten minutes, you were bounding down the stairs towards the dining room.
Upon entry, Jin smiled in your direction, “Good morning!” The room was rather small, which seemed to be a recurring theme in the Twilight Zone. You stepped towards one of the three open chairs, very aware of all the eyes glued to your profile. The table made for a tight fit and left just enough space to pull out your chair, which happened to be beside Namjoon.
“Good morning, everyone.” You greeted, initially directing your gaze at Jin.
“Eggs and toast for breakfast,” Namjoon motioned to the dish in front of you, which had been piled high with food, “I made you a plate. I didn’t want the boys to eat it all before you got here.”
You chuckled at this, “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes I did.” He laughed, dimples deepening, “I’m serious, there wouldn’t be anything left. They’re animals.”
“He’s not wrong.” Someone piped up, giggling at himself. After glancing around, you were able to match the voice to the boy sitting directly across from you. He had a slim face and a contagious smile. He took a bite out of his toast, dropping it on the plate to extend a hand in your direction. “Hoseok.”
You accepted, his hand grasping yours firmly as he shook it up and down. “Pleased to meet you, Hoseok. I like your hair.” You said, throwing in a compliment as you didn’t really know that else to say.
“Thanks!” He seemed genuinely thrilled by your flattery, grinning as he reached up to pull at a lock of his soft pink hair, which was accented with pale blue streaks. “It can get pretty boring around here. We dye our hair to fill the time.”
“We should dye your hair, Y/N.” Jimin suggested. The neck of his turtleneck sweater was pulled up all the way to his jawline, sleeves hanging to his knuckles. He had already finished his breakfast and was leaning back onto his chair comfortably.
You pursed your lips for a moment as your contemplated the idea, “Sure, why not?”
With that, the boys had burst into conversation. Hoseok began listing off colors that would suit you, Jin cutting in to comment on how fun it’s going to be to have a girl in the house. You were silently observing their interactions, when a familiar sensation crept up inside you.
Upon instinct, you turned to meet the pair of eyes that were burning into your side, setting your fork down on the table. Your eyes met those of the only boy at the table you hadn’t properly met. You smiled softly at him, “Sorry, I don’t think I got your name yet?”
He cocked his head to the side, his gaze rather unfriendly at first glance. Almost immediately you began to feel much too seen. Your stomach turned, and you squirmed in your seat uncomfortably.
When he finally spoke, the dialogue around you came to a halt. “That’s because I didn’t give it to you.” His voice was low, a touch of- amusement, maybe?-in his otherwise inexpressive tone. Your smile was threatening to fall right off your face, having become uneasy and rather downturned.
“Oh come on, go easy on her.” Namjoon placed a hand on your shoulder, offering a feeling of security. He waved in the direction of the dark eyed boy, “This is Yoongi. Don’t mind him too much, he just likes to pick on us.”
Yoongi impaled a chunk of eggs with his fork, no longer looking at you, but Namjoon instead. You felt relief wash over you at this. “What? Am I supposed to treat her differently because she’s a girl?”
“No, you should just be nice to everyone. Girl, boy, whoever.” Hoseok opinionated with a sigh.
“Well that’s just unrealistic.” Jin jumped in, “You should’ve seen him last week when he missed breakfast,” He recalled, shaking his head as he laughed at the memory, “No one saved him any food and-”
With a bang, the kitchen door swung open. An older maid stepped out, shoulders back and chin high, and cleared her throat, “Unfortunately, it’s time for class. Please finish up your meals.”
Jin abandoned his story, groaning childishly. “But I still have so much left!” He whined, lowering his head to his plate. He then proceeded to shovel food into his mouth like his life depended on it.
Namjoon stood and pushed his chair in. He started rounding the table, clapping his hands together, “Let’s go everyone!”
“Coming, Dad.” Hoseok took one last bite of his toast before mirroring Namjoon’s actions. “Are you ready for your first class, Y/N?”
You shrugged, “I don’t know. I’m not really sure what to expect.”
The last to get to his feet was Jin, who had rather impressively, had finished the remains of his breakfast. He jogged to your side, and everyone began moving down the hallway. “Well, if Taehyung and Jungkook don’t turn up soon, you should probably expect a scolding from Headmaster.” Jin predicted, many of the boys murmuring in agreement.
“I hate it when Headmaster yells..” Hoseok voiced with a sigh.
You only contemplated their words for a moment or two, trying to pay close attention as you stepped down to a lower level of the house. Namjoon briskly lead the group into a rounded out doorway to your left. As soon as everyone was inside, he slid the two wooden dividers and closed it off behind you.
Mouth slightly agape, you scanned the area. You were quite sure that all the other rooms were as small as they were to accommodate for the classroom. It was by far the biggest area in the house, that you knew of, and was decorated rather differently. Walls, floors, ceilings, and all were made of a creamy, off-white wood. The exterior was lined with bookshelves, crammed with many novels and other miscellaneous items. A gathering of desks occupied the far back, the largest of which was probably meant for an instructor. It had a stereo resting on top of it blaring a news broadcast.
“With more than 400 soldier fatalities in the past few months, the army is requesting another wave of drafts throughout-” Hoseok had made his way across the room, cutting the reporter off mid-sentence as he switched the radio off. You didn’t blame him- everyone was tired of hearing about the war now. It seemed like it would never end, bringing constant death and despair to the nation. You were staring intently at the stereo now, the newscaster’s words on repeat in your brain. For, even this isolated from society, there’s no way to escape your reality.
You spun on your heel, ripped from your thoughts at the sound of the dividers moving. “Sorry, I overslept.” A deep voice was suddenly announcing, “Jungkook didn’t even try to wake me up. So when you think about it, this was sort of his fault.” After a brief scan of the room, the owner of the voice stopped, his tone changing completely the next time he opened his mouth.  “Oh. Headmaster’s not even here yet.”
“Yeah, so don't waste your excuses on us.” Jin said with a laugh.
The newcomer chuckled along sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “Where’s that kid, anyway?”
“Jungkook?” Namjoon asked, “He’s not in your guys’ room?”
“No.” The new boy furthered into the classroom, his features demanding your eyes. You watched his eyebrows furrow, hands pulling down at the sleeves of his red jumper. “He wasn't there when I woke up. I figured he went to breakfast.”
Some sort of realization had risen within Namjoon, his concern beginning to show. His eyes were wide, and his complexion even got the slightest bit paler. Namjoon shook his head, massaging his temples with his thumb and pointer. “Please don't tell me he snuck out again last night.”
At his words, a memory was immediately triggered in your mind. You remembered the boy on the stairs, his careful movements as he made his way down each step. -could that be Jungkook?
The new boy’s low voice surprised you time and time again. He replied slowly, eyes flicking around the ceiling, “He, uh.. he may have.”
“Taehyung.” Yoongi snapped, taking a step forward. He seemed to be itching to reprimand the boy, but Namjoon held up a hand dismissively.
It was rather amazing how quickly Yoongi shrunk back at this. Your eyes remained on him for another moment after he stepped back. For a second, just a second, you could’ve sworn that he looked more worried than Namjoon- but he quickly composed himself. The scared expression that you’d seen was soon a ghost.
After exhaling deeply, Namjoon was dissolving the tension in the room, just as quickly as he had created it. He slowed his speech, jaw unclenching, “Well, i guess there’s not much we can do now.” He sighed, “Headmaster will figure out where Jungkook ran off to. If he doesn’t show up on his own, that is.”
“What if Kookie’s is in trouble or something?” Jimin fretted, leaning forward in his chair.
Namjoon took a moment to think about this before replying, “I’m sure he’s fine. I mean, this has happened before.” He concluded, “Let’s focus on class now, it is Y/N’s first time, after all.”
Six faces were suddenly looking in your direction. You offered a closed mouth smile, eyes gliding over each person. You aren’t someone who likes to be the center of attention, especially not in a room full of boys you hardly know. But despite that minor detail, you made an effort to look comfortable.
“You’re Y/N?” The new boy- Taehyung, was it? -had come considerably far into the room upon entrance, and was standing a short distance away from you. He glanced around at his friends, his confused expression meeting many entertained ones. After a moment or so, his stare settled on your profile once more and stayed there.
You reminded yourself to breathe. “Sorry. I would’ve introduced myself sooner, but you all seemed to be having some sort of... crisis.” You said, pairing the sentence with a nervous laugh.
A small draft ran from the front of the room towards the back, the chill creating goosebumps on the back of your neck. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Jimin and Jin share a look, muffling their laughter in their hands. Yoongi rolled his eyes pretty severely, resting his head on his desk.
Taehyung side eyed them, a timid grin settling on his profile. “No, no, don't apologize.” He spoke a bit louder, “I just- No one told me you were, you know.” He motioned to you, looking increasingly more unsure of himself.
“Pretty?” Jin teased, just loud enough for everyone to hear. Taehyung’s cheeks became pinker at this, noticeably so.
Hoseok elbowed Jin in the ribs “A girl, you mean.” He came to Taehyung’s aid.
“Right, a girl- Headmaster failed to mention that part.” He pieced together slowly, gathering himself, “Anyways, I’m Taehyung. It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.”
“Likewise” You said, actively holding back a laugh. Sliding into the seat of the desk you had been leaning on, you turned away from him. You noted a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach, one you badly wanted to disappear.
The dividers slid open yet again- a welcomed distraction. Everyone looked, eyes full of hope, but none of them seemed all that surprised to see that it wasn't Jungkook in the doorway at all.
As the old man strode to the back of the room, your eyes followed the familiar wrinkles that decorated his aged profile. Headmaster Lee was ancient, but even you knew that he doesn't carry himself that way. He is intelligent, and in this house, at least, he is powerful.
“Sit, Namjoon.” Headmaster waved away the purple haired boy, his eyebrows furrowed, mouth setting in a tired smile. From what you had gathered, he was a very warm, friendly man. However, something was very intimidating about him when he's serious and you could tell the boys felt this as well.
You watched Namjoon slump back into his chair, mouth closing slowly. Headmaster Lee stared at all of you, almost all at once. It was as if the air had been taken from the room. No one uttered a word for several moments- they were waiting for him to speak again, and you followed their example.
“As i'm sure you all know, Jungkook is MIA… yet again.” Headmaster Lee said, his small grin fading away. “If any of you have information on his whereabouts, please tell me now.”
Still, silence.
The man sighed, continuing with, “Very well, then. Finish your book work from last week, I expect it to be done before class is over.” His gaze met yours, “Except you, Y/N. Would you mind coming with me?”
You nodded your head mechanically, glancing back at Namjoon as you did so. The boy offered nothing back but a blank stare. “Not at all, uh, sir.”
Headmaster Lee gave the boys one more look before turning and walking back towards the door. You scrambled to your feet, trying your best to keep up with the man’s long strides.
You felt rather small in the seat across from Headmaster Lee’s desk. It was plush and lined with a soft material that was practically hugging you.
The office was plentiful with wall hangings and books and folders, which were piled high in every corner. One couldn't look at a shelf or table without finding knick knacks or newspaper clippings scattered about. It was cluttered, terribly so, but somehow that made it a bit more comfortable.
For the past few minutes, Headmaster had been scribbling on a form on his desk. Now, his eyes rested on you, sending a feeling of reminiscence coursing through you. Your mind travelled back to the day he first told you about this place. An image of him, across from you and your parents at your favorite diner came to mind.
You picked at the peeling leather booth, barely paying your waffles any mind.
The man was speaking casually with your parents, any passerby wouldn't look twice, but the four of you could practically see the heavy intensity of this situation.
“Our home, it’s for kids just like Y/N.” He explained, “She needs to learn to control her gift. You've witnessed first hand how.. dangerous she can be.”
Your mom reached down, lacing her fingers with yours reassuringly. You weren't looking at them anymore, but you felt all their eyes on you.
There was a pang of hurt in your heart at the memory. You flexed your fingers, longing for your mother’s touch.
“I must apologize, Y/N,” He finally spoke, “I wasn't able to give you the tour of the house myself.”
You shook your head slowly, offering the smallest of smiles, “No, no, that's fine. Namjoon is really nice, he helped me a lot.”
Headmaster nodded lightly, folding his hands on the desk the separated the two of you. “Good, I’m glad you're getting to know your housemates.” His face pulled into a grin, “I realize I had left a few details out here and there, so hopefully nothing came as too much of a surprise.”
“Like how I’m the only girl?” You blurted out before your mind could catch up to your mouth.
You were already on the verge of an apology when Headmaster beat you to it. He chuckled softly, “Right, like that. I can't apologize enough.”
That surprised you, if you were being completely honest. Any coldness you felt towards him was slowly, but surely, dissolving. Only nodding in response, you leaned back onto the chair.
Headmaster didn't wait for you to say anything else on the topic. “Now, has Namjoon talked to you at all about his ability?” Headmaster lowered his chin with interest.
“Aura vision.” You answered. You were curious where this was heading.
The old man nodded softly, “Right, aura vision. It's a beautiful power- but one that can't exactly be perfected. He was gifted with it, and that's as far as it goes.” You hummed in response, “However there are abilities, that require practice.”
You had already caught on. “Like mine.” You finished for him, a bitter taste appearing in your mouth.
“Precisely.” He confirmed with a melancholy smile, “You're quite the firecracker, Y/N. It's important to get yourself under control so that you return to your parents in the right condition.”
You felt hope bubble inside of you at the thought of this. But it was gone as quickly as it had came.
Namjoon’s words were echoing in the back of your mind. They were all day, actually. Only now, you truly listened to them.
He's been in the Twilight Zone for 6 years. He’s been here the longest, but who knows how long the other boys have lived here? 5 years? 4?
The truth was, you may never leave this place.
You held Headmaster Lee’s stare with great purpose- because you knew this simple fact, and so did he.
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