#this goddamn trial should have never been televised it’s all been a fucking shitshow
avvrice · 2 years
I don’t even know much about Amber Heard but I find it extremely ironic how she’s provided evidence for how Johnny is an awful person (photographs of him being drunk and laying on the floor, footage of him being aggravated and being abusive, him literally being friends with Marilyn Manson, and text messages where he is the most vitriolic and vile), and yet, she’s somehow the one with the hidden agenda. 1/4
2/4 Amber’s verdict is a joke and it shows how much of a joke the American justice system itself is. With how many people are making fun of her, blindly supporting Johnny, and even going as far as to discredit the MeToo movement; they don’t care about domestic abuse victims of either gender. They just want to push their own agenda and gain power. If Johnny’s reputation was really as ruined as people claimed, then how come he has had a gigantic amount of support despite the fact?
How come he’s treating this case more like a joke with him laughing at certain points and making jokes when this is supposed to be a serious defamation case? How come he was able to easily fly to England but never showed up for court for his verdict? Shit like this is why I hate celebrity culture. God help humanity if this is how people see as “justice” for now on. 3/4
He’s not doing this to save his reputation. Johnny is doing this to permanently humiliate Amber to the point where no one hears about her again. He just wants revenge plain and simple and the fact people are blindly supporting him and treating him as if he’s just a misunderstood victim when he’s not is fucking disgusting and an insult to actual male abuse victims as well as female. It’s misogyny. 4/4
yeah i pretty much agree with you anon. there’s nothing i can add here because you’re reciting my own thoughts on the matter perfectly. im not going to use my blog to talk extensively about this case at all, i find the whole ordeal pretty stressful, but i am upset at the verdict and the horrific media smear campaign against amber heard in general. im just glad to hear someone sharing my opinion tbh
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