#this got me thinking is there other npcs i love as much as konstantine
nemossubmarine · 7 years
DnD/OC ask meme: 9, 17, 25
Thank you! :) You didn’t specify which of the two characters I take questions on you wanted, so I’ll answer for both of them. And it looks like we’re off to a great start with a real kicker, ahaha, my characters are saaad. (mainly Cahair)
9. Who has, for better or worse, had the most impact on your character’s life?Cahair: Harralan Teravest, a member of his clan and a scouting partner, Cahair’s first love and the person responsible for the slaughtering of half of his clan (including his best friend and mother). Cahair was deeply unhappy teen, who desperately wanted to run away from his clan, but that wasn’t really a decision he could make, he had to keep his culture alive and that meant staying. Harralan was very outspoken on his pride of the elven culture and his anger towards humans. Cahair fell in love with him (partly because he had to find an excuse not to leave), and clung onto that love as something that would keep him in place.
And then the incident happened, and Cahair made it out, but Harralan died, and Cahair couldn’t find another reason to stay (not to mention the clan was pretty much in pieces after this), so he left. What remained in Cahair was Harralan’s anger and pride, tampered with feelings of betrayed love and fear of what that anger and pride might cause.
Konstantine: Ser Thomas was a templar in Konstantine’s tower. He and Konstantine became close when Konstantine started researching magic to keep himself alive, and later when such a method was found, Ser Thomas taught him swordfighting. The friendship between the two was really important for Konstantine, who didn’t make friends easily, plus Thomas’ respect for Konstantine’s bodily autonomy was life-changing, Konstantine knew he was allowed to ask for respect, even if he was technically a prisoner. Oh, and Thomas’ untimely death due to his lyrium addiction was one of the things that pushed Konstantine to become critical of the Circle institution, not only for its treatment of mages but of templars as well.
17. Soup or Salad? Cahair: Soup, because if you live out in the woods in basically carts and tents all year around, nothing is greater than some warm soup.
Konstantine: Soup as well, he’s cold and achy a lot of the time, so soup helps.
25. What does this character mean to you?Cahair: Cahair is my first roleplaying character I ever got to actually play. That’s a pretty big thing. I’ve spent so much time in his headspace that sometimes it drives me nuts, because he’s got all of these emotions and nowhere to put them and I don’t handle that very well. He’s often a pain in the ass to play, and I’ve often said that next time (if there is one) I get to make a PC, I’ll make an easier one (granted, we didn’t know when we started the first campaign that that would involve a lot of death for him). But still, I love him from the bottom of my heart and I am way invested in him getting a happy(ish?) ending. For better and worse, there will never be a character like Cahair in my life.
Konstantine: Konstantine is the first NPC I created I really fell in love with. I originally created him because one of PCs needed a mage teacher and I wanted an NPC I could talk magic theory through, bc while I am relatively well-versed in DA magic-lore, Cahair is not. He’s also a lot calmer than Cahair, a lot more peaceful, which makes him easier to play. And other players seem to like him too (don’t quote me on that, though! :D). He’s become a lot more than just magic-fact-spouting NPC than he started as.
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nemossubmarine · 8 years
For the Tabletop RPG Ask Meme: 2, 7, 13, 17, 21, 23, 26, 30
2.) When did you start role playing? How old were you?I’m quite new to this, actually. We tried to start few games of DnD back in high school, but never got farther than one session (and the second attempt stopped at character creation), so it don’t really count. It mostly failed on the fact that it all felt so complicated. I started the Dragon Age RP I’m still playing in 2014, actually, we’ll be going exactly 3 years this month. :P I was 20.
7.) Longest campaign you’ve run or played in?3 years of DA RP. :D I’ve both played in it and ran it. About 50/50 time-wise. Longest single adventure was 9-sessions of boats and pirates we did last spring, I was playing in that.
13.) Your most ridiculous character. Def Juicyman666 or just Juicy. I visited a friend last month for a week and he took me to his local RP-club and I got to partake in a Cyberpunk RP for a session. Juicy was my friend’s character’s bf. He did bodyguard jobs mostly. He always wore bright neon colored crop-tops and booty shorts with the word “JUICY” on the butt (the pre-rolled character sheet said that he didn’t wear much so I just ran with it). And he was really fond of one-liners. And really really 90′s in general. Like Wesley Snipes in Demolition Man? That’s what I imagined him like.
17.) Something that shouldn’t have worked, but did.Literally the first thing I thought of was the awkward seducing incident. So, the story goes, our characters are trapped in a dream-world. Our dwarf warrior, Randy, thinks he’s an elf, because dwarves don’t dream in DA-universe. Cahair (my elven rogue) and Elspet (human mage) try to go get him, but he has somehow gotten himself into this situation which involves lots of naked elves and rocking horses (don’t ask). So. Logical thing for my character to do is strip down and go seduce him. Right? Right?? It worked. And then Cahair spent almost the entire trip in the dream-world dragging Randy around, pretending to be his boyfriend (which was super-awkward bc Cahair’s unrequited love was there too). It basically ended with Cahair making a deal with a demon just to get Randy back to normal.(we… don’t talk about this incident IC at all, we have all agreed it’s for the best)
Oh and I guess, one time we were so lost we asked a demon for directions? It worked. We wished it wouldn’t have… Caused us a lot of trouble that.
21.) Your favorite NPC and how the party reacted to him/her  Aah, that’s no doubt Konstantine, my necromancer mage I introduced in last campaign as a teacher for one of our mages. Well that mage in question hit it off with him right away, though the rest were a bit slower to warm up to him, since y’know, necromancy (or “black magic” as some referred to it, even tho it’s totally respectable in Konstantine’s home country) Our templar was most suspicious, since Konstantine has escaped from the mage tower. But, he’s part of our pirate crew now, and people have warmed up to him, and they seem to think he’s good enough with his magic to be a teacher and not need constant surveillance.
23.) Something you made up on the spot. Well, the DnD campaign I’m running rn is at least 50% made up on the spot as I don’t have time to write very detailed things. :D That’s going to bite me in the ass. It already has. The party found a body last session and for some reason I went a lil overboard with the blood descriptions and it basically ended with me going “yeah, clearly there’s been more people killed here, but you have no idea where the bodies are”. And… I don’t know where the bodies are, or why, oh no…
I also held a one-shot story about one of our DA RP characters killing his father with the help of some assassins (well, he wanted to rescue his mother and the father-killing was an unfortunate plus) and since I didn’t want to tell the players playing the assassins that assassination was the order of business, I had no idea how they were planning on doing it, before we began playing. Had to play the whole session by the ear, basically.
26.) The craziest thing your players have ever done, and how it affected your plans.I don’t think my players do crazy things that would affect my plans so greatly. Partly it’s because (esp in the past, but I’m getting better) I’ve been a bit of a rail-roader. Secondly we have pretty level-headed characters, so that even if someone wants to do something that might fuck me over (such as killing the arl’s son since he saw them breaking into the arl’s mansion) they’ll usually come up with a better solution (drugging him).
Well.. I guess they did skip one side-plot completely, bc they were just having none of that. There was this cursed house campaign I did, and a side-plot had to do with helping the ghosts of the kids in the house to rest (it wasn’t like, spelled out to the players but would have quickly became apparent). One of the kids (a teenager) they found so annoying that they just didn’t talk to her after the first time. :D Other was a very tiny boy they found in his room. He started bleeding and screaming. And our templar just… closed the door. Ah well. Stay restless my kids. I just skipped that content completely, it was a side-plot after all. (although they found the third kid (who was turned into a glass statue) again in a later campaign and are now trying to free her, so I guess the key was not talking?? :D)
30.) What makes GMing fun for you. I really like trying all sorts of different things for campaigns, content and game-play wise. I don’t think I’ve written two campaigns that were the same. I also like that I can write stories that are more than just a bit cliche and that can have some self-indulgent stuff in them that can still be enjoyable to gm and for the players to play. And writing campaigns, it’s just like, this creativity that keeps on building and rolling. I get so much joy from trying to figure out the plot points I left for myself and making sense of things and thinking “how can I lay these things out for the players to pick up?”Also I like working with players in learning about their characters and incorporating some personal elements into the campaigns (though the second part might not always work).And and when players take something that has happened to their characters in a campaign and use that as character development moment. Rly makes me happy, even tho idk how often that happens either. I just rly dig when situations I put people into inspire them to have character moments. ;A;
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