#this guy.. is taking up my brain. stinky blorbo
perereiii · 3 years
more! creativity! about my boy! basically just the adventures leading up to lu
adventure 1
ganondorf curses the land into darkness with the Triforce after the 7 wise men try to seal him, basically turning the world into a dark world x twilight realm
link travels to the sacred realm using the master sword after being informed by the sheikah elder Impa of his namesake and what a vision from the princess with the blood of the goddess depicted
dungeon dungeon dungeon in the sacred realm to update+ the master sword so she isn't breaking every 19 min now he can access the sky! His loftwing has been waiting a hot minute
another 7 dungeons to free the sages yay
there's a fuck ton of enemies bc of the darkness too so he gets rid of that by clearing the dungeon which house a fraction of ganondorfs evil (that's how he trapped the sages)
Ganonpork gets sealed partly in the master sword and partly in the sacred realm to stop him from every regained his true power bc that will surely work
master sword gets laid to rest for the time being but link misses his funky little sword so he gets one made by the gorons that's similar to a great sword used by an old hero but also looks kinda like is old friend
also: he starts in hateno! my boy is hateno born and has gone to kakariko a lot :]
no guardian field btw we don't need trauma
adventure 2
shad man and vaati guy are working together
twink man follows a shadow that looks suspiciously like him into a hole and his balance is terrible so he slips and falls
linkus ends up in a parallel world that seems too kind and pretty. turns out there's some disney tower thingy that after 3 chimes of a corrupted magic bell the world will fall into a never ending darkness. It chimes once every morning at 6 am
linky meets the minish! he also finds a funky sword that makes 3 translucent copies of himself all in different colours (red blue vio)
The minish direct him to a shrine with a cool looking not suspicious ocarina that happens to be coloured dark blue and is once again haphazardly shoved in the direction of the great faeiry of time who teaches him a weird song that really messed up time a bit. also does some mask collecting but only for the kids back at hateno he swears
4 dungeons +1 where shad pulls a ghirahim and does a little dance and a little murder against link but no one dies so it's good
vaati is a backstabbing bastard and uses shad. very rude imo
vaati is defeated again and sealed in the four sword again and the world is saved again
link finds his way out somehow and desperately tries to avoid adventure <3 good luck buddy
adventure 3
heros spirit longs for adventure ig
he goes sailing :) surely nothing wrong will happen :)
something wrong happened
he doesn't realize it but he kinda went sleep mode
meets a redhead pirate not malon not zelda but somewhere in between and she's turns into a rock bc of a dark blob of evil that calls itself a nightmare
adventure time 8 dungeons plus a hunt for a shiny triangle that's not at all the triforce
Third plot point: finds an island
beats the nightmare and everything disappears. It's not his fault n they aren't dead but they DEFINITELY aren't where he is. he's currently stranded so.. good luck
he finds his way back to Hyrule! no more adventures surely...
adventure 4 (it's starting to get excessive..)
the one time he's gone Ganon is resurrected????
ganon got tired of being imprisoned and used a cool alterego to escape the sacred realm
hey!! Link is busy w oos and ooa (no ganon tho. only twinrova) so ganon said lmao what a time to be alive and released HIMSELF from the sacred realm using this weirdo names aghanim who totally isn't ganon in a trenchcoat
Zelda is about to be sacrificed! for magic reasons! idk think skyward sword or minish cap ganon just isn't happy with the ENTIRE TRIFORCE so he went for zelda (hylia's) power too
link comes in guns blazing and fails miserably. he has to go get a weird triangle now bc zelda attempted and succeeded at splitting every piece of the triforce into 8 individual pieces (24 total)
gets the funky triangle back whoops ganons back n he seals him away again and hopefully he'll stay away? please?
link makes friends with literally. every single fairy out there plus one so now they all love him.
fair enough I mean
adventure 5. last one I swear
hyrule warriors! he meets so many people and then they all leave :( but now he's somewhere between mature-bubbly-suspicious of every single damn thing especially if it has an eye associated with it
Inciting incident: "oh, what's that gate looking thing?"
it's just Hyrule warriors
It's just Hyrule warriors.
Ganon gets his cheeks clapped. you know the drill
world is saved! let's hope he doesn't have to chase a shadow through time in his next adventure *hint. nudge nudge
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