#this has been a common occurence for years whenever it's christmas or my birthday
fishareglorious · 10 months
Christmas party is coming up and people are now placing their requests in the christmas gift exchange. I am choosing to write laundry soap in mine.
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
Once Upon a Merry Birthday
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A 12 days of Fictmas story
Pairing: Drake Walker x (MC) Kate Walker
Books: TRR - TRH
Warnings: Swearing, Adult Themes, mentions Post Pardem Depression/Anxiety
Word count: 7000 +
Writer tags: : @texaskitten30 @emichelle @leelee10898   @zaffrenotes @alj4890 @burnsoslow @kat-tia801 @darley1101 @msjr0119 @annekebbphotography @god-save-the-keen @plumeriavibes
@ofpixelsandscribbles @camillemontespan  @ao719 @cocomaxley @cordoniansgonewild @twinkleallnight @the-soot-sprite @cordoniantrash @axwalker @innerpostmentality @lucy-268 @janezillow
Reader tags:: @mom2000aggie @sfb123 @bbrandy2002 @debramcg1106 @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @fluffyfirewhiskey @jovialyouthmusic  
Twas the week before Christmas, and throughout the manor at Duchy Valtoria, decorating was in full swing. Everyone was in high festive spirits, since the weather had brought a fresh blanket of white sparkly snow to the ground, and a crisp chill to the air. Well almost everyone was feeling festive. The Duchess was the exception. Over the course of the preceding months she had been too preoccupied with the care of her baby girl, Brooklyn, to even think about holidays.  Apart from the occasional official statement to the press regarding how the new Mother and the Princess Royal Heir were doing, they had pretty much kept away from the public eye. 
Kate felt so proud of her husband Drake for stepping up and shouldering the extra responsibility while she needed to take a step back. He had insisted it wasn't any trouble, since he’d had Hana, King Liam, and occasionally Bertrand to offer him advice or guidance. But Kate couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt when she would find him sound asleep at his desk after a long day of Zoom meetings and diplomacy. She knew he was forcing himself outside of his common man comfort zone for her sake, and for the good of the Duchy. He'd even changed his work wardrobe to include dress shirts instead of his usual denim, at least from the waist up anyway.
Even after all of that, Drake was determined to do something special for Kate's Birthday. Being born a week before Christmas shouldn't mean your day couldn't be just as grand.  
After putting Brooklyn down for a nap, they’re in their bedroom packing for a short trip away. Kate doesn't know what to pack, since Drake was being secretive as to their destination. She was already feeling the beginnings of anxiety over leaving Brooklyn behind. Sitting in the middle of the bed in her comfy oversized sweater and sweatpants, she has the speaker of the baby monitor resting in her lap. She’s only half engaged in paying attention to Drake, her ears keenly listening for the slightest sound from the nursery.
Drake packs a pair of bluejeans into his suitcase, hiding the dress slacks and socks he had already packed. Kate hadn't even noticed him picking out formal wear and putting it into a garment bag. Her own suitcase only contained an old t-shirt that she wore with a pair of shorts as sleepwear. Drake cringed at the thought of seeing her wear that again. Her wardrobe over the past seven months had consisted mostly of his baggy old sweats and t-shirts, or just an old t-shirt and boxer shorts under a robe. Although she showered periodically, and changed into clean things, her sloppy look was proof she wasn't making herself a priority. Drake missed the beautiful, all put together, woman who he’d fallen in love with.  She was in need of a break from just being Mom, and Drake knew just how to do it. Kate deserved to feel special again, and not just feel needed by someone. 
Drake packed his last few things and zipped up his suitcase. When he notices that Kate is still distracted he pulls his case off the bed and sets it down on the floor with a loud thud. She jumps with fright and he finally gets her attention. 
Sitting down on the bed, he pulls her over to him and she cuddles into his arms as they lay down together on the bed. Placing a kiss on the top of her head he sighs, "Look, I get it. You don't want to go anywhere. But I miss you, Kate."
"I'm right here, silly." she says, as she lays her head on his chest and he squeezes her tighter. 
"We need a date night. Just the two of us. I know you've been an amazing mother to our little Beanie, and it shows in how big she's growing and how happy she is." He moved his hand down her back, smoothing out the bulky material of her clothes to appreciate the shape of her body underneath. When he lifts up the edge of her shirt, she stiffens when his warm hand touches the bare skin of her lower back. "I know you're physically still here, but I miss my wife."
Kate squeezes her eyes shut against her unexpected tears as she whispers, "She's missed you too."
Drake leans back when he hears the sob in her voice, wiping away the tears on her cheeks with his thumbs. "You don't need to hide under these bulky clothes, you're still beautiful to me Kate."
She chuckles, "Even if I've given up shaving, plucking and moisturizing?"
Drake raises his eyebrows, and then leans in to kiss her on the forehead. "Don't worry, we can work on minor things like that. I want you to feel good about yourself. Besides, Hana told me you've been doing pilates and yoga together again. So there's nothing for you to feel self conscious about."
"I don't fit into my clothes the way I used to."
Drake shrugs, "So we'll buy you some new clothes. And if we need to alter something from your closet, don't worry, Hana can arrange it."
Kate sighs with gratitude, "You're so wonderful to me Drake, I don't deserve you."
"Oh hush, you deserve all of me and the world Kate, never forget that. Now let's get you packed up for a romantic getaway."
"But Brooklyn.."
Drake gives Kate one more squeeze and a kiss on the cheek before rolling away from her and getting up from the bed. 
"Don't worry about Brooklyn, she's in good hands with Hana. Plus we're only a phone call away if you want to check in."
Kate glances over at the speaker for the baby monitor, it's still quiet, and then she sits up on the edge of the bed. "So are you going to tell me more about this romantic getaway you have planned?"
Drake shakes his head, "I can't give away everything, or it will spoil the surprise."
Kate looks over at her suitcase, "Well at least help me figure out what to pack. Sweaters, jeans, warm socks? I need a hint."
Drake nods, "Those will do for a start. Oh and a comfortable pair of warm boots and a coat. We're going to be out in the snow."
Kate gets up from the bed, "So I guess we're not jetting off to some tropical paradise then."
Pulling her into a hug, Drake smiles and then leans in to give her a tender kiss. "Maybe next year."
Drake opened the back door of the SUV for Kate. She gives the manor one more uneasy glance and then climbs in. They had both given Brooklyn hugs and kisses before leaving, and a list of instructions to Hana, but still Kate felt guilty. As Drake opens the other rear door and climbs into the SUV, he finds Kate looking worriedly at her phone as she's texting someone. With a sigh he swipes her phone out of her hands and tucks it into the pocket inside his jacket.
"Wha..Hey!" She protests, "Give that back."
Drake swats away her hands when she tries to go into his jacket for it. "Nope."
"But you said I could check in."
Drake feels the vibration of Kate's phone against his chest. "Don't you trust Hana with Brooklyn?"
Kate gnaws at her bottom lip, "Yeah, but.."
"But nothing. Just take a deep breath and let it go already."
Kate huffs in a quick breath and then lets it out, "Happy? Can I please have my phone back now?"
Drake chuckles as Preston climbs into the front seat and starts the engine, "Only if you promise to turn it off and put it away for the car ride."
Kate folds her arms across her chest and scowls angrily at him. "Ok, fine. But only if you tell me where we're going."
Drake fishes her phone out of his pocket, "Do you remember last year when Max and I did the Father Christmas Parade?"
Kate's expression brightens a little as she relaxes her arms. "Yeah."
Drake sends a quick text to Hana, and then passes the phone over. "Well Max kept going on and on about how pretty the village was decorated for Christmas. And it occurred to me that you were missing out on seeing everything. So I figured we could do the touristy thing and spend the night at an Inn and…"
Kate leans over and covers his mouth with her fingers giggling, "Sssh, you had me at 'pretty village' . 
Drake takes her hand and kisses it, "Good, because I want you to have the best Birthday ever."
As they travel further away from the manor Kate focuses on the beautiful wintry scenery, and Drake's comforting hand in hers and soon her anxiety fades. It was starting to snow so Preston turned on the wipers. Drake gives Kate's hand a squeeze and then leans forward to tap Preston on the shoulder.
"How do the roads look?"
"So far they're just damp, but we should be fine. We have all wheel drive and snow tires."
Drake sits back again with a nod. "Good to know." 
Kate tucks her hand under Drake's arm and leans into his shoulder, he turns to kiss her on the forehead. Kate smiles as she catches the comforting smell of his cologne, "I thought you would have used this opportunity to drive us in your truck. I love sitting next to you in the front seat."
Drake shrugs, "I thought about it. But then I remembered that I needed to get my tires changed, and besides if I was driving…" Drake pauses to tilt her chin up and give her a tender kiss on the lips. "I wouldn't be able to do that, whenever I wanted to."
Kate sighs with happiness, as he wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her tighter against him. "I see your point. It's highly frowned upon to cuddle and drive. Or to do other things."
Drake catches Preston's eye in the rearview mirror when he looks back at them, he leans in to whisper in Kate's ear. "Seeing my point, along with doing other things, will have to wait until we don't have an audience."
Kate giggles as his lips move to her neck to plant gentle kisses. "How close are we to this Inn you were talking about?"
Preston shakes his head as he focuses on the road ahead, trying to ignore the sounds from the backseat.
An hour later Drake gently shakes Kate's shoulder to wake her. The warm interior of the car had lulled her to sleep and she had her head on his lap.
"Wakey wakey, Birthday Katie."
Kate moans sleepily and hugs him  across the knees, "Five more minutes."
The rush of cold air on her face when Preston opens his door to get out jolts her awake and Drake laughs. "We're here, and I think you could use some fresh air to revive you."
Kate sits up and stretches, wiping the drool from the corner of her mouth, "Oh sorry, must have dozed off."
Drake looks past Kate to the building they're parked in front of, "That's ok, you're forgiven. There wasn't much to see during the drive anyway, just snow and trees and mountains. We've finally made it to civilization."
Kate steps out of the car and looks up at the towering stone facade of their hotel, "Wow, this place is beautiful."
While she takes her phone out of her pocket to take pictures, Preston signals for Drake's attention and then pulls him aside.
"The weather reports are forecasting nasty weather tomorrow afternoon, what time in the morning do you want to be picked up?"
Drake shakes his head with a frown,"Didn't you get the itinerary that I sent to your email? Along with the list of things I need you to do?"
"Yes, but under the circumstances I thought you might want to change your plans. For safety's sake."
"I booked us for two days, and I don't plan on leaving early."
"But there's a storm coming." Preston insists.
"And your point is?"
"You're likely to get snowed in, and it'll take most of the second day before the roads are cleared. Meaning it'll take longer for me to come get you."
"Yes, it will." Drake replies, patting Preston on the arm. "Just do as I've asked, and then help yourself to a nice dinner at the hotel. Charge it to my room, and then go home."
Kate glances over at them with a look of concern, "What're you two talking about?"
Preston smirks at Drake, "You've got this all planned don't you? You saw the weather report."
"I did. Now please stop fucking around and get our luggage." Drake mumbles and then walks over to Kate.
He wraps his arm around her shoulders with a smile, steering her toward the hotel. "Welcome to Ravenhurst Castle, Kate. Our romantic getaway awaits."
Looking up at the steep slate roof, stone masonry, and tower climbing the corner of the building, Kate could see why they called it a castle. "You didn't have to go through this much trouble for me, Drake. I would have been just as happy staying at a simple Bed and Breakfast."
Drake stops on the stone walkway to pull her into his arms, "You're special to me, Kate. I couldn't let you spend the night just anywhere."
Drake grabs her hand and then leads her up to the front door, "Just roll with it."
Preston follows them through the hotel lobby carrying their luggage. The three of them turn heads as they make their way to the front desk. Even dressed casually in jeans and sweaters, the presence of someone carrying your stuff was a dead giveaway that you were important. Preston drops their bags by the counter and takes up a protective position to watch the room. His fierce stare makes all the onlookers hurry off and mind their own business.
The hotel clerk behind the counter is bubbling with excitement and greets them with a wide smile, "Oh my goodness, welcome to The Ravenhurst! It's an incredible honour to have the Duke and Duchess stay with us. I'll have our best -..."
Drake shakes his head and holds up his hand to interrupt, "We already have a reservation."
"You..you do?" The clerk grabs her computer mouse and starts scrolling away as she searches the hotel registry on her computer screen.
"So you're not here to promote the Father Christmas Festival?"
Drake leans his elbows on the counter and lowers his voice,"Not this time. I was hoping to keep our visit as an unofficial one. We're under a different name. Try a reservation under Jones."
The clerk gives him a knowing smile, whispering. "Why of course Mr. Jones. I see your booking right here on my screen." Her expression changes to a frown when she notices something, "Unfortunately your room isn't quite ready. If you're looking for immediate accommodations though I could upgrade you to a suite."
"That will be fine, we just don't want to be fussed over, no paparazzi, just a quiet visit. Could you manage that for us please?"
Kate leaves Drake at the counter and wanders over to take pictures of the giant lobby Christmas tree. Preston breathes a sigh of annoyance at having his attention divided, he moves to another place in the lobby where he can still keep an eye on both of them.  Kate sees the bodyguard move out of the corner of her eye and decides to tease him a little. "Hey Preston, come on over and take a selfie with me over by the tree."
He checks to see that Drake is still in conversation with the clerk, and then after taking a quick visual sweep of the room for possible threats he nods, "Only because the position of the tree provides an optimal vantage point from which to survey the room."
Preston stands next to the tree, unsmiling and on alert. Kate tries to stand close enough to him so that he fits into the frame of her phone camera, but can't get a good angle because he's so tall. "You don't smile much do you?"
Preston keeps his eyes trained on the room and mumbles. "I'm on duty, Your Grace."
Kate makes a funny face at her phone screen, trying to crack Preston's facade and get him to smile. "I've seen you talk to Drake and be more relaxed. Are you scared of little ole me?"
Preston doesn't answer at first, hazarding a glance her way and then looking away when their eyes meet on  her phone screen. "It's not you I'm afraid of."
Across the room Drake steps away from the check-in counter and then walks over with a smirk on his face. 
"Is she misbehaving, Preston?" 
Preston gives a slight nod and then steps aside to give Drake room to slip his arm around Kate, "Our room isn't quite ready. But I may have arranged for some special hotel extras during our stay."
Kate snuggles into his warmth, feeling that familiar flutter that ripples through her every time she gets lost in his eyes, or he lights her up with his smile. "Oh? What sort of special extras?"
"Ravenhurst has a spa and salon onsite, two restaurants, and their own winery."
"Ooh, fancy. But didn't you promise me a tour of a pretty little town decorated for Christmas?"
Drake grins, "I did, and it would be a nice way to kill some time while they get our room ready. Besides, after being cooped up in the car for so long I could use a walk to stretch my legs."
Kate looks over at Preston, "Is Mr.Tall Broad shouldered and Serious coming with us?"
Drake notices Preston clenching his jaw trying not to react to her question, "No, he has other things to do. Then he's going home."
"But, Your Grace.." Preston argues.
After taking a quick look around to make sure they weren't causing a scene in the lobby, Drake answers quietly, "But nothing, just see to it that our luggage is safely taken up to our room when it's ready. Grab a meal on us, and then you're free to go. Don't worry about us, Preston, we'll be fine."
Drake and Kate leave Preston behind at the hotel to walk arm in arm to the village. Glancing back over her shoulder at the hotel, Kate asks, “Do you really think Preston can turn off Guard Duty mode long enough for us to have a private stroll?”
“I’m betting he’ll give us a five minute head start at least before he starts tracking us in the SUV.”
Kate giggles as the snowflakes tickle her cheeks and eyelashes, “Thanks for doing this for me. I really did need to get out of the house for a bit.”
Drake pulls his winter hat down further over his ears, his warm breath floating away in the chilly air, “You’re welcome. We both needed this. There’s nothing like taking a walk through a winter wonderland to lift your spirits.”
The tiny village of Raven’s Rest loves to decorate for Christmas. Every railing, light pole, and window was either trimmed with greenery and twinkling lights or wore a sparkling red bow or festive ornaments. With the fresh snow on the roofs and joyful music spilling out from every other opened shop door, it felt and looked like Christmas spirit came to life. The scents of cinnamon, nutmeg and chocolate wafted from a bakery café as Drake and Kate passed under its 
striped red and white awning. Drake pulled in a deep breath and smiled as he pointed at the frosted gingerbread house displayed in the window.
 “This looks like a perfect place to stop for a hot chocolate and a treat. What do you say Kate?”
Kate felt her stomach growl, “I say lead the way Mr. Jones.”
After ordering hot chocolates topped with whipped cream and candy cane sprinkles, and a plate of decorated cookies to share, they’re seated at a table for two by the window. Drake picks up a gingerbread star and bites off a corner. He looks at the decadent drink sitting in front of him and wonders if there was a possible way to not get it all over his face when he attempted to taste it. 
Kate can see the confusion on his face as he chews his cookie, she giggles as she stirs the whipped cream on the top of her cup with a candy cane. “You look scared. Don’t worry it won’t bite. And no there isn't any way to avoid the whipped topping to get at the drink underneath. A little cream on your face is all part of the fun.”
She demonstrates by lifting her cup and delicately sipping at the candied rim, a smear of cream clings to her upper lip when she sets it back down. “See? Think of it just like your Santa beard from last year.”
Drake mumbles as he scrubs at the light stubble on his cheek, “Don't remind me.”
 His beard had been much further along the year before, and he had used white stage makeup to whiten his whiskers. Unfortunately the makeup had  made his skin itch. This year he was grateful that Maxwell was volunteering to be Santa for the parade.
Drake nearly chokes on his cookie as he watches Kate lick the cream off her lip. He coughs into his fist and then picks up his drink to wash down the crumbs. He gets cream on his nose and lips, and then wipes it off with a napkin, “It's much more fun to watch you drink it.”
Kate noisily slurps the whipped cream on the top of her hot chocolate, while Drake grabs a sugar cookie and uses it to scoop the froth off of his. “Ooh Drake, that's a good idea.”
The café is nearly empty of patrons and Kate is grateful not to have onlookers taking their picture, especially with the way Drake was devouring his cookie and getting cream all over his mouth and chin. She giggles and hands him another napkin, "You, uh have a little something on your face there honey."
Drake grunts, "Thanks." 
He's annoyed at how sticky his face feels as he wipes off the cream, "Drinks don't need all this extra crap on them. That's why I prefer my coffee basic and black. And my hot chocolate tasting like chocolate."
"Oh bah humbug Mr. Scrooge, I figured a guy so into s'mores and marshmallows would enjoy something like this."
Drake wipes the cookie crumbs off of his jacket, "Hey don't get me wrong, I love a decorated cookie or dessert. But I prefer my drinks a little less childish and messy."
Kate shrugs, "I guess I see your point. But never tell Hana she can't put marshmallows in your hot chocolate, it would break her heart."
He nods, glancing at Kate's phone on the table. "If you want to check in with her, I won't stop you. I'm curious myself how our little Beanie is doing."
Kate wipes her hands on a napkin and then picks up her phone, "You don't mind? I'm dying to send her pictures of the hotel Christmas tree and tell her where we are."
Drake smiles and then lifts his hot chocolate to his lips. He doesn't dare tell Kate that he and Hana had been planning this birthday trip for weeks. 
While Kate happily texts away to Hana, Drake watches the snow falling outside the window. The grey sky was darkening as the flakes got heavier. They soon needed to head back to the hotel. The pedestrian traffic was much lighter than when they entered the café, and the street lamps were coming on. He can see the dark shape of an SUV creeping along the street in the distance. No doubt it was Preston.
Drake is in mid-sip when his phone rings in his pocket, making him jump and spill the hot chocolate all over himself and the table. "Gah! Son of a - …"
Kate gasps in surprise and jumps out of her seat. "Oh my goodness, Drake."
She grabs the remaining napkins from the table and dabs at the front of his jacket as he puts down his cup and pushes his chair back. He swats her hands away when she tries to wipe his lap, "It's ok, it's ok! Let me do that."
Kate chews on her lip as she watches an employee approach with a roll of paper towels.
 "I'm so sorry. We'll clean this up. Could you bring us a bag so we can take our cookies to go?"
Drake sighs as he unzips his jacket and takes out his phone when the ringing stops, "Preston, you Prick."
The car pulls up outside and parks, waiting, the wipers swiping away the snow. Drake sends Preston a quick message, I told you to go home.
Preston answers back, Need a lift?
Drake and Kate pile into the backseat of the SUV, brushing the snow off of themselves. In the clean, warm interior of the vehicle the scent of the spilled hot chocolate on Drake's clothes is very noticeable, adding to his discomfort at having wet pants. 
Drake takes off his jacket and then folds it up and puts it down on the floor. He inspects his sweater and shirt for chocolate stains. 
"Thanks for picking us up, Preston. If we'd tried to walk back to the hotel we would have been soaked and frozen before we got there," Kate says, smiling at the security guard." 
"I'm already soaked," Drake mutters, looking down at the dark wet stain on his lap.
Kate pats him on the arm, "I meant from the snow, Dear."
Preston checks their surroundings and then does a u-turn in the road to take them back to the hotel.
"How did he find us anyway?"
Drake answers, "Most likely tracked my phone with the GPS."
Kate looks at him with surprise, "He can track our phones? Is that even legal?"
Drake nods, "After Anton kidnapped us from our own wedding, it was discussed among the council that the security team needed extra help in case it ever happened again. Liam approved it."
"I guess that makes sense. But then all we would have needed to do to escape would leave our phones behind." 
Preston speaks up, "It's not a foolproof plan, Your Grace, but it still gives us a place to start if one of you suddenly went missing."
It doesn't take long to return to the hotel, but thanks to the heavy clouds it was already getting dark. When Preston parks the SUV Drake asks, "So did you deliver all of our bagage to our room and do a security check to make sure it was safe?"
"Of course, Sir."
"Did you get yourself a room, Preston? It's too late for you to head home now."
Drake looks at Kate with a frown, "Don't encourage him to babysit us."
"It's his job to keep us safe, Drake, so let him do it."
After collecting their room keys the three of them head up to their rooms. Preston has conveniently booked the room next to Drake and Kate. 
"Consider yourself off duty for the rest of the evening, Preston. Relax and enjoy yourself." Kate says, smiling.
"If that's at all possible." Drake mutters as he unlocks the door to their room. 
As soon as Drake enters the room he starts stripping off his clothes. Kate can't help but laugh. "Woah there cowboy, at least warm me up with some foreplay before we jump right into it."
Drake grumbles as he kicks off his boots and then unzips his jeans, "Ha ha, so not funny. At least you don't smell and feel like a walking candy bar."
Kate leans against the corner of the antique four poster bed as she watches Drake fuss around half naked, digging around in his luggage for his bath supplies. "I dunno, I kind of like the smell of chocolate on you. Gives me a reason to seek out all the parts of you that taste the sweetest."
Drake can't help but grin, as he leans in to kiss her cheek. Kate frowns when she realizes how sticky his face is. "Still like it?"
Kate makes a face and then wipes at her cheek. "Ok, I get it. Go get a shower and a shave."
As he wanders across the room naked, Drake points at the Welcome Basket on the table by the window. 
"I asked the hotel if they could throw in some complimentary spa treatments as a Birthday gift. Why don't you check some of them out and then we could go to the restaurant for dinner. Go get yourself all pampered and feeling gorgeous for our date night."
Before Kate can protest that she had nothing fancy to wear to dinner, Drake disappears into the bathroom. With a shrug she picks up the spa brochure and then sits down on the bed while she nibbles on the cookies from the bakery. 
"Oooh, they have a special brown sugar body scrub treatment. That would feel so nice, and I would smell delicious afterward." Kate mumbles around her mouthful of cookie. "And I could get my hair and nails done, perfect." 
After looking through the envelope of coupons for the free treatments she wanted, Kate walks over to the bathroom door and knocks. "Thanks so much for the spa coupons, I'm going to take advantage of some of these and then see you later."
Drake rinses his razor in the sink and then pauses his shaving to answer, "Good for you. Text me when you're all finished and I'll meet you here to get ready. I'm going to explore the hotel a little bit myself."
Kate kisses her fingertips and then presses them to the door, "Love you, Drake."
Drake smiles, "I love you too."
After finishing his shave and shower, Drake finds the phone number on the brochure and calls down to the Spa.
When his call is answered there's a women's voice on the line, "Bella Salon and Spa, how may I help you?"
Drake runs his hand back through his wet hair, "Hi, do you have a customer there booked in under the name Jones or Walker?"
"I'm sorry, sir, in order to respect the privacy of our clients we cannot disclose that information."
"Oh, Ok. I understand. My wife is there and I want to book a haircut without her seeing me. I want to surprise her later during our dinner date."
"Our salon closes within the hour, but if you're in need of a clipper cut I can squeeze you in right away. What name should I put next to your reservation?"
Drake thinks for a moment, "Davis, Preston Davis."
Kate sits in the makeup chair at the Salon in one of their plush robes. She felt like she had just received the royal treatment after the body scrub and facial. Next they were doing the finishing touches to her makeup application and hair styling, followed by a manicure and pedicure. On the other side of the partition wall she can hear the sound of a pair of clippers buzzing on and off and occasionally a man's voice in conversation with the stylist. 
She couldn't be sure because of the way the sounds echoed off of the hard surfaces in the salon, but it sounded like Drake. She felt like a bride on her wedding day trying to hide away from the groom until she was ready. It made her tingle with excitement inside over meeting him for dinner. In her mind she was mulling over what blouse and pair of jeans to wear, wishing she had packed something more feminine. But knowing that Drake would probably be dressed casually as well helped. 
Drake sat at the bar in his black dress shirt, jacket and slacks. He had to resist the urge to smooth his hand over his freshly trimmed hair, hoping that Kate would like it. Any minute now she'd be returning to their room to dress for dinner. He picked at the bowl of mixed nuts and pretzels on the bar, and singled out all the peanuts to munch on as he waited. 
An attractive female bartender smiles as she notices him sitting all by himself and walks over, "Good evening sir, could I interest you in a drink? Or are you more interested in grazing from the snack bowl."
"I'll take a whiskey on the rocks, for now." Drake answers, trying to maintain his composure as her hungry gaze makes him feel like he's the snack.
"For now? Are you anticipating ordering more later?" 
He smiles as she prepares his drink, "I'm expecting someone."
She nods as she slides the glass of whiskey back across the bar to him, "Well, when your date arrives let me know. I'll get her something special. My name is Amanda by the way."
Drake picks up his glass and gives the whiskey an appreciative sniff and then a sip, he nods toward Amanda lifting his glass in a salute, "Drake."
His phone buzzes in his pocket as he sets the glass down again.
Kate lets herself back into her room after her time at the spa. The soft coziness of the robe wrapped around her felt so nice, and she hated to take it off to put on her casual denim again.
She's surprised to find herself alone in the room and sends Drake a quick text. Spa appt all done, feeling fantastic. Where are you?
D: I'm down at the bar enjoying a whiskey. Can't wait to see you.
K: What should I wear? I didn't pack anything fancy.
D: There's a present for you under the bed.
K: Drake.
D: Just read the letter attached and humor me. Happy Birthday Kate.
Kate puts her phone down on the table and purses her lips with a frown, she was afraid of what might be in the box. After hiding under baggy clothes and bluejeans for months she was worried that whatever was in the box wouldn't fit.
Kneeling down on the floor she peeks under the bed. There's a large green rectangular box and a smaller white one that looked like a shoe box. She drags out the green box first and sets it on the bed. There's an envelope taped to the top. She should feel happy about Drake buying her a present but she just felt nervous instead. Sucking in a deep breath and then letting it out to help calm her nerves, Kate opens the envelope. There's a handwritten letter inside, and she can't help but feel a rush of emotion at the care it took for him to write it all by hand. 
Dear Kate,
I'll never forget the night we met. We were all there for him, and then along came you. At the time you were just the waitress that was willing to show us a good time. I thought you were cute and all, but never figured I would stand a chance. You made an impression on a future King that night, and an impression on me.
 I'm not sure when everything changed in my favor, maybe it was that night at Applewood or maybe it was when I jumped in front of that bullet, realizing I would rather die than live in a life without you. We've been through a lot to get where we are now, and despite the ups and downs you married me instead. You've shown me a life and love I never thought I'd have and for that I'll be eternally grateful. 
Now between us we've created a new life in our little girl. Becoming a parent changes a person. You're no longer responsible for just your own life but for someone else's too. Some days this scares me to death, and then I see you holding Brooklyn in your arms and know that we're going to be alright. 
I'm excited to discover my new life as a father, and to get to know the mother you are becoming. So tonight on your Birthday I want to meet you all over again for the first time. So what do you say Kate? Have you ever wanted to meet that mysterious stranger in a bar that only has eyes for you?
Love, Drake.
Kate plucked a tissue out of the box on the bedside table. She was glad that she had chosen the waterproof mascara, because now her eyes burned with tears. Drake was right, becoming a mom had changed her. At times she was scared too, but knowing that Drake was always going to be by her side to help raise Brooklyn made her heart feel more full. After dabbing at her eyes she delicately blew her nose, not wanting to smudge her makeup, and then lifted the cover on the box. Peeling back the tissue paper she gasps and then reaches for her phone. 
Drake finished off his whiskey and then checked the time on his phone. He didn't want to call her in case she was busy getting dressed, but he was starting to worry that she wasn't going to show. Amanda raises her eyebrows and holds up the whiskey bottle to quietly ask if he wanted a refill. He shakes his head and then sticks his hand in the snack bowl again to grab a pretzel. Before he can eat it his phone rings. It's Kate.
"Hello?" He answers. 
"I can't wear this."
"Sure you can."
"Because of the way the top is designed I can't wear a bra."
Drake shrugs, "So don't wear one."
"Hah! This mother of a 7 month old child needs a little more support thank you very much."
"Didn't you wear a dress similar to this to Max's birthday party last year?"
"Well, yes…"
"Just try it on. I promise you'll look beautiful in it."
"You're biased because you think I look good in anything."
"Yes, I do. I also think you look good in nothing at all. Now are you coming down to dinner?"
Kate is quiet on the other end for a few seconds, "Ok, fine. But I need pretty shoes to wear with a dress like this."
Drake smiles, "I'm guessing you haven't opened the other box yet. When you're ready, text Preston and ask him to escort you down to Edgar's Restaurant. I'll be waiting for you over by the bar."
Continue on here >>
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danyelle756games · 4 years
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Twitter is where game publishers, the gaming media, well-liked game streamers and entertainers, esports leagues, teams, players and commentators interact with their most engaged fans and with one an additional. Some like it wireless. Some prefer to go old-school with wires. If you occur to belong to the latter group, you could want to give the Havit HV -MS672 Wired Mouse It may perhaps not have a really exceptional optical sensor that can run in the 16,000s, but its maximum of three,200 DPI should really be adequate to provide you with an exceptional gaming encounter. Its DPI settings can also be adjusted to three other levels with the lowest at 800 DPI. The Havit Mouse also comes with breathing LED light effects which includes 7 circular LED light effects to set the mood in your game.
In this report I asked 300 gamers what they wanted for birthday and Christmas so I could show anyone interested in buying a gift for a gamer what the gamer really wanted. Right here, on the other hand - pun intended - I speak about how I resolve my challenges with wrist discomfort immediately after lengthy gaming and perform sessions. It is check here not substantially of a list if the colossi of gaming news are not integrated. This initially tier is solely for the gaming community's elder statesmen—the eight web pages that are normally abreast on what is hot in gaming and are recognized by gamers worldwide to be a trustworthy supply of info in the industry.
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May possibly 17, 2016 • Since its founding only six years ago, Green Man Gaming has become one of the best known digital distributor of computer games. The exposure came from offering titles at very reasonable rates. At very first this was accomplished through a special digital trade-back service in which Pc games could be resold at a discounted cost, but in much more recent years the on line retailer has also gotten into the business enterprise of promoting reputable keys to digitally distributed Pc games - in some cases obtained contractually with the original publisher, and from time to time with keys sourced from third-parties, as was the higher-profile case last year with The Witcher III.
It will list on the London Stock Exchange sub-market place AIM and is understood to be arranging to use the funds to create its games publishing organization and expand across profitable gaming markets like China and the Middle East. On the internet video games retailer Green Man Gaming is set to go public with a £100 million float as it eyes expansion in Asia and the Middle East.
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mirrorofmathiscom · 6 years
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The contemporary craftsman faces overwhelming chances of consistently achieving substantial acknowledgment or fiscal achievement. This is only a reality of the world we live in. Workmanship occupations don't, by and large, pay high pay rates, and the autonomous craftsman is nearly ensured to endure monetary deficiencies. Indeed, even craftsmen who are moving their work and picking up acknowledgment will in general endure. johnny mathis tribute Artist
Society does not see the autonomous craftsman as deserving of incredible livelihoods. The craftsman isn't considered as imperative as a specialist or legal advisor or even a trash laborer. All things considered, trash specialists make agreeable expert dimension pay rates. In our general public, we pay people dependent on the regard we have for them and the dimension of significance we ascribe to their work. This implies craftsmen are not viewed as indispensable.
Obviously this isn't valid for all specialists. There will dependably be a bunch of living craftsmen for whom we property incredible esteem and regard alongside monetary prizes. These craftsmen will be advanced by the foundations made for the magnification of craftsmanship, and their work will turn into a piece of our social awareness. It isn't these craftsmen that I am talking about, yet rather the a large number of autonomous specialists, (artists, journalists, entertainers, painters, models, and so forth.) who will live beyond words obscurity.
So confronting these chances, why for heaven's sake would anybody turned into a craftsman? On the off chance that you are a parent and your youngster disclosed to you they needed to be a craftsman, how might you respond? Likely, you would express something to the influence that, while it is decent to make workmanship, it's anything but a decent vocation decision. johnny mathis impersonator
You would presumably tenderly urge them to take some workmanship courses, however remain concentrated on getting into graduate school. I can simply hear these discussions occurring everywhere throughout the world. A comparative discussion occurred among me and my folks when I revealed to them I would study craftsmanship, so I talk as a matter of fact.
However, the over the top expensive craftsmanship schools are loaded with understudies anxious to go up against workmanship as a deep rooted vocation. Each real college in America has a workmanship office and craftsmanship majors, and in addition music offices, composing offices, and show offices. Probably, those understudies graduate and proceed onward into the world as specialists. In any event for a period, for huge numbers of them do in the long run capitulate to the substances of our way of life and go up against increasingly beneficial callings. In any case, they convey with them their specialty instruction, and I am sure that training underpins their life decisions and prosperity.
Workmanship is a calling. It coaxes one to tail it, and it doesn't know about the monetary states within recent memory. Craftsmanship knows just that it is unavoidably settled to the human soul. As indicated by the logician Jean Luc Nancy, "magnificence is the brilliance of the genuine" (1.) In his exposition, Nancy alludes to craftsmanship as the outflow of excellence and henceforth the encapsulation of the genuine. This fact, is reality that Aristotle discussed and is the embodiment of what is great and significant for mankind. It is the thing that all people should go after regarding their lives. This is the reason workmanship calls to specific individuals, for it is a calling towards the brilliance of the genuine, and it is fundamental to humanity. tribute artist for conventions
Think back on the historical backdrop of mankind and you will see this is so. The buckle sketches at Lascaux were made between 15,000 - 13,000 BCE. More established surrender canvases go back to 30,000 BCE. The compositions at Lascaux are immense and took numerous years to finish. Archeologists have found openings in the dividers that they accept once held bars for framework. They have additionally discovered old creature fat copying lights and blending insides for colors. All of which implies these early specialists needed help.
One craftsman would have needed to have painted while others moved platform, blended shades, kept the lights consuming, and accumulated nourishment. This is a ton of work considering the unmistakable states of the time and the accentuation put on survival over culture. For reasons unknown, these individuals felt that the creation of craftsmanship was as vital as survival. They were eager to set aside valuable vitality and assets to participate in this action of workmanship making. There more likely than not been some intrinsic call inside them to make these photos, a need that went past the longing to beautify.
This isn't the main time this has happened. Over and over when people wind up in the most exceedingly bad conditions, regardless they figure out how to make workmanship. Amid World War II craftsmanship was made in the inhumane imprisonments and POW camps. Craftsmen took bits of charcoal or a stub of pencil and made pictures. Some of them were made to record their misery and others were made as a methods for mental getaway. These craftsmen place themselves in horrible danger to make this craftsmanship, and it removed vitality from their techniques of survival. tribute artist for birthday parties
One such craftsman was Benjamin Charles Steele (1917). Steele was positioned in the Philippines in WWII. He endure the Bataan demise walk and in addition internment at Cabanatuan. (This was the biggest POW camp on outside soil; 9,000 individuals lived there; 3,000 Americans kicked the bucket there.
The demise rate was at 38%). Steele endure loose bowels, pneumonia, blood balancing, and constrained work. At the point when relegated to the Tayabas Road Detail, Steele worked in the wilderness without water or nourishment and was the just a single out of fifty individuals to endure. Eventually, Steele started to make illustrations of his kindred detainees as a demonstration of respect towards them.
In her article on Steele, writer Penny Ronning states that "with no formal craftsmanship preparing, Ben started to draw on whatever pieces of paper he could discover pictures of what his eyes had seen and his psyche worked extra time to process. These illustrations were Ben's approach to respect his fallen friends and record his encounters. In danger of death whenever found, Ben kept on paying tribute by furtively drawing the valiance of each officer confronting the most horrendous of human savagery. Unfortunately, everything except two of Ben's illustrations were lost on a vehicle send" (2)
 Following Steele's gallantry, and additionally the numerous different specialists who have preceded and after him, having been constrained to make workmanship regardless of the conditions; one should in this manner, arrive at the resolution that craftsmanship is some way or another connected to the most natural parts of our humankind.
It is connected in a way that goes further than societal traditions. It is established far down inside our spirits; down there with our senses to make due, to multiply and to exist. It must be on indistinguishable dimension from the insect's sense to burrow or the honey bee's nature to fabricate honeycomb. The craftsman is constrained to look at his reality and endeavor to clarify it through his one of a kind vision and support throughout everyday life. As Carl Jung put it: hire live entertainers
"Each imaginative individual is a duality or an amalgamation of opposing aptitudes. On the one side he is an individual with an individual life, while on the opposite side he is an unoriginal, inventive process... The craftsman isn't an individual enriched with choice who looks for his very own closures, however one who enables workmanship to understand its motivations through him. As an individual he may have dispositions and a will and individual points, yet as a craftsman he may be 'man' in a higher sense- - he is 'aggregate man'- - one who conveys and shapes the oblivious, mystic existence of humanity. To play out this troublesome office it is some of the time essential for him to forfeit satisfaction and everything that makes life worth living for the common individual." (3.)
So at that point, back to the underlying inquiry: for what reason would anybody turn into a craftsman? Maybe a superior inquiry may be, the reason would anybody decide not to wind up a craftsman? It is an awesome calling that goes well past the craftsman's capacity to profit or fit effectively inside societal traditions of achievement. It is a fundamental segment of being completely human.
Bruce Black is an outstanding watercolor craftsman, creator, and instructor. He has more than twenty years of experience as an expert craftsman. Visit his site for more articles or to view and buy works from his online display. Dark lives and works in Phoenix Arizona. Visit our website for more information here==>> https://www.mirrorofmathis.com
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peppurthehotone · 6 years
I was chatting with my friend yesterday and when she said she felt nauseous and tired for no reason, I knew we were suffering from the same thing, a natural disaster I call “Hormone Rita.”
(No time to read? Watch “Beware of Hormone Rita” on YouTube)
Because I’ve been tracking my cycle each month, which is basically me studying my womanly health as though I were a first-year med student, I started to notice a curious pattern. I noticed that while happy on the outside, I was having this “Something Wicked This Way Come” experience at the same time each month. And this wicked experience wasn’t “cute” like any of those commercials that have the gray depression bubble hovering over the woman like some cartoon cloud to be blown away by a cartoonish Zeus.
It was worse than that. In some ways, I feel like another person moves in and inhabits my body. Someone we’ll call Rita. She charges in, cigarette in hand and kicks me out with a hefty shove and I’m left sort of caged in a corner of my body while she lives in me as she pleases.
And she’s not very pleasing.
I know what it means to not be happy. A few years ago, when I was genuinely feeling scared about my direction in life, or worried about what was going to happen to me, or felt like everything sucked, I knew I was unhappy. That is an identifiable feeling and when friends would say, “snap out of it” I sort of could because at the root of it, I knew I was feeling sorry for myself or that I was scared and I could work to change my mood and mindset to something more positive, even if just for happy hour.
Today in this time in my life, I don’t have that unhappiness. I’m actually quite happy. But what’s happening is that Rita is taking over.  Who is Rita really? Hormones. Shitty, crappy, powerful, illusive, invisible hormones.
To me, Hormone Rita is more than PMS. She’s stronger than those flimsy three days PMS Susan likes to occupy. Hormone Rita is an ass-kickin’ bad ass.
For those that don’t know, the process of being womanly occurs over a 28-30 day cycle. Roughly. Each woman is different. Day 1 begins when the blood moon rises. So, you start counting on that day for the next 28-30 days watching and waiting for who-the-hell knows what’s next. If you’re TTC, you’re watching for Ovulation from perhaps Day 11/12 on and then you’re watching for any signs of pregnancy until blood moon arrives around days 28-30. So, for almost three weeks, you’re watching yourself and the things that are coming out of  it like a first-year med student. For those that are not TTC and just living life waiting for blood moon, and wondering if you’re going crazy, you too may be watching your body and all that comes out of it like a first-year med student.
On Day 15, I feel it coming. The sickness. I starts in my shoulders. The slightest irritation from any source makes my shoulders twitch, like a drug fiend. It’s then that I find my strap to brace myself. This isn’t a strap for a roller coaster ride, friends. Because roller coasters can be fun. This is not. I put the leather strap between my teeth and bite down. Ready for what’s to come.
If I’m lucky that month, Days 18-21 are “manageable”. I’m still being spit on by Rita, but I can function and I fight back with exercise (good) and alcohol (not-so-good). BUT. The big kahuna is still to come. Day 25-26. It’s looming in the near distance. I bite down and pray.
In med student talk, what’s potentially happening is that progesterone is running amok through my body while Rita is on the couch watching Netflix and eatin’ up all the Pringles. Too much or usually, too little progesterone, causes a twerk in your hormones. You become unbalanced. That dip brings on the need for the leather strap around Day 15 and ….and then, for some reason, there’s another big twerky explosion — either progesterone or estrogen — that happens on Day 25. Doomsday.
This past holiday season, Day 25 fell right before Christmas. Sweet baby Jesus.
Matt would Face Time me from his parent’s home in Florida, where he was for the holiday, and I’d be balled up on the couch. Too far gone to even pretend I was fine while he was gone. Rita was raging. I made it to none of my friend’s Christmas parties. Cheer was not on the agenda.
One morning while he was gone, I laid in bed and literally woke up crying. Who WAKES UP crying? The tears were there just waiting for my eyes to open and to really run free. I pulled the dog near, (’cause she sleeps on the bed) wanting her to lick my pain away, and she didn’t get it; she just wanted to go out for a walk. (My cat Iris would get it. #dogsaredifferent). I was turning in the bed, sobbing so deeply from pain I couldn’t identify. I took a role call.  Lack of pregnancy? Being alone? Overall general ennui (or “NYU” as Nicole and I call it)? I wanted something inside me to raise it’s hand and say, “It’s me!” You’re sad because it’s me. Only, nothing was really the cause. Which made it worse. Like really worse. I cried for a long time and I felt myself spiraling into a place that was scary. I thought about what it would take to just make this feeling stop. To make it go away and leave me alone. I thought about the things that end life. I’ve done this before. And what makes me stop thinking about the things that end life is thinking about my family and Matt and how much pain THEY would be in if I ended my (temporary) pain.
I think about how many women reach this point during a moment in their month. And how they may not be able to attribute this sadness to “merely” hormones and not something much worse, like a depression that can be diagnosed. Does this make sense? I’m not a doctor. I don’t know the difference or the name of hormone-induced depression versus depression-depression.  In my head, I just feel that there is a difference because once Hormone Rita shifts, and takes a break for a few weeks to creep to her reclusive corner of my body to feast up for the next go-round, I’m fine.
I’m writing this so that if you’re that woman who’s feeling so bad for seemingly no reason, these words here might turn on a light bulb that gives you a reason. And then you can tell your loved ones, whomever they may be, that you’re going through this. I’ve told my parents, I told my sister-in-law after she asked me if I hated her and I told Matt.  One month when Hormone Rita crept in, much like the grim reaper that time, I came out of the bathroom and folded into his arms and sobbed, “I can’t stop crying!” He said, “What do you need?” I’d said I didn’t know, just to get me out of the house.
Now, whenever this happens, we have a code word. It’s Benihana. Why? I’ll tell you why.
That day I couldn’t stop crying, we hopped in the car and drove around the Valley. I discovered I was hungry. We found a Benihana restaurant. Of all places. We went in. The place was a madhouse. This was actually a gift because the chaos was incredibly distracting! I’d always known Benihana to be a quiet, sort of upscale place and it has turned into Red Lobster/Disneyland/McDonald’s during the 6 o’clock rush. Who knew? We sat with a group of women who had driven down from somewhere a few hours north of LA. (One of those distant towns where you nod your head, “Yesss, I’ve heard of that place,” when really you haven’t.) Turned out it was a birthday tradition for them to come to the Big B each year. Apparently, Benihana has a great birthday special these days guys, and this became painfully and joyfully apparent after multiple explosions on “Happy Birthday” popped off table after table.
The woman I sat next to was on the thin side; her hair jet black and long, made me think of a 20-year old, modern-day Morticia Addams. She was covered in tattoos. She was dressed for dinner in that way that some folks iron their khaki chino pants, brush their Timbs and are rea’ty go. Next to her was a young girl, I think she was ten. Next to her was another woman. She was heftier in stature, and draped her arms over the little girl’s chair. She, too had the jet black hair and was ready for dinner via bright purple eye shadow and thin penciled eyebrows. She may have had a piercing; I don’t remember. As dinner went on, I realized these two ladies were a couple; mommas to the little girl and I think my tattoo friend was new to the relationship and was finding her way in the family. We all know how that can go. Across from me sat the mom of this family. She had  a bright, yet tired smile, and seemed to have lived in a different part of town than her daughter(s); something closer to The Beavers, perhaps.
As we waited for our chef to make that first sizzled flip of shrimp, I noticed they were interestingly quiet as though there’d been a bit of a disagreement in the car that leads to edgy silence once in public. You know what that means, “The Peppur Show” comes ON! I interviewed, I encouraged, I inspired. With Matt as my co-host, soon we were chatting and laughing and carrying on together.
While we all seriously couldn’t have been more different, me in my frazzled vintage and Matt in his Chicago daily wear, we had the best time.  We stuffed our faces and toasted to their birthdays and found our common ground as you do when you open up around the Benihana grill. And all was right with world. Rita was silenced.
After that, when Day 25 rolls around and Matt begins to see the struggle seizing me, he only has to say, “…Benihana?” His eyebrows lift behind his round spectacles, hopeful that my time in this month is what’s causing me to not look like the woman he likes to love. He doesn’t do this in a condescending way or as a weak offering of an olive branch…It is sincere. Sometimes I bite his head off; because Rita will take it as condescending. But if I get to speak in my voice, I whisper, “Thanks honey, it’s okay.” And off I’ll go back to the glow of my laptop, or to the bed, or I’ll return to what I was doing when he asked with hopes I’ll remember what that was and not be left staring at the hopeless abyss of the closet, clueless.
While Matt was gone in Florida, I pulled myself from the couch and got into a manic panic of Google searching and determined I needed help. And not help from those drugs advertised on TV. I wanted holistic stuff. I’d done a lot of this research before, because balanced hormones is needed for getting a bun in the oven. I scribbled a list of things I knew would cure me. I walked into a modern-day apothecary in Studio City. I grabbed Maca Root. To help balance me out. I don’t like asking for help, but I forced myself to go to the counter and ask the ladies their opinion of Maca. The internet had a lot to say about it, pros and cons. They weren’t sure about Maca. (That made Rita mad; “Then why the hell are selling it?!?”) The pharmacist, in her white coat, asked, “Have you been to a doctor to get an actual diagnosis?”
I said, “No,” knowing it was time. I know my hormones need serious balancing. Rita said, “Get outta here with that bullshit. Really lady? Pffft” and flicked an ash at her as we paid the $21.00 for the pills and left.
I write you from Day 22. I hope to be-goodness that I make it through this month. The Maca root sits unopened in the bag it was sold in. I’m afraid of it because some say it can make matters worse. I did try the Dandelion tea and Red Raspberry Leaf tea I bought that day and I think they’re working; I don’t feel sooooo edgy. Nonetheless, wish me luck and I’ll do the same for you. And, for reals, like exercise, when I write I feel so much better. If you’re also struggling with this, find your pen.
    Maybe she does get it. 🙂
  Beware of Hormone Rita. I was chatting with my friend yesterday and when she said she felt nauseous and tired for no reason, I knew we were suffering from the same thing, a natural disaster I call "Hormone Rita."
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juliusannis6-blog · 7 years
Are You Absolutely Satisfied Or Merely Working out From An Unhealthful Relationship By Compunction.
Fast ahead a few years and also i have had the capacity to partner with people along with riches, I came to realize riches is further hardened via systems. I am actually certainly not pleased or even unfortunate/ Merely up or even down/ As well as regularly poor," she sings on the misty ballad Pleased." And the cd checks out only that, the spaces and appears in between pleased as well as down. However if you want to enjoy our company have to unlearn everything our experts have actually ever dealt with or even resided about contentment. At that point they informed me that they must direct an incantation on him that will certainly create him come back to me and the youngsters, they directed the incantation as well as after 1 full week my spouse contacted me and also he informed me that i ought to forgive him, he started to apologize on phone and mentioned that he still live me that he did not know just what occur to him that he left me. this was actually the spell that he traditionalspellhospital directed on him that create him comeback to me today, me and my family are actually right now satisfied again today. If he cannot make his companion satisfied, he is going to go somewhere else or even to somebody that he can easily make happy. Our experts rapidly understood that from these things - our relationship, our levels and our funds - might not make our company satisfied. Our company accompany selections, guidelines, as well as activities that make no sense or that damage our team or even others in some way. Yet the second step to this admiration is to recognize the second point temper likewise educates us: rage instructs our team how you can more than happy. I have no idea of any person that may be satisfied at that temperature level other than possibly a polar bear! Throughout the United States there end 65 thousand households delivering food for crazy birds. Kareena Kapoor has decided that she is going to perform movies and also parts that create her pleased; she has actually decided that she goes to a stage in her career where she can manage to become much choosier. She will certainly adore the thought that you deal with her as well as things that create her happy everyday. If you want to make your other half pleased, you should make certain that you are happy to start with. This does not mean I dismiss what is actually happening, yet does suggest I could use my energy about this in different ways, coming from an even more metaphysical viewpoint, while I produce my very own type of payment, which is actually composing what I carry out, as well as just about anything else I acquire inspiration to carry out, consisting of being actually an instance whenever I can, especially when I could relocate myself from vanity and into kindness, cooperation, as well as love. I have actually been worldwide in lots of magic conventions as well as observed a great deal of great artists and also deception performers, however the big inquiry remains; why do some make a living doing this fine art, and also other don't. There are individuals at grow older 25 that have actually been througn genuine challenges ... like cancer cells or even car crashes where they are actually paralyzed. and you possessed everything you have your looks and also couldnt enjoy. They depend on their friends and family to validate the selections they create in lifestyle. Acquire the education you need to get the work you desire or even only go on and request that. Carry out whatever you have to perform to make that modification and also be happy. Thus if you thought being outdated would make you unhappy, felt confident that this is actually likely you'll develop a more good expectation than you most likely possess now. Look at these below major features of the indicator as well as what that states about maintaining them satisfied in partnerships. Should you liked this post and also you would want to acquire more information with regards to yellow pages people, why not find out more, i implore you to go to our own web site. Absolutely, war hawks or various other predatory birds can be attracted to events from song birds. Locating solution to these inquiries and putting them into creating was actually certainly not an effortless duty, yet doing so possesses make me more pleased compared to I have actually ever resided in life. And if you were actually to ask if they mored than happy back then, they could discover the condition absurd even when certainly not 6 months prior to they assumed they had actually found the panacea from lifestyle when they were actually carrying on along with an additional girl as well as experiencing the highs of a function. Thus even though I want my family members to constantly more than happy, I ought to never downplay their pain or anguish, yet simply let all of them recognize that I like them and that when they are ready to allow it go, I'll be there to assist all of them. I'm certainly not teamed up, I can't complete the blank, I'll never more than happy considering that fill in the blank once more and so forth, you include an additional brick to the wall surface of distress. The multicolored quiz along with brilliant factors must amaze the attendees in the Christmas party. Still, that does not suggest you must permit your emotional states transmit whatever you point out or even perform. Since he neglected to observe you obtained your haircut earlier today, this doesn't create any type of sense to reject to go to a celebration along with him tonight. This's natural to feel happy when you experience actually fantastic things in your connection, your life, or your job. Goodie sushi makes terrific self-made presents for grandparents, instructors and additional, and also will certainly create those you appreciate feeling unique. You observe, we assume that something or an individual can produce our team satisfied, however that is wrong. Our experts devote our young people desiring for aging so we can do things that our experts think make adults delighted, then when our company are older our experts long for our young people and also exactly how our team wasted this by disliking our wellness and also liberty off obligations. Be actually loving as well as charitable; just do not slobber around him in your attempt to create him delighted. In reality, I would mention that a number of these passion quotes possess a great deal of power that they may also rejuvenate a dead relationship if you utter these quotes to your love. To create this that bit added exclusive, bring in some notes in it, birthday parties as well as pointers. Through declaring and paid attention to happy thought and feelings, your positive overview has the tendency to draw in people to you. These might be composed of some terrific manuals to review and also bags that she could make good use of. Enable me to present to you my favorite 10 best ever Charming Lifestyle quotes and also clatter your day up. If you make a decision seriously and afterwards respond and also don't surrender, you will certainly be able to end up being a prosperous remain at residence mama that not only appreciates being along with her household as well as kids - as well as of course her children enjoy her existence in the home - yet can easily clear up volume from amount of money. While everybody has their own opinion, some common points like the ones below may be thought about as what brings in folks pleased. Nonetheless, must you locate your own self (for whatever unusual main reason) possessed by an irresistable impulse to perform additional, I have provided this convenient list from methods to make me also more pleased. If a lady really wants a delighted man there are actually several points she should carry out. Otherwise, he will ultimately wear down and also leave behind, tired. A girl which praises this profound requirement that guys must make her happy, possesses a totally different attitude toward guys.
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stepupmum-blog · 8 years
Paternal Parental Alienation
Paternal Parental Alienation I am going to write about something that makes me angry. Damn angry. And that is: paternal parental alienation. Or, in laymans terms, an attempt from a biological mother to remove a good, caring father from their own children's lives. This article does not address women fleeing domestic violence situations, nor women who believe their child may be in some kind of other danger In the environment they are in when under their father's care. This is about a strong, caring male role model being eliminated from a child's life for a motive based entirely on spite. I am sure the perpetrators provide themselves with many justifications, based on emotional decision making. 'My children get upset whenever he calls or sees them, I just think it's better he's not involved.' Or 'I don't like to be around him, he hurt me when he left' or more then likely 'I care for the children primarily, I should be the one making their decisions, right? He only seems them 20% of the time, why should he get a say?' Well I'm here to tell you you are wrong. Very wrong. And you are causing more hurt, pain and anxiety in your child's life then you can even contemplate. You are also taking your ex partner and his family down with them, as collateral damage because you can't bare to face up to the situation. Now this is not directed at all biological mothers either. I know many who I am so proud of, proud to call my friends, who can stop, see things rationally, put their own hurt aside, and do what is best for their children. And I congratulate you, you are sincerely a wonderful, caring and brave person. This situation can also be gender reversed, this is not a mother- or woman- bashing article. Fathers, grandparents, and other influential members of a child's life are all just as likely to be culprits. However, I am addressing my experience, and that is the frustration of watching my partner hurt and my step child suffer, all in the name of the hate and anger of one individual. Paternal Parental Alienation is on the rise - or at least the acknowledgment of it. Between 1997 and 2012 there were approximately 230 cases where this topic was mentioned were heard in the Australian Family Court and the Family Court of Western Australia, the number rising as the years went on. It should be known that within these cases, fathers were just as guilty as mothers of parental alienation. How do you know if you are experiencing this frightful situation? There are some behaviours that alienators may do that are common. 1. The act of 'memory replacement' within the child' mind. The biological parent guilty of the alienating wants to ensure that all positive memories within the child's experience are associated with them. They may try and ensure that Easters, birthdays and Christmas's are spent with only them. They also will take memories that you have had with your child and replicate them. For example, whenever we have our step child for Christmas, you can bet your bottom dollar that 'Santa' will have already visited, and he brought a huge amount of presents to the child at her mother's house. She will have been told that that was actually the real Christmas, the one spent with the father is not. They will take the child to movies that you saw already, buy them similar gifts that are slightly better, and tell the childthings so they believe that the experience with you 'doesn't count'. I have firm memories of taking my step child to see 'Inside Out', however she swears black and blue that her mother took her. It wasn't until I was able to recall the 'Lava' short film that was played at the start of the movie, that she widened her eyes in disbelief as the memory of us sitting in the cinema together came rushing back into her head. 2. The child is overly secretive about certain topics. Whilst you should never probe your child or question them, sometimes in the course of normal, organic conversation you will find them growing suddenly anxious and shutting down. An example for us was our step child bragging about her mother giving her an old mobile phone. She said 'but I'm not allowed to call -' then suddenly stopped her sentence, her body language grew stiff - and she then stammered over trying to finish the sentence "...anyone". Whilst one can only speculate, it did seem that perhaps she had been told not to 'call daddy and don't tell him about it.', to which she suddenly remembered. Speculation can lead to confirmation bias, however, so it is best not to think too deeply about each scenario, with your imagination rife with possible situations that may have occurred at home. I prefer to try lay my focus on best supporting the children if they are confused or anxious. 3. You are being bad mouthed. This may be one that can be difficult to prove, particularly if your step child is secretive on the matter. It is certainly best for the child not to ask, but again, sometimes it comes to light organically. I feel that my step daughter can feel so anxious and guilt-ridden that she often can blurt things out, such as 'Mummy says that your side doesn't help at all!' Children can also misread situations, say things out of context, or misconstrue the truth to suit themselves and manipulate both sets of parents. I find it best to take these comments with a grain of salt and not immediately assume her mother is guilty. However I do then take on board that perhaps this situation possibly may be occurring. The time to me when this was most hurtful, was when the biological mother was targeting my biological child in an attempt to turn the two children against each other. I felt such an intense anger and frustration, that someone would bring such hurt into my home. That they could not see how hurting two very young children, who are innocent to the situation, including her own child, was terribly wrong. This situation took the best of me to be able to calmly and rationally handle. I addressed the behaviour and asked for my spouse to support this and have a small, calm talk with his daughter. This was the closest I had come to taking my child and just leaving the house for the weekend. They may also paint a negative picture of you suggestively, rather than directly. For example they say to the children 'Now you make sure you eat well at their house, let me know if you don't.' This puts the idea in the child's mind that you may be neglegent, and they may see normal parenting behaviours as negative, reinforcing the massage the alienator is trying to send. I gave my step daughter a healthy plate of food, much to her protest. She was holding out, hoping for some form of snack type lunch. When I told her she couldn't eat anything else until she had eaten nutritously, she made the statement 'I never eat enough food here.' This made me a little suspicious that this kind of manipulation was occurring. Luckily, I had enough information to be prepared for this, so I could respond with 'I will happily spent a great deal of time in the kitchen preparing you healthy food if you are hungry, I love you and want to make sure you are healthy and strong.' 4. No matter how much you ask, you are never allowed any additional time outside of the court orders or parenting plan to spend with the step child. Even if the biological mother has to hire baby sitters and utilise day care, they will not allow you any time to just simply take your child out to lunch for the day, or attend their siblings birthday party at your house. Any suggestion by you is met with excuses and resistance, such as 'it is much easier to organise our lives by the court orders.' There is no flexibility, regardless of if it assists both parties. If you do see them, there will be a reason why visits are cut short and they are quickly removed. 5. Your contributions are minimalised. If you are paying child support, it is very likely your child has no idea that you are. Whilst it is also probably best not to burden children with financial worries of adults, it can be incredibly frustrating to hear your step child talk how her Dad doesn't buy her anything or spend any money on her. I do believe that, for her particular age, this is a conversation to be had at a much, much later date, but is frustrating none the less. They will forget what gifts you bought them for birthdays, but will be quick to recall with excitement what their mothers gave them. 6. Great lengths may be taken to make sure you have no contact with anyone else in your step daughters life from her side. When their is a school event on, the biological mother will go to great lengths to ensure we do not speak to other members of her family. This is so her lies about you can not be found out, should you be able to talk freely amongst her family. 7. The biological primary parent wants nothing to do with the step parent / wants to constantly abuse the step parent. They would prefer to pretend you either don't exist, or make you their scape goat for all of the negative emotions and behaviours their child is experiencing. This can be very hard to deal with. Particularly when you are working so hard to ensure the child is placed as your primary focus. Instead of getting a heart-felt 'thanks' from their mother, you are receiving quite the opposite. They not only are ungrateful, but they are trying to make out you are the reason for any problems they may be experiencing at home. If any conflict does occur, even if it is just normal parenting, your response will be greatly blown out of proportion and you will be seen as over stepping your mark. In extreme cases, allegations of abuse can be present. This can cause you to tiptoe around your own home or be much more lenient with disciplining your step child, causing confusion to other children in the home. 8. If you have informed your child or their parent of an event or holiday that you planning on taking your step child too, you may find they arrive not wanting to attend. They will have fears instilled into them by their primary parent. Example include being wary of camping as their biological mother has been warning them of these dangers in the days leading up to the trip. It is hard to distinguish these fears from genuine fears or from manipulation from the alienator, so I find it best to simply not give anyone prior warning to trips and special activities. Whilst I am sure there are many more 'signs' that this may be happening to you, I can assure you that there is support out there and advice on the best ways to handle it. The behaviour from the perpetrator can cause great deals of anxiety in the children. It can be very sad to watch any signs of happiness and cheer disappear over time from their little faces. From your side, it can best to acknowledge that you do not have control over the biological mother or what goes on in her household. Unfortunately, this is a situation where many feel that the system can be letting us down. In split families, some parts of the Australian Legal system are very helpful, such as ensuring custody hearings are a priority over other cases. However imagine how hard it would be to prove this scenario to a judge? The other party just simply denies it, and may even attempt to seek sympathy for their situation. I have heard of some people having the families evaluated by a psychologist in an attempt to have the courts understand the situation. This can be fruitful however some biological mothers go to the extreme of 'briefing' a child before such an evaluation, and preparing them with answers and lies to questions. If you have either chosen to have this looked at through the courts and experienced further manipulation, or have decided it's best for your family to not put the children through that experience, this can lead to great heart ache and gives you little recourse but to try your best to 'let go' of trying to amend anything that occurs within their household. The children may also put on a strong front in front of their biological mothers, so it may not be as easy to spot by outsiders, whether they be profesionals or not. In some instances, they may even appear to be 'on their mother's side'. However for them, this is survival. If their mother is their primary carer, and in their eyes the main provider of resources, such as food, care, love and support, then it is only natural to portray to her that you are supportive of her actions. This is a life of fear and comes with the child suffering a huge amount of anxiety as they are torn between their parents and loyalties. After some time of this occurring, they may even begin to believe it. This is nothing short of brain washing and manipulation in order to meet one's agenda. From your side, you can help by not engaging in the same behaviour. Make your house a refuge: a safe, loving and, when possible, fun environment that the child can come to for a break. Never bad mouth their other parent or family members involved. If you retaliate then the only person that will suffer is the child, and it may cause the biological mother to worsen in her behaviour. The hope is, over time, as your step child ages, they will eventually see the truth. I have had many adult friends come from broken homes, and it seems at a certain age most of them had an epiphany. 'Why did I believe my father was so bad? He never mistreated me...' I'm not going to assume I know the full circumstances in all of their situations, but it has given me great hope that one day, she will realise that we did our best, and supported her. Seek counselling and support to help you deal with your emotions. If you find you are quite angry, or sad, please please talk to a proffesional. Their are also specialist psychologists in parenting who can give you advice on how to best support the children. This can be very helpful if you are finding your step child is very anxious and withdrawn, or acting out and 'punishing you' for their mothers feelings. I found it a great challenge one day when my step daughter came for a visit and would not stop tantruming, which, quite honestly, was very annoying as we were trying to participate in nice activities that the whole family would normally enjoy. After some time she started telling me about how her mother was angry at her father. She drew some pictures of what I assume to be her mother crying and the word 'DAD' with crosses all over it. She seemed to want to talk to me about it in great detail. Whilst I was so pleased she trusted me, I was simply not equipped with how to best handle the situation for her. So I went outside and made some phone calls with counselling services so I could come to the best solution for her. It was very helpful to me to know my limitations and have advice on what to best say to her when she was so vulnerable, and possible coping mechanisms for when she experiences anxiety in future. For others, there child may be showing these emotions with anger or hostility, so profesional advice can be extremely helpful. Have patience. This may be the last thing you want to hear. It can be so, so difficult to deal with this situation as a step parent. Firstly, these are not your children, they can come into your environment and turn your home on its head. Understand they are only young, they are having trouble dealing with these emotions on a much greater level then you are with you having more years of experience and maturity. It can seem like you are giving up all of your time and energy on this. What you are doing is one of the most selfless acts and responsibilities one can take on. To love a child, who is in great need, when they are not your own can be very hard, particularly when they are acting out towards you. It is especially infuriating when it is an adult, their very own parent, who is continually causing the suffering. This can cause great anger, and certainly does for me. If you are a primary biological parent who is reading this, and you don't relate to any of it, then well done to you. I can imagine it would be extremely difficult to be able to put aside your hurt, or anger to make this situation amicable for each side. I can also imagine there may be some frustration with being the one who has a lot of the more tedious parental tasks such as the school run, the extra curricular activities organisation, the homework, the boring routines, the diet management, and dealing with the crying and tantrums. After a long day of doing the best for your child you get told 'I wish I lived at DAD'S!' I can see how it may be easy to feel angry at your child's father, particularly if he left in undesirable circumstances or gave you sense of abandonment. However, if you can rise above all of that, and make the best possible situation for your child, then you are a wonderful parent. I certainly don't think this applies to all split families, and some parents manage to just simply, get it right! Thank you, from all the step parents out there, for having such a great attitude. Paternal parental alienation can truly be heartbreaking. If this is something that is happening to you or your family, know you are not alone. There is support for you out there. It can make you feel angry, or depressed. I urge you to talk to someone and build a support network around you. At the end of the day, I do like to believe that your children do love you, they just don't love the situation they have been placed in. Well done to you if you are able to put all of that aside and provide the best level of support for your child, who may be suffering along with you. Put love first, are remember to have patience. I do truly have a great deal of hope that your child will come back to you, maybe not now, but in the future, if you find a way to give them the support they need. To the step parents who have been thrust into this situation, and try so hard to be the glue that holds your family together, kudos to you. You are truly stepping up. Some recommended resources for support: Www.parentalalientation.com.au can provide some useful information on how to fight parental alienation in the courts. Consulting your solicitor for advice may be a good idea to come up with an action plan, or at least make them aware of the situation. Brainwashing Children - a book by John Thomas Steinbeck was a very short, factual read and helped me work out the best reaction from our side Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636 www.beyondblue.org.au
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