#this has been a psa.d.
anonymous-dentist · 1 year
I am being serious though. Between the lack of interaction most fics get on here and the lack of comments fics are receiving on ao3, we’ve got a bit of an issue because, at this rate, your favorite authors are going to stop updating.
I know that us authors are supposed to write for fun, and we do, but we post our stuff online for people to read for a reason! And we gauge interest in our works through things like reblogs and tags and comments. So when people stop reblogging or commenting, authors will think, “Oh, I guess nobody wants to read this anymore,” and then they’ll stop writing it.
It can be hard to comment, and that’s okay! We appreciate anything, even if it’s just a heart emoji or a “Kudos!!” Big long huge thoughtful analysis comments are cool and all, but what matters is knowing that someone out there is actually reading what we’re writing.
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