#this has been a rollercoaster of emotions of an art piece but im finally getting to a point where i like it <:)
youredreamingofroo · 5 months
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nyehehehe >:)
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jelixpo · 1 year
i know ive sent an ask before, but i just have to send one again after reading the epilogue.
i’ve been here since the comic started, and it’s been such a thrilling adventure to follow this incredible story you’ve made for them. the characters have so much depth, they act so human, and i feel like thats an important key that a lot of artists miss about their favorite characters.
it’s been amazing to watch how your art style developed too, how it changed, improved, and fit so well as the story went on. your work with displaying emotions is amazing. i love how you draw them, as well as writing emotion! the text bubbles, different fonts, i could hear the emotion in their voices in my head as i read it.
this story was genuinely such a rollercoaster of emotion and i couldn’t ever stop reading. i think i’ll forever read it once or twice a year as i remember it, LOL. i know it’s silly to some people to be so emotional over some webcomic about a super mario ship, but i loved every bit of this. i’ve smiled, cried, yelled, and rolled my eyes over this comic.
i’m sad to see it end, but at the same time, i’m glad you’ve finally finished it and you have a break from the work it takes. and trust me, i know it’s a lot! i’ve had many failed comic attempts in my art history.
the epilogue was completely phenomenal, and i do hope we see some more art of them from this little comic universe! even if it isn’t big, fancy, colored work. i just hope we see some more of them every now and then!
thank you for this fantastic work of art. and congratulations on finishing it!
- .luiigis
thank you so much.
So often when working on this comic I was worried that the characters weren't behaving realistically. I wasn't so much worried about accurately portraying their in-canon personalities, but I at most wanted to make their personalities and reactions believable. I'm so glad that could come across.
Watching my own style change and adapt has also built my confidence in my artistic abilities. I know what I'm capable of and I have a better understanding of where my limits are when it comes to drawing for hours (or days) on end.
im incredibly flattered that you'll take the time to reread it in the future. I'll be doing that myself this week
For me it's a huge relief to see it end, both because it's a huge truckload of work off my shoulders and because the story gets to actually have an ending. I know there were serious times were I thought about abandoning this story and I'm so glad I was able to push myself through those breaking points and bring this story to a conclusion that I'm immensely satisfied with and exactly as I envisioned.
You will most likely see bits and pieces here and there of this version of the bowuigi gang, but I can firmly say that this is where the main story ends.
again, thank you
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ikemenshakespeare · 3 years
Thank you @fittsythesnail for giving me the inspiration to create this OC for Ikemen vampire! She made this piece for me in loving memory of my dog Bowser who passed away a few months ago, and now he gets to live on as part of the Ikemen Vamp fandom as a girls best friend. 🐶🥺💖
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Name: Alba Estelle Rossi
Vampiric Type: N/A (Human)
Height: 5’4
Birthday: April 15th (Same day as Leonardo!)
Age: 22
Occupation: Hairdresser
Pet: 9 year old male dog named Bo. Alba took her three sisters out to the park one sunny spring afternoon. They’d been out playing when they found a box near the street with a little mutt inside. After denying the puppy for hours, it turned out she’d be the one most in love with him after one short week! (Bowser’s IkemenVamp persona. 🥺🐶)
Appearance: Although one of the hairdressers in town, Alba keeps her hair it’s bored straight look. The length can range from medium/long depending when she can get around to trimming it herself, hair color is a chestnut brown. Light olive colored skin and green/hazel eyes. Thick dark colored eyebrows. Large breasts.
Childhood: Alba’s the oldest of her mothers four daughters, The sister closest to her in age (Olivia) still seven years younger. Alba was the bastard child of an Italian man, her mother a French woman was still only a teenager when she ran off to be with him. Later in life when Alba was 5 years old her father left to start a family with another woman of legitimate status, leaving her mother to move back to Paris with her and eventually start a new family of her own with a simple fisherman. By the time Alba’s last sister (Therese) was born her mother and stepfather had fallen into deep depression and became alcoholics, unable to take care of their newborn or other two kids, fourteen year old Alba took up the responsibilities as a parent and moved out with her sisters. Always doing the young girls hair paid off, eventually she found a passion for hair dressing. Surprisingly after moving out at age fourteen she continued to live a very happy “childhood” taking care of her sisters. Alba values their peace/happiness over everything and is extremely lucky her oldest sister (Olivia) is nurturing and can take care of the young two (Valerie/Therese) and the house while she worked.
Dislikes: cold weather, humidity, animal cruelty, people who take advantage of others, sleeping in the dark, and laziness.
Likes: meeting others who are just as passionate about something as she is, the idea of traveling the world although she hasn’t been able to yet, sleeping in on days off, animals, a good book, bear hugs, the beach, belly laughs, and a nice hot cup of coffee is the cure to almost anything.
Personality: Basically the definition of extrovert, with Alba the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Is true indeed! Looking simple on the outside and being a box of bubbly cheer on the inside! Very opinionated which is arguably one of her worst traits for some, her mouth has gotten her in some trouble but she wouldn’t change that about herself. Alba’s a rollercoaster of emotions and feels all things deeply. If sad, angry, happy, or anything else for that matter you’ll know! Growing up self reliant it’s hard for her to accept help from others, but when finally convinced to take help she’s always appreciative. A very loyal person and would do anything for those who’ve helped her or are good friends.
Leonardo (platonic): Met him when she first became a hairdresser. Leonardo would see her in town, just a young girl offering hair services to make money. Going into town to help others was a hobby of his, there was nothing he could do for Alba other then become a regular customer of hers. And so he did. Every few weeks he came to her for a trim. As time went by Leonardo met her younger sisters and came to know the source of her hard work. As years went by Alba began to realize something about Leonardo aswell. Things were ever changing, she’d quickly went from a young teenager to young woman. Leonardo on the other hand hadn’t changed at all, his appearance hadn’t even so much as dulled. “Leonardo…” she’d asked. “Hmm?” He was getting up from his chair, giving her that same smile he always had. “How old are you?” He grinned further, “a man never tells his secrets” she frowned, “you’ve told me that before.” He chuckled. “doesn’t surprise me. Till next time Alba.” He went to walk out the doors of her home, but what she’d said next shocked him. His back stiffening, forcing him to turn back around to face her. “I don’t know what you are, but I know you’re not like regular people. You gave me that same answer when I first met you. Just know, whatever it is I’ll never be scared of you.” He knew she’d never be scared of him, even if she did know what exactly he was, but boy was he afraid of her. Ever changing, getting older while he stayed the same. He feared to be close to another human and loose them, such fleeting creatures although he couldn’t help but be there for them, be there for her. Eventually since she practically found out for herself the secrets of his vampire life, he coaxed Comte into allowing her to come to the mansion to do his hair. In turn she got an entire mansion full of new clients.
Vincent (close friend): After being invited to the mansion by Leonardo to do hair, Alba immediately began making new relationships with the others. Vincent’s kind demeanor made him the easiest person for her to get on with from the very beginning, he also took a lot of interest in her in general. Always looking for new inspiration for his art he would simply watch as she did hair, painting the scene of her. Unlike some of the others he was very open and was easy to trust. After months of her coming in and out there came a time when the three girls had to come with her to the mansion. They’d play outside giving Vincent even more inspiration for painting. “Alba, would it be alright to paint the girls in the field?” They were always doing something interesting leaving him with tons of happy nature scenes to paint.
Theo (possible romance? 😏): At first he was one of the only residents who paid no mind to Alba. Not even bothering to be serviced by her when she came over. It happened more then once where he’d be looking for Vincent and see him in thralled in a painting of her. “Broer, This woman again? What do you find so fascinating about her?” Vincent just claimed to want to paint and it was something different from a regular scene. “Theo, could we show this peice at our next event?” He hesitated. “You should paint another of her for the event, we should hold on to this one.” He’d admire his work of her in the art room from time to time, wondering why he felt an attraction to the piece of a woman he hadn’t even really met. Months began to pass and Vincent would begin to spend lots of time with Alba outside of mansion. They’d go to brunch, little outings at the park, ect. Of course Theo being Theo, he just absolutely needed to know what his little brother was up to. If he knew where they’d be going that day,he’d sneak a peak on his way to the next job. One of the occasions they were out walking Bo, he noticed Theo watching/lingering in the distance and took off his way. Her dog barked and growled like mad and sent Theo falling on his butt, Alba and Vincent came down the road running. “Broer! Are you alright??” A worried vincent helped his brother up. “Im so sorry about that, I’ve never seen him act this way towards anyone before!” Alba grabbed Bo, struggling with him to calm down. Theo spit out, “Tch! Control your little friend hondjie!” A knot appeared between your brow, “excuse me? What did you just call me?” That’s how you two met officially, not to mention the first of many many bickering matches. Although the last the two spoke, Theo showed a new side of himself. “Alba, We’re having a show later this week. Vincent wanted to display one of the paintings he made of you that day.” You simply nodded, “yeah, I’ve heard from Vincent already and gave him permission.” He sighed, “that’s not what I’m asking. I wanted to invite you to go see the display for yourself.” She hesitated a moment. “Well… I was supposed to cook the kids an early dinner that night. I’m not sure-” cutting her off he rushed the words out, “That’s fine, dinners on me and the girls can come. I’m sure Vincent will join us afterwards aswell.” This really caught her by surprise. She’s be lying if she said Theo wasn’t dangerously attractive. His attitude on the other hand… wasn’t something you thought you were fond of. Seeing the pink blush on his cheeks now as he asked to see you on the other hand… now that was something she couldn’t shake. She wanted more of this and couldn’t tell you why.
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legion1993 · 5 years
Forever begins with a battle and graduation!
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AN: my 3rd entry for the lovely @icantlivewithyou for her 800 followers challenge! i hope part 2 satisfies your rollercoaster story cravings! this also contains some research from the final movie/internet... plus im not sure but i might not be done with this yet... sorry about another rollercoaster of emotion and what not...
Prompt #18 “we can get through this, it doesn’t need to end like this.”
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Summery: nothing...
Masterlist     part 1
this day, this the first last day of school, now made your first first day look like a piece of cake... this was the start of the great battle of hogwarts... 
Now being newly engaged should never turn into a war with your in-laws right... wrong... that wasnt the case with Draco’s father... apparently getting engaged was never apart of the plan for Draco. 
Lucius: “draco, are you seriously gonna marry this brat... you can’t tarnish the family name just for the sake of marrying your soulmate... i wasnt supposed to marry your mother but yet we are what we are... now are you gonna really embarass us in front of the dark lord...”
Draco standing by your side both of you with the wands ready froze when he said the dark lord...
Draco: “he who must not be named is coming here...”
Lucius: “thats right he is actually dealling with your headmaster as we speak... i came here to grab you and make you come with us and help us destroy this pathetic school and rebuild it just for pure blooded wizards... but if your not with us then you shall die as well...”
Mcgonigal: “lift your wands students cast every single attack spell you know... older students help the younger ones... keep the school safe... Yn, Draco, Harry, ron & Hermione let me and the other professors deal with these bozos you 5 please go help the headmaster and anyone whose with him...”
you your fiance and your friends all popped off to the boarder to see the power struggle between Dumbldore and Voldemort... Harry let off a loud whistle this was when the air filled with light and the order appeared along side you guys...
YN: “welcome thank you all for coming as quickly as you did... we are under attack people need help inside, we need help here... can you guys pick and choose who goes where and can some people also check the rest of the grounds... this is a strict destroy all death eaters thing... we want none of them to be here at all send them all to azkaban...”
the order divided themselves... some going to the school, the rest staying with you guys... 
Lupin: “what do we do?”
Draco: “we learned this in Defense against the dark arts, we have to disrupt the streams... the one thing thats forbidden to do...”
thats when it happened... thats when you all watched as the stream was broken by Voldemort changing his spell, this caught everyone especially Dumbledore off guard... for as quickly as dumbledore cast the spell, it hit Dumbledore and he fell down in death... 
the lot of you watching this sent his body to the ministry with a fire message saying ‘Voldemort is responsible, Hogwarts is under attack. please send help.’
you lot now were the only things standing between Voldemort and the school...
Voldemort: “ I know that you are preparing to fight. Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me and hope to win. I want to kill you. I once had the great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I once did not want to spill magical blood but that will quickly change if i dont get what i want. Give me Harry Potter, and they shall not be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave the school untouched.”
YN: “has anyone ever told you that you talk too much...”
Draco: “i’ll never join your side baldy...”
Harry: “we will stand and fight to protect our friends, our family, our home, our school, to keep the light of good magic alive... for its within us that we call forth the magic within, its in everyone of us... we all have it, we all have access to it, we can use it to keep our hearts and spirits our light from never going out... now leave our school and never return or so help me we will all kill you... you kill our headmaster you want me, well then Tom lets finish this the way we started it together...”
Harry stepped forward and with his wand at the ready, when everyone went to follow him, he stopped you and turned to face everyone... 
Harry: “i have to end this, it has to be me... i’m sorry but this started because i lived, because he didnt kill me. i wont let him kill everyone whose standing here just because he wants to kill me... please stay here and be ready in case i fail...”
Harry went in duel stance across from voldemort.. you huddled into Draco, you were scared this was the freakiest thing you had ever seen... 
harry had been speculating for a while now about the Elder Wand, now with that residing in the hands of Voldemort as a show that he was the one who killed Dumbledore now Harry would get to see if his assumptions were correct...
Harry: “Expelliarmus...”
Voldemort: “Avada Kedarva...”
as soon as he cast his spell, Harry gave all who were around him the same message he had given to Lupin but a few years before: this was about ending bloodshed, not creating it...
voldemorts spell looked like it was working when it collided with Harry’s, they clashed for a while till Harry’s spell actually made Avada Kedarva knock back on itself... it went back and hit Voldemort killing him as expelliarmus brought the elderwand straight to harry.
Harry shortly after that collapsed from exhaustion...
You and Draco popped back to the school, half the students were scattered, the staff numbers had lowered, Snape was standing in a verse off with Mcgonigal, that moment Draco’s father and mother spotted the 2 of you... coming and standing across from both of you, it was your turn...
Lucius: “look Narcissa i told you that our son was betraying the family name by marrying some half wit who has no right to call herself a pureblood...”
Narcissa: “thats a pure blood brat, she wreaks of mud blood... she is no good for our son we must stop him from making the wrong choice Lucius...”
Lucius: “lets kill the little brat, but also our son if he stands in our way...”
Narcissa: “after you my dear husband...”
Narcissa standing before you as Lucius did Draco... before the duel began you slowed time for a few seconds to talk to your fiance...
YN: “we can get through this, it doesnt need to end like this...”
Draco: “it wont end like this, it will end with us growing old together...”
YN: “lets end this quickly...”
Draco: “as a team...”
YN: “i love you...”
Draco: “i love you too...”
both of you unfreezing time waiting for the battle to start... you chose your spell, Draco chose his spell, Narcissa and Lucius obviously chosen their spells... everyone was ready...
YN: “it was a shame i was looking forward to having a set of in-laws who would treat me as if i were their own should anything happen to my family... but i guess Draco was right, you guys only want what you guys want, you don’t care about what Draco wants, you dont care about anyone else’s needs but yours and voldemorts... well i got news for you Voldemorts no more..”
they stopped dead in their tracks...
Narcissa: “what did you say to me you insignificant little brat?”
thats of course when Draco pipped up too...
Draco: “thats right, Harry finished it as he said he would... the Elder wand that Voldemort took from Dumbledore after he killed him sent Voldemorts killing curse meant for Harry back at him... now its time for you 2 to leave...”
you cast your spell while they were distracted... 
YN: “Diffindo”
aiming at Narcissa’s wand first, then again immediately after at Lucius’ cane...
the second you did that they both realized what happened... 
Lucius: “you insolent little children... we should...”
thats when the order stepped beside you both... Lupin leading the bunch, no one backing down even though the wands of Draco’s parents were broken.
Lupin: “i R.J Lupin under the authority of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix hereby place Narcissa & Lucius Malfoy under arrest under the charges of assault, murder, attempted murder and so on and so forth... not to mention child abuse and hereby sentence you both be taken immediately to the minstry to stand trial for what you both have done...”
Lupin stands beside you and Draco as the rest of the order comes along side Narcissa and Lucius taking them away... Lupin turns to you and Draco...
Lupin: “i must know YN how did you learn that spell? it was never apart of the cirriculum here...”
YN: “summer reading, RJ. it was a hobby of mine to learn spells i found to be quite eventually helpful. household spells, etc but this was one spell i never thought i’d actually use... outside of shredding documents and other important recyclables...”
Lupin: “the order and im sure the ministry will expect a visit in the next little while from you 2... being that you both were main party in this entire scheme with this being your parents mr Malfoy... i strongly caution you both to stay here at the school till the ministry and the order has deemed everything safe... then we will call you guys in...”
Draco: “RJ you were YN’s favorite teacher, you taught her what she needs to know... but today before the fighting started i made a statement to the school and to YN...”
you held out your hand and showed it to RJ and any other order member around... congratulations started flowing again... but the school was still badly damaged...
RJ: “well well well, i hoped that you both would figure it out on your own... i hope the order as well as the ministry get invited to your wedding. i guess you both will want time to figure out the particulars as well as finish your final year at hogwarts...”
you and Draco pulled out your wands and watched as all the professors and students did too... 
all together: “Reparo...”
this was how the school got rebuilt... magic from every witch and wizard on the property... that and the belief that anything is possible... though damage still remained on the property, no amount of any spell or charm could mend the loss that the school had suffered...
once the school was running again the professors and some of the teachers listed you and Draco as their protege’s meaning when you graduated you both would be professors here...
the year was not without its hardships but the biggest event of the school year was coming fast only 3 months to go...
YN: “okay class its like Professor Mcgonigal always says if you listen to your pet, it will tell you things you could only ever dream about... before we end this lesson can anyone tell me why you must have a calm mind and a gentle wave of your wand when casting any type of transfiguration, spell or charm...”
a number of 3rd year students raised their hands, but you picked a young girl who was just staring at her cat...
YN: “how bout you staring at your little white cat... come on up here please...”
the girl came up to stand in front of you...
YN: “whats your name dear?”
Alice: “Alice...”
YN: “well alice do you know why you must keep a calm mind and a gentle wave when casting any type of charm transfiguration or spell...”
Alice: “cause it will help the spell to go as casted, or as its meant to be cast... it will also help your mind to push back the negativity...”
YN: “very good...”
you look toward the back of the room and see Draco leaning against the wall... you take in a nice deep breath and then turn back to the class...
YN: “for tomorrow i would like you all to bring in an object that means alot to you we will be transfiguring something we love into something we hold most dear to us... class dismissed... Alice would you talk with me for a moment or 2...”
Alice was one of your ravenclaws... you were surprised with how much she reminded you of you... you transfigured your cat back into a cat and she went immediately to the back of the class and jumped straight into Draco’s arms... 
YN: “Alice, i just wanted to say, your doing very well with everything in your studies but i want to check in and see how your doing with preparing for your finals...”
Alice: “YN if i can level with you they are alot tougher to study for than i thought they would have been...”
YN: “do you have any study buddies that you can kinda put your heads together and bounce study ideas off of ...”
Alice: “not really alot of the ravenclaws dont even acknowledge that i exist...”
thats when Draco was in earshot, he was approaching the front of the room anyway so he chimed in...
Draco: “then look for children not from your house, that are in your classes that you can partner with to study... or we could even help you go over it... i mean thats if you cant find anyone but from what YN has told me, you are one of the brightest kids she has ever taught...”
You were very impressed with how well Draco handled himself... he was amazed that even though you only had 3 months left of being students at Hogwarts it would only be a matter of time before you both were back as professors...
YN: “exactly... and its true Alice, compared to alot of the others, you are one of my brightest students... now run along you mustn’t keep professor Snape waiting...”
Alice gave you a hug and fist bumped Draco as she ran out the door her cat trailing behind her..
Draco had put your cat on one of the nearby tables before he wrapped his arms round your waist...
Draco: “now i can greet my gorgeous fiance properly... hi...”
YN: “hi...”
thats when he kissed you, you were practically sitting on your desk at this point... but when the kiss broke he leaned his forehead against yours...
Draco: “ugh i wish it was skip day... cause we would go on a outing a stroll through hogsmede... get into some mischief...”
YN: “i know love but its not... unfortunately we have Defense against the dark arts now...”
Draco: “ugh why do they still feel the need to teach defensive spells and charms if you know who is gone...”
you shrugged but then both of you got a fire message... ‘meet outside the great hall in 2 minutes its urgent...’
both you and draco along with your cat left the room immediately for the landing outside the great hall... this was the confusing thing there wasnt really anything or anyone there...
your cat however thought differently... for she started hissing and growling at something... 
Draco: “i hear footsteps... be wand ready just in case...”
there were footsteps now getting louder and louder... thats when Harry, Ron and Hermione all came bounding down the stairs...
Hermione: “thank god you guys got the fire message.”
YN: “ya we did whats wrong...”
Harry: “Defense against the dark arts is cancelled today... there was a strange attack we think you both should see this...”
you Draco Harry Ron and Hermione all go to the scene of the new crime... 
this scene looked similar to the year 2 incident with the chamber of secrets and such... save for one thing.. there was blood coming off the victim... the sight horrified you, it almost made you and Draco toss your lunch... 
as i said similar to the chamber of secrets incident except alot worse... there was also a blood written message on the wall as well...
‘the chamber of secrets isnt finished with you yet hogwarts... there are far worse secrets in each common area... figure out this riddle and you will have solved the greatest mystery hogwarts has ever known since the creation of the school...’
you guys spent the next little bit in every spare second between studying for finals and such trying to figure this out... you were in the library on your spare combing through every single word of that riddle... 
it was several hours later that you finally figured something out... you discovered a truth... 
YN: “of course thats it... secrets in each common area... meaning there is a secret hidden in the common room of each house...” 
once you established a meaning, you gathered with the others and planned to corral each of the heads of houses and see if you guys with their permission figure out the riddle.
that is exactly what happened. for in each common room, revealed to be a series of underground tunnels leading to yet another hidden room. within this room stood a pedestal on this pedestal sat a small hole it looked to be fitting a ring... 
on the pedestal scribed an inscription: in the name of magic we the 4 bare the product of friendship and love, we the 4 give our product of love.
great another riddle... now you were getting annoyed... after careful consideration it was clear that only 4 of you could go on, Ron decided to stay back for he could help much more at the school. 
you, Draco, Hermione and Harry placed the ring on the pedestal that opened a stair case, this led into the room of requirement... this was where you guys had a huge part of your encounters with dark magic over the years at hogwarts... 
you guys exited the room of requirement feeling astranged... 
YN: “it was just a series of tunnels... damn it... oh well come on guys lets leave this be we have finals starting next week then graduation to prepare for... leave this alone for now.. we may have to reconveine with this at a later date but right now its not our biggest priority...”
everyone could agree on that... the next 2 weeks were spent in numerous study sessions... ones that usually ended with you, draco, harry, hermione and ron passed out in the library... this was how it went on, but the day before the finals, you guys decided to take a mental health day... 
Draco: “well technically it is now skip day... have you gotten your dress and such yet?”
you had completely forgot about that...
YN: “oh shit no i havent... can we see if mcgonigal will let us leave...”
thats when you guys heard a voice pipe up from behind...
Minerva: “Draco, YN where do you think you would be going?”
YN: “professor i forgot to get my dress for graduation... please i need to have this next few hours to go into town and find one please... ill even take my fiance with me...”
Minerva popped out 2 off school passes for both you and Draco... both of you heading upstairs to get out of your uniforms meeting outside the revolving stairs... 
Draco: “alright love lets go...”
you guys popped over to london square, the most popular spot for many a folk to shop and spend quality time... you and draco strolled hand in hand through many a shop looking for something that catches both of your eyes... 
it was about 2 hours later when you both entered one of the expensive shops on the stretch... 
Associate: “welcome may we help you?”
YN: “yes i need an evening gown... and im pretty sure my man here needs a suit..”
associate: “of course... let me show you both where you are to look... do you have kind of an idea of what your looking for...”
You and draco shook your heads...
Draco: “we will know once we see it...”
Draco began looking at suits, you however were going through dress by dress nothing was catching your eye, till you found one... it happened to be your size, you pulled it down and waved over the associate... 
Associate: “would you like to try this on miss?”
YN: “yes please... Draco love wait by the mirror for me ill be right back...”
Draco waited by the mirror having found his suit which he got one size up incase of emergency... magical sewing and heming gotta love it... you were in the dressing room getting into the dress with the help of the associate...
Associate: “that looks so good on you, it also fits you perfectly... how does it feel?”
YN: “it feels amazing! i love it! lets go show my man!”
you and the associate walked out of the room and into the main space... Draco’s eyes landed on you immediately, his eyes saying everything... 
Draco: “damn babe you look hot... like hot hot... we will take this dress and this suit...”
Associate: “of course just come to the counter when your ready...”
you and draco used magic waited a few moments for the camera’s to magically show you going to the dressing room, a 8 minute interval of Draco pacing round before you coming back out holding the dress... 
you and draco came back to the front of the store, the associate smiled as Draco handed her a check he had written out while waiting for you... you both walked out of the store now having your attire for grad you were all set...
finals were a piece of cake... packing your stuff up not so much... lots of memories and stuff... but thats okay you would be back here soon you hoped...
graduation day arrived fairly quickly... this was when the bathrooms were never clear the day when the castle was a bustle and mustle with lights, music, speeches etc... 
you and Draco both decided to use the shared prefect bathroom... to kind of have some alone time plus to talk, kind of make a plan for after graduation...
draco: “so after this we are going back to the apartment... like we did for christmas break except for permenant...”
YN: “yep... we also have to finish moving in all our shit and tell my parents about the engagement...”
Draco recalled christmas where you guys hadnt broken the news yet to your family... 
Draco: “yes umm right we need to do that... well that will be a first for both of us...”
you put the bottom half of your dress on no problem but doing up the top half was tricky... so you yelled back to draco...
YN: “babe if i come out holding myself in place can you do up the top of my dress...”
Draco: “of course give me 2 seconds i just have to finish doing up my belt...”
you attached the built in bra on your halter to your boobs... holding it there you waited for Draco to say he was ready... 
Draco: “back out slowly babe once you feel my hands on your back thats when you stop...”
you started backing out, that step count was about 10 before you felt Draco’s hands on your back... he did up your mid back first, then slowly planted kisses along your neckline doing your halter the rest of the way up. 
standing in the mirror side by side you both looked at eachother... but the one thing you were yet to do was help Draco with his tie... Draco had waited for you before doing that so he could see that you were dressed first... 
Draco: “babe this will be the night of nights... we are finally graduating... then our forever starts...”
YN: “you know we wont be leaving hogwarts permenantly if the professors decide to give us teaching positions here...”
Draco: “i know love, but at least we wont have to worry about anyone or anything coming after us...”
this was true, you guys didnt have to worry about anything... as you helped Draco finish getting ready his eyes had not left your own this was why you hoped your family were gonna accept Draco the same way the school now did... 
you and draco now fully dressed, stood side by side... 
YN: “do you think we are gonna have any trouble tonight...”
Draco: “we better not i mean it would be nice if we didnt...”
YN: “then we should get going the ceremonies are gonna start soon... we don’t want to be late for our own graduation!”
you and Draco walked out hand in hand towards the great hall. this was to be one of the finest hours in hogwarts history... or at least the history concerning your time at hogwarts.
you both emerged at the stairs before the hall... everyones eyes turned towards you both... your eyes on the people below as you both decended the stairs with grace and poise. 
Hermione Harry and ron greet you at the bottom.. 
Hermione: “girl that dress is gorgeous...”
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you had to agree, Draco certainly had no objections to your dress, mind you, you had no objections to his suit either!
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YN: “thanks ive only owned it for a few hours.”
Harry: “we will be called in in a few moments McGonigal is just making a few introductory announcements...”
waiting a few moments you guys heard the following statement.
Minerva: “now students i present to you Hogwarts graduating class of 2019!”
hand in hand in rows of 2 you all entered... sitting in the seats at the front of the hall...
Minerva: “well done students, i am so very proud of you all, now i invite YN YLN to deliver the final address for the class of 2019!”
you got up and went up to the podium... 
YN: “well guys we made it, through life challenges arise, its through those challenges that we grow, individually and together. with this crazy crew of people i couldnt be happier to be saying we made it guys, we made it through. this year brought many hardships and troubles... at the start of the school year, we arrived only to find that hogwarts was being attacked... we lost the greatest headmaster this school had ever seen that day, but the bonds formed then stay with us for the rest of our lives. today marks the beginning of the rest of our lives, today we graduate to find our futures set before us in many many ways. for me im gonna finish moving out of my parents place into my own place... then soon i shall be getting married to a man who makes my heart soar! we will be as happy in our future as we are now. but to the rest of my friends here i just want to say thank you, for the support and for the way you all stepped forward to support me when everyone else thought i would fail. learning is meant to be challenging, learning is also meant to be fun... today marks the beginning of the rest of our lives, if you have a plan i encourage you to follow it, if you have a dream i encourage you to chase it, if you have no plan or dream i encourage you to follow the little curves that life throws at you... lets live for today like its the last day of our lives!”
the room errupted with cheering and praise as you invited the minister of magic up...
cornielius: “very well put YN... now to the class of 2019 i present your diplomas... but before i send you your diplomas i have a few things to award... if YN, Draco Malfoy, and Harry potter could come up here please!”
you were already half way back to your seat, but decided to walk back up the stage with Harry and Draco.. you all stood before the minister and ever so poiltely smiled...
Cornielius: “there is sometimes one in every class but this year there are 3. this first position is for my Harry James Potter, harry my boy i am extending to you a full position at the ministry with me!”
Harry held out his hands and recieved a piece of paper with the terms and conditions of his employment. 
Cornielius: “Draco Malfoy i extend to you the position of teaching defense against the dark arts next year at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry...”
Draco held his hands out to recieve his teaching certificate...
Cornielius: “YN in all my years as minister ive never seen anyone stand up for what they believe in so strongly, which is why as of right now you also are gonna be teaching at Hogwarts too... Minerva needs someone to take over her class while she becomes headmistress of hogwarts.”
a teaching certificate came into your hands as well.. then the minister waved his hands and diplomas flew into the entire graduating classes hands... the party after that was a blast, if only you could remember half of it... 
~ps... wont be able to put out part three for 10 days im away with my family! but feel freee to reblog and share with your friends. also hit me up in messages if you wanna chat!~
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luucarii · 7 years
Persona 5 Ramblings
this shit is long. like really long.
and I sound like a crazed fangirl so....
also, i curse way too much in this... apologies in advance 
also, happy father’s day even though this has nothing to do with it :)
Okay, so I’ve mentioned vaguely how Persona 5 is my first encounter with the Persona series. I’d heard bits and pieces about the series but I never really understood the concept of Persona until maybe mid April of this year. I was on spring break from school and I don’t remember how exactly how I stumbled across it but i found this playthrough of Persona 5 on youtube and I was mildly interested. So I clicked on it, and into the emotional rollercoaster that is this game i went.
At the time, there was only about 11 episodes of the play through (each around an hour long) so I binged watched each episode ending up with me staying up past 2 am. I was just so invested. The opening drew me in the minute the camera showed off that smug little bastard Joker’s smirk over the casino (I’ll get into why I love this kid and the rest of the cast later). I was confused since I was going into Persona 5 with no knowledge of the whole concept of Personas at all. I was kinda just like “wow this looks badass. What is he doing? Oh my god, this game is so pretty.”
I ended up skipping around once I got tired of waiting for a new episode and watched this long ass livestream. I got to about Okumura’s Palace before there was nothing left for me to watch but the boss battles uploaded, which did spoil me a little bit and got me a bit confused but I was so interested that I honestly didn’t care. I was so surprised at Niijima’s Palace and her boss battle as a whole and was like “SHIT THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME!!!! OH MY GOD EVERYTHINGS BACK”
From there, I skipped straight to the traitor - aka Akechi’s battle - and can I just say, I was not surprised that he had a Persona but I was surprised that he betrayed the group considering all the story shit I skipped. Shido’s fight was fairly interesting to me but again, I skipped a bunch of story shit so I was really just rooting for the Phantom Thieves because this was THE ASSHOLE WHO GAVE MY POOR LITTLE AKIRA A CRIMINAL RECORD.
Skipped a bunch of shit again and onto the fight with Yaldobaoth. At this point I was drawing a lot of similarities to Xenoblade Chronicles, fighting a God for freedom and then THEY PULLED THE WHOLE BELIEF THINGY (which they did at the end of Okami as well) AT THE END WITH MISHIMA AND THE REST OF TOKYO BELIEVING IN THE THIEVES AND I WAS SOBBING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH AT 2 AM.
And after that, I made it a point that one day I’d play this game for myself. And it was maybe a few days after that I finally got the game.
Now at the time (and still now) I didn’t own a PS4 and was forced to use my brother’s when he was at work. Adding to the fact that school was beginning to start up again, I had at most maybe 6 hours to play a day if homework didn’t take up all my time. So what might’ve taken me a few weeks to beat took me almost 2 months to beat because of timing. 
Okay, so I’ve played my fair share of JRPGs and Persona 5 was a nice familiarity. All the dungeon crawling, the fighting, turn-base combat, ya’ll get it.
Each Palace and their respective Shadow ruler has their own design, personality and each are based on the seven deadly sins which (after finishing FullMetal Alchemist a few months earlier) I thought was clever and interesting.
Kamoshida’s castle was a nice balance of a first dungeon and “hey we’re not gonna hold your hand, this is fairly simply kill some Shadows, find the infiltration route and don’t get kicked out.” ALSO RYUJI AND ANN’S AWAKENINGS. JUST THAT. INCREDIBLE.
Madarame’s museum had a little bit more difficulty but was still fairly easy. The security bars kinda gave me a little anxiety considering I was still getting used to all the controls (I had just finished an Xbox One game before playing this so my buttons were mixed up) and the little painting guessing game was a bit dumb considering each Sayuri looked EXACTLY THE SAME TO ME (except the color swapped ones) ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING YUSUKE WAS THERE AND COULD HAVE EASILY TOLD US BUT NO HE WANTED TO TEST AKIRA’S ART SKILL. ARE YOU APART OF THE PHANTOM THIEVES OR NOT YUSUKE??????????
but i digress…
Kaneshiro’s bank was fun but GOD SEND THOSE FREAKING SECURITY CAMERAS AND THOSE SHADOW DOGS TO HELL OH MY GOD I HATED THOSE. See my thing is, I’m not exactly a stealthy person. Which is why I love hiding because you can sneak up on Shadows and ambush them easily. I hate raising security level and those damn dogs were so annoying and just ugh. Those dogs are honestly one of the few grips I have with the game. Also, MAKOTO IS THE ACTUAL QUEEN.
Futaba’s temple was by far the longest one for me in terms of gameplay hours (in game time took me about 2-3 days) but it was still fun nonetheless and I’m glad Futaba (who is one of my favorite female characters) got some closure on her story with her mother and was able to rise above that. I’m a sucker for tragic backstories when their well executed. (i still to this day do not know how to pronounce her Persona…)
Okumura’s spaceship was my favorite aesthetically because I’ve always been interested in space and the stars and the little puzzle at the end with the space pockets was a nice bit of challenging and flying through Metaverse space. ALSO HARU HAS FLUFFY FLUFF HAIR AND HAS MY SECOND FAVORITE PHANTOM THIEF OUTFIT 
hmm, i wonder who has my favorite Phantom Thief outfit... Joker... It’s Joker... god damn those red gloves
It was my favorite palace, no questions asked.
Shido’s ship was another long one but finally getting revenge on this dick was incredible. Also, AKECHI AND RYUJI PLAYING WITH MY FEELINGS.
Mementos was a good idea as a whole but the way it was executed everything just sort of blended together for me and there were only a few requests that stood out to me. The music was bland (one of the blandest on the soundtrack, especially compared to the other Palace themes casually mentions Whims of Fates again) and during the late floors of Mementos, everything got so dark and it was really hard to see.
expect this to be me screaming a lot.
Akira Kurusu (Protagonist)
okay, um, i love this boy. like a lot. LIKE I WOULD DIE FOR HIM.
For a silent protagonist this guy sure has a lot of character. The rare times he speaks in cutscenes, specifically the ones where he’s Joker, he has this sort of cocky arrogance yet when he’s little Akira in his Shujin uniform he’s a quiet little curious boy. He’s incredible under pressure, like there’s only a few things that make him crack and his dialogue options are priceless.
I especially love Joker because I’m an honest to god mess when it comes to smug bastards and I have an unhealthy love for those crimson gloves of his.
But honestly he doesn’t deserve half the shit he gets in game. Besides the whole “game” set up by Yaldobaoth, he was sent away from his family and presumedly the friends he had back in his hometown all because of his probation, literally no one treats him with any sort of respect when he gets to Shibuya. Sojiro reminds him countless times the first what 3-4 months that he’ll be kicked out if he breaks his probation which (besides doing all that illegal shit as Phantom Thieves) he honestly just goes to school (a place where he gets even more shit from teachers and students), hangs out a little after and comes straight home. I know Akira’s been established to have a bad reputation because of his record but don’t these people have eyes??? Can’t they see that he’s obviously not a bad guy based on what he’s doing in school and not getting involved with the police??? Sojiro's exempt from this because he at least grows to like having Akira around and trusts him enough to go out at night, work in the store alone and lock up from him when he leaves.
Also, Xander Mobus did a good ass job with his voice
Ryuji Sakamoto
see this post that basically sums up my feelings on this boy.
Also, Max Mittelman.
Ann Takamaki
Like she went through all that shit with Kamoshida, the harassment, possibly rape, all for freaking Shiho’s sake. Just… wow. That’s some freaking loyalty there. Shiho's the closest friend she has at Shujin (at least before the events of the game) and God knows how long she went along with Kamoshida’s bullshit all for Shiho. I mean I may sound a bit repetitive but holy shit that just amazes  me. SHE. ENDURED. SEXUAL. HARASSMENT. ALL. FOR. HER. BEST. FRIEND. And the minute she watched Shiho’s suicide attempt that was it. Any last bit of restraint she had left broke and she went full on at Kamoshida all for revenge for her best friend. My god.
Onto her confidant ranks, Ann is just a charismatic bundle of joy who just wants to make people happy. Yeah she butted heads with that girl (forgot her name…) and did fall down a little in terms of confidence but Akira and Shiho helped her through it and brought her back on her path of what she wants to do… Just ugh, I love Ann so much.
Yusuke Kitagawa
Yusuke’s a fan favorite and for good reason.
His backstory about how Madarame took him in after his mom died and overlooked his painting which led to the later plagiarism is an interesting one and I love how the Sayuri, the only thing left to connect him to his mother, is an important factor that leads to his realization of “oh shit this guy’s a dick who watched my mom die without helping her and he used me for money and fame.”
As a character though, Yusuke’s freaking weird. But i love him because of it. He has his formal tongue but that formal tongue casually overlooks any weird shit that comes out of his mouth. He doesn’t give any flying fucks about what people think of him and he speaks his mind like there’s no tomorrow. I still crack up at the nude painting scene with him and Ann because his mix of awkwardness and passion to paint a nice ass picture is just incredible. Also, another thing. He’s. So. Damn. Passionate. Like he ties art into everything, even fighting Shadows and he’s always looking for new ideas for paintings.
Also, Matt Mercer
Makoto Niijima
She’s not my favorite female, that role goes to Futaba but she’s definitely number 2.
I genuinely have a love for the Niijima sisters because they complement each other so well. Sae’s the head of the house who also works tirelessly just to support her younger sister and it’s clear to see why Makoto would feel useless. She’s a high school student and as a student you really can’t do much that’ll pay the bills and keep food on the table unless you have a job which Makoto’s student council president and (i’m assuming) is in everything so it’d probably be hard as is to get a job and be of some sort of use to her sister. Then Kaneshiro comes around threatening her and Thieves and her sister and she just doesn’t want to feel useless anymore. She wants to do something after being forced to sit back and watch other people be counted on. And just, ugh, her awakening is by far my favorite out of all of them just because of everything behind it and just MAKOTO IS AMAZING, CASE CLOSED.
Also, Cherami Leigh.
Futaba Sakura
By far my favorite female as I feel our personalities are pretty damn similar. Besides her being a hacker and me not knowing anything about possibly illegal things like that, I relate to Futaba as she’s an introvert. She and I value our alone time and (although for different reasons) like being shut in. Now I’m not going to say Futaba and I share the same backstory because my God I’m honestly baffled how this girl went through years in solitude after her mother’s death thinking it was her fault. For one, she WATCHED HER MOTHER DIE IN FRONT OF HER. HOLY SHIT HOW DID THIS GIRL MANAGE TO FUNCTION WITH THAT MENTAL IMAGE IMPRINTED IN HER BRAIN???? AND THEN FOR YEARS ON END SHE LOCKED HERSELF UP AWAY FROM THE WORLD AND BEGAN HAVING ACTUAL PHYSICAL AND VERBAL HALLUCINATIONS AND IF IT WASNT FOR THE PHANTOM THIEVES SHE PROBABLY WOULD HAVE ENDED UP KILLING HERSELF AND I DONT WANT TO THINK OF A WORLD WITHOUT THIS ADORABLE LITTLE OTAKU.
also, i really ship her and Yusuke Inari
Haru Okumura
For one, Haru is freaking adorable, I mean look at her. She has the short little fluffy fluff hair and her voice is so light and feathery and polite and WHY DOES SHE COME SO LATE IN THE DAMN GAME????
I was lucky enough to manage to finish her confidant before the end of the game but when her confidant first opened up to me (getting rank 5 Proficiency was a bitch) at that point I was planning on not doing her confidant at all, I was just planning on getting Baton Pass and ditching her because I didn’t think I’d finish it. I did (at the cost of not finishing Makoto’s, still extremely disappointed on that) and I have to say Haru’s confidant was by far my favorite one out of the ones I maxed out.
Her whole thing is now that her father’s dead, she’s basically the one inheriting everything from Okumura Foods and she never really understood anything to begin with and she thinks everyone who’s trying to help her is just doing it for their own self-gain.  Okumura Foods, at this point, is attempting to rise back up after all the shit her father put the company through and all the current bad reputation it has. Haru’s never had a chance in her life to make things for herself. She’s always been told what to do and has been very obedient (even agreeing to marry a literal dickhead all for her father’s company) and suddenly she’s given all control and doesn’t know what to do with it. All these happy smiling faces offering their help just seem like people attempting to take advantage of her incompetence. Akira helps her through it like the amazing boy that he is and Haru ends up finally being able to speak her mind about the company and what SHE wants to do. She gives the company up to someone who she believes is trustworthy and decides that she’ll one day open a small little cafe like Leblanc in the future after college. And honestly, just her overcoming her distrust and her previous shell of being obedient to rising up and making her own decisions it makes me so happy and proud to see her grow and change and just UGGH I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS DAMN CAST.
Loud-mouthed, a little bit arrogant, Morgana is just an amazing character in general for me. I know Ryuji’s technically supposed to be the comic relief (and he does fulfill this role, don’t get me wrong) but I feel Morgana takes this spot too, especially the two bickering like an old married couple. I know some people hate on Morgana because of how he treats Ryuji and the amount of “go to bed” memes on Tumblr but all around Morgana is just a cat who was just looking for a place to call home. He was just looking for people to accept him.
And a part of me honestly hopes if there’s an add on for this game in the future, Morgana gets a human form because I’d love to see that.
Also, please tell me I’m not the only one who still mixes up Morgana’s gender. I still sometimes call him a her just out of habit because I can’t hear Cassandra Lee Morris as anything but a girl.
Also, Cassandra Lee Morris.
Goro Akechi
Don’t misunderstand, I know he killed people. I know he caused all those shutdowns and was planning on killing the Thieves and eventually Shido himself (which now begs the question, say he did kill Shido, what next?)
I’m not denying anything he did. And yes, his backstory (although extremely saddening) does not justify his actions. He knew what he was doing and he still did it.
Akechi took the wrong path in his life. If anything you can sort of compare his story to Futaba’s in the sense that they both lost family members and were left with nothing. In Futaba’s case however, she still had people trying to help her. She had Sojiro who took her in after her uncle was abusing her or something and she had the Thieves who literally changed her heart and made her see the truth.
Akechi had absolutely nobody.
His mom died (suicide if I remember correctly), he was thrown into foster care, his own father (seriously, fuck Shido. Not just because of how he was with Akechi but everything in this damn game) didn’t even knew he existed. He had no acknowledgement, no affection, nothing. He was forced to make do with what little scraps he could find and make a life for himself.
Again, don’t misunderstand me. I know he killed people and his backstory does not justify his actions because he knew what he was doing was wrong. I’m just saying maybe if he had someone, anyone who was there to help him out, to pull him out of his misery he most likely would have been a different person. He wouldn’t have had his revenge for Shido be his only reason for living and he wouldn’t have gone out the way he did. It’s hard not to feel bad for him. He’s been alone all his damn life and all this guy really wanted was a friend, some teammates, people who wanted him around. I just wish Akechi had gotten a way to repent. I hate the fact that he died. One because we lost a good character and two because I genuinely believe that he wanted to change at the end. Akira changed him. The Thieves changed him. I wish he had gotten an ending where he could own up to his mistakes and be able to make up for lost time.
Just… ugh.
I’m apart of the “Akechi deserved better” group.
And I also ship Akeshu really really really hard.
Also, Robbie Daymond was freaking fantastic.
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cluelessmochi-blog · 8 years
seat neighbor taehyung.
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doesn't understand the concept of personal space && the fact that he's so tall and basically a tree with its branches hanging all over the place doesn't help either
so when he falls asleep
which is like 80% of the time
you have to deal with a sleeping taehyung on your shoulder or sprawled over the whole desk
and like 
at first you brushed him off resulting in him yelping as his head fell onto the desk and he looked so offended and insulted it was kind of cute
but now
you don't mind bc he is handsome and somehow its cute b UT AT THE SAME TIME HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO STUDY WTH ???
but you kind of cope with it since you got used to it somehow ??? 
the other 20% in class is spent with him asking you for basically anything bc he has never something on himself
"can i pleasseee get a pen ??"
"um...would you mind giving me a piece of paper?" 
and so on
so you just
give in && obey to his every will because how can you say no to this cute face ???
but when the person behind you even dares to ask, you will just say no and they're mostly like ?? why ??? while tae is like :^) and ur just like ???
basically, it's weird sitting next to tae since you're always short on stuff && confused about your life choices but it's also kind of comfy 
like he is never annoying or late to class && most of the time he shows up ( even if he just sleeps for the whole hour )
you don’t even question his weird behaviour since u got used to it
its also nice bc you always have some music next to you 
the reason is tae will always listen to music when he’s sleeping and it’s not even loud
since he’s so close while napping, you’ll always get to listen what he listens to 
tbh it’s such a weird mix 
it fits him
like sometimes it will be slow ballads
then full on hip-hop
there is no in between and it’s just like him
like he is either doing something really passionately or sleeping
that’s how you know him at least
however one day while he is soundly sleeping next to you, his head casually on your shoulder while you’re concentrating on thESE GODDAMN EQUATIONS LIKE WHAT IS MATH ???
so you were sitting there trying to understand the lesson while absentmindedly tapping your shoe to the rhythm of the song that taehyung’s been listening to 
and then you notice
that this type of music is so different from the rest ?? like it’s kind of jazzy but so soothing
and it’s just instrumental 
but you like it even though you’ve never heard it before 
so after class you awkwardly walk up to him bc u never rlly talked before after class but it’s cool right ?? 
so you just 
and it’s so awkward at first like taehyung doesn’t even notice you talking to him bc he’s too tall he cant hear u
no but srsly 
you grow kind of impatient and just lightly tap him 
and taetae has a thing for being dramatic so he whips around looking shook af and you just ?? what is this living meme ??
you straight up ask him what is this jazz song that he’s been listening to bc you found it so unfitting for his usual choice of music
and with straight up asking i mean stumbling over your own words like a mess bc college made you a mess now you live the mess life
and tae is too pure he doesn’t even question you knowing his taste in music even though the both of you are barely on first name basis
and he just kind of radiates all of a sudden ??
and you’re like holy shit what did i do
then you’re suddenly dragged out of the room and you want to scream bc what is hAPPENING ???
but you stay quiet since you’re interested and he clearly wants to show you somerthing ?? you guess ??
so after 5 minutes of strolling over the campus with kim taehyung as your guide
you find yourself back in a place you’ve probably been like 3 times ??
the official music room of the college
and you’re kind of stunned while only looking at everything, not noticing that tae is holding a literal saxophone in his hands
as soon as you notice you kind of question him even further ??
but knowing taehyung he’s probably just playing around like he does with his other friends 
back to the scene where the both of you are in the music room
so he just grins his rectangular grin while looking so proud and suddenly he starts playing
and you swear
your breathing stops for a second
reason one is you never heard such passionate and jazzy sounds being played live before you and only for you
and reason two is you never expected taehyung to be the person to show you something like that
don’t understand this wrong tho like you knew he is more than he seems to be because he’s sleeping 80% of the time and still doesn’t fail ?? lIKE HOW BOI U A WIZARD ??
no but you never expected this
so you just sit down on the ground while looking at this goof who was literally napping on your shoulder minutes ago
and now he is here
playing like a professional and giving you a private concert 
and when he stops you’re somehow sad bc it was so beautiful and you kind of didn’t want it to end
you’re still staring at him completely surprised and shocked with your mouth agape while he’s grinning and out of breath
but he looks
so content
you can’t help but stare
and it’s not only the art he produced seconds ago you are so stunned by no it’s taehyung himself bc he literally is art
and you’re the one who gets out of the daze first by taehyung jumping into your face with his cheery expression while screaming
and you’re like
omg om omgomg g
why is he like that 
since you’re not only talking about the music b uuuttt,,
anyways he just chuckles and yanks you up to stand again and suddenly he gets shy 
“thank you...” 
and you’re still like how ?????? why do u do this ???
you can’t help it he’s just so pure
that’s how you got introduced to saxophonist kim taehyung
and you bet your ass he is going to jump into your face after every lesson so you will accompany him to the music room
“.....please ?”
so you always get dragged to the music room after class ends and actually you don’t really mind because through this you get to know him better + you’re able to listen to this a+ fantastic music
you find out why he’s always so sleepy in class and it’s basically bc he always works on new music and mostly with his friends who have no classes in the morning 
so he forgets to go to sleep
and you just kind of face palm but at the same time ?? it’s cute ?? it’s weird ??? it’s tae
also you get to know how much of a sucker for little kids he is when you have to take care of your nephew bc your sister is like sry gtg !!! and ur like im in college how should i take care of a child for a day ???
and it’s basically illegal but pshhh ur sister doesn’t care
so you come to the music room one day with this 4 year old boy who is so shy around you and you just ?? idk maybe tae will know what to do
and as soon as you enter the room with this kid tAE ALMOST COMBUSTS BC WHO IS THIS CUTIE RIGHT HERE ???
needless to say tae befriends the child so easily you’re like ?? wth ?? i’m his aunt 
ur like :^( and tae is like :^) and the child is like :^))))))))
bc he literally starts to love taehyung and they’re playing around while you’re watching and ur kind of mad
but at the same time you’re happy 
because iT’S SO CUTE 
so when it’s time to say goodbye, tae’s heart breaks a little since he has to let go of this cute child even tho it’s only been like 2 hours he cAN’T
your sisters sees this and is like
“well if your boyfriend is so eager to take care of him, he shall visit his aunt more often!”
so as the both of them leave and you wave them goodbye you’re so nervous && embarrassed while your sister winks at you 
you’re like ??? I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO ??
and after that you don’t even talk about your sister calling taehyung your boyfriend because nobody brings it up so you just ?? shrug it off ?? even tho you’re somewhat sad ??
until one day tae doesn’t show up to class 
and you assume he’s sick because he never skips classes 
so then when a week passes without the two of you seeing each other
you get worried and start asking around on campus if somebody knows where he is
finALLY !!! someone helps you and it’s jungkook as you will later find out, tae’s roommate along with somebody named jimin b ut that’s later :)
so you get guided by jungkook to the boy’s dormitory and you feel so  ouT OF PLACE ?? like everywhere are boys or girls who are in a relationship with a guy who’s living here 
but anyways
you open the door and there is the tree you’ve been missing
sprawled on his bed with sheets and empty cups which were once filled with instant noodles covering his body
jungkook and you both sigh simultaneously bc honestly ?? he’s such a mess
“he’s been like this for the past week.”
u just look up to the other tall male and there are literal question marks in your eyes 
jungkook just chuckled at you and shrugs
“you know musicians....they struggle. even when their muse is right in front of them.”
jungkook is like do we have a taehyung 2.0 or why is this girl not understanding what i’m saying 
so he just grips your shoulder turns you to tae still being passed out and then back and kind of shakes you 
bc what is this rollercoaster of emotions ???
taehyung is getting up because the shouting of his roommate interrupted his peaceful slumber so he’s trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes while smacking his lips 
and iT’S CUTE 
he’s cute
and he’s like half asleep as he watches the both of you standing in the door frame 
“who likes me ?”
so he has enough and just pushes you on top of tae and leaves 
pfft not his business
the scene was pretty hilarious, not for you tho
laying on top of each other in a sea of empty cup noodles and music sheets
and ur like chill dude
b ut the only thing you get out is ‘hey’
and for the next two minutes, you just sit beside each other in silence and embarrassment bc ?? omg what
B UT THEN you decide it’s time to spill the tea because you’RE LIKE U KNOW FUCK IT
and you speak so fast and are basically a tomato but he understands and just grins 
so you’re like wha t 
and he’s again :^)
tae randomly tackling you to the bed and you getting your breath knocked o UT HELP 
and the both of you just stay like this for a while
however the peaceful silence is disturbed by tae teasing you 
“you likeeeee meee”
“i can’t believe it either...”
and he’s like :^( all of a sudden
taehyung starts giggling like a little school girl bc he’s honestly so happy
he takes it as an invitation to pepper your face with kisses b c HE’S SO HIGH ON SKINSHIP 
and also remeber that he doesn’t understand personal space ? well yeah he really doesn’t 
but it’s in a playful manner so just laugh and it’s so lovely and cute
and you never had imagined that kim taehyung would ever like you
bc honestly he is handsome !!!111 LIKE REALLY
even teachers sometimes hit on him
and he’s always nice
so you’re like h OW COME I DESERVE YOU
after play fighting with tae tae you ask where he’s been
and he becomes this shy bean again and rUBS HIS NECK AND IS LIKE
“i’ve liked you for a while now....and i wanted to confess. but in a special way you know ? i wanted to do it with a song.”
ehem moving on
you find out that he finds it lacks something and gives you his headphones to listen to it
after a while you actually agree with him and he gets kind of sulky like ‘i knew it :^(’
b ut you’re quick to interject likE NO NO NO I MEAN IT’S BEAUTIFUL BUT IT DOESN’T SOUND COMPLETE
“hm....but why tho.”
“ you say it’s a confession right?”
you again turning red with the thought and h e nods
“well how ab out you singing i mean a confession is kind of through words and i like your voice it would be so ni ce.”
at first he looks at you in diseblief 
then he’s thinking
then finding the idea ridiculous bc what ?? m Y VOICE ?? nononononon i can’t sing 
but maybe jimin could sing the lyrics or even kookie ??
and ur like n O IT HAS TO BE YOU !!
and he whines bc whyyyyy
you’re just like you’re the one confessing right ?
then you will sing !
at this moment: you: >:^) tae: >:^(
b ut you get what you want since you’re so pretty and cute and tae doesn’t know how to say no to a cute face like yours
and each of the boys ( whom you got to know while producing tae’s confession song ) agrees and they’re in awe at taehyung’s beautiful && soothing voice
at the end you’re like i knew it !! and tae is like yeah ok babe you’re the best
and you want to complain but he kisses you so it’s okay i guess ??
so then you ask for the name of the song because everyone agrees that it should be put on soundcloud so everyone can listen to it 
“yeah ?”
“no...(Y/N) is the name of the song.”
“W A IT NO!!”
“why not ? the song is literally about you !! and it is still for you, so its name is (Y/N).”
“it’s already uploaded it.”
“goddamnit taehyung.”
he’s so smiley then :^)
after that everyone officially knows you’re a couple because well iT’S QUITE OBVIOUS ISN’T IT ??
also the thirst for tae’s voice is real
and you’re always so proud of your boyfriend
sometimes you don’t even feel worthy of being his girlfriend bc he’s so talented and you’re just ?? well, you’re you nothing more
and it’s on one of your date nights ( you both are sitting in the boy’s dorm while watching disney movies) when you start crying
“ don’t cry babe,it’s just a movie albeit it’s still sa-”
“it’s not the movie, tae.”
then you start explaining all the doubt that’s been lingering within your mind these past months of being together and he’s seriously confused as to why you can’t see what he sees 
so then he goes on to explain why he fell in love with you
“(Y/N). You’re my muse. My everything. Without you, I would have never been able to show my true potential. You were always there to support me and even kept up with my weird antics. You never gave up on me and pushed me to my limits. I love that. But I also love you as a person. I’ve watched you since day one, since you walked into the class for the first time and became my seat neighbor. You’re so smart and nice and always so...perfect. You’re my inspiration. I love you.”
and tae doesn’t know what to do ??? like help me ???
but you just kiss him all of a sudden and then he knows that everything’s good
“I love you,too, Kim Taehyung. Saxophonist, musician, singer or whatever you’ll be in the future. I’ll alway love and support you. No matter what.”
but it’s fine
because that’s how taehyung is
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A/N: i hope you liked this imagine list thingy ~ might turn it into a series upon requests ^^ but for now, have a nice day ♥ requests here
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Spotlight #17 - turtlebeez
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Tell us a bit about yourself! I’m currently an art major in college. I’m a pretty introverted person and generally quiet but I like talking to people once i feel comfortable, it might just take me a minute first to respond properly since i'm used to keeping to myself. I’m also bad at telling jokes but i love making puns so that's a winning combination right there lol. My favorite way to draw it digitally cuz don't have to deal with messy tools, ruined clothes, and grey hands.
When did you get into the fandom and how did you stumble upon it? I remember seeing the initial joke post and finding it hilarious. Then i found the comic and read it all the way through, at that point it was a little after Nat’s first roof incident. After that I think i lost track of it for a while and when I came back I reread it again and at this point it was during the run arc and have since permanently super glued myself to this emotional rollercoaster.
Who are your favorite characters/pairings? My favorite pairing Is Natan and so far my favorite characters in the story are Nat, Satan, Yup, Titus, Gabriel, and Jophiel
Favorite moment in the comic? I have a lot but one of my top faves is the whole scene when Natalie is rescued by Luce from Titus and she finally uses her wish
What is your biggest inspiration as far as your art goes? Im probably not the best at words so i'm not really sure how to explain it but I really like films like spirited away, howl’s moving castle, Atlantis: the lost empire, Patema Inverted, etc. I love those types of movies not only because of how they look but more the feel i get when watching them. Like when you get really immersed in something. Seeing things like that make me want to work towards creating something like that one day.
What would you say is your favorite piece that you’ve done so far? One of my favorite SaM pieces i’ve posted so far is the one with Satan giving Nat a bear hug cuz he’s so happy
What would you say is one of your favorite things to draw? One of my favorite things is designing characters and then making up stories for them. Coloring is also my favorite part to do when I draw.
What do you think influences your art style? I get influenced by shows,comics, other artists, and the type of music i'm listening to at the moment  when i'm drawing. Part of the reason I like watching art streams and speedpaints is because that way I can see all the different ways people approach the same things and apply similar techniques to my own drawings.
What are some of your hobbies you enjoy? I love reading comics and playing video games. Im currently playing ffxv, project diva x, and KH unchained for the phone. I’ve also recently been trying to get better at animating which has been kinda fun.
Before joining SaM, what was a fandom you were part of and are there any fandoms you’re into outside of SaM? Hmm, before SaM I remember being really into Vocaloid and Naruto but currently even though there are shows and games I love I mostly enjoy them by myself since sometimes people tend to take things too seriously. I think rn SaM is the only fandom I actively take part in. i enjoy it, everyone here seems really nice!
Is there anything else you’d like the fandom to know about you or anything you’d like to say to the fandom as a whole? Thank you to everyone who enjoys my posts!
Check out their art blog for more awesome art! http://turtlebeez.tumblr.com/
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