#this has to be some kind of sick joke... what do yoy MEAN he dreams of his boy best friend
lautakwah · 3 months
However, young people always love to play and enjoy festivities, which is human nature, there is no difference between an emperor or a beggar. In common people's homes, any boy can shout and jump randomly, can fight and make a ruckus with their playmates daily. But if this young emperor wanted to enjoy this kind of opportunity, he would need 'good fortune' and 'karma'. Only when he was with Wei Xiaobao did he enjoy true freedom, abandoning his emperor's persona and wrestling to his heart's content. Indeed, he had never experienced such happiness in all his life. During these days, even in his sleep he would often dream of wrestling and frolicking with Wei Xiaobao.
The Deer and the Cauldron ch. 5, by Jin Yong
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arrowsbane · 7 years
Okay, so there is something to be said for not eating cheese before falling asleep in the mid-afternoon sun, because as fun as it sounds, it can mean for some seriously weird dreams. I am 1000% blaming @shanastoryteller for this, because right before I dozed off, I read this post here that she wrote and it hit a wall, turned 90 degrees east and ran off into the sunset of hell half-frozen over.
So. First let me tell you this, I am not writing this as a fic. Just no. It’s bad enough as it is. Also, while I’m somewhat known for genderbending, I am not really a fan of Fem!Ed. Kind like how I can’t handle Fem!Yuuri from YOI. It’s just… these precious babies are perfect just the way they are and I cannot bear to change them. But, I am down with reading Fem!Ed if there is a reason – like… gender reassignment. (See the aforementioned post). Or maybe Truth just likes to fuck with Ed. Idek.
So. On with the insanity:
So. For some reason, poor Edward Elric is a girl born in a boy’s body. Or maybe he’s just a boy who is more at home in the female shape. I don’t know okay. I’ve always been comfortable exactly as I am, and I’m not going to insult anybody by pretending that I know everything. The point is - Edward is not comfortable in his own skin. Edward knows that his body is somehow wrong. And he’s smart, and brilliant, and a goddamn whiz with Alchemy. And so is Al, who just wants Ed to be happy, no matter what.
So, crazy brilliant brightsparks that they are – with a supernova burning in place of a soul, and the universe in their eyes – they draw up a circle, and Ed goes before Truth.
Truth, of course, isn’t too happy at being faced with a tiny scowling boy who insists that he is a girl; but Truth does understand that sometimes bodies can be uncomfortable at best, and soul-destroying at the worst of times, and this insanely brilliant child is going to be the source of a shit-ton of entertainment for years to come.
So Truth helps.
For shits and giggles, because why not.
Trisha is… understandably puzzled. She went to bed the night before, a mother of two sons, and then woke up with a son and a daughter.
Um, what?
They are grounded. Of course they are. Origami cranes are one thing, but this? What were you thinking? You could have been rendered braindead, you could have blown up the house. Or the universe. You could have died!
It should be noted that Trisha ranks her kids’ lives above that of the universe continuing to turn, and reality not peeling apart at the seams.
As any mother rightly should.
Time passes, as it is wont to do, and Edward grows into a lovely young woman with a talent for mass destruction and reconstruction.
(although, it must be said that when puberty came rolling around, there were more than a few curses, and Ed had to be physically stopped from reopening the Gate in order to yell at Truth. Because Fuck you asshole!)
Officially, her name is Elizabeth on all the paperwork, but here’s the thing: Ed might be a girl now, but she never stopped being Ed. You can change your shape, but you can’t change who you are. And hell, Ed loves confusing the fuck out of people when she introduces herself as Edward.
[Teacher didn’t discourage this. If anything, she encouraged it.]
It becomes a joke – wherever she goes (and Al is with her, because in what universe would he not be? Don’t answer that. Because that probably means Al is dead in that universe and you can all go to hell before you hurt my little cinnamon roll), leaving chaos and destruction and generally uprooting tyrants for fun; leaving only the whispers of a red coat, long blonde hair and the names Edward and Alphonse Elric: Alchemist Extraordinaires’.
[Somewhere in the East, Roy Mustang is tearing his hair out trying to track down a pair of genius brothers. Here’s a hint: It’s not going so well.]
Now this? This is not love story for Roy and Ed, oh no. My weird ass dream is twisted, and somehow, I love it. Even though I don’t ship this…
So. It’s summer, and it’s bright, and Edward is now… what? Seventeen? Eighteen? Who cares? The point is, there’s a massive inter-village party going on, and alcohol is involved. She dances the night away, laughing madly the whole time and winds up going for a roll in the hay with a charming chap from two villages over who’s on leave from the military. Not her usual choice, but hey – he’s funny and he pulled out her chair for her, and calls her “ma’am”, and he made her laugh. He also turns out to be brilliant in the sack, so hey – Ed reckons she made a good choice of partner for the night.
She wakes up to a lazy grin, and work-roughened fingers gently teasing straw and dried grass out of her tangled mess of hair – because I’m not joking about the phrase ‘roll in a hay’. It’s round about then that she realizes she forgot to introduce herself, and so she holds out her hand, “Elizabeth,” She tells him. Because hey, he did good last night. He did more than good. She can play nice.
“Havoc,” He replies, shaking her hand, “Jean Havoc.”
Ed fucking laughs at him.
“What?” She asks, “You gonna tell me that you’ve got three brothers called Mischief, Chaos and Trouble?”
He laughs as well, and they’re both still laughing when they tumble over each other and go straight for round two.
On and off, the whole summer, these two wind up together. In bed, at dinner, just generally wandering about causing trouble. And then Havoc has to go back to work.
And dammit, Ed finds that she’s missing him. What the hell? Ed doesn’t do pining. She does quick flings, and moves the fuck on. But apparently not anymore.
Al figures it out before she does.
And then when she does, he sits her down and listens while she rants and raves, and curses Havoc out because she did not plan on falling in love. I mean, yeah, she’s got plans to be a Housewife someday, because Teacher was ah-mazing and all that – but no. She had not planned on marrying a military guy. Why would she? The military is E-vil. (And wow, Ed has no idea just how right she is there).
So Ed hmms over it for weeks and then she gets that stubborn look in her eyes, packs her bags, and scoots off down to East City because dammit, she’s getting married. Whether he likes it or not.
Al and Winry are cheering her on, and Trisha isn’t really sure what’s going on anymore.
(Yes, Trisha got ill and shit, but Ed got even more stubborn and kinda maybe might have been more interested in Alchemy and it’s healing properties in this ‘verse, and yeah, she paid a bit more attention when she met Truth. She doesn’t know it yet, but she gave something in trade to the Gate. There’s a reason she doesn’t have Daddy Issues here – she doesn’t even remember him. There’s nothing left to hate.)
Ed shows up in a hurricane of energy and barges her way back into Havoc’s life without so much as a by-your-leave. He’s not really complaining. Not even when she storms up to him in a bar when he’s out for a night with the boys, yanks him down by his collar, and tells him that they’re getting married.
“Um… Don’t I get a say in this?” He asks, blinking down at her. Her hair is a mess, and she’s breathing heavily from beating the tar out of a guy outside because he tried to put his hands where they weren’t welcome – but goddamn, she’s still the most beautiful thing Havoc’s ever seen, and in all honesty, his question isn’t so much a “no,” as a bemused “oh really now?”.
Ed straight up growls at him, and he laughs, scooping her up and tossing her over his shoulder.
“Oi! Breda!” He shouts down the bar, “Get your coat, I’m getting married.”
Breda chokes on his drink, and then he starts to laugh. “This I gotta see.”
So they get married in an office, with a half-sober Breda and some random person they grabbed off the street as witnesses.
Havoc’s collar is unbuttoned, he smells of beer and cigarette smoke. Ed is wearing jeans and a tank top, her hair is a tangled mess of gold and there’s dirt smeared on her left shoulder.
They don’t have any family members there, and Ed makes their rings out of her earrings and Havoc’s watch. But that’s okay. Trisha and Elaine can yell at their kids for eloping at a later date. And then ask about grandchildren in the next breath. Al will laugh himself sick, and Winry will demand to be Godmother when they get around to it.
Not that they plan to – I mean, practicing making the future babies is fun and all, but neither of them want kids just yet.
More time passes, and you know what? It works for them.
Ed is a freaking genius who sometimes gets so into her work that she forgets to eat or do the dishes, but that’s just fine because Havoc grew up on a farm where folk did whatever needed doing. So he cooks, and coaxes food into her. He washes dishes, and folds laundry, and he’s even brave enough to pull her away from her books for long enough to get her to sleep.
And then once she’s done with her bender, Ed spends days making it up to him. Because she’s a hundred percent the kind of person who gives stuff her all.
Havoc doesn’t understand one whit of what she’s doing, but hey, it makes her happy. He doesn’t need to know anything more than that.
The first time he accidentally catches sight of her notes over her shoulder, he thinks she’s going to kill him, because Alchemists are nothing if insanely secretive of their work.
But hey, no, not Ed. Not with her husband.
She smiles at him, and then yanks him down onto the floor next to her.
And then she starts explaining the basics to him.
Because here’s the truth. Ed’s been worrying over Havoc’s complete obliviousness to alchemic circles for a while now, especially seeing as he’s almost always on the team chasing the crazy (in a bad way) alchemists – and dammit, she wants him in one piece. So come hell or high water, she’s going to make sure he knows what is safe and what means he should be hightailing it out of there.
The next time he’s closing up a case with the team – a crazy wannabe alchemist had been messing with the structural integrity of a building, and was also apparently a complete and utter moron, because even he knows better than to use those two particular equations in conjunction together.
He says as much, and is treated to looks of utter amazement and disbelief from his teammates.
“What?” He asks, “I know stuff.”
Breda is sniggering behind his back, because unlike the others, he was there when Havoc married the crazy alchemist lady. Come to think of it… Breda might be the only one on the team who even knows that he’s married. Oops.
He really hopes that Hawkeye doesn’t shoot him for this.
So yeah, things go fine. Mostly.
Havoc learns when to run away from the crazies, and Ed wanders off with Al to save the world, or sometimes just turns entire cities on their heads by sticking her nose where she shouldn’t – see Youswell, Liore, ect…
And all the while, Mustang rages over the antics of the famous Elric Brothers.
It’s actually rather pathetic, and it takes Havoc a long time to put the pieces together.
He’s more than a little bit embarrassed to be honest.
Mustang is halfway through a rant on how Liore has descended into chaos – two raging factions; and Havoc’s eyeing the pin-board, feeling strung out and an odd sense of de ja vu.
Penny in the air?
Huh. Wasn’t Ed in Liore the week before last?
Penny drops.
Oh. Havoc thinks. Oh, shit.
He’s so used to her going by her legal name in public – because while Edward Elric writes alchemical papers and rescues kittens from trees, it’s Elizabeth Havoc who fails epically at knitting, burns scones and actually has a bank account – that he forgot (and wow, is she going to laugh herself sick tonight) that when she’s off gallivanting across the country with Al, she uses her birth name.
Son of a –
He’s been trying to track down his wife and brother-in-law the whole time.
The wife who sleeps in his bed, and the brother-in-law who camps out on their couch.
How is this even his life?
Ed does indeed laugh herself sick that night.
He reckons that he should probably tell Mustang, if only to save Eastern Command from being set on fire the next time the Colonel loses his temper, but hey – Havoc likes living.
So he sleeps on it.
And he sleeps on it.
And he sleeps on it.
Eventually, Friday rolls around, and Ed is giving him that look – the kind that says ‘man up, or I’m buggering off to cause mass chaos and destruction without you,’ and so Havoc swallows his pride.
That day at work, he waits until Mustang is once again ranting on about the Elric Brothers, and then, carefully, warily, pipes up with: “So, um, Chief? I might have a lead.”
Mustang freezes, and then pivots.
Ack. He looks like he might breathe fire at any moment.
Havoc gulps. And then he starts to fidget.
“Well, actually,” he admits, “it’s my wife that you’d be wanting to talk to, sir.”
Mustang looks at him like’s gone mental.
“You’re… married?”
“She’s way too good for him,” Breda snickers, leaning back in his chair.
Mustang blinks, frowns, blinks some more, and then moves his mouth soundlessly for a few moments, clearly furious.
Then, finally, he grinds out a short command of “Call her.”
“Yes sir!” Havoc yelps, diving for the phone line and praying that Ed is at home.
She is.
And she’s more than happy to come down to Command and set the record straight.
She’ll even bring Al with her.
Havoc sort of wants to curl up into a ball and cry.
Ed glides into the office, all grace and charm, looking exactly as people would expect an innocent modern-day country housewife to appear. Her blonde hair is carefully braided up into a milkmaid’s style, and there’s a touch of flour dusting the hem of her peasant’s blouse.
Havoc feels like he’s in the twilight zone, because she’s even wearing makeup. Since when does his wild dustdevil of a wife wear makeup?
Al catches his eye and winks – he himself is dressed in neatly pressed clothes and sporting a pair of glasses (why? He doesn’t even need them for fucks sake?) and looks the textbook image of a wet-behind-the-ears scholar who probably couldn’t even find his way out of a paper bag.
“Mrs. Havoc,” Mustang smiles, offering her a seat, with his charm turned up to eleven.
“Hello,” Ed smiles, and there’s a devilsh look in her deceptively innocent topaz eyes, “Edward Elric, at your service.”
She sweeps into a genteel bow, and then gestures to Al.
“Alphonse Elric,” Al grins. “Nice to meet you.”
Havoc sorely wishes he’d called in sick that morning.
So… Okay. He’s probably going to die.
Mustang practically has a fit, and Hawkeye’s hand is on her gun, which means Havoc has to try really hard not to flinch.
Once he’s done making a series of choking noises that sound like a dying weasel, Mustang straightens his back, puts on his ‘the military wants you!’ face, and says: “Enlist.”
To her credit, Ed only blinks twice, before her mouth curls into a mischievous grin to anybody who knows her, and a dangerous snarl to the uninformed.
Al grins.
Havoc cringes.
“I,” Havoc’s wonderful Valkyrie of a wife thunders in a flawless imitation of her Teacher, “am a Housewife!”
Oh god. The look on Mustang’s face is priceless. He can’t help it.
Havoc starts to laugh.
Wondering why Father never managed to take over the world?
Funny story actually, Ed kinda might have just happened to be wandering by Briggs when Kimblee (the fucker) conned the Drachmans into attacking the fort, and hey, she kinda likes Amestris you know, being Amestris and not Drachma 2.0
So she drops a mountains worth of snow on them.
Funnily enough – carving a blood crest does not fucking work if all your victims die of air deprivation, or being crushed under several tons of ice and snow. Because, y’know, not enough blood being spilled and all.
Basically? The bad guys ran out of time – and it was all Ed’s fault, because no matter what they tried, she kept fucking up their plans by accident.
And then Honoheim owned their asses.
The End.
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zexaliscool · 7 years
AU - Featuring Georgi and his new pal (?)
I’m lazy, so I didn’t post some images for you to see them in this au xD
I’m not good at making stories like this I think, so beware of strange, weirdness, bad grammar and some nonsense lmao
I just wanted to do a cool au (alternate universe story yeah) like people do with the yoi characters all the time :’v
White. If someone asked him what he was seeing the answer would be white... Is nothing new, after all, the whole event was extraordinary this year and he gave all of him in his performance.  Lights, flowers and cheers surrounded him like there was no tomorrow. Of course, he was Georgi a famous actor who was well known for his dramatic performances. He bowed to show his gratitude to his public, waiting patiently for the time to come back to the hotel he was staying. Thankfully, his disguise skills came useful not just in stage but in his civil life too. Hey Georgi, you’re leaving soon? I could give you a free ride if you want Thank you Victor, but I think I’ll rater walk for a little while Is that so? Well, me and Yuri are going to visit Yuuri again~  Again? No wonder Yakov was becoming more moody than usual. Didn’t Yakov tell you the other day to focus on your modelling career?
He just smile and said Is not like I’m missing some photo shoots or something. Besides, Yuri needs to go out more often, ballet shouldn’t be everything in his life. My dad needs to stop yelling us all the time, it’s bad for his throat. He bets Victor will take Yuri by force. Well in that case, have a nice trip! Sometimes Victor makes him wonder what he is thinking; when he talks about his friend his expressions seems gentler, like if he was daydreaming. Victor leaves the place in his car with three airline tickets in his hand and even from afar he can still see Victor’s big smile, he hopes Yakov doesn’t get a headache when he discovers his oldest son’s plans. And he was right, it didn't pass too much time when Yuri texted him "his brother was a big asshole and was taking him and his dad by force on a plane and how much he wanted to stay with his grandpa longer than Victor let him” ... Twenty minutes later he's back at the hotel, ready to take a bath and clear his mind from everything; just because he’s good at doing his job it doesn’t mean he can’t get tired for doing, so for now after bathing he will read a  book from his favorite author as always. Soon he was reading “Phichit On Ice” while he was sitting on the bed to relax a bit, but despite this, he can't concentrate enough to finish it even if it's clearly one of his favorites. Is not like he really has enough to stop and go to sleep already but is not like he is motivated enough to do something else. Maybe he needs to take some air? Ring! Tell me how, it’s dark, there is no star in the sky. Where are you? Is his smartphone! Who could be calling him? As far as he knows, Mila was staying with Sara and Michele while Yuri and Victor went to Japan to visit Yuuri and stay for a few days with him. Even Yakov was dragged alongside with them. He doesn't recognize this number, he may as well just ignore it. But his phone's ringtone doesn't stop playing and he doesn't feel like start reading again. He answers the call just to cease his curiosity and- Georgi? That voice, he knows that voice! But from where?! Georgi it's me. Don't tell me you have already forgotten me? Oh yes, I remember...
How could he not? Months ago his dear girlfriend told him she didn't felt any feelings for him anymore. “It's over Georgi, I found someone else. Goodbye Georgi!” He felt crushed and despite accepting her words and watch her leave with tears in her eyes he couldn't stop feeling deceived like this was a cruel joke. That day in that time Georgi did what he thought he would never do: drink until he felt out. Thankfully Victor found him and takes him home while where he dreamed about an evil witch cursing a girl and a prince crying for his princess pleas.
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Weeks passed and he was still a little down from his breakup, Mila suggested him to go to a night club with her which he accepted quickly. Even if he was doing well it was still soon to throw away his feelings for Anya. He needed to clear his mind and going out to have fun for a while sounds great. It was loud and crowed, but he didn't mind as long as he just stand here drinking or watching everyone else dance. From what he could see, it looks like Mila was already having fun with some people over there. One of them has long hair, violet eyes and a petite body while the other has short hair, the same violet eyes and is a little taller than the other one They sure seem to get along even if one of them acts a bit too cautious. Maybe he wasn't fond of this kind of places. Before this person says something, another one comes and greets the three of them, making everyone smile, even the man who looked stiff. This one seems to know the other two. He can't help but smile at them, they're so young and carefree... He really wants to have fun even if this doesn't seem to help him, he really can't, but he doesn't want to leave Mila behind. She can defend herself, but it felts wrong to just leave without a word. Before he stand up to go where she is he heard a gasp and he’s certain he has heard that voice before. Georgi? Anya? It's strange to see you again Georgi Calm down, calm down! Sure it is Are you alone? Don't say anything strange! No, I'm here with Mila He doesn't want to talk to her right now, he doesn't need her see how much he was still hurt. What about you Anya? I'm-I'm with my boyfriend right now Why she shutters? It is because of him? Or his something else? Why, is something the matter? She ask with bitterness in her voice and his heart aches Georgi He doesn't know what to say, He knew this was awkward from the start. Calm down! She's trying to talk, just that! Are you happy? What? Dammit! I'm trying to say if things are going well Yes, he is perfect; we're even planning our weeding. Good, you deserve it I know. She doesn't look at him into his eyes this time. Why is she doing that? Is she lying or is really because he is talking with her? Georgi, look, I know this is weird but I just want us to be on good terms. He doubts it, she never called like he did when he wanted to know what did he did wrong. When Anya left him he felt like he never was good enough for her, like he never stayed long enough with her, that they didn’t went to many dates as necessary, that maybe his presents weren’t nice for her, like he never called her or stayed when she was sick or when she needed someone to hug and kiss her. Was he annoying? She wasn’t the man she was looking for? Why she didn’t told him anything soon? He at least deserved to know! And now she claims she wants them to be on good terms?! It was mere luck they happen to be on the same place, how much of a fool she thinks he is? Anya isn’t a bad person, he’s just heartbroken. I know you don't want to talk It's okay Anya. I understand you. Thanks ...I'm glad you're doing well
When she walked away, he was ready to go out, feeling like he shouldn't had accepted Mila's invitation because coming here didn't make him feel better. In fact, he's feeling way worse that he did this last month. I’m sorry Mila, I can’t stay here much longer, not right now. And so, he goes out from the night club faster than he though, hearing Mila shouting his name and Anya's pitiful gaze burning him. It was too much for him to take and he started to run without direction. 
Everything was like a blur to him, dizziness taking over his mind. He isn't like this an all, this isn't Georgi Popovich! He's an unstoppable force of beauty, a wizard who enchants others with his magic! He's strong and he shouldn't be feeling hurt like this! But the fact he was suddenly tackled down in an unknown place by an unknown person makes him return to reality, where he's just a human right now. Are you alright? W-What? You almost got hit by a car a few seconds ago. The last thing he sees before fainting was the stranger's emerald eyes, full of life, concern and something he couldn't recall at the time. "Don't worry, you'll be fine, I'll take care of you".
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Mila alongside with her new friends from the club found him laying on a park beanch. So when he woke up in someone's room he felt confused and, if it wasn't enough, his gaze meet with Yakov's eyes. How embarrased he was! Fortunately for him Yakov just told him to be less dramatic next time and told him about last time events. Sara,Michele and Emil are the names of the ones who were with Mila and they help her to get him here. Because of this, Yuri got angry and spamed Anya's account with messages like "old hag", "get lost" and "go away". That was awful but he felt grateful for it, even if that was an immature thing to do since he really doesn't want to wish any bad things to Anya, he's just that emotional. And Victor destroyed his smartphone, because he said that would stop him from thinking about her. That totally wasn't okay, but he'll get one soon...
Yeah that happened 2 weeks ago and he was over Anya as long as he knows, but that doesn't explain how this person has his number.
What do you want? I just want to say hello. I barely know you, Do you know me? He hopes isn't an stalker, he hates dealing with problems like that Hahahah! No I don't, but your friend, the red haired one gave me your phone number. Mila?! Why did she did that?! Yeah, she was the one I called with your phone when you fainted. Well at least with the old one. .... Hey it was necessary, trust me, I didn't see anything else. And about your new mobile number, she saw me the other day while I was walking in the street and- For some reason, he thinks the way this mystery person talk was calm but at the same time it was, strange? They exchanged words and agreed to met in a public place, which is what now he is here dressed as a regular civilian again (he doesn't really mix his career with his "normal" life). Yes, at first he was hesitant to agree to a complete stranger, but he thought it was worth a shot, if Mila gave them his number is because she already sees them as a good person or at least someone who can trust to a certain extent. But it doesn't mean he willnot ask anything, he will demand an explication anyway. The chances of them lying could be high but he was really curious now, so there's no harm at meeting them, at least for now. He can already imagine how this would went. 
Hey, you really came. Or not? You're early than expected.
And as he looks who is in front of him he sees those eyes again, full of emotions he can't describe right now. But the way they look at him and the smile they gave him away tolds him that they are happy to see him. Hi Hi They take one step closer, never taking their eyes from his. It is a pleasure to meet you Georgi. You look better than the last time I saw you. And as they do he can't stop watching them, like if he was being hypnotized by only their voice just like when his mom used to sing lullabies to him when he was a small boy. No, this is ridiculous. He was intrigued at least, he totally would demand Mila some explication! What's your name? It is unfair you're the only one of us to known the other's name. True. They smile at him before answering My human name is Christophe Giacometti but you may know me as Cupid. W-what?! This was a bad idea right? Hey calm down, I'm not lying. Christopher laughs a bit I can prove it to you Really? Show me then. He really doesn't know what to expect Okay. From nowhere an set of arrows appear in front of them These looks cool right? They are my usual weapons of love. The heck?! Is he dreaming? Why nobody's freaking out? Georgi? I am dreaming right? That was the only logical option Do I surprise you that much? I can change my physical appearance, but this is my original look. What? You know, as a deity I can do a lot of things, like flying, turning us invisible and that kind of stuff. We're invisible right now so you don't need to worry. Okay I know I a bit dramatic but this is a lot for me. Do I get delirious while sleeping? Hey I already told that you aren't dreaming You didn't told me something like that Okay? Christopher sounds amused If this is reality why would a deity like you asked to met me like a regular person does? Okay, I'm joking, I'm not just a deity but I am also your guardian angel. W-what?! I don't see a problem with it an all, and besides this is what humans do right? Are you even going to answer what I am asking you? I don't think so It is ironic that a “love deity" self procaiming "guardian angel" talks to him, considering what happened to him the last events. Before he says something else Christopher pinches him The heck?! Now you know this is reality right? Maybe? Well Georgi the true is I, Cupid, will help you to find a new love partner in no time! He can't help but stare at Christopher like they were crazy.
And this is the au lol. As you can imagine, Georgi and Chris starts a journey together even if he thinks his guardian angel is nuts. SPOILERS: Yuuri, Sara and Michelle aren’t humans either (some other characters aren’t too) but I’m too lazy to write more xp
Note: Georgi isn’t wrong Anya has her own reasons but she doesn’t know how to handle them (that’s why he says he’s only heartbroken and Anya isn’t evil/bad person)
The lyrics show as Georgi's phone ringtone were brought by tearekt and Ayaka Sasume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44evmCy40JM
Well, I hope you all enjoy this little piece of inmature fanfic :v
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