#this honestly isn't as funny unless you know the context of the original quote
raxistaicho · 1 year
Red Lady turns blue!
Saw a goofy take the other day by our old friend, Strikes:
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How could you, Edelgard! :( We trusted yooooooooooou...
Luckily, they're all in picture format, so there's no real argument to debunk here, just a bunch of attempted gotchas.
"EdeIgard would have stopped Nemesis! She would have hated him!"
Honestly I'm not sure if I've ever heard that one spoken like that? It's not usually something that comes up unless one of her detractors is trying to argue she's like him, thinks he's a hero, or would join him.
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Uhm? How dare Edelgard get confused when Nemesis is described in a way she hasn't ever heard before?
The funny thing is I use this exact quote as a debunk of the common claim that Edelgard got her history of Fodlan from the Agarthans, because if that theory is true, holy shit is Thales ever careless, revealing the truth to her like this.
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Rhea: (Conceals the truth of what happened between her and Nemesis.)
Edelcrits: How dare Bad Red Lady incorrectly describe what happened between Rhea and Nemesis!
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This isn't even her praising Nemesis, it's just her pointing out how both Byleth and Nemesis wielded the Sword of the Creator and stand against the Nabateans, the ones who would distort history, which Rhea and Seteth both worked to do.
"EdeIgard didn't want to kill Rhea! She just wanted her to surrender, Rhea forced her hand!"
Watch, this is gonna be "Edelgard says mean things!" while totally ignoring Edelgard's actions.
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Edelgard thinks - and she's proven right - that Rhea would never surrender and accept a peaceful resolution to their conflict.
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And here we get to mean things. Edelgard's dramatic.
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How dare Edelgard be glad that she won and can now begin the long work of reforming Fodlan.
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How dare Edelgard acknowledge that she must fight her enemies in battle.
"EdeIgard isn't racist! She just hates Rhea for what she's done!"
Oh this one's totally gonna be mean things.
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Humanity, as in, not gods.
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Racism is when you want to end a false religion and return freedom to the people.
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So here's a funny thing: the localization botched the meaning of this line (shocker).
Here, she's not speaking from her own perspective, she's describing the conflict between Nemesis and Seiros:
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Also the bit about "masquerading as a human" was a creation of the localization. Thank you, treehouse.
(and featuring our guest star, Hubert!)
Oh Hubert, not you too :(
Who's next, Dorothea? Is she gonna admit to having been in a church choir and not the opera at all!? How deep does it goooooo
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Fuck I don't even know where this is from :I
(Does some digging)
Okay so Treehouse kinda screwed up some of the verbage here. It's not so much that they made it inaccurate as they made it unclear - and Strikes is cutting out context, go fucking figure.
So Hubert's accusing the Church of Seiros of hypocrisy, of saying one thing and doing another. In the original JP, Byleth can reply,
Sometimes you must tell others to do what you yourself can’t do
You’re right
To the first, Hubert replies,
That is true, Professor. However, that is a principle for humans.
And to the second,
Yes, although humans must sometimes preach things they cannot do…
He then follows with,
It is not a principle for inhuman beings, with lifespans much longer than that of humans. That’s why we chose to fight based on human principles.
From this, he's saying the Nabateans have no excuse for committing the same foibles that humans do because they're immortal beings who should know and do better. This is in keeping with the start of that bit, where he says,
If it is between love and hate, then I would choose the latter. The goddess failed to properly govern this world. That is why it is necessary for Lady Edelgard to become the supreme leader of Fódlan.
Or, to summarize it, his whole argument is, "The gods have failed to be godly, so humanity must take responsibility in their stead."
Which is completely true. Rhea, despite her attachment to the divine, is prone to the same failures as the humans she lives over and should know better than, being a millennia old. She's untrusting, obsessed with reclaiming the past, stubborn, inflexible, and prone to excessive negative reactions to any sign of pushback.
I'm glad Strikes brought that up, that was legitimately interesting!
"EdeIgard started her war for the people!"
Oh no, she's not gonna reveal that she did everything for Bellerophon, is she?
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This is nearly five years after she began the war, and after the Church of Seiros and the Kingdom have made it plain that a peaceful ending is not in the cards, but okay.
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It's like they think we don't understand she intends to bring all of Fodlan under her banner. Yeah, she is, for the sake of reforming all Fodlan and not just the Empire.
"EdeIgard tries to spare everyone she faces!"
Watch we're gonna see Judith! We're gonna see Judith, guys! Strikes loves bringing up Judith!
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Mean things again. This one's even worse given Edelgard also expresses a desire not to kill Rhea and tries to offer her a surrender.
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Eeeeeyyyyyy, it's Judith!
We've been over this one. Judith didn't surrender, she was trying to retreat.
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"Won't somebody please think of the generals :("
"The grunts can fuck off though"
Edelgard knows what Faerghus's culture is like, and she knows peace is impossible while Dimitri lives and wants to keep fighting her. Dimitri might be naive enough to think he can just make peace with Edelgard at the end of AM, but she's a little more worldly than him.
"CF is about fighting fate!"
This has kinda already gotten long enough, but it's just a set of points where Edelgard talks about her "fate". Again, Edelgard's dramatic. She also chose this path for herself.
So, in conclusion, you're off the hook this time, Edelgard (and Hubert), but I'll be keeping an eye on you. Don't you betray us now, not after four years :(
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Bastille: Actually, you’re the King of Mokia now.
Alcatraz: Oh. Oh bummer.
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