#this is ECITING! fresh and funky
torahtot · 2 years
im going to write fanfic where zack varmitech tries to unionize with dabio and show him that donita donata is abusing him, but in the process they fall in love and then run away together and live out their best evil twink/golden retriever himbo bf life together
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finlaylawesgamest1 · 4 years
Week 2 home study [Researching some games and shows]
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Gris is a water painted designed game that has a rly beutiful asethic setting that makes you want to just sit there and look at the game and apriaciate the game.
At times the game is very meditive and peacful with just a well designed simple background and other times we can be overwellmed witht he detail and the art on screen.
The animations are clean and peacful to look at as this game isnt supposed to be excessive with explosions etc.
The character is a fairly simple desgin of a women in a dress that gets blowm about in the wind when you move but we dont rly get to see close up to our character as the game is quite zoomed out.
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Hollow Knight:
The art style in this game si a dark and gloomy setting with provides a spooky atmoshphere and creates that intesne gameplay.
the game is full of detail and as we are mostly near caves etc we see alot of things like tressure chests, rocks, crystals and things like statues.
the animations are ecplosive and eciting to experience as you see orange expleosions when you fight, you can dash throught the wind, and crystals can shatere every when crytals are destroyed. There are all types of white curved flashs and white wings that pop up that signify that you have hit something that gives extra satisfaction.
The character design is simple and looks like a old fashioned cartoon chacter or something from cup head due to the characters skull with big black eyes and a small body.
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scott pilgrim vs the worl:
Scott pilgrim is set in an old school with a very retro design that is a consistant burst of colour in your face that keeps this game looking fresh and enjoyable.
Scott pilgrim is set in an old school side scroller that has tons of detail that flash in your face and can't even comprehend everthing that happens, i think that this game does go a bit overboard with the amount of things that happen a once though so that could be toned down abit so the player can keep up with everything that is happening.
The animations are mini explosions of oragne and red after you punch someone and the enemy flings back, fly's in the air and they fall over which gives you the satisifaction when you're in fights.
the character design is a sinple boy in a green shirt and brown trousers with and a old school retro style detail. this design fits into the game very smoothly.
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Adventure time:
Adventure time's art style is something that changed the game for TV shows with its unique settings of cake castles, massive tree houses and ice castles.
Adventure time for the most likes to keep its scenes full of colour and entertaining to look at as jake and Fin are supposed to go on these crazt adventures so the show is normally always set in a well desgined funky setting.
The animations are amazing and hilarious in this show as we see characters like Jake who streches his arms out really tall or expand his body to make him ten times the size he was. And we see cool fight scenes with Fin and his sword skills.
The characters are simple designs very well thought characteristics as we see people like princess bubble gum who is made out of gum and Jake who is a yellow dog.
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regular show:
regular shows art style is very unique with the wacky characters, the events that display are always crazy which is why the art style can become very creative and colourful.
The majority of the time in the show it is very plain and the show is mostly the characters that are talking but sometimes events will happen when people come out from the tv and smash up the house.
the animation is normally quite hyperactive and fast past becuase we see people do alot of crazy stunts in regular show.
The character designs are mostly quite simple like mordicei is a blue jay and rigby is a racoon.
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