#this is a doomed project from the start but I also deserve all the jttw adaptions ever so
earl-of-221b · 7 years
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@dorkshadows and everyone I’m sorry about spamming but I’m losing my mind over this apparently it was just announced that xixingji/西行记 is going to be made into a live action series and effing Crystal Liu 刘亦菲 is going to be in it
first of all I doubt they can ever live up to the pencil drawings in xixingji and it’s going to be crap. Secondly I can’t believe they got Crystal in this, how????????Thirdly, I’m so pumped for this bullshit unadaptable version of xixingji to be made I bet Crystal is 小羽 xiao yu. 
update: I just figured out what Kris Wu’s chinese name is it’s 吴亦凡 and surprise he’s in this too. 
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