#make xixingji with people
the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Yeah I think it depends on how Buddhist a writer/artist wants Monkey King to be. A lot of romantic or irreligious types seem more enamored with the cultivating aspect of Taoism which is kind of disappointing but understandable. If Monkey King’s going to physically have kids, fall in love, or even as simple as eating bugs, the adaption should make it so that he turned down Buddhahood for one reason or another, or it wasn’t offered to him see: JTTW zaju. A Monkey King that decided to disrobe at the end of the journey is in an interesting thought but IDK if there are adaptions that go down this route.
Considering that Xiyouji Zaju was before Wu Cheng'en's version I doubt it's going to be picked up anytime soon as a good reference of adaptions. It's not like lost media but it's not really well known either.
And this may be an out-there take but I don't think you have to be a monk to reach enlightenment and follow like a monk's diet as well. Sure things are different in the Xiyouji canon lore but I do think that things can be skewed for the more modern audiences. I feel like most people are okay with just Reincarnation stories if they want a fresh Sun Wukong slate rather than trying to 'undue' his Victorious Fighting Buddha title.
Actually funny enough another interesting take I saw with Wukong not getting his title was in the Westward Xixingji anime! It was when they finally got back to heaven with the scriptures that Wukong refused to had them over until Tathāgata Buddha was there himself cause he didn't trust what was going on. Needless to say, he didn't get the title and went back into reincarnation himself again... but at least this time it wasn't about romance!
But if other media adaptions want to show him after the journey I personally think that Wukong can still have enlightenment but it doesn’t have to demand things like a monk's diet or other things if that media piece wants to explore a little more without having to be accurate all the time.
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earl-of-221b · 7 years
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@dorkshadows and everyone I’m sorry about spamming but I’m losing my mind over this apparently it was just announced that xixingji/西行记 is going to be made into a live action series and effing Crystal Liu 刘亦菲 is going to be in it
first of all I doubt they can ever live up to the pencil drawings in xixingji and it’s going to be crap. Secondly I can’t believe they got Crystal in this, how????????Thirdly, I’m so pumped for this bullshit unadaptable version of xixingji to be made I bet Crystal is 小羽 xiao yu. 
update: I just figured out what Kris Wu’s chinese name is it’s 吴亦凡 and surprise he’s in this too. 
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earl-of-221b · 7 years
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He really, honestly asked himself what he was willing to put up with today and went: 
Not This.
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