#this is a magnus bane callout post
nosfelixculpa · 2 years
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What does that say? Aku Cinta Kamu. Indonesian for I love you.
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bytheangell · 5 years
I got a few replies/tags/reblog comments on THIS POST ABOUT ALEC  that I really want to talk about. 
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I really want to address this for a number of reasons, because besides these three comments I saw a lot of it in the tags, too, and it opens up a lot of important points!  So two things: About the show/characters:
Magnus losing the loft became about Alec losing the loft when Alec reacted with that expression of total devastation and I decided to take a few seconds to comment on it. It’s just one set of thoughts, on one particular moment, and one particular character’s pov.
Of course it isn’t all about Alec. I’m heartbroken for Magnus too. For him even more than Alec, because that loft means everything to him and Lorenzo knows that, it’s the whole reason he asked for it in the first place. He knew it’d be the thing that hurt Magnus the most to give up, materially at least. And for Magnus to be in a place where he’d even consider that trade knowing how much it means to both himself and Alec, hurts to think about.
Of course this is Magnus’ trauma. Of course the whole exchange of the loft for the magic, the focus on his heart-wrenching speech where he’s finally so brutally honest about he he felt without magic, that’s all Magnus’. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to be explored from Alec’s POV, his own pain around the same event.
The show made it very clear how affected Magnus is by all of this. That was the point/focus of it. Meanwhile, Alec could only force a smile when Magnus asked him to and move on to the next thing he had to do. There is so much more behind that we didn’t see, and that’s why we’re here. That’s the beauty of fandom, and the joy of coming back to Tumblr or Twitter after an episode to see theories and ideas and people’s takes on different issues, and on things not already focused on in the show.
Which brings me to thing number two.
About the fandom/viewers: I don’t think looking at another angle of something takes away from the original meaning, nor is the intention rarely to invalidate it. Things have a ripple effect. It’s a big part of the show, actually. Luke turning himself in isn’t JUST going to effect him: it’s going to mean something to Clary, to Maia, to Maryse. And if people didn’t comment on those aspects and just sat around tumblr going ‘this is Luke’s trauma and only his so that’s all we’re going to talk about with it’ that’d be one super boring week between episodes. And if any time someone makes a post about how gutted Clary is going to be over Luke getting arrested all they get are replies going “how about we don’t make Luke’s thing about Clary” that’s exactly what we’re going to get. And after a while anyone who wants to talk, who wants to create posts and content on a show they love, is going to stop doing that. We’re already a cancelled show (as much as I’m still reserving realistically slight hopes over someone picking us up after 3B) and driving people away now who want to actively contribute new thoughts/ideas/povs to discussion? seems like a terrible move. 
I chose to write one short thing about Alec’s pov. I have a life. I have a job. I occasionally need sleep. I can’t sit here and write something after every episode from every single POV to make sure nothing is left out. I love Magnus. I love his character. 8 times out of ten what I focus on IS related to him and his life, actually. And I know this goes for so many others who make the same sorts of posts, get the same sorts of responses - and I know a lot of people who just avoid fandom now because it’s tiring, and that’s sad, because they’re great people who would have a ton of quality stuff to contribute if constant reactions like this didn’t put them off. 
I just really don’t like this trend I keep seeing of people shaming/guilting others who make posts or comments about things they don’t 100% agree with. Like what’s the point of trying to make me feel bad for feeling bad for Alec? To try and imply I don’t care about Magnus enough because I wrote a few words on another character?
Discourse is great!  Adding to a post like mine with “-and do you know what else hurts? Magnus losing every material thing he’s ever cared about just to get some second-rate back-up magic in his body” or “-and oh my god the trauma Magnus is experiencing over this, having the man who took his title systematically take everything else away from him, first his warlock connections, then his home--” or even “Can we also talk about how Magnus is feeling over all of this?!” those are wonderful! And I would kill to see more discussions like that started, but by adding to the conversation, not trying to take away other parts of it. 
Not by saying one post shouldn’t exist because these other posts should instead. 
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fagderolo · 5 years
me: i hate being involved in shadowhunter business
also me: marries into shadowhunter business
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henryandalex · 5 years
Yesterday, I made a post that someone in the SH fandom very obviously is stealing gifs from various gifmakers, mine included, resized/re-cropped them, added text, only to put them together into new sets and then claiming these as their own.
I didn’t want to make a callout post because netiquette and I am probably too nice but enough is enough. Especially after seeing that even after a mutual of mine and other Anons called them out, absolutely nothing has changed and they are still trying to play the victim here.
So yes, I am talking about user saramoonwolf.
For months now they have taken (read: stole) gifs from various gifmakers such as malecshappiness, lutavero, shumbane, violetsquagmire, daeneryskairipa, alecmagnu, lghtwood-bane or mine, and those are just the people whose gifs I could identify or who have reached out to me after I made them aware of this issue. 
As stated above, the user saramoonwolf stole gifs, added text and put these “new” gifs together in new posts. Which would not even be that shocking because if you are a gifmaker you have to deal with people stealing and reposting your stuff without credit literally every other day. But the gall to put under every post “my gifs/my edits” when they just took the work from others AND then even tagging the big daily blogs so that these posts ended up getting more notes. Wow, the audacity?!
A few examples?
(x) >> Magnus gifs, Alec gifs
(x) >> stolen from here
og | stolen
(x) >> first row: malecshappiness, 2nd row: lghtwood-bane (basically this example showcases everything you need to know!)
(x) >> first: alecmagnu, 2nd: mine
(x) >> 2nd gif: mine, just combined these 5 gifs into 1 gif
(x) >> half of these are from malecshappiness again
(x) >> profile gifs from here
(x) >> the last 3 are mine again
og | stolen
Like I said, stealing those gifs for months is one thing but what really leaves me speechless in this situation is the absolute impudence of doing that in the first place and not show any sign of a sense of guilt after very obviously getting called out.
Because even after Anons called them out and wanted an explanation why the gifs have so fucked up dimensions and look so weird, they still pretended that they made these gifs. There was a reply just yesterday that said that the Anon was wrong. Or this post. Instead of coming clean and admitting that they stole gifs, they played the victim card and acted as if everyone was in the wrong. When there were already receipts!
And even now, after a mutual of mine contacted them, there is NO post with an apology. No sign of regret. No explanation. In fact, from what I have been told and seen so far, they only feel sorry that they got caught. Not feel sorry for what they did. 
That’s why I decided to go public now. 
This is too big and too important. Let alone that this not just concerns like two gifs of mine that have been stolen but literally every gifmaker in this fandom can look for their stolen gifs and probably easily find them. This is huge and I believe staying silent in this case is definitely not the answer. Especially when seeing that they probably would continue this in a few days again. And without even coming clean.
Besides, the lack of a genuine apology aside for a second, but the posts with the hundreds of stolen gifs are still there. They haven’t been deleted!!! So, if you are “feeling sorry” which very obviously you don’t, why didn’t you delete these posts immediately? Because they still give you notes most likely? Yeah, I thought so.
So please, for the love of God: STOP REBLOGGING FROM THIS USER!!!
And for the future: If you see a gif or a whole post where it is very obvious that the gifs have been stolen because the dimensions are fucked up, there are different and weird looking fonts, the colorings do not match and the gifs have different sizes----basically, it is obvious that these gifs are stolen: DO NOT REBLOG!!! If you make the connection who the og gifmaker is, contact them. 
Just... please reblog with open eyes in the future!!! It is often very easy to see what post have stolen gifs. Thank you.
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lightwormsiblings · 5 years
This is a callout post for Magnus Bane’s biceps. They are too big and strong and are trying to kill me
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veliichvr-blog · 6 years
shadowhunters chronicles rp callout?
you know all those books by cassandra clare? yeah. those. i wanna roleplay characters from those. :^)
!!! i have not seen the show yet, this is strictly from the books !!!
so, yeah! if anyone’s read the books and wants to roleplay with me, feel free to leave a message! i’m generally semi-lit to advanced-out in writing. you can either message me or interact with this post, and i’ll shoot you a message.
here are all of the characters that i feel comfortable playing, and then after that will be all of the ships that i like!
[the lil 🌻s mean i really like those ones!!]
[🌵s mean that i’ve never played them before, but am willing to try!]
characters (just in alphabetical order, haha):
- alexander [alec] lightwood 🌻
- clary fairchild
- cristina rosales 🌵
- drusilla [dru] blackthorn 🌵
- emma carstairs
- isabelle lightwood
- jace herondale 🌵
- james [jem] carstairs 🌻
- julian blackthorn 🌻
- kit herondale
- livia blackthorn
- magnus bane 🌻
- mark blackthorn 🌻
- rafael santiago 🌵
- simon lewis 🌻
- tessa gray
- tiberius [ty] blackthorn 🌻
- william [will] herondale 🌻
ships (no real order?)
- sizzy • simon x isabelle
- jalec • jace and alec 🌵
- wessa • will x tessa 🌵
- malec • magnus x alec 🌻
- heronstairs • will x jem 🌻🌻🌻
- lit • livia x kit
- kierark • mark x kieran 🌻🌵
- clace • clary x jace
- jessa • jem x tessa
- clizzy • clary x izzy🌵
- emmark • emma x mark 🌵
- heronbrane • magnus x will
- jemma • julian x emma
- kitty • kit x ty 🌻🌻🌻🌻
- saphael • simon x raphael🌵
- emtina • emma x cristina 🌻
i’m also more than happy to hear other ideas, or things for platonic ships!!
for some ships, i have plot ideas, but not for all of them. feel free to come with ideas, or we could work to come up with some together!
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caminadrummer · 7 years
Rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.  Tagged by @dasakuryo (ehhhhh qué feo no me deja taggearte. graciassss ♥)
Nickname: luzé online, lu, luli irl
Zodiac sign: leo
Height:  1.58m ):
Gender: female ish i Guess
Time right now:  22:20
Last thing I googled: the name of a real estate agent lmao
Favourite music artist(s): my literal reason to be is tiziano ferro. other than that, my taste fluctuates like. a lot? all over the place? let’s say that rn my faves are tove lo and. like. feel absolutely free to screenshot this for any future callout/receipts posts but. baby k owns my ass
Song stuck in my head: ora perdona by tiziano ferro
Last movie I watched: i’m Still watching custody. the last one i finished is holding the man and i’m still devastated
What are you wearing right now: black n white striped t shirt, dark blue jeans and The Prettiest Sneakers I’ve Ever Owned (i literally just took them out to see what the model was so i could find pics bc i couldn’t find them on the website jfasldkjfalskdf) 
Last TV show I watched: peaky blinders
What do you post: "posting” as in, original content, is limited to whining about Literally Everything and shitty liveblogging.  the rest of the content is evenly distributed among several shitty tv shows, whatever thing i’m obsessing a lil at the moment, some kpop here n there, casual memeing, the usual
Hogwarts house: slytherin on pottermore, probably more of a hufflepuff
Pokémon team: i’ve never seen a pokemon in my life
Why did you choose your URL: because luke álvez is my husband
When you created this blog: feb/march 2011
Do you get asks regularly: not rly
Do you have any other blogs: i technically run @barmaros (as in: i reblog whatever content there is floating around lmao), i have a ~vent blog i barely use anymore bc i’ve lost all filters on this one, and. uh, a tiziano ferro song sorter i spent like an entire day making and no one used Ever fajsldfjalskdjflaksjfd
What did your past relationship teach you: never been in a romantic relationship and honestly i can’t say i’ve learned shit from other sorts of relationships bc apparently i mess everything up even when i actively try not to  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Religious or Spiritual: whome knows
Favourite colour: blues, purples, grays 
Average hours of sleep: i’m technically still on holidays so it varies between 8 and like. 11 depending on the day. during the year it’s something between 5 and 8 at the very most
Lucky number: 111 because i’m basic as hell
Favourite character(s): cam saroyan, rafael barba, emily prentiss, magnus bane, claire temple, whome knows
Following: 308
How many blankets do you sleep with: two
Dream job: honestly?????? no idea
i don’t remember who i tagged the last time i did one of these and i don’t wanna spam y’all So if you wanna do this pretend i tagged you right here
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