#this is about mosquitoes and ticks btw
schafpudel · 2 years
The crows in The Prince and The Raven, in Princess Tutu, are vampires.
ok like. They’re not called vampires, they have their own distinct lore and imagery and the majority of them were never human and they lack all the tropes that are used to convey “this is A Vampire.“
but like. symbolically. in terms of like, narrative role.
Let’s talk about Those Feratu.
the modern vampire is a lot of things. It’s a fear of contamination, of corruption, of something seeping in and destroying a person from the inside until they’re a shadow of their former self, in one way or another. It’s a fear of "impure love”, perverse and carnal and hungry and seductive and possessive and destructive, contrasted with “pure”, chaste, innocent love. It’s a fear of being prey to a specific kind of predator that lures its prey in. It’s a fear of death, not simply because the vampire itself is dead, but because it carries the *threat* of death, no matter what. You will literally be slaughtered, like a wolf by a lamb, with not even the illusion of resuscitation. Or “you” will “live“ but it won’t be alive and it won’t be you. Or, at best, the thing that rises still retains you-ness, but you are cursed and damned and “life” as you know it is over.
(Eurasian crows and ravens are living things, obviously, in real life. But they are carrion birds, and carrion birds carry as much connotation of memento mori as corpses do.)
Pretty much every modern take on vampires is working with at least one these ideas, whether to play them straight or subvert them. To use them as a metaphor, or to question if the metaphor itself is harmful. Even if the ideas are outright avoided, the avoidance in itself is a conscious choice, in conversation with the entire rest of the Modern Vampire.
Vampires don’t just drink blood because it’s their natural diet, like a mosquito or tick. Vampires drink blood because, symbolically, it’s The Self.
The vampire drinks the blood, and the (modern) zombie eats the brain - the symbolic seat of consciousness of the modern world. (The headshot, video essayist Jacob Geller notes, is the modern descendant of the shot through the heart.)
And The Raven eats hearts. Pretty, bloodless, jewel-like hearts, abstracted hearts, the idea of hearts more than the real visceral organ, as suits a show for children.
(Though the idea of viscerally tearing them out of the breast lurks, regardless.)
This is, arguably, out-vampiring the modern vampire itself, since the connection of blood to selfhood is a lot weaker than of hearts to selfhood. The idea of the heart as the culmination of the soul is still strong and ubiquitous in culture, even if we no longer think it literally true.
Even the relatively vampire-specific notion of “thralls“ subject to the will of their “sire“ makes its way into Princess Tutu, doesn’t it? Big Asshole just has to piss blood on everyone and they instantly become his pawns and minions, after all.
oh btw everyone, go look up “valravn” on wikipedia. And have fun with that.
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catnerdenby · 1 year
I came to this new silly Transformers idea. They all tiny and transform into insects. This thought has consuled my brain, leaving no room for other thoughts.
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I lied, my head is full of dragonfly Starscream. You have no idea how hard it is to find good and clear dragonfly's underbelly picture. Also, their faces are kinda weird.
Anyways. I've been thinking mainly of Decepticons and Megatron is a scarab beetle. 100%. There is no other way. Seekers are all dragonflies and damselflies btw. I think it'd be really funny to make Starscream a mosquito, but I'm refraining myself.
Skyfire/Jetfire is a big moth. Y'know, one of them fluffy ones. I think I'm gonna have him wear a mask, just because the moths I'm talking 'bout don't have a mouth.
Bumblebee would be some kind of beetle or ladybird. Ik his name is bumblebee, but still...I want beetle bee. Imagine though. The confusion amongst the Autobots human friends.
I think they should have some anyways. Maybe I'll make original humans, or use canon ones but whatever. I think Carly from G1 could be interesting.
At least ONE of Soundwave's cassettes must be a flea. I'm not sure how that entire thing would work but anyways. Soundwave kinda gives me cricket or grasshopoer vibes.
And maybe praying mantis Shockwave? That could be fun :)
The constructicons would all probably be different kinds of ants. I don't know much about them though, so... Also, let me make it clear, that I don't like ants! I'm terrified of them. And I once got one stuck in my ear. I'm not sure how it happened, but eventually I got it out.
Swindle will be either a fly or a tick. I think I might go for fly though, 'cause I REALLY don't like ticks. I had to make a presentation on them once and the pictures dealt me emotional damage.
Jazz is a stickbug. You can't change my mind. Likely. He just has those stickbug vibes y'know.
Idk about Optimus. I genuenly don't know. Probaby some kind of beetle tho. I'm gonna think about it.
Anyways, sorry for this brain diarrhea, I'll go now.
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toxboxboy · 1 year
doing my part by warning everyone i meet in online spaces not to mess with lyme disease. like if you heed anyone's advice it's be careful outside, wear bright clothing, tuck your pants into your boots, whatever you gotta do.
cannot stress enough how much i thought i was DYING when i got it. i was 13-ish and i had been camping in the woods. came home, had a persistent itch on my back that i thought was from mosquitoes. started to become painful to scratch. whatever. had volunteer work to get to (at a summer camp). made it like 3 days before i was suddenly delirious with fever. it was the height of june, like 75-80 degrees, and i was shivering. i remember boiling a pot of water one night just to stand over the steam and warm up. still went to work the next day.
that morning i was still cold and shaky, my joints were locking up, could barely tell i was awake. like i spent that whole day in a dreamlike state. had to take the campers outside for some games later, and before then i was supposed to stay out there and plan activities. an adult chaperone found me laying curled up on the sidewalk in the sun. i was totally out of it. i don't remember the rest of that day or even the rest of the week before i was able to see a doctor and have bloodwork done. i never thought to look at the 'mosquito bite' on my back - i woulda noticed the bullseye. (which, btw, if you have darker skin you might NEVER see a bullseye. i'd imagine this makes it harder for doctors to properly diagnose people)
long story short PLEASE be careful out there. always check your WHOLE BODY after spending time outside, especially in dense grass/shrubbery. ticks can be very small. just the other day i pulled off one about the size of the tip of a pen. check your pets too!
i'm getting off my soapbox now lol, i just wanted to stress how big of a deal this is. left untreated it can wreak havoc on your body. recovery sucks but it is possible. take your full course of antibiotics and go tf to bed you animals
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lankygeralt · 4 years
Hello pretty person, i just saw your reblogged post about being bilingual, and your tags said “making an 🐘 of a mosquito”. Are you Dutch by any chance 🤔 because my dutch brain was like, that sounds familiar 😂 and than it ticked 😅 btw love all your work👍 you’re one of my favorite writers! Bye bye 👋
your dutch brain went “this is kinda sus” omg 😂 and oh really?! thank you so much, that means so much to me. as for the dutch: ik ben van belgië dus das toch praktisch juist! ik ben ook echt van de grens met nederland en ben juist nog naar de fucking jumbo geweest HAHAHA
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onenicebugperday · 4 years
Insect report anon: mosquito, sandfly, biting midge, housefly, sheep ked, blackfly, tsetse fly, warblefly, cat flea, oriental rat flea, botfly, bedbug, desert locust, migratory locust, australian plague locust, bird cherry aphid, black bean aphid, green peach aphid, harlequin ladybird, army worm, cotton bollworm, beet armyworm, corn borer, grain weevil, maize weevil, tobacco beetle, biscuit beetle, larder beetle, indian meal moth, common cockroach, american cockroach, new and old world screwworm
Oh interesting, they’re all pests or parasites of some kind! Boy there are so many that would be interesting but many would require a strong stomach to read about. Sheep keds are really cool because they’re a fly in diptera but they look like ticks - just btw if anyone wants to google for a gander.
Anyhoo personally I would choose the tsetse fly because it’s super interesting and has had a huge impact on humans and it’s been studied extensively so there’s tons of info to work with. But if parasitism freaks you out (they drink blood and cause disease in humans) probably don’t choose that one.
If you want something less gross, cockroaches are really cool. You could do a whole paper just on their reproduction.
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
NCT Lucas| Camp Counselor AU
You know I thought I would actually escape the bias wrecker trap that Lucas has put on all of us NCTzens for a minute there, but then whelp there he goes doing his dandy thing and I’m shook.
mentions of drinking��
Red Fox cabin: boys ages 7-8
Co-counselors with his bffl Mark LEE, so you can already tell that the Red Fox cabin that summer was quite a mess
It’s his first summer working at the sleepaway camp, and surprisingly, Lucas is one of the few counselors that weren’t actually campers before they became staff,
so that means that (besides mark who was the one who suggested that he put in a job application earlier that year) Lucas didn’t know anyone he was going to be working with at all.
At the start of staff training, Lucas began to feel really intimidated because practically everyone else knew their way around the camp grounds and already KNEW each other,
Lucas just kind of felt like an outsider, sometimes he even felt like quitting before the campers arrived for the first session.
, but then something changed after some wise words from seasoned camp director Leeteuk set Lucas in the right direction, and quickly he found himself opening up more to the rest of the staff and they adopted him into the camp family.
Lucas found himself befriending almost everyone at camp, even the CITs loved having him around!
 and Lucas really liked hanging out with them.  They were all close in age and they were required to stay for the whole summer just like the staff were, so he felt like he could connect even more with them,
That’s why as soon as cabin placement preferences opened up Lucas requested that he be a CIT leader.
sadly though, the reasons why he connected so well with the CITs was exactly why he wasn’t allowed to be their leader... In order to be a CIT leader you had to be several years older than the aged-out age of the CIT program, unfortunately Lucas was just too young.
He didn’t hang himself up over it though because he and Mark got placed into the same cabin together which was super freaking awesome, and he could still hang out with the CITs whenever he wanted really.
You can always see him giving CIT Chenle piggy back rides across the camp fields, goofing around and making fun of the other counselors 
*cough cough* Johnny *cough cough* 
When first moving their stuff into the Red Fox cabin, Lucas and Mark argued for what felt like an eternity over who got the top bunk, 
“I got here first so its MINE”
“You dumbass how the hell are you going to even sit up in the morning without banging your head on the ceiling you’re too tall!” mark shouts at him.
  Lucas did hit his head the next morning and then kindly asked Mark with as much dignity as he could find with the darkening purple bruise on his forehead, if they could switch beds.
... the whole time head counselor for the Red Fox cabin, Namjoon stands quietly in the back, shaking his head in his hands.
Lucas is one of the counselors that teaches the survival courses at the camp;
  teaching all the campers in the course how to find/build shelter, start a fire, what plants are edible and whatnot,
, and honestly... Lucas freaking loves it!
He loves playing around deep in the woods everyday with the campers and coming back covered in dirt head to toe for lunch.
Lucas is kind of crazy in the woodsy aspect... he does insane stunts that with one misstep could end him up in the hospital
, he pretends to be a crab with a flaming torch in each hand walking sideways, and covers his neck and face in mud when the summer heat becomes a little too much for him to handle
  lucas climbs up the trees like a monkey and isn’t afraid of going up too far
“It’s not fun unless you can see over anything” he tells Hani from the Mountain Lion cabin one day, and she gives him the look THAT look, you know what I’m talking about.
Everybody calls him the survival man and he just feeds into it... took on that whole aesthetic.
Lucas’ signature outfit is an open flannel shirt and tee, cargo shorts, and sunhat
not-so-hidden in a belt sheath, Lucas keeps his carving knives on him all the time as he walks around camp.  He uses them to help the campers cut down small tree branches when building shelters,
, and sometimes when he’s bored he’ll pull out the knife and start carving funky shapes into pieces of wood he just finds around.
All the little boys love him btw.
They see him as this crazy giant of a jungle man who climbs trees and can make them laugh with all his hilarious impersonations.
, but Lucas is not all goofy and horsing around.
He is also pretty sharp and can sense the danger in a situation before it gets out of hand,
Like when a little Golden Eagle girl and her friends start pushing each other a little too close to their fire for Lucas’ liking, and when one of them trips Lucas is up and present in an instant to catch her from stumbling into the smoking pit.
He is really serious about safety especially when it comes to the safety of the campers.
This boy THIS BOY will FIGHT to get ahead of you in the dining hall lunch line on chicken nugget day, THIS BOY WILL PUSH beware. beware of nugget day in general tbh everyone is a bit frisky
You like Lucas
not like... like-like, but like as a friend.
 See, when you met Lucas back during staff training you kind of felt bad for him, he was quick to make friends with people, but he had trouble getting into the camp spirit, accepting himself into the camp family
You couldn’t help but feel down when you saw that he would arrive to lunch late because he didn’t know the way to get back to the dining hall after morning sessions and how he sometimes looked awkward shifting on his feet, feeling like a giant in the room.
So of course, as in the camp spirit, you went ahead and introduced yourself to Lucas, even offered to help teach him some of the camp songs 
,  you noticed that he always stumbled through the words whenever a large group cheer broke out... which was often considering everyone was so excited to be back at camp for the summer.
and lucas was like, on his knees, bowing at you, thanking you so much because he doesn’t get it like whats with all the turtles, frogs and bees in camp songs like HOW DO YOU EVEN TELL THEM APART GOD
So after you manage to finally teach him some of the basic camp songs, you two kind of fall into a pleasant friendship with each other, but by no means are you guys super close or anything like that,
no, after staff training you two didn’t have as much time to spend together because you both taught different subject classes and survival skills and arts and crafts rarely had a need to interact with each other.
tbh Lucas is kind of popular and after that whole debacle during the start of the summer was overwith he started making a lot of really close friends with people all over camp, so he doesn’t always have the time to drop by and say hi,
, especially when Yuta, Jungkook and Rocky keep yelling out for him to join them on hikes across the ridge,
like how can he say no to that... he’s the jungleman, he revels in that kind of stuff.
That being said, Lucas still finds himself in the craft cabin every once and a while when he has his break, to come and sit with you and do some crafty things with the kids,
that boy can make a mean macaroni frame, can even put poor Eunwoo’s to shame
You never minded having Lucas visit you, it was nice to talk to him, Lucas could make anyone crack up with his facial expressions, though sometimes you’d get mad at him when he tracked in mud
Lucas liked doing crafts with you because it was a good change in scenery from the woods, and also... you know... he liked being able to hang out with you,
Though you could go HAM when people started cheering camp songs, overall you were a very chill person to be around, a real rock.
not to mention... you’re pretty.
  So that’s why when Lucas needed a bunch of counselors to volunteer to go out on the survival campout with him, he asked you, and of course you said yes, not knowing at all what you got yourself into.
You had figured that the survival campout would be just like any other overnight that the campers go on, heck you’ve been on those before and have had an awesome time!
However what you weren’t expecting was no tents.  no sleeping bags.  nothing.
It was literally like a survival show out there, the campers who had been preparing for this campout all week, struggling to build a shelter they were going to sleep in with the materials they found around them before the sun went down.
Lucas ran around the campsite, helping the kids, he didn’t mind the thought of sleeping bare to the elements, surrounded by ticks and mosquitos.
It took you a while to gather your bearings, but when you did, you set yourself to gathering firewood for the fire pit that the counselors attending the overnight would cook their hobo dinners on later that evening once all the campers whisked off to sleep.
It was dark by the time that you and the rest of the counselors on the trip could finally take a rest.
The campers, all full and resting peacefully in their shelters could finally be left alone for the rest of the night.
 The counselor campsite was within sight of the camper’s site, but far enough away that they could speak freely without worry of waking somebody up.
The campsite, much to your relief, looked quite different from the camper’s.  A truck bed was open and laid out with supplies and enough open space for at least two people to squish together and sleep on.  On trees surrounding the area, colorful hammocks were strung up so that you didn’t have to sleep on the cold ground.
Counselors Jungkook and Yuta, were loudly whispering and scheming with each other, shuffling through their packed knapsacks Irene, Lucas and yourself were confused on what the hell they were up to,
, that was until Yuta, finally finding what he was looking for pulled out a three quarters full bottle of whiskey from his bag, and Jungkook a half empty bottle from his.
Now all of you knew that if the camp had found out you were drinking on their property, so close to the campers, the consequences would be severe, you’d most likely be fired immediately and asked to pack your things.
, but with the threat of a camp director making a visit all the way down to the campsite several miles away from the camp itself dismissed after they had already came to check up on everything before the sunset,
you all felt at ease to take sips from the bottle being passed around the campfire.
 Before the whiskey, you had a few goosebumps over your arms and calves, but now you were warm and happy, drinking and joking around with your friends, you were suddenly happy that you accepted Lucas’ invitation to join the campout.
“How do y’all feel ‘bout goin down to the water, it’s close I think.” Jungkook stumbled over his words after downing a few shots worth of the liquor.
You were decently drunk by now, sitting around the campfire, you sat across from the two party boys, lucas and Irene on either side of you.
“You know I’m always down to try anythin Kook,” Yuta slurred as well, giving an overzealous wink to no one in particular.
“I don’t know if Irene can make it there guys...” You say, laughing at the senior counselor’s slumped over figure, she giggled and hiccuped at her name being mentioned.
“It’s ok guys I swear.  I’m good, besides, somebody... someone needs to stay behind in case one of the *hiccup* campers *hiccup* needs somethin’“ She says with a face full of dirt.
“How you feelin’ girlie?” Yuta laughs at Irene trying to sit up.
“I’m swell,,, thanks.”  She twirls her hair up into a ponytail and waves you all away, “You’re all good to go *hiccup* now.”
“Are you sure?” Lucas asks her. “You can handle it if someone needs help restarting their fire?”
Irene scoffs at him, “Leave me.” she says, and the four of you head down to the rocky beach area ten minutes away from the campsite.
The lake water looks pitch black, the moon shining brightly reflects down onto it, and you can can barely see the lights from the main camp waterfront across the lake.
You’re invisible.
Yuta and Jungkook take their shoes off and make for a running start into the freezing water.  You stand behind watching the drunk fools horse around in the lake, laughing at them when Jungkook gets pulled under by the other boy, 
You almost forget about him for a second there, until Lucas, besides you, starts taking off his clothes.
  you gasp, “oh my gawd you’re not getting naked right now right?  You know those fools will try and steal your clothes.”
He chuckles, “Nahhh, I just don’t wanna get my clothes wet.” he says and then, just in his underwear and socks, makes his way toward... the trees?
Only a second later he’s up in the air, climbing up one of the trees that line the lake so fast you almost missed it.
Lucas stretches out on the limb, testing its strength before shouting something you couldn’t quite hear and propelling himself into the water a few feet below.
 you can’t help, but laugh at the wildman, and start taking some of your clothes off as well, then with the confidence that only alcohol can give you, you sprint straight into the water and you keep running as far as you can in it
Up past your shoulders you stop and cry out at how bone-chilling the water is. 
You four drunken bastards goof around in the water for a while more together, at one point even attempting to play chicken,
you up on Lucas’ shoulders and staring Yuta, who was ready to pounce, in the eye, and alcohol wasn’t that smart of a mix.
Jungkook started to feel sick after Yuta, falling over, kicked him in the gut and requested that they go dry themselves off.
Sitting on the beach for a while you guys play in the sand, warming up and drying off from splashing around in the lake.
While before you were just slurring your words, by now drunk talk has commenced.
Yuta was spewing his and Jungkook’s cabin’s drama left and right, turns out a kid in Gray Wolf a few sessions ago was a proud bed wetter, used to show them the stains on his sheets before washing them out.
That story was followed by a bunch of ewws on your end, a bunch of laughs from Lucas, who then shared that Mark has apparently been known to on occasion complement his mother’s cooking in his sleep.
“I bet that she’s a phen-omen-al cook then.  Her food must’ taste so good.” you say to the group
and then Lucas says, “probably not as good as you.” and LICKS YOUR FREAKING CHEEK.  He freezes. and you’re for the lack of a better word right now shook af
“I need to collapse.” Jungkook states, clearly oblivious to what the hell just happened there... too drunk to even notice the commotion.  “I’m climbing back to bed before I won’t be able to get there.” 
“I’ll help yah from fallin’ on your face.” Yuta stands up after him, seemingly unknowing as well.
And now alone with Lucas, you’re speechless.  
“um..*coughs* that was weird and uncalled for.” he jokes trying to break the silence,
“it was,” you agree.
“I’m sorry?”
“It’s ok.” you tell him, still super confused.  You fall into another silence again, the only noise is the sound of the low lake tide sloshing up against the rocks.
“This is totally not the time to say this, but I think your hair looks really pretty when it’s wet.”  Lucas tells you, and when you turn to look at him you can’t help, but take in all of his handsome features.
He’s young, yes, but he’s built and toned.  His eyes wide like and owl’s and soft looking hair.
you feel compelled to touch his hair.
And, so carefully, as to not get any sand in it, you raise your hand and start twirling a strand of it in your fingers.  It’s really soft.
and then as things progress as they do when you are drunk and alone, suddenly you are half naked on a beach, kissing Lucas deeply on the mouth.
Theres sand and pebbles and his hands in your hair and it’s almost like you’re suffocating on each other’s tongues.
It doesn’t go much farther than that, not really.  You wake up only a few hours later, the sun hasn’t even truly shown itself yet, on the small beach tangled in Lucas’ arms,,, and your bra is somewhere by your feet.
After shaking him awake you two stumble to put your clothes back on and look like you hadn’t just woken up from a drunk hookup on a beach, as fast as you could.
Back at the campsite, Yuta and Jungkook are snoring in the back of the pickup truck, Irene doing the same on the ground next to the fire pit, and all the campers seem to remain undisturbed from any of the incidents that took place the previous night.
Turning around to look back at Lucas you stifle a gasp and point to his neck,
just visible from under his collar are several dark marks.
“You need to cover those up!” You tell him, “If Leeteuk or another director sees those you could get in serious trouble.”
“I’ll sling a towel or something over my shoulder don’t worry about it.” and you nod.
“This isn’t weird right?” you ask him quietly, in case someone were to wake up.
“No, I don’t think so.” Lucas says to you.
It wasn’t awkward between the two of you, you were coworkers, but more importantly friends, much closer than you had previously thought in fact.
Lucas and you started to take apart the campsite, fold up the hammocks and stir the embers to ashes, one of the bodies in the back of the truck groans and scratches their back before going still again.
“Before we leave though I think we should clear the air though.” You say to Lucas quietly, “are we a thing now?  Was that a one time thing or will it happen again?  I’m just trying to close the case kinda if you know what I mean.” He laughs at you and you groan... your head still hurts.
“I don’t know.” he shrugs.
“Well I don’t know.” you shrug, and he shrugs again, making a face.
“I guess it would be nice.”
“Nice to...what?”
“I don’t know, whatever it is, we’ll see.” he says, and he playfully shrugs again at you.
Suddenly, Yuta looking like a mess, very much hungover and probably moving too fast for being so, sits up with his hair in his face looking out at the two of you from the truck bed.
“WAIT!” he says, wincing then proceeding to grab his head before looking back at you two,
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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madqueenalanna · 7 years
literally the bare minimum i have in dog advice rn:
fuck purebreds. just find a nice dog without inbred congenital defects (have y’all ever seen a chihuahua’s skull? fuckin busted)
in addition there’s no such thing as a “purebred yorkipoo” like that’s not how breeds work. goldendoodle is not a legit breed yet. “blue nose pit” isn’t a breed either
why would you ever train your dog to use a wee wee pad. all you’re teaching it is that it’s okay to piss in the house? litterbox training is one thing, or if the dog is elderly or incontinent or something but if your dog CAN go outside, just fuckin... let it
train your FUCKING dog to listen to you. it’s obscenely obvious in public if your dog is badly trained
trim. their. nails. i get SO beat up every weekend because someone’s little ass dog whose feet never touch the floor has two inch long talons. it hurts me and it’s painful for them to walk on
fuckin... don’t let them keep rotting teeth in their head? i see this every day. take care of your dog’s teeth. if they’re rotting and the gums are receding they desperately need medical care. “but he eats fine” cause he knows he’ll starve otherwise. he’s in pain
clean their ears! groom them! holy shit don’t let your dog be covered in painful tangles with nasty yeast infections. “i have ear cleaner at home” then use it
it’s all about preventative care. heartworm, flea/tick, worms. “he doesn’t get ticks” he has anaplasmosis, he must get ticks sometimes. “he doesn’t go outside” see the above points and also mosquitos get inside. just get a fucking seresto collar. stop buying topicals from walmart
if you don’t vaccinate your dog you shouldn’t have a dog. if your kid gets lepto bc you didn’t think your dog needed dhlpp, that’s the fuck on you. anyone who’s seen a puppy with parvo knows what i mean
“does he really NEED all those vaccines” well he didn’t need the forty dollar sweater you bought him, so, priorities
if you ever wonder if vet techs judge you by the condition you bring your dog in, yeah, absolutely lmfao. if you bring a cat with a huge weeping sore on its side to a petco for a rabies vaccine instead of to a vet’s office, you should be prohibited from owning animals anymore. that happened to me last weekend btw
owning a pet is expensive. sorry, but that’s how it is. it’s going to cost money to keep your pet healthy and pain-free, especially if you insist on getting a purebred with known health issues
spay/neuter should be non-negotiable. why would you want to own a dog that’s going into heat twice a year and bleeding all over your floor, or aggressive and pissing on everything. their rate of cancer goes up significantly if they get spayed after their first heat, and every year after that. spaying is a lot cheaper than emergency surgery for pyometra
if your breeder says the dog was vaccinated but can’t give you any paperwork, that dog was not vaccinated. never ever trust a breeder. a lot of em are nice and professional but a whoooole lot of em aren’t and are sketchy af
that was longer than i meant but this is like. minimum understanding necessary for dog ownership imo
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Pench Jungle Camp | Property Review
Did you know that Rudyard Kipling, based parts of The Jungle Book in Pench National Park? 
If you are not aware, Pench National Park, is located in the southern reaches of the Satpura Ranges, spanning over 1180 sq km, out of which 412 sq km is the core area. The National park can be accessed through both the states of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh in India, and has been part of Project Tiger since 1992 !
Pench National Park is home to over 285 resident and migratory birds; major carnivores like Tiger, Leopard, Wild Dog, Hyena, Fox and the herbivores like Gaur, Sambar, Chital Deer, Nilgai, Chinkara etc.  
When me and my brother happened to visit Pench National Park, back in December 2019, after having ticked off Panna National Park from our list, we were hosted at Pench Jungle Camp, where we had the best of the experiences, and some very unique as well ! So without any more delay, scroll down to read an in depth Property Review of Pench Jungle Camp – A Luxurious Oasis in the middle of the jungle.
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The Location     
In the state of Madhya Pradesh in India, just 2 kms from the Turia Gate of Pench National Park, strategically located in the middle of the jungle lies the Pench Jungle Camp.
The 26 rooms, set in 50 acres of lush foliage, despite being air conditioned and equipped with all modern amenities are surrounded by fauna,  giving the traveller the feeling of staying inside a jungle, and guess what, a quick detour to visit Pench National Park, can be easily accommodated in this One Month India Itinerary as well.
  In House Facilities  
WiFi in Common Areas
  There is complimentary WiFi access in the restaurant and all common areas. All you need to do is, get the password from the reception at the time of Checking In at Pench Jungle Camp.
SPA and Wellness
Pench Jungle Camp strives to be a family friendly getaway, with something to offer to everyone. And there’s nothing better than getting yourself pampered in the middle of the jungle, and rejuvenating your body, mind and soul.
Restaurant and Lounge
Pench Jungle Camp has a multicuisine restaurant, serving buffet meals, catering to all kinds of tastes. There is a big common lounge area as well, where you can watch some Wildlife Documentaries, read some books/magazines, play some carrom/board games, or simply relax with a refreshing drink in hand.
Swimming Pool
The serene oval pool set amidst the dense Mahua and Teak trees, provides the perfect escape in the summer months, and appears like a literal oasis. 
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Pench Jungle Camp boasts of 13 Luxury Safari Tents, 04 Deluxe Safari Cottages, 08 Standard Safari Rooms and 01 Family Suite, with each having a bathroom en-suite, with shower and verandah. All rooms are equipped with all modern amenities including a mini bar (stocked with a selection of beverages on request), an electronic safe, hairdryer, air conditioning, direct-dial telephone, mosquito net and tea/ coffee making facilities; which satisfy the needs of the modern day traveller.         
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Jungle Safari
Pench Jungle Camp is located just 2 km from the Turiya Gate of Pench National Park on the Madhya Pradesh side of the park, and 9-10 KM from Khursapar Gate of Pench National Park on the Maharashtra side of the park. The main access gates for Pench National Park are – Turiya, Khursapar, Karmazhiri and  Sillari, out of which only Sillari is open throughout the year . The morning safari starts at Sunrise and goes on for 4-4.5 hours, until 11 – 1130 AM. The afternoon safari starts at 2 – 2:30 PM and goes on until Sunset.
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  Sundowner at Kohka Lake
Imagine this !
You’ve come back from the morning safari, and post lunch, you are told to meet at the reception at 5 PM. So you reach the reception at 5 PM, only to be taken to the nearby Kohka Lake, to enjoy the sunset. And wait – There is Chai and Samosa too!
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Nothing can beat Chai, Samosa and Sunsets 😍 The deadly combo 😎 . Swipe right to see the rest of the series and specially the cozy arrangements @penchjunglecamp made for us to enjoy the sunset, overlooking the Kohka Lake in Pench National Park. . So here's a funny incident that happened . While me and @sahajmathur were enjoying our cups of chai and plates of hot samosas overlooking the lake, there were a bunch of people who just arrived on the spot in another Gypsy. . For a good 10-15 minutes they were busy among themselves while we were enjoying the sunset. . Then out of a sudden, someone from the group walked up and was like – where are you guys from and was curious about the setting. 🤔 . Before I could get up and reply to her, our guide from #PenchJungleCamp was like, he's a Travel Blogger. . It was at that moment, I felt a bit proud from inside, of living the #TravelBloggerLife and enjoying the perks of #TravelBlogging . BTW the girls were lucky as we still had some chai and samosas left, which they enjoyed, while we all started our chai or charcha 😜 . Having being in this field for the past three years now, which started purely out of passion, I've had some really amazing and unique Experiences while travelling and working with different brands and meeting different people. . Here's a huge shout out to all the brands who've worked with me in the past for showing their faith in me, and to all my fellow Content creators for creating inspiring content and keeping the fire alive. #gratitude . . . . #EatTravelLiveRepeat #etlrtraveldiaries2019 #ETLRWithArnav #incredibleindia #experiencesoverthings #originalexperiences #indiantravelblogger #india_ig #sunsetphotography #mptourism #mydestinationguide #potd📸 #wravelerforlife #justwravel #wanderoften #tripotocommunity #tripgram #tattooarm #googlelocalguide #traveldiaries2019
A post shared by Arnav Mathur | Travel | INDIA (@theetlrblog) on Dec 18, 2019 at 10:27am PST
Sounds fun and exciting, right!
It definitely was ! And what a feeling it was ! To sip a hot cup of tea, while seeing the sun go down, without anyone else around !
When you stay with Pench Jungle Camp, it’s highly recommended that you fix up Sundowner at Kohka Lake for one of the evenings at least, as the luxury of having hi tea overlooking the sunset, is a feeling unmatched, and something that’ll remain etched in your memories !
The intimate setting for the Sundowner at Kohka Lake
  Dining under the stars
On our last evening at Pench Jungle Camp, we turned up for dinner at the Restaurant, only to be guided to a setup in the woods nearby. The bar was stocked up, buffet dinner was laid, bonfires were lit, and tables were set around the fires, under the stars. This experience of dining under the stars was a total surprise for us, and turned out to be one of the highlights of our experiences at Pench Jungle Camp. Only thing missing was soft instrumental music to set up the mood, but we sorted that, by playing it on our bluetooth speaker.
Later, I found out that these dinners, also known as Bush Dinners, are set up every now and then, at least once a week. 
  Night Safari   
Another amazing experience you can have during your stay at Pench Jungle Camp, is the Night Safari. The Night Safari is conducted in the buffer zone  of Pench National Park, starting at 6 PM, and ending at 9 PM.
The booking for the Night Safari is done on the spot only. While its highly unlikely that you will get to spot a tiger / leopard, other animals like jackal, deer, nilgai and many species of nocturnal birds are spotted frequently during the Night Safari.
As there is absolutely no light pollution, there is an excellent opportunity for you to do some stargazing, and experience the beauty of Pench at night.    
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How To Reach
  Full Address   
Tehsil – Kurai, District Seoni 
Madhya Pradesh, 
Pin: 480881
  Phone / Whatsapp – +91-9999-742-000
  By Road
If you are heading there in your own vehicle, given below are the different route options:
Nagpur – Khawasa – Turia : 95 km
Seoni – Khawasa – Turia : 70 km.
Jabalpur – Seoni – Khawasa – Turia : 215 km
By Air
Nagpur airport, a 3 hours drive from Pench Jungle Camp, is the closest airport to Pench National Park. Daily scheduled flights are available from all major cities to Nagpur. 
By Rail
Nagpur Railway Station, also 3 hours away by road from Pench Jungle Camp is the closest major railway station. Nagpur is part of central India and well connected by train with all Indian cities. 
Road transfers are available to Pench Jungle Camp to and fro from both the Nagpur Railway Station and Nagpur Airport and can be arranged by them with prior information.
Our Rating of Pench Jungle Camp
  The Location  –  4/5
In House Facilities  –  3/5
Rooms  –  4/5
Experiences   –  5/5
Final  –   4/5
  The USP of Pench Jungle Camp is that it caters to both, the hardcore wildlife enthusiast, and the Indian family travellers. Also, did you know that Pench Jungle Camp, hosted the filming team of National Geographic, which released a documentary revolving around the famous Collarwali of Pench ? You can watch the documentary in the common area, at anytime you want.
The only shortcomings, that we felt were, was  that there was no A La Carte Menu in the restaurant, and that there was absolutely no connectivity in the rooms. Not the mobile signals, nor the WiFi signal ! Apart from this, everything else was spot on. The rooms were extremely spacious, the food was sumptuous, the staff were friendly and helpful, and the guides were very experienced and knowledgeable.
Without a doubt, I would highly recommend you to check out Pench Jungle Camp, during your visit to Pench National Park, in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India.
Disclaimer : No compensation was received for this article, however Pench Jungle Camp offered my stay complimentary. As always, the opinions on theETLRblog.com are (and always will be) my own!
Pench Jungle Camp | A Luxurious Oasis in Pench National Park (MP,��India) Pench Jungle Camp | Property Review Did you know that Rudyard Kipling, based parts of The Jungle Book in Pench National Park? 
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jatothrim · 7 years
Midnightly KiloEngine
I had now my summer holiday so I can continue bleeding more life into the KiloEngine. Plus stop being sucked and stinged by the those damm finnish blood thirsty mosquitos. Plus cute red panda pictures from Ähtäri Zoo. Welp back to Kuopio.
I *tired* do some initial Linux windowing and OpenGL RCTX coding before my holidays. However I realised I'm realy realy forced to fix the ThreadSubSystem cruft in KiloEngine as first priority.
Btw. ThreadSubSystem is probaly oldest piece of code I have written in KiloEngine.. And... ThreadSubSystem is now so old that I can see I was still learning how to program in C++. 7 years is a very long time for *any* programming project. Thankfully I don't need to fix the old code. I only need to replace old ThreadSubSystem internals with PCONE.
I'm just brutally ripping out the old guts and puting in the new technology!
Doing this I learned the PCONE way of running tasks actually differs from ThreadSubSystem style a quite lot. PCONE has no concept of 'runnable instances' i.e. it is stateless. PCONE only really cares about the condition functor result and as long as it returns true the pool threads will simply spin in a loop. Also if PCONE was initialized with e.g. 32 threads it will simply invoke the condition functor 32 times.
ThreadSubSystem subroutine pools are more stateful and bit more smart than that. Programmer can decide how many ThreadTasks are used to initialize the task-pool and those instances are circulated though the system with two lockfree queues in TaskPoolController class. TaskPoolController does what the class name suggests. It controls the execution of ThreadTask objects in the subroutine pool. (I'm thinking about renaming subroutine pool to something else)
ThreadTask objects are initialized with uniqueue data and queued for execution using virtual function callback in TaskPoolController class. This is equalent to condition functor in PCONE. The PCONE work functor will then pull ThreadTasks from the ready-to-go queue, execute them and push them back to storage-queue where TaskPoolController will the recycle and pickup ThreadTask instances again. Overall ThreadSubSystem provides a class based API abstracting PCONE’s simplistic lambda function based API. Best thing is that those queues of polymorphic ThreadTasks can be arbitrary long! E.g. Single task-pool may consist of multiple types of derived ThreadTasks that do different things. This allows to plan and program ahead how to execute entire landscapes of work.
Soon as I refurbish the ThreadSubSystem I’ll publish the PCONE library within the KiloEngine project.
Yes - you will need to clone KiloEngine repository in order to gain PCONE library. Reason for this is that PCONE build needs few parts from the KiloEngine project to build. Precisely just ksSemaphore code and boost binary libraries. Otherwise PCONE will be distributed as completly separate project. Second thing is that I hope this will make fellow programmers try and view the KiloEngine and not just the amazing PCONE tech. It is just few ticks in cmake-gui after all. Thanks. -JATothrim
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