#this is all on this au for now haha jk UNLESS?
jovenshires · 7 months
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endless au edits: smosh theatre’s seasonal lineup (4/4)
the final show smosh announced is perhaps one of the most exciting. the company's very own kiana parker is taking on an ambitious yet classic show for their autumnal production - wicked. whispers about this show started last year, when a chemistry read between les miserables stars angela giarratana and amanda lehan-canto went viral online. fans began clamoring for a show that starred the two of them, and wicked had been suggested more than once. after the lineup announcement, parker took to twitter to say, "you asked for it, and thankfully, smosh let me do it. have a nice trip, see you next fall." parker, known for advocating for female crews and female-led productions, clearly has her ear to the ground, and, for nearly two years, has been lobbying to make this show a reality. although it could have gone either way, i, personally, am thrilled to see amanda lehan-canto as elphaba. though lehan-canto is often noted as a comedic actress, from last year's production of les miserables, we know that she can bring the house to tears. with her often dry, punchy humor and intense acting skills, lehan-canto is a perfect fit for the likable, yet misunderstood, heroine of the production. following the announcement, on her personal instagram, lehan-canto posted a photo of herself with giarratana, stating, 'unadulterated loathing <3 see you in november.' giarratana, who will be playing glinda, reposted this to her story, as well as posting on her twitter how 'excited she was' to be in this production, despite 'how much time' she'd have to spend with lehan-canto. giarratana is a bubbly, upbeat actress with an incredible voice - a perfect choice for the good witch. this is her first time leading a smosh show, and i could not think of someone more up for the task. rounding off the group of the strong actresses, kimmy jimenez is taking on the demure, yet devious character of nessarose. jimenez is known for being the heart of the theater, playing kind and caring characters, and while in some ways this role plays to her strengths, it also offers her a unique challenge i'm excited to see her take on. she and lehan-canto are close friends, and i am certain that factored into parker's decision to cast them as sisters. rounding out the cast are an often-linked comedic duo, jeremy elder and patrick mcdonald. mcdonald and elder are known for their incredible chemistry and comedic timing, and while they aren't necessarily partnered here, they are also certainly suited to their respective roles. elder's dancing background will make him a perfect fiyero, and mcdonald's work in character acting will lend to an excellent performance as boq. elder posted some of the choreography to 'dancing through life' on his story today - a sneak peek into what will be an incredible show. as with every show we've discussed in smosh's lineup, wicked looks incredible. it has one of the strongest casts i've seen this year as well as an amazing crew - including parker's stage head selina garcia, who has also been choreographing most of smosh's shows for the past few years. i am excited to see this show - and to see all of these shows. this is not the end of my smosh coverage; i am thrilled to announce my partnership with smosh theater, and that i will be covering all of their shows, from process to production. until next time. - mac kahey
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p1nkm1lkslug · 2 months
Okay I need to just desperately info dump on creeps + my oc because I can:
id like to think that because Frankie is able to loose his limbs he would be somewhat good at embroidery in order to just make sure that leg is on really tight + occasionally might use prosthetics
Will angst because :3. He's genuinely just gotta be one of the characters I feel the worst for, like my guy is gonna have a mental breakdown because what do you mean he just lost his parents (who might I add were good) and then now lives in hell???? IS HE OKAY??
also slight lj slander but I understand bro was devastated at loosing Issac but he was just a kid 😭 how is he gonna remember everything
As for Samara I feel like she would have a very strange relationship with will, on one hand they envy him for the life he had before and on the other,she desperately is trying to save him, she was slender man's first proxy and while in my au the mansion is somewhat funny or casual it still can be scary,and with Sam being someone who has lots of experience she can tell how much will wants to be a killer and can tell he's willing to do anything,even if it means giving up his soul
As a result she would try slowly getting will to join her side (aka: try to get tf out of here and try living as normal a life as you can as a killer) which is rough,so would probably start dropping info to Frankie later on the both of them are dead reanimated corpses,and Frankie doesn't meet people like him every day so might as well say hi (she woke him up one time and she nearly cried after the yelling, bbg was not doing well that day 😭)
She's also borderline "haha so what if we all worked and overthrow slender and zalgo HAHAH jk jk... Unless
She does witchcraft as well as deity work (for me the only beings higher then zalgo and slender are literal gods/Satan) this comes in handy when your day to day life is rough and your house mates are even tougher (not many creeps are social and some more hostile then others) , she's seen the best and the worst of them all, she saw ej going through the worst stage in getting his cravings under control to meeting zero and avoiding her at all cost (she is batshit crazy and will bite you)
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vesperaink · 1 year
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FINALLY @onawhimsicot 's awesome Life Series Team Rancher Superhero AU fic, Tangotek Evil Incorporated is posted and I get to share my initial concept art for Dr. Blaze and Canary respectively!
if anyone makes fanart of TTEI, you're welcome to use my designs with credit or make your own!! There's nothing more superhero comic than every artist doing their own take <3
I've loved seeing Cadence's event artists takes on their outfits they're SO GOOD. I love seeing all the different designs!!! PLEASE @ me and Cadence I promise you, we'd love to see it <333 Also my ask box is always open if you want to chat!
I'm definitely going to be making more polished designs and drawing for this universe in the future (superhero aus my beloved I had SO much fun designing them)!
but for now, if you also love character design, have way too many thoughts about Ranchers and hero/villain costumes like me, and 3 pages wasn't enough, buckle up and enjoy my extra ramble under the cut:
When Cadence asked me to help design their outfits, the request boiled down to "i just need ideas, you don't have to like draw a whole Thing" but I'm so Normal about my blorbos so uh naturally it became A Whole Thing and when I got to Canary I had to frantically hit the brakes on my character design brain from making him too cool
Tango's design came easy, Canary's outfit less so. Surprisingly it's kinda hard to make a somewhat on theme but also basic hero outfit jsakfhajskfh
criteria for Canary at the time was a mix of on bird theme but also NOT on theme since he needed to be a bit basic for context of the fic so he WILL be getting a glow up later
We debated giving Canary a gas mask vs a beak-like mask for a long time, the bandana is my compromise while also hitting that Basic vibe. Its also a nod towards my Sheriff!Jimmy design & Ranchers
We have a long history of working on a OC superhero universe (lovingly dubbed soupverse) together, and while I also just think plague doctor vibes are Neat the concept of the beak being a hero/villain mask is partially pulled from my main villain, Crow who is also bird themed (shocking i know)
Canary having a silly jumpsuit was also loosely inspired by Zedaph's high dive Zedvancement skin from his S9 Ep 1!
Tinted lenses to hide your identity my beloved, what if we both had colored tinted lenses and were red and blue coded and were nemeses...haha jk...unless?
Just the other day, Cadence said to me what if Canary wore Uggs and lowkey he might asjkfhaksjf
Parrot, while not depicted eventually got summed up to Aviator vibes and obviously Canary had to match
A lot of this reference sheet was originally scrawled in my notes app and generally in my head. I cleaned it up for the event so while I'm sorry it's so messy, it was worse originally LOL
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3, 11, 16, 18, 25, 29, 47, 54, and 57 for the get to know your fic writer questions :) <3 !!!
Get to know your fic writer! Asks
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
I'm so sorry, I do not know. It just...happens? For me I most often start with whatever scene popped into my head first as the basis for the idea. Then I sort of plot my way outwards (how did we get here = beginning and middle. where are we going = end) then write it from start to finish. ...Apparently I do know. Jk. Earlier statement redacted
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
so hallowed and so gracious by nowrunalong. Buffy is wishing for a piece of chocolate cake and a cup of coffee when she enters her kitchen to find a ghost reading the newspaper.
Buffy/Anya fic OF ALL TIME. It's what really got me interested in shipping them. I've reread this more times than I can count.
Body Language by explosionshark. Buffy and Faith have always communicated best when they're not relying on words at all.
Buffy/Faith. It's so so so SO good!!!! Reread this a gazillion times.
Flowers for a Ghost series by aliceinwonderbra. When Buffy jumps into the the portal in The Gift, she wakes up in a new world. This series is comprised of Flowers for a Ghost, the story of canon Buffy in an Alt world, and The Girl from Away, the story of Alt Buffy in canon.
Buffy/Faith. The angst in this one hurt SO BAD I have only managed to read it once, but I think about it often.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Asking me this is a mistake, the answer is TOO MANY + I will never shut up about my fic ideas so be careful haha. Jk, according to my list of MR! fic ideas: 152. At random from the list, here is a summary from one: "Christian's hand is shaking too much, his finger slips on the trigger, and he kills someone he never meant to hurt." So. That sounds like an enjoyable time :)) /s (there is something so wrong with me...in my defense there is also something so wrong with Christian)
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
It depends. Sometimes the title is the first thing in my mind and I craft the fic around that. Sometimes it's the very last thing added before I hit post.
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
more and darling, dearest, dead from MR! I consider them to be some of the best things I've ever written haha I'm proud of how they turned out!! And I want people to scream about them with me in the comments MORE PLEASEEEEE. *getting down on the ground* hereeeee comments, pspspspsps!!!!
He Slays Monsters. Always. It's my baby, but it's consistently lost readers overtime as people realized Buffy is likely gonna identify as [redacted] by the end. Redacted for spoilers but, it's obvious. People put it together, and they don't come back. *sigh* writing trans fic can really suck haha
29. What's your revision or editing process like?
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Boring answer but: as many times as it takes before I'm happy with it. Could be once. Could be I'll sit on it for 6 months until posting. Idk how to explain but I can just feel if there's something off about it and if it has that feeling, I wait until I figure out why and fix it.
54. What's your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Taking characters I love and making more content and stories for them!!!!!! Changing canon and watching what happens. Putting them in an AU and seeing how they're the same/different. Saving the blorbos!!! (Traumatizing the blorbos more...) Also: huge one for me is comments/asks/engagement from others in the fandom!!! I'm really awkward and have vampire autism (won't talk about The Thing unless invited) so I just make stuff and put it lovingly at everyone's feet like an offering and hope some of them come talk to me about this thing I worked so so hard on before I implode
57. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it's finished?
I have to actively stop myself from editing as I write, but it always goes better when I do.
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urlocalfroglady · 2 years
now introducing…
Ninjago Miraculous AU
So a lot of the Ninjago lore will still happen, but this au is kind of set in the movie universe (as in, the ninja go to high school and Lloyd didn’t age up with the travelers tea).
Wu is the holder of the miraculous box, because the first spinjitsu master was the one who created it in order to contain all of the powers of the miraculouses (miraculi??). The FSM trusted his sons with the powers of creation and destruction (Wu with creation, Garmadon with destruction) and everything was fine for a while. However, the Overlord managed to steal the butterfly miraculous and akumatize Garmadon. In order to keep the Overlord from getting a hold of the power of creation as well, Wu hid the miraculous box, including the miraculous of creation. Garmadon was able to break free of the Overlord’s grasp for a while, enough time to meet Misako and start a family, but soon fell victim to the akuma again. Garmadon vanished for several years, and Misako supposedly went after him. Neither were around to raise Lloyd, who this AU focuses on.
Lloyd is 16, a sophomore at Ninjago High. He grew up in a boarding school before an old man suddenly appeared and whisked him away to Ninjago City at age 11 to live with him, his biological uncle. It has been years since his father vanished, but Wu tells him that it’s only a matter of time before he shows up again. At the time that this AU starts, Wu gives Lloyd the ladybug miraculous, telling him that he will have to defeat the Overlord and his father in order to bring peace to Ninjago. More and more akumatized people start showing up, so the Overlord must be waiting to send out Garmadon until he’s sure that nothing else will work.
Wu tells Lloyd that he can enlist the help of others who he trusts with a miraculous. Of course, Lloyd immediately turns to his best friend Kai, an 18 year old who is almost a brother to him. Lloyd gives Kai the miraculous of the tiger, one that holds the power of exaltation.
After Kai, Lloyd gives the miraculous of the ox to Cole, who is the same age as Kai. Kai and Cole are very close, and both of them watch over Lloyd.
Lloyd then gives the miraculous of the turtle to Zane, another 18 year old (possibly, Lloyd and the others think something’s odd about him…possibly a robot? haha jk…unless??)
Then, Lloyd gives the miraculous of the monkey to Jay, who is also the same age as the Zane, Cole, and Kai.
Now all of the people in his friend group have a miraculous…
Except Nya, who is actually a lot smarter than the average Ninjago citizen. She immediately realizes that the heroic ladybug superhero is none other than the boy she thinks of as a younger brother. Of course, she knows Kai is the tiger superhero because she walked in on him transforming (he doesn’t know that she knows), and she can’t let her brothers be in danger without being able to help. So, she tracks Lloyd down, follows him to the miraculous box (seriously, how had nobody done this before?) and takes the mouse miraculous. More on this side plot later.
Harumi exists. Lloyd likes her and gives her the miraculous of the bee, she turns out to be evil and wants to help the Overlord. I hate her. (there is no lloyd and harumi relationship and do not tag it either please)
Other characters to expect…
Dareth (I’m so excited for this one. Hint: Dark Owl)
Skylor (I’m not a huge fan of Kai and Skylor in a relationship so they probably won’t end up together…sorry. But she will still play a pretty big role)
Akita (!!!!baby!!!!)
Lots of villains as akumatized people
Vania (Same thing as Skylor. But I love her and she is a queen that will probably only be there a couple times but I think a side plot with her would be so cool)
Let me know if you want to hear more about details!! I will post character descriptions later as well as superhero names and outfit designs.
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emp-blast · 2 years
sigma planet au because i have brainrot atm
-> uhm. so yeah it's basically just different versions of sigma but as planets.
-> they are assigned as protectors of their respective planets.
-> their main job is just to keep order. so like,,, no weird space-time shenanigans.
-> i kind of want this whole thing to work sort of like disco elysium; different emotions (the planets, in this case) try to influence the person's actions (the solar system as a whole)
-> it's just one, giant internal monologue.
-> i'm already thinking about different characters- imagine reinhardt as the leo constellation and then the solar system and the leo constellation fall in love haha jk... unless
-> anyways idk what the conflict would be... maybe a blackhole is starting to form, and that threatens to like,,, destroy the entire solar system. idk.
-> so yeah, most of the planets don't want to get sucked into a black hole (understandable). but they all have different ideas on how to stop it. and they argue amongst each other. like a lot
-> also i should mention that the planets' personalities are heavily inspired by "the planets" by holst.
-> for example, one of the movements is called 'neptune, the mystic'. and i think he'd be the one to think that one of the planets has to be sacrificed for the greater good. yeah, no one really takes him seriously 💀
-> while the sun is the most powerful cosmic entity in the solar system, earth, mars, and jupiter have the most influence on the solar system as a whole. the sun doesn't talk a whole lot anyways. and no one speaks to the sun out of respect.
here is a very short description on each planet, each named after the movements of holst's suite.
mercury, the winged messenger: idk if i want to lean into the whole "hermes" archetype tbh. greek/roman gods have never really interested me. so for now, i'll save mercury for another time.
venus, the bringer of peace: the idea i have for venus is a sort of lawyer type personality? argumentative and the debate type. formal and quick thinking. will play the devil's advocate from time to time just for funsies (this annoys the others). the "bringer of peace" title is a bit misleading tbh. he often mistakes order for peace.
earth: so holst didn't write a movement for earth so uhm,,, i gotta make stuff up ig. i think i want to go for a more empathetic personality? i think the others are all formal, but earth is more casual. he's very friendly and understanding. he's kind of the odd man out though :/
he often gets lost in overseeing his planet, since it is the only one with life. the others think he's being condescending whenever he talks about life on earth. but he's just passionate about his planet. the only reason why he has any authority is because the sun talks to him the most.
all in all, the earth has good intentions but the others are jealous (to varying degrees) and he is often ostracized from the others.
mars, the bringer of war: despite having "war" in his title, he's not necessarily malicious. he just doesn't have a problem with using physical force to attain his goals. he's often serious and doesn't talk much. he sees himself as superior to others, but doesn't make it known. he is also the most jealous of earth, but no one suspects that. he'd rather destroy mars himself than every let himself show an ounce of emotion.
he's authoritative, direct, and keeps his composure, making him a good leader. but deep down he has a lot of conflicting emotions and thoughts that he has yet to work through. sooner or later he'll have to confront those emotions, or else he'll end up having a massive breakdown.
jupiter, the bringer of jollity: very likeable, loud, and cheerful. he never fails to lighten the mood. he's kind and listens to everyone and what they have to say. and that's all i really have for now. i need to flesh jupiter out more.
saturn, the bringer of old age: he very much likes order and harmony. he's powerful in that he has control over time itself, but only uses it to correct "mistakes". for example, one time an asteroid bumped into saturn's rings and ruined it, causing it to become all wavy and jagged. he reversed time to "correct" the course of the asteroid. it ended up crashing on earth. No, he didn't care. No, he didn't bother reversing time to fix that since it was "the natural order of things".
yeah, he's hypocritical and will *not* use his time powers for others. he's conceited and blunt, even a bit mean at times. he likes music and his favorite instrument is the harp. he forces everyone to listen to him whenever he plays. yeah... he isn't very likeable but he is confident. and there is an undeniable charm about him. and he is helpful in that he works hard to keep everything in order. so yeah, no one really knows how to feel about him.
uranus, the magician: hmmm, all i know is that he and neptune are close friends. they're like the crazy duo of the group. i think i want to give him the power to control space/mass? but i'm not too sure yet. i also like to think that he's a bit mischievous. sometimes he'll pull pranks and finds it humorous to purposely aggravate the other planets.
neptune, the mystic: no one really knows what this man is saying half of the time. he is actually the most intelligent out of all of them, but he has a difficult time differentiating fact from fiction. so the things that he spits out just comes out as nonsense. he often has a cold/calm demeanor, but can get worked up easily. he bounces ideas off of uranus, and uranus tries his best to translate what neptune really means to the others. but sometimes neptune is just,,, incomprehensible.
neptune likes creating little light shows- think of something similar to the northern lights.
uhmmm, okay imma stop here but i still have other cosmic entities to go through. but i'll do that at another time. i am so eepy rn 😴
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glitter-lisp · 3 months
wip name tag
Tagged by @cypresstrees (im kissin you btw)
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I am absolutely not posting the names of ALL my wips, considering what an obscene amount I have (I made a new wip for every passing thought that enters my head tbh) but lemme see lemme see here's a loose handful of my most recently updated drafts split between my two main fandoms rn:
One Piece:
him whose howling drives men mad
what if our sisters got married and we were both the best men 😳 haha jk unless 👀
strawberry fields forevahhhh
food as a metaphor for love. gay love even
modern zosan dumbness
Au Varian ch 17
Batgene thief kid bonding
[redacted] by olivia rodrigo but it's about murder
make ariana a grizzled lady cop NOW
Barvarian team awesome flank steak
I'm not tagging anyone cause I'm paranoid but anyone who sees this can say I tagged them and I will nod in agreement and swear unto my dying day that it's true
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zoophagist · 2 years
mina for the ship meme?
send me a character as a ship suggestion for my muse, and I'll talk about it!
ooc;; i'm pro everyone loving and respecting mina all the time, so jot that one down. that's my otp. but boy... i've talked once or twice about this before and ugh i'm CRINGE for this but i do very much like the idea of renfield falling for mina just because like... she's the ONE bit of kindness he's known in so very long, and renfield really is one of those people who receives one kind gesture and says "am i in love now?"
i think i always conceptualize this as a tasty unrequited love, because while it makes every kind of sense for renfield to be enamored with her, mina doesn't have a lot of reason to feel the same, especially when she and Best Husband Of The Year jonathan harker have the most loving and tender marriage going on. i mean MAYBE there's some au where renfield lives and mina gets to bond with him more now fully knowing what he did to try to save her, but i still always think of it as like a "i love you. i don't need you to love me back, just let me be here for you" sort of rapport.
like the tenderness she brings out in him? and don't tell me it wouldn't be so poignant for renfield's anxieties about aging and dying that he feels old enough to be mina's father like that is a very tasty complication. NOT for age k*nk shit, just the complexity of feeling how old he is and how in trying to live forever he let so much of his natural life pass him by that he never had a love like this in his own time. it's the irony. it's the "i taste every wasted minute, every time I turned away from the things that might have healed me. how long have I been sleeping?" of it all, you know????
in the farthest reaches of my imagination i can picture a world where polycule shenanigans are expanded to include renfield and he's just there loving mina (and jonathan...? haha jk. ....unless?) and struggling against his naturally jealous nature not to be spiteful of the fact other people get to have mina's attention too.
what can i say! i'm a fucked up little guy and i love to make my fucked up angsty little unrequited loves!
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symmetrycrypt · 4 years
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Going on 4 in the morning and i sure am back on my bullshit
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omegasmileyface · 5 years
me: ok brain no crossovers now
my brain:
my brain:
my brain: qp au where stephanie cord dies when she's 13 bc she tried to use the paragon armor behind her dad's back and crashed and he's like "this sucks" (vienna and alia were both already dead in this au for Grief Reasons) and he calls up shs and he's like "I need materials for a Secret Project" and then he m
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin Volleyball Dream Team [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] Introduction Headcanons
Notes: Guess who started watching Haikyuu! FML As if I didn’t have enough things to do I decided to fall in love with like 5 different volleyball teams with an average of 10 players. 
I couldn’t get it out of my head. I’m sorry.
Scenario: What if the Genshin boys were a volleyball team?
In the next part: How would it be working as their manager? What if someone hits on you? What if some girl fans bully you? Also, how would it be to date a Genshin volleyball superstar?
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
If you’re not familiar with volleyball (or Haikyuu) here’s a link explaining what each position in the team does.
Team Genshin
Team Colours: Blue
What the team banner reads: Spike them out of this world!
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
The rock and pillar of the team
Has a strict looking face but amicable most times. Except for when you’re late for training then run. Just run.
Anyone who skips training will feel his wrath in the form of extra 10 laps around the gym
If you joined the volleyball team, to him, you’ve basically signed a contract to COMMIT to the volleyball team. No questions asked. Sissies aren’t allowed here.
If anyone in the team is misbehaving e.g. teasing another team he’s the one who pushes your head down and apologizes for you. “Apologies about this one, he gets way too excited,”
Doesn’t let failure stop him. Tries to keep it together for the team.
Obviously has a lot of fans but they’re too intimidated to approach him.
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
strong but silent type
serious about the game
doesn’t talk much but his volleyball game is STRONG
because he doesn’t look like much, opponents are SHOOK when he spikes with a big loud SMACK
Doesn’t brag a lot. His victory cheer is just a simple fist pump.
Will call the shots and sets if needed
Socially kinda awkward
Also has a lot of fans, everyone in the team has a lot of fans but he gets the most love letters in the locker type of thing.
Nicknamed Silent Burn cause of his intense stare and passion while playing.
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
Diluc’s totally opposite brother
Not as serious as Diluc in the game but has a particular talent for it
loves to tease and talk crap about other teams (Zhongli reels him in almost every time)
Don’t let him fool you though, his block game is an iron wall and there’s no getting past him unless you’re quicker.
Possibly the one that skips training the most
Nicknamed Ice Wall cause you think you got the ball past him, you see the cracks, but he pushes back two times stronger
Got the type of fans that are SQUEALING his name and he fuels them by waving back at them.
#4 Albedo (Setter)
Genius. A formidable addition to the team.
Has precise calculations of where he should direct the ball and to whom.
Silent type, a bit like Diluc, but talks more because he likes discussing with others what was wrong with his set and how he can improve it.
Experiments with the other members on different types of sets and attacks.
What he lacks in height he makes up for with intelligence.
Doesn’t have a lot of fans because he looks arrogant but the ones he have are pleasant ones that just lurk around the gym and doesn’t say much. Maybe snapping a picture of him but okay I would too.
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Probably the one that’s most energetic and shouts whenever they get a point.
You have to wonder where the hell his energy and drive is coming from.
The one that shouts praises to his team “Nice one!” “Gotcha!” “Take that!” and also the one that provokes the opponents a lot. “Come get it!” “Come on, you can do better than that!” Zhongli is always hovering around him cause someone has to CALM this man-childe down.
Obnoxiously confident.
Is tall so makes a good middle blocker but he’s fast as well.
Loves competing. Like, he LIVES for the competition.
Fans are basically the same as Kaeya’s, loudly cheering for him.
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
The first thing that everyone notices about him is that he’s SHORT. How did he make the volleyball team?
Bitch he can FLY. His jumps rivals that of a middle blocker’s height.
Surprise attacks are his thing cause the opponents don’t see or think he’s coming at all.
Possibly the quickest in the team, him and Xiao. The wind is on their side.
Looks calm and collected all the time but inside he’s yearning for the game. Giving up is not in his dictionary.
Has fans that will give him chocolates but he’s the type to only say thank you and bow politely and nothing else. Maybe a small smile.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
Also short, but his reflexes are top-notch, making him a powerful libero.
When you think all is lost and the ball is about to hit the ground Xiao’s there to catch it. 90% of the time. He’s still training the 10%.
Looks up to the captain A LOT. Like he’s Xiao’s role model and possibly the reason that he tries and trains so hard.
Takes it hard when he can’t catch a ball and has a high sense of responsibility. Even if the team keeps on saying it’s not his fault.
Stoic face but the exhilaration he feels during a game sends him off to a high.
Possibly has the most fans out of everyone because all them high school girls love the bad boy look and attitude. Possibly also has those fans that chase him around and when he says “Don’t get in the way,” the fans legit squeal and love him more.
Does not understand why he has a lot of fans. He just loves the game.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
Sweet, sweet boy. Boy-next-door type of vibes.
Can talk to anyone. Doesn’t matter if you’re a rival or an opponent he somehow manages to talk everyone up and make friends everywhere he goes.
Because of that his fans also love talking to him and he doesn’t know how to turn them down.
Joined the volleyball team late so he hasn’t had as much practice as the others but works hard on it.
Motivates the team. Good at boosting team morale even though the score is really crap. 
Will keep cheering until his voice is hoarse
Overall 10/10 perfect nice guy
Not tagging anyone cause this may not be your thing. But I’m planning to make a series of headcanons that revolve around this AU :D
Please do consider supporting me at my ko-fi! I’ve fixed the payment link so I think you can love me more now <3 (haha jk, it’s optional, but it would greatly help and make me happy!)
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Hey Leona! You’re so cool, even if you’re a tad bit evil ;) can I pet your ears and tail please? You’ll be my one true king if yes! Haha jk.. unless?
Reader already in their world pls
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, violence, family problems
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Leona Kingscholar-Kindness
Walking towards the door of your dorm you noticed an envelope laying in front of it. After picking it up you went inside. Seems like you finally got your answer.
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do you think I am some sort of plush with which you can do however you please? Believe me when I tell you that I am not pleased to hear this. Well, I think I can forgive you. At least you know your place. How strange to say this kind of thing to you.
It's ironic. All my life I have been shunned simply for being the second born and now here I am, telling you to know your place. At least you understand the value of equality. Those pesky servants don't seem to do that even the slightest.
I guess I should thank you? Usually this would be bothersome to me but since it's you I think I can let it slide.
Don't become like the people in Sunset Savannah. Either you are miserable whilst being pressed down by poverty or you are haughty like the middle and upper class. How annoying. I could rip their throats out. But I won't. It would be such a bother if my brother were to hear about this. Maybe I would go through all that trouble if it were for you telling me to do it. After all, I have to repay your kindness somehow along the way.
Leona Kingscholar
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personasintro · 3 years
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I posted 5,805 times in 2021
5368 posts created (92%)
437 posts reblogged (8%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 8,564 tags in 2021
#ask: anon - 3642 posts
#ask: mutual help - 2494 posts
#ask - 1061 posts
#💜 - 985 posts
#ask: monachopsis - 78 posts
#ask: prohibido - 77 posts
#ask: away from you - 65 posts
#ask my muse: mh - 65 posts
#reblog - 61 posts
#personasintro - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#on another hand… there is a possibility that they don’t care about his joke at all i mean… they were shooting before they did the interview
My Top Posts in 2021
july kiss | knj drabble
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⇢ 𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; maybe there's something magical about July
⇢ 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff, smut, dilf!namjoon, idiots to lovers (kinda)
⇢ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: unprotected sex (you'll know why ;)), age gap
⇢ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 5.9k+
𝒂/𝒏: commissioned by @joontopia​! Thank you for letting me take my time with this one♡
𝒎.𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 | ☕️ | © 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐 (𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅)
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1402 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 21:28:09 GMT
milfed (m.) | jjk teaser
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; In a desperate need to find another job to not get kicked out of the shared apartment with his best friend, jungkook finds himself doing a job he has never thought he would do and somehow, you were only supposed to be a person who pays him for babysitting
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, angst, smut, single mom!reader, fuckboy!jungkook
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: will be listed in the full chapter
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.6k+ [teaser]
a/n: the story wouldn't be the same without the amazing talent of @dee-ehn​ who's made this banner for me quite a while ago (I'm so sorry to be using this just now, I took my time) but I'm very happy to finally showing it to you guys!!
c o m i n g  s o o n...
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1573 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 21:01:11 GMT
jealous for me | jjk
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; while adapting to being a new dad, he doesn't forget what an asshole he can be – and it all starts from one bitter feeling
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dilf!jungkook x reader, (mentions of jimin x reader)
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst, fluff, smut, neighbors au, enemies to lovers (?)
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, angst, jk is a real dick in this one, protected sex, mentions of oral sex [man receiving], he's still trying to learn how to be a dad
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.9k+
m.list | ☕️ knock for me (part 1)
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1585 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 20:37:35 GMT
knock for me | jjk
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; jeon jungkook, the man you're hooking up with on a daily basis and conveniently is your neighbor, happens to bring news with him one day – one you'd never expect unless you see it with your own eyes
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dilf!jungkook x reader, (mentions of jimin x reader)
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst, fluff, smut, neighbors au, enemies to lovers (?) 
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, angst: jk is a mess in this one.. don't get mad at him :(, mentions of adoption, thoughts of abandonment, mentions of sex, “friends” with benefits; they're not exclusive, protected sex
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.7k+ m.list | ☕️
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2132 notes • Posted 2021-11-19 20:42:04 GMT
bad word | kth drabble
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⇢ 𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; one of the kids in your class curses and you make it your responsibility to break it to her dad, luckily you know him better than your co-workers
⇢ 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff, smut, dilf!taehyung
⇢ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: protected sex, explicit language, age gap; taehyung is 35 and reader is 28 (although their age is not mentioned in the story, just the age difference of 7 years), mentions of smut, slight biting
⇢ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 6.4k+
𝒂/𝒏: commissioned anonymously! this was supposed to be 4k but here we go again, another proof that it's a challenge for me to write something short haha
𝒎.𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 | ☕️ | © 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐 (𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅)
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2271 notes • Posted 2021-05-12 20:29:11 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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luvdsc · 4 years
haha, what if we kissed? (lol jk... unless?)
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fact! you’re secretly in love with your best friend, and so is he!
pairing :: zhong chenle x reader genre :: fluff / best friend, buzzfeed worth it au word count :: 5,072 words warnings :: none playlist :: sunny afternoon (red velvet) ⋆ about love (marina) ⋆ all about you (nct u) ⋆ love (x lovers) ⋆ bella notte (f. murray abraham & arturo castro) author’s note :: i literally just finished writing the rest of this in my meetings today and am posting during my lunchbreak, but happy (1 day late) birthday, chenle sweetheart!! ♡ ↳ part of the not clickbait series.
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“Hello, and welcome back to another episode of Dream: Worth It!”
Chenle shouts loudly from the driver’s seat, waving excitedly at the camera attached to the dashboard as he waits for the traffic light to turn green. You visibly flinch in your spot on the passenger's side, startled by the sudden greeting, and even Jisung jumps in the backseat, almost dropping the camcorder he was fiddling with.
Your best friend continues to give the camera a dazzling smile, paying no attention to your and Jisung’s brief glares. “Today on Worth It, thanks to a fan’s suggestion, we’ll be trying out three different spaghetti dishes at three drastically different price points to find out which one is most worth it at its price!”
“Yes,” you chime in, nodding excitedly at the camera and giving a little wave. “So if you want to see another riveting episode of Chenle and Jisung going on three dates at three drastically different price points while I third wheel again, please stay tuned!”
Both the boys wildly protest, but you blatantly ignore them, checking your phone quickly before beaming at the camera again. “So here’s our first spaghetti fact! The word ‘spaghetti’ is actually the plural version of spaghetto. Spaghetto comes from the Italian word spago, which means twine or thin string.”
“Wait, that actually makes sense. Spaghetti looks like thin strings,” Chenle says, eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
“Yeah, basically every language makes sense, except for English,” you remark, setting your phone down in your lap before turning to your best friend. “So are you excited for this episode’s dish?”
“Yes! Shout out to Moony for your suggestion,” Chenle calls out, driving forward before making a right. “If anyone else has any suggestions for future videos, please feel free to comment below.”
You start to explain the first restaurant to your viewers. “Our first stop is called Legalize Marinara! It’s a small hole in the wall place in downtown LA, and fresh pasta is made everyday. We’ll be talking to the owner and chef Johnny Suh about the daily process.”
“And cut!” Jisung calls out, and you stop there, pressing the off button to end the recording. Later on, the three of you will have to work on snipping up the recordings to create a smooth transition from there to a shot of Johnny and his restaurant before jumping into your quick interview with him.
You quickly scroll through the questions you had written ahead of time to ask Johnny on your phone, mouthing the words and memorizing them. You were always the one who asked about the history of the restaurant because Chenle wasn’t as good with the more sentimental questions and preferred the light hearted ones about the food specifically, which you didn’t mind. As long as you get to try good food at the end of it, you’re one very happy, very stuffed camper. You are very much looking forward to visiting Legalize Marinara.
“—and that’s how the pasta is freshly made everyday in the morning.” Johnny finishes up, giving the camera a very charismatic smile and a wink. “We also have a special brew of coffee created by my dad, but that’s a story for another episode. I’ll bring out the spaghetti once it’s ready.”
You and Chenle thank him before going over to sit at one of the small metal tables near the entrance. The place had a sort of modern, yet retro feel to it with an eclectic mix of vintage, kitschy furniture adding pops of color here and there to the otherwise simple space with a neutral palette. The name of the restaurant flashes as a neon sign, serving as the main wall decor along with records scattered here and there on the wall as well.
Jisung stands across from the two of you, propping the large camera on his shoulder in preparation. You and Chenle both take a sip of the special coffee drinks Johnny prepared for you each on the house, pleasantly surprised by the crisp, refreshing taste your taste buds are immediately hit with. Johnny appears minutes later, a pretty plate of simple spaghetti and meatballs along with some Parmesan and garnish on top in hand.
“Here’s our most popular dish: spaghetti with meatballs!” he announces, placing the plate in front of you both carefully. “It’s a simple tomato sauce, but it’s made with organic, local ingredients that we get from the farmer’s market every morning. We get the fresh meat from the butcher down the block everyday to make the meatballs and buy the cheese from local sellers as well. We also add the secret spice mixture created by my mom to the meatballs, which gives it a distinct flavor from other restaurants. Please dig in, guys!”
You immediately swirl your fork into the plate of spaghetti. It looks and smells absolutely fantastic, and your mouth is already watering. You cannot believe that this only costs thirteen dollars. This is an absolute steal. You are just about to take a bite when—
“Wait! We didn’t do a ‘cheers’ yet!” Chenle exclaims, sticking out his fork towards you. You clink your fork against his own metal utensil, and he’s finally satisfied, retracting his arm. Finally, you take the much anticipated bite. The flavors absolutely explode in your mouth, and you’re already reaching out to take a second forkful of the delicious masterpiece.
“This is amazing,” you declare, and Chenle nods enthusiastically, spearing a meatball with his fork. Jisung briefly pans the camera over to Johnny, who shows a double thumbs up before doing finger guns and giving an exaggerated wink.
“Here, try this.” Chenle cuts a piece of the meatball and offers it to you. You reach out for it, but he pulls back, smiling widely and eyes sparkling. “Nuh uh, that’s too easy. Say ah, Y/N.”
“I—” Your cheeks grow warmer than ever, and his grin grows broader, wriggling the fork in front of you. Face burning, you move forward and take a bite. You can hear Jisung fake gagging behind the camera and very much would like to flip him the bird, but you are a professional. You’ll get him back for that later. After all, revenge is a dish best served piping hot and spicy, and you have some Carolina reapers leftover from another video that may accidentally find its way into Jisung’s ramen next time.
You and Chenle spend some more time describing the dish in between bites as Johnny pipes in here and there with some well placed dad jokes that has Jisung shaking his head behind the camera. By the end of it, you both are very happy, and you switch places with Jisung who has a chance to try out the pasta himself at last. He silently eats it before tossing a thumbs up at the camera, and you stop the recording there. After thanking Johnny once more before the three of you leave, you all pile into your car and get ready to go to the next stop.
Up next: Penne for your Thoughts.
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“Can we stop here?” Jisung pipes up, peering out the window with interest. His eyes scan the surroundings, peering at the empty space and the wide stairs in front of the spiraling columns of a grand building.
You furrow your eyebrows, glancing at your friend in the backseat. “We’re still a couple blocks away from the restaurant though.”
“This looks like a good spot to film a dance,” he muses to himself before sitting up straighter. “Can we take a quick break? We’re still early, and I wanted to film a quick TikTok before the sun sets.”
You look over at Chenle, who shrugs and pulls over. He backs up into an available parking space, parallel parking smoothly, one hand gripping the back of your seat and the other on the steering wheel. “Alright, do your thing, Jisungie.”
Jisung excitedly hops out from the back. You and Chenle follow suit, locking the car behind you. Your friend is busy setting up his collapsible tripod before placing his phone on it and calling over to you, “Hey, can you stand in front, Y/N? I wanna angle this correctly and check the lighting.”
You move in front of his phone, standing several steps in front of the stairs. Jisung fiddles around with his phone for a few moments, switching up some of the settings and zoom functions before straightening up, eyes bright. “Okay, stay there to mark the spot! I’m gonna press the start button to record. Chenle, can I borrow your phone? I need to play the song for the dance.”
Chenle hands him his phone, and the familiar intro to Doja Cat’s “Say So” begins to blast on top volume. Jisung hands it back to its owner and hurriedly moves to stand in front of his own recording phone as you step aside. “I kinda also need you two in my TikTok.”
“Wait, what? I don’t know the dance,” you protest, starting to back out, but Jisung grabs your hand, pulling you into view, as Chenle bounces over with a shrug of his shoulders, never one to shy away from the camera.
“You don’t need to dance. I just need you both to uh, kiss my cheek on, um, both sides when I tap on them both. It should be the fourth time she says ‘say so’ in the song,” he stammers slightly, face turning slightly pink. He avoids making eye contact as you give him a suspicious look, crossing your arms over your chest.
“What? Why?”
“It’s part of the dance! Now get out of the shot please because the chorus is finally coming up again!” He unceremoniously shoves you out of the frame, and Chenle quickly catches you before you faceplant into the ground. You have a few choice words to yell at your friend and are about to furiously march over to him, but Chenle tightens his grip on you. “Let’s just let him finish, and we can go on. You know how he is about dancing.”
“I’m paying Renjun to put another cockroach picture as his lockscreen again,” you huff, frowning at the dancing boy. “Why didn’t you say anything about the whole kissing request anyway?”
“Eh, I’ve done it before. It’s no big deal.” Chenle shrugs, and you start to stutter, brain malfunctioning, “Wait, you did wha—”
“Oh, it’s almost our cue!” Chenle pushes you towards Jisung as he runs behind the camera to the other side, and you find yourself stumbling for a second time before catching yourself. Grumbling to yourself, you catch Chenle’s apologetic expression, and you sigh, shaking your head as you wait on the sidelines for Jisung to do the move.
And there it is.
Jisung points at his cheeks, tapping them on both sides, and you and Chenle jump into the frame. You lean forward, pressing your lips softly against— wait.
Eyes widening, you jump back in shock, mouth popping open, and the same reaction comes from your best friend when you two realize that you just kissed each other. On the lips.
Crouched on the ground, Jisung looks rather smug after quickly dropping down mid-dance and orchestrating the whole incident. He quickly stands up, striding towards the camera and ending the recording, before efficiently packing up the equipment and walking back to the car without another word.
“Did we just—” you splutter, unable to continue your sentence, as your face grows increasingly warm. Chenle refuses to make eye contact with you, the darkening blush spreading across his face like wildfire. The two of you both direct your disbelief at the same target, rushing over to the car which he boredly stands next to, waiting for Chenle to unlock it.
“Jisung!” You both shout his name, and he just stares at you both, a small grin across his face that he struggles to hide. “What?”
“‘What?’ That’s it? What was that?! Why did you do that?” you exclaim, waving your arms around. Chenle is rendered speechless, unable to say anything after the quick outburst of his other best friend’s name.
“I was tired of listening to Che—mmph!” Jisung is abruptly cut off as Chenle throws his hand over his friend’s mouth, effectively interrupting whatever he was about to say. The two of them silently look at each other, maintaining some sort of telepathic stare that’s probably discussed in the universal book of the bro code. You’ve seen Jaemin and Jeno or Renjun and Donghyuck share the same look before and never really understood it. To be honest, it kind of reminds you of that one moment where the main characters of a chick flick gaze into each others’ eyes and then kiss.
The sound of a text notification cuts off your train of thought and breaks the intense stare down going between the two boys, and you check your phone, eyes widening. “Oh my god, we’re going to be late if we don’t go now! Taeyong just texted me to confirm if we’re coming.”
The three of you hurry into the car, buckling up in your seats. Your hand lightly grazes Chenle’s amidst the rush, and you freeze. You look up, heat spreading across your face, as Chenle meets your gaze, turning redder than spaghetti sauce.
“Alright, you can continue this moment at the restaurant,” Jisung says loudly, jolting the two of you out of your stupor. You quickly retract your hand, mumbling a quick apology, and look away, cheeks still growing warmer than ever. Chenle awkwardly clears his throat and starts the car up, driving to your second stop on the map.
Penne for your Thoughts is simply lovely. It reminds you of a place you would see on the shiny cover of Architecture Digest: a hot spot where all those social influencers would take aesthetic snapshots and post to their Instagrams. The restaurant is quaint and spacious: a large area filled with lots of greenery, hanging plants in simple white ceramic pots, white painted brick walls, and wooden tables with soft cushions on each seat. Once you wrap up the interview with Taeyong, you are seated next to an open window with a great view of a pretty koi pond in the back.
“We serve Korean fusion style food here, and our spaghetti has a freshly made tomato sauce that includes chopped kimchi infused in it. We found that using garlic marinated pork belly makes a more flavorful meatball, which we char slightly, paying homage to the wonderful KBBQ samgyeopsal. We also found that a raw egg yolk on top adds a richness to the pasta, which is similar to a bowl of bibimbap. And there’s some grated Parmesan and mozzarella on top.” Taeyong sets the plate of gorgeous spaghetti in front of you and Chenle with a shy smile. “I hope you both enjoy it.”
You don’t know how else to describe the dish, except that it is beautiful (Just like the restaurant owner, like have you seen his face? Lee Taeyong is the true modern day Adonis, but you digress). You swear you saw Chenle wipe a tear from his face out of the corner of your eye. Practically salivating, you impatiently wait for Jisung to take a few close up videos and pictures of the dish before you immediately dig in.
Fork awkwardly hovering in the air, you pause, turning to Chenle. “Uh, cheers?”
His own loaded fork is halfway to his mouth when he halts. “Oh! Right. Yes. Um, cheers, Y/N.”
The two of you stiffly tap your forks against each other before facing forward again and finally taking the much desired bite. The flavors are bursting like fireworks, and if someone told you that you had died and gone to heaven, you would believe them because there’s no other word to explain the taste other than heavenly. Dante had many circles leading to the center of hell. If you are to apply the same concept to heaven, Legalize Marinara would be the first circle you enter once you go past the pearly gates, and Penne for your Thoughts would most definitely be the second.
The clinking of Chenle’s fork against the plate breaks you from your thoughts, and your good mood falters when you remember the incident again. You plaster a quick smile as you begin to describe the dish to the camera. Chenle chimes in with a wide smile of his own that looks a little too forced, but the only one who seems to notice is you.
Once the recording is wrapped up, Chenle drops you off at your apartment building for you to change into a more dressier attire for the last stop. He and Jisung will change at their place before coming back to pick you up for dinner.
Up next: Terrazza San Valentino.
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The place is positively breathtaking. It is an upscale restaurant with open seating on a terrace, leading to a beautiful view of the ocean. Wisteria vines and bright flowers weave their way through the twisting low iron fences encompassing the space as they climb the sides of the building. You have the perfect seat to witness the picturesque sunset over the rippling waters. A bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon had been brought out and now rests on the covered table, uncorked and already poured out into two glasses. It very much reminds you of the beautiful restaurants you visited along the Amalfi Coast, specifically Il Capitano in Positano. You only hope that the food here will be just as amazing as the pasta you ordered there.
You just wish your company was a little better. The atmosphere felt more awkward than the time your mom had set you up on a blind date with her coworker’s son. You had to text Chenle for help that time, and he came to your rescue, helping you escape after pretending to be your long lost son. Obviously, your date wasn’t dumb enough to believe that, but he did believe that you were completely off your rockers and immediately took off after that.
Sneaking a glance at your best friend, you sigh when you realize that he refuses to look your way. You carefully tuck the skirt of your wine red dress under your crossed legs. The sweetheart neckline emphasizes the simple gold necklace you have on, and the dress tapers off at your waist, accentuating your figure perfectly. You paired the outfit with a matching lipstick, a simple black clutch, and some elegant black heels with ribbons that loop around your ankles into a pretty bow.
In other words, you look stunning, and Chenle’s palms are growing sweaty. He undos the first few buttons of his white dress shirt, desperately wanting to take off his tailored suit jacket, but his attire would look much too casual without it. He avoids eye contact with you and remains silent, growing even more flustered by the second, and looks at Jisung helplessly.
Of course, his other best friend proves to be useless again (Disappointing, but not surprising). Jisung simply wriggles his eyebrows at him, eyes darting from you to Chenle, before zooming into his face at a very unflattering angle. Chenle throws him a dirty look, and Jisung merely sticks out his tongue in response. However, they immediately smoothen their expressions into much more pleasant ones when Jaehyun comes out with the plate of food on a small cart.
“This is our play on spaghetti.” He gives you a dimpled smile, and you briefly wonder if the customers rave about this restaurant because of the food or the chef. Perhaps it is a combination of both.
He continued to explain the dish, setting it down in front of you and Chenle. “We use strangozzi that is made fresh every morning. We infuse sun dried tomatoes that we dried ourselves into the olive oil for a minimum of thirty days. The pasta is cooked for sixty seconds, while we slightly sauté grated truffle in the oil in a pan. Once the pasta is ready, we transfer it to the truffle pan and cook it for another minute, making sure to coat the pasta in the sauce. And then we grate some Parmesan and truffles right on top at the table.”
Jaehyun pulls out the expensive mushroom, generously grating thin slices on top of the glistening strands of pasta. The smell is incredible, and your eyes are already hyper fixated on the dish in front of you. He puts down the mushroom and grater, picking up the second grater and the cheese from the cart before shredding the cheese perfectly.
When he finishes, Jaehyun places them back on the cart and smiles at you both charmingly once more. “I hope you enjoy your meal. If you need anything else, please feel free to ask.”
You thank him before he leaves, and Jisung takes all the necessary shots before giving the okay to start eating. You and Chenle offer up some comments about the elegance of the dish, describing its appearance and finally twirling some on the end of your fork. You murmur a quiet “cheers” as the two of you clink your glasses of wine together and take a sip before having the first bite.
The amount of money you have to pay to have a truffle dish is absolutely worth it. The taste is simply indescribable, and you truly have no words. You are blown away by the amount of flavor that can be created with just a few ingredients, and your taste buds are singing. Wide eyed, you turn to look at Chenle, who has the same astonished expression on his face, already staring back at you in complete surprise.
“Holy shit,” you breathe out, and your best friend agrees with you. “Holy shit indeed.”
You immediately go for another bite, and Chenle quickly follows suit. “This is— this is incredible. I don’t know how to describe it, except, except, wow. I can’t stop eating it, and the sun dried tomatoes, olive oil, fresh pasta al dente, and truffles just work so well together. It’s like a symphony in my mouth.”
“I agree,” Chenle nods enthusiastically, swiping another forkful of the yummy goodness. “This has to be one of the best dishes of the entire season.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” You spear a slice of the truffle with the pasta, and the ensuing bite is simply perfect and delectable. “I would come back here every single week if my bank account would let me.”
The stifled atmosphere between the two of you suddenly becomes relaxed at that point, the thick tension dissipating with food never failing to act as the perfect ice breaker and buffer simultaneously. For now, you can pretend the kiss didn’t happen and almost forget it (key word: almost).
“There’s a very popular fan suggestion,” Jisung pipes up, looking at the comment section of the previous video where you and Chenle announced your current recording’s star dish. “It got over twenty thousand likes and five hundred responses.”
“What is it?” You pause in eating, fork poised in the air, as you look over to your friend behind the camera. Chenle pays no attention, continuing to take another bite.
“Recreate the Lady and the Tramp moment.”
Your jaw drops, and your eyes grow round. Practically scandalized, your voice goes an octave higher. “You mean the kissing scene?!”
At the mention of kissing, Chenle chokes on a noodle, spluttering and nearly hacking up a lung, and you quickly reach over and firmly pat him on the back repeatedly until he stops coughing with a weak “thanks.”
“What? This is a food show! Why do they want us to kiss?” your best friend wheezes, and you pass him a glass of water. He grabs it from your outstretched hand gratefully and takes a large gulp.
“I don’t know, fan service? Anyway, it’s good for the views!” Jisung gives you a thumbs up, and you frown at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Why don’t you do it with Chenle then?”
“It specifically says you and Chenle,” he informs smugly with a smirk, and you glower at him, much to his amusement.
“Well, if it’s for the fans…” Chenle trails off, a faint blush beginning to make its appearance on his face. He hesitantly pulls out one strand of the pasta, picking up one end on his fork.
You can’t believe this. Yet, you slowly reach out for the other end of the strand with your fork, twirling it onto the metal prongs securely. You move to take your end of the noodle, while Chenle does the same, both of you actively avoiding eye contact.
“Oh c’mon, at least make it a little more romantic than that. Jeno and Jaemin have more chemistry than you two right now,” Jisung complains, and you would very much like to chuck the half full bottle of wine at his big, annoying head (Chenle also has similar thoughts).
Taking a deep breath, you finally place the noodle’s end in your mouth. Cheeks burning, you can feel your heart rate already skyrocketing at the mere thought of kissing your best friend again. You know you’ll freeze up if you look at him, so you do your best to focus your gaze on the center of the noodle strand. You’ll have some time before the two of you meet in the middle, right?
It comes much too soon, and your palms are growing sweaty as your heart races in your chest at a breakneck speed. Your lips are mere millimeters away from his, and you pause. You can’t hear anything, but the pounding of your heart and the blood rushing to your cheeks, and you finally find the courage to peek up at your best friend. You find him already gazing at you, a soft expression on his face. His eyes dart down to your lips before meeting your eyes once more, and you suddenly realize that he’s waiting for you, that he won’t do anything unless you want it too, that it’s okay if you don’t.
But you do.
So you muster up all the courage you possibly can and close the distance, carefully pressing your lips against his for a tender kiss before biting off the noodle. When you pull back, you finally notice the awestruck expression written all over Chenle’s face. He lets out a small laugh of disbelief before he positively beams, bouncing in his seat, and you sport a matching smile, albeit a little bashful.
“Uh, anyway, who left that comment? We should probably give them a mention,” you say, clearing your throat and hoping the heat subsides in your cheeks soon. Chenle continues to grin like the Cheshire Cat and secretly grabs your hand underneath the tablecloth, intertwining your fingers with his. You can feel your face exponentially growing warm once again, but you still send a pleased smile to your best friend.
“Uh…” Jisung awkwardly laughs, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “‘Insert goofy’s chuckle.’”
At Jisung’s answer, you freeze up entirely in your position before immediately turning and locking eyes with Chenle in complete horror, the both of you instantly coming to the same, dreadful realization.
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One new notification: Dream: Worth It uploaded a new video!
insert goofy’s chuckle commented:
oh my god you guys actually did it. your relationship started all thanks to ME 🙆🏻 you’re welcome btw 😘 I take payment in the form of your first born’s name
notanimpasta replied: @ insert goofy’s chuckle ok calm down rumpelstiltskin
jisung pwark replied:  @ notanimpasta what a perfect nickname for him. He’s an ugly little greedy man
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck replied: @ jisung pwark LMAOOOO (and congrats, chenle and y/n!)
 insert goofy’s chuckle replied:  @ jisung pwark what tf no one asked??? 
notanimpasta replied: @ jisung pwark wait hold on you were supposed to edit that end part out????
jisung pwark replied: @ notanimpasta i left it for the views ☺️
big head king replied: @ jisung pwark people watch for the food tho!!! 🙂
nana ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ replied: @ big head king I watched it for the kiss. Love is so beautiful 🥰💓💞🥺🥺💕💛💟✨💖
jenojam replied: @ big head king I had watched it for the food! but congratulations, y/n and chenle :) 
insert goofy’s chuckle replied: @ big head king i watched it because ron jeon said you mentioned me
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck replied: @ insert goofy’s chuckle IT’S RENJUN!!!!!! 🤬🤬 
mork lee rawr xD replied: hahaha I watch for the food~
insert goofy’s chuckle replied: @ mork lee rawr xD Thank you Mark, very cool!
winwin in past tense is wonwon!!! commented:
whoop whoop congrats lele 🥳🥳
rapperpunzel commented:
the pasta looks good 🍝
johnny’s communication center commented:
Thanks for stopping by! Come back for the couple’s special discount anytime 😉
baa baa yang sheep commented:
oh my god finally!!!
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck replied: @ baa baa yang sheep you owe me $50 I was right, it happened before the season finale
baa baa yang sheep replied: @ ghosts are real so suck it hyuck suddenly i’m jared, 19
xiao dejasmine commented:
hahahaha cute ! 😁😁
ty track commented:
Thank you y/n and chenle for visiting ~~ congrats on your relationship !!! -TY
junguwu (◕‿◕✿) commented:
jisung pwark commented:
check out my latest tiktok video @ jisungpwark to see their actual first kiss!!! and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe ☺️
notanimpasta replied: @ jisung pwark STOP USING US AS CLICKBAIT
jisung pwark replied: @ notanimpasta no ❤️
jisung pwark replied: @ notanimpasta also red is sus
big head king replied: @ jisung pwark so when are you gonna do the best friend kissing challenge huh 👀
jisung pwark replied: @ big head king SHUT UP CHENLE
honeyfairy replied: @ jisung pwark 😳😳
gu ren gui god commented:
wow~ very cute, chenle! my angel 😊
prince jae commented:
thank you guys for coming by! please stop by next year on your anniversary free of charge (:
insert goofy’s chuckle replied: @ prince jae omg mark and I will be there for sure ❤️
showmethemonet replied: @ insert goofy’s chuckle my new boyfriend and I will be there too ☺️
insert goofy’s chuckle replied: @ showmethemonet I’m sorry, I was wrong, pls don’t leave me for bts jin even though i am so much more handsomer and talented than him 😌
apado gwenchana god commented:
nice 😎👍🏻
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KICKS YOUR DOOR DOWN and puts it back up so carefully. nisi my love congrats on 400!! 💛💚🥳🎉 gonna be so supremely self indulgent here and request kabumino, with the prompt "hushed conversation between kisses" if that's ok 👀 ANYWAY I AM SENDING A SMOOCH ACROSS THE POND here's to 400 more!! followers, not smooches... haha jk... unless? 😳👉👈
des my lovely!! <3 <3 I always love to write those little idiots for you, they own me and my heart. I decided to go a bit into Minoru's self-exploration that I love so much and I hope that is alright with you!! <3 400 kisses for you.
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Ikigai Au
Kabuto x OC
Thanks a bunch to @depressedhatakekakashi for doing a sensitivity read for me!! <3
2197 words.
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While being a member of ANBU was seen as prestigious and an honour, especially the closer you worked with the Hokage, most squad members looked forward to their day of discharge. Working behind a mask that essentially was used to make you invisible, disappearing behind a nameless structure, took a toll on most of them eventually. So the day when they could finally lay down their mask and be themselves again was usually met with big relief. Often it came hand in hand with a big life change, a new daily mission schedule and a little more relaxing time. Everything an ex-anbu wanted.
Yamanaka Minoru was not one of these ANBU-members. He had found himself feeling at ease behind the mouse mask he was wearing, the first time people did not get the chance to judge him or ask him or even see him. Mouse was not either or. Mouse was not in transition. Mouse was just Mouse, nobody cared who Mouse was when he went to sleep at night. That soothed him and for the first time in a long time he felt good in his skin. 
And though he was much older now, and the teenage years with all their confusion and clarity right afterwards were now long behind him, he could not deny the fact that Mouse still was a place of refuge. Most people that knew him loved Minoru, the version he was now, he had rarely met unacceptance, but there was this fear in his mind nonetheless. 
Now there was an honourable discharge in his locker. He stared at it because he could barely believe it. It was a long time coming, his family had talked to him about it, but he hadn’t thought it might come so soon. His branch of the family was building a mental health facility in tandem with what Sarutobi-san was building up in private. Yamanka’s were specialists with the mind after all, and had no trouble finding and working through issues it might have. In these after-war years there were too many people that needed support and so it was only a matter of time until Minoru was asked to join in. There were enough ANBU to go around, there weren’t enough specialists for the mind.
Theoretically, that would be fine. Minoru liked his family's work and learning more about it. He had done test runs before and gotten positive feedback. This was definitely his future and he was looking forward to it, but now that it had knocked onto his door so early he suddenly felt anxious. What would it be like to put Mouse down for good and become Minoru? All out in the spotlight amongst the general population. He took the discharge and put it into his pocket and went on his next mission without telling his comrades about it. To be Mouse one last time at least.
In the evening he climbed through the window into Kabuto’s apartment. The other man was sitting at his desk reading or researching for whatever he was doing. The light of the candles around him was reflecting in his big round glasses and MInour allowed himself a moment of fondness when he saw how calm Kabuto’s face looked, before he went right back to his normal, teasing self. “What is up with the candle? You’re no longer in Orochimaru’s lair, you know.” He pointed at the candle that was flickering on the table.
Kabuto didn’t even look up and just waved with his hand and then changed the page. Clearly, he didn’t see how Minoru’s remark dignified an answer even. They were always like that, for several years at this point, back and forth, forth and back. It was like both of them could not believe the reality of how much they were actually attracted to one another, loved each other, and so they needed to poke holes in the other relentlessly. Minoru loved that about their relationship.
He sat down on the bed behind him and began unclipping his ANBU uniform. It was only a matter of time until Kabuto would come and throw himself down next to him. Kabuto probably already felt the urge to come hold him, kiss him, but he needed to be petty first. Not that Minoru would have wanted it any other way, after all, that was what made their relationship so very special.
For a while Minoru just watched Kabuto’s back, the way his shoulders ebbed and flowed with his breath. How different he had been back when they met, right towards the end of the war, disoriented and lost. Back then he’d been treated like the war criminal Minoru supposed he was, but no matter how many horrible stories he had heard about him, he could never hate Kabuto. Everytime Minoru thought of him his mind's eyes showed him the lost eyes of this young man, the deep grief and fear in them. Nobody that had eyes like that could be bad.
Their up and down relationship had started like a wildfire and taken over both of them almost instantly. Kabuto was smug, terrible and the best thing that had ever happened to Minoru. He was good and honest in that way too, he did not hold back opinions and wishes and when clearly stated how much he wanted Minoru there was no lie and cheating in it. It was just a need he wanted fulfilled. The mouse circled by the snake.
Finally, Kabuto blew the candle out and turned around to his partner. He took his glasses off, as he so often did when they were enjoying time together. “I see you well enough from close up” he would sneer, unable to just admit that it was much more comfortable to have faces close together when there weren’t glasses in the way. 
He got up and sat himself down beside Minoru, eyes squinting a little with his terrible eyesight. Minoru decided to help him out a little and moved in closer so their lips could touch easier. It was such a tradition for them in the evenings now that it was like a studied dance. They fell backwards onto the bed together, quickly a mess of hands and legs. Minoru wanted to let himself go, lose himself in the feeling like he so often did,  but when he briefly opened his eyes while drawing breath he could see the discharge  peek out from his clothes. He put his head back.
Kabuto whispered: “What?” and when Minoru  just shook his head they kissed again, just like before, hands roaming over the body of the other. Kabuto was definitely ready to do this fast, but Minoru still couldn’t get his mind off the discharge. What if his new position as a neurologist just wasn’t good enough? What if he would be a little too exposed and meet someone who would not accept him? What if his face looked too much… too much like the person he was before he knew who he was?
He stopped again and put his head back. Kabuto repeated: “What?” and while Minoru once again tried to get him to not mind it, he was insistent. “Tell me what is wrong with you, rat, otherwise this will lead nowhere.” He was like that, Minoru thought. He could not honestly express concern without being at least a little mean about it. The Yamanaka leaned forward to kiss him again, just lightly on the lips.
“I got a discharge from Anbu”, he whispered, his nose still pressed against Kabuto’s. “I think they want me to work for my father.” They kissed again, light and sweet.
Kabuto drew back this time, one eyebrow raised in a bow that mirrored his usual glasses perfectly: “So? You told me weeks ago that this might happen.” Minoru clawed his hands into Kabuto’s back. He didn’t know how to find the words to describe what worried him so and even so, he wasn’t sure if Kabuto would understand it.
He must have frowned while this went through his mind, as Kabuto took him out of his thoughts with another kiss to his cheek: “What is it? What about that makes you so nervous.” 
“I - I am alright being Mouse” Minoru said, still trying to find the words, “Mouse was who I was before I knew who Minoru was. I mean, I knew who Minoru was, who I was, but before I could… physically be who I am, I was Mouse and that was… that was good.”
Kabuto made a little “hmm” sound to indicate for his partner to continue. He kissed his jaw up and down with little butterfly kisses. Minoru let out a breath. “I have never met anyone or known many people that were against… me… this Minoru. But I felt safe changing behind the Mouse mask. When my body did not match the vision I had in my mind about myself, Mouse let me forget all of that. Mouse was always…. me and not me.”
It was so sweet to share this with him while their bodies were so close and their lips were touching over and over again. They could tease one another to the ends of the earth but in the end they trusted and loved each other dearly. Minoru had hesitated to talk about his worries, but now that he said it all out loud it felt right, it felt right telling Kabuto.
“And I- I guess while I am very happy where I am now and secure in my looks and personality, I .. subconsciously am still scared to give Mouse away. It’s leaving a safe harbour behind that my ship was docked in for many years. The sea can be calm and nurturing and beautiful, but it can also be rough.” 
Kabuto laughed a little into his lips: “Nice naval analogy.”  This made Minoru chuckle too. They continued kissing each other while Minoru waited for an answer. He didn’t know if his point had come across well enough for Kabuto to understand, especially after a few minutes passed and the other man still didn’t say anything. There was no sound audible other than the sound of lips touching.
Finally, Kabuto let out a sharp breath. It was as if he had waited for Minoru to say something else, maybe he had. “I think that is the stupidest thing you’ve ever been worried about, Rat,” he said while softly shaking his head.
“Do you not get what I mean?” Minoru felt a little desperate.
“Yes, I do get what you mean.” Kabuto replied. “I just think you are an idiot about this whole thing.” He bumped his head into Minoru’s and then pushed his hair out of his forehead to give him a kiss. “Mouse was a good mask to hide behind while you were finding yourself, defining yourself, that is what you said is it not?”
Minoru nodded. “Right so. That was years ago. You now very much know who Yamanaka Minoru is - and you didn’t even have to go through millions of versions of the same scenario to find it..” Minoru left a kiss on Kabutos nose. His time in the Izanagi still haunted him sometimes, at night when nightmares came without being invited. 
“Now you know who you are, you know who you want to be and your stupid ass did that under the Rat mask, but it never really stayed there. You introduced Minoru to your family, to most of your friends, you let me meet him…” Kabuto kept his eyes fixed on Minoru and they kissed again before he continued. “Do you think the rest of the world does not know who you are? That they don’t won’t love Minoru the way they loved Mouse? Well that makes you the dumbest person in this shit village.” 
Swearing usually meant Kabuto was serious about something. “I’m just scared that I won’t have a place to hide anymore”, Minoru said truthfully. 
“What about here? Right here?” Kabuto sneered in his usual tone. “In the Yamanka clan house? At your parents? You think if the world is just slightly unfair to you, we would not immediately be by your side to protect you, to harbour you, just because you are no longer Mouse? It is great that it helped you find yourself when you needed a lot of dark corners to hide, but now you very much deserve to live your life in the sun.”
Minoru held on to his partner, crawling his fingers into his back and hair, head buried in his chest. “And if someone just dares to harm my little Rat, then they will quickly learn what it means if someone is dating a known war criminal.” Kabuto tried to imitate an evil sounding laughter.
The Yamanka lifted his head and their lips found each other again. “Thank you,” he mumbled between the kisses and Kabuto just pushed him onto his back without saying anything else.
The next day Minoru walked right into the office of his squad leader and handed in his discharge. He was asked to put his Mouse mask back into storage, but he took it home instead.
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trappedham · 3 years
hey there!:D you mentioned a morro au in that post about dialogue,,,, can i hear more about it? 🥺 if you wanna, ofc!
Ok, I'm FINALLY able to sit down and answer this!! I'm so sorry this took so long 🙈
ALSO!! I am happy to announce that I will now be calling this AU Written in Stone. We'll see how long that sticks, if I find something I like better
So, Morro AU, right? Well, it started as a simple idea, a sorta 'what if Morro didn't die... and he ran into Lloyd in Jamanakai? Haha jk... unless..?' 👀👀👀 and it has possessed haha get it? me ever since
Selling features:
Kinda a dilf Morro
He fought in the Serpentine War
Ex-Elemental Alliance
Brat Lloyd
Wholesome Garmafam Content
Gay TM
"You get adopted! You get adopted! Everybody gets adopted!"
*sweats nervously*
Morro/Ronin strangers to friends to pining idiots to Divorced TM to one-sided strongly disliked strangers to reluctant allies to lovers [insert ridiculous number here]k slow burn
The Cheekbones TM Family Tree
Morro carrying candies for Lloyd 🥺
Wu teaching Morro origami and Morro teaching Lloyd
Morro and Lloyd monkey see monkey do
Morro being protective of Lloyd
"Emperor Chen has such a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
(potentially) borrowing the Forges from Shadow of Ronin
"Could I be the Green Ninja?"ad nauseum
The Stabbing TM
Relocating the Keepers, the Island, the FSM Tomb, and the Temple of Fragile Foundations to the Dark Island
Possible Master of Amber Chen 👀👀👀👀👀👀
Time Twins angst
Clutch Powers (yoinked straight out of his movie canon!)
Jay's biological parent(s)
Nadakhan being a stinky asshole
Wu/Morro and Garm/Lloyd parallels 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Aspheera
The Green Ninja Scroll of Destiny 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
"Ninja work ahead? Yeah, I sure hope they do!"
Canon Lore Makeover
DIY Great Devourer? It's possible...
Wu being bad/good in a good/bad way
"Were you killed?" "Sadly... BUT I LIVED!"
Wu doubting himself and the Green Ninja Prophecy after Morro comes back to fight in the Serpentine war
The Final Battle to End All Battles
"Wojira's Wrath/Mala-Wojira" in the Never-realm
The elements of Lightning, Water, and Wind are connected to each other, and the bond between the persons holding them is known as Typhoon, courtesy of @spookycrownblaze
I send shitpost asks to them and @masterofswag213 alot of the time, I'll make a masterpost of them all sometime in the near future but in case you can't wait go check it out
There is. So much more, but that's all I could pull off the top of my head for bullet points.
I have a TON of little moments that are currently just in word vomit drabble shitpost form and I'm horrible at tagging so I'm so so sorry. Uhh I think you might be able to find a good amount out of my Mars' Projects and Mars' memes tag- I definitely need to go back and tag all of them so I have them all in one place. My shit is just kinda... everywhere atm
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