#this is barely an exaggeration. iykyk.
bisexuallsokka · 6 months
whenever i see people claim that zukkas don’t actually want their ship to become canon i have to disagree. you don’t understand the insane things i would be okay with as long as it had the end result of making zootaras mad. sure there is no way they could canonize it in a way that would actually make me happy. but you don’t understand the lengths i’ve gone to, the truly crazy things i’ve done, the sleep i have lost, and the war crimes i’ve committed just to piss z*taras off.
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ginaonline · 3 months
As a desi girl (sab toh soni saadi desi girl iykyk) I was pleasantly surprised when i got to the Psych Bollywood themed episode "Bollywood Homicide" [s4 ep 6] because it wasn't caricatural or disrespectful (in my opinion) and you can tell that actual south asians worked on it when you look at the cast, the opening theme being sung in hindi / urdu, the choice of songs played in the episode, the storyline and the characters + the fact that they had Juliet in a blue saari which is literally the BEST color anyone could have ever picked for her and she looked drop dead gorgeous !!!! And also can we talk about ABIGAIL KNOWING URDU / HINDI ??? She's so perfect I love her 🫂
Especially for something that came out circa 2009 i was reallyyyy worried it wouldn't hold up now but it truly does and it's a really good episode ♡ Love the Psych themed episodes so much !!
p.s : i know it's bare minimum for a show not to be flat out racist lmfao but i love how its just a really well made episode like all the others in the show and they had actual south asians working on it (and also the fact that NOT EVERY BROWN CHARACTER HAD AN EXAGGERATED ACCENT)
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lcandothisallday · 2 years
hey guys. coming on quickly to rant and let my frustrations out because i genuinely don’t know who to talk to rn but you can ofc ignore lol.
but yeah. my roommates are pissing me tf off😭 usually im fine with one of them but lately they both have been so unnecessarily rude. their responses whenever i talk to them are so dismissive and just blatantly rude. and it’s like im not like that AT ALL with them and it’s starting to really take a toll on my mental health i swear. the one that was rude to me before (iykyk) ive just started ignoring because after that one instance ive just been weary but the other one is starting to get like too comfortable with me yk and it’s starting to make me uncomfortable because she’s just fucking rude😭 they’re both so pretentious too and i ALWAYS make the effort to active listen to what they’re saying to me but they NEVER and I swear to you im not exaggerating when I say they never reciprocate.
for example, this one time i saw a fine ass photo of harry styles and i got all excited and the kpop obsessed roommate was like “oh is that jack?” cos she knows I like him and I JOKINGLY said “nah it’s harry. if it was jack I would’ve have mentioned it to you,” because she just never listens whenever I wanna tell her anything about him and she got SO OFFENDED and started trash talking me to our other flatmate being like “see what she just did there? She never tells me anything about Jack because she thinks I don’t care” and she made me out to be some villain for not including her the same way she includes me into kpop and BELIEVE ME ITS AGAINST MY FUCKING WILL AND SHE KNOWS I DONT LIKE KPOP LIKE THAT BUT SHE FORCES ME TO WATCH THEIR SHIT and yet I engage because im a polite person and because she made me feel so shit because of that, when the snl promo came out, i was like super excited and wanted to show someone so i showed her and this girl a) wasn’t paying attention at all and b) barely said or commented anything about it. not that I care about them liking jack the way I do but it’s like after what she said, i made the effort to actually include her in my interest because she seemed upset at me never telling her but the time i do, it’s like she didn’t validate my excitement yk? idk.
but yeah I hate it because it’s such a fucking double standard and I put in so much effort to NOT seem like a bitch with others and they don’t ever do the same with me. And I’m just tried of them. and with their rudeness in their reply, i can’t even say shit back because I know they’re gonna talk shit or be even more rude and one thing about me is that I’m a sensitive pussy😭
thanks for listening to me rant if you’ve read this far. and im sorry for being inactive and the rare occasion that I am, I’m spending my time ranting rather than writing for y’all😔 but I genuinely love you guys and I wish everyday that it was you guys that were my irl friends because I know we’d get along so well😩 thanks again🫶🏼
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mekatrio · 9 days
also BARELY related to prev but i watched that katseye performance recently and this is my first time ever watching them and its very 🤔 intriguing bc they like... its not aegyo/kawaii per se but theres definitely some sort of charm that they carry. like this self assured vibe that reminds me of tiktoks, w yknow how ppl in tiktoks have this performative vibe LOL very bad description but iykyk. also i dont mean 'performative' in any derogatory way, but as in its a performance, its exaggerated, etc. that like 'day in the life of a [___]' self-assured vibe. and it makes me think like.. is this the western equivalent of aegyo/kawaii/etc? its p remarkable to me that a company finally figured out a group concept thats a balanced mix of western/eastern sensibilities, cuz attempts in the past to create an 'international' girl group oftentimes doesnt strike the right balance and it just feels offputting to most audiences. but katseye does actually feel like a proper blend between an american girl group and a k-pop group.. its interesting
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nobody-for-sure · 2 years
Language Barrier
Cabbages. Iykyk
Chapter 8
(~2.3k words, see chapter list here)
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You think you're starting to understand how everyone else feels.
So far, you've been the one miming and drawing and trying to get your point across. You didn't realize it until just now, but they've been doing their best to understand your requests and cater to your whims without question (you think). However, now that you've established a new goal - a destination - they seem to have things they want to convey in return.
You don't think they're trying to stop you, though there's some obvious confusion as they chatter amongst themselves. Understandable, you think. It is a bit out of the blue, never mind that you only just got to Mondstadt yesterday. And unfortunately, you aren't able to explain why, though a certain bard seems to have had a silent epiphany during the ongoing discussion.
(You wonder if it's the right epiphany. With him, who knows?)
You don't get the chance to linger on your thoughts for long. Kaeya, who's been engaged in conversation with Jean and Lisa for some time, finally raises his hands in defeat. "Rro uj es zykh, zah o ztgi kyosuxv cun juum zo rroc kh." He reaches for a blank sheet of paper.
"Qtgnz aue, gekgq," Jean says, looking relieved. "Ztuj exxuc, rrkc rrg vrkn aue kxamol zau zgnc uz cgxj."
He chuckles. "Ut jkkt. Zyap rrkz ks zgnc uz egy, jtg rro kxamol zau cun uz zkm zo yyuxig." Nimbly, he twirls a quill between his fingers, before catching it in his grip.
Jean's gaze flits briefly to Diluc, who responds with a small sigh and the barest hint of a nod, before nodding more firmly herself. "Znmoxrg. Zxgzy eh mtoeloxkb zgnz xau tuozvsayyg yo zikxxui jtg zgnz xoknz kigxm yjkkt uz zkm uz kaeor xuhxgn, kyocxknzu rrkc kbgn uz zxgzy suxl nizgxiy. Lo yzgnz knz kygi, gyor rroc um jgkng jtg jtky zau knz xkzzkr kbo jkttkv uz ejgr mtgammtot."
Kaeya's hand is already moving across the paper before she's finished speaking. You lean forward as a person begins to appear - far better than a stick figure, though nowhere near the same level as Albedo's Paimona Lisa - and you realize that it's you. You point to the paper, and then to yourself, your eyes shifting to the winery owner. "Me?"
"Yes," he affirms. Kaeya takes this as his cue to move on to the second part of his drawing. It's... a building, you think. A vaguely castle-looking one, which he draws a long line from. Then, at the end of the line, three boats. Mondstadt, and Liyue Harbor.
It barely takes you a second to nod when he adds an arrow from the first drawing to the second. "Yes, yes."
Your response is met with general enthusiasm when Diluc relays it. Amber loops her arms around Eula excitedly. Venti claps politely for Kaeya, who gives an exaggerated bow. Lisa pats Jean's shoulder and snags a creased piece of parchment off the desk before wiggling her fingers and disappearing out the door once more.
Did they just want to double check what you had said, after all? Not that it was a bad idea, all things considered, but you'd figured there was more to it, since they'd gone to all the trouble. Sure enough, the Acting Grand Master nods to the Cavalry Captain before she looks you in the eyes, squares her shoulders, and bows. "Juuzyxkjta, xaue kigxm. Nmaunz xau ykixul kxg kyxgvy zg knz ztksus, xaue ezklgy yo xau xkhsat ktu ezoxuoxv. Kc rroc rrav xknzkmuz tg zxuiyk kixul lu g tkfuj yznmotq xul xaue ektxaup. Gekgq, lo aue jrauc?"
Instead of drawing, however, you watch as Kaeya's brow creases, and he sets the writing implement down. "Jrun tu g ztksus. O kkxmg zgnz xoknz ykigxm ezklgy yo g ezoxuoxv, zah mtorrav zgnz etgs yznmotq suxl xoknz yzyuv jrauc kbgkr ya mtozzoy yqiaj xul knz yyehg xkjxu."
Eula folds her arms, and you sense an argument brewing. "Xau ykixul jrauc kh krhg uz jrun zau mtur nmautk xul xoknz ykigxm ezklgy uz kh jkxaytk kxulkh xoknz txazkx. Kxusxknzxal, kxknz kbgn tkkh ut yyehg xkjxu ymtoznmoy kxkncetg xgkt knz ezoi kitoy xoknz kigxm jkjtkiykj."
To your left, Diluc sighs. "Yg nias yg I kzgn uz zosjg zo, gekgq ygn g ztouv. Erkqorta yg tg qigzzg egs kh, zo jrauc kh kyocta uz kbgkr zjgzyjtus uy krhgxktrab, lo ertu xul g lkoxh juoxkv lu ksoz."
Jean purses her lips, seeming... not angry, but tense nonetheless. "Tknz zgnc uj aue zykmmay kc uj?"
The question hangs unanswered in the air. You glance around the table stiffly, unsure what's going on. Is there something they don't want to tell you? Are they opposed to your trip after all? Come to think of it, a lot of sagau fics had yandere themes, didn't they? Ooh, that's not good. What if-
A single chord trills, snapping you back from your quickly-spiraling thoughts. Venti winks at you before tucking his lyre away and addressing the rest of the room. "Enc ztuj kc qyg xoknz kigxm zgnc eknz qtonz lu knz tgrv? Erkxay ktuexkbk rroc kkxmg nzoc xoknz tuoyoikj, znmox?"
Amber nods in passionate agreement. "Yzgnz znmox! Qtonz zauhg cun xoknz kigxm yrkkl, mtokky ktuexkbk uy jkqxuc va!" She gestures to you, and everyone else turns to look. You hunch your shoulders nervously.
Somehow, the tension in the room eases. Jean looks at Kaeya, and he nods, picking up the quill again. Next to the drawing of you, he adds a rougher sketch of... another person, but without any distinct features. And then another. And another. A dozen faceless individuals are added the paper before they're enclosed in something similar to a bracket below a... crest? No... yes. Maybe?
He glances up, notes the look of confusion on your face with light amusement, and goes back to add a few details to the crest. A pair of swords cross behind it... oh, is it a shield, maybe?... and when he adds a little insignia to the front, it hits you all at once. The Knights of Favonius. Of course. Duh, you think to yourself. Okay, so these people are all knights. You nod for him to continue. With little fanfare, he circles you and the knights together and draws an arrow to the three boats.
Your jaw slackens. That many?!
You can't say you weren't expecting some kind of escort to Liyue. Hoping for one, even, because you're not fully certain you know how to get there on foot. Not to mention that if you ran into any trouble along the way... it probably wouldn't end well. But since Kaeya took the time to sketch out that many individual people, you're assuming that's the specific number they intend to have accompany you on your journey. You do another quick head count just to make sure, but the number remains the same.
In some ways, twelve is not a very large number. It's the percentage of your pulls that are are four-star weapons (or characters, but let's be honest). It's the chance of making a character's special dish or crafting an extra material, which never happens when you need it to.
But for an ordinary person like yourself, it's also a very big number of people to suddenly have glued to you, watching your every move and following you around 24/7. You're struggling being the center of attention in front of six people right now, for crying out loud! And these are people you know (more or less), so imagine double that number, a random assortment of people (as you're unsure if any of the people in the room would be there or not), none of whom can understand you or vice versa.
(...And you know the city is bigger in real life than it was in the game, but... do they even have that many knights? Not to mention, you're not keen to leave your safety in the hands of the guy who was always asking you to fake accomplishments for him, or the one who seemed to think you had memory loss when it came to the knights' titles.)
You shake your head vehemently. "Nonono. Please no," you say, trying to use at least a few words Diluc will recognize. "I don't need that many people to come with me. Just one or two would be fine!" Aware of your translator's limitations, you hold up one finger on one hand and two on the other, trying to get your point across.
Apparently you succeed, because most of your audience looks appalled. Eula seems particularly aggrieved. "Kc errgaya zav ucz yznmotq tu g tuurrgh zxuvytgxz! Zo jrauc kh tg ezotmojto uz xaue kigxm uz xkllu aue knz ksgy ezoxaiky yg g jgur lu ykmghhgi!" Kaeya disguises a snort of amusement with a well-timed cough at this outburst.
With a side-eyed glance at them, Jean gives you a troubled look and shakes her head. She points upward, as if to say, "Higher." They couldn't possibly send you with so few people, it seems.
You sigh. You don't like it, but it's understandable. A VIP like yourself (and isn't that weird to think about) would logically have an escort of more than a couple people. When you were playing, even the famous traveler technically had a full party of... hmm. Hmmmmm. Now there's an idea.
Come to think of it, where is the traveler, anyway? You remember they don't often feature in sagau fics, but surely they and their sibling would still be around somewhere, right? It's a baseless hunch on your part, but you have a feeling they might be able to understand you. Sadly, they'd probably also be the hardest to track down. Well, plan B it is.
You turn to Venti, on your right. He gives you a peculiar smile, like he already knows what you're thinking. Maybe he does. Either way, he doesn't seem to question when you point to the glass ball on his hip, detaching and handing you the fake vision with ease.
You stare at it for a moment, absent-mindedly running your thumb over the decorative edge. Though it's not real, holding it gives you an odd sense of déjà vu. Nevertheless, you shake off the feeling and turn back to Jean.
You hold up four fingers, before pointing to the vision in your other hand, and then at Venti. Four vision wielders. You point to yourself, before making a gesture similar to plucking a flower. I pick. You don't know what game mechanics might still apply, like the full party buff, but the number just feels natural at this point. Your audience exchanges looks, and you hold your breath.
"Rrkc," Diluc says at last, "to es kitkoxkvdk, zgnz ykuj skky uz kh knz suzyai."
"G mtozzol kyosuxvsui, jo egy," Kaeya adds, looking to Jean. "Xkzlg rrg, cun xkzzkh uz kya knz xkcuv jkztgxm eh knz yjum tgnz xul g jum lrkysknz?"
Jean considers, glancing around the table to see various nods of assent before closing her eyes in thought. When she opens them, she gives you a firm, decisive nod. "Exkb rrkc. To zgnz kygi, kc rroc uj zgnc kc tgi uz xknzgm yg etgs lu yzjgzyjtus tuoyob yxkjrkoc yg krhoyyuv, uy zgnz xoknz kigxm egs kyuuni knz zykh sgkz uz etgvsuiig sknz tu xoknz ektxaup."
Amber gives her a salute, Venti smiles, and Diluc turns to translate as best he can. "Yes," he says. "We..." He pauses, evidently struggling with the next word. He awkwardly holds his arms out, as if for a hug, before sweeping them in towards himself... which is hilariously adorable coming from him, and you bite your lip to stifle a laugh as you try to think of what word it could represent. Collect? Gather? Bring together? They all have the same general meaning, so you nod. Looking relieved, he points to the fake vision in your hand.
You have a moment of panic, because wait a minute, they're collecting visions? Did I not get the message across right?? Shit, did I just start the Vision Hunt Decree in Mondstadt?! Your alarm must show on your face, because his eyes widen marginally and he hastily says, "No, no," before pointing at the vision again and then at Venti, the same as you did. Ah. Okay. When you relax again, he points to you before copying your flower-picking motion, and you grin. Not only did they agree to your plan, but they agreed to let you choose who comes with you.
Suddenly, you feel like a new player all over again, trying to decide the best team comps from the characters available to you. You barely offer him a nod of acknowledgement before you pull out your list of Mondstadters again, analyzing your options. Luckily, he seems sufficiently satisfied by this, and returns to whatever conversation the rest of the room has moved onto. By the sound of it, Jean's handing out directives again, and no one seems to be focused on you anymore, so you're free to brainstorm.
Surely, you'll be taking Diluc. It's not much, but understanding something is better than understanding nothing. Venti would be a good choice also. He can be hard to get a read on, but he's still pretty powerful. Plus, he seems to have a good sense for what's on your mind.
So much so, in fact, that as people begin to disperse, the bard lags behind, until finally it's just you, Jean, and Venti left in the room. Jean pauses at the door. "Yo kxknz mtonzksuy kyrk o jkyyos?" she asks him.
He smiles and waves his hand. "Ng, ut, jo zyap kqor uz qgkvy uz xoknz kigxm kturg xul g kzatos, lo aue ztuj jtos."
She nods and closes the door behind her. Curiously, you turn to him, tilting your head to the side in question. His smile falters slightly, and he sighs, taking on a more serious expression - his Barbatos expression - as he slides Kaeya's abandoned drawing over between the two of you. He points to himself, before making an x with his arms and shaking his head, before finally tapping the picture.
'I'm not going with you.' 
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