#this is barely related to CQL at all omg
hunxi-guilai · 4 years
I'm the 海内存知己 anon back with ANOTHER poem (sorry). So I came across 行路难三首 and the line 大道如青天,我独不得岀 reminds me of wwx, esp in ep29 when he says something like "there isn't a 阳关道 that allows me to protect those I want to protect"- the line is basically the situation he was in. In the same set of poetry is also the line 且乐生前一杯酒,何须身后千载名 which reminds me of the two wwx related alcohol lines you've posted about before (the idea of "what the heck, I'll drink first and deal with life later")
okay listen anon, you can’t just come into my askbox quoting 李白 Li Bai without some WARNING first
all righty so some context for folks who aren’t familiar with the greatest Chinese poet of all time*, Li Bai is a fucking ICON. Poet. Swordsman. Hermit. Drunkard. Li Bai, in my head, is the ULTIMATE poetic mood for Wei Wuxian, and yes this is a hill I will die on.
(* the asterisk is so I can say “joke’s on you, Li Bai and Du Fu actually trade off on that title, and also we’re pretty sure Li Bai was central Asian, not Han Chinese, so HAH”)
Receipts? Damn right I got receipts (by which I mean anon’s got the receipts)
The poems anon mentioned,《行路难三首》Three Poems on Difficult Roads, is a collection of three Li Bai poems written as he confronts his frustrated political ambitions; throughout the poems, he comes to the various conclusions that 1) the muddied world simply does not appreciate his upstanding and unique genius, 2) it’s not worth it to get involved in the messiness of court politics ft. many many historical examples of worthy men of service whose stories ended badly, and 3) he’ll drink to that, thanks.
I’m not going to translate all three poems, but some highlights!
其一 / the first
金樽清酒斗十千,玉盘珍羞直万钱 / The clear liquor in the golden goblet is worth a thousand taels; the delicacies on the jade plate costs ten thousand taels
停杯投箸不能食,拔剑四顾心茫然 / I hold the cup, cast aside my chopsticks, I cannot eat; I draw my sword, looking about at a loss
欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山 / I wish to ford the Yellow River, stop up the waters with ice; I want to climb up the snow-covered sides of the Taihang Ranges
闲来垂钓碧溪上,忽复乘舟梦日边 / An idle worthy once trailed a fishhook in a stream; another daydreamed in a boat by the riverside*
行路难!行路难!多歧路,今安在?/ The road is hard! The road is hard! There are many forks in the road; where am I today?
长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海 / There will be time enough to ride the wind and waves; until then, I raise the sails and cross the deep seas, headed for the low-hanging clouds.
god Li Bai is so good at that...高昂 elevated,豪放 unrestrained style. Just the sweeping scope of this poem...gosh.
(* yes these are references. yes I am also too tired to explain them)
其二 / the second
大道如青天,我独不得出 / The great way is as broad as the clear sky, yet I alone do not walk out on it
行路难,归去来 / The road is hard! Return, go home!
brb SCREAMING about the wide and sunny way and 魂兮归来 at the same time
其三 / the third
含光混世贵无名,何用孤高碧云月?/ When one holds light within in this muddied world, prize namelessness; what use is there to sit, high and alone, amidst the clouds and moon?
我观自古贤达人,功成不退皆殒身 / I look at the worthies, from ancient times to today; those who did not retire after achievement all lost their lives
子胥既弃吴江上,屈原终投湘水滨 / [Wu] Zixu was discarded into the Wu River; Qu Yuan, in the end, flung himself into the Xiang waters from the shores
君不见吴中张翰称达生,秋风忽忆江东行 / My lord, do you not see how Zhang Han of Wuzhong truly understood life; when the autumn winds blew, he suddenly thought of home, and departed for Jiangdong
且乐生前一杯酒,何须身后千载名?/ What joy can be found in a single cup of wine; why seek leaving a name for oneself in a thousand years?
gosh, I mean, I know there’s no government in the world of CQL, but Wei Wuxian would’ve been such a great travelling Daoist poet-swordsman oh my god
Bonus Round, 《将进酒》, another Li Bai classic, aka one of my favorite poems in existence
Do you not see the waters of the Yellow River from on high 
       surging down to sea, never to return?

Do you not see the elder generation sighing over their hair,
      in the morning as dark strands,

      in the evening already white as snow?

Happiness in a human life ought to be enjoyed to the utmost;
      raise not this wine cup empty to the moon.

My god-given talent has a purpose in this world,
      even if you scattered a thousand gold coins to the wind,
      they would still return.

But for now, we feast on lamb and ox to make merry,
      tonight, we'll drink at least three hundred cups.

Come, Cen-fuzi, Danqiu-sheng - drink with me, let our cups never still.
I will sing a song for you –
      turn your ears and listen carefully to what my song has to say:

Sonorous bells, magnificent drums, rare delicacies, fine jade - none
      are precious enough to win my heart,
      and yet, I'd gladly drown in drunkenness

      and never wake again.

All the sages and men of talent since ancient times have always walked
      alone; only the drinkers among them have left behind their names

The warrior-king Chen, in days of old, held magnificent banquets at Pingle,
      Uninhibited, they would down flagon after flagon
      Unheeding of the cost, so drunk on jubilation.

My dear host, why do you speak of lacking money?
      Go, go fetch more wine to pour for me.

Your five-flowered horse, your fur coat of a thousand gold--
      call your boy out to exchange them for wine,

      and with me, drink away the sorrows of the ages.

fuck I almost forgot how much I love this poem
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ohnobjyx · 4 years
Asks without a question (I)
I love when you people chime in and tell what you think, but since there isn’t really a question in these, I don’t have an answer per se for you, so I’m leaving an reply for you here!
(Including a lot of links because I know there are many new fans out there!)
Disclaimer: bjyx? what is that? Is it edible?
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Oh yes, anon. I think we are all here because we believe that they have something. The show you mention was TTXS, where dd is a cohost since 2016 (the clip is here, and the whole episode here). Please, let’s all notice he said this in January 2018, before he was filming CQL, but after he had met gg. Was he thinking of someone or just a passing thought?
(Imo, it was just an opinion, or something from past experiences that may include the first meeting with gg or not, I don’t think he’d go as far as think how would he behave in the case they got to work together. The comment seemed very offhanded to me).
And I love that part from WZC’s interviews (he’s a very funny man XD). From his interview (where he said the childish part) I love the part where he says that he left the “big bros love you” chat the first day, and, ofc, the part about the mosquito bite.
If you watch the whole interview, there was a part where my eyes went 😳, because in this video TN explained kedaole as “talking about an idol’s good visuals”?? (another TN here: kedaole or 磕到了 is a expression used by bxg and other cp fans when they’ve caught a sweet moment between the cp. For example, if I were to say “why don’t you wear kneepads?”, most of you will be like “kedaole!”).
His eyes and his expression doesn’t make sense unless he gives the phrase the same meaning as we do.
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Wow, I really left the ask box unattended for too long 😖
I think the kadian anon was talking about that day was this one:
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However, I was going through a phase where I was starting to doubt the kadian, in the sense that it’s “impossible” that all kadian is related to gg. Kadian is afterall one of the most overinterpreted candy that’s out there, because the possibilities are endless.
The week before we had been pouring over this kadian and this one, because we thought that it was too much of a coincidence that he was late to the posting of the promotional post the exact time that made the timestamp mean something related to bjyx.
Dd was also “late” for the promo of the first episode, and posted at 20:04 (the episodes air at 20:00), which made some people think that he missed 20:03 by a few seconds.
BUT. The thing is that some people say he can’t schedule the posts, so he must post as soon as he has the post ready. I searched a little, to see if dd’s tardiness was phenomenon limited to him exclusively, and found that all of the other team’s captains were also late most of the times. One of them even posted at 20:03 one of the days.
So now I think that the kadian must only be significant if it can form a phrase in itself (like 12:03) or if it’s so late that it can’t possibly be an accident (thinking about the 13:10 and the jet-ski heart). This leaves out 20:32 for me, because the “sentence” seems too forced and there’s no gg related content neither in the post nor in the episode. However, kadian is a very personal thing, and others might find this significant even if I don’t.
It was also the day this dance happened, I still remember that we were all freaking out here in tumblr, because dd is so bold and uncaring of conventions. I definitely didn’t expect it, so colour me absolutely impressed.
(And I don’t think gg minds either... for one, work is work, and if I were to have such a video of my partner, I’d absolutely treasure it 😉).
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Yes, yes and yes, anon 😂 The cracked pot convo (there was a part 2!) happened the same day of the apology in the hallway (tumblr doesn’t let me find it, so here’s the raw version) and the clingy part. Might I add that the reversed pants conversation happened the same day too, in another interview? 
Besides of the whole day being “suspicious” this day held a lot of pointers for bxg. Let’s just focus on the part where dd apologizes to gg for example (I must have written a post about this, but since I can’t find it, I’ll summarize it quickly here):
Dd, during their earlier interview, had said “are you crazy?” to gg, which in Chinese is an insult. He apologized on the spot (notice his hand on gg’s arm!) and apologized again later, in the hallway.
When he apologized, he called gg “da lao”, which means “boss”. This later caused the birth of another candy during one of their fan meetings. However, what’s more remarkable is how naturally gg reacts to this name, and how he simply leans towards dd. So, it doesn’t take much to guess that dd must call gg like that a lot in private, for it to be taken so naturally.
Dd had indeed been worried about angering gg, which is the only reason why I think he’d bring up the issue later (if not, why would anyone say to someone “I was in the wrong before”?). He gave it importance, and apologized, because gg had reacted to it earlier pointing to the cameras. However, I don’t think gg really minded the “insult” but was rather worried of how it created a bad image for dd (which is why he says “it wasn’t so bad, at least you didn’t say that...”. He was worried that dd would say something worse).
So, in this barely 15 seconds interaction we got some huge clues: “da lao” is something they use often, and the reason why it’s used as an inner joke later, dd really cares about what gg thinks and gg worries about dd’s image.
I’ll finish it here to avoid repeting myself, but really, each of the moments of this day deserves a careful examination, because there are a lot of pearls hidden in the mud.
(I don’t remember what day was it, but gg and dd seemed very unguarded to me. “She’s not so clingy, you are”. OMG, gg)
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Well, what can I say. He didn’t say anything about a boyfriend though (not like he can, but just saying that omissions are important).
Anon, “likely” falls short for me. Look through my blog. Almost 600 posts in less than 4 months. Taking out the photos, you still have 300-400 posts dedicated to them. I assure you, at this point, if it’s proved that we are wrong, I’m going to be very very surprised.
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