#this is basicaly the confort of hurt confort
dreamtydraw · 1 year
I have also been thinking about replaying LL, I'm really in the vibe at the moment! (*´-`)
personally, I would love to hear/see more about your ship! I am a sucker for cute little headcanons! <33
kiss kiss back!!
We sill suffer together.
Ok so, when i say i end up complexify my oc i mean it ! Laurialet / Solène come from far to become what they become at the end of the storie. Emotional développement go brrrrrrr
To explain it the easiest way, my oc come from an abusive household, got taken by child support, kicked out at 18, became homeless for their first years of college, dropped out after getting into a fight with their professor and ended up going back to their mom who had rebuilt a life. This mean that at the start of the storie they are in a really dark place mentally. There is a really deep and crucial emotional development trough their time in Astrea. Sure blood and violence but they never have been loved and that safe on earth so Astrea is a new start for their life.
Another thing that occur trough the storie is Laurialet gender exploration. At the beginning they identify as a girl and use two names, as time pass by they start to accept their identity as non binary and mainly use one name ( the other one being associated with their childhood).
It was inspired by this post :
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In game we have mutliple scenes where MC take care of Sage : cleaning blood, cleaning wounds and brushing his hair. All this scenes always have lot of trust, tenderness and love and i was thinking « Sage would do the same ».
Like the reddit post the idea is the same, ending up crying because you feel loved because someone is taking care of you.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Oh, players! | Joe Sugg fanfic
Synopsis | Previous part
Part 04.
Y/N openned her eyes feeling last night’s weight. She was lucky to never had hungover, it was a privelege of only few people (people really hydrated, by the way), but feeling perfect after drinking like crazy was too much to ask.
Before getting up, Y/N/N grunted and rolled up in bed. She wasn’t able to sleep more, however, she didn’t want to wake up either. Defeated, she walked to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and showered trying to process what happened and, at same time, trying to not think at all.
The warm water turned things slightly better and now that Y/N/N freshed her face and took off her makeup, she felt lighter and ready to seem like a decent human being.
She concluded that it was better that she didn’t kiss anyone that night. It was her comeback party, enjoy her friends was the priority, she would leave the Joseph Sugg thing for after. For now, her only mission was ajust to the London life again.
Y/N took the umity of her hair with a towell, putting a better pajama to spend the day. The Sun was already up when she went to bed, now was almost sunset and, obviously, she wouldn’t be leaving the house right now, so she could enjoy herself in confortable soft shorts for a little more.
She went downstairs, to the kitchen, and unexpectedly found Joe Sugg in her lunch table.
“Good morning” She said.
Joe was a little apprenhensive to see Y/N/N again. Clearly they almost took things too far from what they should, nevertheless, seeing her so relaxed opening the fridge to get a bottle of orange juice, Joe forgot what happened.
“Good morning.” He responded, going back to his sandwich.
Y/N/N sat on the other half of the table with her left knee bended and her right foot on the next chair. She opened the juice bottle and put it on the glass she took just like she was having breakfast with Caspar and not Joe.
“You slept here?” She asked.
Joe nodded his head affirmatively. “Maddie was gone, you vanished and Caspar was too drunk to do something.” He explained, Y/N/N felt a little bad for not paying attention in her brother. “I wasn’t exactly sober to come back home and there’re always some clothes I let in the spare room.” Well, at least it explained Joe’s preference for the guest room in the night before.
“Sorry for putting you in this situation.”
Joe nodded his head again, this time it meaned “no”. “It was your party and I’m use to it anyway. Caspar took care of me more times than he can count as well.”
Y/N/N smiled. “Even if he can’t, thank you. I mean, it is not like Caspar can count above 20.”
Joe laughed softly. “No problem.”
After a brief moment of silence, Joe started another subject to talk about. He didn’t like silence moments with people he barely knew.
“Caspar said we are going out tonight again?”
“Yes.” Y/N informed, checking her Facebook’s notifications before tooking another sip in her juice. “We’re going to the Cirque le Soir, aren’t we?” Joe nodded another time. “How I missed that place!” She commented.
“It’s one of my favorites too.”
“I won’t say it’s my favorite because Bonbonniere Club exists too.”
“Uh, someone likes getting things to the next level.”
Y/N/N giggled, she and her brother enjoyed spend a little more money than they should when they felt festive.
“The Prysm that opened in Birminghan is cool too.” Joe said, getting up to pick a glass to pour some juice for himself.
“Oh yes, I like any Pryzm, although I wasn’t in the Birminghan one yet.” Y/N/N shrugged her shoulders. “I like Tonteria too, even if things can get a little out of tracks in there.” And if Y/N/N said something was a little crazy, things went insane. “Boys in there are kinda hot.” She added, more to herself than for Joe.
“Okay then, let’s pretend I’m not offended with this comment right now.” He joked and Y/N laughed.
“It wasn’t what I meant.” The girl pointed out. “I wouldn’t try too hard if I didn’t think you are good looking.”
Joe wasn’t use to this kind of honesty, it wasn’t like Y/N/N was flerting again or something, she was saying that in the most casual way ever. Joe laughed and let himself get caught on it.
“I can guarantee it wasn’t easy to resist to you.”
Y/N/N smiled and nodded her head, moving her arms just like someone who’s doing a reverence.
“Thank you.” She said. “I did my best,” she shrugged and grimaced. “Though it wasn’t enough.”
“Believe in me when I say: it was.” The boy shook his head with his eyebrows lift, making Y/N laugh hard. He laughed too.
When both of them took their breath again and a comfortable silence fell between the two, Joe realized Y/N was making a enterteined face.
“What?” He asked taking a sip of his orange juice.
The pretty girl looked at him with what seemed admire and curiosity, captived by the moment they shared. She always spoke more than she should and she liked a lot that Joseph wasn’t ashamed by her comments.
“You really didn’t kiss me because of my brother?” She questioned, internaly celebrating that none smile was undone.
“Basicaly, yes.” Answered Joe, his honesty was clear.
“I don’t think he would be that mad.” Y/N pointed undisturbedly, happy that Joe didn’t mention that girl who was with him.
“I disagree.”
Y/N/N lift one eyebrow. Uh, oh, the new kid in the group thought he knew more about Caspar than his own sister. In her conceptions, it was a personal affront, giving her something to prove.
“I kissed a few of my brother’s friends,” She declared. “he wasn’t stressed out about it.”
“It’s different.” Joe informed, leaving Y/N/N intrigued.
“How it’s different?”
“I have a sister and she has a boyfriend and everything, but if a close friend of mine like Caspar kiss her or a thing like that, I will explode the guy’s brain.”
Y/N/N grinmaced again, it didn’t make any sense.
“But you know who is he for real and you’re his best friend, you shouldn’t prefer that he ends up with your sister?”
“In this case, it would be treason.”
Y/N/N narrowed her eyes. “So you prefer not knowing the guy and let your sister find out someone she thinks is better just because you think it’s a betrayal from your friend? What if the guy cheats on her? It wouldn’t be worse?”
“When you put it like this, it really seemd that don’t make sense.”
“It’s because it doesn’t!” Y/N exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air.
“Basically, it’s like… How would you feel if a friend of yours kiss your father?”
“Disgusted.” Y/N quickly answered.
“See?” Joe smirked.
“I would be disgusted because my dad is…” Y/N sighed. “Well, I know my dad. I wouldn’t feel it was a treason! I would be probably more sad that my friend chose this path to walk…”
Joe gave a little laugh. “For us, guys, if a guy kiss our mother, it’s disrespectfull. And it’s the same thing with hooking up with our sisters.”
Y/N/N rolled her eyes. “You got to be kidding me.”
“I wish I was.” Joe grumbled, making Y/N/N laugh.
“Anyway, it is not like we are getting married,” she pointed out. “I don’t want to be your girlfriend or anything.”
Joe laughed. “Ouch.” He pretended he was hurt and put his hand on his chest. “Are you saying I’m not boyfriend material?”
Y/N/N laughed again, she really enjoyed Joe’s jokes, he was a pleasant guy.
“What I intend to say was that I’m not searching a relationship right now, np that you wouldn’t be good boyfriend.”
“Yeah, I can recognize I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend, anyway.” Joe said shrugging. “I’m not looking for a relationship either.” He admitted.
“See?” Y/N asked, trying to tease him, and raised an eyebrow. “I’m not finding any reasons why we wouldn’t work out!”
Joe laughed with the quick turn Y/N/N gave in the conversation. He knew that her words, althought were meant to be funny, had a bit of true. Being honest, during the talk, even he couldn’t enumerate why he shouldn’t kiss Y/N in that exact instant.
“You know how to conduct a debate, I will give you that.” The boy said.
Y/N/N was smiling and shrugged again. Caspar always had the coolest and nicest friends, she was glad her brother still kept that characterist.
“What should I do, right?” She tipped her index finger in her temple. “I’m the brains in the family.”
Joe gave another laugh, he wouldn’t doubt that.
“By the way, how you and Caspar are sibblings? You don’t even have the same surname.”
Y/N/N smiled of a different kind of happiness in that moment, she loved to tell how she became a part of her true family.
“I’ll simplify things because I really can tell this the whole afternoon, but, basically, I was born in England, my mother split from my dad when I was about ten, so we went to South Africa because she had a job offer in there and she married Caspar’s dad when I was twelve. My father went to Spain.”
“And that’s why you went study there?”
Y/N nodded her head. During a long time, she had serious issues with her father, part of her personal growth was putting this asside. None of them were good with relations, they were too stubborn and proud to handle them.
“My dad still lives there and we agreed that it would be better if I went to a university away from England.”
“What you two are talking about?” Caspar asked as he went downstairs. “You just met, for God’s sake! Someone is having a bit of hedache, you know?”
Y/N/N laughed out loud with Caspar’s speech and Joe couldn’t help but do the same.
“You’re a dick, Caspar.” The younger one said. “This is called hangover.”
“Hangover?” Caspar asked ironically. “Are you sure? No! I didn’t have anything to drink yesterday!”
Y/N/N rolled her eyes for the second time that day.
“This means that you won’t go to Cirque le Soir tonight?”
Caspar starred her. “It almost seems like you don’t know me, sis.”
Joe laughed and teased her, making a funny voice.
“This girl is insane! Talking nonsense things.”
It was Y/N/N’s turn to laugh. Of course that any party was a party to ther brother, they were raised in the same house after all.
“Caspar, don’t you want to call Theo as well?” Y/N asked when her brother joined them at table.
“Fine.” Caspar agreed. “Today is saturday?”
“I guess so.” Joe answered.
“So I think Theo will be able to join us.” He concluded and, afterwards, he looked at Y/N/N. “You saw Theo already?”
Y/N/N opened her mouth of fake surprise, being a dramatic.
“What do you mean by asking if I saw her?” Y/N/N laughed. “Even if I have a stronger bond with you, Theo is my sister as well!” She snapped at him. “By the way, you were there! Theo went pick me on the airpoirt! You thought what? She would come all the way from Africa to see you?” She teased.
Joe laughed at Caspar. Y/N/N landed on England only two days before, there ain’t no way that Caspar couldn’t remember the return of the youngest member of the family.
“I was on the airport, Theo wasn’t!”
Y/N laughed loud again. Gods, Caspar wasn’t worth it. After rolling her eyes, she agreed ironically with him.
“Yes, Caspar, Theo wasn’t in there.”
Caspar could swear for his life that he couldn’t remember the first-born of the Lee in the airport (and he was really trying to remember).
“Okay, let’s say that maybe Theo was there.” He gave in.
“She was!” Y/N/N exclaimed.
“The thing here is that both of you are trying to get out from the matter.” Caspar said trying to look serious. “How you two are so close to each other?”
“You’re the one who’s trying to escape from us, Caspar!” Joe protested by seeing his friend’s audacity.
“No, I’m not!” Caspar snapped back, laughing so much he had no credibility.
“Yes, you’re.” Joe accused.
“Shut up!”
The trio burst into laughs and stopped gradually.
“For real now, when and how this happened?” Caspar asked pointing to his best friend and his sister.
Y/N/N grumbled, she had forgotten that Caspar could be pretty annoying if he wanted to.
“You’re only trying to convince us that you weren’t trying to get out from the ‘Theo was in the airport’ thing.” Y/N/N build her walls up discreetly.
“Too late, Caspar, we already found out your plan.” Joe poked, lifting the right corner of his lip.
Caspar laughed and asked again, creating an imperceptible discomfort in the room.
“I was only telling Joe how we became sibblings.” Y/N/N explained.
“Oh, you didn’t, Y/N/N.” Caspar reproved, getting up to open the fridge to eat something. “Joe won’t be my friend anymore because you killed him with boredom.”
Y/N gave a little smile to Joe, not letting her brother see it, and lift an eyebrow.
“You won’t do this with my poor brother, will you, Joseph Sugg?”
Joe laughed at Y/N/N’s guts.
“Of course not.”
“Great.” Y/N/N said with a fake smile of satisfaction, her eyes sparkling with her little trick. “If you did, I would be forced to use my perverse side on you.”
Joe widened his eyes while giggling, that chick was crazy. Y/N/N laughed out loud.
“Y/N/N is stronger than I am, Joe.” Caspar informed as he came back to the table with his cereals. “I can’t frighten you, but don’t let you be fooled by her angel’s face.”
Y/N/N shrugged and took a sip of her juice, looking to Joe with a self-assured smile. Joe never thought she was made by angels, after all, lust was one of the seven deadly sins.
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