#this is because my headcanon that all trolls as influential as harlan ailzea etc etc get the ‘grand high blood’ tag affixed to them
sasster · 8 months
hm! not a comparison I would make, myself. but I guess I can see where people get it from; evenly spoken purplebloods w a certain sentimentality for and history with the macabre. if it helps I’m pretty sure ailzeas favorite shirt is a flamingo patterned short sleeve button up. maybe u can bond over fun patterns
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~) I appreciate the attempt at c)x(mf)x(rt, but y)x(u can imagine why I am reluctant t)x( )x(pen a c)x(nversati)x(n with a cl)x(wn. |
~) A grand )x(ne at that, yes? |
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