#this is by far our best zine with our best art so please please please check it out - you won't regret it!
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My preview for my contribution in @tlm-fanzine 2023!
This one is special for the 10th anniversary of the movie and by far my absolute favorite zine piece to make. Please check it out!!! We're close to a stretch goal!!!
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omgzineplease · 1 year
New Release Date: June 5th
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Hey y'all. We indeed bring tidings of the dreaded delay.
When we started OMG Zine Please, we knew going in that this was gonna be a pretty ambitious project. With a hefty final submission count from our amazing contributors, our inaugural issue is going to pack quite the punch! And we wouldn't have it any other way!
Seeing this community come together and express all the love we all share for this special webcomic has been wonderful. Still, as this is our first ever release, we are finding that even through the many checks behind the scenes, the team we've put together, and keeping realistic goals in sight, not every play can be accounted for! There's bound to be a bump in the road here and there.
So let's start with the good news: as we've stated, we got our submissions in and they look excellent! Seriously, we've been inundated with excellent prose and artwork, and all contributors deserve multiple pats on the back. We thank them so much for their hard work!
Now the less good news here is that while we are now at the proofing, compiling, and formatting stage for each submission to be presentable for public consumption instead of looking like a more-last-minute-than-usual powerpoint that has its white-background-and-default-font slides in the wrong order.... we're taking a bit longer than was estimated. We sincerely apologize for the delay.
We'd like to give you a look at our current process for full transparency as we want you to be aware of the status of your hard work.
Currently, we are:
Going through the submissions to ensure each piece is within guidelines.
Analyzing which pieces fit best in which order so as to compliment each other aesthetically, tonally, and with good pacing for the entire release overall.
Ensuring our final layout will smoothly transition fics from doc form to pdf and balance the different dimensions of each art piece.
Adding professional touches to the zine itself (not the contributions) to ensure a cohesive and professional finish is achieved so that all contributors and zine-enjoyers can feel as though they're holding a real and true zine that honors the source material.
All of that to explain the reality check: such things are clearly gonna take a slightly longer time than we hoped for, especially since we found out that May tends to be a fairly hectic month!
Now another dose of good news: the new release date isn't far away! In fact it's less than a month's time. We expect to get all this set up and ready to go before June 5th, which is our new release date!
Thanks so much for your patience and for sticking with us through this new endeavor.
We plan on making it worth your while.
Please reach out for any questions or concerns. As always, we're here for y'all!
-Admins FFR & Tea
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battle-facility-zine · 4 months
Contributor Application Tips!
Hello, Challengers! With a little less than a day away before our Contributor Applications open on February 20th at 4:00PM EST we the mods here at In Pursuit of Victory! felt that it would be helpful to provide a list of tips to keep in mind before applying for those who are new to zines. Without further ado, here they are!
Double check that all of your links are viewable before submitting! What do we mean by viewable? Well, it's exactly how it sounds—anyone who clicks the link must be able to see it without requesting permission. This extends not only to personalized Google Drive portfolios/samples but also to Archive of Our Own links as well; if your fics are currently set to the "for logged-in users only" setting then we cannot review your applications.
As per our guidelines, please make sure that you have properly tagged each of your fic submissions! Tagging is not just an essential part of fanfiction writing in general but also a courtesy to the mods who are reviewing your application. For those submitting AO3 links, the tags on the fic itself should suffice—and we would also appreciate additional notes in the body of your application too—but if you plan to submit excerpts via Google Drive please make sure to list the tags at the top of each sample document.
Put your best foot forward, or rather in this case, make sure to put your best pieces first! We generally recommend making a Google Drive folder, especially for those interested in applying for the Artist Roles, with each piece numbered in an order that allows you to lead with your best pieces. We also accept any other portfolio website that you may want to submit instead, just make sure you link to the exact page you mean the mods to land on!
Make sure to only put pieces that you think are your best or represent your current style! While it might seem tempting to pad out your portfolio with as many pieces as possible, this might actually hurt the overall quality of it. It's better to submit five of your absolute greatest hits than ten samples of mixed quality.
Remember the most important thing is that you have tried your best and that a rejection isn't a reflection of your worth as an artist or a writer! It is an incredibly brave thing to put yourself and your art out there and that is far more important than the result you may get in the process of doing so.
We the mods are so thankful and appreciative to all of the support the zine has received thus far and we are so excited to move onto this next phase of the project with you all. Good luck, to every Challenger out there!
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rustbeltjessie · 10 months
About Me / Ways You Can Support Me
I’ve gotten several new followers recently, so I thought I’d tell you a bit about me and what you can expect to find here:
I’m a 40-something bi/MGA nonbinary trans person. I’m disabled and neurodivergent. I live where the Great Lakes region meets the Rust Belt meets the Upper Midwest, with my partner and our two kiddos. I am a writer, zine-maker, spoken word performer, visual artist, and small press owner/editor. I occasionally dabble in making short films or playing music. I collect souvenir pennies and stick and poke tattoos. I'm in love with the undying spirit of punk rock (even though punk is far from the only genre of music I listen to). I'm perpetually melancholy, nostalgic, and restless.
I post my own writing and art, and photographs from my day-to-day life. (If you’d like to see more of that type of stuff, check out the tags: #my writing, #my art, #my photos #jessie lynn mcmains, and #rust belt jessie.)
I also post about stuff I’m into (music, literature, film, art, etc.), post things about writing and art, and post political stuff (mainly US-focused).
Speaking of political stuff, I’m basically an anarcho-socialist, but I believe in voting as a form of harm reduction. I’m pro-choice, pro-trans, pro-Black Lives Matter. (I say all this because if you are an anti-trans activist, a white supremacist or fascist, queerphobic, anti-abortion, etc., we won’t get along and you could save us both the trouble by blocking me right now.) And speaking of harm reduction — I am for the decriminalization of both drug use and sex work.
I try to tag for common triggers but I’m not very consistent, so if there is something specific you need me to tag for, please let me know and I’ll try my best.
I also have a couple side blogs: @witchofbonesandkeys - a witchy blog which I update very infrequently, and then a personal one which I won’t link to (but which you can probably find on your own because I sometimes reblog posts I made there to this blog) where I post a lot.
If you dig what I do, you can tip me right here on Tumblr, or via PayPal ([email protected]), or Venmo (@JessieLynnMcMains).
I also have a Ko-fi, where you can buy my zines and books, commission me for a mini-collage, or hire me to edit your writing.
Anything else you want to know? Ask! (Anon is on, but if you’re creepy or mean I won’t respond.)
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mcytpoetry · 1 year
Thank you guys for already more than 50 responses on the interest check in just 24 hours! We're so happy to see you all as excited as we are about this.
We've had a few questions so far about the zine. Read on to see them answered, and if you're still uncertain about anything, please do send us an ask!
Twitter | Carrd | FAQ | Team | Schedule
Is shipping permitted in this zine?
All poems in this zine are expected to be inspired by and drawn from canon. If you are creating about characters who are canonically in a relationship and/or romantically involved, yes, you may draw from those elements for your piece. But it must be kept to the level of canon portrayal. If you’re unsure whether your concept meets these requirements, run it by a mod to be safe.
What about NSFW/erotic poetry?
We want this zine to be open to contributors ages 16+. Due to this, absolutely no NSFW content is permitted in this zine.
Is there a theme to this zine beyond MCYT?
Nope! So long as your piece is inspired by canon MCYT, it meets the theme.
What forms of poetry are allowed? Are you looking for any in particular?
We want to see a variety of poetry forms represented in this zine! We will likely have a page limit per poem, as well as a few style guides regarding the content represented in the poem, but we would love to see all forms of poetry. In particular, we value creativity and uniqueness in your style!
How will you be choosing poets?
We will have two different methods of accepting poets. First, we will be inviting a hand-picked selection of poets. These will likely be well-established creators within their fandoms, due to the nature of guest creators in zines.
After this, we will have open applications. When our application process opens, any poet interested will be able to submit a minimum of three poems to showcase their style and skill. All poets will be selected on the basis of quality, not popularity. Whether you have a thousand followers or have never posted a poem before, your application will be considered equally.
What kinds of illustrations will you be looking for?
There will be two kinds of illustration in this zine. We will be looking for atmospheric illustrations to accompany individual poems, intended to emphasize specific symbolism and imagery within the poem. We would love to see any sort of stylized, unique, or experimental art styles for these illustrations!
Additionally, we will also be looking for full illustrations unrelated to individual poems. For this, we would want to see full-color art that aligns with a more traditional expectation for zine illustrations.
If this zine is monetized, are there going to be copyright issues?
First of all, if this zine is monetized, 100% of proceeds would go to charity. This would still be a not-for-profit zine. However, we have not yet solidified whether this zine will be monetized. We are gauging interest in the project first before diving further into that aspect so that if there is not enough interest in a physical copy, we won’t have wasted time setting that up.
With that in mind, other fanzines have had precedence for being funded without issue. Since it is a legal concern, we are taking care to make it explicitly for-charity in the event that it is monetized. Our financing mod, Ash, is looking into the legality of everything involved, and discussing the best options of how to move ahead in that circumstance.
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hyenafu · 1 year
Hey, I have a quick question, since apparently you went to the center for cartoon studies in white river, Vermont, could you tell me a little about what it was like there? I’m asking because I live nearby the area and I was thinking of applying for it.
Sure thing! Being a student at the Center for Cartoon Studies was one of the most memorable two years of my life. I learned a lot from the school, from my classmates, and I learned a lot about myself. Good AND bad! They have a fantastic collection of all kinds of comics from all across the world called the Schulz Library. I wish I could go there every week. I thought my teachers were cool, too, but since it's been a few years, I'm sure some of the faculty have changed. They do workshops in the summer, but they also have a one-year certificate and a two-year Master of Fine Arts program. The classes for the year-long programs tend to be very small; my class was less than 20 people. Sometimes you take lessons with just your class, and sometimes there are lectures with the whole school, so like... a whopping 40-ish people! Wow! (sarcasm) Being in a small school has its ups and downs. You can become really close to your friends there, and you get more attention from teachers. But if you don't get along with someone, you're going to have to deal with it-- one way or another-- in a small community. Woof! The one-year certificate program and two-year MFA program are all about what you put in. I did the two-year MFA program where you are required to do a bit of internship work and also create a thesis project. Your thesis project, as far as I still understand it, is to make "a year's worth of comics". Whatever that means to you. It can all be the same series or it can all be different comics. For me, that means The Junk Hyenas volume one + Slightly Damned comics I did that year + some autobiographical comics I collected into a zine. (My teachers told me that it was a big overkill and Junk Hyenas alone would have been enough to pass lol)
You will also be asked to do homework while working on your thesis and continuing to learn. It can be overwhelming for some people! It really is all on your shoulders to make yourself do the work. I have friends who left the school thinking their approach promoted an unhealthy workaholic attitude. I loved my friends and CCS, but I hated feeling trapped in White River Junction. (But I also did not bring my car.) Little did I know that the isolation would be "practice" for the pandemic... It feels like only a few of my schoolmates still make comics after graduation, while a couple people ended up famous. Everyone's experiences will be wildly different. I think the best way I've heard anyone sum up the school is that "you'll learn everything you would have learned about comics in 10 years in 2 years". I learned a LOT about comics history, how they're made, what influences them, and different ways they are a part of our lives. My technical skill with comics developed at an incredible speed. However, it wasn't without its problems, and some people fold under the pressure. There is also no guarantee of finding work in comics after you graduate. The school does try to help with networking, but ultimately, that is up to you as well. With all that, I still have more to talk about regarding the Center for Cartoon Studies. If you or anyone else has any more questions for me, please feel free to email me at chu @ raizap.com. I have also been a guest speaker and mentor for second-year students at the school, so maybe I can be your mentor someday if you ask!
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popculturelib · 11 months
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Fanzine Friday #8: But a Paper Dress no. 3 (1990s) by an unknown author.
We don't have many fanzines that talk about Barbie; in fact, we could only find this one issue. But a Paper Dress (BPD) is a zine that talks about quite a few things, most of them related to punk rock and music. But there are two pages sharing what people think about Barbie as a cultural phenomenon -- though they're a bit of a different take on Barbie than what we've seen earlier this week. What do you think about Barbie (and Ken)?
Transcripts below the read more.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
Text from the cover, read top to bottom:
Interviews with:
Mark Amft from Drink Me
Chocolate USA
R. Seth Friedman of FACTSHEETS
And Julie Ann Klausner?
Barbie: The quintessential icon of popular culture, or just another prick tease?
Eat My Shit, MTV boy
The Lost Art of Female Masturbation: A "How-To" guide of sorts
[around the central figure's halo] Sing a Song of Loyalty / Wearing But a Paper Dress - Brian P. De[illegible]
John Henry. Pleased to meet you.
Welcome to the mesmerising queasiness of our brother zine, The Strobetongue Files
And more BPD punk rock rubbish
live from the bowls of Hell! Special Monkees Issue
Text from the pages about Barbie, titled "Cowgirl on Wednesday"
Speculations on Sexist America's favorite pop icon. Names have been omitted for reasons of anonymity. [heart]
As a little girl I used to stand in front of my mirror naked, and compare Barbie's body to my own. I would compare our breasts, hips, tummy, and how far apart our thighs were. I would evaluate how I could change to look more like Her.
If you've ever taken off a Barbie Doll's hear you'd have seen a freakishly long neck, and at the top a kind of tan saucer connected to the body by a plastic ball. The saucer is mobile, and the ball will swivel around its "axis" so that Barbie will be able to move her pretty head to look up at the sky, over her shoulder to smile at something behind her, or just to nod. My friend Chris collects Barbie Doll heads, but I find the saucer-ball part much more fascinating. Keep in mind that without this golden choking hazard, Barbie's head would have to have to be secured in place only by being shoved down directly above her shoulders. This technique tends to make the doll resemble Barbie's heavier and less attractive cousin, White Trash Skipper. (Trailer Park and rifle sold separately)
I used to love Barbie dolls when I was little. I would imagine going to huge parties with my best friend Barbie by my side, and how we would make our grand entrance in extravagant pink gowns. Come to think of it, and the time she was my only friend...
When you lift up a Barbie Doll's arm you can see that her armpit is like a 3 dimensional sphere. I thought armpits were supposed to be concave.
[next page]
When I first heard about that GI Joe/Barbie voice box mix-up on television I thought I was going to split a side. What a great prank!
Maxie. Maxie could never wear Barbie's clothes. She could fit into them all right but she couldn't fill them out properly - especially with those straight arms. Man, Barbie could wear lime green spandex like no one else.
I remember that Ken's genitalia consisted of either flesh-colored briefs or a vague, androgynous "hump" kind of a shape that may have suggested a sort of phallus to the girls that cared. (myself included)
Every Barbie doll looks completely different - and it's not just the hairstyle or eye color either. I know they're made from cookie cutters, but I could never get rid of the feeling that each doll had an entirely unique identity. And I didn't name any of them "Barbie."
Barbie never menstruated. Barbie looks great under fluorescent lighting, and thin when she wears horizontal stripes. Barbie could be a rocket scientist on Tuesday, a [illegible] on Wednesday, a nurse on Thursday, Miss America on Friday, and still have time to run with the Rockers in time for their huge gig this weekend. Barbie's parents made sure to properly bind her feet when she was young so she looks very chic, but can't really wear shoes without scotch tape at hand. Barbie never fucked. (she hated sex) Barbie never ate despite her constant cooking. Barbie has never seen a corpse or a book or a cigarette or a vagina. Barbie's legs feel different from her torso.
Sideways text in the upper right corner: "If you or someone you know is interested in this subject, do not hesitate to order Barbara's divine fanzine, Hey There, Barbie Girl! for 2 dollars from HTBG! PO Box 819 Peter Stuyvesant Station, NYC 10009. Not only does she know the guys from Ms. Lun, but she's a peach of a zine editor as well."
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namingofcatszine · 1 year
What do you look for in an art portfolio? Like is there a certain skill level criteria??
this is a tough one to answer! there are five of us mods who will discuss together when the application process ends, it wont just be me (mod peach) deciding. us mods also discussed which guest contributors we wanted to invite as well! our team is amazing and im glad to be working with them!
its hard to explain the criteria that i have when it comes to art. there are SO many different styles that i've seen from the applications so far and they look amazing! typically when it comes to page, i look for backgrounds and characters in a background setting. but if you're too scared to go for backgrounds, then merch is best for you!
i specialize more in merch so im actually also deciding whether or not someone would be more suited for the merch positions. your style could really look super cute as icons, stickers, etc. (please apply for merch its so fun!!!) if you're worried that you might not get accepted for page, you may be accepted for merch (only if you chose the pinch hitter option)!
by the way, im also not looking for one specific style, im accepting of all! someone could specialize in realism while another draws in a really cute cartoon style, i accept any! this zine will have so much variety just like the characters themselves, its so fun looking through all of the portfolios so far!
but these are my thoughts. the rest of the mods might have a different thought process, but we will discuss when the application forms close!
we hope this was helpful, please try your best signing up! beginner or not, maybe your art could design a lovely page or design a lovely piece of merch for all to enjoy! (or maybe even a non-replica production art print?????) the possibilities are endless!
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falloutghoulzine · 3 years
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With the interest check wrapped up, we decided we would like to address some of the questions and comments we received! We got over 100 responses to the interest check which provided us with a lot of insight.
All questions/comments will remain anonymous. Hopefully our responses will give you something to look forward to!
How has your day been?
Every response we’ve received made us giddy. We’ve been great! Hope you’ve been well! (bonus: It’s @radiationgroove‘s birthday so toot a horn for her before the night is up!)
I love y'all already xoxo
We love y’all, too xoxo
This is an idea I've considered doing myself, so I'm very excited to see like minded people!
We’re happy to have the support of a community with highly refined taste.
please for the love of god include some gob content i love him thank u ily 🙏
We love Gob too! With any luck, we’ll get some contributors itchin’ to tackle our favorite ghoul bartender.
I love this zine idea! I would love for there to be a focus on already-existing characters since the ghoul NPCs are so underrated!
Our interest check has shown us that all ghouls are welcome in the zine. We will however be working to keep an appropriate ratio so that canon characters, including companion, NPC, and feral, will be the focus. There’s clearly a lot of love for ghouls of all sorts!
I've seen a lot of mentions of Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas ghouls- would we be able to do some ghouls from fallout 1, 2, and possibly BOS in our work? Thanks!!
What, no Tactics? No, seriously, we’re happy to have any ghoul from any reach of the franchise. Do keep in mind however that many of the ghouls from the early games used the same sprites as other ghouls and did not have unique ‘talking head’ versions. This may make it difficult to include them, but mods are willing to work with contributors on the issue.
Perhaps a sign up/way to organize illustrations of characters and a certain quota or limit of a particular character? To prevent illustrations leaning heavily toward Hancock, Raul etc
When we accept contributors, we will be implementing a process to ensure no one (or two) ghoul(s) end up dominating the zine. We love Hancock and Raul and Charon and and and- as much as the next, but we can always do a more focused zine some other time.
Fallout is an 18+ game
It sure is! As such, we have decided that all organizers and contributors must be 18+ to participate. In addition, the zine itself will be rated M/18+. However, NSFW content is going to remain in a separate optional ‘addendum’.
Did a nsfw zine a while back through Short Run Printing and they were totally okay with nsfw and had a really good price, so you might check them out!
Thank you for your suggestion. We have been shopping around for printers (including Short Run Printing) and found a handful of options that also are okay with NSFW printing.
be careful when producing charms for zines - from experience these can cost as much to manufacture as the zines themselves!
Thank you for your concern. We’re shopping around for suppliers for our various merch ideas and making sure we can get what we’d like in a budget that allows for fair pricing.
who did the nuka ghoul pin-up used in the graphic? i love it!
Nuka Ghoul has become our unofficial mascot alongside Vee and Sunny. The header graphic for the interest check as well as the upcoming contributor applications feature official pinup art of Nuka Girl, the Vim girl, and a Sunset Sarsaparilla lithograph that have been edited by @digitalduckie. The chibi artwork of the trio that we’ve been using were also made by Duckie.
I love this idea! I hope there are enough people interested to do this thing.
I'm so excited for this zine
I think it's a great idea! Ghouls don't get enough love in the fandom imo.
Only that i love the focus of this, ghouls are lovely!!
I think it's a great and fun idea for a zine, looking forward to contributing!
This sounds super fun! Can’t wait to see all the art in the zine!
This is an awesome idea! Stoked to see what everyone comes up with :)
This is super awesome!
This sounds like a really fun idea, with the amount of ghoul lovers in the fandom im sure there will be no shortage of people wanting to take part and purchasing the final product.
I just want to say I'm excited about this and I hope there's enough interest for this zine to get started! ;)
not really, it seems youre doing great so far, so keep it up! :)
Just gotta say, I adore this idea and am very excited to see what comes of it!
Look at all this excitement! We’re grateful for all the support and we can’t wait to share the final product with everyone when we get there. We’ll be doing our best to keep y’all informed and engaged so we can share in our love for ghouls and Fallout!
good luck with this! i'd love to apply to contribute if the interest check goes well! (- v -)b
Thank you! We’ll be emailing everyone who asked to be notified when applications go live. But we also will tell you right here, right now, contributor applications will open Fri, Aug 20 at 3pm ET/2pm CT! We’ll share the links on all of our socials when they go live.
Let’s make this happen ghouls are good ghouls are great 🙌
2-4-6-8 ghouls are really super great!
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jessadilla · 4 years
My situation
Hello friends and followers!
I need your help. I will be opening commissions but leaving links to both paypal and ko-fi for anything anyone can spare. 
I understand it is very hard to help right now, it is possibly one of the toughest times some of us have faced. It certainly is for me. I work in retail during a global pandemic like so many others right now. Unfortunately this fact has taken a seriously toll on both my mental and physical health. While I have not (yet) caught covid, my depression and anxiety is at its peak and it is causing undue stress on my body to be in a constant state of panic attacks. 
Stores say they’re prepared for the holidays, but as far as I have witnessed, my store has taken zero extra precautions while also promoting holiday sales, and the store hours have gone back to normal while the store has been crowded every day for the past couple of weeks. Cases are rising, the cold weather will make it easier to spread...and I have an at risk family member at home that I am terrified of giving this thing to. I am at the end of my rope mentally. I am exhausted physically. (I would like to add when I brought up my concerns to my HR rep while he was understanding, he literally lied to my face about the measures and steps my company was taking because no one in our store enforces a Single Measure, so even if it's company wide policy, it's ineffective if it's not being followed literally at all.)
I have opted to take a leave of absence from work to at least cut off my chances temporarily from getting anything right after Thanksgiving, but ideally I’d like to be able to quit my job and find something that doesn’t involve exposing myself to an inconsiderate public and an uncaring corporate workplace.
So, I am asking for donations for the time being. If you can spare anything, I’d be extremely grateful. Donations under $21 will not have a reward in place, but donations $21 can be payments for sketch head shot commissions. 
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You can donate through my ko-fi, or through paypal.
Email me directly (jessie.islas at gmail) to give me information on your request (with the name you donated with and “commission” in the subject header). All I require from you will be a visual reference of your character. You can also choose a background color, otherwise I will go with white, or some color that seems to complement your character. Points 1, 5, and 7 of my TOS apply to these commissions. TOS is agreed upon at time of payment. 
If you’re having a problem viewing the TOS link, please let me know in your email and I’ll send you a copy. 
Please keep in mind these are SKETCH commissions. They will not be fully rendered, but painted in a more loose style. You will still receive the full file size once the image is completed. Turn around can be anywhere from 3 days to a week, depending on my current work schedule.  
I cannot currently offer anything more complicated than these because on top of everything else, my computer is reaching its final destination. Part of the money I make/that gets donated would help to upgrade my current laptop so that it runs like new again and extends its life for at least 1-2 more years. If you are interested in a more detailed commission, the best I can do is accept payment and put you on a waitlist for when my computer is in better working condition.
If you cannot afford a commission, any amount helps, truly. Please consider donating to the links above.
If that is also not possible for you, please consider sharing this post. It really means a lot to me. 
My ultimate goal is around $3000. I realize that is a lot of money (at least it is to me?) but it would help me to be financially stable for the next month or so (not much more than that because I live in CA and living costs are, as always, astronomical) and also help me fix my computer so I can put more work into my art. I have more plans, regarding patreon as well as comics/zines I have been wanting to make for years now. 
If I can make enough to help me last a month without working retail, I can start giving you guys more updates on what plans I have for my art, and ways in which you can help me sustain some kind of (partial) living off of it. 
Also, to be clear, I will never be a pay-only artist. I know some artists do move in that direction and they have their reasons, but I’ve been on the side of things where I cannot afford it, so I understand the distress of not being able to access art all of a sudden because you have no money. That is not my intention at all. I just want to be able to live with peace of mind and also make art while doing it. 
Thank you so much for reading this, thank you in advance for any help you can offer. I’ll be updating this soon with a link that will help explain what my plans are moving forward if I am able to get the help I need. Thank you all again. 
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cloudy-whales · 2 years
Just going to answer some of the Code Lyoko zine responses! :D
See below please
@huntermoebius responded to your post: There was a similar idea on here last year, but that would be fun. I could probably contribute in some way.
I didn’t know there was one proposed last year until after I made the original post, but I am hoping maybe to contact the mod of that zine to see if maybe they would want to join this one! Happy to know that there might be other CL zines out there 
@tomoe-yukina respnded to your post: I want to, but I suck at drawing digital art
Thats ok! I am considering this zine more of a labor of love vs one that requires someone to apply and possibly be denied. My co-mod and I are also going to allow fics and cosplay photos once we figure out a cohesive theme, so if those other areas are more comfortable that works as well!
@quality-purple-trash responded to your post: I said yes on Twitter but the answer is still yes
hell yeah! :D
@kittygirl255 responded to your post: I would be down to join!
Perfect! More the merrier
@godshaped responded to your post: yes! this would be incredible
I am happy that there has been such a postive response, Dan and I will try our best to get this off the ground!
@some-messy-portuguese-lesbean​ reblogged your post - previous tags -
I honestly didn’t know that the CL subreddit was a thing (I don’t use/go on reddit) but I might make an account and pop over to see whats up! Thank you for the suggestion (and I am down to see some memes lol)
Thank you for all the responses so far! We’re going to do our best to get this project off the ground and have already started discussing what direction we would like to go in. Once pre-production is all set up, Dan and I will follow up with details and submissions :) 
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creatis-crafts · 4 years
🧶✂️🧡CONTRIB APPS for Creati’s Craft Compendium: a Class 1-A Craftbook are NOW OPEN!!!🧵🖊🎨
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We are so happy to announce that contributor applications for Creati’s Craft Compendium: a Class 1-A Craftbook are now open!
🧶✂️🧡Calling all knitters, needlers, papercraft fiddlers! Cosplay artists, odd-item painters, and people who have far too messy of a desk!🧵🖊🎨
If you haven’t heard of us before, we are a craftbook zine that will be Class 1-A centric. Creati’s Craft Compendium (CCC) will include fics and page art, but will foremostly be a craftbook! This means we will be looking for dedicated crafters to come have a good time with us!
These are crafter, writer, and artist requirements! If you have any questions, please look at this link foremost! We absolutely encourage you to visit our askbox with any questions you may still have!
🧶Crafter Applications🧵: 
We understand that this is a new and unique role, so there might be questions! We’ve done our best to explain things in the requirements and in the application itself, but rest assured:
All you need is an idea!
We will not expect you to have examples of your work like artists and writers, although there is a place where you may link them if you would like to.
Your role in the zine will be to write instructions.
HERE is a spreadsheet CHOCK FULL of the amazing ideas given to us on our interest check! You may apply using any of these ideas, we encourage it! My personal favorite is Shouji’s face mask!
Keep in mind that we will be accepting a craft for all 20 of Class 1-A (plus and minus some purple), so the less proposed-for characters will probably have a better chance of getting in <3
Acceptances will be based on characters, the details you give, and most importantly, your idea!
🖋Writer Applications✏: 
This will be a gen zine, so keep in mind that we’ll be on the lookout for that good, good heartwarming fluff! 
🎨Artist Applications🖌:
You will have three options: merch artist, page artist, or spot artist. 
Spot artists will work together with a crafter to provide illustrations, which artists will get to choose through claims.
You can apply for all!
Keep in mind that spot artists are going to be the star of this show rather than page artists! 
If any has absolutely any questions at all, especially questions about the crafter role, feel free to send us an ask! Or if you just wanna send us an ask, we’d love to hear about your recent craft projects🧡
🧶✂️🧡Thank everyone so much for applying! Good luck and HAVE FUN!🧵🖊🎨
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waystobuild-blog · 3 years
Spare Room?
Hey everybody. Last year, I had worked on the Sonic Zine @stayhomesonic which was a fanzine that would be sold to fans each with pieces of art and writing about the pandemic, with the proceeds going towards Doctor’s Without Borders in the end. $612 was raised and it was great to take part in such a nice cause.
Now that the zine has been finished, I am able to post my piece to social medias which I am doing so now. Rather than something soft or emotional, I decided to go a little more comical with these characters while also going into the importance of staying home and social distancing.
Spare Room?
 With a global pandemic going on, everybody was asked to stay inside their homes. This was a good thing, it kept people safe. But if you were a guy that didn’t really have a house and just kinda camped out wherever you stopped running, then you were in for a problem. Unfortunately for Sonic the Hedgehog, that was his predicament.
He now stood in the Mystic Ruins outside of Tails’ lab where he hoped that he could crash until this whole thing blew over.
Tails arrived at the door decked out in a hazmat suit that even covered his namesakes.
“Hey, bud!” Sonic smiled and waved at him.
“Sonic, it’s good to see you!” The fox grinned.
Sonic was quick to go in for a hug, but Tails was quick to duck away. “Sorry, Sonic. No touching. You know how it is right now.”
The hedgehog sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry, Sorry. Forgot.”
“It’s all good. So what brings you by these parts?”
“Well, everybody’s been told to go inside for this whole virus thing, and I don’t really have a house so I’m like ‘Why not bunk with the best little bro in the whole world?’ y’know?”
“Sonic that’s great and I’d love to have you.”
“Perfect!” He beamed as he began to make his way towards the door.
But for the first time in a long time, Tails was faster than him as he quickly produced a remote control with a single red button on it and stepped back into the house.
Suddenly, metal bars appeared in front of him as warning sirens went off all around. Sonic was quick to cover his ears as he watched his friend’s shack basically become Fort Knox in a matter of seconds.
“Sorry, Sonic. I’d love to have you but I just can’t. I’m busy trying to find a cure so it’s not safe here.”
“They’re trusting an 8 year old to find a cure for a worldwide pandemic?”
“Yes and they pay me handsomely. Good luck trying to find a place to stay, I gotta get back to work.”
Sonic waved him off before leaving.
If Tails wasn’t gonna let him stay then who would? He wondered as he ran off.
However, quickly he found himself in Station Square and that’s when he realized that he knew someone that would have to let him in.
It wasn’t long before Sonic stood outside of an apartment and rang the doorbell, giving off his best winning smile.
When the door opened, Amy Rose stood before him, wearing her usual outfit but a facemask as well.
“Sonic!” She cried. “It’s good to see you!”
“Hey, Ames. Good to see you too.”
Sonic reached out for a hug, but Amy was quick to back away. “No, no mister, you know the rules. Keep a safe distance.”
“Aw, come on, it’s just one hug.”
“Sure first it’s one hug and then it’s one kiss and then it’s one virus.” Amy shook her head. “We’re not in good times right now.”
Sonic chuckled. “Who are you and what have you done with Amy Rose?”
Amy swiped her hand around and laughed with him. “Oh, stop. But seriously, what brings you by?’
“Well, with this whole virus thing going around I’ve been looking for a place to stay, so I thought Amy will definitely let me-”
“Stay and so I’m just gonna go in and- wait, did you say no?”
Amy gave a placate smile and shook her head “Same thing, Sonic. Any other day, I’d love to have you over, but right now it’s just not a good idea.”
Sonic sighed at this but nodded in understanding.
Amy quickly closed her door and Sonic was left to find someone else to bunk with.
First Tails and now Amy. This was proving to be a lot harder than he thought. He thought he was a shoe in to get inside Amy’s apartment but the girl was far more serious than he initially thought she would be. Part of him was proud of her for sticking to her guns and staying safe, but another part of him just wanted a bed to sleep in for once.
Who else did he know that actually had some sort of roof over their head could he go to?
And then it clicked. While definitely not ideal, he supposed he could give them a try.
Sonic raced off from Station Square and shortly arrived in Westopolis where he went to a specific high rise apartment complex to find Team Dark.
Team Dark, having more government funds than they knew what to do with lived incredibly comfy in what was more or less a penthouse and they were 100% fine with that. It was a bit too stuffy and fancy for Sonic’s tastes, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Sonic’s eyes widened in shock when he went to the top floor of the building and found steel plating surrounding the entrance to their apartment.
Sonic looked confused at this as he walked over to ring the doorbell.
But as soon as he placed a finger on it, alarms began to blare causing the hedgehog to instinctively jump into a battle pose.
But no danger came.
Instead, a massive screen flared to life and there stood the face of E123 Omega. “Who dares violate the safety of Rouge?!”
“Omega?” Sonic looked confusedly.
“Sonic the Hedgehog how dare you try to infiltrate our place of dwelling during the infection?! Please vacate the premises immediately or lethal force will be taken!”
Suddenly a comically large laser gun appeared from next to the panel and pointed dangerously at the hedgehog.
“Woah, woah, woah!” A sharp voice came from offscreen. “Omega, put those away right now!”
“But Rouge, he-”
“We do not vaporize our friends, Omega!” Rouge shouted.
If Sonic wasn’t mistaken he thought he had heard the robot groan but the laser was in fact put away.
In a few short moments the camera was turned in a new direction and he could see Rouge the bat lying lazily on the couch wearing a bathrobe and slippers, a magazine discarded at her side.
“Hey, Big Blue.” She waved. “Sorry about Omega, he’s gotten a little extreme when it comes to the virus.”
“A little? Dude tried to blast me!”
“And I would do it again.”
Rouge rolled her eyes at this. “Omega put the place on lockdown as soon as news broke out and won’t allow me to leave the house. I don’t really care though so I’ve just made myself comfortable.”
“Okay… what about Shads?”
“Shadow?” She snickered. “As soon as he heard, he didn’t even bother with me or Omega, he just used his Chaos Control and left. Who knows where he is?”
“Knowing him, he probably thinks he can’t be infected or something and is off trying to figure out how he can punch the virus.”
Rouge simply shrugged.
“Anyway, you gonna let me stay?”
Rouge shrugged. “I’d love to… But I am 100% sure Omega will vaporize you…”
“I will!”
“And I just can’t stop him.”
Sonic sighed. “Alright, thanks.”
Sonic ran off yet again, trying to find where exactly he could go but to no avail. He had friends all over the world and yet, none of them were taking him. He tried the Chaotix, he tried Professor Pickle, he even considered Omochao but then realized nothing was worth that hell.
But soon, he ran into someone that actually wanted him.
If only he could say the same about them.
“Hello, Sonic!”
Sonic stopped his running nearly tripping over his own feet with how sudden the gravelly voice had come out at him.
He looked up to the source of the voice and saw a floating screen before him and on that screen was none other than Doctor Eggman himself, giving him a big cheeky smile. The doctor wasn’t looking to good, he was covered in a blanket, his face redder than usual, his usually bushy moustache drooped down low.
“Sonic!” He announced. “I hear you are looking for a place to stay!”
“Pass.” Sonic tried to run away but the same floating screen was quick to have two robot arms extend from it and grab the hedgehog.
“Now hold on there, Sonic. I would like to extend an olive branch to you. With these trying times, we all need to stick together and I happen to know that you need a roof over your head. So, stay with me and we’ll make great company!”
Sonic let himself go from where the arms were holding him. “You’re sick, Eggman.”
Eggman violently coughed at that. “N-n-no, of course not. I am of perfect health.”
“I meant you’re messed up but yeah, that too.”
Eggman frowned at that. “Wait, I promise that no harm will come to you.”
“Is that right?”
“But of course.”
“In that case…”
“Chaos Control!”
Sonic and Eggman both looked up in shock to see none other than Shadow the Hedgehog drop down and dropkick Eggman’s screen, causing it to break.
“I- okay, I wasn’t expecting that, Shadow.”
Shadow rose from where he was crouched down on the ground and glared at the hedgehog.
“So… since you’re here, I was wondering if I could bunk it in wherever you were hiding out an-”
“Absolutely not!” Shadow roared. “After Rouge called me on my communicator, she informed me of your little crusade to find a roommate. So I’m telling you here and now, stay away from space. If I hear you so much as step one foot off the planet, then I will not hesitate to-”
“Woha, wait, space? I didn’t even know that…” And then it clicked. “You’re hiding out on the Ark aren’t you?”
Shadow’s eyes widened in shock and he quickly tried to cover himself. “I- I- I- cannot confirm or deny that… I- I have to go. Uh… Chaos Control!”
Sonic sighed at this, being left all alone with flaming pile of machinery.
After trying all his friends he was left in complete isolation. What was he to do now that he had nowhere to stay, nowhere to run to… He was all alone.
But it was those thoughts of loneliness, isolation that made him realize that he had one friend that he had completely forgotten to ask and zoomed off.
It wasn’t long before he arrived at his destination. Lush greenery surrounded him, birds were singing, nature was alive and well, standing amongst it all was a great big altar where a massive green gem of power could be seen radiating a comforting energy that rolled over him in waves.
Leaning against the same gem was none other than the Emerald Guardian himself, Knuckles the Echidna and as soon as Sonic stepped foot on the Altar, he cracked open an eye and looked over at his visitor.
“Hey, buddy. It’s good to see ya!” He sheepishly waved.
“What are you doing on my island?”
“Well… ya see, there’s this whole virus thing going on and…”
“Virus? What virus?”
Sonic stood there in stunned disbelief for a moment, staring at the echidna in complete befuddlement as Knuckles looked at him expectantly.
He just shrugged. “Forget about it. Anyway, you mind if I crash on Angel Island for a while?”
Knuckles put a hand to his chin in thought for a moment. “Eh, sure. Just stay away from the Master Emerald and me for that matter.”
“Works for me.” Sonic shrugged as he left to jog a few laps around the island, finally having a place to stay during this pandemic.
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gracefieldsunzine · 3 years
A Letter from the Contributors
This letter was emailed with the PDFs. -Pam
First, we, being the other contributors and I, would like to apologize for all the frustration and stress this zine has caused. I know it can be scary as a buyer to have put your money into a project you are passionate about and to only receive radio silence. I personally have invested in projects that have dropped off the face of the earth, so I do not take your anxiety and unease lightly. There is no greater stress for a buyer than the thought of being scammed. Your feelings are completely warranted. You are allowed your anger and anxiety and unease. The least the mods could have offered you was steady communication. I am sorry you have not even received that much.
Here is the pdf you have been waiting for [included via email only]. I’m sorry it took this long, and I’m sorry we, as the contributors, have not advocated sooner on your behalf. We have tried to hold the mods accountable and have faced our own bouts of frustration and confusion. Going forward we will be more firm in our resolve and will do the utmost to make sure you receive what you have paid for.
For buyers that are waiting for physical items: the head mod, Bluebird, has shipped the items. She told us she shipped the last of them several weeks ago from Canada. While contributors are still waiting for our personal packages to ship, everyone who has paid for a physical item should be receiving what they’ve paid for. We’re waiting for Mod Bluebird to update us on if buyers have received tracking info or not. [update: Bluebird is compiling the tracking for us to send out] I’m sorry that we as contributors do not have a concrete timeline for you. I’m sorry that we must ask you to wait even longer than you already have. We are doing what we can to ensure you receive the goods you have paid for; however, as contributors and not mods, there is little more we can do than voice our concerns and wait. We are trying.
I’m sorry for the trouble this zine has caused. We appreciate your initial interest in the zine and for your willingness to support art that we have created. We appreciate your love for The Promised Neverland and for your eagerness to share that love with us. We appreciate the patience and leniency you have given us thus far. Please reach out with any questions or concerns you might have, and we will do our best to answer them.
Thank you,
The Artists and Writers of Grace Field Sun Zine
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ygomagiczine · 4 years
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The time is finally here… PRE-ORDERS ARE OPEN!!!!
From NOW until MAY 1ST, we’ll be accepting pre-orders for HOCUS POCUS- a Yu-Gi-Oh magic zine!!
With more than FIFTY incredible fanfics, fanarts, and cosplay photos, over 100 pages of content, a 78 card tarot deck, and thirteen outstanding merch options, “Hocus Pocus” will undeniably fill all of your magic needs!
We also have STRETCH GOALS!!
At FIFTY orders, ALL physical orders will include a copy of our spellbook, with over a dozen practical spells for real life magic as well as some fantasy options, including interior artwork as well, our spellbook is a great addition for the modern witch and the magic admirer alike!
At ONE HUNDRED orders, ALL physical orders will include an enamel pin featuring the Eye Of Horus in this gorgeous gold and black design!
As for our other merch….
You’ll have the opportunity to choose up to thirteen different merch products, not including our stretch goals! Solo products include a spellbag (pencil pouch/coin pouch), a potion bottle necklace (where you’ll have your choice between TWENTY different YGO character themes) and a sticker sheet including six different artists’ collaborations, but that’s far from all!
With two postcard designs, two large sticker designs, two bookmark designs, two button designs, and two keychain designs, you’ll want to make sure you choose our Dark Magician or Magical Hats bundles to ensure you get a copy of each! Bundles containing only ONE of any particular product (such as the postcard and sticker in the Apple Magician Girl bundle) will have the design chosen at RANDOM by the shipping mod, unless you give us special instructions! Please make sure that if you’re looking for ONE specific design in the duplicated merch (large stickers, buttons, keychains, bookmarks, and postcards) you leave us a message telling us your name and what design you’re looking for!! Otherwise, to gurantee getting ALL of our merch, you’d be best suited to choose our Dark Magician or Magical Hats bundle!
Remember that a portion of our profits will go to “Open Heart Magic”, where volunteer magicians travel to hospitals across the  USA performing and teaching magic for critically ill children to give them the strength and inspiration to pull through their illnesses, or at the very least brighten up their days
We also want to remind you that if the zine does well enough, our artists will get a small cut of profits as well! Art is everywhere in the world and yet so rarely do artists- especially independent artists like the talented souls who worked so hard on our project- get compensation for what they do, your order can help kids AND artists to get a touch of magic in their lives this spring, but we can only do this if we get enough support, so please, pre-order your copy today and help us spread the magic by sharing our store!
Pre-orders will be open for A MONTH AND A HALF, extended from our original close date due to considerations about the coronavirus, so please, witness the conclusion of this magical journey, and order your copy today!
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kuvirazine · 3 years
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Please give a warm welcome to Limegreenbunny!
Lime is one of four returning contributors from our first zine, Season of Change! Check out more from her over @limegreenbunny!
Lime, in 1-3 sentences, please introduce yourself :D
Hello, Lime here. I'm so glad to be contributing art to the SECOND Kuvira Zine because there can never be too much love for this adorable lil dictator!
What do you like about Kuvira?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm physically flailing on my couch trying to find the words for how amazing Kuvira is. They say every character should be written as though they are the hero of their own story. I have never seen this so fully realized (especially in a villain) as it was in Kuvira. I was intrigued by her from the beginning of Book 4, but I remember the line that shot straight to my heart in "The Battle of Zaofu" as she turned to address her troops before challenging Korra to fight: "I want you all to know that I would never ask any of you to do something that I'm not willing to do myself." This is where I knew she wasn't just another crazy villain lurking in the shadows and letting everyone else do her dirty work. And she's not like the dictators we see throughout history (a cowardly lot they are!) She was literally willing to put her life on the line to keep her troops safe by fighting the most powerful bender on the planet. Kuvira started her mission as a young idealist trying to elevate her nation using the principles taught her in Zaofu by her mentor Suyin. Unfortunately, power twisted her and she went very far off course, but even as a full-fledged dictator you can still see the remnants of the strong moral compass she once followed in her passion, bravery, and self-sacrifice. I don't honestly know that I have ever been so fascinated with any other fictional character. And of course, there's no one else with eyebrows quite so epic!
Why do you want to participate in Kuvira Zine Volume II?
Because I love Kuvira and I was so happy to have the opportunity to push myself to do my best work on Season of Change and I'm excited to have more motivation to do it again!
And don’t forget just THREE DAYS LEFT to apply to join our team!
🎨Artist Apps: https://forms.gle/ov3LcWEudcCnVAYr6
✒️Writer Apps: https://forms.gle/UuHBC2GkBdbifMzNA
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