#this is chaiflower to me
jennsterjay · 7 months
Pavitr: Ok so hypothetically speaking...what if there was this guy who has an amazing smile and an amazing laugh, with amazing hair too that I want to touch but not like as a weird guy because I don't want to come off as insensitive ya know? because I know how it feels when people touch my equally amazing hair and you don't know where their hands have been and we have that in common and we also have art and sports and laughing at anime in common, and we have so much in common and I wanted to cook him some vada pav and invite him over for dinner today?
Gayatri (smirking): ...It's Miles isn't it?
Pavitr: No! It's hypothetical...Miles
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br3adtoasty · 1 year
We would like to interrupt the usual art program with—
✨Some Spiderverse doodles!✨
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Hobie and spider noir are best friends but I didn't include him because I'm pretty sure he's in his 30's (I ha e seen a couple of ppl say he was 19 but idk)
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freyrmichokolatte · 1 year
The scenarios in my head of Miles' parents meeting the other spider people is funny because Gwen literally got called emo by Jefferson and then the second Hobie walks in they started questioning what type of friends Miles' making but atleast he has manners but then Peter for crying out loud that's when they really question Miles' taste in friends and at least Noir is tolerable kinda strange but tolerable. Porker can't really meet Mile's parents yet but they'll get there. And then PENI walks in and they absolutely love her and to add on that is that she sees Miles as ano older brother figure which makes them lover more Rio even made her ramen when she asked Miles what's Peni's favorite/comfort food and Peni LOVED it. When Rio and Jefferson met Pavitr they exploded like hello???? He's respectful? Smiles a lot? And has manners?? And he even brought food and they (Read: Rio) asked Miles if he could idk, ask him out marry him??????
Unfortunately, Pavitr mistook this as a "friends' hangout" and asked Miles out and he just took the silence as a yes and gave Miles a piece of paper and went You're free tomorrow right I'll pick you up in 6 okay? Great! Then he needed to go back but Rio and Jeff did not miss the name Pavitr called Miles and decided to google on what it means
(Pav called him "Pyar" which means Love or Dear they were enthralled because they're all our son has a boyfriend and he's respectful ong)
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chaos-and-sparkles · 11 months
All the outrage about "chai" as Pav's ship abbreviation was fucking stupid
Ok so. I may be late to this discourse but by gods am I going to put this out there anyway bc this shit has been FRUSTRATING me for a while okay.
I'm Indian and I am so so sick and tired of, from what I can tell, mostly white people getting mad about Pav's ship abbreviation being chai??
No no. Go on. Find me my fellow Indians spearheading the conversation about 'chai' being a problematic name. Show me where the droves of offended desis are. And I don't mean just a few Indians agreeing with the "chai is stereotypical" thing while non-Indians lead the conversation, I mean the Indians being the majority of the conversation. Since, you know, that's how it would and should be if it's actually such an offensive deal to Indians, right? We all have social media. It's not like we're waiting to be spoken for. Surely there should be at least as many, if not more, offended Indians about the chai thing as I've seen white people on here. I'll wait.
Obviously I don't speak for all Indian people, I'm just one person, but from what I've seen and what I can tell, there don't seem to be any actual Indian people getting offended or claiming his name being 'chai' is Bad and Evil and Offensive and Stereotyping?? All I see are non-Indian people getting so damn offended on our behalf???
I loved his ship name being chai. I loved the representation. I loved the desi tadka, I remember when I exited the theater after ATSV and scoured through my social media and saw "chaipunk" and "chaiflower" and everything with chai going around. I was so fucking elated to see an ethnic word being used in the tagosphere!! It made my Indian heart so happy to see an Indian character who is so so close to my heart be represented with an Indian cultural word.
But nooooooo apparently we can't have nice things, because people just had to white knight about it. Apparently it is harmful and stereotypical to be using chai as his ship name.
Clearly, we gotta change it to golden. Or something similarly English and white-sounding and you know, inoffensive.
So, because I want to nitpick all the arguments I've heard as to why using "chai" is bad, let's go point-by-point:
It's reductive, you're describing a character by just one thing - yes well noted, that's literally what ship names are for. They are shorthand for characters to remember them by, they're supposed to be memorable one-liners to go by for them. It doesn't "reduce their whole personality to one bit" or "define them" or whatever - by that logic, is Miles' entire personality "flower", or Hobie's entire personality "punk"?? Gwen's just a "ghost" then, huh?? The whole POINT of a ship abbreviation is to be short and memorable. And chai is a whole fucking lot more memorable than "golden" or "shine" or whatever - those alternatives aren't even based in canon?? They are just purely fanon interpretations. Meanwhile chai is actually based in canon and a really memorable line from it too. I've had friends who were so confused as to who the golden abbreviation is for and then asking me how it's related to Pav when they browsed through the tags, but whenever they heard "chaipunk" and stuff they got it without me having to explain shit. Also, y'all are reading the Indian reaction to the chai-tea thing very wrong if you think we are offended by chai being a memorable bit about him - we are literally the ones most hyped about the chai-tea thing? You have no idea how loud the Indian theaters cheered at that line and how many Indian-made edits have been circulating. Again, with the caveat that I speak for my experienced social circle and not every Indian to ever exist, WE LOVE THE CHAI THING. It is a really lovable and memorable bit to us - one that has endeared his character to so many of us so quickly! So I have no idea where the idea that we're offended by the chai-tea line being memorable came from, but y'all really need to go out and talk to some desis before speaking and getting mad for us.
It's stereotypical - Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't realize an Indian character named with an Indian ethnic word about an Indian cultural drink is stereotyping, now. Just say you felt called out by the chai tea bit or got tired of how much people were talking about it or didn't like having to learn and use an ethnic word and be done with it. Now, to be completely fair, this is the point in the argument that holds the most water. I have seen a lot of fanart and fanfic in the very early days of ATSV fan content, quite far down the tag at this point, that reduced Pav's entire personality to chai, just made him the tea guy, made him so chai obsessed it was quite OOC and annoying and yes it did feel pretty stereotypical. That kind of thing is extra obvious in some NSFW arts I've seen around, that really give me the ick because that is not necessary, that is actually just weird and smells a little like fetishizing. But long story short, yes, Pav's character did tend to be reduced to chai in the early fan content. But guess what. That kind of thing happens to every side character in beloved media until more creators get their hands on them, adopt them as their blorbos, and make more developed characters and content out of them!!! Every side character that has a memorable bit gets overused in that bit until more creators get on board to flesh them out! Or have we forgotten "AND PEGGY!", "Honor", "ONIONS!!" and other miscreants? Surely those are ALSO stereotyping then, right? Also. Even if Pav's early fan content with chai was veering towards overuse and maybe stereotyping. Let's assume that's right. HOW EXACTLY WOULD THE SHIP NAME CHANGE THAT, THEN? The ship name changing wouldn't have done diddly squat about that - he was already getting more developed character in fics and in art before people pushed for his ship name to be changed to something less ethnic sounding. I should know, I was one of the people writing him even then. The tag changing wasn't going to magically change the content. The fan creators did that.
It's unrelated to him, it's stereotypical specifically in that flavour - bitch what. Did we watch the same movie. This point in particular frustrates me so much, because I remember someone on here - I don't remember who - talking about how it makes sense to use "flower" for Miles because his favourite song is Sunflower but in that same sentence saying it's ridiculous to use "chai" for Pav. What logical hoops are you jumping to get to this conclusion, my sibling of the sea? If we can use "flower" for Miles - which was literally a song he sang once, maybe twice, in the first movie, never even saying it was his favourite but just showing us he liked it - then it makes just as much sense to use "chai" for Pavitr? Pav literally says he drinks chai every day with Maya Aunty, it's linked to his life and family, and he clearly liked and thought of it as important enough to put it in his intro speech. Also, as an Indian, in my experience at least chai is a very important and yet casual cultural thing for us, that a lot of us have a connection to in our everyday lives and it makes sense for him to have it too. It's not like people are just seeing the Indian character and automatically labelling him with chai - he talks about it, he likes chai, it's not out of nowhere. Also, if we're talking about how related the abbreviation is, HOW is "golden" related??? That is even more out of nowhere??? Everyone I've asked seems to have a different justification of why golden is used. From bc he's a golden boy to golden bc of his bangles or vibes - they're all speculative and based almost entirely in fanon. Like. Chai is so much more related.
Also. Using chai? IT'S NOT A BIG FUCKING DEAL. It's just a word. It is normal to me, to us Indians, as normal as using any other word in English, or Hindi, or our regional languages. I don't see why it's such a big deal that it needs to be changed to something English. It's literally just like if you made his abbreviation "tea" - except now you've taken the desiness out of it. Congratulations.
This isn't a cause I'm going to die mad about or anything. It's just been slowly annoying and eating away at me to see so many, again from what I can tell mostly non-Indian people, being mad about chai being his ship abbreviation. It feels like a bit of a gut punch to the part of me that was so happy to see this tiny part of myself and my language and culture represented in a character I love. As my friend once said, "chaipunk sounds like a cool punk movement I'd join. goldenpunk just sounds white."
The straw that finally broke the camel's back and got me posting about it is this realization that I had:
All the hue and cry to change Pavitr's ship name from "chai" to the more 'acceptable' "golden"? It reeks an awful lot of whitewashing.
People literally got so offended about an Indian character having an Indian ship abbrev that they clamoured till it got changed to something English. It leaves a very off taste in my mouth when I think about it like this.
So yeah.
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ruinscollector · 1 year
Just sharing this thought here too, for your consideration (also, bc I can't stop *imagining scenarios*)
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k-kroomie · 1 year
Imagine Gayatri printing out jellyfish photos she took for Pavitr and giving them to Miles, and Miles draws little faces on them!! And then they put it in a big binder full of pictures of Animals/Foods/THINGS Pavitr likes.
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Pavitr is very happy that his girlfriend and boyfriend are getting along, but he wonders why they keep putting stuff into a big red binder.
That's until on their 1 year anniversary together(of all 3 of them being together!) They give him the Binder! Pavitr is literally so happy! All of his favorite things in one! PLUS THERE ARE MULTIPLE PAGES WITH JUST PICTURES OF MILES AND GAYATRI TOGETHER. IT'S SO CUTE (>w<) [Pavitr explodes], and they all spend the day cuddled up in Pavitr room. As Miles and Gayatri take turns on where they git the pictures from and Pavitr Info dumps.
I LOVE THEM!!! >:3
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theshaddowedsnow · 1 year
Cooper: So anyone you have you eye on?
Miles: I mean, kinda? I really like Gwen and all that but mostly as a friend
Cooper: Oh I know that feel-
Miles: But Pavitr is super cool?!?!? And funny?!?!? He's kinda charming in a weird way
Cooper: Huh
Miles: But like, I'm not gay???
Cooper: You sure about that?
Miles: Maybe? I don't know he's cute though
Cooper: Mhm
Miles: But like, Gwen, right? Her hair is so cool! And she's so feminine but like, athletic at the same time! I wanna be like her
Cooper: .... so you and I are going to sit down and have a bit of a chat....
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mossyscavern · 8 months
Tea tea rant… with a little bit love
Pavitr Prabhakar and miles morales have been dating for a month now.
For a long time now the two have been doing a lot of things together. Like swinging through both their cities, checking in on each other when needed, there’s actually a bunch of things they can do.
But when it comes to cafes..? Let’s just say Pavitr didn’t have a good time at the café in his dimension and they had to leave before Pav could explode. So now they’re on top of a building and miles said the cursed two words on accident. Making Pav turn towards him with a half hearted glare.
“Miles. Sunflower, love of my life. We’ve talked about this. it’s chai!” The Indian shouted silently. Miles has his hand holding his mouth closed, trying not to laugh at Pav’s ranting at chai and chai tea again.
“Every time! In your’s, Gwen’s, Peter b’s, miles g’s dimension’s it’s always chai tea! You guys are-… are you smiling?!” He asks, placing fists on his hips, staring directly at miles. “N-*snrk* no.” He stuttered, a snort escaped his mouth.
Pav arched his brow at his boyfriend, smiling a bit at his attempt to not laugh. “Miles, I am trying to have a serious conversation with you, if you can’t take this seriously I’m going to attack every one of your freckles.” Pavitr threatened, watching miles closely before-.
“Pfft-.” Unfortunately it didn’t take miles long to break.
“That’s it!” Pav says, grabbing miles by his jacket and prepping miles face with featherlight kisses, holding his head in place before he can even get away. “Ah! Pav. Nohoho.” Miles pleaded heartedly, trying to pry Pavitr off.
But that resulted in both boys falling backwards and onto the landing and laughing their heads off. Once things calm down they both stare into each other eyes and sighed.
“Sorry for not taking your rant seriously.” Miles mumbled, reaching out for Pav’s hand as Pav did the same. “It’s alright, I lost track because of your smile.” Pav admitted.
“What smile? My mouth was covered and I know you don’t have x-ray vision.” Miles remarked with a grin as both him and Pav sat up from their spot they’ve fallen onto. “Nothing can keep me from seeing your smile.”
Pav told him, leaning forward and kissed miles on the cheek. Miles smiled and leaned in as well, pressing their lips together and holding each other close in a hug, staring back at the sunset sky of mumbatten.
“How long until you need to go back?” Pavitr asked, miles checked the time and sighed in relief. “I’ve got time for one more thing we can do together.”
Pav nodded, getting up first before helping up miles. “How about one last swing around mumbatten?” Pav asked, dawning his mask. “I’ll even race you.” He added.
Miles smirked and dawned his own mask staring at the Indian with a VERY determined gaze.
“You’re on.”
Phew… ok, here we go…
Hi, I’m mossy.. originally I’m a writer from the wick horror game fandom and now... I’m semi-new in the spider-man itsv/atsv fandom.
My uh… goal is to write, ship characters, make headcanon’s and… have fun I guess? Mostly because I’m hyperfixated and I don’t go into a lot of fandoms that much. So hope that this short story is a fun.. first time.
… thank you for your time and sorry if it’s rushed-.
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louisandfri3nds · 1 year
Ship tags
Ok ok ok I see a lot of ppl asking what tag/label each atsv character has for being shipped Miles = Flower (For his favorite song) Gwen = Ghost (She's called Ghost-spider sometimes) Hobie = Punk (He's legit Spider-Punk) Pavitr = Chai/Golden (Some people prefer not to use 'Chai', as it bases his character around a joke he made) Margo = Byte (She's Spider-Byte) Miles 42 = Claw/Prowler (I think its for his Prowler claws, the other is obvious) Miguel = Fang (This is obvious.) Ganke = Code (He likes computer stuff?? idk I'm not into Ganke lore don't come at me) Ship names I've collected: Miles x Hobie = Punkflower and/or Flowerpunk (Punkflower is more popular) Miles x Gwen = Gwiles/Ghostflower Miles x Pavitr = Goldenflower/Chaiflower Hobie x Pavitr = Punkchai/Goldenpunk Gwen x Hobie = Ghostpunk Miles x Hobie x Pavitr = Goldenpunkflower/Punkchaiflower Miles x Hobie x Gwen = Ghostpunkflower/Punkghostflower (unsure) Miles x Margo = Flowerbyte (I think so??) Miles 42 x Hobie = Punkclaw/Punkprowler (I don't actually know) Miles 42 x Margo = Prowlerbyte ? (I'm kinda unsure of what it is, it might be smth else) Miles x Ganke = Milesganke Miles 42 x Ganke = Clawcode (I think-) Miles 42 x Miles = Milescest (I DO NOT SHIP THIS??) Miguel x Miles = Flowerfang (yes this is a ship. yes I hate it. no don't search it up.) Thats about it, someone plz lemmie know about the Miles 42 x Margo thing (I know its a ship I've seen it)
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koiinoodle · 1 year
Person 1 : oh i like chaipunk!!
Person 2 : ooo same! I like punk flower too
Person 1 : omg yes!!
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candyskiez · 1 year
okay, someone's gotta make a list of all the spiderverse ship names. I don't know all of them so help me out here, but here's the ones I do know. these aren't me saying I ship them, or condone them! unfortunately there are some nasty ones here, so if you wanna filter them out make sure to do so. this is solely me trying to list every spiderverse ship name so people know what to filter in or out. this is a RESOURCE, nothing more.
gwen/miles: ghostflower, gwiles
gwen/42 miles: ghostprowler (sometimes used for 42 gwen/42 miles as well)
gwen/hobie: ghostpunk
miles/hobie: punkflower
earth fourty two miles/hobie: prowlerpunk, punkprowler
miles/pavitr: chaiflower, goldenflower
miles/margo: flowerbyte, cyberflower
hobie/pavitr: chaipunk, goldenpunk, pavpunk
gwen/pavitr: ghostchai, chaighost
peter b/miguel o'hara: spiderdads
peter b/miguel/MJ: spiderparents. sometimes people use it to include jessica as well.
jessica/miguel: fangbike, motorbite
miguel/spot: bagelbites
jessica/MJ/rio: spidermoms
doctor ock/spot: docspot
miguel/lyla: holofang
miguel/noir: noir99
miguel/lego peter: lego99
earth 42 miles/spider byte: prowlerbyte, clawcode
earth 42 miles/pavitr: goldenclaw
and the ones that I am once again lifting up a sign that says "I am not condoning, don't murder me" over:
miguel/miles: flowerfang, fangflower
miguel/gwen: ghostfang, migwen
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weirdo09 · 1 year
new intro post again 🗣️‼️
it’s ya girl, cade n i thought that it be time for a new intro post soooo let’s go
as i said before, my name’s cade, ya can also call me cady it doesn’t really matter to me :]
my birthday’s nov 6th (yes, november 6th) i’m an infj n i’m an astrology geek 😅 scorpio ☀️ scorpio 🌕 n scorpio rising
-main fandoms
-across the spiderverse (atsv)
-stranger things
-proud family (the original n reboot) [updated]
-my dad the bounty hunter [updated]
-hsmtmts [updated]
- main romantic ships (atsv
-chaipunkflower (goldenpunkflower)
-chaiflower (goldenflower)
-chaipunk (goldenpunk)
-main platonic ships (atsv)
-main romantic ships (st)
-main platonic ships (st)
main tags i use
#cade’s things - usually on all my original posts
#cade’s thoughts - again usually on all my original posts
#cade’s writing ✍🏾 - all of my fics and fic ideas are tagged w this
#cade’s moodboards 🫶🏽 - for my moodboards ofc
#cade vents - for obvious reasons
shoutout to my moots !!! (if i forget any of u just let me know, i have the worst n best memory ‼️)
@royallydivinelesbian @yarkayaslava @cringefail-loser @pimplepogue @pinkbebasins @pinkpwuddin @yelenapines @xhavibee @zipzaptoastainthebath @eyebagtree @delusional-dingus @miaisagirllover @mike-wheeler-hater @shortcakezzzz
@sunflowersand-bees my stepparent <33
@atbyler my platonic spouse <3
@eefonline my fellow Guy
@rashadliveson my everything, my reason for living, my husband <33333
favorite singers (as of now):
-kali uchis
-olivia rodrigo
-laufey (lin)
-ice spice
-megan thee stallion
-nicki minaj
-selena (quintanilla)
-kiana ledè
-minnie riperton
favorite songs (as of now):
-moonlight by kali uchis
-muñekita by kali uchis (with el alfa n jt)
-snooze by sza
-supermodel by sza
-pretty little birds by sza
-bitter bitch by kiana ledè
-deeper by kiana ledè
-plenty more by kiana ledè
-your love is king by sade
-bug like an angel by mitski
-class of 2013 by mitski
-carry me out by mitski
favorite albums (as of now):
-lush by mitski
-retired from sad new career in business by mitski
-bury me at make out creek by mitski
-puberty 2 by mitski
-be the cowboy by mitski
-laurel hell by mitski
-aaliyah by aaliyah
-ctrl by sza
-renaissance by beyoncé
-red moon in venus by kali uchis
-wasteland by brent faiyaz
-fuck the world by brent faiyaz
if you’re a flowerfang shipper
like child porn/are pedophilic
ship flowerfang/blood flower, you’re fucking disgusting and you should drop dead because you literally like to read a 15 year old be raped by a man x2 his age that tried to kill his ass
IF YOU ship miles and the spot
IF YOU ship miles n hobie where hobie’s 19+
————————————————————————-socials -
-pinterest: cade0794 - cade 💙
that’s all, folks !! browse my blog for a bit while ya at it? see ya ✌🏾
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Remaster of my post saying Margo should be the one to turn Miles/Gwen/Hobie into an ot4 instead of Pavitr because i want to get into detail:Miles liking both Gwen and Margo is canon,yes?And Hobie flirting with Gwen and her enjoying it is also canon,no?So we got almost all the m/f basis covered here but as we've all discussed,Hobie's interactions with Miles also almost textually read as flirting in addition to his already present queer-coding(Being designed after irl black trans punks + 'I hate labels')and it should be common sense that if two girls are pitted eachother against a boy despite having reasons to get along,then they should be spiteshipped too and for Margo and Hobie,their interactions may not have had romantic subtext but-And y'all are gonna get pissy at me for this-His and Miles' interactions with Pavitr didn't either
Pavitr has zero queer subtext to him other than being easy to read as a trans boy.He has a girlfriend he's obsessed with(positively and non-creepily),no genderconforming traits because being peppy and goofy is not inherently feminine and saying it is is gender essentialism and neither Chaiflower nor Chaipunk are NEARLY on the same level of gayness as Punkflower-Like OBJECTIVELY.Hobie dosen't have official girlfriend like Pavitr does,Pavitr wasn't as touchy or feely with Miles as Hobie was and Miles didn't admire Pavitr as much as he did Hobie and frankly,he's just not as close to him as he is to him.You can ship whatever you want but if it weren't for the fact that the crew has never given any indecation they tried to make Punkflower look canon,Miles and Hobie's relathionship would literally be queerbaiting
And back to Margo,her being black is already enough of a reason for Hobie to be into her and i don't wanna hear 'tokenism' accusations seeing as PAVITR put an extra emphasis on Ghostflower's respective genders being why they like eachother in his shipping them scenes so if you got a problem with that,you should have as much of a problem when it's a white girl too.Margo deserves to be aknowledged as one of Miles' canon love interests as much as Gwen and Hobie do.She deserves it more than Pavitr does.Gayatri deserves better than to be ignored.Gwen deserves to be included IN HER OWN FUCKING FRIEND GROUP instead of being made into a fourth wheel in fan content because of y'all's obsession with the 'chaos boys trio' trope.Hobie deserves to date a black girl and so does Miles and Gwen and Margo and PENI,don't you DARE think i'd forget about her,deserve to have female friends instead of being just 'one of the boys' seeing as they're two woc and one literal trans girl.Include Margo or don't fucking bother-And while you're at it,stop making your 'black' Gwen designs blonde haired and blue eyed,they look nothing like me or any other black biracial person i know and i bet y'all don't even know causes albinism or it's effects on people with it other than making them light so stop using it as an excuse instead of for representation
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kittnanami · 1 year
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(also expect a chaiflower fic from me soon!!!)
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vinsmokesanjithing · 1 year
Me after reading all the Chaiflower content that exist in this exact moment and in every app possible:🗿
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