#this is complete clownery
katimanki · 9 months
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From Hate When I Sin by @foodiewithdahoodie 💖🫶🏻
When I started this fic and read the first scene, I had to put my phone down, grab my iPad and sketch it out immediately!!
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chownkiies · 11 months
Sillifies your scavengers
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glitchyko · 6 months
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I saw these ocs from @complete-clownery and I just think they’re neat so I drew them
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brown-little-robin · 22 days
jojo makes a fool of me in many ways, but prominent among them is that I enjoy connecting it to my real life knowledge, but it is fundamentally such a silly show that going into rabbit trails of "oh this is actually connected to a real thing and here is what I know about it!!!" messes up the conversational vibe when I'm texting people about jojo. I'm too earnest for this world. this Crazy Noisy JoJo's Bizarre Adventure World 😔
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petit-papillion · 2 months
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Ferrari happy to pass on the clown strategy crown to McLaren...
2024 Hungarian Grand Prix
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cto10121 · 1 year
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glass-clown · 28 days
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lmao @dyed-indigo
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pepirfecin · 1 year
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Hülye fiam
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respectthepetty · 1 year
@slayerkitty and I getting back in our clown car after a week of detours rewatching Hidden Agenda, so we can be prepared with our wild ass theory for this finale.
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This trip was rough, but we made it, Kitty!
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Let's hope it pays off.
Joke + High School = Hidden Agenda
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like-a-ruby · 2 years
i was reading an article about a far-right party in my country that’s been climbing in the polls, most of the comments were saying how depressing it is - then one comment was like, “it’s so weird having to keep living my life normally like nothing is happening when i know this is happening and i know my life will be in danger if they’re actually elected” and i knew
i clicked on their profile and what do you know, it’s a “gay trans man”. this martyr-like excitement at the prospect of suffering which will liberate you from your too-normal life is instantly recognizable, trans people fucking love their imaginary trans suicide rates and imaginary genocide. actual homosexuals & immigrants while having realistic worries about the kinds of policies and social climate a far-right government would result in, are not talking abt it in terms of “my life will be in immediate danger, these people want me dead, they’ll round us up” and having little Anne Frank fantasies of their friends hiding them when the cops come knocking for them - taking such pleasure in preemptively whining about the future acts of violence against your community you imagine in your head is trans culture
you can clock them so easily with just a 1 sentence anonymous comment online because the smug way they talk about their oppression is typical of people who have acquired said oppression by choice by wearing a marginalized identity out of boredom with their own normality
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secreteviltwin · 2 years
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joowee-feftynn · 2 years
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you guys don't understand how funny this is to me
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drysauce · 1 year
i think i should be awarded for how i was able to keep my cool and not do anything to the concrete labs lady tody
#FORTUNATELY i don't have to see her for a whole week until the lecture on Tuesday<33 and that still will be on afar#from afar*#but next wednesday there are gonna be labs again and istg if she starts the same clownery again im gonna explode#nothing pisses mw off more when people who do bare minimum are awarded for their effort meanwhile me who wasted my free time on this shit#gets yelled at instead#okay i wasn't yelled but she threatened that she wouldn't accept this particular experiment as completed for 3/4 of our group#WHILE WE ALL WORKED OUR ASSES OFF SO IT'D ALL BE DONE CORRECTLY#but the praise went only to the two people who were responsible for noting down the numbers for our group#not to mention i studied for these labs yesterday at home 🫠 especially so situation like this would be avoided#but NO becase the results were noted down on one paper (we were planning to rewrite it to our own notebooks later)#and she was dissatisfied with our work because of that and couldn't note down that we completed the exercise#aside from the girlie on whose paper we were noting down the results and the one who was sitting next to her and copying them on her paper#this was actually the second time i got pissed today but that previous time didn't end badly for me so it's alright overall#i mean people who didn't do shit in our group were equally praised but there's no point in getting mad over that#the important thing is that i didn't fail and my efforts yesterday at home didn't go to waste#but 10h at school are double tiring because of shit like that
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marcos--budt · 1 year
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partybarty · 2 years
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neser catch controversy and now zampa mankad situation i'm enjoying the bbl idc
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cto10121 · 2 years
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Mamma mia here we go again
Romeo Montague. So fey. So feminine. So gender non-conforming. Not masculine at all.
Not even when he complained how Rosaline will not “ope her lap to saint-seducing gold” and just how awful and an utter “waste” her staying a virgin is. Not when he decided to climb the Capulet garden wall, listen to Juliet’s monologue, and reveal himself to her. Not when in his private soliloquy he wanted Juliet to cast off her ~vestal livery and not be a ~virgin to the ~moon anymore. Not when he joked with Mercutio and Benvolio that his “pump [dick]” was “well flow’red.” Not when he fought and killed Tybalt. Not when he threatened his servant with dismemberment if he interfered with his suicide. And not when he fought and killed Paris���while calling him boy.
Multiple characters express how feminine he is!!1!!1
Mercutio (1) snarks about how Romeo has been pussified because he spends all his time mooning over Rosaline. After his bawdy game of wits with Romeo, however, Mercutio is reassured that Romeo has seemingly returned to the bro fold (“There art thou Romeo”). When Tybalt comes to challenge Romeo, Mercutio fully expects Romeo to fight Tybalt (“he’ll be your follower”) and is shocked and outraged when he refuses.
And, er, that’s it? Capulet calls him a “portly gentleman” and Benvolio firmly believes that Romeo “would answer” Tybalt’s duel. Tybalt and Paris “boy” him, I think. When Romeo breaks down, the Friar derides his tears “as womanish” but expresses genuine shock at his (implied to be) unusual behavior—“I had thought thy disposition better tempered.” As in, more masculine.
Adaptations keep denying him femininity he has in the text!!1!!11
You mean the famous Zeffirelli movie which introduced a soft-spoken Leonard Whiting lolling up the street with a flower in his hand? Or the popular Baz Lurhmann movie with a more trigger-happy but still fey Leo DiCaprio in a Hawaiian shirt, writing angsty poetry in the sunset while smoking a cigarette? Or the classic West Side Story who cast a gay actor as Tony for the stage adaptation and a sweet-tempered Richard Beymer, even though Beymer argued (unsuccessfully) with the director to play Tony with the streetwise cred his edgy character backstory demanded? Or Presgurvic’s neo-classic Romeo et Juliette musical, which cast what has to be the almost ideal mix of masculine and feminine in a young delicious Damien Sargue. Why do adaptations keep masculinizing poor Romeo like this???!!!
Juliet is so masculine!!1!1!
Like when she changed her mind about Romeo swearing on the moon, and then not the moon, and then not swearing at all. Or when Juliet also broke down wailing when she heard of Romeo’s banishment, claiming it was worse than if Romeo, her parents, Tybalt, and the Nurse were all dead. Or when she made cute rhymes of Romeo and rosemary when she gushed to the Nurse, who was so tickled pink she told Romeo about it. Or how Juliet blushes easily, per the Nurse—“there goes the wanton blood up thy cheeks, they’ll be in scarlet straight at any news.” Or when she tells Romeo that he is the “god of [her] idolatry.”
The symbolism/imagery subverts Elizabethan gendered imagery!1!!1!1
Like when Romeo describes Juliet as “fair,” with her “white hand,” hanging like “a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear” and how this light/fair/white imagery is consistent with both Elizabethan love poetry and beauty standards for women, with “sun” (in this context) being a natural extension of this pattern. Or when Juliet also describes Romeo in the exact same way such as in “my lord” and “knight” and “mansion” and not with any other feminine-coded imagery. Or when she talks about how Romeo’s face in the heavens will make the night so bright no one will give a fuck anymore about daylight. It’s so subversive, it’s inclusive!
They just get each other, so T4T!!1!1!
Yeah, because they are literally the Shakespearean embodiment of The Office “show me the difference between these two pictures/there is no difference” meme. Not because they are gender non-conforming. If anything, their lack of gender non-conformity very much contributes to their tragedy. Had they been willing to really think outside the societal expectation box, they would have high-tailed it out of Verona together.
In Arthur Brooke’s narrative poem, which Shakespeare adapted for his R&J, Juliet suggests disguising herself as a man and joining Romeus in exile (!!!) but Romeus shuts that down, saying it’d be too dangerous and impractical. The fact that Shakespeare did not have his R&J even entertain that possibility—literally a recurring Shakespearean trope in his comedies—speaks volumes. Volumes.
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