#this is completelt unhinged-
earako · 1 year
Eh, why not, nother short blurb of the necromancer!ambrosius au
Ballister remembered collapsing on the couch and stifiling his agonized cries in the dusty cushions.
He remembered desperately trying to stop thw bleeding from the stump where his arm used to be.
And although he was certain it was a hallucination brought on by blood loss he remembered Ambrosius coming back for him. Ambrosius cradling Ballister as if he were precious, as if he were still loved.
He rememberes rattlong breaths that barely filled his lungs as his consciousness drifted...drifted...drifted....
White, blinding hot agony ripped through Ballister. He opened his mouth to scream but no sound came out. He felt like his limbs should have twitched and flailed, but they remained still.
"More...it needs more!"
"You'll fucking fry him-"
"Do you want to be my assistant or not?!"
"Don't you fucking take that tone with me blondie-"
"Either you kill me so I can join him or you help me bring him back."
Voices. There were voices yelling-Ambrosius?
"Look I-this is a really stressful time, okay? His body can take it, please just....just a little more."
His Rosious was talking-again the searing torture stole all of Ballister's mental functions and call he could think of was hurthurthurthurthurthurthurthurt-
The scream remained trapped in Ballister's throat, why wasn't Ambrosius helping him? Was he angry? Was Ambrosius punishing Ballister-did he choose the institute over their love-
"Look! His eyes are opening!" Ballister didn't recognize that voice.
Who, what, where-
Ballister's vision swam as it finally focused in on Ambrosius haggard face.
Ballister wanted to apologize and punch his idiotic (ex?) lover and pull him into a kiss and demand he leave.
A blurb of pink hovered over Ambrosius shoulder-was that a child? What was a child doing here?
"....A recently deceased man, found himself wound in the land of living, again." Music. There was music coming from...from....from Ballister?
"...Bal?" Ballister, with great difficulty, finally moved his head to Ambrosius.
The blonde knight had bags that looked like bruises under his eyes, his hair was a mess and his hoodie looked like it hadn't been washed in days.
It was the complete opposite of the pure joy and adoration that lit up Ambrosius' face.
"...It worked...hah...hahhhaah! It woked! Good Gloreth it fucking worked!" While Ambrosius danced around and celebrated...Bal waking up apparently? The pink haired child could only stand in horror.
Specifcally at Ballister's...chest?
Ballister looked down.
He screamed.
But all that came out from the speaker in his chest was,
"Bound in a body, of gears and wheels but oddly, he has no voice and his steel joints, barely, can bend."
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